Re: [PROPOSAL] Tiles as the seed for Jakarta Web Components

2006-04-27 Thread robert burrell donkin
On Wed, 2006-04-26 at 11:48 -0400, Henri Yandell wrote:
> The Web Components thread is much older than the recent set of threads, it 
> was back in 2005. So I don't think we've heard your reasons against a JWC 
> Sub-Project as opposed to the not-community-of-community threads.

i have worries about any more formal sub-projects: they are too much
like project mini-me's with their own formal structure. IMO the legal
and formal structures are best aligned. 

i do like the idea of a JWC grouping or community within jakarta. with
all the trappings that the old sub-projects had (mailing lists, web site
and so on) but no separate classes of committers under the same pmc. i
think a manifesto would be needed for each grouping (somewhere between
guidelines and a charter) which should define the scope.

> I can find this on wiki:
> which includes a charter - though I think the charter needs changing as 
> that's a copy of the Commons charter which is 5% charter and 95% 
> developer guidelines.

IIRC the document on the wiki was intended to be the starting point for
a charter. 

> I know we voted on the name, I thought we voted on the creation of the 
> subproject as part of that but would need to check archives. Will do that 
> in a bit.

i seem to recall a vote but not sure what it was on...

> On Wed, 26 Apr 2006, Andrew C. Oliver wrote:
> > No.  There isn't a consensus. 

andrew's right that since he dissents, there isn't an absolute
consensus. i do suspect that he's views are in the minority, though. we
should push things forward until we have something concrete to vote on.

- robert

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Re: [PROPOSAL] Tiles as the seed for Jakarta Web Components

2006-04-27 Thread robert burrell donkin
On Wed, 2006-04-26 at 14:55 -0500, Greg Reddin wrote:
> Sorry to be a latecomer to this thread.  I've had some trouble  
> subscribing for whatever reason.  But I just wanted to add that I am  
> working on Standalone Tiles over at the Struts project and am willing  
> to support it if it's moved to some Jakarta subproject.   

cool :)

>  I'll let you guys hash out how the community is structured :-)  I haven't  
> participated in Jakarta enough lately to have an opinion.

i'd hope we're not trying to structure the community, just the formal
organisation supporting it.

- robert

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Re: [PROPOSAL] Tiles as the seed for Jakarta Web Components

2006-04-27 Thread robert burrell donkin
On Tue, 2006-04-25 at 22:54 -0700, Martin Cooper wrote:
> On 4/25/06, Nathan Bubna <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > This sounds great, Martin.   But if i may be forgiven a little
> > semantic nitpicking, my understanding of previous discussions is that
> > JWC would be a "grouping" rather than a "sub-project".  So Tiles would
> > be directly a Jakarta sub-project, rather than a sub-sub-project (i.e.
> > becoming "Jakarta Tiles", not "Jakarta Web Components Tiles").
> Yes, you are correct, Tiles would be a Jakarta sub-project within the JWC
> grouping. I guess I was trying to simplify the proposal for those who
> haven't paid as much attention to the whole grouping thing, but in
> retrospect, that probably wasn't such a great idea. ;-)

i'd prefer to move away from the term sub-project since it has negative
formal associations. it can't be a project mini-me with formal structure
of it's own. just a Jakarta component: separate product, same project,
same formal organisational structure.

AIUI (and it might be a good idea to check this out with PR) the naming
guidelines mean that it should be Apache Tiles (not Jakarta Tiles or
Jakarta Web Components Tiles). the reason for this is to ensure we can
use trademark law to protect ourselves (if that's ever needed). 

IHMO Apache Tiles from the Jakarta Web Components team sounds pretty
good anyway

- robert

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