To Phaewryn: Re: OT - animal communication - please just delete without reading.

2007-06-11 Thread wendy

This is the 3rd time in a year that you have gone off
on other members inappropriately and then claimed to
be leaving.  I think you need to stop.  It is not
right or fair to insult other people and then stick
your neck in the sand.  No one here agrees 100% with
any other member on this site.  When this happens,
either we respectfully disagree, or we just don't say
anything.  There is no reason to go on a mission to
destroy.  It is so clear that when you do this,
there's much more underlying your verbal spews that
has nothing to do with this group and everything to do
with your own life.  If you are stressed out, stop
taking it out here.  It's not right.

I completely disagree with your statement that for the
past year that the validity of the site has been
laughable.  If you remember, I joined this list a year
a half ago.  I have learned SO MUCH from this list in
the past year a half, and that knowledge has spurred
me to do a lot of further research.  I am actually
able to help others here.  I came here so needy and
ignorant only to come out more knowledgeable on many
aspects of feline care, all because of the loving
members of this group.  That includes you.  No, I
didn't prescribe to all the advice given, but took it
all in, did my own research, and am still paying it
back to new members who came her just like I did.  The
validity of this group is just as strong as it was six
years ago. 

What you say about a/c's could be true, but you don't
know.  I don't know.  Neither of us have tried one. 
You can't prove anything intangible exists anyway. 
What would you say to someone who says you don't love
your son because it can't be proven?  Indeed, it
cannot be proven in a quantitative or tangible way, as
no intangibles can.  You can't see them, you can't
touch them.  But nevertheless, your love for your son
IS there and it IS true.  Same way for faith in God
for some of us.  So I hope that you will begin to
question your own belief that unless you can prove
something, it might as well not exist.

There is suffering in the world so we can grow.  If
there were no suffering, there would be no happiness. 
You cannot know real happiness if you never have
struggles and make personal growth.  And FYI, prayer
is not crap.  You have asked for it yourself here.  

Please, make an effort to hold your tongue.  The
24-hour rule always works for me.  Write your letter
in a word document, save it, and go back and read it
in 24 hours.  Revise as needed.  You might need 48
hours.  I did it when writing this post to you.  I
waited until I slept on it before responding.  And my
post shows much less anger, and more sense than it
would have had I immediately responded.  

Save your sarcasm for yourself.  No one else
appreciates it.  Dealing with sick animals is hard
enough without you making everyone feel badly.  I felt
like you once, over ten years ago, making everyone
around me feel bad because I felt bad inside.  I got
help with a great counselor for a year.  Worked
through a lot of childhood issues.  Some adult issues.
 I've been a new woman ever since.  Stronger, more
secure, and most importantly, happier with who I am. 
I'll never regret my decision to get help.  I wouldn't
wish on my worst enemy to feel like I did before I got
help.  And I certainly don't wish it on you or anyone
else on this list.  I truly hope, and will pray, that
you find some way to deal with these issues in your
personal life that keep plaguing you.  Life has so
much to offer us.


Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the 
world - indeed it is the only thing that ever has! ~~~ Margaret Meade ~~~


Get your own web address.  
Have a HUGE year through Yahoo! Small Business.

Re: To Phaewryn: Re: OT - animal communication - please just delete without reading.

2007-06-11 Thread Kelly L

At 12:25 PM 6/11/2007, you wrote:

Wendy..spoken so very well.
as I mentioned before, I may not believe but I respect everyone here. 
this is  one the most supportive and informative groups I belong to, 
For those who remember last year and the recovery/return of the 2 
FELV cats from the carjackingWe are here to support each other, 
perhaps Phaewrn was upset at me regarding my attitude on declawing 
stating euthanasia is never i viable alternative,

We all suffer for and with our animals and this is a great bunch of people.
If anyone has anything personal to say. Use a private email rather 
than post to the group.



This is the 3rd time in a year that you have gone off
on other members inappropriately and then claimed to
be leaving.  I think you need to stop.  It is not
right or fair to insult other people and then stick
your neck in the sand.  No one here agrees 100% with
any other member on this site.  When this happens,
either we respectfully disagree, or we just don't say
anything.  There is no reason to go on a mission to
destroy.  It is so clear that when you do this,
there's much more underlying your verbal spews that
has nothing to do with this group and everything to do
with your own life.  If you are stressed out, stop
taking it out here.  It's not right.

I completely disagree with your statement that for the
past year that the validity of the site has been
laughable.  If you remember, I joined this list a year
a half ago.  I have learned SO MUCH from this list in
the past year a half, and that knowledge has spurred
me to do a lot of further research.  I am actually
able to help others here.  I came here so needy and
ignorant only to come out more knowledgeable on many
aspects of feline care, all because of the loving
members of this group.  That includes you.  No, I
didn't prescribe to all the advice given, but took it
all in, did my own research, and am still paying it
back to new members who came her just like I did.  The
validity of this group is just as strong as it was six
years ago.

What you say about a/c's could be true, but you don't
know.  I don't know.  Neither of us have tried one.
You can't prove anything intangible exists anyway.
What would you say to someone who says you don't love
your son because it can't be proven?  Indeed, it
cannot be proven in a quantitative or tangible way, as
no intangibles can.  You can't see them, you can't
touch them.  But nevertheless, your love for your son
IS there and it IS true.  Same way for faith in God
for some of us.  So I hope that you will begin to
question your own belief that unless you can prove
something, it might as well not exist.

There is suffering in the world so we can grow.  If
there were no suffering, there would be no happiness.
You cannot know real happiness if you never have
struggles and make personal growth.  And FYI, prayer
is not crap.  You have asked for it yourself here.

Please, make an effort to hold your tongue.  The
24-hour rule always works for me.  Write your letter
in a word document, save it, and go back and read it
in 24 hours.  Revise as needed.  You might need 48
hours.  I did it when writing this post to you.  I
waited until I slept on it before responding.  And my
post shows much less anger, and more sense than it
would have had I immediately responded.

Save your sarcasm for yourself.  No one else
appreciates it.  Dealing with sick animals is hard
enough without you making everyone feel badly.  I felt
like you once, over ten years ago, making everyone
around me feel bad because I felt bad inside.  I got
help with a great counselor for a year.  Worked
through a lot of childhood issues.  Some adult issues.
 I've been a new woman ever since.  Stronger, more
secure, and most importantly, happier with who I am.
I'll never regret my decision to get help.  I wouldn't
wish on my worst enemy to feel like I did before I got
help.  And I certainly don't wish it on you or anyone
else on this list.  I truly hope, and will pray, that
you find some way to deal with these issues in your
personal life that keep plaguing you.  Life has so
much to offer us.


Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can 
change the world - indeed it is the only thing that ever 
has! ~~~ Margaret Meade ~~~

Get your own web address.
Have a HUGE year through Yahoo! Small Business.

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