Re: [FFmpeg-user] h264_vaapi missing frames

2018-03-22 Thread Kai Hendry
Thank you Moritz! Damn, I feel like a fool. ;)

Unfortunately Mark's suggestion doesn't seem to have an impact.

As you hopefully can see here:

The mouse still doesn't move smoothy across the screen. Hence I feel
it's dropping frames!

Kind regards,
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[FFmpeg-user] Creating filter calling external library

2018-03-22 Thread Jonathan Viney
Hi everyone,

We have a filter that sends video frames to another C library for
processing, then collects the result and applies some transformations to
the frames.

This filter runs as part of a longer filter chain that may include things
like rotate and scale, as well as then producing several h.264 outputs.

Currently the library runs synchronously. We send it 1 frame, and it gives
us one back.

Would there be any potential performance benefit from making the calls from
the ffmpeg filter into the library non-blocking? We would most likely run
the library in another thread.

Eg, instead of:

  result = library.get_result();
  ... process result and send frame to output

Something like:

if (ff_outlink_frame_wanted(outlink) && library.has_results()) {
  ... process results, sending frame(s) to output
if (ff_inlink_check_available_frame(inlink) &&
library.ready_for_next_frame()) {

I would expect that for a reasonable number of calls to activate(), there
will be no forward steps that can be taken, so it will return
FFERROR_NOT_READY. Could this be a problem for the filter system?

Would the redesign potentially allow ffmpeg to do some useful work instead
of being blocked on calls into the external library?

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[FFmpeg-user] Skipping RTSP for RTP packets

2018-03-22 Thread Dave Shapiro
Hi -

I have a scenario where an IP camera is pushing up raw RTP data to the

Currently I am spawning an ffmpeg process and telling it to connect to my
server via RTSP. I then handle the handshake to setup the stream session.
Once I receive the PLAY request I start piping data from the camera socket
to the ffmpeg RTSP socket.

I would like to remove the RTSP part of this and just send the RTP packets
directly into the ffmpeg process.

I have not found any documentation for this, is this possible? If so, what
settings should I pass to the ffmpeg process so that it knows the data is

Thank you ahead of time for the help!
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Re: [FFmpeg-user] ./configure finish with fail

2018-03-22 Thread Carl Eugen Hoyos
2018-03-20 18:13 GMT+01:00, :

> ../ffmpeg/configure --enable-gpl --enable-version3 --enable-static
> --enable-nonfree --enable-nvenc --enable-cuda --enable-cuvid
> --extra-cflags=-I../cudautils --extra-ldflags=-L../cudautils
> but configure is finished with error "ERROR: cuda requested,
> but not all dependencies are satisfied: ffnvcodec"

You have to install these headers:

Carl Eugen
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Re: [FFmpeg-user] Question about MNM4 codec

2018-03-22 Thread Paul B Mahol
On 3/22/18, Daniel Lanza  wrote:
> Attachments available until Apr 21, 2018
> Hello,
> I am trying to convert a video with the MNM4 codec. I know that this codec
> is not supported in FFmpeg, but is there still a way to get it to play in
> something like VLC? The reason I am asking is because I have some
> professional software that converts it to a playable format. This software
> says it uses rawvideo codec with bgra as pixel format. Is there a way I can
> replicate this process with FFmpeg?
> I am very new to FFmpeg and video codecs in general so please excuse my
> ignorance if this question is bad.
> I have attached the video I am trying to convert and the processed video
> output from the software I used.
> Click to Download
> vid.avi
> 7 MB
> Click to Download
> vid_Processed
> (1).avi
> 507.8 MB

Carl, you should make bug report about this!
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[FFmpeg-user] Sending Multiple RTP Streams in a Single RTP Session RFC 8108

2018-03-22 Thread Jaishree Rameshkrishnan
Hi Team,

Does Fgmpeg support Sending Multiple RTP Streams in a Single RTP Session
(RFC 8108) for streaming?

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[FFmpeg-user] Question about MNM4 codec

2018-03-22 Thread Daniel Lanza
Attachments available until Apr 21, 2018

I am trying to convert a video with the MNM4 codec. I know that this codec is 
not supported in FFmpeg, but is there still a way to get it to play in 
something like VLC? The reason I am asking is because I have some professional 
software that converts it to a playable format. This software says it uses 
rawvideo codec with bgra as pixel format. Is there a way I can replicate this 
process with FFmpeg? 

I am very new to FFmpeg and video codecs in general so please excuse my 
ignorance if this question is bad. 

I have attached the video I am trying to convert and the processed video output 
from the software I used.

Click to Download
7 MB
Click to Download
507.8 MB

Thank you,

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Re: [FFmpeg-user] h264_vaapi missing frames

2018-03-22 Thread Moritz Barsnick
On Thu, Mar 22, 2018 at 09:22:24 +0800, Kai Hendry wrote:
> I'm getting hwupload,scale_vaapi=format=nv12: Invalid argument
> Did I miss something?

Yes, the lines before that one. This hints that your command line is
> Opening an output file: hwupload,scale_vaapi=format=nv12.
This is where it goes wrong:
> Applying option vf (set video filters) with argument -vf.

Which points to the obvious:
> [...] -movflags +faststart -vf -vf "hwupload,scale_vaapi=format=nv12" [...]

One "-vf" too many. :-)


P.S.: That log was definitely short enough (by far) to post/attach it
  here directly.
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Re: [FFmpeg-user] ffplay using frame buffer

2018-03-22 Thread Moritz Barsnick
On Wed, Mar 21, 2018 at 07:57:02 +1300, 3djake wrote:
> How do I compile ffmpeg so that ffplay can use /dev/fb0 for playback?

You don't. It uses SDL.

> ./configure --arch=armel --target-os=linux --enable-gpl --enable-omx
> --enable-omx-rpi --enable-nonfree --enable-mmal --enable-ffplay
> It appears that the version of ffplay from the repository can use /dev/fb0
> but the one I compiled cannot?

How do you get that impression? Can you post a working example?

Indeed: ffmpeg does support fbdev as an output muxer, but not ffplay.

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[FFmpeg-user] Speeding up a video fps rate with filters.

2018-03-22 Thread Bill Crockett
I am speeding up a video fps rate to 24 fps.  The total # of frames must 
stay the same.  The audio must speed up also to keep sync.

ffmpeg -i input -r 24 -filter:v setpts=0.999*PTS output

Do I have to add these options to the audio?

-filter:a atempo=1.001

I thought just -r would be global and include the audio thus speeding it up. 
I do not put in "-filter:a atempo=1.001".   Am I correct? 

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