Re: [Freedos-user] writing a loadable block driver for 4k-sector drive (Questions)

2012-02-21 Thread Bret Johnson
> Unless of course DOS refuses to use (old?) drivers which do not
> advertise these functions. Someone knows ?

I find that a minimalistic approach almost always leads to problems and 
compatibility issues.  Even if you think a function/feature/API may not be 
needed, it's still better to put it in.

>> IOW, you should still check the max sector size in the DOS List of
>> Lists before you install yourself to make sure it's 512 bytes, and
>> should refuse to install yourself if it's already 4096.
> Uh, here I'm confused, not following any more, please elaborate your
> point. Assuming we've loaded  USBASPI.SYS [which provides ector
> access to the external disk using "SCSI" commands], my hypothetical
> driver wishes to support one or more FAT partitions on that external
> disk.

It depends on exactly what your driver does.  It sounds like you're intending 
to essentially make a replacement for DI1000DD.SYS.  If so, you're going to 
need to "coordinate" your installation with DD1000DD.SYS, in case the user 
tries to install both at the same time.  Whether you abort your installation or 
not depends on whether DI1000DD.SYS is already installed, whether it supports 
4k sectors or not (I have no idea), whether there are any disks with 4k sectors 
actually plugged in or not, and whether or not the DOS kernel natively supports 
4k sectors.  You don't want to install if DI1000D.SYS is already installed and 
can already "handle" everything.  I (and you, apparently) are assuming that 
USBASPI.SYS supports 4k sectors, but I would actually verify that before I went 
very far.

If, however, you're going to do what Christian (and maybe Eric?) was thinking 
and essentially install a "shim" between DI1000DD.SYS and the kernel, things 
are a little different.  Such a shim could work even on non-ASPI disks (such as 
those provided by Georg's or my USB drivers), but should abort installation if 
the kernel natively supports 4k sectors.  In this scenario, there's also the 
potential issue of hot-pluggable disks (which are supported by my USB drivers, 
but I don't think are supported by USBASPI or Georg).

> Do you mean to say "non-IBM" ? UIAM again, the "IBM" (should be
> called "MS") formats are the usual FAT disks. IOW "non-IBM" is when
> attribute bit 13 = 1.

No, it's the other way around.  If bit 13 is set, it means "IBM Format", but 
that doesn't equate to "MS".  Here's a quote from an old book I have, "DOS 
Programmer's Reference", 2nd Edition, by Que, which gives the practical 
explanation of what the bit means, specifically regarding function 2, "Build 

"A one sector buffer is passed to this routine.  If the non-IBM format bit in 
the device attribute word is set to zero, the buffer contains the first sector 
of the FAT and should not be changed.  If the bit is set, the buffer can be 
used as a scratch area in which to build the BPB."

It doesn't have anything to do with non-FAT.

Bottom line for safety in the driver: ignore the setting of the bit, assume you 
can't change the buffer, and assume the buffer does not contain the first 
sector of the FAT.

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Freedos-user mailing list

Re: [Freedos-user] writing a loadable block driver for 4k-sector drive (Questions)

2012-02-21 Thread Bertho Grandpied
Hi, FreeDOS-devel !

Upon C. Masloch's harsh request\\kind invitation, I'm joining 
Freedos-devel now and shall continue this question here that started in 
Freedos-user. Apologies to anybody this change of venue may inconvenience.


On Mon, 20 Feb 2012 11:15:00 PST BretJ  wrote in Freedos-user 

> Bertho Grandpied wrote:
>> Therefore my first interrogation is, what set of device header attributes
>> - and associated functions, including IOCTL codes - must be present /at a
>> minimum/ for letting DOS access the disk properly ?

Bret wrote :
> FWIW, this is what is implemented in my USBDRIVE:
> 01h - Media Check
> 02h - Build BIOS Parameter Block
> 04h - Read
> 08h - Write
> 09h - Write with Verification
> 0Dh - Device Open
> 0Eh - Device Close
> 0Fh - Removable Media
> 11h - Generic IOCTL DOS 3
> 13h - Generic IOCTL DOS 4+
> 17h - Get Logical Device
> 18h - Set Logical Device
> 19h - IOCTL Check DOS 5+
> USBDRIVE is installed as a TSR instead of in CONFIG.SYS, so
> doesn't need or
> support Function 00h (Initialize).  I don't know if all
> of these are
> actually needed or not, but they are supported. 
(list of IOctls scrubbed for brevity, cf. Bret's original msg)

Well, OK Bret, but this doesn't tell what the minimum set would be (as you 
conceded). Are the IOCTLs and functions 17,18,19h required ? Since support for 
these features has to be marked by corresponding bits #7 & 6 of the driver 
attribute, it is conceivable that a driver might not provide it. Unless of 
course DOS refuses to use (old?) drivers which do not advertise these 
functions. Someone knows ?

> Bertho Grandpied wrote:
>> - Using a loadable driver for the block device implies DOS won't use /its/
>> internal buffers, so I don't have to care about DOS own buffers sizing,
>> right ?
> Wrong. 

Of course you're right, I wasn't thinking out well.

> The reason you're even doing this in the first
> place is because DOS
> _will_ use its internal buffers.  This wouldn't be
> necessary otherwise. 
> IOW, you should still check the max sector size in the DOS
> List of Lists
> before you install yourself to make sure it's 512 bytes, and
> should refuse
> to install yourself if it's already 4096. 

Uh, here I'm confused, not following any more, please elaborate your point. 
Assuming we've loaded  USBASPI.SYS [which provides ector access to the external 
disk using "SCSI" commands], my hypothetical driver wishes to support one or 
more FAT partitions on that external disk. Whether or not DOS has already 
increased its buffer size up to 4K before my driver loads from CONFIG, the 
driver had better be loaded or else DOS won't know to access the partition(s). 
IOW the role of the driver is not /just/ to inform DOS that it might have to 
adjust its internal buffer size, as you seem to be writing above; rather the 
main role of the loaded driveris to "augment" DOS by allowing it to well, 
read/write files and clusters and sectors to the disk, a feat DOS by itself 
would be incapable of (neither USB nor SCSI/ASPI existed when DOS was designed, 
so I guess we might pardon it).

 What am I missing of your above point ?

> The only way
> around this I know
> of is to install as an IFS (Installable File System /
> Network) driver,
> similar to how MSCDEX (and its clones) work.

> Bertho Grandpied wrote:
>> - Besides, should I consider using the "non IBM format" bit in driver
>> attribute ? From whatever docs I saw is unclear what "non IBM" changes
>> exactly in how DOS uses the driver, 
> None of the devices I've ever seen use the IBM format -- it
> changes the BPB. 
> Probably a dangerous road to go down.

Do you mean to say "non-IBM" ? UIAM again, the "IBM" (should be called "MS") 
formats are the usual FAT disks. IOW "non-IBM" is when attribute bit 13 = 1. 
See a difference in driver function 2 in Ralf Brown's list : FAT sectors aren't 
transmitted, does it mean a "non IBM" disk may be non-FAT ?
Again, I'm curious if anybody has experience with this unusual case.

WHATEVER... Interestingly Novac's DI1000DD.SYS driver has attribute = 68C2 (or 
68C0 for disks under 32 Megs). Yes, it's "non IBM" whatever that means!



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Freedos-user mailing list

Re: [Freedos-user] writing a loadable block driver for 4k-sector drive (Questions)

2012-02-20 Thread Eric Auer

Hi Chris, Bertho,

>> Dear List... I'm calling back with respect to the 4k-sector USB disk  
>> drive. I'm considering writing a loadable DOS 'block' driver for it, as  
>> Eric Auer suggested.
> This doesn't belong on Freedos-user then.

Maybe Czerno / Bertho is not on freedos-devel? Or maybe there is
simply too little traffic on freedos-devel, so he preferred to
give it a try on freedos-user... I am CCing -devel here, as the
kernel discussion is a bit separate: You can either patch that
or not, but you can always enjoy a new block device driver ;-)

>> I would like to take the simplest approach possible first

You could wait for the big sector size support patch to work
in the kernel - but of course I do like the idea of using a
block device driver to "hide" the actual sector size from a
DOS kernel, so DOS can I/O in 512 byte units. This is WORSE
speed-wise but BETTER kernel-RAM-usage-wise... And of course
it is the only chance to use 4k disks on old kernels at all.

>> - Using a loadable driver for the block device implies DOS won't
>> use /its/ internal buffers, so I don't have to care about DOS...

If your block device driver shows the DOS kernel a device
with 512 byte per sector "virtual" sectors then the kernel
will happily use 512 byte per sector BUFFERS for them...

However, your own driver will need one 4096 byte buffer
to do any I/O which is not mappable to aligned physical
4 kB sectors. For example imagine the following situation:

Real: ...   ... (two sectors of 4k each)
Virt: ... ,,,X X,,, ... (DOS wants 1k of data)

Now you first read all  into your buffer, copy
the first X to the start of the buffer of the caller,
then read all  into your buffer, copy the 2nd
X to the end of the buffer of the caller. Note how you
read 8kB in two parts of 4kB each while your user only
wanted 1kB in one part. This is more or less the worst
case performance wise, other cases are better. If your
driver has a larger buffer, it gets a BIT better...

If the user wants to WRITE data, you will first have to
READ the whole 4kB sector, then overwrite the part that
the user wants to write, then write the whole sector to
disk, so you again get a performance loss.

If the user wants to read or write MORE data, you will
be lucky for the "middle" area of that data: Imagine a
write of 10 kB with a pretty unpleasant mis-alignment:

Virt: ..XX   XX..

Now you can write sectors b and c as a whole and only
have to use your buffer and the read-modify-write style
access for the first 1 kB and the last 1 kB. You do not
have to read b or c, because they are fully overwritten.
So for large I/O transfers, performance loss is smaller.

As said, this is separate from what DOS BUFFERS will do
and each buffer of the kernel can buffer the usual 512
bytes, which is NICE for your other disks and your RAM.

> This is wrong. Block drivers directly interact with DOS and its buffering  
> scheme. If what you want is to circumvent the restrictions imposed by  
> DOS's buffering scheme (for example, current 512B-/2048B-sector limits of  
> the FDK) you'll have to write your own (FAT) file system driver which  
> interfaces downwards with the block device driver (in your case,  
> USBASPI.SYS) and upwards with DOS's file system redirector interface.

This is also wrong. Because the filesystem still is FAT
and the kernel does already understand FAT, your driver
can present your 4 kB per sector disk as a BLOCK device
or in other words: As a bunch of sectors. However, your
driver has to transform what the DOS kernel sees of the
boot sector and BPB, because the whole idea of having a
4 kB disk support driver for 512 byte per sector DOSes
is that it shows the kernel a bunch of 512 BYTE SECTORS
(virtual ones) instead of showing the real 4 kB sectors.

This DOES circumvent the limitation of the DOS kernel:
The kernel only sees 512 byte per sector "blocks". But
as explained above, now your driver will have to spend
at least 4 kB of buffer space for the transformations.

> redirector interface is what file system drivers for non-FAT file systems  
> (eg *CDEX) and networked file systems use to make their files accessible

That would mean that you duplicate the whole logics of
understanding the FAT filesystem into your driver. My
suggestion is a TRANSFORMATION of sector SIZES which
keeps things simple but SLOW: Everything stays FAT...

Of course if you want to support ISO9660, UDF, ExFAT,
NTFS, EXT2, EXT3, EXT4 or similar fancy filesystems,
there is efficient no way to make them look similar to
FAT at all. This is the reason why SHSUCDX, MSCDEX and
similar drivers are NOT block device drivers but, as
you say, are based on the CD / network redirector API.

NOTE: Transformation of sector sizes is easiest in FAT32.
Other FAT sizes may take more effort. Also, you can only
transform from 4096 byte units to 512 byte units if the
filesystem is at m

Re: [Freedos-user] writing a loadable block driver for 4k-sector drive (Questions)

2012-02-20 Thread C. Masloch
> Dear List... I'm calling back with respect to the 4k-sector USB disk  
> drive. I'm considering writing a loadable DOS 'block' driver for it, as  
> Eric Auer suggested.

This doesn't belong on Freedos-user then.

> I would like to take the simplest approach possible first, even at the  
> expense of performance. My driver would be little more than a 'shell'  
> around USBASPI.SYS.

What exactly do you want to accomplish with that?

> - Using a loadable driver for the block device implies DOS won't use  
> /its/ internal buffers, so I don't have to care about DOS own buffers  
> sizing, right ?

This is wrong. Block drivers directly interact with DOS and its buffering  
scheme. If what you want is to circumvent the restrictions imposed by  
DOS's buffering scheme (for example, current 512B-/2048B-sector limits of  
the FDK) you'll have to write your own (FAT) file system driver which  
interfaces downwards with the block device driver (in your case,  
USBASPI.SYS) and upwards with DOS's file system redirector interface. (The  
redirector interface is what file system drivers for non-FAT file systems  
(eg *CDEX) and networked file systems use to make their files accessible  
to DOS. Your case, as I understand it, would be a special case to  
circumvent DOS's FS driver's limits.)

C. Masloch

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Freedos-user mailing list

Re: [Freedos-user] writing a loadable block driver for 4k-sector drive (Questions)

2012-02-20 Thread BretJ

Bertho Grandpied wrote:
> Therefore my first interrogation is, what set of device header attributes
> - and associated functions, including IOCTL codes - must be present /at a
> minimum/ for letting DOS access the disk properly ?
> - For a tentative and probably naive self answer, could I get away with
> the driver attribute being all zeroes - and implement functions 0, 1, 2,
> 4, 8, 9 (alias for fn 8) /only/ ? Assuming this basic set of functions
> properly implemented, will the device work ? Do we /need/ 0D,0E
> (open/close) for instance ?

FWIW, this is what is implemented in my USBDRIVE:

01h - Media Check
02h - Build BIOS Parameter Block
04h - Read
08h - Write
09h - Write with Verification
0Dh - Device Open
0Eh - Device Close
0Fh - Removable Media
11h - Generic IOCTL DOS 3
13h - Generic IOCTL DOS 4+
17h - Get Logical Device
18h - Set Logical Device
19h - IOCTL Check DOS 5+

USBDRIVE is installed as a TSR instead of in CONFIG.SYS, so doesn't need or
support Function 00h (Initialize).  I don't know if all of these are
actually needed or not, but they are supported.  Here are the IOCTL
functions supported by USBDRIVE:

40h - Set Device Parameters
60h - Get Device Parameters
41h - Write Track
61h - Read Track
42h - Format Track
62h - Verify Track
46h - Set Volume Serial Number
66h - Get Volume Serial Number
47h - Set Access Status
67h - Get Access Status

Bertho Grandpied wrote:
> - Using a loadable driver for the block device implies DOS won't use /its/
> internal buffers, so I don't have to care about DOS own buffers sizing,
> right ?

Wrong.  The reason you're even doing this in the first place is because DOS
_will_ use its internal buffers.  This wouldn't be necessary otherwise. 
IOW, you should still check the max sector size in the DOS List of Lists
before you install yourself to make sure it's 512 bytes, and should refuse
to install yourself if it's already 4096.  The only way around this I know
of is to install as an IFS (Installable File System / Network) driver,
similar to how MSCDEX (and its clones) work.

Bertho Grandpied wrote:
> - Besides, should I consider using the "non IBM format" bit in driver
> attribute ? From whatever docs I saw is unclear what "non IBM" changes
> exactly in how DOS uses the driver, nor the (dis)advantages of that
> approach and the requirements it puts on (removes from) the driver.

None of the devices I've ever seen use the IBM format -- it changes the BPB. 
Probably a dangerous road to go down.
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Freedos-user mailing list

[Freedos-user] writing a loadable block driver for 4k-sector drive (Questions)

2012-02-20 Thread Bertho Grandpied
Dear List... I'm calling back with respect to the 4k-sector USB disk drive. I'm 
considering writing a loadable DOS 'block' driver for it, as Eric Auer 
suggested. My experience with programming DOS driver is unfortunately more on 
the side of character devices than block, so, please bear with basic questions 
for a moment if you please. 

I would like to take the simplest approach possible first, even at the expense 
of performance. My driver would be little more than a 'shell' around 

Therefore my first interrogation is, what set of device header attributes - and 
associated functions, including IOCTL codes - must be present /at a minimum/ 
for letting DOS access the disk properly ?

- For a tentative and probably naive self answer, could I get away with the 
driver attribute being all zeroes - and implement functions 0, 1, 2, 4, 8, 9 
(alias for fn 8) /only/ ? Assuming this basic set of functions properly 
implemented, will the device work ? Do we /need/ 0D,0E (open/close) for 
instance ?

- Using a loadable driver for the block device implies DOS won't use /its/ 
internal buffers, so I don't have to care about DOS own buffers sizing, right ?

- Besides, should I consider using the "non IBM format" bit in driver attribute 
? From whatever docs I saw is unclear what "non IBM" changes exactly in how DOS 
uses the driver, nor the (dis)advantages of that approach and the requirements 
it puts on (removes from) the driver.



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