[GRASS-dev] NumPy: timeline for dropping Python 2 support

2017-11-14 Thread Pietro Zambelli
Dear devs,

I've just find out this news on reddit [0], and  I think it is relevant
also for GRASS.
Numy is planning to drop the python2 support [1]:

The current plan is as follows.

  * Until *December 31, 2018*, all NumPy releases will fully support
both Python2 and Python3.
  * Starting on *January 1, 2019*, any new feature releases will support
only Python3.
  * The last Python2 supporting release will be designated as a long
term support (LTS) release, [...], it will be supported by the
community until *December 31, 2019*.
  *  On *January 1, 2020* we will raise a toast to Python2, and
community support for the last Python2 supporting release will come
to an end.


grass-dev mailing list

Re: [GRASS-dev] Object-based image classification in GRASS

2014-01-07 Thread Pietro Zambelli
Dear all,

Some news about the machine learning classification of image segments.

The process described below has been used to classify some RGB images 
for two different regions with more than 1 billions of pixels, and more 
than 2.7 millions  of segments.
Working with such challenging figures requires to optimize/rewrite part 
of the pygrass library [r58622-r58628 and r58634/r58635] and
to adapt/add new GRASS modules, below is briefly reported the sequence 
of modules used/developed:

1. i.segment.hierarchical [r58137] => extract the segments 
from the raster group splitting the domain in tiles 
(in grass-addons);

2. r.to.vect => convert the segments to a vector map;

3. v.category => to transfer the categories of the geometry
features to the new layers, the module was not working 
for areas but know is fixed [r58202].

3. v.stats [r58637] => Extract statistics from a vector map
   (statistics about shape and about raster maps). 
   v.stats internally use (in grass-addons):
- v.area.stats [r58636] => extract some statistics about
  the shape (in grass-addons);
- v.to.rast => re-convert the vector to a raster map using the
  vector categories to be sure that there is a correspondence
  between vector and raster categories (zones).
- r.univar2 [r58439] => extract some general statistics from
  raster using the zones (consume much less memory than
  r.univar, and compute more general statistics like:
  skewness, kurtosis, and mode (in grass-addons);

4. v.class.ml [r58638] => classify a vector map, at the moment
only a supervisionate classification is tested/supported. 
To select the segment that must use for training the different 
machine-learning techniques you can define a training 
map using the g.gui.iclass.
The v.class.ml module can:
- extract the training, 
- balance and scale the training set;
- optimize the training set;
- test several machine learning techniques;
- explore the SVC domain;
- export the accuracy of different ML to a csv file;
- find and export the optimum training set,
- classify the vector map using several ML techniques and
  export to a new layer of the vector map with the results
  of the classification;
- export the classification results to several raster maps,
  the vector map coming from a segment raster map is too
  big to be exported to a shape file (the limit for a shape file
  is 4Gb [0]).
The module accept as input a python file with a list of custom
classifiers defined by the user, and support both:
scikit-learn[1] and mlpy[2] libraries.

Known Issues:
* not all the classifiers are working (but I hope to be able to fix this 
during the next weeks);
* so far, only a supervised classification is supported.

Best regards


[0] http://www.gdal.org/ogr/drv_shapefile.html
[1] http://scikit-learn.org/
[2] http://mlpy.sourceforge.net/
grass-dev mailing list

Re: [GRASS-dev] r.univar, ERROR G_realloc:

2013-12-10 Thread Pietro Zambelli
On Sunday 08 Dec 2013 23:51:22 you wrote:
> > It might be nice to define a threshold for "large maps" and issue
> > in case a G_message()/G_warning() to inform the user about the
> > other modules...
> Today I tried to reduce the memory footprint of the module and I
> added also: skewness, kurtosis and mode, and reduced some
> capabilities, I will test it in the next days.

OK, I pushed in grass-addons, at the moment it works only with zones 
and with the flag -e (for extended statistics). 

On my test case r.univar consume more than 15 GB before to crash, now 
the module consume less than GB, and compute also some extra values.

grass-dev mailing list

Re: [GRASS-dev] r.univar, ERROR G_realloc:

2013-12-08 Thread Pietro Zambelli
On Sunday 08 Dec 2013 22:37:34 Markus Neteler wrote:
> On Sat, Dec 7, 2013 at 12:58 AM, Glynn Clements
>  wrote:
> ...
> > Don't use "r.univar -e", particularly for large maps. r.quantile
> > and r.statistics3 are far more efficient.
> It might be nice to define a threshold for "large maps" and issue in
> case a G_message()/G_warning() to inform the user about the other
> modules...

Today I tried to reduce the memory footprint of the module and I added 
also: skewness, kurtosis and mode, and reduced some capabilities, I 
will test it in the next days.

However r.statistics/2/3/r.quantile generate different results and are 
not directly substitutes of r.univar (IMHO).

grass-dev mailing list

Re: [GRASS-dev] Aborted (core dumped), during v.build

2013-11-28 Thread Pietro Zambelli
On Friday 29 Nov 2013 06:54:59 you wrote:
> > What it is wrong and how to fix it? Any ideas?
> Please try make distclean,I had similar problems some day ago

I did, actually, so should be something else I guess...

grass-dev mailing list

[GRASS-dev] Aborted (core dumped), during v.build

2013-11-28 Thread Pietro Zambelli

I'm trying to convert a segment map into a vector map, I'm using GRASS7 
(r58321), but I got:

G70> r.to.vect --o --v input=seg_0.05_final@pietro output=seg005 type=area
WARNING: Vector map  already exists and will be overwritten
Using native format
Extracting areas...
Writing areas...
Building topology for vector map ...
Registering primitives...
Unexpected error.
Aborted (core dumped)

G70> v.info map=seg005
WARNING: Coor file of vector map  is larger than it should
 be (3198718980 bytes excess)
 | Name:seg005|
 | Mapset:  pietro|
 | Location:combabula |
 | Database:/home/pietro  |
 | Title: |
 | Map scale:   1:1   |
 | Name of creator: pietro|
 | Organization:  |
 | Source date: Thu Nov 28 20:55:18 2013  |
 | Timestamp (first layer): none  |
 | Map format:  native|
 |   Type of map: vector (level: 1)   |
 |   Number of points:   0   Number of centroids:  5970928|
 |   Number of lines:0   Number of boundaries: 16325866   |
 |   Number of areas:0   Number of islands:0  |
 |   Map is 3D:  No   |
 |   Number of dblinks:  1|
 |   Projection: UTM (zone invalid)   |
 |   N:  7104206.80119541S:   7089186.6842956 |
 |   E:759827.4950082W:   745280.94984459 |
 |   Digitization threshold: 0|
 |   Comment: |

the problem raise when I try to build the topography, running v.build I got:

G70> v.build map=seg005 --v
WARNING: Coor file of vector map  is larger than it should
 be (3198718980 bytes excess)
Building topology for vector map ...
Registering primitives...
22296794 primitives registered
189966723 vertices registered
Building areas...
Unexpected error.
Aborted (core dumped)

What it is wrong and how to fix it? Any ideas?

Best regards


grass-dev mailing list

Re: [GRASS-dev] modifying the dblink it require to re-build the topology

2013-11-12 Thread Pietro Zambelli
On Tuesday 12 Nov 2013 20:37:24 you wrote:
> >> I know that it can be annoying to have to create new maps, but at
> >> the same time it is a failsafe that makes sure that even if you
> >> make a mistake in the call to v.category, you still keep your
> >> original data.
> > 
> > yes, it is particularly annoying, because the GRASS db driver is
> > pretty slow copying data from one table to another. Maybe we
> > should
> > add a flag that skip to copy the attribute tables.
> That could be an option, yes.

Ok, done in r58202

> > On the other hand, the tables are already there, we need only to
> > link the geometry features to the existing table.
> No, if we have a new map it should use a different attribute table
> than the old map.

I don't agree I prefer to avoid to have several copy of the same thing 
on my hard-disk, but I can understand your logic. :-)

> > Anyone against this new flag/option?
> I'm not against the flag as it seems a reasonable option to me, but
> I think that the performance issue should be solved as well. From
> what I see in the code, I have the feeling that v.category might be
> bitten by the same "bug"/problem as the one Hamish just reported
> for v.what.rast [1], so possibly it is feasible to improve the
> performance.

Yes, I think that we have a huge problem in the DB drivers, but I 
don't have time right now to understand where the problem is. 

In general I try to avoid to use the C API of the DB as much as 
possible, using directly the python API.

I think that the Attribute table, could gain in usability too if avoid 
to use v.db.select, and start to use directly the python API...
and I think should avoid to load the whole table and load only the 
first 250 rows [0].

Best regards


[0] http://trac.osgeo.org/grass/ticket/2124

grass-dev mailing list

Re: [GRASS-dev] [GRASS GIS] #2127: Python implementation of g.message

2013-11-10 Thread Pietro Zambelli
On Monday 11 Nov 2013 00:46:20 GRASS GIS wrote:
>  I would like to put the attached file {{{__init__.py}}} into a new
> pygrass directory "lib/python/pygrass/messenger", if there are no
> objections against it.

Personally I have no objections! :-)
Well done.


grass-dev mailing list

[GRASS-dev] env variable: GRASS_DEBUG_LEVEL

2013-11-09 Thread Pietro Zambelli
Dear devs,

reading the manual of G_debug, I found miss leading the documentation:

"Print debugging message if environment variable GRASS_DEBUG_LEVEL is 
set to level equal or greater" [0]

So I try to set the environment variable with:


but it didn't work. Is It a bug?

Vaclav, tell me that I have to use: "g.gisenv set=DEBUG=0" instead.
Maybe we should improve the documentation string to make it more 
clear. What do you think?

Best regards

grass-dev mailing list

Re: [GRASS-dev] modifying the dblink it require to re-build the topology

2013-11-09 Thread Pietro Zambelli
On Thursday 07 Nov 2013 09:25:21 you wrote:
> > I'm doing something wrong or is it a bug?
> I thought that maybe you forgot to use the type parameter, but I
> just tried in the NC dataset and can confirm your issue.

ok, the bug should be fixed in r58179, at the end it was much easier 
than I thought.

Please test the v.category module, to be sure that I've not introduced 
new bugs. :-)

> I know that it can be annoying to have to create new maps, but at
> the same time it is a failsafe that makes sure that even if you
> make a mistake in the call to v.category, you still keep your
> original data.

yes, it is particularly annoying, because the GRASS db driver is 
pretty slow copying data from one table to another. Maybe we should 
add a flag that skip to copy the attribute tables.

On the other hand, the tables are already there, we need only to link 
the geometry features to the existing table.

Anyone against this new flag/option?

Best regards


grass-dev mailing list

Re: [GRASS-dev] Object-based image classification in GRASS

2013-10-31 Thread Pietro Zambelli
On Thursday 31 Oct 2013 10:09:20 Moritz Lennert wrote:
> Great ! Then I won't continue on that and rather wait for your stuff. Do
> you have code, yet (except for i.segment.hierarchical) ? Don't hesitate
> to publish early.

I did some stuff here: https://github.com/zarch/ml.class

But I'm working to a main re-factoring to integrate my work with 
"v.class.mlpy". It is still under development.

> I guess we should focus on getting the functionality, first and then
> think about optimisation for size...

I agree, but I'm a phD student and I need the results now! :-)

> > To speed-up the segmentation process I did the i.segment.hierarchical
> > module [0]. that split the region in several tiles, compute the segment
> > for each tile, patch all the tiles together and run a last time i
> > segment using the patched map as a seed.
> Any reason other than preference for git over svn for not putting your
> module into grass-addons ?

No, I was worry to add too much stuff on grass-addons, and moreover is 
still under development so maybe it is not ready for a production 
But I think that now I can move i.segment.hierarchical to grass-addons.

> > for a region of 24k row for 48k cols it required less than two hour to
> > run and patch all the tiles, and more than 5 hours to run the "final"
> > i.segment over the patched map (using only 3 iterations!).
> That's still only 7 hours for segmentation of a billion-cell size image.
> Not bad compared to other solutions out there...

I never used other solutions, so I'm not able to compared the results, but I 
think that we have some chance to speed-up the process some 
parallelization, I've started to study the i.segment code, but I need time.

> >  From my experience I can say that the use "v.to.db" is terribly slow if
> > 
> > you want to apply to a vector map with more than 2.7 Millions of areas.
> > So I've develop a python function that compute the same values, but it
> > is much faster that the v.to.db module, and should be possible to split
> > the operation in several processes for further speed up... (It is still
> > under testing).
> Does your python module load the values into an attribute table ? I
> would guess that that's the slow part in v.to.db. Generally, I think
> that's another field where optimization would be great (if possible):
> database interaction, notably writing to tables. IIUC, in v.to.db there
> is a seperate update operation for each feature. I imagine that there
> must be a faster way to do this...

yes, this is the main problem GRASS is quite bad/slow writing to the db, I've 
skipped the GRASS API and use directly the python interface that is faster.
Moreover the v.to.db create only a column per time, and if you are using 
the sqlite driver it mean that each time you have to create a new table and 
copy all the data.

Even this module is not ready yet... it is just a python function.

> > I'm extended to use tree/k-NN/SVM Machine learning from MLPY [1] 
> > used also Parzen, but the results were not good enough) and to work 
> > with the scikit [2] classifiers.
> You extended v.class.mlpy ? Is that code available somewhere ?

No, I wrote ml.class and now I'm rewriting to integrate the things together.

> > I'm working to add also a C function to the GRASS library to compute 
> > barycentre and the a polar second moment of Area (or Moment of 
> > that return a number that it is independent from the orientation and
> > dimension.
> Great ! I guess the more the merrier ;-)
> See also [1]. Maybe its just a small additional step to add that at the
> same time ?

I would love to have this too! :-)

> > I use the i.gui.class to generate the training vector map, and then use
> > this map to select the training areas, and export the final results into
> > a file (at the moment only csv and npy formats are supported).
> How do you do that ? Do you generate training points (or small areas)
> and then select the areas these points fall into ?
> I thought it best to select training areas among the actual polygons
> coming out of i.segment.

Yes I think so, I've generated some training areas using i.gui.class, then 
I've extract all the segments that overlap this areas and assign the 
category of the training vector map. I'm working on it (so no code ready 

So I can write here as soon as I have something to test... :-)

Best regards


grass-dev mailing list

Re: [GRASS-dev] Object-based image classification in GRASS

2013-10-30 Thread Pietro Zambelli
Hi Moritz,

I'm writing some modules (in python) to basically do the same thing. 

I'm trying to apply a Object-based classification for a quite big area (the 
region is more than 14 billions of cells).

At the moment I'm working with a smaller area with "only" ~1 billions of 
cells, but it is still quite challenging.

To speed-up the segmentation process I did the i.segment.hierarchical 
module [0]. that split the region in several tiles, compute the segment for 
each tile, patch all the tiles together and run a last time i segment using 
the patched map as a seed.

for a region of 24k row for 48k cols it required less than two hour to run 
and patch all the tiles, and more than 5 hours to run the "final" i.segment 
over the patched map (using only 3 iterations!).

>From my experience I can say that the use "v.to.db" is terribly slow if you 
want to apply to a vector map with more than 2.7 Millions of areas. So I've 
develop a python function that compute the same values, but it is much 
faster that the v.to.db module, and should be possible to split the 
operation in several processes for further speed up... (It is still under 

On Wednesday 30 Oct 2013 21:04:22 Moritz Lennert wrote:
> - It uses the v.class.mlpy addon module for classification, so that
> needs to be installed. Kudos to Vaclav for that module ! It currently
> only uses the DLDA classifier. The mlpy library offers many more, and I
> think it should be quite easy to add them. Obviously, one could also
> simply export the attribute table of the segments and of the training
> areas to csv files and use R to do the classification.

I'm extended to use tree/k-NN/SVM Machine learning from MLPY [1] (I've 
used also Parzen, but the results were not good enough) and to work also 
with the scikit [2] classifiers.
Scikit it seems to have a larger community and should be easier to install 
than MLPY, and last but not least it seems generally faster [3].

> - Many other variables could be calculated for the segments: other
> texture variables (possibly variables by segment, not as average of
> pixel-based variables, cf [1]), other shape variables (cf the new work
> of MarkusM on center lines and skeletons of polygons in v.voronoi), band
> indices, etc. It would be interesting to hear what most people find 

I'm working to add also a C function to the GRASS library to compute the 
barycentre and the a polar second moment of Area (or Moment of Inertia), 
that return a number that it is independent from the orientation and 

> - I do the step of digitizing training areas in the wxGUI digitizer
> using the attribute editing tool and filling in the 'class' attribute
> for those polygons I find representative. As already mentioned in
> previous discussions [2], I do think that it would be nice if we could
> have an attribute editing form that is independent of the vector digitizer.

I use the i.gui.class to generate the training vector map, and then use this 
map to select the training areas, and export the final results into a file (at 
the moment only csv and npy formats are supported).

> More generally, it would be great to get feedback from interested people
> on this approach to object-based image classification to see what we 
> do to make it better.

I'm definitely interested on the topic! :-)

Some days ago I've discussed with MarkusM, that may be I could do a GSoC 
next year to modify the i.segment module to automatically split the domain 
in tiles, run as a multiprocess, and then "patch" only the segments that 
are on the border of the tiles, this solution should be much faster than my 
actual solution[0]. Moreover we should consider to skip to transform the 
segments into vector to extract the shape parameters and extract shape 
and others parameters (mean, median, skewness, std, etc.) directly as 
last step before to free the memory from the segments structures, writing 
a csv/npy file.

All the best.


[0] https://github.com/zarch/i.segment.hierarchical
[1] http://mlpy.sourceforge.net/
[2] http://scikit-learn.org/
[3] http://scikit-learn.org/ml-benchmarks/

grass-dev mailing list

Re: [GRASS-dev] g.remove rast prefered

2013-08-11 Thread Pietro Zambelli
Hi Martin,

On Sunday 11 Aug 2013 11:05:44 Martin Landa wrote:
> Hi all,
> AFAR there was already discussion related to g.remove/g.copy/g.rename
> modules. Before we start releasing GRASS7 tech-preview I would prefer
> to change the current behaviour.
> g.remove x
> Removing raster 
> WARNING: Raster map  not found
> WARNING:  nothing removed
> to
> g.remove x
> ERROR: Invalid data element (valid options: rast,vect..)
> ->
> g.remove rast=x
> What do you think?


I like the idea!

grass-dev mailing list

Re: [GRASS-dev] [SoC] Weekly report #3 - GRASS Interactive Scatter Plot Tool

2013-07-07 Thread Pietro Zambelli
Hi Štěpán,

On Sunday 07 Jul 2013 13:55:15 Štěpán Turek wrote:
> many thanks for big help. If I understand it correctly, the key, which will
> solve my issue, is the multiprocessing  module, which allows to define
> region just in this process without affecting the others (as it is in the
> modules). Thanks to that it will be possible to use raster library in the
> backend and get rid of files produced by r.out.bin.

yes, you can just run your command giving the right environment variables...

import subprocess as sub

sub.Popen(['grasscmd', 'option', etc.], env={dictionary with your variables})

I've used it in the pygrass.modules.grid to split the grass operations in 
independent processes running the same command in different mapsets with 
different regions. You can have a look here:


> [snip]
> Extending PyGRASS to provide access to the backend  is good idea. I will do
> so.

Please ask me if you have any doubts... I will be happy to help! :-)

Have a nice day!


grass-dev mailing list

Re: [GRASS-dev] pyGRASS problem with r.sun

2013-06-23 Thread Pietro Zambelli
Hi Yann,

On Sunday 23 Jun 2013 11:15:46 Yann Chemin wrote:
> Hi,
> (svn trunk)
> r.sun in pyGRASS is somehow confused with data type for time option.
> Time option does work well as a float input directly in the shell.
> from pyGRASS it expects an integer.
> time=10.3321830777
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "./python-pygrass.py", line 293, in 
> r.sun(elevin="dem",albedo=b_albedo,glob_rad=b_rnet,lin=3.0,day=b_doy,time=f
> loat(local_time),quiet=QIET,overwrite=OVR) File
> "/usr/local/grass-7.0.svn/etc/python/grass/pygrass/modules/interface/module
> .py", line 183, in __call__
> self.inputs[key].value = val
>   File
> "/usr/local/grass-7.0.svn/etc/python/grass/pygrass/modules/interface/parame
> ter.py", line 98, in _set_value
> (self.name, self.values))
> ValueError: The Parameter , must be one of: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,
> 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23,
> 24]

Good point! :-)

should be fixed in r56885

>>> from pygrass.modules.shortcuts import raster as r
>>> sun = r.sun
>>> sun.inputs.time = 10.5   # it's fine
>>> sun.inputs.time = 110.5  # raise an exception
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 1, in 
sun.inputs.time = 110.5
  File "pygrass/modules/interface/typedict.py", line 25, in __setattr__
self[key].value = value
  File "pygrass/modules/interface/parameter.py", line 99, in _set_value
ValueError: The Parameter , must be: 0<=value<=24

grass-dev mailing list

Re: [GRASS-dev] pyGRASS send job to background

2013-06-21 Thread Pietro Zambelli

On Friday 21 Jun 2013 13:08:48 Pietro Zambelli wrote:
> Sorry I have to add this in the documentation...

False, it was already in the code... I forgot to activate the foot with the 
special parameters... :-)

Now if you ask for the doc in an interactive shell with:

>>> i.albedo?

You get:


input: required, multistring
Name of input raster map
output: required, string
Name for output raster map


m: None
Modis (7 input bands:1,2,3,4,5,6,7)
n: None
NOAA AVHRR (2 input bands:1,2)
l: None
Landsat (6 input bands:1,2,3,4,5,7)
a: None
Aster (6 input bands:1,3,5,6,8,9)
c: None
Albedo dry run to calculate some water to beach/sand/desert 
stretching, a kind of simple atmospheric correction
d: None
Albedo dry run to calculate some water to beach/sand/desert 
stretching, a kind of simple atmospheric correction
overwrite: None
Allow output files to overwrite existing files
verbose: None
Verbose module output
quiet: None
Quiet module output

Special Parameters

The Module class have some optional parameters which are distinct using a 
final underscore.

run_: True, optional
If True execute the module.
finish_: True, optional
If True wait untill the end of the module execution, and store the module
outputs into stdout, stderr attributes of the class.
stdin_: PIPE,
Set the standard input
env_: dictionary, optional
Set the evironment variables.

Thank you for the help.

grass-dev mailing list

Re: [GRASS-dev] pyGRASS send job to background

2013-06-21 Thread Pietro Zambelli
On Friday 21 Jun 2013 16:20:00 Yann Chemin wrote:
> I have several jobs that can be run together,
> in BASH we can add "&" at the end of the module command,
> is there a pyGRASS option we can throw to the same effect?

yes, the parameter is: finish_=False, in this way python will not wait the end 
of the module command...

Sorry I have to add this in the documentation...

grass-dev mailing list

Re: [GRASS-dev] module input (multiple type) in pyGRASS

2013-06-21 Thread Pietro Zambelli
Hi Yann,

On Friday 21 Jun 2013 10:48:14 Yann Chemin wrote:
> Hi,
> I am having trouble with multiple input in pyGRASS:
> Example:
> -
> b_in=[b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b7]
> i.albedo(input=b_in, output=b_albedo, flags="lc", overwrite=OVR)
> input has a multiple raster band names requirement (6 here),
> using a list to define b_in does not work.
> What kind of container should I use?

you should use a list as you do...

I don't have your map so I'm not able to reproduce the problem on my 

I've try with:
from grass.pygrass.modules.shortcuts import imagery as i

alb = i.albedo
alb(input=['b1', 'b2', 'b3', 'b4', 'b5', 'b7'], 
output='b_albedo', flags="lc", overwrite=True, run_=False)

and return 'i.albedo input=b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b7 output=b_albedo -l -c --o'
that it seems correct to me...

Can you provide some more details about "b_in does not work"? :-)
What kind of error do you have?

Best regards


ps: thank you for testing!
grass-dev mailing list

Re: [GRASS-dev] G__getenv return different results from ctypes and from GRASS modules

2013-06-01 Thread Pietro Zambelli
On Saturday 01 Jun 2013 01:48:39 Glynn Clements wrote:
> Nikos Alexandris wrote:
> > > > Why the ctypes version return 'PERMANENT' instead of 'user1'?
> > 
> > Glynn Clements wrote:
> > > The $GISRC file is read the first time that an environment lookup is
> > > made. There is no way to force it to be re-read.
> > 
> > This means that I can't use instructions like
> [...]
> > in a function (pasted below) which I call from within a "for" loop to go
> > through Mapsets that potentially contain raster maps named differently?
> You can modify the current process' environment with G_setenv().

Or use the method

current() => to set the mapset as current

I completely forgot that I've already implemented this functionalities... :-)

see this example:

In [1]: from grass.pygrass.gis import Mapset
In [2]: veg = Mapset()
In [3]: veg
Out[3]: Mapset('veg')
In [5]: perm = Mapset('PERMANENT')
In [6]: perm.is_current()
Out[6]: False
In [7]: veg.is_current()
Out[7]: True
In [8]: !g.mapset -p
In [9]: perm.current()
In [10]: !g.mapset -p
In [11]: perm.is_current()
Out[11]: True
In [12]: veg.is_current()
Out[12]: False
grass-dev mailing list

Re: [GRASS-dev] Using the pygrass "Mapset.glist" method and a dictionary

2013-05-23 Thread Pietro Zambelli
Ciao Nikos,

On Thursday 23 May 2013 22:50:10 Nikos Alexandris wrote:
> Hi list.
> In a Python script, I use the following pygrass method to retrieve a list of
> raster maps:
>   from grass.pygrass.gis import Mapset
>   ..
>   landsat_imagery = dict()
>   ..
>   landsat_imagery['Spectral Bands'] = Mapset().glist('rast', pattern =
> 'B[123457]')
> However, whenever the result is empty, i.e. there are no B1, B2 and so on
> named raster maps, running the script fails with the error:
>   landsat_imagery['Spectral Bands'] = Mapset().glist('rast', pattern =
> 'B[123457]')
>   TypeError: 'str' object is not callable
> Running the instructions step-wise, from within ipython, doesn't appear to
> be problematic.  What am I missing in this case?


I've tried your code... and it is working on my machine. In both: python shell 
and from file...

Python shell:

>>> from grass.pygrass.gis import Mapset
>>> Mapset().glist('rast', pattern = 'B[123457]')
['B4', 'B5', 'B1', 'B3', 'B2', 'B7']

>From file:

>>> cat nik.py
from grass.pygrass.gis import Mapset

landsat_imagery = dict()
landsat_imagery['Spectral Bands'] = Mapset().glist('rast', 

print landsat_imagery

>>> %run nik.py
{'Spectral Bands': ['B4', 'B5', 'B1', 'B3', 'B2', 'B7']}

Therefore I think that the problem is not here...
can you send me or share/publish the whole code somewhere (gist.github, dpaste 
or other).


grass-dev mailing list

[GRASS-dev] pyGRASS: Report #3

2012-06-08 Thread Pietro Zambelli
Hi all!

This week I had the last course at university. I split the Raster class into:
   - RasterAbstractBase;
   - RasterRow;
   - RasterRowIO;
   - RasterSegment;
   - RasterNumpy;

You can find the third weekly report here:


Comments are welcome
Best Regards,


grass-dev mailing list

[GRASS-dev] pyGRASS: Report #2

2012-06-01 Thread Pietro Zambelli
Hi all!

This week I had some classes, so I couldn't work full time on my project, but 
any way I add new functionalities as rename and remove maps, write row by row 
a new map.

You can find the second weekly report here:


And you can find the source and some examples of use here:


Let me know if you have any suggestion.

Best regards

grass-dev mailing list

Re: [GRASS-dev] svn: 41275 (Identation error in core.py?)

2010-03-04 Thread Pietro Zambelli
In data mercoledì 3 marzo 2010 21:05:31, hai scritto:
> On Wed, Mar 3, 2010 at 12:58 PM, Pietro Zambelli  wrote:
> > Hi all!
> > 
> > I try to compile grass7 from svn I reach this error:
> > 
> > GRASS GIS compilation log
> > -
> > Started compilation: Wed Mar  3 12:34:18 CET 2010
> > --
> > Errors in:
> > /home/pietro/builds/grass70/src/grass70/lib/python
> > /home/pietro/builds/grass70/src/grass70/scripts/d.vect.thematic
> > /home/pietro/builds/grass70/src/grass70/scripts/r.in.srtm
> > /home/pietro/builds/grass70/src/grass70/scripts/v.db.update
> > --
> > In case of errors please change into the directory with error and run
> > 'make'. If you get multiple errors, you need to deal with them in the
> > order they appear in the error log. If you get an error building a
> > library, you will also get errors from anything which uses the library.
> > --
> > 
> > then I try to run 'make':
> > --
> > $ cd src/grass70/lib/python/
> > python $ make
> > python -m py_compile /home/pietro/builds/grass70/src/grass70/dist.x86_64-
> > unknown-linux-gnu/etc/python/grass/script/core.py
> > Sorry: IndentationError: ('expected an indented block',
> > ('/home/pietro/builds/grass70/src/grass70/dist.x86_64-unknown-linux-
> > gnu/etc/python/grass/script/core.py', 71, 10, 'return val\n'))make:
> > *** [/home/pietro/builds/grass70/src/grass70/dist.x86_64-unknown-linux-
> > gnu/etc/python/grass/script/core.pyc] Error 1
> I have tried with today's SVN - no such problem.
> [nete...@north python]$ touch core.py
> [nete...@north python]$ make
> /usr/bin/install -c  -m 644 core.py
> /home/neteler/grass70/dist.x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/etc/python/grass/script
> /core.py python -m py_compile
> /home/neteler/grass70/dist.x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/etc/python/grass/script
> /core.py [nete...@north python]$
> Perhaps you have local modifications? Which python version do you use?

I use Python 2.6.4

I have removed lib/python directory and update and now I have this different 
compilation error:

GRASS GIS compilation log
Started compilation: Thu Mar  4 08:59:03 CET 2010
Errors in:
In case of errors please change into the directory with error and run 'make'.
If you get multiple errors, you need to deal with them in the order they
appear in the error log. If you get an error building a library, you will
also get errors from anything which uses the library.
Finished compilation: Thu Mar  4 08:59:46 CET 2010
make: *** [default] Error 1
==> ERROR: Build Failed.

I try to remove and update but I still have this error

$ cd scripts/v.colors
$ make
/bin/install -c  v.colors.py 
if [ 
 != "" ] ; then 
 --html-description < 
/dev/null | grep -v '\|' > v.colors.tmp.html ; fi
 line 247
grass.run_command('r.colors', map = tmp_colr, flags = flip_flag, 
**color_cmd, quiet = True)

SyntaxError: invalid syntax
make: *** [v.colors.tmp.html] Error 1
rm v.colors.tmp.html

Thank you Markus and Glynn for your replies!

grass-dev mailing list

[GRASS-dev] svn: 41275 (Identation error in core.py?)

2010-03-03 Thread Pietro Zambelli
Hi all!

I try to compile grass7 from svn I reach this error:

GRASS GIS compilation log   


Started compilation: Wed Mar  3 12:34:18 CET 2010   


Errors in:  






In case of errors please change into the directory with error and run 'make'.   

If you get multiple errors, you need to deal with them in the order they

appear in the error log. If you get an error building a library, you will   

also get errors from anything which uses the library.   


then I try to run 'make':
$ cd src/grass70/lib/python/

python $ make   

python -m py_compile /home/pietro/builds/grass70/src/grass70/dist.x86_64-
Sorry: IndentationError: ('expected an indented block', 
gnu/etc/python/grass/script/core.py', 71, 10, 'return val\n'))make: *** 
gnu/etc/python/grass/script/core.pyc] Error 1 

grass-dev mailing list

Re: [GRASS-dev] Use Global variables at Scripts (Python)

2010-02-25 Thread Pietro Zambelli
In data giovedì 25 febbraio 2010 19:34:25, Luis Lisboa ha scritto:
: > Hi
> I'm programming a few Scripts and I would like to know How can I access
> some global variables value such as GRASS_DIR, MAPSET; LOCATIOn or even
> others that I defined (e.g. GRASS_TEMP). How can I load and access them?
> (I'm working with Python scripts for GRASS 7)
You could do something like:


import grass.script as grs

# get info about my location and mapset
env = grs.gisenv()
pathbase = env['GISDBASE']
location = env['LOCATION_NAME']
mapset = env['MAPSET']

# get absolut path to actually mapset
pathmapset=path.join(pathbase, location, mapset)

# get rasters
# get vectors

may be there are something better...

grass-dev mailing list

[GRASS-dev] Segmentation fault with r.cost in grass7.0

2010-01-20 Thread Pietro Zambelli
Hi all!
I'm Pietro and this is my first message here! So be patient if my information 
lacking in something. 

I try to run r.cost on grass70 from svn but I have this output message:

GRASS GIS 7.0 svn:40557-40571
$ r.cost -k input=dtm_d...@trentino output=provarcost70 

Will need at least 0.00 MB of disk space
Will need at least 0.00 MB of memory

WARNING: segment_setup: illegal segment file parameters
Reading raster map , initializing output...
Segmentation fault

Grass6.4 work fine! And I get this:


$ r.cost -k input=dtm_d...@trentino output=provarcost 
Reading raster map ...
Initializing output...
Reading raster map ...
Finding cost path...
No data
Writing raster map ...
r.cost complete. Peak cost value: 132.490

More Details about my system:

OS: Linux

Distribution: Archlinux

kernel: 2.6.32-ARCH

gcc: 4.4.2 20091208 (prerelease) (GCC)
Using built-in specs.
Target: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
Configured with: ../configure --prefix=/usr --enable-shared --enable-
languages=c,c++,fortran,objc,obj-c++,ada --enable-threads=posix --
mandir=/usr/share/man --infodir=/usr/share/info --enable-__cxa_atexit --disable-
multilib --libdir=/usr/lib --libexecdir=/usr/lib --enable-clocale=gnu --disable-
libstdcxx-pch --with-tune=generic
Thread model: posix

Architecture compile flags:
CFLAGS="-march=core2 -O2 -pipe"  
CXXFLAGS="-march=core2 -02 -pipe"

Compile grass with:
./configure --prefix=/opt --with-gdal="/usr/bin/gdal-config" --with-sqlite --
with-python --with-wxwidgets="/usr/bin/wx-config" --with-blas --with-lapack --
with-postgres --with-proj-libs="/usr/lib" --with-proj-includes="/usr/include" --
with-proj-share="/usr/share/proj" --with-fftw --with-fftw-
includes="/usr/include" --with-fftw-libs="/usr/lib" --with-freetype=yes --with-
freetype-includes="/usr/include/freetype2/" --with-pthread

Any hint?

grass-dev mailing list