Re: [Fis] CfP: Marx is Back - The Importance of Marxist Theory and Research for Critical Communication Studies Today

2011-07-21 Thread Matutinovic, Igor (GfK Croatia)
Dear Shu-Kun

I am afraid that " planned/communist + democracy" combination is not attainable 
- a kind of contradiction in itself. Beacuse of their complexity, 
industrialized economies must have a combination of market and planning to 
function within socailly acceptable range. Markets are moreover important as a 
vehicle for economic and technological change and adaptation. Once you have 
markets, you have a degree of income inequality (not necessarily of the US 
range), your have property rights, and a degree of economic pressure on all 
agents (a striking difference from economic administration implied in central 
All this is not compatible with the basic ideological foundations of communism. 
Besides, democracy imples that on elections the voters may vote against the 
very institutions that have the attributes of "planned/communist" (whatever 
these mean) - they may vote against socialism. This outcome is not originally 
intended by communist ideology - the communism being the final stage of 
historic development - according to Marxist historicism. To be frank, Santiago 
Carillo, the legendary head of the Communist Party of Spain and the promotor of 
"Eurocommunism" in the Seventies, was ready to accept such a democratic 
challenge (at least in theory).

The best

-Original Message-
From: Dr. Shu-Kun Lin []
Sent: Thursday, July 21, 2011 7:41 PM
To: Matutinovic, Igor (GfK Croatia)
Cc:; Christian Fuchs;
Subject: Re: [Fis] CfP: Marx is Back - The Importance of Marxist Theory and 
Research for Critical Communication Studies Today

Dear Igor,

Dictatorship and democracy is another topic we need to discuss. Maybe there are 
4 combinatorial systems:

planned/communist + democracy (Is this the most ideal one?) planned/communist + 
dictatorship (USSR?, North Korea) free market/capitalism + dictatorship (China 
now?) free market/capitalism + democracy (Most of the Western countries, now)

Best regards,

On 21.07.2011 17:54, Matutinovic, Igor (GfK Croatia) wrote:
> It is easy to forget some important facts about the presumed sustainability 
> of planned/communist, historical and current economies. The Soviet block had 
> an immensly polluting industry which paid almost no attention to the 
> environemntal nor human health. Citizen protests, unlike the NGO acitivity 
> inthe West, were banned. The most ecologically  destructive economic project 
> recorded so far inthe world  - the draining of the Aral Sea was done in the 
> USSR - an entirely planned disaster!
> Under Mao, Chinese population was subject to periodic starvation and their 
> economy, despite planning efforts was moving in no direction at all. It is 
> after gradually implementing capitalist institutions since Deng Xiaoping 
> reforms that China become second world economic power and lifted at least a 
> couple of hundred of millions from poverty. In the meantime China is 
> destroying its environment - the consequnce of joint impact of wild 
> capitalism and communist planning (Three Gorges Dam project was initiated 
> under Mao but had economic means for realization only under the capitalist 
> institutions). North Corea is starving periodically its population and depend 
> on foreign aid.
> These former and current communist economies can not be "role models" for 
> sustainability in any sense. About the quality of life and human rights in 
> former USSR there is a plenty of evidence from those who lived there, and 
> very few of them feel pity for its collapse.
> Capitalism and free market economy, if not regulated will for sure deplete 
> all the nonrenewable resources.
> However, besides planning, which has been very present in the post WWII 
> capitalist economies I do not believe that we can learn much from the former 
> communist systems.
> The solution may lie in the change of the predominat Western wordview, which 
> is overconfident in technological fixes and dominated by materialist and 
> economic values. Our societies lack substantial environental values and we 
> miss the non-material aspects of the quality of life. This is a legacy of 
> modernity, and a communist ideology pertains to this legacy, and therefore 
> has been equally "unfriendly" to environemnt.
> Igor Matutuinovic
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Dr. Shu-Kun Lin
> Sent: Thursday, July 21, 2011 4:40 PM
> To:; Christian Fuchs
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: [Fis] CfP: Marx is Back - The Importance of Marxist
> Theory and Research for Critical Communication Studies Today
> Some very quick comments: This is extremely interesting topic. I have

Re: [Fis] CfP: Marx is Back - The Importance of Marxist Theory and Research for Critical Communication Studies Today

2011-07-21 Thread Matutinovic, Igor (GfK Croatia)
It is easy to forget some important facts about the presumed sustainability of 
planned/communist, historical and current economies. The Soviet block had an 
immensly polluting industry which paid almost no attention to the environemntal 
nor human health. Citizen protests, unlike the NGO acitivity inthe West, were 
banned. The most ecologically  destructive economic project recorded so far 
inthe world  - the draining of the Aral Sea was done in the USSR - an entirely 
planned disaster!

Under Mao, Chinese population was subject to periodic starvation and their 
economy, despite planning efforts was moving in no direction at all. It is 
after gradually implementing capitalist institutions since Deng Xiaoping 
reforms that China become second world economic power and lifted at least a 
couple of hundred of millions from poverty. In the meantime China is destroying 
its environment - the consequnce of joint impact of wild capitalism and 
communist planning (Three Gorges Dam project was initiated under Mao but had 
economic means for realization only under the capitalist institutions). North 
Corea is starving periodically its population and depend on foreign aid. 

These former and current communist economies can not be "role models" for 
sustainability in any sense. About the quality of life and human rights in 
former USSR there is a plenty of evidence from those who lived there, and very 
few of them feel pity for its collapse.

Capitalism and free market economy, if not regulated will for sure deplete all 
the nonrenewable resources. 
However, besides planning, which has been very present in the post WWII 
capitalist economies I do not believe that we can learn much from the former 
communist systems. 

The solution may lie in the change of the predominat Western wordview, which is 
overconfident in technological fixes and dominated by materialist and economic 
values. Our societies lack substantial environental values and we miss the 
non-material aspects of the quality of life. This is a legacy of modernity, and 
a communist ideology pertains to this legacy, and therefore has been equally 
"unfriendly" to environemnt. 

Igor Matutuinovic

-Original Message-
From: [] On 
Behalf Of Dr. Shu-Kun Lin
Sent: Thursday, July 21, 2011 4:40 PM
To:; Christian Fuchs
Subject: Re: [Fis] CfP: Marx is Back - The Importance of Marxist Theory and 
Research for Critical Communication Studies Today

Some very quick comments: This is extremely interesting topic. I have this idea 
also since 2008 when I was reading and considering a lot about sustainability. 
Capitalism and free market economy, if not regulated or revised by adding some 
elements of socialism (Maxism or communism) and planned economy, will for sure 
deplete all the nonrenewable resources. I understand now why many people 
(including the father and the brothers of my grandmother from a rich landlord 
in China) from rich families or capitalist families sacrificed their lives for 
the revolutionary cause of communism. North Korea people live in a much more 
sustainable way than other countries. (Democracy and dictatorship are another 
issue of
discussion.) It is a pity that the great Soviet Union was destroyed and China 
has been actually doing the capitalism not long after the death of Mao.

Open Access on the Internet is also actually a socialism movement, in my 

On 21.07.2011 11:46, Christian Fuchs wrote:
> Marx is Back: The Importance of Marxist Theory and Research for 
> Critical Communication Studies Today
 Call for Papers for a Special
>  Issue of tripleC – Journal for a Global Sustainable Information 
> Society.
 Edited by Christian Fuchs and Vincent Mosco

> For 
> inquiries, please contact the two editors.
> In light of the global capitalist crisis, there is renewed interest in 
> Karl Marx’s works and in concepts like class, exploitation and surplus 
> value. Slavoj Žižek argues that the antagonisms of contemporary 
> capitalism in the context of the ecological crisis, the  massive 
> expansion of intellectual property, biogenetics, new forms of 
> apartheid and growing world poverty show that we still need the 
> Marxian notion of class. He concludes that there is an urgent need to 
> renew Marxism and to defend its lost causes in order to render 
> problematic capitalism as the only alternative (Žižek 2008, 6) and the 
> new forms of a soft capitalism that promise, and in its rhetoric  
> makes use of, ideals like participation, self-organization, and 
> co-operation, without realizing them. Žižek (2010, chapter 3) argues  
> that the global capitalistcrisis clearly demonstrates the need to 
> return to the critique of political economy. Göran Therborn suggests  
> that the “new constellations of power and new possibilities of 
> resistance” in the 21st c