Re: FLUXLIST: limits on.....BOX 2 / cdr

2003-01-09 Thread NeaL Johnson

To all and sundry,

yeah, I'm interested in doing audio and some
images too. what is the formal process for this 


FLUXLIST: Fluxus Codex remaindered...

2002-12-02 Thread NeaL Johnson


Don't know if this is old news or new news
or good news, but...

I was at Moe's in Berkeley on Saturday and
they had Fluxus Codex remaindered at
$48 plus the new Fluxus Experience book.
My wallet came in handy.


Re: FLUXLIST: The Big Topics

2001-03-21 Thread NeaL Johnson

what about 


blah blah blah


Re: FLUXLIST: ...lost for words

2001-02-23 Thread NeaL Johnson





Re: FLUXLIST: Fluxlist WAP Gallery update

2001-01-29 Thread NeaL Johnson

Check out 

for today 01/29/01

for an interesting look at the whole WAP

Suck? no, not a porn site, a five year
running look at media, culture, politics,
dot com dudes, relationships in the now
21st century, fish, angst, and loads of other fun
stuff. My certain daily read for almost 5 years.


FLUXLIST: Markov Chainy responds: Verbus Randomus Probablitus

2001-01-23 Thread NeaL Johnson

Limp seat light an chain dump
my natter flabby scum pond 
ripples moon's sore,  
scatter where, raft rear,  
hall in flate dim whimper utter grill 
sack sluffed beneath lunch fume 
breathe in flate dim whimper utter grill 
sack sluffed beneath lunch fume 
breathe in air pomme mob dump 
my natter flabby scum pond 
ripples moon's sore,  
was yr offal,  
napkins in side yr offal,  
leave against yr shorts.  

Make a c lang sore stomping 
was yr water fast in flate 
dim whimper utter grill sack sluffed 
beneath lunch fume breathe in air?  
Nab sang,  echo save R raft rear,  cleaves.  

Comb eyes sc rape that hair,  
hall in window out.  
Make a c lang sore,  
flatter hair yr shorts.  
Ease clump seethe more spoons than.  
I caga you couch hunched 
sizz led throat plume vast 
in a c lang sore stomping was yr meat.

2nd try through my markov chain text


Re: FLUXLIST: Does anyone have a copy of this? ERNST!!

2000-06-07 Thread NeaL Johnson

Dover has published this book and it is usually available quite
readily. Hey, the Dover bookstore in NYC has it. I have
it but won't be back until Friday to see what's up.


FLUXLIST: Abe Lincoln Speaks.... and Lao Tzu

2000-05-18 Thread NeaL Johnson

Four score and that that nation,  testing whether that war,  by the unfinished work 
which they did here gave their lives that cause for which they who fought here gave 
the last full measure of freedom,  living and dedicated to be dedicated can long 
endure.  It can long remember what we cannot dedicate,  but in a new nation so 
conceived and so conceived in vain,  by the world will little note nor long endure.  
The living and dedicated can long remember what they did here dedicated to be here 
dedicated to add or detract.  But in liberty and dedicated can never forget what they 
did here highly resolve that that government of devotion that government of the great 
battlefield of devotion that that this.  Now we take increased devotion that that that 
these honored dead who struggled here have come to the world will little note nor long 
endure.  We here to the earth.  Now we here highly resolve that from the living and 
dedicated here highly resolve that government of the great task r!
emaining before us to be dedicated to that field as a new nation,  and dedicated can 
long endure.  Now we say here to the living rather for which they who struggled here 
to add or any nation or detract.  Now we should do this nation,  living and dead who 
here to dedicate a new birth of the last full measure of devotion that this ground.  
Now we here highly resolve that nation under God shall not perish from the proposition 
that government of devotion to the proposition that all men are created equal.  It far 
so nobly advanced.  But it is rather to that we say here,  and so dedicated to be 
dedicated to the world will little note nor long remember what they gave the earth.  
Now we have thus far so conceived and dead who fought here have consecrated it can 
never forget what we cannot consecrate,  testing whether that war,  we are created 
equal.  Now we here dedicated here to add or any nation might live. 


Ok... not found text. I've been playing with a little "Markov" machine, my own 
construction, that
basically analyzes a text building a table of words, and their successors. It then 
goes through and
starting with the first word, picks a successor from one to many in a random way, and 
picks a successor of that word, and repeats for x number of times. Sort of rearranges 
a text
producing something a little more non sequitor, mostly grammatically correct, and 
quite interesting. If you run pieces of the Tao te Ching through it , it almost sounds 


The idea of skill is;  but as development takes place,  it is the Mystery.  Where the 
Originator of all that can be,  its deep mystery we must be trodden is really the 
beauty of as having no name,  If desire we would sound;  but as development takes 
place,  it receives the Originator of skill of all in doing this they all in the 
beautiful,  it is really the Mystery we must be,  it receives the idea of the Mystery. 
 Where the Tao.  Together we must be found,  and unchanging Tao. The idea of heaven 
and wonderful.  Conceived of what the Mystery is really the beautiful,  its outer 
fringe is all that is not the Mystery. The name,  its deep mystery we shall see. 


I love to work with randomly generated text. I have a much more elaborate machine that 
takes in
phrase structure grammars of a sort and generates text from them. I have  quite a 
large database of
words that it pulls from. Here is an example of Immanual Kant:

For anyone but the leprous person, the radical conditions of possibility, on the other 
hand, are the hints to the discovery of the concerns.  The quintessences can never, as 
a whole, furnish a deadheaded science; however, the indications of impossible 
rationalism (and what we have alone been able to show is that this is true, in the 
best of all possible worlds) are a discerning metaphor for the discipline of psychotic 
reason.  In natural theology, the impractical negation of the intelligible 
unintelligibility of the existential irresoluteness of logical methodology (and we can 
deduce that this is so true) proves the validity of an exhibition of the ambiguity of 
the critical intentionality of the persistence of the formal phenomena of the 
rationalism of the preservation of the theoretical transcendence of time.  The 
universal of authentic existence is a weak metaphor for the context, by reductio ad 
absurdum.  These spoony inductions are a representation of the statements about !
the neverending regress in the series of scatterbrained empirical conditions. 


It also produces some insanely complicated and quite rude insults!

Oh, some people may feel that the Kant stuff actually makes sense.

This sort of short circuits the translator text mangling!!

My goal is to have a machine that can generate fairly generalized English text. 
This is truly automatic writing...


FLUXLIST: Catalog info: Daniel Spoerri: May 11, NYC

2000-05-12 Thread NeaL Johnson

I talked to gallery.
Woman didn't know me.
She say come to gallery see book.
I say, I in San Francisco.
She say order book.
Book real keen.
The pictures are photos. Can see things.
She say send check for $11.50.
She send book.
But she no have books until next week.
She say that is special price!
The address is:
Emily Harvey Gallery
537 Broadway
NYC, NY 10012

You talk to lady: 212-925-7651

Oh boy!

This is not a Spoerrious message!!!


FLUXLIST: London Activities

2000-05-09 Thread NeaL Johnson

ok... if you are not an M.D. you need to write a letter to the curator of
the Hunterian Museum at the Royal College of Surgeons, requesting
an entry ticket to see the museum. Sound serious and knowledgeable
about medicine and anatomy, be sincere, and maybe you'll get in.
It's fascinating... At the museum, ask about the surgical theater, now
museum, which I think is in Southwark. They were busy remodeling this
building, burst through a wall and found it. Hadn't been seen, heard of,
or used in a very long time. Now a museum to show what entertainment
was like back in the good ol' days before anesthesia.

The other place is nearby, and since I don't have my books here and
I am not about to go internetting to look it up, I will venture to say
it's the Sloan Museum (I do know it starts with an "s".) Amazing...
This guy was an architect back in 1800's or so who collected loads
of things. His house is the museum, like a maze with all sorts of
things everywhere. He also has a whole set of Hogarth's on hinges in
this small room. He willed his house and stuff to the city to be a museum.

Other fave things:

Hall of Meat at Harrod's (mosaics)
End of the World pub way out west at end of King's Road
the fact of the existence of Good English Ales, and Porters
the availability of non-English food
Foyle's to experience huge bookstore with weird system for shelving books
 (by publisher in some sections)
Minding the Gap!! - my favorite, if you could record the guy saying it, I would 
love to
  have a copy!
Speaker's Corner in Hyde park - ideal location for Fluxus shenanigans both as
 speaker and as audience (the hecklers are wonderful)
the fact that you have the rest of Britain at your doorstep

there is way more and I am getting jealous and sad thinking about London.


FLUXLIST: Crabby Appleton

2000-04-25 Thread NeaL Johnson

Yes, I remember Crabby Appleton. "He was rotten to the core."
Can I sit down now?
