Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Allowing hyphens in identifiers

2009-12-18 Thread Steve Schafer
On Fri, 18 Dec 2009 16:39:21 +1300, you wrote:

>My experience has been that in order to make sense of someone else's
>code you *HAVE* to break identifiers into their component words.
>With names like (real example) ScatterColorPresetEditor, the eye
>*can't* take it in at once, and telling the difference between that
>and ScatterColorPresentEditor would be a pain.  Break them up
>Ada-style as Scatter_Colour_Preset_Editor and
>Scatter_Colour_Present_Editor and you're away laughing.

I wouldn't notice the difference between Preset and Present in either
case. And in the latter example, my eyes would actually be drawn away
from Preset/Present and towards Colour, noticing that it is spelled

Count me in the "prefers hyphens" camp, by the way.

Steve Schafer
Fenestra Technologies Corp.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Allowing hyphens in identifiers

2009-12-18 Thread Jason Dagit
On Thu, Dec 17, 2009 at 6:58 PM, Richard O'Keefe  wrote:

>  (Why do people call
> baStudly syle "camel"?  Is there somewhere in the world a
> species of camel with three or four humps, like
> XmlNodeSansChildren?)

As near as I can tell (from googling) you're the one calling it
"baStudlyCaps" :)  See this mail were you seem to coin the phrase and
mention "african gender prefix" (what is that?):

It seems that if you want this name "baStudlyCaps" to catch on it should be
added to the list of alternate names for camel case:

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Allowing hyphens in identifiers

2009-12-18 Thread Miguel Mitrofanov

On 18 Dec 2009, at 06:39, Richard O'Keefe wrote:

My experience has been that in order to make sense of someone else's
code you *HAVE* to break identifiers into their component words.
With names like (real example) ScatterColorPresetEditor, the eye
*can't* take it in at once, and telling the difference between that
and ScatterColorPresentEditor would be a pain.  Break them up
Ada-style as Scatter_Colour_Preset_Editor and
Scatter_Colour_Present_Editor and you're away laughing.

Wouldn't it be something like

Editor (Preset (Color Scatter))

in Haskell?
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Allowing hyphens in identifiers

2009-12-17 Thread Luke Palmer
On Thu, Dec 17, 2009 at 10:39 PM, Richard O'Keefe  wrote:
> On Dec 18, 2009, at 5:00 PM, Luke Palmer wrote:
>>  My preferred way to increase the readability of code is to
>> keep names short and *limited in scope*.
> That's good.  Haskell code is chock full of one and two letter
> highly local identifiers.

I am actually rather ambivalent to this practice.  I was referring
more to the 4-8 letter, 1-2 word range: functions named "collect" or
"diagonals" or "split".  A name like this together with a type
signature is frequently enough to uniquely identify the function in
question; without a good name, not so much.

I find one and two letter identifiers the best way in a few
situations, eg. in "map (x:xs) = ...", where there is hardly a better
name for them ("head" and "tail" perhaps... but it is blindly clear
from context what they are...).  On the other hand, a function like
Martin Escardo's:

> find_vii :: (Cantor -> Bool) -> Cantor
> find_vii p = b
>  where b = id'(\n -> if q n (find_vii(q n)) then Zero else One)
>q n a = p(\i -> if i < n then b i else if i == n then Zero else 
> a(i-n-1))

is pretty rough reading for me.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Allowing hyphens in identifiers

2009-12-17 Thread Richard O'Keefe

On Dec 18, 2009, at 5:00 PM, Luke Palmer wrote:

On Thu, Dec 17, 2009 at 8:39 PM, Richard O'Keefe   

On Dec 17, 2009, at 4:45 AM, Ben Millwood wrote:

By the way, I like camelCase because I think that in most cases you
*don't* want to break identifiers up into their component words

My experience has been that in order to make sense of someone else's
code you *HAVE* to break identifiers into their component words.
With names like (real example) ScatterColorPresetEditor, the eye
*can't* take it in at once, and telling the difference between that
and ScatterColorPresentEditor would be a pain.  Break them up
Ada-style as Scatter_Colour_Preset_Editor and
Scatter_Colour_Present_Editor and you're away laughing.

I don't know what experience you could have had that led you to
believe that *I* have to break identifiers into component words.

Instead of writing "you", I could have written "one".
The meaning would have been essentially unchanged.
Come ON, I explicitly wrote "my experience", what more do you want?

Quite by coincidence, just before opening Mail, I was looking
at some Objective C source code.  It's part of quite an interesting,
indeed, award-winning, program.  I would like to understand it.
But this is how it's written.

+ (FSManagedObjectContextInspector  
interpreter:(FSInterpreter *)theInterpreter;

That's all on one line.

Now maybe YOU can see


whole and entire as a single word without even trying, not for an
instance, to break it into pieces, but here sit I, and the ONLY
way I can make sense of it is to break it up as

managed object context inspector
with managed object context

This is *real* "other people's code".  Maybe Haskell is immune
to this sort of thing, but that's how baStudlyCaps plays out
in other languages.  I am not making this stuff up.  I didn't
even go looking for horrible examples.  This is just the kind
of stuff that hits me in the eye.

I don't like to get caught up into this kind of argument, but my own
opinion is that phrases don't make good words.

The question is not whether phrases make good words or not,
although there are very strong recommendations in software engineering
textbooks (going back at least as far as Ledgard and Tauer) that
program identifiers *should* be phrases.

The point is that in the code I find myself trying to read these
days identifiers *ARE* phrases, whether you or I or anyone else
like it or not.

Take another line from that same program (but another file).

[predicateTextView setFont:[NSFont userFixedPitchFontOfSize: 
[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults]  

"Tell the (predicate text view) to (set [its] font [to])
 (NextStep Font's (user (fixed pitch font) (of size))
  (Next Step User Defaults' standard user defaults) float[ing point
  number] for key "FScript font size")".

That's presented as one (very wide) line of source code.
It *is* an English sentence with a bunch of words deleted and
some funny punctuation marks added.

This is code that I am not familiar with.
It is obvious that nearly *all* code in the world is code that I am
not familiar with.  Talk about how you can read this once you have
become so familiar with it that you can see all these big blobs of
text as single words is talk about what will happen on the Greek
Kalends, as far as I can see.  In order to get to that point, FIRST
I must make sense of it from a position of ignorance.

And to do that, I *HAVE* to break the identifiers into words and
read the natural language text that is very nearly there.

How else can I determine the meaning of these identifiers than by
reading them as phrases?  They *ARE* phrases!  They are MEANT as
phrases.  Am I supposed to divine the meanings by Platonic

Is there really, honestly, anyone on this list who DOESN'T have to
approach code like
 1. - (void)updateAction:(id)sender
 2. {
 3.  [window setTitle:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"Inspecting %@ at  
address %p",descriptionForFSMessage(inspectedObject), inspectedObject]];
 4.  [printStringView setFont:[NSFont  

 5.  [printStringView setString:printString(inspectedObject)];
 6. }
(numbers added to show where the lines start)
by breaking these identifiers into words?

 My preferred way to increase the readability of code is to
keep names short and *limited in scope*.

That's good.  Haskell code is chock full of one and two letter
highly local identifiers.

I have to (and I do mean have to, there's a group project I'm
supposed to contribute to) read stuff like

 1. double ANT_mean_average_precision::average_precision(long topic,  
ANT_search_engine *search_engine)

 2. {
 3. ANT_relevant_topic *got;
 4. ANT_relevant_document key, *relevance_data;
 5. long long current, found_and_relevant;
 6. double precision;
 8. if ((

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Allowing hyphens in identifiers

2009-12-17 Thread Luke Palmer
On Thu, Dec 17, 2009 at 8:39 PM, Richard O'Keefe  wrote:
> On Dec 17, 2009, at 4:45 AM, Ben Millwood wrote:
>> By the way, I like camelCase because I think that in most cases you
>> *don't* want to break identifiers up into their component words
> My experience has been that in order to make sense of someone else's
> code you *HAVE* to break identifiers into their component words.
> With names like (real example) ScatterColorPresetEditor, the eye
> *can't* take it in at once, and telling the difference between that
> and ScatterColorPresentEditor would be a pain.  Break them up
> Ada-style as Scatter_Colour_Preset_Editor and
> Scatter_Colour_Present_Editor and you're away laughing.

I don't know what experience you could have had that led you to
believe that *I* have to break identifiers into component words.  I am
kind of just being a pedant, but I think that using the word "I"
throughout this paragraph instead of "you" will more fairly draw
attention to the fact that, throughout it, you are still talking about
your own experience.

I don't like to get caught up into this kind of argument, but my own
opinion is that phrases don't make good words.
If we write-text English-language using word-phrase-uninflected as
words, no matter-verb the word-spacing, it would be difficulty-hard to
read-text.  My preferred way to increase the readability of code is to
keep names short and *limited in scope*.


> Here's another *real* baStudlyCaps identifier taken from a real
> (and useful) program someone else wrote:
> WEKA_AttributeSelectionEvaluationRanker_SymmetricalUncert
>> - you
>> read and understand what the function does once, and then you use it
>> as a word in its own right.
> I defy anyone to recognise
> WEKA_AttributeSelectionEvaluationRanker_SymmetricalUncert
> as a word in its own right.
>> Any resemblance to actual English is
>> really just a mnemonic of sorts.
> Take a look at another typical example of the genre:
> TransformerFactoryConfigurationError
> "transformer factory configuration error" -- the resemblance
> to actual English is more than accidental.
> A sample of a little over 2000 Java class names had this
> length distribution.
>  1: 10
>  2: 9
>  3: 35
>  4: 55
>  5: 53
>  6: 72
>  7: 97
>  8: 114
>  9: 127
> 10: 158
> 11: 116
> 12: 145
> 13: 150
> 14: 131
> 15: 120
> 16: 109
> 17: 96
> 18: 84
> 19: 56
> 20: 57
> 21: 53
> 22: 53
> 23: 37
> 24: 21
> 25: 29
> 26: 8
> 27: 9
> 28: 5
> 29: 5
> 31: 2
> 33: 3
> 35: 1
> 36: 3
> 37: 2
> 39: 2
> 44: 2
> 47: 1
> 48: 1
> 49: 1
> 50: 1
> 57: 1
> Looking at the number of words in each of these "phrases",
> the distribution is
>  1: 334  16.5%
>  2: 893  44.1%
>  3: 578  28.6%
>  4: 161   7.5%
>  5:  43   2.1%
>  6:  17   0.8%
>  7:   8   0.4%
> Now on a sample of English text (the WSJ collection),
> the commonest word length was 3 letters and the longest
> was 26.  These Java class names are clearly quite unlike
> the words we're used to reading (which would count against
> my ideas about readability except that they _are_ quite
> like English _phrases_).
> I don't have similar figures handy for Haskell.  You thought
> myExamplesLikeThisAreMadeUp?  Nope, things that long and with
> that many words in the phrase are _not_ rare in seriously
> baStudly code.
> If you can see a 57-character 7-word class name as a single
> "word", you have very different eyes from me.
> ___
> Haskell-Cafe mailing list
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Allowing hyphens in identifiers

2009-12-17 Thread Richard O'Keefe

On Dec 17, 2009, at 4:45 AM, Ben Millwood wrote:

By the way, I like camelCase because I think that in most cases you
*don't* want to break identifiers up into their component words

My experience has been that in order to make sense of someone else's
code you *HAVE* to break identifiers into their component words.
With names like (real example) ScatterColorPresetEditor, the eye
*can't* take it in at once, and telling the difference between that
and ScatterColorPresentEditor would be a pain.  Break them up
Ada-style as Scatter_Colour_Preset_Editor and
Scatter_Colour_Present_Editor and you're away laughing.

Here's another *real* baStudlyCaps identifier taken from a real
(and useful) program someone else wrote:

- you
read and understand what the function does once, and then you use it
as a word in its own right.

I defy anyone to recognise
as a word in its own right.

Any resemblance to actual English is
really just a mnemonic of sorts.

Take a look at another typical example of the genre:
"transformer factory configuration error" -- the resemblance
to actual English is more than accidental.

A sample of a little over 2000 Java class names had this
length distribution.

 1: 10
 2: 9
 3: 35
 4: 55
 5: 53
 6: 72
 7: 97
 8: 114
 9: 127
10: 158
11: 116
12: 145
13: 150
14: 131
15: 120
16: 109
17: 96
18: 84
19: 56
20: 57
21: 53
22: 53
23: 37
24: 21
25: 29
26: 8
27: 9
28: 5
29: 5
31: 2
33: 3
35: 1
36: 3
37: 2
39: 2
44: 2
47: 1
48: 1
49: 1
50: 1
57: 1

Looking at the number of words in each of these "phrases",
the distribution is
 1: 334  16.5%
 2: 893  44.1%
 3: 578  28.6%
 4: 161   7.5%
 5:  43   2.1%
 6:  17   0.8%
 7:   8   0.4%

Now on a sample of English text (the WSJ collection),
the commonest word length was 3 letters and the longest
was 26.  These Java class names are clearly quite unlike
the words we're used to reading (which would count against
my ideas about readability except that they _are_ quite
like English _phrases_).

I don't have similar figures handy for Haskell.  You thought
myExamplesLikeThisAreMadeUp?  Nope, things that long and with
that many words in the phrase are _not_ rare in seriously
baStudly code.

If you can see a 57-character 7-word class name as a single
"word", you have very different eyes from me.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Allowing hyphens in identifiers

2009-12-17 Thread Richard O'Keefe

One obvious rule is that
can be mapped to

and vice versa, but that
must be left alone.

As for ok_URL, this is a good example of why mixing styles
isn't so good.  To comply with baStudlyCaps style, it should
have been okURL in the first place.  (Why do people call
baStudly syle "camel"?  Is there somewhere in the world a
species of camel with three or four humps, like

On Dec 17, 2009, at 3:55 AM, Daniel Fischer wrote:

Am Mittwoch 16 Dezember 2009 15:12:31 schrieb Colin Paul Adams:

I tried it.
I'm not all that happy with the resulting uncameling.

For instance,


I'd expect Database.Haskell_DB.Sql.Postgre_SQL


would that be preferred as




 -> _
  -> _ otherwise

There is of course a conceptually simple way to deal with packages
that export identifiers in mixed styles, and that is to create
wrappers that re-export the identifiers in a consistent style.

As far as I'm concerned, hspp is a tool that lets me write and
maintain stuff the way I like it and export it for others to use.
(Not that this has happened yet, others are so much better at
coming up with great stuff...)  If the exported version doesn't
work, that means there's a mistake in the original version.
It's _nice_ that GHC lets me use -F, but GHC isn't the only compiler
in town.

By the way, the current design for the readability experiment
 - third year students (because that's what I can get)
 - three short programs, one written with no compound names (A)
   and the other two in both underscore (BU, CU) and baStudly
   (BB, CB) style.
 - each student reads A, BU, CB
   or A, BB, CU
   or A, CU, BB
   or A, CB, BU
   in the usual sort of Latin-squarey way
   and answers some comprehension questions, with times recorded.
 - age, language spoken at home, previous experience as demographics.
Advice and recommendations for the short programs will be gratefully
received, but the programs should probably be in an imperative language
that isn't one the students are familiar with, maybe Pascal or Ada.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Allowing hyphens in identifiers

2009-12-16 Thread Daniel Fischer
Am Mittwoch 16 Dezember 2009 16:45:01 schrieb Ben Millwood:
> On Wed, Dec 16, 2009 at 2:55 PM, Daniel Fischer
>  wrote:
> > unCamel :: String -> String
> > unCamel ('<':cs) = '<' : inTag cs
> > unCamel (a:b:c:cs)
> >    | isLower a && isUpper b && isLower c = a : '_' : toLower b : c :
> > unCamel cs unCamel (a:bs@(b:cs))
> >    | isLower a && isUpper b    = a : '_' : b : unCamel cs
> >    | otherwise                 = a : unCamel bs
> > unCamel cs = cs
> Excuse my pedantry, but: writeToList -> write_toList.

Nothing to excuse, thanks for spotting it so quickly.

> I think the third equation needs to be:
> > unCamel (a:b:cs@(c:_))
> >
> >  | isLower a && isUpper b && isLower c = a : '_' : toLower b : unCamel cs
> so that the third character is not ignored in subsequent parses.

Yep. That comes from posting code that never saw your editor :(

> By the way, I like camelCase because I think that in most cases you
> *don't* want to break identifiers up into their component words - you
> read and understand what the function does once, and then you use it
> as a word in its own right. Any resemblance to actual English is
> really just a mnemonic of sorts.

I'm with you.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Allowing hyphens in identifiers

2009-12-16 Thread Daniel Fischer
Am Mittwoch 16 Dezember 2009 16:08:43 schrieb Colin Paul Adams:
> Daniel> Database.Haskell_DB.Sql.Postgre_SQL
> Actually, I would be semi-happy with Database.Haskell-DB.Sql.Postgre-SQL
> (obviously we need an option whether to use hypens or underscores. I
> prefer hyphens.)

That's no problem. Hyphens would also circumvent the Network.URL problem :)
Of course, you'd have to set up a not-too-complicated way to type \x2010 in 
your editor.

> I think I prefer shift-left :-)

Sure, mate, that's absolutely not going to be a bitch :-/
(.<<.) = shiftL
(.>>.) = shiftR

> I'd settle for the last.

Also map_m and fiter_m &c? And map_m_, for_m_ ?
Resp. shift-l, map-m, map-m_ ?

Would that be
4) flatten, when followed by lowercase letter, nothing or underscore?

> Daniel> Generally, when shall we flatten the hump, 1) always --
> Daniel> not 2) unless followed by an uppercase letter 3) when
> Daniel> followed by a lowercase letter
> I'm nit sure. i think a more sophisticated rule might be needed.

Okay, let's start to find it. We won't find something which is perfect in all 
cases, but 
perhaps something that's good enough in almost all cases and never too ugly.

Should aBC... -> a_BC... / a-BC... in all cases? If not, in which cases what 
Should aBc... -> a_bc... / a-bc... always? If not, what else?
aB -> a_b /a-b ?
aB' -> a_b' /a-b' ?
aB_ -> ?
aB'c... -> ?
aB'C... -> ?

> Daniel> feedO'Houlihan?
> Daniel> IMO, it should clearly go to feed_O'Houlihan
> Yes, I think so.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Allowing hyphens in identifiers

2009-12-16 Thread Ben Millwood
On Wed, Dec 16, 2009 at 2:55 PM, Daniel Fischer
> unCamel :: String -> String
> unCamel ('<':cs) = '<' : inTag cs
> unCamel (a:b:c:cs)
>    | isLower a && isUpper b && isLower c = a : '_' : toLower b : c : unCamel 
> cs
> unCamel (a:bs@(b:cs))
>    | isLower a && isUpper b    = a : '_' : b : unCamel cs
>    | otherwise                 = a : unCamel bs
> unCamel cs = cs

Excuse my pedantry, but: writeToList -> write_toList.
I think the third equation needs to be:

> unCamel (a:b:cs@(c:_))
>  | isLower a && isUpper b && isLower c = a : '_' : toLower b : unCamel cs

so that the third character is not ignored in subsequent parses.

By the way, I like camelCase because I think that in most cases you
*don't* want to break identifiers up into their component words - you
read and understand what the function does once, and then you use it
as a word in its own right. Any resemblance to actual English is
really just a mnemonic of sorts.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Allowing hyphens in identifiers

2009-12-16 Thread Colin Paul Adams
> "Daniel" == Daniel Fischer  writes:

Daniel> Database.Haskell_DB.Sql.Postgre_SQL

Actually, I would be semi-happy with Database.Haskell-DB.Sql.Postgre-SQL

(obviously we need an option whether to use hypens or underscores. I
prefer hyphens.)

Daniel> Data.Bits.shiftL

Daniel> would that be preferred as

Daniel> shiftL

Daniel> shift_L

Daniel> shift_l

I think I prefer shift-left :-)
I'd settle for the last.

Daniel> Generally, when shall we flatten the hump, 1) always --
Daniel> not 2) unless followed by an uppercase letter 3) when
Daniel> followed by a lowercase letter

I'm nit sure. i think a more sophisticated rule might be needed.

Daniel> feedO'Houlihan?

Daniel> IMO, it should clearly go to feed_O'Houlihan

Yes, I think so.
Colin Adams
Preston Lancashire
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Allowing hyphens in identifiers

2009-12-16 Thread Daniel Fischer
Am Mittwoch 16 Dezember 2009 15:12:31 schrieb Colin Paul Adams:
> I tried it.
> I'm not all that happy with the resulting uncameling.
> For instance,
> Database.HaskellDB.Sql.PostgreSQL
> goes to
> Database.Haskell_dB.Sql.Postgre_sQL
> which is uglier than before.

Oy. Didn't think of that. If you can live with


the fix is easy:

unCamel :: String -> String
unCamel ('<':cs) = '<' : inTag cs
unCamel (a:b:c:cs)
| isLower a && isUpper b && isUpper c = a : '_' : b : c : unCamel cs
unCamel (a:bs@(b:cs))
| isLower a && isUpper b= a : '_' : toLower b : unCamel cs
| otherwise = a : unCamel bs
unCamel cs = cs

Another point is, what about things like


would that be preferred as





Generally, when shall we flatten the hump,
1) always -- not
2) unless followed by an uppercase letter
3) when followed by a lowercase letter

I think, 3) is better than 2), things like for_m_ or map_m_ don't look right to 
All of them are easy to implement, the question is what to implement.
What about


IMO, it should clearly go to feed_O'Houlihan

So, perhaps

unCamel :: String -> String
unCamel ('<':cs) = '<' : inTag cs
unCamel (a:b:c:cs)
| isLower a && isUpper b && isLower c = a : '_' : toLower b : c : unCamel cs
unCamel (a:bs@(b:cs))
| isLower a && isUpper b= a : '_' : b : unCamel cs
| otherwise = a : unCamel bs
unCamel cs = cs

(gives Database.Haskell_DB.Sql.Postgre_SQL, shift_L, for_M_ [that's not 
optimal, any ideas 
what to make of that?], feed_O'Houlihan).
Please test, report shortcomings.
> I.m not sure how I would write this going the other way, using
> Richard's hspp pre-processor.
> I'd want to write Database.Haskell_DB.Sql.Postgresql, but I'd guess

That would become really complicated. I'm afraid if you want that, you'll have 
to do it 

> I'd have to write it as Database.Haskell_DB.Sql.Postgre_s_q_l or just
> Database.Haskell_DB.Sql.PostgreSQL :-(
> Anyway, I'm having trouble with using Richard hspp. It changes ok_url
> to okUrl, but in fact the function concerned is named ok_url in
> Network.URL, so the pre-processor would have to be applied as part of
> cabal install for all packages.

Oh, great. There we have a preprocessor's nightmare, a package using both 
Let us think what to do with such things.

> I don't think it's practical to edit all the .cabal packages as they
> come in to say:
> ghc-options: -F -pgmF hspp
> and cabal install does not recognize this line if I add to to my
> ~/.cabal/config file.
> Duncan, is there a way this can be done?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Allowing hyphens in identifiers

2009-12-16 Thread Colin Adams
2009/12/16 Duncan Coutts :
> On Wed, 2009-12-16 at 14:12 +, Colin Paul Adams wrote:
>> I don't think it's practical to edit all the .cabal packages as they
>> come in to say:
>>     ghc-options: -F -pgmF hspp
>> and cabal install does not recognize this line if I add to to my
>> ~/.cabal/config file.
>> Duncan, is there a way this can be done?
> I hope not! :-)
> If you want to view API docs in this alternate style then the right
> place to insert your hack is in haddock. You can then build all your
> packages with --haddock-options=--transform_to_underscore_style.

Yes, I understand that.

I was actually talking about the reverse transformation.
Richad O'Keefe has written a pre-processor (hspp) that will translate
underscore (or hyphen) style to camelCase.

By putting the above line in my project's .cabal file, it worked only
up to a point.
the point where it broke is because I was using ok_url from
Network.URL. my use of it was getting translated to okURL, which
causes a compile failure.
So I could fix this failure by unpacking Network.URL, editing it's
.cabal file to add the above line, and re-installing it.. But this is
likely to trickle through all the packages I have installed.

So I was looking for a way to make it the default. But I guess this
won't scale (if a package already has a pgmF preprocessot, there would
be a conflict).
Colin Adams
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Allowing hyphens in identifiers

2009-12-16 Thread Duncan Coutts
On Wed, 2009-12-16 at 14:12 +, Colin Paul Adams wrote:

> I don't think it's practical to edit all the .cabal packages as they
> come in to say:
> ghc-options: -F -pgmF hspp
> and cabal install does not recognize this line if I add to to my
> ~/.cabal/config file.
> Duncan, is there a way this can be done?

I hope not! :-)

If you want to view API docs in this alternate style then the right
place to insert your hack is in haddock. You can then build all your
packages with --haddock-options=--transform_to_underscore_style.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Allowing hyphens in identifiers

2009-12-16 Thread Colin Paul Adams
> "Daniel" == Daniel Fischer  writes:

Daniel> As a pre-alpha version:

Daniel> module Main (main) where

Daniel> import Data.Char (isUpper, isLower, toLower)

Daniel> main :: IO () main = interact unCamel

Daniel> unCamel :: String -> String unCamel ('<':cs) = '<' : inTag
Daniel> cs unCamel (a:bs@(b:cs)) | isLower a && isUpper b = a :
Daniel> '_' : toLower b : unCamel cs | otherwise = a : unCamel bs
Daniel> unCamel cs = cs

Daniel> inTag :: String -> String inTag ('>':cs) = '>' : unCamel
Daniel> cs inTag (a:cs) = a : inTag cs inTag [] =
Daniel> [] 

Daniel> Compile, run with

Daniel> ./unCamel < /path/to/HaddockOutput.html >
Daniel> /path/to/Haddock_output.html

Daniel> (or whatever Windows uses to redirect stdin and stdout)
Daniel> This makes a few not-well-founded assumptions about
Daniel> haddock's output. Try it on a couple of files, report
Daniel> bugs.

I tried it.
I'm not all that happy with the resulting uncameling.

For instance,


goes to


which is uglier than before.

I.m not sure how I would write this going the other way, using
Richard's hspp pre-processor.

I'd want to write Database.Haskell_DB.Sql.Postgresql, but I'd guess
I'd have to write it as Database.Haskell_DB.Sql.Postgre_s_q_l or just
Database.Haskell_DB.Sql.PostgreSQL :-(

Anyway, I'm having trouble with using Richard hspp. It changes ok_url
to okUrl, but in fact the function concerned is named ok_url in
Network.URL, so the pre-processor would have to be applied as part of
cabal install for all packages. 

I don't think it's practical to edit all the .cabal packages as they
come in to say:

ghc-options: -F -pgmF hspp

and cabal install does not recognize this line if I add to to my
~/.cabal/config file.

Duncan, is there a way this can be done?
Colin Adams
Preston Lancashire
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Allowing hyphens in identifiers

2009-12-16 Thread Colin Paul Adams
> "Ketil" == Ketil Malde  writes:

>> [1] and quite a high proportion of other natural languages.

Ketil> Which makes me wonder - might there be a (natural) language
Ketil> bias as well?


Different languages have different orthographical traditions.

IMHO a project should adopt the styles of the natural language it
uses for comments (assuming that the project leader has mandated a
language for comments).

The Haskell standard libraries don't do this.

There is also the question of whether a programming language should be
adaptable to the natural language used in a project (e.g. spelling of
keywords). I have tried to advocate that it should, several times in
the past. But no-one has ever agreed with me on this.
Colin Adams
Preston Lancashire
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Allowing hyphens in identifiers

2009-12-16 Thread Ketil Malde
Jon Fairbairn  writes:

> As one of the early Haskellers, I definitely preferred
> underscores, because my intuition told me that it was closer in
> appearance to normal English¹ text,

> [1] and quite a high proportion of other natural languages.

Which makes me wonder - might there be a (natural) language bias as
well?  I'm sure most English-speaking people would have noticed that
German tends to contain huge words from contracting adjectives and nouns
that in English would be separate.  (Cf. Daniel's example
Anlagenmechanikermeister - it almost makes me wish for Germans to adopt
camel-casing and making it AnlagenMechanikerMeister.  In English, I
guess it would be 'factory lead mechanic' or some such.) 

If I haven't seen further, it is by standing in the footprints of giants
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Allowing hyphens in identifiers

2009-12-16 Thread Jon Fairbairn
Daniel Fischer  writes:

> Am Dienstag 15 Dezember 2009 03:04:43 schrieb Richard O'Keefe:
>> On Dec 14, 2009, at 5:11 PM, Daniel Fischer wrote:
>> > 1. I wasn't playing in the under_score vs. camelCase game, just
>> > proposing a possible
>> > reason why the camelCase may have been chosen for Haskell's standard
>> > libraries.
>> But the insanely abbreviated example did not provide such a reason.
> Of course not. But if you expand it - and it's not difficult,
> even when insanely abbreviated -, the resulting sentence gives
> a possible reason: "Maybe it's because the underscore style is
> considered far uglier and less readable by others." If the
> early Haskellers felt that way, isn't it perfectly natural
> that they chose the camelCase style?

As one of the early Haskellers, I definitely preferred
underscores, because my intuition told me that it was closer in
appearance to normal English¹ text, and my belief was that even
programmers read more English than code. Unfortunately I'm not a
very persuasive person, and couldn't argue my case (beyond
having underscores /permitted/). The problem is that once people
have spent some time using one style or other, their ability to
self-analyse their reading of it becomes negligible. "Ugly" and
"less readable" become synonymous with "not the style I'm used
to", irrespective of actual effects on reading speed. And
introspection is a notoriously bad method of anyalysing
psychological factors in the first place.

This really should have been decided with proper experiments.

> Of course, they may have had entirely different reasons, or no
> concrete reason at all and it just happened.

In the absence of hard data, it only takes a slight bias in
exposure among members of the committee to tip a decision the
wrong way.

[1] and quite a high proportion of other natural languages.

Jón Fairbairn

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Allowing hyphens in identifiers

2009-12-16 Thread Daniel Fischer
Am Mittwoch 16 Dezember 2009 07:56:26 schrieb Colin Paul Adams:
> > "Daniel" == Daniel Fischer  writes:
> Daniel> Now, would you be interested in a transformation the other
> Daniel> way round, so that you can read other people's code in
> Daniel> your preferred style?
> I would, applied to the output of haddock, at least.

As a pre-alpha version:

module Main (main) where

import Data.Char (isUpper, isLower, toLower)

main :: IO ()
main = interact unCamel

unCamel :: String -> String
unCamel ('<':cs) = '<' : inTag cs
unCamel (a:bs@(b:cs))
| isLower a && isUpper b= a : '_' : toLower b : unCamel cs
| otherwise = a : unCamel bs
unCamel cs = cs

inTag :: String -> String
inTag ('>':cs)  = '>' : unCamel cs
inTag (a:cs)=  a  : inTag cs
inTag []= []

Compile, run with

./unCamel < /path/to/HaddockOutput.html > /path/to/Haddock_output.html

(or whatever Windows uses to redirect stdin and stdout)
This makes a few not-well-founded assumptions about haddock's output. Try it on 
a couple 
of files, report bugs. If it works satisfactorily, we can add a front-end to 
transformation easy (like, pass an input directory and an output directory on 
the command 
line, and it recursively copies the directory content, transforming all .html 
giving you a complete documentation with working links).
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Allowing hyphens in identifiers

2009-12-15 Thread Colin Paul Adams
> "Daniel" == Daniel Fischer  writes:

Daniel> Now, would you be interested in a transformation the other
Daniel> way round, so that you can read other people's code in
Daniel> your preferred style?

I would, applied to the output of haddock, at least.
Colin Adams
Preston Lancashire
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Allowing hyphens in identifiers

2009-12-15 Thread Daniel Fischer
Am Dienstag 15 Dezember 2009 03:04:43 schrieb Richard O'Keefe:
> On Dec 14, 2009, at 5:11 PM, Daniel Fischer wrote:
> > 1. I wasn't playing in the under_score vs. camelCase game, just
> > proposing a possible
> > reason why the camelCase may have been chosen for Haskell's standard
> > libraries.
> But the insanely abbreviated example did not provide such a reason.

Of course not. But if you expand it - and it's not difficult, even when 
abbreviated -, the resulting sentence gives a possible reason:
"Maybe it's because the underscore style is considered far uglier and less 
readable by 
If the early Haskellers felt that way, isn't it perfectly natural that they 
chose the 
camelCase style?
Of course, they may have had entirely different reasons, or no concrete reason 
at all and 
it just happened.

> You still haven't explained what the reason is supposed to be:  it
> can't be that baStudlyCase salvages the readability of abbreviation
> because it doesn't.

No, nothing salvages insane abbreviation.

> Indeed, it makes it worse, because you can't
> always tell where one abbreviation ends and another begins.
> In teaching an information retrieval paper, one of my favourite examples
> is unionised.  Does it mean
>   (union+ise)+ed  "having had the workers organised into a union"
> orun+(ion+ised)   "not having had its molecules turned into ions".
> When I mean the latter, I always write un-ionised.

Yes, some words are ambiguous. Although I too find un-ionised superior, 
unIonised also 
works - okay in a serif font, just barely in sans-serif.

> Now consider an actual Java class name,
> where I genuinely didn't know what the answer was.
> baStudlyCaps style for Java doesn't allow underscores in class names.
> (This is actual Sun code.)  Is this something to do with insurance?
> Is this something to do with URLs for the US Immigration and
> Nationalization Service?  Are Inertial Navigation Systems involved?
> Is the mention of 'URL' anything to do with URLs, or should this be
> parsed something like (I) (NSU) (RL)?  With underscores, the actual
> parsing, INS_URL, would be unambiguous.
> Or take NVList, another real name.  Is it an NV_List (where I don't
> know what NV is), an N_V_List (where I don't know what N and V are),
> or an N_VList (where I do know what a vlist is).  In fact it's a
> Name_Value_List.  I _might_ have had a clue with N_V_List...

Do you agree that both are horrible names regardless of whether one uses camel 
case or 
underscores? INSURL even worse than NVList? Although, considering that it's in 
(not that I find that package name particularly well chosen), the URL part is 
evident. Nevertheless, ugh, and indeed, INS_URL would be better. Still better 
would be a 
name at least partially resolving INS (it's not the International Necronautical 
Society, I 
hope, that would be beastly to expand).
Considering the other, NamedValueList or Named_Value_List would be far better 
than any 
sprinkling of underscores over NVList.

> My point here is that if you separate words with spaces, dots,
> hyphens, underscores, backslashes, or almost anything, you are going
> to have _much_ less trouble with abbreviations than if you just jam
> them together baStudlyCaps-style.

Agreed, that kind of shitty names are less bad with underscores.

> As for my "parody" of baStudlyCaps, thatIsExactlyHowItLooksToMe.

It's not how it looks to me.

> > I think you could find that written in many texts on aesthetic
> > relativism.
> They are empirically wrong.

Interesting. I thought the question whether there is an objective quality of 
beauty was 
metaphysical and thus it's impossible to be empirically right or wrong in that 
So, pray tell, what is the physical substrate of beauty, how can one measure it?

> > Both are judgments based on their respective preferences and nothing
> > else
> I disagree.  Sometimes, people can articulate _why_ they like or dislike
> things.  For example, I like anything spacious and bright.  This
> explains
> very well why I prefer landscapes (spacious) to portraits (not
> spacious).

Yes, it does. But it doesn't mean that landscapes are objectively beautiful and 
are objectively ugly. There are people who prefer portraits to landscapes. They 
are not 
wrong, they just have different preferences.

> When it comes to depictions of plants, animals, people, and so on, I
> prefer healthy to unhealthy, friendly appearance to hostile/dangerous.

Yup. Although my favourite is Toulouse-Lautrec and I like Brueghel (P. the 
elder) and 
Bosch too, in general I prefer nice and friendly.

> Given that, you could probably predict my response to most paintings
> fairly well.  If I and anyone I personally knew disagreed about which of
> two paintings was "better",

Are we here at the core of a misunderstanding?
I'm not talking about "better", only about "beautiful".

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Allowing hyphens in identifiers

2009-12-14 Thread Richard O'Keefe

On Dec 14, 2009, at 5:11 PM, Daniel Fischer wrote:
1. I wasn't playing in the under_score vs. camelCase game, just  
proposing a possible
reason why the camelCase may have been chosen for Haskell's standard  

But the insanely abbreviated example did not provide such a reason.
You still haven't explained what the reason is supposed to be:  it
can't be that baStudlyCase salvages the readability of abbreviation
because it doesn't.  Indeed, it makes it worse, because you can't
always tell where one abbreviation ends and another begins.

In teaching an information retrieval paper, one of my favourite examples
is unionised.  Does it mean
(union+ise)+ed  "having had the workers organised into a union"
or  un+(ion+ised)   "not having had its molecules turned into ions".
When I mean the latter, I always write un-ionised.

Now consider an actual Java class name,
where I genuinely didn't know what the answer was.
baStudlyCaps style for Java doesn't allow underscores in class names.
(This is actual Sun code.)  Is this something to do with insurance?
Is this something to do with URLs for the US Immigration and
Nationalization Service?  Are Inertial Navigation Systems involved?
Is the mention of 'URL' anything to do with URLs, or should this be
parsed something like (I) (NSU) (RL)?  With underscores, the actual
parsing, INS_URL, would be unambiguous.

Or take NVList, another real name.  Is it an NV_List (where I don't
know what NV is), an N_V_List (where I don't know what N and V are),
or an N_VList (where I do know what a vlist is).  In fact it's a
Name_Value_List.  I _might_ have had a clue with N_V_List...

My point here is that if you separate words with spaces, dots,
hyphens, underscores, backslashes, or almost anything, you are going
to have _much_ less trouble with abbreviations than if you just jam
them together baStudlyCaps-style.

As for my "parody" of baStudlyCaps, thatIsExactlyHowItLooksToMe.

I think you could find that written in many texts on aesthetic  

They are empirically wrong.

Both are judgments based on their respective preferences and nothing  

I disagree.  Sometimes, people can articulate _why_ they like or dislike
things.  For example, I like anything spacious and bright.  This  
very well why I prefer landscapes (spacious) to portraits (not  

When it comes to depictions of plants, animals, people, and so on, I
prefer healthy to unhealthy, friendly appearance to hostile/dangerous.
Given that, you could probably predict my response to most paintings
fairly well.  If I and anyone I personally knew disagreed about which of
two paintings was "better", I would expect to find that we quickly  

agreement about what features were _present_ to what _degree_ and about
the technical standard of the work (on a rather coarse scale, but  

The differences could be explained by the relative _weights_ we gave to
the various features.  Just as I have learned how to prepare tea and  

onions so that my wife will enjoy them, although I dislike the one and
detest the other, so I would expect to be able to learn how to predict
someone's aesthetic taste fairly well.

Maybe we do agree.  It wasn't clear whether by "preferences" you meant
"weights" or "outcomes".  The thing is, if "preferences" means  

there's no reason to expect that people will ever agree, whereas if it
means "weights", then it should be possible to find or construct  

differing in a single feature where two people with different weights
will agree on which is better.

In the same way, when it comes to coding style, it may well be that
we are responding to the same objective properties of styles, but
weighting them differently.  It appears, for example, that we both
perceive abbreviation, and we both give it a negative weight.  It is
therefore to be expected that given two versions of a program in which
the *only* thing changed is the degree and/or nature of abbreviation,
we'll agree which is better and which is worse.

For me to accept "personal preference" as a final explanation of
something would be to accept an end to rational investigation.

If it were just a matter of experience, then this experience should
surely have taught me to love baStudlyCaps.

No. It should have tought you to *read* camelCase - unless your  
aversion is so strong that

you actively refuse to learn reading it.

Where did you ever get the idea that I can't *read* baStudlyCaps?
Just because I can read it doesn't mean that I can't read something
else *better*.  Life is hard enough without accepting unnecessary
difficulties, even if they are moderately small ones.

Sourcecode is so different from ordinary text (a line of sourcecode
contains more than four or five words),

I gave the wrong response to that yesterday.  Later in the common room
I realised what the perfect answer is:

newspapers are ordinary text,

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Allowing hyphens in identifiers

2009-12-14 Thread Gregory Crosswhite
Just to toss my own cents into the camelCase versus under_score discussion:  I 
personally prefer to use camelCase for functions and types and under_score for 
variables and value so that the two can be easily visually distinguished.  For 

callFunctionWith first_variable second_variable

This is arguably either the best or the worst of both worlds.  :-)


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Allowing hyphens in identifiers

2009-12-13 Thread Daniel Fischer
Am Montag 14 Dezember 2009 01:44:16 schrieb Richard O'Keefe:
> On Dec 13, 2009, at 3:44 AM, Daniel Fischer wrote:
> > Am Freitag 11 Dezember 2009 01:20:55 schrieb Richard O'Keefe:
> >> On Dec 11, 2009, at 3:00 AM, Daniel Fischer wrote:
> >>> Am Mittwoch 09 Dezember 2009 23:54:22 schrieb Richard O'Keefe:
>  Given the amazinglyUglyAndUnreadably baStudlyCaps namingStyle that
>  went into Haskell forNoApparentReasonThatIHaveEverHeardOf,
> >>>
> >>> mb_t's_bcs the ndrscr_stl is considered far uglier and less readable
> >>> by others
> >>
> >> Come ON.  Argue honestly!
> >
> > Thanks, but I have to return that compliment.
> Not a bit of it.   "mb_t's_bcs the ndrscr_stl" was NOT playing
> fair and you knew it.

1. I wasn't playing in the under_score vs. camelCase game, just proposing a 
reason why the camelCase may have been chosen for Haskell's standard libraries. 
For that, 
I deliberately used an unrealistically exaggerated example of unreadable 
underscores. Even 
more unrealistic than your camelCase parody. The very next thing, I said that 
full_word_underscores is *not* unreadable, making clear (apparently not to you, 
about that) that the example is not to be taken at face value.
2. Below, you say that it was an honest misunderstanding, so it's okay then. I 
expect that to be the case but suspected intentional misinterpretation.

> > I claim that the part not using insanely abbreviated words
> > (isConsidered, farUglier,
> > byOthers) *is* readable.
> > Also that moderately abbreviated words are readable in camelCase as
> > well as under_score.
> I guess we must mean different things by "readable" then.

By readable, I mean (broadly) "easy to read".
Of course, some find is_considered far_uglier by_others easier to read, others 
harder, and 
yet others find both equally easy to read.
I have no difficulty believing that some find either of the styles hard to 
read, but I 
don't expect experienced programmers to be in that group.

> I've approached my head of department about running an experiment.
> >>> (granted,
> >>> underscore-style with nonabbreviated words is not unreadable, but
> >>> still extremely ugly)?
> >>
> >> Who "grants" that underscore separation with fully written words is
> >> "still extremely ugly"?  Not me!
> >
> > Is that remark really unclear,
> Yes, it is really unclear.  It read as "x (granted that y)".

Aha. English more fragile than thought. Sorry.

> For clarity, it should have been "(still extremely ugly, granted that
> underscore-style with nonabbreviated words is not unreadable)".

No, that is not what I meant.

[Granted,] Underscore-style with nonabbreviated words is not unreadable.
Even with written-out words, underscore-style is still extremely[1] ugly.

[1] This, however, is an exaggeration as far as I'm concerned. I find the 
ugly, but not extremly so. It was your "amazinglyUgly" which caused it to 
appear in that 

> > Nobody *grants* anything is ugly or not, that is an aesthetic
> > judgment, as such entirely a
> > matter of personal preference - you can agree with it or not.
> Where is it written that aesthetic judgements are _entirely_ a
> matter of personal preference?

I think you could find that written in many texts on aesthetic relativism. 
Doesn't matter, 
Of course, one's personal preferences aren't developed in a vacuum, they are 
influenced by genes and society. So a lot of preferences are shared within a 
culture and 
even across cultures and aesthetic judgments aren't entirely *individual*.
Nevertheless, I'm convinced that there is no Platonic idea Beauty (or Ugliness) 
and that 
if A says that van Gogh's Sunflowers is a beautiful picture while B says it's 
ugly, it's 
not the case that one is objectively right, the other wrong.
Both are judgments based on their respective preferences and nothing else 
(unless: lying, 
acting, succumbing to social pressure, other reasons to not express one's 
actual opinion).

> As a student I was in the Archaeological society.
> One of the things I learned was this:
>   - many ancient cultures would ritually "kill" grave goods
>   - some grave goods would be smashed up, others would just
> have a chip out of them
>   - as a rule, the ones that were least damaged were the ones
> the archaeologists considered to be the most beautiful (after
> repair).
> If an aesthetic sense about pots can be shared by modern archaeologists
> and people living five thousand years ago, it's hardly "entirely
> personal".

Depends on what you mean by "entirely personal". All I'm saying is that one can 
find a 
thing beautiful which another finds ugly.

> What you may not appreciate is that I have been a Smalltalk programmer
> for a long time.  I've read and written a lot of code like
>  printSolutions
>(self sendSolutionsUsing: Empty and: Empty to: [:p :n |
>  Transcript nextPutAll:   'p = '; print: p;

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Allowing hyphens in identifiers

2009-12-13 Thread Richard O'Keefe

On Dec 13, 2009, at 3:44 AM, Daniel Fischer wrote:

Am Freitag 11 Dezember 2009 01:20:55 schrieb Richard O'Keefe:

On Dec 11, 2009, at 3:00 AM, Daniel Fischer wrote:

Am Mittwoch 09 Dezember 2009 23:54:22 schrieb Richard O'Keefe:

Given the amazinglyUglyAndUnreadably baStudlyCaps namingStyle that
went into Haskell forNoApparentReasonThatIHaveEverHeardOf,

mb_t's_bcs the ndrscr_stl is considered far uglier and less readable
by others

Come ON.  Argue honestly!

Thanks, but I have to return that compliment.

Not a bit of it.   "mb_t's_bcs the ndrscr_stl" was NOT playing
fair and you knew it.

I claim that the part not using insanely abbreviated words  
(isConsidered, farUglier,

byOthers) *is* readable.
Also that moderately abbreviated words are readable in camelCase as  
well as under_score.

I guess we must mean different things by "readable" then.

I've approached my head of department about running an experiment.

underscore-style with nonabbreviated words is not unreadable, but
still extremely ugly)?

Who "grants" that underscore separation with fully written words is
"still extremely ugly"?  Not me!

Is that remark really unclear,

Yes, it is really unclear.  It read as "x (granted that y)".
For clarity, it should have been "(still extremely ugly, granted that
underscore-style with nonabbreviated words is not unreadable)".

Nobody *grants* anything is ugly or not, that is an aesthetic  
judgment, as such entirely a

matter of personal preference - you can agree with it or not.

Where is it written that aesthetic judgements are _entirely_ a
matter of personal preference?

As a student I was in the Archaeological society.
One of the things I learned was this:
 - many ancient cultures would ritually "kill" grave goods
 - some grave goods would be smashed up, others would just
   have a chip out of them
 - as a rule, the ones that were least damaged were the ones
   the archaeologists considered to be the most beautiful (after  

If an aesthetic sense about pots can be shared by modern archaeologists
and people living five thousand years ago, it's hardly "entirely  

What you may not appreciate is that I have been a Smalltalk programmer
for a long time.  I've read and written a lot of code like

  (self sendSolutionsUsing: Empty and: Empty to: [:p :n |
Transcript nextPutAll:   'p = '; print: p;
   nextPutAll: ', n = '; print: n; nextPut: $.; cr.
true "stop after reporting first solution"]
  ) ifFalse: [
Transcript nextPutAll: 'No solutions.'; cr].

If it were just a matter of experience, then this experience should
surely have taught me to love baStudlyCaps.

I have not been able to discover an experimental study of word
separation style effect on readability in programming.  I've been
wondering about running a small one myself, next year.  But there
is enough experimentally determined about reading in general to
be certain that visible gaps between words materially improves
readability, and internal capital letters harm it. Now that
applies to ordinary text, but until there's evidence to show that
it doesn't apply to program sources, it's a reasonable working
assumption that it does.

I doubt that.

Until the evidence is in, what other reasonable working
assumption is there?

Sourcecode is so different from ordinary text (a line of sourcecode  

contains more than four or five words),

OK, let's try it.  Shakespeare sonnet number 1,
first four lines, but split into shorter chunks

With spaces:

From fairest creatures
  we desire increase,
That thereby
  beauty's rose might never die,
But as the riper should
  by time decease,
His tender heir
  might bear his memory:

With underscores:

From fairest_creatures
  we desire_increase,
That thereby
  beauty's_rose might_never_die,
But as the_riper should
  by_time decease,
His tender_heir
  might_bear his_memory:

With baStudlyCaps:

From fairestCreatures
  we desireIncrease,
That thereby
  beauty'sRose mightNeverDie,
But as theRiper should
  byTime decease,
His tenderHeir
  mightBear hisMemory:

baStudlyCaps doesn't read any better with short lines.

that I'd be very wary to transfer the findings for
one to the other.

It's not uncommon for style guides to explicitly
recommend that program code should be spaced like text.
Apple notoriously violate this in Objective C.
Where Smalltalk would have

   this sendSolutionsUsing: Empty and: Empty to: that

Objective C practice is to write

  [this sendSolutionsUsing:Empty and:Empty to:that]

If somebody claimed that of

x <- take_while some_condition some_list


x <- takeWhile someCondition someList

either was objectively more readable than the other, I wouldn't  
believe it without lots and lots of hard evidence.

"Persaude a man against his will, he's of the same opinion still."
How _much_ evidence?
That's an artificial example.  Haskell code doesn't tend to look
like tha

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Allowing hyphens in identifiers

2009-12-13 Thread Richard O'Keefe

On Dec 11, 2009, at 11:37 PM, Johannes Laire wrote:

On Thu, Dec 10, 2009 at 12:54 AM, Richard O'Keefe  

Given the amazinglyUglyAndUnreadably baStudlyCaps namingStyle that
went into Haskell forNoApparentReasonThatIHaveEverHeardOf


someCoolFunc fstParam sndParam fooBarBazQuux
some_cool_func fst_param snd_param foo_bar_baz_quux

In the first one, it's easy to see that there are 4 identifiers. But,
at least for me, the second one is significantly harder to read;
spaces and underscored are too similar.

To me the gaps in the second one were clear and distinct.
In any case, it's not clear that you *need* to "see that there
are 4 identifiers".  You need to see the *first* identifier,
and then you need to see the second, &c, but let's face it,
how often do you need to count the words in a sentence at a
glance?  And what good does it do to know there are four
identifiers if you have to go back with a magnifying class
to tell what the identifiers mean?

I wrote a little program to search for runs of identifiers without
intervening newlines or other tokens. I fed it 56,322 lines of
Haskell from various sources.  Here's the distribution:
Len  Tally iCap   iCap is the average number of internal
  1 84,474 0.21   capital letters in all of the words in
  2 27,092 0.32   a run.
  3  9,273 0.44
  4  3,176 0.45
  5866 0.49
  6165 0.47
  7 87 0.36
  8 98 0.73
  9 42 0.36
 10  9 0.22
 11  5 0.20
 12  7 0.71
 13  1 0.00

The longest run was "j then Q i xs ys j else Q j ys xs i"
which would be the same under any word separation variant.

We see from the "iCap" column that on the whole, the
average number of internalCapitals per run is less than
one.  Looking in some detail at the runs with 4 words, I
found that the typical pattern is

someHairyGreatFunctionName i x xs

with a touch of

if okToProceedWith x then

In fact, out of 3,176 runs with four words, 2,144 of them
didn't have any internal capitals in the first place, so
would not be at all affected by a change in word separation

Having examined the remaining 1032 cases with some care,
I honestly couldn't find any cases whose readability was
worsened by by underscore separation.  Don't forget, some
of the arguments are constructors, and using underscore
(or hyphen) separation makes it *easier* to see them,
because they no longer look like parts of identifiers.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Allowing hyphens in identifiers

2009-12-13 Thread Richard O'Keefe

I too thought of using NBSP as a word separator.
Unicode is replete with spaces of various widths and usages.
I suggest, however, that Haskell code does tend to require
careful reading, and that ambiguities (like the word boundaries
that baStudlyCapsMakesSoHardToLocateQuickly) that we might
tolerate in contexts where the text is fairly predictable are
far less tolerable in stuff that requires a close reading.

One of the problems with baStudlyCaps is that it can give
Stress to the wrong words.  Take takeWhile as an example.
The "while" bit is humanly recoverable because a function
follows it.  The thing that you most need to see is "take".
But it's the least informative part of the name (While)
that is stressed.

The "visible blank" U+2423 (Unicode calls it an "Open Box", but
its function is to visibly indicate a blank) might␣just␣do, but
you might as well use underscores (or hyphens).

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Allowing hyphens in identifiers

2009-12-12 Thread Matthew Pocock
> x <- take_while some_condition some_list
> and
> x <- takeWhile someCondition someList

x <- take-while some-condition some-list

As someone who is dyslexic, I find both camelCase and dashes far easier to
read than underscores. I find it hard to count the words in the underscore
version - the underscores and spaces confuse me. Dashes do not, presumably
because they are 'within' the line of sight for the letters.

However, I can't help feeling that if we use good IDEs, we could
'internationalize' identifiers into english/french/chinese/camel/dash or

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Allowing hyphens in identifiers

2009-12-12 Thread Daniel Fischer
Am Freitag 11 Dezember 2009 01:20:55 schrieb Richard O'Keefe:
> On Dec 11, 2009, at 3:00 AM, Daniel Fischer wrote:
> > Am Mittwoch 09 Dezember 2009 23:54:22 schrieb Richard O'Keefe:
> >> Given the amazinglyUglyAndUnreadably baStudlyCaps namingStyle that
> >> went into Haskell forNoApparentReasonThatIHaveEverHeardOf,
> >
> > mb_t's_bcs the ndrscr_stl is considered far uglier and less readable
> > by others
> Come ON.  Argue honestly!

Thanks, but I have to return that compliment.

> The problem with that text is *NOT* the
> underscores but the insanely heavy abbreviation.

As stated in the parenthesis immediately afterwards.

> We all agree that
> insanely heavy abbreviation is bad, but do you *really* want to
> claim that
>   mbT'sBcs the ndrscrStl isConsidered farUglier and lessReadable byOthers
> is readable?

I claim that the part not using insanely abbreviated words (isConsidered, 
byOthers) *is* readable.
Also that moderately abbreviated words are readable in camelCase as well as 

> > (granted,
> > underscore-style with nonabbreviated words is not unreadable, but
> > still extremely ugly)?
> Who "grants" that underscore separation with fully written words is
> "still extremely ugly"?  Not me!

Is that remark really unclear, or did you intentionally choose the bracketing 
you did to 
make a polemical point? (This is a serious enquiry about the English language. 
In German, 
the analogous construction to "granted, a, but b" ["zugegeben, a, aber b"] is 
"(granted, a), but b", can it really be parsed as "granted, (a, but b)" in 

(granted, ... is not unreadable. But it is still ...)
Clearly, *I* grant - or admit, concede - that it is *readable*.
Nobody *grants* anything is ugly or not, that is an aesthetic judgment, as such 
entirely a 
matter of personal preference - you can agree with it or not.

> I don't believe that it _is_ a matter of personal preference.

I believe that even readability is strongly influenced by personal preference 
(more by 
experience - what you're used to).
However, the sentence about preference was more concerned with aesthetics.

> I have not been able to discover an experimental study of word
> separation style effect on readability in programming.  I've been
> wondering about running a small one myself, next year.  But there
> is enough experimentally determined about reading in general to
> be certain that visible gaps between words materially improves
> readability, and internal capital letters harm it. Now that
> applies to ordinary text, but until there's evidence to show that
> it doesn't apply to program sources, it's a reasonable working
> assumption that it does.

I doubt that. Sourcecode is so different from ordinary text (a line of 
sourcecode rarely 
contains more than four or five words), that I'd be very wary to transfer the 
findings for 
one to the other.
If somebody claimed that of

x <- take_while some_condition some_list


x <- takeWhile someCondition someList

either was objectively more readable than the other, I wouldn't believe it 
without lots 
and lots of hard evidence.
I believe you find the first more readable, however, for me the underscores 
push the 
space-separated parts together, so that I have the tendency to bracket it

x <- take (while some) (condition some) list

on first glance. It resolves when focusing on the line, however.
(And, of course, the problem doesn't turn up for
x <- take_while (<= 1000) [3,7 .. ]
or similar.)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Allowing hyphens in identifiers

2009-12-11 Thread minh thu
2009/12/11 Johannes Laire :
> On Thu, Dec 10, 2009 at 12:54 AM, Richard O'Keefe  wrote:
>> Given the amazinglyUglyAndUnreadably baStudlyCaps namingStyle that
>> went into Haskell forNoApparentReasonThatIHaveEverHeardOf
> Compare:
> someCoolFunc fstParam sndParam fooBarBazQuux
> some_cool_func fst_param snd_param foo_bar_baz_quux

Before even reading your paragraph below, I thought the second one was
easier to read :)

> In the first one, it's easy to see that there are 4 identifiers. But,
> at least for me, the second one is significantly harder to read;
> spaces and underscored are too similar. So, while underscores more
> clearly separate words in a single *identifier* and make it easier to
> read, in some cases I think they make *code* with many identifiers
> harder to read for exactly the same reason.
> In languages where function application looks like "f(x,y,z)" instead
> of "f x y z" this isn't a problem and I often use underscores.

Your example should be seen with a monospaced font to be fair thought,
as programming is usually done with such a font. (But both lines are
easier with a monospaced font.)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Allowing hyphens in identifiers

2009-12-11 Thread Johannes Laire
On Thu, Dec 10, 2009 at 12:54 AM, Richard O'Keefe  wrote:
> Given the amazinglyUglyAndUnreadably baStudlyCaps namingStyle that
> went into Haskell forNoApparentReasonThatIHaveEverHeardOf


someCoolFunc fstParam sndParam fooBarBazQuux
some_cool_func fst_param snd_param foo_bar_baz_quux

In the first one, it's easy to see that there are 4 identifiers. But,
at least for me, the second one is significantly harder to read;
spaces and underscored are too similar. So, while underscores more
clearly separate words in a single *identifier* and make it easier to
read, in some cases I think they make *code* with many identifiers
harder to read for exactly the same reason.

In languages where function application looks like "f(x,y,z)" instead
of "f x y z" this isn't a problem and I often use underscores.

Johannes Laire
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Allowing hyphens in identifiers

2009-12-11 Thread Colin Paul Adams
> "Malcolm" == Malcolm Wallace  writes:

>> there is enough experimentally determined about reading in
>> general to be certain that visible gaps between words
>> materially improves readability, and internal capital letters
>> harm it.

Malcolm> Here is a (slightly mischievous) proposal.

Malcolm> Allow the Unicode non-breaking space character (  in
Malcolm> HTML) as a valid character in a varid or conid.

Malcolm> :-)

I thought of that one too (seriously). It has the disadvantage that
the syntax is ambiguous to the human eye without tool support
(e.g. highlighting). On the other hand humans are good at coping with
such ambiguity (we do it all the time in spoken language - and delight
in puns. And in written language, set is indistinguishable from set,
which is indistinguishable from set, which ... - to however many
distinct meanings for the word set are currently recognized).
Colin Adams
Preston Lancashire
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Allowing hyphens in identifiers

2009-12-11 Thread Malcolm Wallace

there is enough experimentally determined about reading in general to
be certain that visible gaps between words materially improves
readability, and internal capital letters harm it.

Here is a (slightly mischievous) proposal.

Allow the Unicode non-breaking space character (  in HTML) as a  
valid character in a varid or conid.



Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Allowing hyphens in identifiers

2009-12-10 Thread Richard O'Keefe

On Dec 11, 2009, at 3:05 AM, Miguel Mitrofanov wrote:

Not to mention that in Emacs with glasses-mode enabled camelCase can  
be made even more readable (my personal favorite is highlighting  
internal capital letters with bold).

And there is some reason why letters following underscores could
not be similarly highlighted?

Having to use machine assistance to read baStudlyCaps is pretty damning.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Allowing hyphens in identifiers

2009-12-10 Thread Richard O'Keefe

On Dec 11, 2009, at 3:00 AM, Daniel Fischer wrote:

Am Mittwoch 09 Dezember 2009 23:54:22 schrieb Richard O'Keefe:

Given the amazinglyUglyAndUnreadably baStudlyCaps namingStyle that
went into Haskell forNoApparentReasonThatIHaveEverHeardOf,

mb_t's_bcs the ndrscr_stl is considered far uglier and less readable  
by others

Come ON.  Argue honestly!  The problem with that text is *NOT* the
underscores but the insanely heavy abbreviation.  We all agree that
insanely heavy abbreviation is bad, but do you *really* want to
claim that
mbT'sBcs the ndrscrStl isConsidered farUglier and lessReadable byOthers
is readable?

underscore-style with nonabbreviated words is not unreadable, but  
still extremely ugly)?

Who "grants" that underscore separation with fully written words is
"still extremely ugly"?  Not me!

I don't believe that it _is_ a matter of personal preference.
I have not been able to discover an experimental study of word
separation style effect on readability in programming.  I've been
wondering about running a small one myself, next year.  But there
is enough experimentally determined about reading in general to
be certain that visible gaps between words materially improves
readability, and internal capital letters harm it.  Now that
applies to ordinary text, but until there's evidence to show that
it doesn't apply to program sources, it's a reasonable working
assumption that it does.

If I can get approval to run an experiment, and it turns up evidence
that baStudlyCapsIsMoreReadable, then I'll change my preference.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Allowing hyphens in identifiers

2009-12-10 Thread Miguel Mitrofanov

Not to mention that in Emacs with glasses-mode enabled camelCase can be made 
even more readable (my personal favorite is highlighting internal capital 
letters with bold).

Daniel Fischer wrote:

Am Mittwoch 09 Dezember 2009 23:54:22 schrieb Richard O'Keefe:

Given the amazinglyUglyAndUnreadably baStudlyCaps namingStyle that
went into Haskell forNoApparentReasonThatIHaveEverHeardOf,

mb_t's_bcs the ndrscr_stl is considered far uglier and less readable by others (granted, 
underscore-style with nonabbreviated words is not unreadable, but still extremely ugly)?

'Tis a matter of personal preference.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Allowing hyphens in identifiers

2009-12-10 Thread Daniel Fischer
Am Mittwoch 09 Dezember 2009 23:54:22 schrieb Richard O'Keefe:
> Given the amazinglyUglyAndUnreadably baStudlyCaps namingStyle that
> went into Haskell forNoApparentReasonThatIHaveEverHeardOf,

mb_t's_bcs the ndrscr_stl is considered far uglier and less readable by others 
underscore-style with nonabbreviated words is not unreadable, but still 
extremely ugly)?
'Tis a matter of personal preference.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Allowing hyphens in identifiers

2009-12-10 Thread John D. Earle

To Underscore or Not to Underscore

Richard O'Keefe and I were privately discussing the relative merits of his 
and my approach. We have come to an agreement. It concerns whether or not 
hyphens should be replaced with underscores. The following is my response to 
his most recent letter:

I do not believe your approach given what you wrote here will create the 
sort of ambiguity I feared could be introduced. If an ambiguity results, it 
could be fixed. As I would put it, you hope to harmonize the word breaking 
styles by a process similar to though slightly more involved than what is 
done to remove case sensitivity in some languages. As layout is concerned 
only leading white space needs to be preserved. Anything else could be 
regarded as a superstition (not to say that computer scientists are 

What you hope to do is kill two birds with one stone. If the only goal is to 
run everything through a preprocessor my approach seems to make the greatest 
sense, but if you also hope to harmonize the representation of word breaking 
styles, then what you are advocating seems to make greater sense. Your 
approach seems more consistent with Haskell traditions than mine. Therefore, 
I concede. You have successfully argued your point. 

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Allowing hyphens in identifiers

2009-12-10 Thread Ketil Malde
"Richard O'Keefe"  writes:

>> You mean to parse a - b differently then a-b? You don't have the
>> problem in LISP as AFAIR you use (- a b) but in Haskell it would be a
>> problem. 

> Haskell already has this problem with ".", where we generally need

(As somebody pointed out, this is usually unambigous)

> to put spaces around "." with the meaning "composition" and not
> put spaces around other uses.

With implicit parameters, this also goes for (?).  Is anybody using that
extension still?

> It's a problem that COBOL solved a long time ago:

That we all program in COBOL these days shows how important this issue is :-)

> Given the amazinglyUglyAndUnreadably baStudlyCaps namingStyle that

I prefer underscored_words myself, but just like periods for
hierarchical modules, this is water under the bridge.  In sum, perhaps
the net effect of this convention is positive: it encourages short
variable names. 

If I haven't seen further, it is by standing in the footprints of giants
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Allowing hyphens in identifiers

2009-12-09 Thread John D. Earle
Interesting point. I'll have to try what you suggested. A proportional font 
would lessen the need to align things up vertically. It is annoying from a 
typographical stand point when things are almost aligned, but a tad off and 
so I must admit that I am guilty as charged. Monospaced fonts encourage this 

From: "Evan Laforge" 
Sent: 09 Wednesday December 2009 1847
To: "John D. Earle" 
Cc: "Haskell Cafe" 
Subject: Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Allowing hyphens in identifiers

On Wed, Dec 9, 2009 at 3:26 PM, John D. Earle  wrote:

The problem that I see with elision resulting in juxtaposition is that it
would alter the layout. Each line would not have the same number of
characters before and after the makeover. Visual appearance would also be
altered. Replacing hyphens with underscores as I originally proposed

As long as we're pushing pet peeves: don't line things up vertically
then.  If you use a newline and add a tab level you can still use
layout and not have this problem.  You wind up with less indentation
too, though occasionally more vertical space.  And you can use
proportional fonts if you want.  And you can use editor indent/dedent
commands without the editor having to understand haskell.  Etc.

My pet peeve is having to lean on the space bar while squinting at the
screen because someone wants to line things up vertically. 

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Allowing hyphens in identifiers

2009-12-09 Thread Evan Laforge
On Wed, Dec 9, 2009 at 3:26 PM, John D. Earle  wrote:
> The problem that I see with elision resulting in juxtaposition is that it
> would alter the layout. Each line would not have the same number of
> characters before and after the makeover. Visual appearance would also be
> altered. Replacing hyphens with underscores as I originally proposed

As long as we're pushing pet peeves: don't line things up vertically
then.  If you use a newline and add a tab level you can still use
layout and not have this problem.  You wind up with less indentation
too, though occasionally more vertical space.  And you can use
proportional fonts if you want.  And you can use editor indent/dedent
commands without the editor having to understand haskell.  Etc.

My pet peeve is having to lean on the space bar while squinting at the
screen because someone wants to line things up vertically.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Allowing hyphens in identifiers

2009-12-09 Thread Richard O'Keefe

On Dec 10, 2009, at 12:05 PM, Deniz Dogan wrote:

2009/12/9 Richard O'Keefe :

Here is such a preprocessor.  This is meant for people to try out.
I don't claim that it's perfect, it's just a quick hack.

Is there any flag I can pass to e.g. GHC to make it use the
preprocessor automagically or do I write my own little hack to apply
the preprocessor?

It's amazing what you find in the manual:
runs a custom preprocessor.
Let the source file be $S.
First, literate Haskell processing is done,
producing $L.
Then  "$S" "$L" "$O" is run,
where $O is where GHC wants your program to
write its output.
GHC then reads $O.

-pgmF cmd
tells GHC to use cmd as the custom preprocessor.

My little hspp was written before I realised this could be done,
so I had to whip up
exec hspp <"$2" >"$3"
and use that.
Sample session:

m% cat main.hs
main = print (take-while (<10) [1..])
m% ghc -F -pgmF main.hs
m% a.out

If there isn't a GHC option to count the dragons in the moon,
there soon will be.

One option that would be nice would be accepting -help as well
as --help.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Allowing hyphens in identifiers

2009-12-09 Thread John D. Earle
The problem that I see with elision resulting in juxtaposition is that it 
would alter the layout. Each line would not have the same number of 
characters before and after the makeover. Visual appearance would also be 
altered. Replacing hyphens with underscores as I originally proposed would 
alleviate both of these problems.

There is also the matter of canonicalization for the purposes of comparing 
identifiers. Would it be wise for the a version that lacks hyphens be 
regarded as equivalent to one that does?

From: "Richard O'Keefe" 
Sent: 09 Wednesday December 2009 1554
To: "Maciej Piechotka" 
Subject: Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Allowing hyphens in identifiers

On Dec 9, 2009, at 10:54 PM, Maciej Piechotka wrote:

You mean to parse a - b differently then a-b? You don't have the
in LISP as AFAIR you use (- a b) but in Haskell it would be a problem.

It's a problem that COBOL solved a long time ago:
Haskell already has this problem with ".", where we generally need
to put spaces around "." with the meaning "composition" and not
put spaces around other uses.

This is something someone could easily try out by writing a trivial
preprocessor to convert hyphens with letters on each side to
underscores.  See how it works.

Given the amazinglyUglyAndUnreadably baStudlyCaps namingStyle that
went into Haskell forNoApparentReasonThatIHaveEverHeardOf, it might
be nice to have a wee preprocessor that turned

so that I could write take_while and Haskell could see takeWhile.
[I'm writing this in MacOS X Mail.  "takeWhile" is underlined in
red as a spelling mistake, "take_while" is not.  Maybe they know

Here is such a preprocessor.  This is meant for people to try out.
I don't claim that it's perfect, it's just a quick hack.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Allowing hyphens in identifiers

2009-12-09 Thread Deniz Dogan
2009/12/9 Richard O'Keefe :
> On Dec 9, 2009, at 10:54 PM, Maciej Piechotka wrote:
>> You mean to parse a - b differently then a-b? You don't have the problem
>> in LISP as AFAIR you use (- a b) but in Haskell it would be a problem.
> It's a problem that COBOL solved a long time ago:
> Haskell already has this problem with ".", where we generally need
> to put spaces around "." with the meaning "composition" and not
> put spaces around other uses.
> This is something someone could easily try out by writing a trivial
> preprocessor to convert hyphens with letters on each side to
> underscores.  See how it works.
> Given the amazinglyUglyAndUnreadably baStudlyCaps namingStyle that
> went into Haskell forNoApparentReasonThatIHaveEverHeardOf, it might
> be nice to have a wee preprocessor that turned
>         _ 
> into     
> so that I could write take_while and Haskell could see takeWhile.
> [I'm writing this in MacOS X Mail.  "takeWhile" is underlined in
> red as a spelling mistake, "take_while" is not.  Maybe they know
> something...]
> Here is such a preprocessor.  This is meant for people to try out.
> I don't claim that it's perfect, it's just a quick hack.

Is there any flag I can pass to e.g. GHC to make it use the
preprocessor automagically or do I write my own little hack to apply
the preprocessor?

Deniz Dogan
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Allowing hyphens in identifiers

2009-12-09 Thread Richard O'Keefe

On Dec 9, 2009, at 10:54 PM, Maciej Piechotka wrote:
You mean to parse a - b differently then a-b? You don't have the  

in LISP as AFAIR you use (- a b) but in Haskell it would be a problem.

It's a problem that COBOL solved a long time ago:
Haskell already has this problem with ".", where we generally need
to put spaces around "." with the meaning "composition" and not
put spaces around other uses.

This is something someone could easily try out by writing a trivial
preprocessor to convert hyphens with letters on each side to
underscores.  See how it works.

Given the amazinglyUglyAndUnreadably baStudlyCaps namingStyle that
went into Haskell forNoApparentReasonThatIHaveEverHeardOf, it might
be nice to have a wee preprocessor that turned

so that I could write take_while and Haskell could see takeWhile.
[I'm writing this in MacOS X Mail.  "takeWhile" is underlined in
red as a spelling mistake, "take_while" is not.  Maybe they know

Here is such a preprocessor.  This is meant for people to try out.
I don't claim that it's perfect, it's just a quick hack.

Description: Binary data

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Allowing hyphens in identifiers

2009-12-09 Thread John D. Earle
Oh yes I forgot. You will also need to map not merely those places where 
hyphens are used by the language, but also those circumstances where, wondering 
how to state it abstractly, anyway in string literals and such where 
substitutions should not occur.___
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Allowing hyphens in identifiers

2009-12-09 Thread John D. Earle
A makeshift preprocessor written say in Perl could be used to replace the 
embedded hyphens with underscores thereby making them synonyms. A list of ways 
in which hyphens are used in the language will need to be developed so they may 
be distinguished. You don't want a single line comment sign being taken as 
containing an embedded hyphen. If done properly it shouldn't cause any 
problems. It will allow you to side step having to actually modify the language 
and may be portable across language implementations. I use the C language 
preprocessor to correct a number of features of the C language syntax that I 
find ugly.___
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Allowing hyphens in identifiers

2009-12-09 Thread Deniz Dogan
2009/12/9 Maciej Piechotka :
> On Tue, 2009-12-08 at 10:56 +0100, Deniz Dogan wrote:
>> Has there been any serious suggestion or attempt to change the syntax
>> of Haskell to allow hyphens in identifiers, much like in Lisp
>> languages? E.g. hello-world would be a valid function name.
> You mean to parse a - b differently then a-b? You don't have the problem
> in LISP as AFAIR you use (- a b) but in Haskell it would be a problem.

I understand. How do GHC extensions work? Would a (hopefully tiny) GHC
extension make it possible to use normal hyphens (i.e. those in ASCII)
in identifiers? If so, is anyone interested in writing one?

Deniz Dogan
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Allowing hyphens in identifiers

2009-12-09 Thread Dan Doel
On Wednesday 09 December 2009 4:54:15 am Maciej Piechotka wrote:
> You mean to parse a - b differently then a-b? You don't have the problem
> in LISP as AFAIR you use (- a b) but in Haskell it would be a problem.
> About unicode - if something looks the same it should be parsed the
> same. I mean - we have already had problem historically with tab vs.
> spaces (vide Make).
> BTW. You can always use hello_world.

hello'world is also an option.

I'm a fan of hyphens in names, as well (I use them in Agda, where there's no 
naming distinction for operators), but I don't really expect it to happen in 
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Allowing hyphens in identifiers

2009-12-09 Thread Maciej Piechotka
On Tue, 2009-12-08 at 10:56 +0100, Deniz Dogan wrote:
> Has there been any serious suggestion or attempt to change the syntax
> of Haskell to allow hyphens in identifiers, much like in Lisp
> languages? E.g. hello-world would be a valid function name.

You mean to parse a - b differently then a-b? You don't have the problem
in LISP as AFAIR you use (- a b) but in Haskell it would be a problem.

About unicode - if something looks the same it should be parsed the
same. I mean - we have already had problem historically with tab vs.
spaces (vide Make).

BTW. You can always use hello_world.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Allowing hyphens in identifiers

2009-12-09 Thread Jon Fairbairn
Deniz Dogan  writes:

> 2009/12/8 Jon Fairbairn :
>> Deniz Dogan  writes:
>>> [...] allow hyphens in identifiers, much like in Lisp
>>> languages? E.g. hello-world would be a valid function name.
>> I (among others) suggested it right at the beginning when we
>> were first defining the lexical syntax
> I just like the standard Lisp naming convention better than camel
> casing and saw someone on #haskell mentioning it the other day. No
> biggie though.

I prefer it too, but as far as Haskell is concerned, it's one of
those things that's not really worth changing at this stage of
its life. Changing the syntactic category of Unicode HYPHEN
(U+2010) might still be possible, but someone (with more stamina
than me) would have to advocate it.

Jón Fairbairn

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Allowing hyphens in identifiers

2009-12-08 Thread Deniz Dogan
2009/12/8 Jon Fairbairn :
> Deniz Dogan  writes:
>> Has there been any serious suggestion or attempt to change the syntax
>> of Haskell to allow hyphens in identifiers, much like in Lisp
>> languages? E.g. hello-world would be a valid function name.
> I (among others) suggested it right at the beginning when we
> were first defining the lexical syntax, and have raised the
> possibility again a couple of times now that unicode hyphens are
> available, but it wasn't liked at the beginning and hasn't
> excited much interest since.  Why do you want them?

I just like the standard Lisp naming convention better than camel
casing and saw someone on #haskell mentioning it the other day. No
biggie though.

Deniz Dogan
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Allowing hyphens in identifiers

2009-12-08 Thread Jon Fairbairn
Deniz Dogan  writes:

> Has there been any serious suggestion or attempt to change the syntax
> of Haskell to allow hyphens in identifiers, much like in Lisp
> languages? E.g. hello-world would be a valid function name.

I (among others) suggested it right at the beginning when we
were first defining the lexical syntax, and have raised the
possibility again a couple of times now that unicode hyphens are
available, but it wasn't liked at the beginning and hasn't
excited much interest since.  Why do you want them?

Jón Fairbairn  (updated 2009-01-31)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list