Re: [Goanet] RE: Portugal... or Angola?

2006-06-14 Thread Mario Goveia
--- George Pinto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Fortunately, Goan reporter Pedro was on the scene to
> capture the magic of this moment. He reported
> that one Angolan player was so overwhelmed by the
> colonizer-colonized camaraderie, in the ecstasy
> of the moment he invited a Portuguese player to come
> over and sleep with his wife. When the
> Portuguese player came over, he realized the Angolan
> player did not have a wife so he slept with
> him. Pedro also reported another Portuguese player
> invited an Angolan player to come over and
> marry his daughter. When the Angolan player came
> over he realized the Portuguese player had no
> daughter, so he married his adult son. This was such
> a happy ending to colonization for everyone
> except the homophobic Lusophobes.
> The World Cup is not simply about football, it is
> about colonization, history, sexuality, and much
> more. Btw, the Angolan player chose to marry the
> adult (rich) son. It is about money too.
> So now you know the truth.
Mario observes:
But it's "The truth according to 'Pedro'", which may
not be exactly the same thing as "the truth" :-))
Did "Pedro" really mean "homophobic Lusophobes"???  
Anyway, with this "ecstatic" obsession with homosexual
"sleeping around" between Lusos and Angolans, can
"Pedro" be aptly described as a "homophilic
Lusophile"??? :-))
Will the real "Pedro" please stand up...that is, if he
can tear himself away from watching the liaisons
between all those homosexual Lusos and Angolans.
Being a Goan reporter like "Pedro" must be a tough

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[Goanet] RE: Portugal... or Angola?

2006-06-13 Thread George Pinto
--- Paulo Colaco Dias <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The British commentators were finding hard to understand this
> phenomenon of excellent relations and fraternity between a colony and its
> 500 years old coloniser. Applauses and cheering for Angola came from both the
> Portuguese audience as well as from the Angolan audience (which was in much 
> lower numbers). This
> must have been so strange for the international community watching the game.

Fortunately, Goan reporter Pedro was on the scene to capture the magic of this 
moment. He reported
that one Angolan player was so overwhelmed by the colonizer-colonized 
camaraderie, in the ecstasy
of the moment he invited a Portuguese player to come over and sleep with his 
wife. When the
Portuguese player came over, he realized the Angolan player did not have a wife 
so he slept with
him. Pedro also reported another Portuguese player invited an Angolan player to 
come over and
marry his daughter. When the Angolan player came over he realized the 
Portuguese player had no
daughter, so he married his adult son. This was such a happy ending to 
colonization for everyone
except the homophobic Lusophobes.

The World Cup is not simply about football, it is about colonization, history, 
sexuality, and much
more. Btw, the Angolan player chose to marry the adult (rich) son. It is about 
money too.

So now you know the truth.


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