Re: [gmx-users] Justin umbrella sampling tutorial......

2012-05-24 Thread rama david
Thank you for your reply,

I am asking you again same question, EXTREMELY SORRY for my stupidity,

In step six , I unable to differentiate npt and production run by
mdp file as usualy we find difference by define term,

I think I get meaning upto reason why to use -DPOSRES_B,
but I want to know if we are using same mdp file in both condition
means the npt equilibriation is as same as md production ,

Then why to do npt, just run production md  with  DPOSRES_B

With my  best Wishes ,
Rama David
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Re: [gmx-users] Justin umbrella sampling tutorial......

2012-05-24 Thread Justin A. Lemkul

On 5/24/12 8:19 AM, rama david wrote:

Thank you for your reply,

I am asking you again same question, EXTREMELY SORRY for my stupidity,

In step six , I unable to differentiate npt and production run by
mdp file as usualy we find difference by define term,

I think I get meaning upto reason why to use -DPOSRES_B,
but I want to know if we are using same mdp file in both condition
means the npt equilibriation is as same as md production ,

Then why to do npt, just run production md  with  DPOSRES_B

I'm not sure of what the question is exactly, so my apologies if the following 
explanation does not answer it.  For the tutorial, NPT is conducted with 
restraints on all protein heavy atoms.  The production runs are conducted by 
restraining only one chain for practical reasons.

Don't confuse yourself by always assuming that the difference between NPT and 
production runs is the use of define statements or position restraints.  There 
are many ways of doing equilibration.  NPT of a protein in solvent is typically 
done with restraints on the protein, allowing the solvent to relax and avoiding 
potential geometric distortions due to bad solvent contacts.  Production runs 
may or may not make use of any restraints.  Their use is dependent upon the 
situation at hand and whether or not they are appropriate.

I hope this explanation makes everything clear.



Justin A. Lemkul, Ph.D.
Research Scientist
Department of Biochemistry
Virginia Tech
Blacksburg, VA
jalemkul[at] | (540) 231-9080

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Re: [gmx-users] Justin umbrella sampling tutorial......

2012-05-24 Thread rama david
Thank you Justin for these correct explanation
Its really clear my lot of queries..

 For the tutorial, NPT is conducted with restraints on all protein heavy
 atoms.  The production runs are conducted by restraining only one chain for
 practical reasons.

 These is my question ;

If we are doing NPT with restraints on all protein atom and production run
by conducted by restraining only one chain for protein...

means NPT and productin run mdp files should be different , Where these
information in mdp files???
It my request to you please tell me why these mdp files are almost same in
parameter ..

(Where you mentioned in mdp for npt to do restraints on all proteins heavy
atoms and for production md restraining only
one chain ..)

Please accept my apology if I unable to explain you my problem

Thank you in advance ...

With best wishes,
Rama david
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Re: [gmx-users] Justin umbrella sampling tutorial......

2012-05-24 Thread Justin A. Lemkul

On 5/24/12 6:35 AM, rama david wrote:

Thank you Justin for these correct explanation
Its really clear my lot of queries..

For the tutorial, NPT is conducted with restraints on all protein heavy
atoms.  The production runs are conducted by restraining only one chain for
practical reasons.

These is my question ;

If we are doing NPT with restraints on all protein atom and production run by
conducted by restraining only one chain for protein...

means NPT and productin run mdp files should be different , Where these
information in mdp files???
It my request to you please tell me why these mdp files are almost same in
parameter ..

(Where you mentioned in mdp for npt to do restraints on all proteins heavy atoms
and for production md restraining only
one chain ..)

I don't understand what more I can say beyond what I already have.



Justin A. Lemkul, Ph.D.
Research Scientist
Department of Biochemistry
Virginia Tech
Blacksburg, VA
jalemkul[at] | (540) 231-9080

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[gmx-users] Justin umbrella sampling tutorial......

2012-05-23 Thread rama david
Hi Gromacs Friends,

   I am performing justin tutorial for umbrella sampling ..
I encounter with following problem while using the script

1. After command perl  I got following message ...

   Use of uninitialized value $distance in concatenation (.) or string at line 30.
   readline() on closed filehandle IN at line 16.
  What may be reason for these ..
2. What is the groups.txt ??
   Where it will find ?? Why it is needed??
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Re: [gmx-users] Justin umbrella sampling tutorial......

2012-05-23 Thread Justin A. Lemkul

On 5/23/12 3:48 PM, rama david wrote:

Hi Gromacs Friends,

I am performing justin tutorial for umbrella sampling ..
I encounter with following problem while using the script

1. After command perl  I got following
message ...

Use of uninitialized value $distance in concatenation (.) or string at line 30.
readline() on closed filehandle IN at
line 16.
   What may be reason for these ..

The required input doesn't exist.  Either you omitted a step or you're executing 
the script in the wrong directory.

2. What is the groups.txt ??
Where it will find ?? Why it is needed??

This is stated in the tutorial.



Justin A. Lemkul, Ph.D.
Research Scientist
Department of Biochemistry
Virginia Tech
Blacksburg, VA
jalemkul[at] | (540) 231-9080

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Re: [gmx-users] Justin umbrella sampling tutorial......

2012-05-23 Thread rama david
Thank you justin..
I solve script problem..

 I have another query ..
 As mention in tutorial , In step six , we have to do brief NPT
 npt_umbrella.mdp link is
 After these we have to run MD ...mdp file link is

1.  In both case define is same..
 In general When we are doing NPT we are position restrain whole
protein backbone ,
 But in these case we are only restrain chain B...Please explain in
detail ...

2.  The difference in mdp file is at gen_vel, and  run time 100 ps for  npt
, 10 ns for  md
  If both mdp file is same Then why to do separate npt and md

 ( Is the only reason is to generate velocity in npt simulation ???
Why we are not using velocity from
 pull *(step five)*   )

3 . If we are using the gen_vel = yes
  continuation= yes

  If continuation is yes, then why gen_vel is yes 

Please shade some light on meaning of continuation and gen_vel

Thank you in advance

With Best Wishes,
Rama David
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Re: [gmx-users] Justin umbrella sampling tutorial......

2012-05-23 Thread Justin A. Lemkul

On 5/24/12 7:11 AM, rama david wrote:

Thank you justin..
I solve script problem..

  I have another query ..
  As mention in tutorial , In step six , we have to do brief NPT equilibration
  npt_umbrella.mdp link is
  After these we have to run MD ...mdp file link is

1.  In both case define is same..
  In general When we are doing NPT we are position restrain whole protein
backbone ,
  But in these case we are only restrain chain B...Please explain in detail 

Please read the paper we published using this system.  It explains the 
conceptual details.

2.  The difference in mdp file is at gen_vel, and  run time 100 ps for  npt , 10
ns for  md
   If both mdp file is same Then why to do separate npt and md

  ( Is the only reason is to generate velocity in npt simulation ???  Why we
are not using velocity from
  pull /(step five)/   )

3 . If we are using the gen_vel = yes
   continuation= yes

   If continuation is yes, then why gen_vel is yes 

Please shade some light on meaning of continuation and gen_vel

At this point, you're basically starting a new simulation in the absence of a 
net pull force.  You're using the umbrella potential as a restraint, not to bias 
the motion, so you're re-equilibrating.  The use of continuation = yes simply 
implies that the starting configuration has already been constrained and thus 
the constraints should not be reset.  In this context, the difference between 
yes and no is likely not particularly relevant.



Justin A. Lemkul, Ph.D.
Research Scientist
Department of Biochemistry
Virginia Tech
Blacksburg, VA
jalemkul[at] | (540) 231-9080

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Re: [gmx-users] Justin umbrella sampling tutorial......

2012-05-23 Thread rama david
Hi Justin,

Thank you for your Reply

Before start tutorial I read your paper, It help me
a lot to understand the concept of umbrella sampling...

But truly I not understand the part in six step
 why to use define -DPOSRES_B  and not -DPOSRES,
I think I miss it ...

I will be a very greatfull to you, if you shade
some light on these 

Sorry for trouble

Thank you in advance

With best wishes,
Rama David

Thank you in advance

With Best Wishes,

Rama David
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Re: [gmx-users] Justin umbrella sampling tutorial......

2012-05-23 Thread Justin A. Lemkul

On 5/24/12 7:40 AM, rama david wrote:

Hi Justin,

Thank you for your Reply

Before start tutorial I read your paper, It help me
a lot to understand the concept of umbrella sampling...

But truly I not understand the part in six step
  why to use define -DPOSRES_B  and not -DPOSRES,
I think I miss it ...

I will be a very greatfull to you, if you shade
some light on these 

Using -DPOSRES_B restrains only one chain of the protein, thus mimicking the 
stability of a larger macromolecular assembly.  Using -DPOSRES restrains all 
protein chains, which accomplishes nothing when trying to do umbrella sampling. 
 The chain to which the umbrella potential is applied would not be able to move 
at all, thus rendering the pull force measurements ineffectual.



Justin A. Lemkul, Ph.D.
Research Scientist
Department of Biochemistry
Virginia Tech
Blacksburg, VA
jalemkul[at] | (540) 231-9080

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