Re: [go-nuts] How To Reduce Json Marshalling Time

2024-03-10 Thread Robert Engels
Apologies.On Mar 9, 2024, at 1:16 PM, Ian Lance Taylor  wrote:This thread has gotten heated.  I think it's time to move on to different topics and give this discussion a rest.  Thanks.Ian

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Re: [go-nuts] How To Reduce Json Marshalling Time

2024-03-09 Thread Ian Lance Taylor
This thread has gotten heated.  I think it's time to move on to different
topics and give this discussion a rest.  Thanks.


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Re: [go-nuts] How To Reduce Json Marshalling Time

2024-03-09 Thread Mike Schinkel
On Saturday, March 9, 2024 at 10:16:12 AM UTC-5 Robert Engels wrote:

When I went to the github site the OP linked it seemed to me the original 
question was not genuine and ...

Since the OP of this thread did not link anything, I assume you by "OP" you 
are referring to my comments on the thread?  

And from the fact that the original questioner is a different person than 
myself, how is it that you can conclude that her question was *"not 
genuine?"*  Do you have some kind of supernatural powers to discern her 
question? Or are you somehow implying sock-puppetry on my part here?!? 


was rather asked to generate traffic to the site. 

*Are you f-ing serious?!?*  *WHAT* site are you saying the* "OP" (me?)* was 
trying to drive traffic to?!?

My original post on the thread included links to many sites, NONE of which 
I own, have control of, or gain any benefit from.  WHY would I be trying to 
drive traffic to those sites?

Or are you referring to my gist in follow up?  So I initially made the 
effort to research JSON unmarshalling and then write an in-depth answer — 
which started by saying *"Robert is probably right, but if it is JSON then 
consider this" —* *none* of which you had any critique for on its merits. 
Instead you passive-aggressively undermined my reply with your immediate *"just 
to be clear for others"* reply to my email that happened to ignore that I 
said your initial reply was probably the concern. And why? To assert 
dominance on this list?

Do you think I want to generate traffic to my gist?!?  That I would go 
through all the effort to write that detailed reply, expect someone would 
be a jerk, *then* plan to post a link to my gist to generate traffic? For 
what benefit would I get for sending traffic to a gist?!?  I use gists to 
*clearly* indicate to others that I get would *zero* benefit from traffic 
to the link. 

Make your accusations explicit if you are going to accuse.

Reading the content was more evidence the question was not genuine 

Again, the person asking the question was different than me *(or are you 
accusing otherwise?)*  So how the heck would* my* reply indicate that the 
original questioner's question was not genuine? * (Maybe it is not, I have 
no idea, but I assumed on face value that it was genuine. Would be a pretty 
sad world if we all assumed nefarious motives when there is zero evidence 
to indicate otherwise.)* What benefit would they get from asking it if it 
were not genuine? What specifically about their question indicates to you 
it was not genuine?

And what benefit would I get from answering her, other than to feel good 
about helping someone? *(Which, unfortunately, your replies have completely 
overwhelmed that tiny benefit.)*

states “I am doing unscientific testing for orders of magnitude”


I wanted to do a sanity check to make sure that PHP *json_decode()* was 
in-fact faster than Go *json.UnMarshal()* before commenting further, but as 
I have other things to do in my life so I did not want to devote days to an 
exhaustive, scientific benchmark, so I did some basic testing to get an 
understanding of if in fact the reason the OP was seeing a performance 
difference could be Go vs. PHP.  

And since I did not want you or someone else to say *"why didn't you show 
your work?"* I went ahead and put in the extra effort to publish my code 
and results. I wrote *“I am doing unscientific testing for orders of 
magnitude” in a *pro-active attempt to keep some jerk from having a *"Duty 
Calls "* moment and take me to task for by claiming *"my 
benchmark was not scientific."  *But clearly my proactive attempt to ward 
of specious criticism did not stop you from being that jerk. No good deed 
goes unpunished, it seems.

makes a big deal of a 14 second difference on 100 iterations

So presenting results is* "making a big deal?!?"  *Good to know, I guess.

And what exact results would rise to meet your bar for a* "big deal?"*

and was merely a article on a flawed micro benchmark. 

If the benchmark was so flawed, why don't you fix it then. I published all 
the work I did.

Rather than taking easy pot-shots like a jerk, why not do some work and 
present alternate numbers?  

Or better, just not criticize in a passive-aggressive manner anything you 
think is not up to your standards?

Lots of bold letters on the differences, etc. 

So now we are determining that if someone uses formatting to make their 
posts easier to scan — an approach to writing technical documents I have 
used for decades, as evidence from my former life 
 — that that 
somehow indicates they have *nefarious* intent?!?  Wow, you must really be 
fun at parties.

So yea, I was annoyed that I wasted my time posting trying to help on this. 

You were annoyed that you spent 3 minutes to shoot off an initial response 
that required no time to research or prepare?


Re: [go-nuts] How To Reduce Json Marshalling Time

2024-03-09 Thread 'Brian Candler' via golang-nuts
Perhaps it would be helpful to give some concrete figures for the 
real-world application.

"the response time of Go API is higher than PHP" - how much? Are we 
talking, say, 1.2ms versus 1ms? Or 10ms versus 1ms? Is this testing between 
a client and server adjacent on the same LAN, or is the server running is a 
cloud somewhere?

"the response contains around 30k keys" - what's the total size of the 
response? Are the values for each key all simple strings?

Then, it would be useful to have small PHP and Go programs which reproduce 
the issue as seen, with data of this size.  You should prepare static data 
structures ready to be encoded for the response, so that you're only 
measuring the encoding and response time.

Then you could try pre-encoding the entire response to a JSON string, and 
return that string as the response, to eliminate the JSON encoding overhead.

Finally, it would be worth looking at the response using tcpdump or 
wireshark just to see if anything odd is happening, e.g. there is chunked 
encoding with lots of tiny chunks.

On Saturday 9 March 2024 at 05:31:32 UTC Mike Schinkel wrote:

> On Saturday, March 9, 2024 at 12:16:51 AM UTC-5 Robert Engels wrote:
> My guess is that most applications are decoding 25gb json files with any 
> regularity. Even transferring 25 GB over the fastest of networks takes 20 
> secs? So that reduces the cost to less than 10%???
> How about rather than guessing, you let the OP consider the input you gave 
> in your first reply — which I acknowledged was likely the issue in my first 
> reply — and then move on?
> This is either a troll post or by someone that needs more education in 
> performance monitoring. Sorry. 
> Everything beyond your first reply on this thread — except when you 
> replied to my ask for clarification — was unnecessary as you had already 
> made your only point.
> If there was trolling here, your reply to my first reply on the thread was 
> the start of that trolling.
> -Mike
> P.S. The types of replies you've made on this thread is why I always ask 
> myself if it worth the pain to answer someone's questions. Rest assured I 
> will think twice next time before going to the effort.

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Re: [go-nuts] How To Reduce Json Marshalling Time

2024-03-08 Thread Mike Schinkel
On Saturday, March 9, 2024 at 12:16:51 AM UTC-5 Robert Engels wrote:

My guess is that most applications are decoding 25gb json files with any 
regularity. Even transferring 25 GB over the fastest of networks takes 20 
secs? So that reduces the cost to less than 10%???

How about rather than guessing, you let the OP consider the input you gave 
in your first reply — which I acknowledged was likely the issue in my first 
reply — and then move on?

This is either a troll post or by someone that needs more education in 
performance monitoring. Sorry. 

Everything beyond your first reply on this thread — except when you replied 
to my ask for clarification — was unnecessary as you had already made your 
only point.

If there was trolling here, your reply to my first reply on the thread was 
the start of that trolling.


P.S. The types of replies you've made on this thread is why I always ask 
myself if it worth the pain to answer someone's questions. Rest assured I 
will think twice next time before going to the effort.

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"golang-nuts" group.
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Re: [go-nuts] How To Reduce Json Marshalling Time

2024-03-08 Thread Robert Engels
My guess is that most applications are decoding 25gb json files with any regularity. Even transferring 25 GB over the fastest of networks takes 20 secs? So that reduces the cost to less than 10%???The test isn’t doing anything with the decoded json - maybe Go is 1000% faster in that. This is either a troll post or by someone that needs more education in performance monitoring. Sorry. On Mar 8, 2024, at 10:25 PM, Mike Schinkel  wrote:Hi Robert,Thanks for the reply.I decided to run a quick benchmark so I compared Go 1.22's json.UnMarshal(any) using an any type with PHP 8.3.2's json_decode()and found that PHP's option is 85% faster for a ~25Mb JSON file.  Optimizing it with a struct I was able to get Go down to being only about 25% slower than PHP's  json_decode().Note that they are very rough benchmarks, probably only valid in gauging magnitude, not specific performance.I wrote up the results and provided the code in this gist for anyone who might be interested.  For me, the takeaway is that if you really need fast JSON unmarshalling you probably need to look to one of the 3rd party JSON parser packages.Whether or not the extra time it takes Go to parse JSON vs. PHP is actually relevant for her use-case remains to be seen given the potential order-of-magnitude difference in web request latency.  Still, given that she seems to be controlling for that web request latency by comparing her PHP API to her Go API would indicate — sans issues like buffering or slow Go middleware — that the performance of JSON parsing made indeed by one of the reasons she is seeing a difference.Pragya, it would be really nice if you could follow up to close the loop and let us know what the actual bottleneck was and how you ended up solving it.-MikeOn Friday, March 8, 2024 at 9:58:26 PM UTC-5 Robert Engels wrote:Related, 30k of anything is largely meaningless for modern hardware in terms of cpu processing - where billions of operations a second is the norm. On Mar 8, 2024, at 8:55 PM, Robert Engels  wrote:The point I was trying to make - maybe unclear - is that it is doubtful any raw performance differences between PHP and Go in terms of json encoding/decoding would be noticeable- unless it was a hft/hpc system which would be doubtful given that the original system was PHP. So if there is detectable difference in performance it is almost certainly related to IO management concerns (buffering, window sizes, etc)Without detailed measurements along with how they were measured it’s hard to know with any certainty- so this was a Large guess to help you know where to look. On Mar 8, 2024, at 8:33 PM, Mike Schinkel  wrote:Hi Robert,I am now confused.  While your original reply to this thread made perfect sense to me, your follow up for the purposes of clarification had the opposite effect, at least for me. I am not clear the point you are trying to make.You mention the difference between compiled and interpreted and point out that typically there is not a large performance difference — where I assume you were referring to use of standard library functions in the interpreted language such as json_decode() in PHP. That is of course often true and I concur. (Of course, try writing a full JSON parser in pure PHP and we'll find a big difference in performance with a compiled language like Go.) But I am not seeing why that point is relevant in the thread because she was not asking "Why is PHP code slower than Go code?" in which case I would understand why you chose to make that distinction.You also mention that IO performance (and design(?)) over the web is typically much more relevant performance-wise, on which I also concur, but given that both her PHP and her Go API endpoints presumably had much the same web-based latency and response time concerns, I'm struggling to understand why it was relevant to state it in this context.  Of course your point simply could have been not using a buffered output stream,  but you already mentioned, and your follow up did not make that connection clear.So, can you please help me better understand the point you were trying to make?  As a follow up to my reply were you trying to imply that illustrating ways to optimize JSON parsing was something you felt I should not have posted in response to her question? That feels like in might have been your intent, but I could certainly have misinterpreted and if so would prefer to know rather than wrongly assume.-MikeOn Friday, March 8, 2024 at 8:28:38 PM UTC-5 Robert Engels wrote:Just to be clear for others - from a raw cpu performance perspective when looking at a typical application in whole - there is very little performance difference between compiled and even GC platforms- interpreted can lag behind a bit - but in almost all cases over the web it is IO performance/design that matters the most (most middleware connects to other middleware, etc). Some HFT/HPC systems deviate from this but by the description and reference

Re: [go-nuts] How To Reduce Json Marshalling Time

2024-03-08 Thread Mike Schinkel
Hi Robert,

Thanks for the reply.

I decided to run a quick benchmark so I compared Go 1.22's 
*json.UnMarshal(any)* using an *any* type with PHP 8.3.2's *json_decode()*
and found that PHP's option is 85% faster for a ~25Mb JSON file.  
Optimizing it with a *struct* I was able to get Go down to being only about 
25% slower than PHP's  *json_decode().*

Note that they are very rough benchmarks, probably only valid in gauging 
magnitude, not specific performance.

I wrote up the results and provided the code in *this gist* 
anyone who might be interested.  For me, the takeaway is that if you really 
need fast JSON unmarshalling you probably need to look to one of the 3rd 
party JSON parser packages.

Whether or not the extra time it takes Go to parse JSON vs. PHP is actually 
relevant for her use-case remains to be seen given the potential 
order-of-magnitude difference in web request latency.  Still, given that 
she seems to be controlling for that web request latency by comparing her 
PHP API to her Go API would indicate — sans issues like buffering or slow 
Go middleware — that the performance of JSON parsing made indeed by one of 
the reasons she is seeing a difference.

Pragya, it would be really nice if you could follow up to close the loop 
and let us know what the actual bottleneck was and how you ended up solving 


On Friday, March 8, 2024 at 9:58:26 PM UTC-5 Robert Engels wrote:

> Related, 30k of anything is largely meaningless for modern hardware in 
> terms of cpu processing - where billions of operations a second is the 
> norm. 
> On Mar 8, 2024, at 8:55 PM, Robert Engels  wrote:
> The point I was trying to make - maybe unclear - is that it is doubtful 
> any raw performance differences between PHP and Go in terms of json 
> encoding/decoding would be noticeable- unless it was a hft/hpc system which 
> would be doubtful given that the original system was PHP. 
> So if there is detectable difference in performance it is almost certainly 
> related to IO management concerns (buffering, window sizes, etc)
> Without detailed measurements along with how they were measured it’s hard 
> to know with any certainty- so this was a Large guess to help you know 
> where to look. 
> On Mar 8, 2024, at 8:33 PM, Mike Schinkel  wrote:
> Hi Robert,
> I am now confused.  While your original reply to this thread made perfect 
> sense to me, your follow up for the purposes of clarification had the 
> opposite effect, at least for me. I am not clear the point you are trying 
> to make.
> You mention the difference between compiled and interpreted and point out 
> that typically there is not a large performance difference — where I assume 
> you were referring to use of standard library functions in the interpreted 
> language such as *json_decode()* in PHP. That is of course often true and 
> I concur. *(Of course, try writing a full JSON parser in pure PHP and 
> we'll find a big difference in performance with a compiled language like 
> Go.) *
> But I am not seeing why that point is relevant in the thread because she 
> was not asking *"Why is PHP code slower than Go code?"* in which case I 
> would understand why you chose to make that distinction.
> You also mention that IO performance *(and design(?))* over the web is 
> typically much more relevant performance-wise, on which I also concur, but 
> given that both her PHP and her Go API endpoints presumably had much the 
> same web-based latency and response time concerns, I'm struggling to 
> understand why it was relevant to state it in this context.  Of course your 
> point simply could have been not using a buffered output stream,  but you 
> already mentioned, and your follow up did not make that connection clear.
> So, can you please help me better understand the point you were trying to 
> make?  As a follow up to my reply were you trying to imply that 
> illustrating ways to optimize JSON parsing was something you felt I should 
> not have posted in response to her question? That feels like in might have 
> been your intent, but I could certainly have misinterpreted and if so would 
> prefer to know rather than wrongly assume.
> -Mike
> On Friday, March 8, 2024 at 8:28:38 PM UTC-5 Robert Engels wrote:
>> Just to be clear for others - from a raw cpu performance perspective when 
>> looking at a typical application in whole - there is very little 
>> performance difference between compiled and even GC platforms- interpreted 
>> can lag behind a bit - but in almost all cases over the web it is IO 
>> performance/design that matters the most (most middleware connects to other 
>> middleware, etc). 
>> Some HFT/HPC systems deviate from this but by the description and 
>> reference to the previous implementation I doubt that is the case here. 
>> On Mar 8, 2024, at 6:53 PM, Mike Schinkel  wrote:
>> Hi Pragya,
>> While Rob

Re: [go-nuts] How To Reduce Json Marshalling Time

2024-03-08 Thread Robert Engels
Related, 30k of anything is largely meaningless for modern hardware in terms of cpu processing - where billions of operations a second is the norm. On Mar 8, 2024, at 8:55 PM, Robert Engels  wrote:The point I was trying to make - maybe unclear - is that it is doubtful any raw performance differences between PHP and Go in terms of json encoding/decoding would be noticeable- unless it was a hft/hpc system which would be doubtful given that the original system was PHP. So if there is detectable difference in performance it is almost certainly related to IO management concerns (buffering, window sizes, etc)Without detailed measurements along with how they were measured it’s hard to know with any certainty- so this was a Large guess to help you know where to look. On Mar 8, 2024, at 8:33 PM, Mike Schinkel  wrote:Hi Robert,I am now confused.  While your original reply to this thread made perfect sense to me, your follow up for the purposes of clarification had the opposite effect, at least for me. I am not clear the point you are trying to make.You mention the difference between compiled and interpreted and point out that typically there is not a large performance difference — where I assume you were referring to use of standard library functions in the interpreted language such as json_decode() in PHP. That is of course often true and I concur. (Of course, try writing a full JSON parser in pure PHP and we'll find a big difference in performance with a compiled language like Go.) But I am not seeing why that point is relevant in the thread because she was not asking "Why is PHP code slower than Go code?" in which case I would understand why you chose to make that distinction.You also mention that IO performance (and design(?)) over the web is typically much more relevant performance-wise, on which I also concur, but given that both her PHP and her Go API endpoints presumably had much the same web-based latency and response time concerns, I'm struggling to understand why it was relevant to state it in this context.  Of course your point simply could have been not using a buffered output stream,  but you already mentioned, and your follow up did not make that connection clear.So, can you please help me better understand the point you were trying to make?  As a follow up to my reply were you trying to imply that illustrating ways to optimize JSON parsing was something you felt I should not have posted in response to her question? That feels like in might have been your intent, but I could certainly have misinterpreted and if so would prefer to know rather than wrongly assume.-MikeOn Friday, March 8, 2024 at 8:28:38 PM UTC-5 Robert Engels wrote:Just to be clear for others - from a raw cpu performance perspective when looking at a typical application in whole - there is very little performance difference between compiled and even GC platforms- interpreted can lag behind a bit - but in almost all cases over the web it is IO performance/design that matters the most (most middleware connects to other middleware, etc). Some HFT/HPC systems deviate from this but by the description and reference to the previous implementation I doubt that is the case here. On Mar 8, 2024, at 6:53 PM, Mike Schinkel  wrote:Hi Pragya,While Robert Engles is probably correct in identifying your bottleneck, if it does turn out to be slow JSON parsing here are a few things you can look at.1. You mention you have to use a map because of response keys not being fixed. Be aware that you do not need to create a struct to match the full JSON. You can easily just create a flyweight struct which is a subset if for your use-case containing only the specific parts you need, for example.  2. If you optionally need to parse portions of the JSON, but not always, you can use json.RawMessage to capture the properties you don't always need to parse, and then parse them only when you need to.3. You can also declare an .UnmarshalJSON() method on a struct you are passing to json.Unmarshal(), or on any struct that is a property of your top level object, and then be fully in control of parsing the data, meaning you could combine with (a) json.RawMessage property(s) to part just the non-fixed keys as a map, and only for use-cases when you need to.4. And finally, if you are willing to venture out from the Go standard library, there are numerous open-source packages that claim to be much faster than the standard library.  Usually you want to stick with the Go standard library so other Go developers will be familiar with it and to minimize dependencies that could potentially introduce a bug or security hole.  However, if you really need better performance it might be worth the added dependency.While I cannot validate the performance claims of any of these packages, I can provide you with this list of packages that claim better JSON unmarshalling performance:

Re: [go-nuts] How To Reduce Json Marshalling Time

2024-03-08 Thread Robert Engels
The point I was trying to make - maybe unclear - is that it is doubtful any raw performance differences between PHP and Go in terms of json encoding/decoding would be noticeable- unless it was a hft/hpc system which would be doubtful given that the original system was PHP. So if there is detectable difference in performance it is almost certainly related to IO management concerns (buffering, window sizes, etc)Without detailed measurements along with how they were measured it’s hard to know with any certainty- so this was a Large guess to help you know where to look. On Mar 8, 2024, at 8:33 PM, Mike Schinkel  wrote:Hi Robert,I am now confused.  While your original reply to this thread made perfect sense to me, your follow up for the purposes of clarification had the opposite effect, at least for me. I am not clear the point you are trying to make.You mention the difference between compiled and interpreted and point out that typically there is not a large performance difference — where I assume you were referring to use of standard library functions in the interpreted language such as json_decode() in PHP. That is of course often true and I concur. (Of course, try writing a full JSON parser in pure PHP and we'll find a big difference in performance with a compiled language like Go.) But I am not seeing why that point is relevant in the thread because she was not asking "Why is PHP code slower than Go code?" in which case I would understand why you chose to make that distinction.You also mention that IO performance (and design(?)) over the web is typically much more relevant performance-wise, on which I also concur, but given that both her PHP and her Go API endpoints presumably had much the same web-based latency and response time concerns, I'm struggling to understand why it was relevant to state it in this context.  Of course your point simply could have been not using a buffered output stream,  but you already mentioned, and your follow up did not make that connection clear.So, can you please help me better understand the point you were trying to make?  As a follow up to my reply were you trying to imply that illustrating ways to optimize JSON parsing was something you felt I should not have posted in response to her question? That feels like in might have been your intent, but I could certainly have misinterpreted and if so would prefer to know rather than wrongly assume.-MikeOn Friday, March 8, 2024 at 8:28:38 PM UTC-5 Robert Engels wrote:Just to be clear for others - from a raw cpu performance perspective when looking at a typical application in whole - there is very little performance difference between compiled and even GC platforms- interpreted can lag behind a bit - but in almost all cases over the web it is IO performance/design that matters the most (most middleware connects to other middleware, etc). Some HFT/HPC systems deviate from this but by the description and reference to the previous implementation I doubt that is the case here. On Mar 8, 2024, at 6:53 PM, Mike Schinkel  wrote:Hi Pragya,While Robert Engles is probably correct in identifying your bottleneck, if it does turn out to be slow JSON parsing here are a few things you can look at.1. You mention you have to use a map because of response keys not being fixed. Be aware that you do not need to create a struct to match the full JSON. You can easily just create a flyweight struct which is a subset if for your use-case containing only the specific parts you need, for example.  2. If you optionally need to parse portions of the JSON, but not always, you can use json.RawMessage to capture the properties you don't always need to parse, and then parse them only when you need to.3. You can also declare an .UnmarshalJSON() method on a struct you are passing to json.Unmarshal(), or on any struct that is a property of your top level object, and then be fully in control of parsing the data, meaning you could combine with (a) json.RawMessage property(s) to part just the non-fixed keys as a map, and only for use-cases when you need to.4. And finally, if you are willing to venture out from the Go standard library, there are numerous open-source packages that claim to be much faster than the standard library.  Usually you want to stick with the Go standard library so other Go developers will be familiar with it and to minimize dependencies that could potentially introduce a bug or security hole.  However, if you really need better performance it might be worth the added dependency.While I cannot validate the performance claims of any of these packages, I can provide you with this list of packages that claim better JSON unmarshalling performance:

Re: [go-nuts] How To Reduce Json Marshalling Time

2024-03-08 Thread Mike Schinkel
Hi Robert,

I am now confused.  While your original reply to this thread made perfect 
sense to me, your follow up for the purposes of clarification had the 
opposite effect, at least for me. I am not clear the point you are trying 
to make.

You mention the difference between compiled and interpreted and point out 
that typically there is not a large performance difference — where I assume 
you were referring to use of standard library functions in the interpreted 
language such as *json_decode()* in PHP. That is of course often true and I 
concur. *(Of course, try writing a full JSON parser in pure PHP and we'll 
find a big difference in performance with a compiled language like Go.) *

But I am not seeing why that point is relevant in the thread because she 
was not asking *"Why is PHP code slower than Go code?"* in which case I 
would understand why you chose to make that distinction.

You also mention that IO performance *(and design(?))* over the web is 
typically much more relevant performance-wise, on which I also concur, but 
given that both her PHP and her Go API endpoints presumably had much the 
same web-based latency and response time concerns, I'm struggling to 
understand why it was relevant to state it in this context.  Of course your 
point simply could have been not using a buffered output stream,  but you 
already mentioned, and your follow up did not make that connection clear.

So, can you please help me better understand the point you were trying to 
make?  As a follow up to my reply were you trying to imply that 
illustrating ways to optimize JSON parsing was something you felt I should 
not have posted in response to her question? That feels like in might have 
been your intent, but I could certainly have misinterpreted and if so would 
prefer to know rather than wrongly assume.


On Friday, March 8, 2024 at 8:28:38 PM UTC-5 Robert Engels wrote:

> Just to be clear for others - from a raw cpu performance perspective when 
> looking at a typical application in whole - there is very little 
> performance difference between compiled and even GC platforms- interpreted 
> can lag behind a bit - but in almost all cases over the web it is IO 
> performance/design that matters the most (most middleware connects to other 
> middleware, etc). 
> Some HFT/HPC systems deviate from this but by the description and 
> reference to the previous implementation I doubt that is the case here. 
> On Mar 8, 2024, at 6:53 PM, Mike Schinkel  wrote:
> Hi Pragya,
> While Robert Engles is probably correct in identifying your bottleneck, if 
> it does turn out to be slow JSON parsing here are a few things you can 
> look at .
> 1. You mention you have to use a map because of response keys not being 
> fixed. Be aware that you *do not need to 
> * create a struct to match 
> the full JSON. You can easily just create a flyweight struct which is a 
> subset if for your use-case containing only the specific parts you need, *for 
> example* .  
> 2. If you optionally need to parse portions of the JSON, but not always, 
> you can use *json.RawMessage* 
>  to capture the properties 
> you don't always need to parse, and then *parse them only when you need 
> to *.
> 3. You can also declare an *.UnmarshalJSON()* method on a struct you are 
> passing to *json.Unmarshal()*, or on any struct that is a property of 
> your top level object, and then be *fully in control of parsing the data* 
> , meaning you could combine 
> with (a) *json.RawMessage* property(s) to part just the non-fixed keys as 
> a map, and only for use-cases when you need to.
> 4. And finally, if you are willing to venture out from the Go standard 
> library, there are numerous open-source packages that claim to be much 
> faster than the standard library.  Usually you want to stick with the Go 
> standard library so other Go developers will be familiar with it and to 
> minimize dependencies that could potentially introduce a bug or security 
> hole.  However, if you really need better performance it might be worth the 
> added dependency.
> While I cannot validate the performance claims of any of these packages, I 
> can provide you with this list of packages that claim better JSON 
> unmarshalling performance:
> Benchmarks from authors of some of the packa

Re: [go-nuts] How To Reduce Json Marshalling Time

2024-03-08 Thread Robert Engels
Just to be clear for others - from a raw cpu performance perspective when looking at a typical application in whole - there is very little performance difference between compiled and even GC platforms- interpreted can lag behind a bit - but in almost all cases over the web it is IO performance/design that matters the most (most middleware connects to other middleware, etc). Some HFT/HPC systems deviate from this but by the description and reference to the previous implementation I doubt that is the case here. On Mar 8, 2024, at 6:53 PM, Mike Schinkel  wrote:Hi Pragya,While Robert Engles is probably correct in identifying your bottleneck, if it does turn out to be slow JSON parsing here are a few things you can look at.1. You mention you have to use a map because of response keys not being fixed. Be aware that you do not need to create a struct to match the full JSON. You can easily just create a flyweight struct which is a subset if for your use-case containing only the specific parts you need, for example.  2. If you optionally need to parse portions of the JSON, but not always, you can use json.RawMessage to capture the properties you don't always need to parse, and then parse them only when you need to.3. You can also declare an .UnmarshalJSON() method on a struct you are passing to json.Unmarshal(), or on any struct that is a property of your top level object, and then be fully in control of parsing the data, meaning you could combine with (a) json.RawMessage property(s) to part just the non-fixed keys as a map, and only for use-cases when you need to.4. And finally, if you are willing to venture out from the Go standard library, there are numerous open-source packages that claim to be much faster than the standard library.  Usually you want to stick with the Go standard library so other Go developers will be familiar with it and to minimize dependencies that could potentially introduce a bug or security hole.  However, if you really need better performance it might be worth the added dependency.While I cannot validate the performance claims of any of these packages, I can provide you with this list of packages that claim better JSON unmarshalling performance: from authors of some of the packages (so take with a grain of salt): benchmarks from someone who is not an author of one of those packages: Hope this helps.-MikeOn Friday, March 8, 2024 at 4:15:25 PM UTC-5 Robert Engels wrote:It is highly unlikely that the Go marshaling is the cause. I’m guessing you are probably not using a buffered output stream. PHP is written in C but depending on what you are doing it is either a script or calling out to another process (afaik) On Mar 8, 2024, at 2:35 PM, pragya singh  wrote:Hi,"I am facing an issue in my Go code. I converted my read API from PHP to Go, but the response time of Go API is higher than PHP. We are returning the response in JSON format, and the response contains around 30k keys, which is taking too much time in JSON marshaling. We are adding all the response in map format as we can't use struct because response keys are not fixed and vary from user to user.

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Re: [go-nuts] How To Reduce Json Marshalling Time

2024-03-08 Thread Mike Schinkel
Hi Pragya,

While Robert Engles is probably correct in identifying your bottleneck, if 
it does turn out to be slow JSON parsing here are a few things you can look 
at .

1. You mention you have to use a map because of response keys not being 
fixed. Be aware that you *do not need to 
* create a struct to match the 
full JSON. You can easily just create a flyweight struct which is a subset 
if for your use-case containing only the specific parts you need, *for 
example* .  

2. If you optionally need to parse portions of the JSON, but not always, 
you can use *json.RawMessage*  
to capture the properties you don't always need to parse, and then *parse 
them only when you need to *.

3. You can also declare an *.UnmarshalJSON()* method on a struct you are 
passing to *json.Unmarshal()*, or on any struct that is a property of your 
top level object, and then be *fully in control of parsing the data* 
, meaning you could combine 
with (a) *json.RawMessage* property(s) to part just the non-fixed keys as a 
map, and only for use-cases when you need to.

4. And finally, if you are willing to venture out from the Go standard 
library, there are numerous open-source packages that claim to be much 
faster than the standard library.  Usually you want to stick with the Go 
standard library so other Go developers will be familiar with it and to 
minimize dependencies that could potentially introduce a bug or security 
hole.  However, if you really need better performance it might be worth the 
added dependency.

While I cannot validate the performance claims of any of these packages, I 
can provide you with this list of packages that claim better JSON 
unmarshalling performance:

Benchmarks from authors of some of the packages *(so take with a grain of 

And benchmarks from someone who is not an author of one of those packages:


Hope this helps.

On Friday, March 8, 2024 at 4:15:25 PM UTC-5 Robert Engels wrote:

> It is highly unlikely that the Go marshaling is the cause. I’m guessing 
> you are probably not using a buffered output stream. 
> PHP is written in C but depending on what you are doing it is either a 
> script or calling out to another process (afaik) 
> On Mar 8, 2024, at 2:35 PM, pragya singh  wrote:
> Hi,
> "I am facing an issue in my Go code. I converted my read API from PHP to 
> Go, but the response time of Go API is higher than PHP. We are returning 
> the response in JSON format, and the response contains around 30k keys, 
> which is taking too much time in JSON marshaling. We are adding all the 
> response in map format as we can't use struct because response keys are not 
> fixed and vary from user to user. 
> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> "golang-nuts" group.
> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an 
> email to
> To view this discussion on the web visit 
> .

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Re: [go-nuts] How To Reduce Json Marshalling Time

2024-03-08 Thread Robert Engels
It is highly unlikely that the Go marshaling is the cause. I’m guessing you are probably not using a buffered output stream. PHP is written in C but depending on what you are doing it is either a script or calling out to another process (afaik) On Mar 8, 2024, at 2:35 PM, pragya singh  wrote:Hi,"I am facing an issue in my Go code. I converted my read API from PHP to Go, but the response time of Go API is higher than PHP. We are returning the response in JSON format, and the response contains around 30k keys, which is taking too much time in JSON marshaling. We are adding all the response in map format as we can't use struct because response keys are not fixed and vary from user to user.

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