[flexcoders] Enhanced Constraints Confusion...

2007-11-15 Thread Charles Dale
Hi guys,

I'm trying to work out how to use the Flex 3 constraints to replace a 
currently hand-coded layout. I'm running into a problem with 
content-sized constraints: how to have child components that position 
themselves on a particular constraint but don't actually affect the size 
of that constraint?

The layout I'm looking for is this (each letter represents a component):


Component PMT is the central component: the other components need to be 
a set distance to the left (A), right (C) or below (D).

I've specified the constraints like so:

  (Schematic is a Canvas)

 (A is specified 
as right="pmtLeft:0")
 (PMT & D are 
specified as horizontalCenter="pmtCentre:0")
 (C is 
specified as left="pmtRight:15")

So pmtLeft is sized to the width of A, pmtRight to the width of C, and 
pmtCentre to the width of PMT or D, whichever is greater. The problem is 
I need pmtCentre to be sized to the width of PMT only, and ignore the 
width of D. Yet I still need D centred on pmtCentre.

I need the content-sized constraints, so PMT can be changed, but I also 
need D to be able to grow wider than its constraint. I.e. D needs to be 
centred under PMT but not affect the width of the "pmtCentre" 
ConstraintColumn. Is this possible? I tried includeInLayout="false" but 
that didn't do anything.

I guess I'm looking for the equivalent of spanCols/spanRows for constraints.

Am I missing something or is this a limitation of the enhanced 
constraints? If it is a limitation then they aren't as useful as claimed...

Any alternatives suggested would be welcome too.


Re: [flexcoders] Words Disappearing when Printing

2007-11-14 Thread Charles Dale
Chris Infanti wrote:
> The problem is...the last word of any Text components I have in the
> container disappear whenever I print.  Otherwise it prints as expected.  
I've encountered this many times. It's really irritating and hard to 
debug... The root cause is most likely the scaling rather than the 
printing of itself. Are you using system (default) or embedded fonts? If 
you're not already using them try embedded fonts - they scale better.

Depending on the font you may also need to set fontAntiAliasType to 
normal rather than advanced (the default). The normal anti-aliasing 
doesn't look as nice but scales much more reliably. The advanced 
anti-aliasing varies character width depending on the scaling: this 
confuses the text width calculations.

Sounds like Flash Player 10 will improve text handling: can't wait for 
that. (and hope it delivers on the promise...)


[flexcoders] How to Pass Data From Server to Client On App Load

2007-09-09 Thread Charles Dale
Hi guys,

I've been banging around solutions to this (apparently) simple problem 
for a few months. I still haven't found something I'm happy with.

In our system users load Flex apps off an Apache server, authenticating 
to Apache using Single Sign-On (mod_auth_kerb against an ActiveDirectory 
server). The Flex app then loads/modifies data using HTTPServices to a 
Rails app. Apache passes the authentication details to Rails in a 
header, so I know the username in Rails and can lookup groups using LDAP 
on the AD server.

My problem is: how do I quickly and securely pass the name of the logged 
in user to the Flex app running on the client? I've tried the following 

1. Use mod_rewrite to redirect the browser to 
app.swf?user=%{REMOTE_USER} and then use ExternalInterface to read the 
user parameter in Flex. -- Can get the user straight away, yay, but it's 
obviously insecure.

2. Provide a Rails action that reports the authenticated user (and 
groups). -- Not quick enough: I want to know the user straight away at 
app startup so I can display admin functions to admin users. Also the 
HTTPService call seems like unnecessary overhead to me.

Any ideas how to do this? Some options I can think of but I'm not sure 
are possible:

1. Embed the username in the .swf somehow. I guess this would be a use 
for live-compiled MXML files on the server (but we don't have FDS/LCDS).

2. Configure Apache to send the username back in the HTTP headers and 
read them using ExternalInterface (possible?). Wouldn't be particularly 
secure. Although all the actual security is in Rails, so even if people 
managed to get the admin interface in Flex they couldn't use it to 
change anything on the server without the correct permissions on their 
user account.

3. Delay the startup of the Flex app until I get a result from the user 
HTTPService? I don't really want the user to wait though...

4. Use ExternalInterface to get the authenticated username from the 
browser using JavaScript. No idea if there are JavaScript functions to 
do this but would probably be the best method - no round trip to the server.
