[FairfieldLife] For Nabby

2014-09-06 Thread awoelfleba...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]

[FairfieldLife] For Nabby

2012-12-26 Thread mjackson74
Rick (I assume) posted this on the FFL main page.

"Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it, no matter if I 
have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense." 
~ Buddha

This is the reason I don't hold with your unproven and unprovable theory that 
Maha was enlightened and had the best interests of thei  world at heart.

[FairfieldLife] For Nabby: those crazy Iowa "crop" circles

2012-10-22 Thread Bhairitu
Check out this one:

[FairfieldLife] For Nabby: Crop circles discovered underwater near Japan

2012-09-20 Thread turquoiseb
Hint: First gaze at the first two photos, and wonder at the obvious
alien message being conveyed to us. Next, read to the end of the
article, and learn how they came to be.
Mysterious Underwater `Crop Circles' Discovered Off the Coast of
  [Mysterious Underwater Crop Circles Discovered Off the Coast of Japan
nature Japan fish ]

  [Mysterious Underwater Crop Circles Discovered Off the Coast of Japan
nature Japan fish ]

According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration less
than five percent 
of the world's oceans have been explored, meaning that 95% of what
lies  deep underwater on Earth has yet to be seen by human eyes.

One person who has dedicated his life to uncovering the mysteries of the
deep is Japanese photographer Yoji Ookata
   who obtained his scuba license at
the age of 21 and has since spent the  last 50 years exploring and
documenting his discoveries off the coast  of Japan. Recently while on a
dive near Amami Oshima at the southern tip  of the country, Ookata
spotted something he had never encountered  before: rippling geometric
sand patterns nearly six feet in diameter  almost 80 feet below sea
level. He soon returned with colleagues and a  television crew from the
nature program NHK
document the origins what he dubbed the "mystery circle."

Here is what they found.

  [Mysterious Underwater Crop Circles Discovered Off the Coast of Japan
nature Japan fish ]

  [Mysterious Underwater Crop Circles Discovered Off the Coast of Japan
nature Japan fish ]

Using underwater cameras the team discovered the artist is a small 
puffer fish only a few inches in length that swims tirelessly through 
the day and night to create these vast organic sculptures using the 
gesture of a single fin. Through careful observation the team found the 
circles serve a variety of crucial ecological functions, the most 
important of which is to attract mates. Apparently the female fish are 
attracted to the hills and valleys within the sand and traverse them 
carefully to discover the male fish where the pair eventually lay eggs 
at the circle's center, the grooves later acting as a natural buffer
to  ocean currents that protect the delicate offspring. Scientists also 
learned that the more ridges contained within the sculpture resulted in
a  much greater likelihood of the fish pairing.

To learn more about the circles check out the full scoop over on Spoon
and Tamago
 , and you can see two high resolution desktop photos courtesy of
NHK here  .  If we're
still making discoveries this significant in 2012, it really  makes you
wonder what else is down there. Just 95% more to go.

Re: [FairfieldLife] For Nabby - ‪The Message of the Pleiadians‬‏ - YouTube

2011-07-28 Thread Denise Evans
I'm not Nabbybut this is a great reminder message and worth viewing.  I saw 
that movie What the Bleep a long time ago.  There are sooo many of these types 
of reminders around in multiple contexts seemingly to intend to communicate to 
all factions of the human race.

--- On Wed, 7/27/11, Rick Archer  wrote:

From: Rick Archer 
Subject: [FairfieldLife] For Nabby - ‪The Message of the Pleiadians‬‏ - YouTube
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Date: Wednesday, July 27, 2011, 8:45 AM







[FairfieldLife] For Nabby - ‪The Message of the Pleiadians‬‏ - YouTube

2011-07-27 Thread Rick Archer

[FairfieldLife] For Nabby: The Space Brothers do a crop portrait of their God

2010-08-25 Thread TurquoiseB
The good news is that their God is remarkably human in appearance. No
bug-eyed monster God for us humans to deal with.

The bad news, given the rumors channeled from the Pleiaideans that
humans taste a lot like chicken, is that the Space Brothers' God looks a
lot like Colonel Sanders.

I know you're ready to hop on the first space flight offered to ya,
Nabs, but me I'm gonna look around it first to make sure it doesn't
contain an enormous deep fryer.

The photo above is from Google Earth. See other cool Google Earth
mysteries at:


[FairfieldLife] for Nabby

2007-10-04 Thread Ron
> I'm happy that you found reality with a guru that suggest reading 
> material and meetings for the "enlightened" to stay "enlightened" 
> Ron. Now that's real enlightenment, right ?   ;-)
The update in my path here is My Guru said there are 5 that have unfolded in 
Maybe it is even 6 or 7. When Sarojini came in, my Guru's comments were 
something like 
now we dont wont the mind to reroot, then she told her to read some scripture- 
I forget 
which one, but Sarojini did it immediately.

I don't question too much about anything anymore, I did in the begining but it 
is not 
necessary now. why why why is not some much of interest to me, things are as 
they are. 
Main thing is - when you get there, it is never what you thought it was.

My Guru and the other enlightened ones here make a lot of comments and I 
forward some 
of them on. My Guru said yesterday in trying to explain things that ounce you 
are there, 
you find it hard to believe that Maya could have ever sneaked in like this.

As you know in TM, there was the reading of rig ved, 9th and 10th. In theory, 
one did it 
and either not questioned why or even if you wanted to question it, then to 
who? I never 
heard an explaination why we should read it, we were just told to do it.

One in theory surrenders to the guru's instructions, along with the 
transmissions from the 
Guru, and in the end it is only grace that brings one's forward, it is not a 
matter of one 
doing something although it appears this way.

Later on, instead of reading the mandalas, we listened to the chanting of them 
in the 
native language. I also for example attended the coronation ceremony for 
Rajaram but 
then also the first group of rajas. after like an hour of politics waiting 
outside each day, we 
got in ( uninvited guests numbering up to about 200). once in, when the 
chanting started, 
I went very deep for the whole 5 hours of it.

I thought this is so enjoyable, this is how it should always be or maybe this 
is how it is 
going to be in the future. there was a transmission coming through with those 
chanting. This was among the deepest I have even been to that point as a result 
listening to some chanting via audio.

At present, I am not with TM, I am with my new path completely. Even though 
only certain 
things carried a transmission for me in TM and to some degree, in theory, some 
of these 
things prescribed such as reading the mandalas, listening to certain chanting- 
may carry 
an extremely deep transmission that some may have had or still have. i dont 
know, i only 
know my experience with certain audio things I listened to.

I was so deep in listening to them that it already was like probably hard for 
anyone to 
believe that did not have this experience. in my path now, and this is again my 
there also are certain audios I listen to, it was done by my guru and designed 
to carry a 

The effect of it is beyond what I thought possible in that the mind can totally 
still. I 
thought back to something the late Charlie lutes said after hearing about some 
machine on the market that was said to bring people along in the path.

Charlie said that someone once asked MMY if it is possible to transcend using 
audio, then 
MMY closed his eyes for a while , then answered yes.
