Re: [Flightgear-devel] Re: Segmentation fault in FGTower

2003-03-11 Thread David Drum
Quoth D Luff:

> Hmm, I'll have a think.  If there's no resolution soon or if others
> start getting bitten by this I'll back this stuff out.
> > This fault also as a nice side - I'm getting forced to learn about
> > using CVS to update my local tree to a repository's former state  ;-)
> You should presumably be able to just revert the ATC sub-directory to
> a few days ago.  Since nothing in the main part of Flightgear depends
> on the ATC you'll still get the progress in the rest of FG without
> suffering this bug.

I too am getting the bus error (I did not try a patch).  Here's gdb output:

load() base = /Users/david/Desktop/FlightGear-CVS/fgfsbase/Scenery
Loading tile 

Program received signal EXC_BAD_ACCESS, Could not access memory.
0x0002fbc8 in FGTower::Update() (this=0x1202d070) at tower.cxx:171
171 ground->SetDisplay();
(gdb) bt
#0  0x0002fbc8 in FGTower::Update() (this=0x1202d070) at tower.cxx:171
#1  0x00021f2c in FGATCMgr::update(double) (this=0xee06000, dt=0.443564001) at 
#2  0x70c0 in fgMainLoop() () at main.cxx:1145
#3  0x3e001df4 in -[GLUTApplication run] ()
#4  0x3e01a48c in glutMainLoop ()
#5  0x60d8 in fgMainInit(int, char**) (argc=2, argv=0x39b920) at main.cxx:1725
#6  0x3c70 in main (argc=2, argv=0xbe10) at main.cxx:1817
#7  0x1f18 in _start (argc=2, argv=0xbe10, envp=0xbe1c) at 
#8  0x1d98 in start ()
(gdb) kill
Kill the program being debugged? (y or n) y
(gdb) quit


David K. Drum

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Got FlightGear to compile on Mac OS X

2003-03-07 Thread David Drum
Quoth Darrell Walisser:

> The culprit is likely PLIB. There is a fairly well-known and officially 
> unresolved inefficiency in the rendering of small vertex arrays that is 
> particularly painful on Mac OS X. You can view the original thread here 
> (with the patch):

The current CVS version of ssgVtxTable (and specifically the drawGeometry
method) differs pretty significantly from what is discussed in the
message above.  Has anyone tracked changes over time and could they
submit a diff against a more recent version?


David K. Drum

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Got FlightGear to compile on Mac OS X

2003-03-06 Thread David Drum
Quoth Darrell Walisser:

> There is a fairly well-known and officially unresolved inefficiency
> in the rendering of small vertex arrays that is particularly painful
> on Mac OS X.

Thank you for the reference.  I was aware of this and thought I had
checked against the right patches, but apparently not.  I will report
results later.  Thanks again.


David K. Drum

Flightgear-devel mailing list

[Flightgear-devel] Got FlightGear to compile on Mac OS X

2003-03-05 Thread David Drum
Hello everyone,

I have finally (actually about a week ago but I've been out of town)
gotten FlightGear to compile under Mac OS X 10.2.4.  The results were
surprising and I am probably going to rub a few feathers the wrong way in
the process of explanation.  I don't mean to offend but I need to be clear
about what I see happening and sometimes plain language offends people.

As you may recall, I was getting a linker error when linking fgfs.
As someone more wise in the ways of ld than I pointed out, the method
as compiled in tr.cxx was different from how the method call was being
compiled in gui_funcs.cxx.  The reason was that in tr.cxx, GLint was
being defined as an integer, but in gui_funcs.cxx it was being defined
as a long.  Further exploration with the precompiler showed that SimGear
was finding Apple's OpenGL gl.h, but FlightGear was finding XFree86's
gl.h, and the two define GLint differently.

Now I could just degenerate into name-calling about Apple's headers but
as I looked around more in all the code that FlightGear uses I discovered
that plib was not having any problems with the situation and that the
linker wasn't complaining about the plib libraries.  I found that plib's
configure script was handling Mac OS X differently and specifically
defining the location of glut.h to use Apple's OpenGL glut.h (which in
turn includes gl.h).

I am not a configure hacker but decided that I could emulate what plib
was doing with some judicious complier defines in SimGear and FlightGear,
just to see if it would work.  I did and it did.

It also took care of the error below that I had absolutely no idea how
to address:
ld: Undefined symbols:
ssgVtxTable::ssgVtxTable[in-charge](unsigned, ssgVertexArray*, ssgNormalArray*, 
ssgTexCoordArray*, ssgColourArray*)
Although, I still get this on my G4 tower where X, etc. are installed,
even after I make the code changes in the attached patches.

I was able to get FlightGear to compile from CVS by doing the following:
- fresh install of Mac OS 10.2 (Jaguar)
- install the 10.2.4 combined update
- install the December 2002 Developer Tools
- install the Apple update to GLUT, which just came out recently
  (just for kicks, probably isn't needed)
- pull down CVS versions of plib, metakit, SimGear, and FlightGear
- apply the attached patches
  - the patches to plib are per Jonathan Polley
  - the patches are against CVS from a few days ago
- run the attached build scripts

The compile does stop at one point, I haven't figured out why this is
happening, but here is the event and the workaround (change gcc to g++):

bash-2.05a$ cd SimGear/simgear/xgl/
bash-2.05a$ make clean
test -z "libsgxgl.a" || rm -f libsgxgl.a
rm -f *.o core *.core
bash-2.05a$ make
source='xgl.c' object='xgl.o' libtool=no \
depfile='.deps/xgl.Po' tmpdepfile='.deps/xgl.TPo' \
depmode=gcc /bin/sh ../../depcomp \
gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. -I../../simgear -I../..  
-I/Users/david/Desktop/FlightGear-CVS/include  -g -O1 -finline-limit=6 
-finline-functions -faltivec -D_REENTRANT -c `test -f 'xgl.c' || echo './'`xgl.c
xgl.c:10: header file 'GLUT/glut.h' not found
cpp-precomp: warning: errors during smart preprocessing, retrying in basic mode
make: *** [xgl.o] Error 1
bash-2.05a$ source='xgl.c' object='xgl.o' libtool=no \
> depfile='.deps/xgl.Po' tmpdepfile='.deps/xgl.TPo' \
> depmode=gcc /bin/sh ../../depcomp \
> g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. -I../../simgear -I../..  
> -I/Users/david/Desktop/FlightGear-CVS/include  -g -O1 -finline-limit=6 
> -finline-functions -faltivec -D_REENTRANT -c `test -f 'xgl.c' || echo './'`xgl.c
bash-2.05a$ make
source='xglUtils.c' object='xglUtils.o' libtool=no \
depfile='.deps/xglUtils.Po' tmpdepfile='.deps/xglUtils.TPo' \
depmode=gcc /bin/sh ../../depcomp \
gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. -I../../simgear -I../..  
-I/Users/david/Desktop/FlightGear-CVS/include  -g -O1 -finline-limit=6 
-finline-functions -faltivec -D_REENTRANT -c `test -f 'xglUtils.c' || echo 
rm -f libsgxgl.a
ar cru libsgxgl.a xgl.o xglUtils.o 
ranlib libsgxgl.a

No X, Apple or XFree86, no OpenGL, no freeglut, or glut, or fink.
Which may bother people.  Some Mac OS X users may not want to bother with
these, understandably, in which case the SimGear and FlightGear code
will have to be changed to compile this way.  Others, more inclined to
compile everything from source, will not want these changes in the code
(even though they are already in plib) or will insist on a configure-time
switch determining one behavior or the other.

But the code (i.e. configure scripts and #include statements) is going
to have to be changed/updated/complicated to accommodate the fact that
Mac OS X may not have X, may have Apple's X, or may have XFree86; that
it may have Apple's OpenGL and GLUT or not, or any combination of the
above, so long as these header discrepancies exist.

One issue that I am dealing with is that the frame rate is poor, even
though precompiled versions I have had in the past had good (~30 fps)
rates.  It cou

Re: [Flightgear-devel] EXC_BAD_ACCESS in modified FGFS (on mac os x)

2003-02-28 Thread David Drum
Quoth Darrell Walisser:

> > Is there a way to increase the size of the stack given to fgfs in Mac
> > OS X? I heard of a ulimit command but my machine (10.2.4) doesn't seem
> > to have this. Unsure if stack growing into the heap or vice versa is
> > the problem here.
> I don't have this either (I used it once on a solaris box). Unless 
> there is infinite recursion, you probably won't overflow the stack. I 
> think you can adjust the underlying thread's stack size though (see man 
> pthread).

ulimit is a shell (bash and probably others) builtin, just run ulimit -a
Read the bash man page for more information.


David K. Drum

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Re: Undefined Symbols

2003-02-18 Thread David Drum
Quoth Bernie Bright:

> From simgear/screen/tr.h:
> extern void trTileSize(TRcontext *tr, GLint width, GLint height, GLint border);
> It looks like GLint is defined as an int when compiling SimGear but
> is long when compiling FlightGear.

Thank you for the interpretation.  The gui_funcs.cxx define of GLint is
coming from /System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework/Headers/gl.h
(the Mac OS X distribution of OpenGL).  The tr.cxx define of GLint is
coming from /usr/X11R6/include/GL/gl.h (the Mac OS X distribution of X11).
I'll have to mull this one over a bit.


David K. Drum

Flightgear-devel mailing list

[Flightgear-devel] Re: Undefined Symbols

2003-02-18 Thread David Drum
Quoth David Drum:

> I have been using nm to poke around and believe I know what is going on,
> even if I don't know how to fix it:
> david@Cynosure ~
> $ nm -o lib/libsgscreen.a FlightGear/src/GUI/gui_funcs.o | egrep 
> lib/libsgscreen.a:tr.o:1564 S
> lib/libsgscreen.a:tr.o:158c S
> lib/libsgscreen.a:tr.o:01d4 T __Z10trTileSizeP6_TRctxiii
> FlightGear/src/GUI/gui_funcs.o: U __Z10trTileSizeP6_TRctxlll
> lib/libsgscreen.a:tr.o:03c8 T __Z11trImageSizeP6_TRctxii
> FlightGear/src/GUI/gui_funcs.o: U __Z11trImageSizeP6_TRctxll
> lib/libsgscreen.a:tr.o:036c T __Z12trTileBufferP6_TRctxjjPv
> FlightGear/src/GUI/gui_funcs.o: U __Z12trTileBufferP6_TRctxmmPv
> If you look closely at the "T" lines and the "U" lines, you will see that
> the symbol names do not match!  No wonder the final link fails.  I guess
> I need some way to get the compiler to generate the same symbol names.

I have just solved this problem using the brute-force method:

# get rid of the current object file
david@Cynosure ~/FlightGear/src/GUI
$ rm gui_funcs.o

# remake the object file
david@Cynosure ~/FlightGear/src/GUI
$ make
source='gui_funcs.cxx' object='gui_funcs.o' libtool=no \
depfile='.deps/gui_funcs.Po' tmpdepfile='.deps/gui_funcs.TPo' \
depmode=gcc3 /bin/sh ../../depcomp \
g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. -I../../src/Include -I../.. -I../../src  
-I/Users/david/include -I/usr/X11R6/include  -g -O2 -D_REENTRANT -c -o gui_funcs.o 
`test -f 'gui_funcs.cxx' || echo './'`gui_funcs.cxx
rm -f libGUI.a
ar cru libGUI.a new_gui.o dialog.o menubar.o gui.o gui_funcs.o gui_local.o mouse.o 
net_dlg.o preset_dlg.o prop_picker.o sgVec3Slider.o trackball.o 
ranlib libGUI.a

# verify that the wrong symbol names are still being generated
david@Cynosure ~/FlightGear/src/GUI
$ egrep -l 

# change to correct symbol names
david@Cynosure ~/FlightGear/src/GUI
$ perl -p -i -e 

# remake
david@Cynosure ~/FlightGear/src/GUI
$ rm libGUI.a
david@Cynosure ~/FlightGear/src/GUI
$ make
rm -f libGUI.a
ar cru libGUI.a new_gui.o dialog.o menubar.o gui.o gui_funcs.o gui_local.o mouse.o 
net_dlg.o preset_dlg.o prop_picker.o sgVec3Slider.o trackball.o 
ranlib libGUI.a

# see if the final link likes the new library
david@Cynosure ~/FlightGear/src/GUI
$ cd ../Main
david@Cynosure ~/FlightGear/src/Main
$ make
g++ -DPKGLIBDIR=\"/Users/david/lib/FlightGear\" -g -O2 -D_REENTRANT  
-L/Users/david/lib -L/usr/X11R6/lib -o fgfs  main.o fg_commands.o fg_init.o fg_io.o 
fg_props.o fgfs.o globals.o logger.o options.o splash.o util.o viewer.o viewmgr.o 
location.o ../../src/Aircraft/libAircraft.a ../../src/ATC/libATC.a 
../../src/Autopilot/libAutopilot.a ../../src/Cockpit/libCockpit.a 
../../src/Cockpit/built_in/libBuilt_in.a ../../src/Controls/libControls.a 
../../src/FDM/libFlight.a ../../src/FDM/Balloon/libBalloon.a 
../../src/FDM/ExternalNet/libExternalNet.a ../../src/FDM/JSBSim/libJSBSim.a 
../../src/FDM/YASim/libYASim.a ../../src/FDM/JSBSim/filtersjb/libfiltersjb.a 
../../src/FDM/LaRCsim/libLaRCsim.a ../../src/FDM/UIUCModel/libUIUCModel.a 
../../src/GUI/libGUI.a ../../src/Input/libInput.a 
../../src/Instrumentation/libInstrumentation.a ../../src/Model/libModel.a 
../../src/Navaids/libNavaids.a ../../src/Scenery/libScenery.a 
../../src/Scripting/libScripting.a ../../src/Sound/libSound.a 
../../src/Airports/libAirports.a ../../src/Network/libNetwork.a 
../../src/NetworkOLK/libNetworkOLK.a ../../src/Objects/libObjects.a 
../../src/Systems/libSystems.a ../../src/Time/libTime.a 
../../src/Environment/libEnvironment.a -lsgroute -lsgsky -lsgephem -lsgtiming -lsgio 
-lsgscreen -lsgmath -lsgbucket -lsgdebug -lsgmagvar -lsgmisc -lsgxml -lsgserial 
-lsgthreads -lplibpu -lplibfnt -lplibjs -lplibnet -lplibssg -lplibsg -lplibul 
-lplibpsl -lmk4 -lz -lpthread -lm  -framework GLUT -framework OpenGL -framework Carbon 
-lobjc -lplibsl -lplibsm -framework IOKit -framework CoreFoundation -lm 
ld: warning table of contents of library: ../../src/FDM/JSBSim/libJSBSim.a not sorted 
slower link editing will result (use the ranlib(1) -s option)
ld: Undefined symbols:
ssgVtxTable::ssgVtxTable[in-charge](unsigned, ssgVertexArray*, ssgNormalArray*, 
ssgTexCoordArray*, ssgColourArray*)
make: *** [fgfs] Error 1

Woo-hoo!  An ugly method, but I'll take it.  Now for the last error...


David K. Drum

Flightgear-devel mailing list

[Flightgear-devel] Re: Undefined Symbols

2003-02-18 Thread David Drum
[FlightGear-Devel readers: this is another installment in my quest
to get FlightGear compiled under Mac OS X.  I now have a good lead on
the final link failure, I think.  If you have any knowledge of linker
naming conventions, symbol tables, and the like, I would appreciate
your comments.  Thanks.  P.S. Everything is being built from CVS.]

Previous make's were failing, unable to find gen_leaf or

Sometime recently the call to gen_leaf was removed from the CVS code.
Instead, three other symbols are now not being found.  Here's the final
make command along with output:

david@Cynosure ~/FlightGear/src/main
$ make
g++ -DPKGLIBDIR=\"/Users/david/lib/FlightGear\" -g -O2 -D_REENTRANT  
-L/Users/david/lib -L/usr/X11R6/lib -o fgfs  main.o fg_commands.o fg_init.o fg_io.o 
fg_props.o fgfs.o globals.o logger.o options.o splash.o util.o viewer.o viewmgr.o 
location.o ../../src/Aircraft/libAircraft.a ../../src/ATC/libATC.a 
../../src/Autopilot/libAutopilot.a ../../src/Cockpit/libCockpit.a 
../../src/Cockpit/built_in/libBuilt_in.a ../../src/Controls/libControls.a 
../../src/FDM/libFlight.a ../../src/FDM/Balloon/libBalloon.a 
../../src/FDM/ExternalNet/libExternalNet.a ../../src/FDM/JSBSim/libJSBSim.a 
../../src/FDM/YASim/libYASim.a ../../src/FDM/JSBSim/filtersjb/libfiltersjb.a 
../../src/FDM/LaRCsim/libLaRCsim.a ../../src/FDM/UIUCModel/libUIUCModel.a 
../../src/GUI/libGUI.a ../../src/Input/libInput.a 
../../src/Instrumentation/libInstrumentation.a ../../src/Model/libModel.a 
../../src/Navaids/libNavaids.a ../../src/Scenery/libScenery.a 
../../src/Scripting/libScripting.a ../../src/Sound/libSound.a 
../../src/Airports/libAirports.a ../../src/Network/libNetwork.a 
../../src/NetworkOLK/libNetworkOLK.a ../../src/Objects/libObjects.a 
../../src/Systems/libSystems.a ../../src/Time/libTime.a 
../../src/Environment/libEnvironment.a -lsgroute -lsgsky -lsgephem -lsgtiming -lsgio 
-lsgscreen -lsgmath -lsgbucket -lsgdebug -lsgmagvar -lsgmisc -lsgxml -lsgserial 
-lsgthreads -lplibpu -lplibfnt -lplibjs -lplibnet -lplibssg -lplibsg -lplibul 
-lplibpsl -lmk4 -lz -lpthread -lm  -framework GLUT -framework OpenGL -framework Carbon 
-lobjc -lplibsl -lplibsm -framework IOKit -framework CoreFoundation -lm 
ld: warning table of contents of library: ../../src/FDM/JSBSim/libJSBSim.a not sorted 
slower link editing will result (use the ranlib(1) -s option)
ld: Undefined symbols:
trTileSize(_TRctx*, long, long, long)
trImageSize(_TRctx*, long, long)
trTileBuffer(_TRctx*, unsigned long, unsigned long, void*)
ssgVtxTable::ssgVtxTable[in-charge](unsigned, ssgVertexArray*, ssgNormalArray*, 
ssgTexCoordArray*, ssgColourArray*)
make: *** [fgfs] Error 1

I have been using nm to poke around and believe I know what is going on,
even if I don't know how to fix it:

david@Cynosure ~
$ nm -o lib/libsgscreen.a FlightGear/src/GUI/gui_funcs.o | egrep 
lib/libsgscreen.a:tr.o:1564 S
lib/libsgscreen.a:tr.o:158c S
lib/libsgscreen.a:tr.o:01d4 T __Z10trTileSizeP6_TRctxiii
FlightGear/src/GUI/gui_funcs.o: U __Z10trTileSizeP6_TRctxlll
lib/libsgscreen.a:tr.o:03c8 T __Z11trImageSizeP6_TRctxii
FlightGear/src/GUI/gui_funcs.o: U __Z11trImageSizeP6_TRctxll
lib/libsgscreen.a:tr.o:036c T __Z12trTileBufferP6_TRctxjjPv
FlightGear/src/GUI/gui_funcs.o: U __Z12trTileBufferP6_TRctxmmPv

If you look closely at the "T" lines and the "U" lines, you will see that
the symbol names do not match!  No wonder the final link fails.  I guess
I need some way to get the compiler to generate the same symbol names.

The other unfound symbol, ssgVtxTable::ssgVtxTable[in-charge] is trickier,
but I found it.  The sad thing is, the symbol names match, so I don't
know why the symbol is not found.

david@Cynosure ~
$ nm `find plib -type f -name \*.o -print` | egrep ssgVtxTable | egrep 
'^.[TU]' | sort +0.11 | uniq > foo
david@Cynosure ~
$ nm `find FlightGear -type f -name \*.o -print` | egrep ssgVtxTable | egrep 
'^.[TU]' | sort +0.11 | uniq > bar
david@Cynosure ~
$ cat bar
david@Cynosure ~
$ egrep 
050c T 


David K. Drum

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Mac OS X: at a loss

2003-02-01 Thread David Drum
Quoth Arnt Karlsen:

> ..if this would have caught .*plib* (dotwhateverplibwhatever) 
> too, it appears I just joined the "at loss" ranks.

I believe so.  Again, this is on a system which has had its disk erased
and OS reinstalled between each attempt at compilation.  I did not expect
to find any rogue plib libraries.  Trudging on...


David K. Drum

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Mac OS X: at a loss

2003-02-01 Thread David Drum
Quoth Arnt Karlsen:

> > sudo find / -type f -name libplibssg.a -print
> ..tried "*plib*" etc? 

Yes, at your behest.  Same result.


David K. Drum

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Mac OS X: at a loss

2003-01-31 Thread David Drum
Quoth Arnt Karlsen:

> ..another one:  _Raid_ your mac for plib and report back.  ;-)

To report: for the last two weeks my attempts to compile FlightGear have
begun, each and every time, with an erase-and-install of Mac OS X 10.2.
In essence, I don't start with a "raid", but a "search and destroy".
In deference to your request, I have run the following command:
sudo find / -type f -name libplibssg.a -print
and found that file in the two places I expected to, my 0.9.1 install
directory, and my CVS install directory.

I'll be putting this aside for the weekend, but am certain to take it
up again on Monday.


David K. Drum

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Mac OS X: at a loss

2003-01-31 Thread David Drum
Quoth Darrell Walisser:

> I would guess 3 things at this point.
> 1. You have multiple versions of plib installed, possibly causing a new  
> header to be used with an older version of the library.

I can guarantee that this is not the case.  I have never installed plib
except in build-specific directories.  But thank you for the suggestion.

> 2. You need the latest version of PLIB from CVS.

Possible.  I will keep this in mind.

> 3. Maybe you forgot "sudo gcc select 2"

Perhaps.  I may/will try that out too.

> May I suggest that you try using my os x dev kit that I put together
> to streamline the build process (also included is a Project Builder
> project). Included are step-by-step instructions.

I will take a look at that.  Thanks.


David K. Drum

Flightgear-devel mailing list

[Flightgear-devel] Mac OS X: at a loss

2003-01-30 Thread David Drum
Hello everyone,

If you've not worked with FlightGear under Mac OS X, delete now.

OK, both of you that are left reading this, thanks.

I'll make a long story short: every attempt I have made to compile
FlightGear, whether 0.9.1 or from CVS, fails in the final link
in the same way: ld is unable to resolve the symbols gen_leaf and
ssgVtxTable::ssgVtxTable.  I have attempted the compile in every
permutation I can imagine, which is not a few.  More importantly,
I have attempted the compile on a fresh install of OS, etc. with as
little as possible installed.  Same error.  I can only conclude that I
am introducing the problem somewhere in the same way each time.

I am installing:
- Mac OS X 10.2.0 (minus all extra languages and applications)
- Mac OS X Update Combo 10.2.3
(at this point I change my shell to bash)
- Dec 2002 Dev Tools CD (plus BSD SDK)
- StuffIt STD 7.01 OS X Install
- Fink 0.5.0a
(at this point I add the Fink to my .bashrc, and source it)
- cvs-1.11.2.tar.gz (to support fink, installed via fink)
- dlcompat-20021117.tar.gz (to support fink, installed via fink)
- X4211src.tar.bz2 (via fink)
(everything below is installed in a work directory in my $HOME)
- plib-1.6.0.tar.gz
- metakit-2.4.3-33.tar.gz
- SimGear (via CVS)
- FlightGear (via CVS)

Here is the final link in the compile and resulting messages:

g++ -DPKGLIBDIR=\"/Users/david/FlightGear/FlightGear-20030103/lib/FlightGear\" -g -O1 
-finline-limit=6 -finline-functions -faltivec -D_REENTRANT  -L/sw/lib -L/usr/X11R6/lib 
-L/Users/david/FlightGear/FlightGear-20030103/lib -o fgfs  main.o fg_commands.o 
fg_init.o fg_io.o fg_props.o fgfs.o globals.o logger.o options.o splash.o util.o 
viewer.o viewmgr.o location.o ../../src/Aircraft/libAircraft.a ../../src/ATC/libATC.a 
../../src/Autopilot/libAutopilot.a ../../src/Cockpit/libCockpit.a 
../../src/Cockpit/built_in/libBuilt_in.a ../../src/Controls/libControls.a 
../../src/FDM/libFlight.a ../../src/FDM/Balloon/libBalloon.a 
../../src/FDM/ExternalNet/libExternalNet.a ../../src/FDM/JSBSim/libJSBSim.a 
../../src/FDM/YASim/libYASim.a ../../src/FDM/JSBSim/filtersjb/libfiltersjb.a 
../../src/FDM/LaRCsim/libLaRCsim.a ../../src/FDM/UIUCModel/libUIUCModel.a 
../../src/GUI/libGUI.a ../../src/Input/libInput.a 
../../src/Instrumentation/libInstrumentation.a ../../src/Model/libModel.a 
../../src/Navaids/libNavaids.a ../../src/Scenery/libScenery.a  
../../src/Sound/libSound.a ../../src/Airports/libAirports.a 
../../src/Network/libNetwork.a ../../src/NetworkOLK/libNetworkOLK.a 
../../src/Objects/libObjects.a ../../src/Systems/libSystems.a ../../src/Time/libTime.a 
../../src/Environment/libEnvironment.a -lsgroute -lsgsky -lsgephem -lsgtiming -lsgio 
-lsgscreen -lsgmath -lsgbucket -lsgdebug -lsgmagvar -lsgmisc -lsgxml -lsgserial 
-lsgthreads -lplibpu -lplibfnt -lplibjs -lplibnet -lplibssg -lplibsg -lplibul  -lmk4 
-lz -lpthread -lm  -framework GLUT -framework OpenGL -framework Carbon -lobjc -lplibsl 
-lplibsm -lm
ld: warning table of contents of library: ../../src/FDM/JSBSim/libJSBSim.a not sorted 
slower link editing will result (use the ranlib(1) -s option)
ld: Undefined symbols:
ssgVtxTable::ssgVtxTable[in-charge](unsigned, ssgVertexArray*, ssgNormalArray*, 
ssgTexCoordArray*, ssgColourArray*)
gen_leaf(std::basic_string, std::allocator > 
const&, unsigned long, std::basic_string, 
std::allocator > const&, std::vector > const&, 
std::vector > const&, std::vector > const&, std::vector > const&, 
std::vector > const&, std::vector > 
const&, bool, ssgVertexArray*)
make[2]: *** [fgfs] Error 1
make[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
make: *** [all-recursive] Error 1

Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.


David K. Drum

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] [Off-Topic] Aircraft updates in CVS

2003-01-09 Thread David Drum
Quoth Jon Stockill:

> On Thu, 9 Jan 2003, Andy Ross wrote:
> > Indeed, Lee rocks.  But seriously, someone needs to come to his home,
> > tie him down and teach him Blender so that we can get some colors on
> > these things.  And make him do something non-british while you're at
> > it. :)
> Non-British
> But we have some of the finest aircraft IN THE WORLD!
> :-)

Quoted from, "An Interview with the [Hot Air Balloon]
World Chamion David Bareford"::

8. Why is England so good at ballooning but fairly average at every other sport?

England has always been very good at aviation sports but because of
that they never publicise it in the national press. We have a another
tradition of inventing sports and beating the world until everyone else
learns to play it then we end up getting thrashed - we then move on to
inventing another sport.



David K. Drum

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] What's in the job jar?

2003-01-05 Thread David Drum
Quoth Michael Bonar:

> Hi David.  I get a Forbidden error when I try to reach that link.

Terribly sorry.  The link should have been

I turned on about every option available, and also built the graphical
class hierarchy.


David K. Drum

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] What's in the job jar?

2003-01-04 Thread David Drum
Quoth David Megginson:

> Luke Scharf writes:
>  > Where would I find documentation about code-layout of FGFS?  I did a
>  > quick scan of and I didn't see a document that looked
>  > like it addressed "this object does this and relates to the other
>  > objects like that" question.
> Come to think of it, that sounds like a worthy project.  There are
> snippits here and there (including under docs-mini in the source dir),
> but no big master document.

I ran FG-0.9.1 through Doxygen the other day.  It didn't croak, but it
didn't produce much, either.  I've put it up at
for anyone who is interested.


David K. Drum

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] 0.9.1 for Mac OS X

2002-12-13 Thread David Drum
Quoth Curtis L. Olson:

> If 0.9.1 is too much of a hassle to get running, please feel free to
> submit changes relative to current CVS, and we can do a 0.9.2 release
> and get a good Mac build for that.

I removed the clouds3d code per a post of Curt's, and changed the tests
in configure per a previous post of mine.  The final link and resulting
error message are below.  I haven't had any luck changing the order of
arguments to ld; if anyone can suggest an approach I would appreciate it.

I have checked src/Objects/libObjects.a and it contains obj.o, which
should contain gen_leaf.  Likewise with ssgVtxTable in plib.

g++ -DPKGLIBDIR=\"/Users/david/FlightGear/FlightGear-0.9.1/lib/FlightGear\" -g -O2  
-L/sw/lib -L/Users/david/FlightGear/FlightGear-0.9.1/lib -L/usr/X11R6/lib -o fgfs  
main.o fg_commands.o fg_init.o fg_io.o fg_props.o fgfs.o globals.o logger.o options.o 
splash.o util.o viewer.o viewmgr.o location.o ../../src/Aircraft/libAircraft.a 
../../src/ATC/libATC.a ../../src/Autopilot/libAutopilot.a 
../../src/Cockpit/libCockpit.a ../../src/Cockpit/built_in/libBuilt_in.a 
../../src/Controls/libControls.a ../../src/FDM/libFlight.a 
../../src/FDM/Balloon/libBalloon.a ../../src/FDM/ExternalNet/libExternalNet.a 
../../src/FDM/JSBSim/libJSBSim.a ../../src/FDM/YASim/libYASim.a 
../../src/FDM/JSBSim/filtersjb/libfiltersjb.a ../../src/FDM/LaRCsim/libLaRCsim.a 
../../src/FDM/UIUCModel/libUIUCModel.a ../../src/GUI/libGUI.a 
../../src/Input/libInput.a ../../src/Instrumentation/libInstrumentation.a 
../../src/Model/libModel.a ../../src/Navaids/libNavaids.a 
../../src/Scenery/libScenery.a ../../src/Sound/libSound.a 
../../src/Airports/libAirports.a ../../src/Network/libNetwork.a 
../../src/NetworkOLK/libNetworkOLK.a ../../src/Objects/libObjects.a 
../../src/Systems/libSystems.a ../../src/Time/libTime.a 
../../src/Environment/libEnvironment.a -lsgroute -lsgsky -lsgephem -lsgtiming -lsgio 
-lsgscreen -lsgmath -lsgbucket -lsgdebug -lsgmagvar -lsgmisc -lsgxml -lsgserial  
-lplibpu -lplibfnt -lplibjs -lplibnet -lplibssg -lplibsg -lplibul -lmk4 -lz -lXmu -lXt 
-lSM -lICE -lXi -lXext -lX11 -lpthread -lm  -framework OpenGL -framework GLUT -lobjc 
-lplibsl -lplibsm -framework Carbon -lm 
ld: Undefined symbols:
ssgVtxTable::ssgVtxTable[in-charge](unsigned, ssgVertexArray*, ssgNormalArray*, 
ssgTexCoordArray*, ssgColourArray*)
gen_leaf(std::basic_string, std::allocator > 
const&, unsigned long, std::basic_string, 
std::allocator > const&, std::vector > const&, 
std::vector > const&, std::vector > const&, std::vector > const&, 
std::vector > const&, std::vector > 
const&, bool, ssgVertexArray*)


David K. Drum

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Re: ld: Undefined symbols error linking fgfs 0.9.1

2002-12-11 Thread David Drum
Quoth Andy Ross:

> Some of the missing symbols (slScheduler et. al.) should be found in
> the Plib "sl" library, which for some reason doesn't appear on your
> linker command line.

The reason is that $HOSTTYPE is not "macintosh", it is "powerpc".
I checked 10.0.4 and 10.1 on a TiBook, and 10.2 on a G4 tower, and "uname
-p" reports "powerpc" in all three instances.  So I don't know where
the original value "macintosh" came from.  There are three instances of
'"$HOSTTYPE" = "macintosh"' in configure that need to be changed to
"powerpc".  See below.

I am getting to the final link again, but getting a much different error.

# less configure
# Check for audio support
echo "$as_me:$LINENO: checking for audio support" >&5
echo $ECHO_N "checking for audio support... $ECHO_C" >&6
if test -r /usr/include/soundcard.h \
-o -r /usr/include/linux/soundcard.h \
-o -r /usr/include/machine/soundcard.h \
-o -r /usr/include/audio.h \
-o "x$ac_cv_header_windows_h" = "xyes" \
-o "$HOSTTYPE" = "macintosh"; then

cat >>confdefs.h <<\_ACEOF

audio_LIBS="-lplibsl -lplibsm"
# ./configure
checking for audio support... no


David K. Drum

Flightgear-devel mailing list

[Flightgear-devel] Re: ld: Undefined symbols error linking fgfs 0.9.1

2002-12-06 Thread David Drum
I sent this to flightgear-users a couple days ago when 0.9.0 was out.
No response.  The same thing is happening now with 0.9.1, fresh compile
of plib, metakit, and simgear (0.3.1).  Still looking for help.  Thanks.

Quoth David Drum:

> I am compiling FG 0.9.1 on Mac OS X.  The final link fails, it appears
> I am missing one or more libraries, but I cannot find any reference
> to them in plib, metakit, simgear, flightgear, opengl, or glut.
> Could someone help me out?  Thanks.
> # 
> # /Users/david/FlightGear/FlightGear-0.9.1 contains all the required sources,
> # i.e. plib, metakit, simgear and flightgear, and is the value I passed to
> # --prefix when running ./configure during all compiles
> # 
> # /Users/david/FlightGear/FlightGear-0.9.1/FlightGear-0.9.1 is the actual
> # source tree
> # 
> # cwd = /Users/david/FlightGear/FlightGear-0.9.1/FlightGear-0.9.1/src/Main
> # 
> $ g++ -DPKGLIBDIR=\"/Users/david/FlightGear/FlightGear-0.9.1/lib/FlightGear\" -g -O2 
> -L/sw/lib -L/Users/david/FlightGear/FlightGear-0.9.1/lib -L/usr/X11R6/lib -o fgfs  
>main.o fg_commands.o fg_init.o fg_io.o fg_props.o fgfs.o globals.o logger.o options.o 
>splash.o util.o viewer.o viewmgr.o location.o ../../src/Aircraft/libAircraft.a 
>../../src/ATC/libATC.a ../../src/Autopilot/libAutopilot.a 
>../../src/Cockpit/libCockpit.a ../../src/Cockpit/built_in/libBuilt_in.a 
>../../src/Controls/libControls.a ../../src/FDM/libFlight.a 
>../../src/FDM/Balloon/libBalloon.a ../../src/FDM/ExternalNet/libExternalNet.a 
>../../src/FDM/JSBSim/libJSBSim.a ../../src/FDM/YASim/libYASim.a 
>../../src/FDM/JSBSim/filtersjb/libfiltersjb.a ../../src/FDM/LaRCsim/libLaRCsim.a 
>../../src/FDM/UIUCModel/libUIUCModel.a ../../src/GUI/libGUI.a 
>../../src/Input/libInput.a ../../src/Instrumentation/libInstrumentation.a 
>../../src/Model/libModel.a ../../src/Navaids/libNavaids.a 
>../../src/Scenery/libScenery.a ../../src/Sound/libSound.a 
>../../src/Airports/libAirports.a ../../src/Network/libNetwork.a 
>../../src/NetworkOLK/libNetworkOLK.a ../../src/Objects/libObjects.a 
>../../src/Systems/libSystems.a ../../src/Time/libTime.a 
>../../src/Environment/libEnvironment.a -lsgroute -lsgsky -lsgclouds3d -lsgephem 
>-lsgtiming -lsgio -lsgscreen -lsgmath -lsgbucket -lsgdebug -lsgmagvar -lsgmisc 
>-lsgxml -lsgserial  -lplibpu -lplibfnt -lplibjs -lplibnet -lplibssg -lplibsg -lplibul 
>-lmk4 -lz -lglut -lGLU -lGL -lXmu -lXt -lSM -lICE -lXi -lXext -lX11 -lpthread -lm   
> ld: warning suggest use of -bind_at_load, as lazy binding may result in errors or 
>different symbols being used
> symbol _ceilf used from dynamic library /usr/lib/libpthread.dylib(ceilfloor.o) not 
>from earlier dynamic library /usr/X11R6/lib/libGLU.1.dylib(mycode.o)
> symbol _floorf used from dynamic library /usr/lib/libpthread.dylib(ceilfloor.o) not 
>from earlier dynamic library /usr/X11R6/lib/libGLU.1.dylib(mycode.o)
> ld: Undefined symbols:
> _CPSEnableForegroundOperation
> _CPSGetCurrentProcess
> _CPSSetFrontProcess
> _CPSSetProcessName
> slScheduler::loopSample(slSample*, int, slPreemptMode, int, void (*)(slSample*, 
>slEvent, int))
> slScheduler::playSample(slSample*, int, slPreemptMode, int, void (*)(slSample*, 
>slEvent, int))
> slScheduler::realUpdate(int)
> slScheduler::stopSample(slSample*, int)
> slScheduler::pauseSample(slSample*, int)
> slScheduler::resumeSample(slSample*, int)
> slScheduler::setMaxConcurrent(int)
> slScheduler::addSampleEnvelope(slSample*, int, int, slEnvelope*, slEnvelopeType)
> slScheduler::init()
> slScheduler::~slScheduler [in-charge]()
> slDSP::open(char const*, int, int, int)
> slDSP::close()
> smMixer::smMixer[in-charge]()
> smMixer::~smMixer [in-charge]()
> slSample::loadFile(char const*)
> slSample::autoMatch(slDSP const*)
> ___slPendingError
> ssgVtxTable::ssgVtxTable[in-charge](unsigned, ssgVertexArray*, ssgNormalArray*, 
>ssgTexCoordArray*, ssgColourArray*)
> gen_leaf(std::basic_string, std::allocator > 
>const&, unsigned long, std::basic_string, 
>std::allocator > const&, std::vector > const&, 
>std::vector > const&, std::vectorstd::allocator > const&, std::vector > const&, 
>std::vector > const&, std::vector > 
>const&, bool, ssgVertexArray*)
> _CGLGetCurrentContext


David K. Drum

Flightgear-devel mailing list

[Flightgear-devel] Re: [Plib-devel] config.guess and config.sub

2002-12-04 Thread David Drum
Quoth Steve Baker:

> I'm suprised you needed to do that though - so long as the versions
> of those two files agree with the version of autocong that *I* used
> to build the 'configure' script, it shouldn't matter what versions of
> the auto* tools you have because you don't use them when you just run
> the configure script.
> You can always get the right versions of config.guess and config.sub
> by removing any old versions and running:
> automake --add-missing
> I do this when building the auto* stuff from scratch (eg after a CVS
> download):
> rm -f config.*
> aclocal
> automake --add-missing
> autoconf
> ./configure

Thank you for your quick reply.  I have to admit I am not an autoconf
expert.  I will try out what you suggest.  Below is what I saw, in case
you are interested.  After that is your method (note warnings about
"missing" script).

$ tar xzf plib-1.6.0.tar.gz 
$ cd plib-1.6.0
$ ./configure
creating cache ./config.cache
checking for a BSD compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c
checking whether build environment is sane... yes
checking whether make sets ${MAKE}... yes
checking for working aclocal... found
checking for working autoconf... found
checking for working automake... found
checking for working autoheader... found
checking for working makeinfo... found
includedir changed to ${prefix}/include/plib libdir is ${exec_prefix}/lib
checking for gcc... gcc
checking whether the C compiler (gcc  ) works... yes
checking whether the C compiler (gcc  ) is a cross-compiler... no
checking whether we are using GNU C... yes
checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes
checking how to run the C preprocessor... gcc -E -traditional-cpp
checking for c++... c++
checking whether the C++ compiler (c++  ) works... yes
checking whether the C++ compiler (c++  ) is a cross-compiler... no
checking whether we are using GNU C++... yes
checking whether c++ accepts -g... yes
checking how to run the C++ preprocessor... c++ -E
checking for a BSD compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c
checking for ranlib... ranlib
checking host system type... configure: error: can not guess host type; you must 
specify one
$ cp ~/tmp/autoconf-2.57/config/config.guess .
$ ./configure
loading cache ./config.cache
checking for a BSD compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c
checking whether build environment is sane... yes
checking whether make sets ${MAKE}... yes
checking for working aclocal... found
checking for working autoconf... found
checking for working automake... found
checking for working autoheader... found
checking for working makeinfo... found
includedir changed to ${prefix}/include/plib libdir is ${exec_prefix}/lib
checking for gcc... gcc
checking whether the C compiler (gcc  ) works... yes
checking whether the C compiler (gcc  ) is a cross-compiler... no
checking whether we are using GNU C... yes
checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes
checking how to run the C preprocessor... gcc -E -traditional-cpp
checking for c++... c++
checking whether the C++ compiler (c++  ) works... yes
checking whether the C++ compiler (c++  ) is a cross-compiler... no
checking whether we are using GNU C++... yes
checking whether c++ accepts -g... yes
checking how to run the C++ preprocessor... c++ -E
checking for a BSD compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c
checking for ranlib... ranlib
checking host system type... Invalid configuration `powerpc-apple-darwin6.2': system 
`darwin6.2' not recognized
checking for X... libraries /usr/X11R6/lib, headers /usr/X11R6/include
checking for dnet_ntoa in -ldnet... no
checking for dnet_ntoa in -ldnet_stub... no
checking for gethostbyname... yes
checking for connect... yes
checking for remove... yes
checking for shmat... yes
checking for IceConnectionNumber in -lICE... yes
checking for glNewList in -lGL... yes
checking for gluLookAt in -lGLU... yes
checking for glutGetModifiers in -lfreeglut... no
checking for glutGetModifiers in -lglut... no
configure: error: could not find working GLUT library
$ cp ~/tmp/autoconf-2.57/config/config.sub .
$ ./configure
loading cache ./config.cache
checking for a BSD compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c
checking whether build environment is sane... yes
checking whether make sets ${MAKE}... yes
checking for working aclocal... found
checking for working autoconf... found
checking for working automake... found
checking for working autoheader... found
checking for working makeinfo... found
includedir changed to ${prefix}/include/plib libdir is ${exec_prefix}/lib
checking for gcc... gcc
checking whether the C compiler (gcc  ) works... yes
checking whether the C compiler (gcc  ) is a cross-compiler... no
checking whether we are using GNU C... yes
checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes
checking how to run the C preprocessor... gcc -E -traditional-cpp
checking for c++... c++
checking whether the C++ compiler (c++  ) works... yes
checking whether the C++ compiler (c++  ) is a cross-compiler... no
checking whether we are using GNU C++... yes

[Flightgear-devel] config.guess and config.sub

2002-12-04 Thread David Drum
Hello developers,

I am building plib on Mac OS X for use with FlightGear.  The version of
autoconf included with plib-1.6.0 is very old.  Regardless of your plans
to update it, I would like you to know that I was able to get plib to
configure and make successfully (not yet tested) on Mac OS X by copying
config.guess and config.sub from autoconf-2.57.


David K. Drum

Flightgear-devel mailing list