Re: [fpc-pascal] Floating point question

2024-02-13 Thread Bernd Oppolzer via fpc-pascal

My opinions about the solutions below ...

Am 13.02.2024 um 12:07 schrieb Thomas Kurz via fpc-pascal:

But, sorry, because we are talking about compile time math, performance 
(nanoseconds) in this case doesn't count, IMO.

That's what i thought at first, too. But then I started thinking about how to 
deal with it and sumbled upon difficulties very soon:

a) 8427.0 + 33.0 / 1440.0
An easy case: all constants, so do the calculation at highest precision and 
reduce it afterwards, if possible.

I agree; I would say:
all constants, so do the calculation at highest precision and reduce it 
afterwards, if required by the target

b) var_single + 33.0 / 1440.0
Should also be feasable by evaluating the constant expression first, then 
reducing it to single (if possible) and adding the variable in the end.
yes ... first evaluate the constant expression with maximum precision 
(best at compile time), then reduce the result.
The reduction to single must be done in any case, because the var_single 
in the expression dictates it, IMO

c) 8427.0 + var_double / 1440.0
Because of using the double-type variable here, constants should be treated as 
double even at the cost of performance due to not knowing whether the result 
will be assigned to a single or double.


d) 8427.0 + var_single / 1440.0
And this is the one I got to struggle with. And I can imagine this is the 
reason for the decision about how to handle decimal constants.
My first approach would have been to implicitly use single precision values throughout 
the expression. This would mean to lose precision if the result will be assigned to a 
double-precision variable. One could say: "bad luck - if the programmer intended to 
get better precision, he should have used a double-precision variable as in case c". 
But this wouldn't be any better than the current state we have now.

8427.0 + (var_single / 1440.0)

the 1440.0 can be reduced to single, because the other operand is single
and so the whole operation is done using single arithmetic.

If here we had a FP constant instead of var_single, the whole operation 
IMO should be done
with maximum precision and at compile time in the best case. I have no 
problem that this
operation may give a different result with decimal constants than with 
explicitly typed
(reduced) FP variables. This can be easily explained to the users. 
Operations involving
FP variables with reduced precision may give reduced precision results. 
This seems to
be desirable for performance reasons and can be avoided by appropriate 
type casting.
fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Floating point question

2024-02-13 Thread James Richters via fpc-pascal
Ok, maybe this example will prove why it's not happening correctly:

program Const_Vs_Var;

   A_const = Integer(8427);
   B_const = Byte(33);
   C_const = Single(1440.5);
   Win_Calc = 16854.045817424505380076362374176;
   Const_Ans = 16854.045817424505380076362374176 / (8427 + 33 / 1440.5);
   A_Var : Integer;
   B_Var : Byte;
   C_Var : Single;
   Const_Ans1, Var_Ans1 : Extended;

   A_Var := A_Const;
   B_Var := B_Const;
   C_Var := C_Const;

   Var_Ans1   := Win_Calc / (A_Var+B_Var/C_Var);
   Const_Ans1 := Win_Calc / (A_Const+B_Const/C_Const);

   WRITELN ( '  Const_Ans = ',  Const_Ans:20:20);
   WRITELN ( ' Const_Ans1 = ', Const_Ans1:20:20);
   WRITELN ( '   Var_Ans1 = ',   Var_Ans1:20:20);

The result is:
  Const_Ans = 2.0010627116630224
 Const_Ans1 = 2.0010627116630224
   Var_Ans1 = 2.

Now you can see, if the math was done the same as the way math is done for
variables, we could have stored the constants as Byte(2).   But because the
math is being carried out after the reduction in precision we are left with
storing this as extended. 

If the result of all the math can be reduced, or if there is no math, then
it's great to reduce precision, but if the reduction in precision happens
before the math, you can end up with the opposite of what you intended.
Sure the compiler is working with faster math, but who cares what the
compiler has to do, now we're going to be stuck with a program using
extended(2.0010627116630224) for any calculations that use Const_Ans
instead of byte(2);  if Const_Ans is used in some kind of iterative process,
it the program could be using this extended millions of times when it could
have been using a byte.

Notice when I do the EXACT same math with variables, it DOES give me a
result of 2, and THAT can be reduced.

If the answer after all the math can be reduced, it should be reduced, if it
can't be, then it should not be.

Math with constants should be the same as math with variables.

I'm trying to show there doesn't need to be a trade off at all, the math
with constants just needs to be done correctly... as in the exact same way
math with variables is done.

What has happened is the math with constants was written and tested with the
assumption that all constants would be full precision, because it was
impossible for constants to be anything other than full precision, but now
that is no longer the case and the math with constants isn't working
correctly anymore.  Either the math needs to happen before the reduction in
precision or the math needs to be fixed so it works the same as math with
variables, either way there won't need to be a trade off and everything will
work the way everyone wants it to.. performance when possible and precision
when needed.


fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Floating point question

2024-02-13 Thread James Richters via fpc-pascal
>As Jonas said, this would result in less efficient code, since all the math
will then be done at full precision, which is slower.
I don't think I'm explaining it well,  I'm saying where there is an entire
formula that the compiler needs to evaluate, what's happening now, is that
each term is being reduced in precision first, Then the math happens, and
the result it stored.  
If instead the compiler did all the math first, THEN ran the function that
determines if the entire answer should be reduced in precision, then the
math would work correctly. 

But we don't care how long it takes to do the math during the compile, the
constants are only compiled once and stored in the executable.   The reason
to do all this is to make the executing program that ends up using the
constants over and over many times more efficient, the speed of the
compilation is irrelevant.

>As usual, it is a trade-off between size (=precision) and speed.
I agree with that, but only in the executing program, not the compiler.  


fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Floating point question

2024-02-13 Thread Thomas Kurz via fpc-pascal
> But, sorry, because we are talking about compile time math, performance 
(nanoseconds) in this case doesn't count, IMO.

That's what i thought at first, too. But then I started thinking about how to 
deal with it and sumbled upon difficulties very soon:

a) 8427.0 + 33.0 / 1440.0
An easy case: all constants, so do the calculation at highest precision and 
reduce it afterwards, if possible.

b) var_single + 33.0 / 1440.0
Should also be feasable by evaluating the constant expression first, then 
reducing it to single (if possible) and adding the variable in the end.

c) 8427.0 + var_double / 1440.0
Because of using the double-type variable here, constants should be treated as 
double even at the cost of performance due to not knowing whether the result 
will be assigned to a single or double.

d) 8427.0 + var_single / 1440.0
And this is the one I got to struggle with. And I can imagine this is the 
reason for the decision about how to handle decimal constants.
My first approach would have been to implicitly use single precision values 
throughout the expression. This would mean to lose precision if the result will 
be assigned to a double-precision variable. One could say: "bad luck - if the 
programmer intended to get better precision, he should have used a 
double-precision variable as in case c". But this wouldn't be any better than 
the current state we have now.

Overall, I must admit that the choice ain't easy at all.

In this situation, it might be a good choice to ask "what would other languages 
do here?". As far as I know about C, it treats constants as double-precision by 
default. You have to write "1.0f" if you explicitly want single precision.
But I think it's too late for introducing yet another change. Imho, the correct 
decision at FPC v2.2 would have been to keep the previous behavior and instruct 
those concering performance to use "{$MINFPCONSTPREC 32}" (or using the "1.0f" 
notation) instead of requiring everyone to use "{$MINFPCONSTPREC 64}" to keep 
compatibility with previous releases.


fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Floating point question

2024-02-13 Thread Marco van de Voort via fpc-pascal

Op 13-2-2024 om 11:39 schreef Bernd Oppolzer via fpc-pascal:

But, sorry, because we are talking about compile time math, 
performance (nanoseconds) in this case doesn't count, IMO.

But probably compiled code is then automatically upscaled to the higher 
type too, since if one of the terms of an expression is of higher 
precision, then the whole expression is.

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Floating point question

2024-02-13 Thread Bernd Oppolzer via fpc-pascal

Am 13.02.2024 um 10:54 schrieb Michael Van Canneyt via fpc-pascal:

On Tue, 13 Feb 2024, James Richters via fpc-pascal wrote:

Sorry for the kind of duplicate post, I submitted it yesterday 
morning and I

thought it failed, so I re-did it and tried again.. then after that the
original one showed up.

A thought occurred to me.   Since the complier math is expecting all the
constants would be in full precision, then the compiler math doesn't 
need to

change, it's just that the reduction in precision is just happening too
soon.  It's evaluating and reducing each term of an expression, then the
math is happening, and the answer is not coming out right.

If instead everything was left full precision until after the 
compiler math
(because this is what the compiler math expects), and then the final 
was reduced in precision where possible, then it would work 
flawlessly.  So

the reduction in precision function only needs to run once on the final
answer, not on every term before the calculation.

As Jonas said, this would result in less efficient code, since all the 
math will then be done at full precision, which is slower.

As usual, it is a trade-off between size (=precision) and speed.


But, sorry, because we are talking about compile time math, performance 
(nanoseconds) in this case doesn't count, IMO.

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Floating point question

2024-02-13 Thread Michael Van Canneyt via fpc-pascal

On Tue, 13 Feb 2024, James Richters via fpc-pascal wrote:

Sorry for the kind of duplicate post, I submitted it yesterday morning and I
thought it failed, so I re-did it and tried again.. then after that the
original one showed up.

A thought occurred to me.   Since the complier math is expecting all the
constants would be in full precision, then the compiler math doesn't need to
change, it's just that the reduction in precision is just happening too
soon.  It's evaluating and reducing each term of an expression, then the
math is happening, and the answer is not coming out right.

If instead everything was left full precision until after the compiler math
(because this is what the compiler math expects), and then the final answer
was reduced in precision where possible, then it would work flawlessly.  So
the reduction in precision function only needs to run once on the final
answer, not on every term before the calculation.

As Jonas said, this would result in less efficient code, since all the math 
will then be done at full precision, which is slower.

As usual, it is a trade-off between size (=precision) and speed.

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Floating point question

2024-02-13 Thread James Richters via fpc-pascal
Sorry for the kind of duplicate post, I submitted it yesterday morning and I
thought it failed, so I re-did it and tried again.. then after that the
original one showed up.  
A thought occurred to me.   Since the complier math is expecting all the
constants would be in full precision, then the compiler math doesn't need to
change, it's just that the reduction in precision is just happening too
soon.  It's evaluating and reducing each term of an expression, then the
math is happening, and the answer is not coming out right.
If instead everything was left full precision until after the compiler math
(because this is what the compiler math expects), and then the final answer
was reduced in precision where possible, then it would work flawlessly.  So
the reduction in precision function only needs to run once on the final
answer, not on every term before the calculation. 
Sorry again for the duplicate.   
fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Floating point question

2024-02-13 Thread James Richters via fpc-pascal
>>Overall, the intermediate float precision is a very difficult topic.
I agree it's a difficult topic, it all comes down to what your program is
doing, and whether you need performance or precision.
>>And generate the slowest code possible on most platforms.
I can appreciate the need to reduce precision where it's possible for the
sake of performance, especially when it won't make any difference.
What makes it difficult is there are many different reasons for wanting it
one way, or the other, it depends on the purpose of the program, and the
compiler has no way to know what the purpose is.   
It occurs to me that one could want part of a program to be optimized for
performance and another part of the same program to be optimized for
precision, for example if you are doing calculations to generate geometry,
and also want to display the geometry on the screen, the data you write out
to a file you would want maximum precision, but since what you will display
on the screen will eventually become only integer values of pixels you want
to do that math as fast as possible, especially if you want to pan / zoom /
rotate, and even though what the screen data is based on might be double
precision or more, I can see how reducing its precision as fast as possible
would be beneficial to increase performance. 
So I’m trying to learn something, I agree it would be better have
performance where it’s possible and precision when needed.  But I just don't
understand what is going on.   I'm not trying to say that this reduction in
precision should not be done, I'm understanding the value in it.  I’m trying
to figure out why the math done with constants where the compiler is doing
the math is not the same as when the program does with math with variables.
If the solution is to typecast where needed to get the desired results, they
why isn’t it working the way I expect it to?
Below is a sample program, I’m not trying to make everything extended, in
fact quite the opposite, there is no need for the input constants /
variables to be Extended because they all fit perfectly in smaller data
types, so I put them all into smaller datatypes as an example.  I am
defining constants explicitly and defining variables the exact same way, so
I’m comparing apples to apples here, I have A as always an Integer, B as
always a Byte, and C as always a single, with a value the fits in a single. 
My goal is to add the integer to a byte that’s been divided by a single and
get the result in Extended.  When I do this with the variables, everything
is as I expected, when I do this with constants, it’s not as I expect.
This is what I don’t understand, and if this worked as expected then I think
everyone is happy.What ever is happening for it to work correctly during
program execution should also be happening when the compiler does the math.
The problem isn’t that the constants got stored in lower precision it’s that
they are somehow forcing the result of the calculation to also be at the
lower precision and not re-evaluated after the math.  It’s completely
legitimate to divide a low precision number by a low precision number and
get a high precision result, it works with Variables, why doesn’t it work
with Constants?
I suspect that what’s happened is that there is something missing in the way
the compiler does math, something that is not needed if it was always done
at maximum precision, but that is needed with mixed precision.   It’s not
that the fact that the constants were reduced in precision, it’s something
to do with the way the math is done with constants of reduced precision that
isn’t being accounted for, and that is not necessary if calculating with
full precision.   It’s not that the changes in 2.2 are the problem at all,
it’s that something else needed to be done at the same time that was missed.
The only way I can get the correct result when using constants is to re-cast
ALL of them as extended, not just the ones involving division, and not the
entire formula, but every single constant.   This is what I don’t
>>The evaluation of the expression on the right of := does not know (and
should not know) what the type is of the expression on the left.
Why can’t the compiler do tall the math at full precision and then evaluate
only the result to see if that can be stored in a lower precision.  If the
expression on the right cannot and should not know the type on the left,
then there is a good possibility that it’s a high precision data type, and
then there should be some provision to safeguard against data loss if the
type is of high precision. 
Why doesn’t this work?JJ := Extended(A_Const+B_Const/C_Const); It
requires no knowledge of what is on the left.
Why can’t the math be done with high precision and the result be reduced to
the smallest datatype,  Math with low precision data types often results in
high precision results. 
If I want to have a mixed program with portions in high precision and

Re: [fpc-pascal] Floating point question

2024-02-13 Thread James Richters via fpc-pascal
It occurs to me that there is merit in reduction of precision to increase
performance, and so I'm trying to learn how to do this correctly, but the
thing that confuses me is that math with constants doesn't seem to be the
same as math with variables, and I don't know why.

It also looks to me like when there is an expression such as:
e := 8427.0 + 33.0 / 1440.0;
what is happening each term of the  expression is evaluated individually to
see if it can be reduced in precision, and then the math is carried out, but
if the math was carried out at full precision first by the compiler, THEN
the entire answer was evaluated to see if it can be reduced in precision,
the results would be what we are all expecting. 

Regardless of that however, when I am working with variables, an integer
added to a byte that has been divided by a single results in an's legitimate to expect you could get an extended result from
such an operation, just as dividing a byte by another byte could result in
an extended answer.  With variables, this seems to always be the case, but
with constants, it does not seems to be the case.  If constants just did the
math the same as variables, then all this reduction in precision stuff would
work flawlessly for everyone without re-casting everything.

Please consider the code below, I am comparing the results to what I get
when I perform this math with the Windows Calculator, as you can see no
matter how I cast it, when using variables, I get the expected answer, but
when the compiler does the math, it's not working the same way. 
What seems to be happening with variables is that the answer to lower
precision entities can result in higher precision results, while with
constants, the resulting precision is limited in some way, but in a way I
don't understand, because it's being reduced to single precision, but the
lowest precision element is a byte.

In other words with variables a byte / single is perfectly capable of
producing an extended result, without re-casting.  But with constants doing
the exact same thing forces the result to always be a single.

I don't think the real issue has anything to do with this reduction in
precision at all, I think it has to do with whatever causes the compiler to
do math differently than the executing program does with variables.  I don't
understand why I must individually re-cast every element of the equation
using constants to extended, while when I do the exact same thing with
variables it's not necessary. 

I am wondering if the way the compiler does the math, it's is expecting that
all constants would be full precision, and therefore the way it did the math
before always came out right, but when the change was made in 2.2 to reduce
the precision to variables, no corresponding adjustment was made to the way
the compiler carries out math to compensate for the possibility that there
was such a thing as a constant with reduced precision.   So the compiler is
doing math as if all input terms are at highest precision, therefore not
needing to bother considering the answer might be higher precision than the
input terms, but now that there is the possibility of the result being of
higher precision, some adjustment to the way math is done by the compiler is

I just think if the compiler did all the math the same way the executing
program does with math with variables, then everything is solved for
everyone... without any re-casting or unexpected results due to division,
and while also preventing unnecessary precision.  this has nothing to do
with the reduction of precision, only the way the compiler is doing it's
calculations needs to be adjusted for this new situation.

Just fixing the way the compiler does the math also requires no knowledge of
the left side of the equation by the right.  The compiler just needs to do
the calculations the same way as variables are calculated with the extra
step of re-evaluating to see if the precision can be reduced when it's done.


program Const_Vs_Var;

   A_const = Integer(8427);
   B_const = Byte(33);
   C_const = Single(1440.5);
   Win_Calc = 8427.0229087122526900381811870878;
   Const_Ans = A_Const+B_Const/C_Const;

   A_Var : Integer;
   B_Var : Byte;
   C_Var : Single;
   Const_Ans1, Const_Ans2, Const_Ans3, Var_Ans1, Var_Ans2, Var_Ans3 :

   A_Var := A_Const;
   B_Var := B_Const;
   C_Var := C_Const;

   Var_Ans1   := A_Var+B_Var/C_Var;
   Const_Ans1 := A_Const+B_Const/C_Const;
   Var_Ans2   := Integer(A_Var)+Byte(B_Var)/Single(C_Var);
   Const_Ans2 := Integer(A_Const)+Byte(B_Const)/Single(C_Const);
   Var_Ans3   := Extended(A_Var)+Extended(B_Var)/Extended(C_Var);
   Const_Ans3 := Extended(A_Const)+Extended(B_Const)/Extended(C_Const);

   WRITELN ( '   Win_Calc = ',   Win_Calc:20:20) ;
   WRITELN ( '  Const_Ans = ',  Const_Ans:20:20 ,'  Win_Calc-Const_Ans =
',Win_Calc-Const_Ans:20:20) ;
   WRITELN ( ' Const_Ans1 = ', Const_Ans1:20:20 ,' Win_Calc-Const_Ans1 =

Re: [fpc-pascal] Floating point question

2024-02-13 Thread Bernd Oppolzer via fpc-pascal

In this example below, the performance argument does not count IMO,
because the complete computation can be done at compile time.

That's why IMO in all 3 cases the values on the right side should be 
computed with
maximum precision (of course independent of the left side), and in an 
ideal world

it should be done at compile time. But if not: anyway with max precision.
Tagging the FP constants with FP attributes like single, double and 
extended and
then doing arithmetic on them which leads to MATHEMATICAL results which 
are unexpected
is IMO wrong and would not be accepted in most other programming 
languages or compilers.

This is NOT about variables ... they have attributes and there you can 
explain all sort of
strange behaviour. It's about CONSTANT EXPRESSIONS (which can and should 
be evaluated
at compile time, and the result should be the same, no matter if the 
evaluation is done at

compile time or not).

That said:

if you have arithmetic involving a single variable and a FP constant, say

x + 1440.0

you don't need to handle this as an extended arithmetic IMO, if you 
accept my statement above.
You can treat the 1440.0 as a single constant in this case, if you wish. 
It's all about context ...

Kind regards


Am 12.02.2024 um 10:44 schrieb Thomas Kurz via fpc-pascal:

I wouldn't say so. Or at least, not generally. Why can't the compiler do what 
the programer intends to do:

   s: single;
   d: double;
   e: extended;

   s := 8427.0 + 33.0 / 1440.0; // treat all constants all "single"
   d := 8427.0 + 33.0 / 1440.0; // treat all constants all "double"
   e := 8427.0 + 33.0 / 1440.0; // treat all constants all "extended"

Shouldn't this satisfy all the needs? Those caring for precision will work with 
double precision and don't have to take care for a loss in precision. Those 
caring for speed can use the single precision type and be sure that no costly 
conversion to double or extended will take place.

- Original Message -
From: Jonas Maebe via fpc-pascal 
Sent: Sunday, February 11, 2024, 23:29:42
Subject: [fpc-pascal] Floating point question

On 11/02/2024 23:21, Bernd Oppolzer via fpc-pascal wrote:

and this would IMHO be the solution which is the easiest to document and
maybe to implement
and which would satisfy the users.

And generate the slowest code possible on most platforms.

fpc-pascal maillist  -

fpc-pascal maillist  -

fpc-pascal maillist  -