Re: [git-users] httpd backend - repo not found.

2018-08-14 Thread Konstantin Khomoutov
On Tue, Aug 14, 2018 at 02:24:30AM -0700, wrote:

> i am trying to set up gitweb and the http backend. gitweb works so far, but 
> the http backend is giving me headaches. i always get "fatal: repository  
> not found  errors, which is quite frustrating as gitweb works perfectly 
> well with the same url. i wasted hours on this, so any help would be really 
> nice!

Setting this stuff right might indeed be tricky.

I would highly recommend you to first disable mod_rewrite altogether and
try to get it working without it. The reason is that in my personal
experience (with web developers) using mod_rewrite is their first and
often the sole tactic in trying to solve any issue of mapping URLs to
the filesystem, and unfortunately, mod_rewrite is another moving part in
the already complicated gizmo, and the way it moves is not obvious.

Okay, the way Git works via HTTP is actually documented in [1],
and trust me, you're supposed to read it several times to understand

One of the major takeaways from it is that base part of your "Git" URL
must be mapped to the filesystem pathname of the `git-http-backend`
binary installed in your system. IOW, if you cant, say, your repos to be
located via, say, ""; URLs, the base path
"/git/" (notice the trailing slash!) on the vhost serving
"" must map exactly to something like
"/usr/lib/git-core/git-http-backend/" (notice the trailing slash,
again!). The pathname shown is okay for Git packaged for Debian (and its
derivatives; check the package provided by your OS) to find out where
the git-http-backend binary is located on your system.

A typical way to map base pathnames from URLs to the git-http-backend
binary is through the ScriptAlias directive, like in

Here is a skeleton example of a vhost serving both Git and Gitweb:

ServerName  git.domain.local
ServerAlias git

ServerAdmin webmaster@domain.local

DocumentRoot /var/www/git

Require all denied
AllowOverride none
Options none

Options +FollowSymLinks +ExecCGI
AddHandler cgi-script .cgi

ScriptAlias /git/ /usr/lib/git-core/git-http-backend/

To make it fully working, you'd have to set up the GIT_PROJECT_ROOT
environment variable in your vhost config for Git to be able to find
the repositories. See [1] for more info.

After having the basic stipped down setup working, you may add
proper  directives to tighten access controls, if needed.

One another possible caveat is that if you're using mod_suexec to make
Git repos be served using the credentials of a dedicated user -
different from that of the web server process is using - stuff gets more
complicated as mod_suexec strips all the environment variables set in
the vhost config. If you have this situation, ask away as I have a


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[git-users] httpd backend - repo not found.

2018-08-14 Thread christian . tremel
i am trying to set up gitweb and the http backend. gitweb works so far, but 
the http backend is giving me headaches. i always get "fatal: repository  
not found  errors, which is quite frustrating as gitweb works perfectly 
well with the same url. i wasted hours on this, so any help would be really 

root@lpgaixmgmtlx01:/etc/ansible/aix>git remote -v
origin (fetch)
origin (push)
root@lpgaixmgmtlx01:/etc/ansible/aix>git remote show origin
Username for '': tremch
Password for '':
fatal: repository '' 
not found

apache error log

[Tue Aug 14 11:22:04.701868 2018] [rewrite:trace3] [pid 18507] mod_rewrite.c
(470): [client] - tremch [lpgaixmgmtlx01][rid#1000bbc6280/initial] [perdir 
/var/www/git/] add path info postfix: /var/www/git/ansible.git -> 
[Tue Aug 14 11:22:04.701899 2018] [rewrite:trace3] [pid 18507] mod_rewrite.c
(470): [client] - tremch [lpgaixmgmtlx01][rid#1000bbc6280/initial] [perdir 
/var/www/git/] strip per-dir prefix: /var/www/git/ansible.git/info/refs -> 
[Tue Aug 14 11:22:04.701911 2018] [rewrite:trace3] [pid 18507] mod_rewrite.c
(470): [client] - tremch [lpgaixmgmtlx01][rid#1000bbc6280/initial] [perdir 
/var/www/git/] applying pattern '^.*' to uri 'ansible.git/info/refs'
[Tue Aug 14 11:22:04.701957 2018] [rewrite:trace2] [pid 18507] mod_rewrite.c
(470): [client] - tremch [lpgaixmgmtlx01][rid#1000bbc6280/initial] [perdir 
/var/www/git/] rewrite 'ansible.git/info/refs' -> 
[Tue Aug 14 11:22:04.701968 2018] [rewrite:trace2] [pid 18507] mod_rewrite.c
(470): [client] - tremch [lpgaixmgmtlx01][rid#1000bbc6280/initial] [perdir 
/var/www/git/] forcing '/git/gitweb.cgi/ansible.git/info/refs' to get 
passed through to next API URI-to-filename handler
[Tue Aug 14 11:22:04.701977 2018] [rewrite:trace1] [pid 18507] mod_rewrite.c
(470): [client] - tremch [lpgaixmgmtlx01][rid#1000bbc6280/initial] [perdir 
/var/www/git/] internal redirect with /git/gitweb.cgi/ansible.git/info/refs 
[Tue Aug 14 11:22:04.702126 2018] [rewrite:trace3] [pid 18507] mod_rewrite.c
(470): [client] - tremch [lpgaixmgmtlx01][rid#1000bbca848/initial/redir#1] [perdir 
/var/www/git/] add path info postfix: /var/www/git/gitweb.cgi -> 
[Tue Aug 14 11:22:04.702135 2018] [rewrite:trace3] [pid 18507] mod_rewrite.c
(470): [client] - tremch [lpgaixmgmtlx01][rid#1000bbca848/initial/redir#1] [perdir 
/var/www/git/] strip per-dir prefix: 
/var/www/git/gitweb.cgi/ansible.git/info/refs -> 
[Tue Aug 14 11:22:04.702143 2018] [rewrite:trace3] [pid 18507] mod_rewrite.c
(470): [client] - tremch [lpgaixmgmtlx01][rid#1000bbca848/initial/redir#1] [perdir 
/var/www/git/] applying pattern '^.*' to uri 
[Tue Aug 14 11:22:04.702154 2018] [rewrite:trace1] [pid 18507] mod_rewrite.c
(470): [client] - tremch [lpgaixmgmtlx01][rid#1000bbca848/initial/redir#1] [perdir 
/var/www/git/] pass through /var/www/git/gitweb.cgi
[Tue Aug 14 11:22:04.789914 2018] [cgi:error] [pid 18507] [client 172.16.
172.154:33378] AH01215: warning: ignoring broken ref info/refs.
[Tue Aug 14 11:22:04.790045 2018] [cgi:error] [pid 18507] [client 172.16.
172.154:33378] AH01215: fatal: Not a valid object name info/refs

my configs:

apache config:
LogLevel rewrite:trace3

Alias /git /var/www/git

  Options +ExecCGI +FollowSymLinks +SymLinksIfOwnerMatch
  AddHandler cgi-script cgi
  DirectoryIndex gitweb.cgi
  Require all granted
  RewriteEngine on

# PATH_INFO usage for pretty URLs
# make sure to enable it in gitweb.conf
#   $feature{'pathinfo'}{'default'} = [1];
  RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
  RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
  RewriteRule ^.* /git/gitweb.cgi/$0 [L,PT]

ScriptAliasMatch \
 "(?x)^/git/ (.*/(HEAD | \
   info/refs | \
   objects/(info/[^/]+ | \
   [0-9a-f]{2}/[0-9a-f]{38} | \
   pack/pack-[0-9a-f]{40}\.(pack|idx)) | \
   git-(upload|receive)-pack))$" \
