[FairfieldLife] Re: What did ‘Guru Dev’ say on Spir itual Morality and its Moral Compass

2019-12-02 Thread dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]

 "You are a human being, therefore you have the power to discriminate what is 
good and what is bad, and you can accomplish the greatest human goals. Don't 
think of yourself as weak or fallen. Whatever has happened in the past, 
understand that it was done unknowingly. But now be careful, begin doing the 
type of acts appropriate for a human being. Discern for yourself what is good 
and what is bad. Adopt the good and reject the bad.
 As a human being, if you don't know Paramàtmà, then understand that you have 
sold a diamond for the price of spinach."  -SBS

 In TM we say “Jai Guru Dev” a lot; 
 but, what did Guru Dev Swami Brahmananda Saraswati (Maharishi’s teacher) have 
to say 
 about morality and behavior? Let us look at this for a bit.
 Let us look more at what Maharishi’s teacher had to say about character and 

 Of morality Guru Dev evidently is saying,
 That our 
 Spiritual in morality is judging in discernment how we take care of ourselves 
and others in either enhancing spiritual wellbeing or not. 
 ..Swami Brahmananda Saraswati (Maharishi Mahesh Yogi’s teacher) says:
 “Dhanàrjana has said,
 [Sanskrit:] akçtvà parasantàpaü, àgatvà khalamandiram | anullaïghya 
satàm vartmaü yadalpamapi tad bahu ||
 This means, not harming others, not associating with bad persons, not plunging 
the àtman in entanglements, and whatever small amount we earn will be plenty. 
If you make trouble for others while earning your money, that wealth will 
remain behind, but the harm that you have given to the person will carry along 
with your subtle body. Therefore, don't act such that you carry along a baggage 
of sin with you.
 The meaning of àgatvà khalamandiram is this Þ if you associate with base 
people, your intellect (buddhi) gets spoiled, and once your intellect is 
spoiled, a fall is certain.
[The phrase] buddhinà÷àt praõasyati Þ Direct association with base objects 
is much more precipitous. So going to the home of the wicked for the purpose of 
making money is forbidden.

 The meaning of anullaïghya satàm vartmaü is thisÞthat path which is in 
accord with the Vedas and ֈstras given by good people should never be 
 If a situation arises in your daily dealings where you have to come into 
contact with a base person, then you should approach him just like you go to 
the toilet — do the job and leave. Nobody lingers in the toilet for long. If 
you discipline your intellect in this way, then there is no doubt of harm 
through association with the low. A pure mind goes near Paramàtmà, and the 
impure mind wanders through various types of emotional states.”



---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Of moral integrity, Maharishi’s teacher’s teachings about moral character.. 

 Teaching #50, 
 "For all kinds of progress, both in this world and the next, keep the mind 
pure, and it is essential to increase the purity of the mind to remain pure. 
Therefore you must keep the company of good people while foregoing the company 
of the bad. Always study the scriptures; take care to maintain a pure diet 
(thoughts); perform Bhagavàn's bhajan and worship, as well as repetition of 
mantras; practice truth and non-injury (ahimsà), and the other precepts of 
good conduct; you must always keep yourself within proper bounds."  -Guru Dev 
Swami Brahmananda Saraswati


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 "A man learns from the company he keeps. As one's company is good or evil, so 
such things will be learned. It is a notable fact that on seeing his 
companions' behavior, a man does likewise; whether he is aware of it at all or 
not, he nevertheless acts accordingly. So the point is that man's actions and 
thoughts accord with the company he keeps. Therefore, if someone falls in with 
a bad crowd, then his actions and thoughts will be corrupted; moreover, those 
with whom he comes into contact will also sink. Hence, one should strive to 
associate with good company." -Guru Dev, SBS 
 Guru Dev Swami Brahmananda Saraswati reflecting,
 You should understand that if someone is of poor character, he is not a [real] 
devotee, and is just putting on a show to cheat people. Save yourself from such 
deceitful people, and save innocent pious people from them.



 As a matter of principle, one should reject those deserving rejection and 
honor those deserving honor. If unworthy people are honored, then their number 
will increase and their stench will spoil society. -SBS
---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Consideration of bad spiritual morality and bad character in behavior runs 
throughout Brahmananda Saraswati’s discourses. Like discourses #17, 19, 22, 33, 
50 and throughout, morality by what enhances spirituality or does not as a 

 Of bad morality and bad character different people have dealt with their 
feelings around behavior displayed in the communities ofTM differently. There 
evidently w

[FairfieldLife] Re: What did ‘Guru Dev’ say on Spir itual Morality and its Moral Compass

2019-10-22 Thread dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]

 "You are a human being, therefore you have the power to discriminate what is 
good and what is bad, and you can accomplish the greatest human goals. Don't 
think of yourself as weak or fallen. Whatever has happened in the past, 
understand that it was done unknowingly. But now be careful, begin doing the 
type of acts appropriate for a human being. Discern for yourself what is good 
and what is bad. Adopt the good and reject the bad.
 As a human being, if you don't know Paramàtmà, then understand that you have 
sold a diamond for the price of spinach."  -SBS

 In TM we say “Jai Guru Dev” a lot; 
 but, what did Guru Dev Swami Brahmananda Saraswati (Maharishi’s teacher) have 
to say 
 about morality and behavior? Let us look at this for a bit.
 Let us look more at what Maharishi’s teacher had to say about character and 

 Of morality Guru Dev evidently is saying,
 That our 
 Spiritual in morality is judging in discernment how we take care of ourselves 
and others in either enhancing spiritual wellbeing or not. 
 ..Swami Brahmananda Saraswati (Maharishi Mahesh Yogi’s teacher) says:
 “Dhanàrjana has said,
 [Sanskrit:] akçtvà parasantàpaü, àgatvà khalamandiram | anullaïghya 
satàm vartmaü yadalpamapi tad bahu ||
 This means, not harming others, not associating with bad persons, not plunging 
the àtman in entanglements, and whatever small amount we earn will be plenty. 
If you make trouble for others while earning your money, that wealth will 
remain behind, but the harm that you have given to the person will carry along 
with your subtle body. Therefore, don't act such that you carry along a baggage 
of sin with you.
 The meaning of àgatvà khalamandiram is this Þ if you associate with base 
people, your intellect (buddhi) gets spoiled, and once your intellect is 
spoiled, a fall is certain.
[The phrase] buddhinà÷àt praõasyati Þ Direct association with base objects 
is much more precipitous. So going to the home of the wicked for the purpose of 
making money is forbidden.

 The meaning of anullaïghya satàm vartmaü is thisÞthat path which is in 
accord with the Vedas and ֈstras given by good people should never be 
 If a situation arises in your daily dealings where you have to come into 
contact with a base person, then you should approach him just like you go to 
the toilet — do the job and leave. Nobody lingers in the toilet for long. If 
you discipline your intellect in this way, then there is no doubt of harm 
through association with the low. A pure mind goes near Paramàtmà, and the 
impure mind wanders through various types of emotional states.”



---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Of moral integrity, Maharishi’s teacher’s teachings about moral character.. 

 Teaching #50, 
 "For all kinds of progress, both in this world and the next, keep the mind 
pure, and it is essential to increase the purity of the mind to remain pure. 
Therefore you must keep the company of good people while foregoing the company 
of the bad. Always study the scriptures; take care to maintain a pure diet 
(thoughts); perform Bhagavàn's bhajan and worship, as well as repetition of 
mantras; practice truth and non-injury (ahimsà), and the other precepts of 
good conduct; you must always keep yourself within proper bounds."  -Guru Dev 
Swami Brahmananda Saraswati


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 "A man learns from the company he keeps. As one's company is good or evil, so 
such things will be learned. It is a notable fact that on seeing his 
companions' behavior, a man does likewise; whether he is aware of it at all or 
not, he nevertheless acts accordingly. So the point is that man's actions and 
thoughts accord with the company he keeps. Therefore, if someone falls in with 
a bad crowd, then his actions and thoughts will be corrupted; moreover, those 
with whom he comes into contact will also sink. Hence, one should strive to 
associate with good company." -Guru Dev, SBS 
 Guru Dev Swami Brahmananda Saraswati reflecting,
 You should understand that if someone is of poor character, he is not a [real] 
devotee, and is just putting on a show to cheat people. Save yourself from such 
deceitful people, and save innocent pious people from them.



 As a matter of principle, one should reject those deserving rejection and 
honor those deserving honor. If unworthy people are honored, then their number 
will increase and their stench will spoil society. -SBS
---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Consideration of bad spiritual morality and bad character in behavior runs 
throughout Brahmananda Saraswati’s discourses. Like discourses #17, 19, 22, 33, 
50 and throughout, morality by what enhances spirituality or does not as a 

 Of bad morality and bad character different people have dealt with their 
feelings around behavior displayed in the communities ofTM differently. There 

[FairfieldLife] Re: What did ‘Guru Dev’ say on Spir itual Morality and its Moral Compass

2019-01-03 Thread dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]

 "You are a human being, therefore you have the power to discriminate what is 
good and what is bad, and you can accomplish the greatest human goals. Don't 
think of yourself as weak or fallen. Whatever has happened in the past, 
understand that it was done unknowingly. But now be careful, begin doing the 
type of acts appropriate for a human being. Discern for yourself what is good 
and what is bad. Adopt the good and reject the bad.
 As a human being, if you don't know Paramàtmà, then understand that you have 
sold a diamond for the price of spinach."  -SBS

 In TM we say “Jai Guru Dev” a lot; 
 but, what did Guru Dev Swami Brahmananda Saraswati (Maharishi’s teacher) have 
to say 
 about morality and behavior? Let us look at this for a bit.
 Let us look more at what Maharishi’s teacher had to say about character and 

 Of morality Guru Dev evidently is saying,
 That our 
 Spiritual in morality is judging in discernment how we take care of ourselves 
and others in either enhancing spiritual wellbeing or not. 
 ..Swami Brahmananda Saraswati (Maharishi Mahesh Yogi’s teacher) says:
 “Dhanàrjana has said,
 [Sanskrit:] akçtvà parasantàpaü, àgatvà khalamandiram | anullaïghya 
satàm vartmaü yadalpamapi tad bahu ||
 This means, not harming others, not associating with bad persons, not plunging 
the àtman in entanglements, and whatever small amount we earn will be plenty. 
If you make trouble for others while earning your money, that wealth will 
remain behind, but the harm that you have given to the person will carry along 
with your subtle body. Therefore, don't act such that you carry along a baggage 
of sin with you.
 The meaning of àgatvà khalamandiram is this Þ if you associate with base 
people, your intellect (buddhi) gets spoiled, and once your intellect is 
spoiled, a fall is certain.
[The phrase] buddhinà÷àt praõasyati Þ Direct association with base objects 
is much more precipitous. So going to the home of the wicked for the purpose of 
making money is forbidden.

 The meaning of anullaïghya satàm vartmaü is thisÞthat path which is in 
accord with the Vedas and ֈstras given by good people should never be 
 If a situation arises in your daily dealings where you have to come into 
contact with a base person, then you should approach him just like you go to 
the toilet — do the job and leave. Nobody lingers in the toilet for long. If 
you discipline your intellect in this way, then there is no doubt of harm 
through association with the low. A pure mind goes near Paramàtmà, and the 
impure mind wanders through various types of emotional states.”



---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Of moral integrity, Maharishi’s teacher’s teachings about moral character.. 

 Teaching #50, 
 "For all kinds of progress, both in this world and the next, keep the mind 
pure, and it is essential to increase the purity of the mind to remain pure. 
Therefore you must keep the company of good people while foregoing the company 
of the bad. Always study the scriptures; take care to maintain a pure diet 
(thoughts); perform Bhagavàn's bhajan and worship, as well as repetition of 
mantras; practice truth and non-injury (ahimsà), and the other precepts of 
good conduct; you must always keep yourself within proper bounds."  -Guru Dev 
Swami Brahmananda Saraswati


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 "A man learns from the company he keeps. As one's company is good or evil, so 
such things will be learned. It is a notable fact that on seeing his 
companions' behavior, a man does likewise; whether he is aware of it at all or 
not, he nevertheless acts accordingly. So the point is that man's actions and 
thoughts accord with the company he keeps. Therefore, if someone falls in with 
a bad crowd, then his actions and thoughts will be corrupted; moreover, those 
with whom he comes into contact will also sink. Hence, one should strive to 
associate with good company." -Guru Dev, SBS 
 Guru Dev Swami Brahmananda Saraswati reflecting,
 You should understand that if someone is of poor character, he is not a [real] 
devotee, and is just putting on a show to cheat people. Save yourself from such 
deceitful people, and save innocent pious people from them.



 As a matter of principle, one should reject those deserving rejection and 
honor those deserving honor. If unworthy people are honored, then their number 
will increase and their stench will spoil society. -SBS
---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Consideration of bad spiritual morality and bad character in behavior runs 
throughout Brahmananda Saraswati’s discourses. Like discourses #17, 19, 22, 33, 
50 and throughout, morality by what enhances spirituality or does not as a 

 Of bad morality and bad character different people have dealt with their 
feelings around behavior displayed in the communities ofTM differently. There 

[FairfieldLife] Re: What did ‘Guru Dev’ say on Spir itual Morality and its Moral Compass

2018-09-01 Thread dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]

 "You are a human being, therefore you have the power to discriminate what is 
good and what is bad, and you can accomplish the greatest human goals. Don't 
think of yourself as weak or fallen. Whatever has happened in the past, 
understand that it was done unknowingly. But now be careful, begin doing the 
type of acts appropriate for a human being. Discern for yourself what is good 
and what is bad. Adopt the good and reject the bad.
 As a human being, if you don't know Paramàtmà, then understand that you have 
sold a diamond for the price of spinach."  -SBS

 In TM we say “Jai Guru Dev” a lot; 
 but, what did Guru Dev Swami Brahmananda Saraswati (Maharishi’s teacher) have 
to say 
 about morality and behavior? Let us look at this for a bit.
 Let us look more at what Maharishi’s teacher had to say about character and 

 Of morality Guru Dev evidently is saying,
 That our 
 Spiritual in morality is judging in discernment how we take care of ourselves 
and others in either enhancing spiritual wellbeing or not. 
 ..Swami Brahmananda Saraswati (Maharishi Mahesh Yogi’s teacher) says:
 “Dhanàrjana has said,
 [Sanskrit:] akçtvà parasantàpaü, àgatvà khalamandiram | anullaïghya 
satàm vartmaü yadalpamapi tad bahu ||
 This means, not harming others, not associating with bad persons, not plunging 
the àtman in entanglements, and whatever small amount we earn will be plenty. 
If you make trouble for others while earning your money, that wealth will 
remain behind, but the harm that you have given to the person will carry along 
with your subtle body. Therefore, don't act such that you carry along a baggage 
of sin with you.
 The meaning of àgatvà khalamandiram is this Þ if you associate with base 
people, your intellect (buddhi) gets spoiled, and once your intellect is 
spoiled, a fall is certain.
[The phrase] buddhinà÷àt praõasyati Þ Direct association with base objects 
is much more precipitous. So going to the home of the wicked for the purpose of 
making money is forbidden.

 The meaning of anullaïghya satàm vartmaü is thisÞthat path which is in 
accord with the Vedas and ֈstras given by good people should never be 
 If a situation arises in your daily dealings where you have to come into 
contact with a base person, then you should approach him just like you go to 
the toilet — do the job and leave. Nobody lingers in the toilet for long. If 
you discipline your intellect in this way, then there is no doubt of harm 
through association with the low. A pure mind goes near Paramàtmà, and the 
impure mind wanders through various types of emotional states.”



---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Of moral integrity, Maharishi’s teacher’s teachings about moral character.. 

 Teaching #50, 
 "For all kinds of progress, both in this world and the next, keep the mind 
pure, and it is essential to increase the purity of the mind to remain pure. 
Therefore you must keep the company of good people while foregoing the company 
of the bad. Always study the scriptures; take care to maintain a pure diet 
(thoughts); perform Bhagavàn's bhajan and worship, as well as repetition of 
mantras; practice truth and non-injury (ahimsà), and the other precepts of 
good conduct; you must always keep yourself within proper bounds."  -Guru Dev 
Swami Brahmananda Saraswati


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 "A man learns from the company he keeps. As one's company is good or evil, so 
such things will be learned. It is a notable fact that on seeing his 
companions' behavior, a man does likewise; whether he is aware of it at all or 
not, he nevertheless acts accordingly. So the point is that man's actions and 
thoughts accord with the company he keeps. Therefore, if someone falls in with 
a bad crowd, then his actions and thoughts will be corrupted; moreover, those 
with whom he comes into contact will also sink. Hence, one should strive to 
associate with good company." -Guru Dev, SBS 
 Guru Dev Swami Brahmananda Saraswati reflecting,
 You should understand that if someone is of poor character, he is not a [real] 
devotee, and is just putting on a show to cheat people. Save yourself from such 
deceitful people, and save innocent pious people from them.



 As a matter of principle, one should reject those deserving rejection and 
honor those deserving honor. If unworthy people are honored, then their number 
will increase and their stench will spoil society. -SBS
---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Consideration of bad spiritual morality and bad character in behavior runs 
throughout Brahmananda Saraswati’s discourses. Like discourses #17, 19, 22, 33, 
50 and throughout, morality by what enhances spirituality or does not as a 

 Of bad morality and bad character different people have dealt with their 
feelings around behavior displayed in the communities ofTM differently. There 
evidently wa

[FairfieldLife] Re: What did ‘Guru Dev’ say on Spir itual Morality and its Moral Compass

2018-07-01 Thread dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
.  Of morality In spiritual consequent, ignoring basic science like we see with 
the global climate science, meditation science, and now within public policy 
with early childhood developmental science, the ignoring of science so readily 
runs over human spiritual decency. 

 This United States administrative isolation and separation of young children 
from their parents seems sinful spiritually to thus do and spiritually sinful 
to advocate for it. By standards it likely rates as something of a crime 
against humanity. It all seems shockingly bad to sensibilities of deeper human 

 Evidently by science and also common sense the policy is much less than 
spiritual but only expedient. Pretty evidently it is incredibly hurtful to the 
development of young people. 
 By science and common sense regardless of politics it apparently is not 
spiritually right for children to be separated from their parents or guardians 
by this administrative action going on. It falls in with resistance to the 
manifest science of climate change and the science of meditation. The forceful 
separating of children from parents at least in the knowing of science it would 
seem is against natural law. As the action is hurtful spiritually it is amoral. 

 Guru Dev says of morality.. 
 What did ‘Guru Dev’ say on Spiritual Morality and its Moral Compass.. 



 "You are a human being, therefore you have the power to discriminate what is 
good and what is bad, and you can accomplish the greatest human goals. Don't 
think of yourself as weak or fallen. Whatever has happened in the past, 
understand that it was done unknowingly. But now be careful, begin doing the 
ype of acts appropriate for a human being. Discern for yourself what is good 
and what is bad. Adopt the good and reject the bad.
 As a human being, if you don't know Paramàtmà, then understand that you have 
sold a diamond for the price of spinach."  -SBS

 In TM we say “Jai Guru Dev” a lot; 
 but, what did Guru Dev Swami Brahmananda Saraswati (Maharishi’s teacher) have 
to say 
 about morality and behavior? Let us look at this for a bit.
 Let us look more at what Maharishi’s teacher had to say about character and 

 Of morality Guru Dev evidently is saying,
 That our 
 Spiritual in morality is judging in discernment how we take care of ourselves 
and others in either enhancing spiritual wellbeing or not. 
 ..Swami Brahmananda Saraswati (Maharishi Mahesh Yogi’s teacher) says:
 “Dhanàrjana has said,
 [Sanskrit:] akçtvà parasantàpaü, àgatvà khalamandiram | anullaïghya 
satàm vartmaü yadalpamapi tad bahu ||
 This means, not harming others, not associating with bad persons, not plunging 
the àtman in entanglements, and whatever small amount we earn will be plenty. 
If you make trouble for others while earning your money, that wealth will 
remain behind, but the harm that you have given to the person will carry along 
with your subtle body. Therefore, don't act such that you carry along a baggage 
of sin with you.
 The meaning of àgatvà khalamandiram is this Þ if you associate with base 
people, your intellect (buddhi) gets spoiled, and once your intellect is 
spoiled, a fall is certain.
[The phrase] buddhinà÷àt praõasyati Þ Direct association with base objects 
is much more precipitous. So going to the home of the wicked for the purpose of 
making money is forbidden.

 The meaning of anullaïghya satàm vartmaü is thisÞthat path which is in 
accord with the Vedas and ֈstras given by good people should never be 
 If a situation arises in your daily dealings where you have to come into 
contact with a base person, then you should approach him just like you go to 
the toilet — do the job and leave. Nobody lingers in the toilet for long. If 
you discipline your intellect in this way, then there is no doubt of harm 
through association with the low. A pure mind goes near Paramàtmà, and the 
impure mind wanders through various types of emotional states.”



---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Of moral integrity, Maharishi’s teacher’s teachings about moral character.. 

 Teaching #50, 
 "For all kinds of progress, both in this world and the next, keep the mind 
pure, and it is essential to increase the purity of the mind to remain pure. 
Therefore you must keep the company of good people while foregoing the company 
of the bad. Always study the scriptures; take care to maintain a pure diet 
(thoughts); perform Bhagavàn's bhajan and worship, as well as repetition of 
mantras; practice truth and non-injury (ahimsà), and the other precepts of 
good conduct; you must always keep yourself within proper bounds."  -Guru Dev 
Swami Brahmananda Saraswati


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 "A man learns from

[FairfieldLife] Re: What did ‘Guru Dev’ say on Spir itual Morality and its Moral Compass

2018-06-30 Thread dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]

 Of morality In spiritual consequent, ignoring basic science like we see with 
the global climate science, meditation science, and now within public policy 
with early childhood developmental science, the ignoring of science so readily 
runs over human spiritual decency. 

 This United States administrative isolation and separation of young children 
from their parents seems sinful spiritually to thus do and spiritually sinful 
to advocate for it. By standards it likely rates as something of a crime 
against humanity. It all seems shockingly bad to sensibilities of deeper human 

 Evidently by science and also common sense the policy is much less than 
spiritual but only expedient. Pretty evidently it is incredibly hurtful to the 
development of young people. 
 By science and common sense regardless of politics it apparently is not 
spiritually right for children to be separated from their parents or guardians 
by this administrative action going on. It falls in with resistance to the 
manifest science of climate change and the science of meditation. The forceful 
separating of children from parents at least in the knowing of science it would 
seem is against natural law. As the action is hurtful spiritually it is amoral. 

 Guru Dev says of morality.. 
 What did ‘Guru Dev’ say on Spiritual Morality and its Moral Compass.. 



 "You are a human being, therefore you have the power to discriminate what is 
good and what is bad, and you can accomplish the greatest human goals. Don't 
think of yourself as weak or fallen. Whatever has happened in the past, 
understand that it was done unknowingly. But now be careful, begin doing the 
ype of acts appropriate for a human being. Discern for yourself what is good 
and what is bad. Adopt the good and reject the bad.
 As a human being, if you don't know Paramàtmà, then understand that you have 
sold a diamond for the price of spinach."  -SBS

 In TM we say “Jai Guru Dev” a lot; 
 but, what did Guru Dev Swami Brahmananda Saraswati (Maharishi’s teacher) have 
to say 
 about morality and behavior? Let us look at this for a bit.
 Let us look more at what Maharishi’s teacher had to say about character and 

 Of morality Guru Dev evidently is saying,
 That our 
 Spiritual in morality is judging in discernment how we take care of ourselves 
and others in either enhancing spiritual wellbeing or not. 
 ..Swami Brahmananda Saraswati (Maharishi Mahesh Yogi’s teacher) says:
 “Dhanàrjana has said,
 [Sanskrit:] akçtvà parasantàpaü, àgatvà khalamandiram | anullaïghya 
satàm vartmaü yadalpamapi tad bahu ||
 This means, not harming others, not associating with bad persons, not plunging 
the àtman in entanglements, and whatever small amount we earn will be plenty. 
If you make trouble for others while earning your money, that wealth will 
remain behind, but the harm that you have given to the person will carry along 
with your subtle body. Therefore, don't act such that you carry along a baggage 
of sin with you.
 The meaning of àgatvà khalamandiram is this Þ if you associate with base 
people, your intellect (buddhi) gets spoiled, and once your intellect is 
spoiled, a fall is certain.
[The phrase] buddhinà÷àt praõasyati Þ Direct association with base objects 
is much more precipitous. So going to the home of the wicked for the purpose of 
making money is forbidden.

 The meaning of anullaïghya satàm vartmaü is thisÞthat path which is in 
accord with the Vedas and ֈstras given by good people should never be 
 If a situation arises in your daily dealings where you have to come into 
contact with a base person, then you should approach him just like you go to 
the toilet — do the job and leave. Nobody lingers in the toilet for long. If 
you discipline your intellect in this way, then there is no doubt of harm 
through association with the low. A pure mind goes near Paramàtmà, and the 
impure mind wanders through various types of emotional states.”



---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Of moral integrity, Maharishi’s teacher’s teachings about moral character.. 

 Teaching #50, 
 "For all kinds of progress, both in this world and the next, keep the mind 
pure, and it is essential to increase the purity of the mind to remain pure. 
Therefore you must keep the company of good people while foregoing the company 
of the bad. Always study the scriptures; take care to maintain a pure diet 
(thoughts); perform Bhagavàn's bhajan and worship, as well as repetition of 
mantras; practice truth and non-injury (ahimsà), and the other precepts of 
good conduct; you must always keep yourself within proper bounds."  -Guru Dev 
Swami Brahmananda Saraswati


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 "A man learns from