Re: Interpret haskell within haskell.

2003-01-10 Thread Carl R. Witty
Matt Hellige <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> So it seems natural, especially to new users, to hope that Haskell and
> the ML variants, sharing many other features common to these
> languages, would offer this facility as well. The answer, in general,
> is that they do not.

(Sorry for the belated reply.)

Evidently, some ML variants do include eval or eval-like facilities.
When reading through the sources of the Isabelle 2002 proof
verification system, I noticed the "use_text" eval-like function which
is implemented using the following system-specific functions:

smlnj-0.93: System.Compile.use_stream
polyml: PolyML.Compiler
mlworks, mosml: use

Carl Witty
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: Interpret haskell within haskell.

2002-12-26 Thread Eray Ozkural
On Friday 20 December 2002 03:16 pm, David Sankel wrote:
> I was referring to a haskell interpreter to be used
> within haskell code.  For instance:
> main = do
>   user_configuration <- parseHaskell
>   title <- resolveFunction user_configuration "title"
> :: String
>   putStr title

My next language design will have such an uber-cool standard library that you 
will be able to evaluate all you want in the world. Now I've got some years 
of design work to be done if you will excuse me.

exa <-- who found out that C++ was the worst PL in the world after giving 7 
years to it

exa <-- He also ditched his C++ like imperative OO language design that he 
wasted valuable time with

Eray Ozkural <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Software Engineer, BICOM Inc.
GPG public key fingerprint: 360C 852F 88B0 A745 F31B  EA0F 7C07 AE16 874D 539C

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: Interpret haskell within haskell.

2002-12-23 Thread oleg

Lauri Alanko wrote on Dec 22:
> The magic is _here_:

> (begin (define a 5) (eval '(set! a (+ a 1)) (interaction-environment)) a)
> ==> 6

> Here (interaction-enviroment) is a run-time representation of the
> compile-time environment. It makes possible two-way interaction between the
> stages. Essentially, first-class environments are all the magic you need to
> implement eval.

I'm sorry to act as a Grinch, but there is no magic. First, according
to R5RS, (interaction-environment) is not a first-class environment.

R5RS says (Section 6.5):

> [[optional procedure]] (interaction-environment)

> This procedure returns a specifier for the environment that contains
> implementation-defined bindings, typically a superset of those listed
> in the report. The intent is that this procedure will return the
> environment in which the implementation would evaluate expressions
> dynamically typed by the user.

There is nothing there about interaction between phases. And in fact,
this interaction does not work. If you put the following code

(module aaa)
(begin (define a 5) (eval '(set! a (+ a 1)) (interaction-environment))
   (display a) (newline))

into a file, _compile_ that file using Bigloo, and run the resulting
a.out, you will see a message
*** ERROR:bigloo:eval:
Unbound variable -- a

Nowhere the Scheme report talks about first-class environments. Please
note that the result of (interaction-environment) is a _specifier_ for
an environment.

Some Scheme systems do provide first-class environments.  For example,
MIT Scheme has a form 'the-environment'. It comes at a price. In a
post "Re: why isn't the environment explicit ?" on comp.lang.scheme on
Mar 15, 2001, Joe Marshall wrote:

> > Since you can (sort of) regard call/cc as making continuations
> > explicit, why aren't environments explict ?

> In MIT Scheme, they are.  The special form (the-environment) returns
> the current environment as a first-class object.

> However.

> The difficulty with using such a form is that it destroys any
> possibility of compiler optimization.  If you compile code with a
> (the-environment) form in it (in MIT Scheme), the compiler essentially
> throws up its hands and inserts code to call the interpreter.

There is no Santa either.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: Interpret haskell within haskell.

2002-12-23 Thread Jonathan.C.Cast-1
- Original Message -
From: Matt Hellige <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Friday, December 20, 2002 0:20 am
Subject: Re: Interpret haskell within haskell.

> In any case, here are my guesses at why Haskell
doesn't have "eval":
> - It is difficult to make the kind of run-time
safety guarantees
>   that we are used to with Haskell/ML if we
introduce constructs of
>   this kind.
> - It would seem to require considerable typing
information to be
>   carried around at run-time, which in general
Haskell compilers
>   seem to rely on being able to avoid. More
generally, it may
>   render unsafe a wide range of optimizing program
> - It would require the run-time for potentially
every program to be
>   considerably larger, carrying around an entire
> - It has not, historically, been a priority for
the community. The
>   FP community has tended to focus more on safety
and static 
> analysis,   as well as efficiency of compiled
output. The general 
> answer has
>   been, "Well, if you want that, you should be using 
> lisp/scheme/etc."
> Are those reasons basically right, basically
wrong, somewhere in the
> middle? If it's actually mostly the final reason,
I wonder if the idea
> deserves more consideration. Has the idea been
revisited in light of
> monadic control flow, type classes and other
relatively recent
> developments? Would it be possible, in this case,
to have our cake
> and eat it too? 

Are you trying to argue here that monads, type
classes, etc.
remove the difficulties you list?  Otherwise, it
seems to me that
supporting eval would remove just about every advantage
Haskell has over imperative languages.

> Matt
> -- 
> Matt Hellige  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Jon Cast

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: Interpret haskell within haskell.

2002-12-22 Thread Lauri Alanko
On Fri, Dec 20, 2002 at 01:43:07PM +0100, Frank Atanassow wrote:
> There is quite a bit of work on staged evalution, metaprogramming,
> quasiquotation, reflection and run-time code generation in typed and ML-like
> languages. It's a very active and, IMO, promising area of research.

Yes. Thanks for the references, some of them I hadn't been acquainted with.

I was already aware of MetaML, but I had mostly thought of it as a
sophisticated macro system. But of course if you defer some stages until
"runtime" you essentially get _some_ form of eval.

After quickly skimming through some of these papers, it seems that they
aren't really after the same thing as I am. Template Haskell is explicitly
a macro system, and MetaML seems to be designed for partial evaluation so
that even at the first stage (in the source code) we have _some_ idea of the
structure of the code that is to be generated. Specifically, it seems that
there is no way to dynamically generate identifiers from strings, and I
guess this makes real evaluation of arbitrary input impossible.

Staged computation is very interesting in its own right, but I'm after
something different. I don't really want eval as a language construct, I
want a language that makes it possible to _implement_ eval, among other

Let's take Scheme for an example. R5RS Scheme includes eval, but by itself
it's not particularly interesting. An interpreter for a language is just a
program, after all, and a full scheme evaluator can be implemented in a
couple of hundred lines. So there's nothing magic about this:

(eval '(letrec ((fact (lambda (x) (if (zero? x) 1 (* x (fact (- x 1)))
 (fact 5))
  (scheme-report-environment 5))
==> 120

The magic is _here_:

(begin (define a 5) (eval '(set! a (+ a 1)) (interaction-environment)) a)
==> 6

Here (interaction-enviroment) is a run-time representation of the
compile-time environment. It makes possible two-way interaction between the
stages. Essentially, first-class environments are all the magic you need to
implement eval.

So what I'm looking for is adapting first-class environments, as well as
other forms of reflection that are found in lisps, Smalltalk, Java, and
other untyped languages, to static typing. And I want to do it properly with
minimal run-time checking:

eval :: Pi t . String -> Env -> Maybe t

Here "t" is an explicit run-time type parameter, and 'eval t s e' returns
'Just x' if 's' represents a well-formed expression that can be assigned
type 't' in the environment 'e' and reduces to 'x'.

There are lots of other issues, of course. But the point is that I'm not so
much interested in code-generation mechanisms but rather in how to reify
compile-time information on the program as run-time objects.

Optimally, I'd like a system that allows the definition of new types at
runtime and possibly even gradual hot-swapping of the entire codebase of the
program. All with type-safety.

So is there any research on this sort of thing?

(This isn't really Haskell-specific, so this is probably somewhat off-topic
for haskell-cafe. Sorry about that, but I don't really know of a better
place to discuss this. When I tried to query about this on the Types forum,
the moderator rejected my posting as "too rambling", which was of course
perfectly accurate :). I haven't yet managed to write up a more lucid
exposition of the issue...)

Lauri Alanko

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: Interpret haskell within haskell.

2002-12-21 Thread Matt Hellige
> David J. Sankel wrote:
> > I was referring to a haskell interpreter to be used
> > within haskell code.  For instance:
> This was exactly the gist of the message:
> The message gave the working example. The end of the message posed
> that GHCi is better for these kinds of things. Simon Marlow's message
> shows that this is indeed the case.

Unfortunately, as the message you cited admits ("Perhaps someone will
implement Staged Haskell one day?"), it is hardly an elegant solution,
and (I believe) it is not well suited to a large-scale application.

Here's the best example I can come up with of what I'd hope to be able
to address: suppose I love emacs, but hate lisp, and would love to
have the benefits of static typing. I'd like to be able to write emacs
with Haskell (or some appropriate variant) in place of elisp. This
means I'd like to be able to bind keys to Haskell code (with type
safety!) and so on. I'd like to able to enter a mode where the user
could enter a read-eval-print loop and evaluate arbitrary expressions.
These kinds of things are pretty much trivial with lisp, and what I'm
basically asking is: is it possible to make them equally trivial (and
similarly efficient) in a statically typed language.

So, in my mind at least, forking a process and loading a new
interpreter is not an acceptable solution. I suppose ghci packaged as
a library, with a well-designed and appropriately granular interface
would be OK, but of course it would be GHC-specific. I would also be
curious to know the penalties one would have to pay in terms of
performance, binary size, and so on, and I am also curious to know
how easy it would be to add support for all the "incidental"
functionality one would need to actually use it in a commercial app:
e.g., how easy is it to grab, inspect and display useful error
messages when loading code? 

Once again, I think it would be ideal if the standard library included
data types and functions for reflection, staged
evaluation/type-checking and so on. GHC, of course, could probably
implement them using ghci, but I would like to maintain the delusion
that eventually this stuff would work the same in any Haskell

In the end, it seems like people ARE working on this problem, and it
seems like it's really just not quite there. It also seems like I
should probably stop talking about it unless I'm willing to invest a
lot of time actually working on it. :)

Thanks to all for the tips and the thoughtful responses.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: Interpret haskell within haskell.

2002-12-20 Thread oleg

David J. Sankel wrote:
> I was referring to a haskell interpreter to be used
> within haskell code.  For instance:

> main = do
>   user_configuration <- parseHaskell
>   title <- resolveFunction user_configuration "title"
> :: String
>   putStr title

This was exactly the gist of the message:

The message gave the working example. The end of the message posed
that GHCi is better for these kinds of things. Simon Marlow's message
shows that this is indeed the case.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: Interpret haskell within haskell.

2002-12-20 Thread Nicolas Oury
I am not sure to be relevant but I think :

* This kind of thing would be very useful in Haskell, as this language 
has shown to be very usable to model foreign problems and do Domain 
Specific Language. It would, for example, allow to use a domain 
specific  haskell script in an Haskell program.
(For example, a DSL allowing to 	move a turtle on the screen and an 
haskell application showing the behavior of the turtle we have 
programmed. ) I think as soon someone want to script his application 
written in Haskell, he wants to script it using Haskell.

*  This feature should also allow to load a compiled haskell file to 
allow better performance by compiling scripts

* I think these kinds of things are possible with a dirty hack  : 
compile the script with ghc and dynamically load the .o file using
Andre Pang's runtime loading.  (can be found here
This last solution is not type safe, but usable.

Hope that can help,

Nicolas Oury

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: Interpret haskell within haskell.

2002-12-20 Thread David Sankel
--- Christopher Milton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- David Sankel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I was wondering if there is any project that aims
> to
> > interpret haskell within haskell.
> GHC, the Glasgow Haskell Compiler 
>   The Glasgow Haskell compiler is a full
> implementation of Haskell.
> It is itself written in Haskell and is designed to
> act as a substrate
> for the research work of others. The source code is
> freely available.
> It produces fast code.
> The GHC interpreter is ghci. (It's not as slow
> anymore.)
> The other Haskell interpreters also load and
> interpret users'
> Haskell source code, as well.

I was referring to a haskell interpreter to be used
within haskell code.  For instance:

main = do
  user_configuration <- parseHaskell
  title <- resolveFunction user_configuration "title"
:: String
  putStr title

David J. Sankel
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: Interpret haskell within haskell.

2002-12-20 Thread Frank Atanassow
Lauri Alanko wrote (on 20-12-02 11:26 +0200):
> For what it's worth, I will probably be doing my MSc thesis on
> adapting eval (and reflection in general) to a statically typed
> language. Essentially you need a run-time representation of the
> environment and the typing context, and a type system which groks the
> relationship between run-time and static types.
> Strangely enough, I haven't found any real research on this particular
> subject. There's lots of work on related areas, eg. dynamic types and
> intensional polymorphism, but nothing that's really motivated by eval
> and reflection.
> Any suggestions for references are welcome. :)

There is quite a bit of work on staged evalution, metaprogramming,
quasiquotation, reflection and run-time code generation in typed and ML-like
languages. It's a very active and, IMO, promising area of research.

Here is just a sample. Just follow the bibliography trail, or use CiteSeer:

  Rowan Davies and Frank Pfenning. A modal analysis of staged computation. In
  POPL '96, pp. 258-270, 1996.

  Jean Goubault-Larrecq. Logical Foundations of Eval/Quote Mechanisms, and the
  Modal Logic S4.

  MetaML homepage

  Walid Taha. Multi-Stage Programming: Its Theory and Applications. PhD
  thesis, OGI, 1999.

  (also see Related Systems at the bottom of this page)

  Tim Sheard and Simon Peyton Jones. Template Meta-programming for Haskell.
  Haskell Workshop, Pittsburgh, October 2002.

  Mark Shields, Tim Sheard and Simon Peyton Jones. Dynamic Typing as Staged
  Type Inference. POPL '98.

  Eugenio Moggi et al. An Idealized MetaML: Simple, and More Expressive.
  ESOP '99.

  Pierre Leleu. A Modal Lambda Calculus with Iteration and Case Constructs.

  Philip Wickline, Peter Lee and Frank Pfenning. Run-time Code Generation and
  Modal-ML. PLDI '98.

Hope this helps!

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: Interpret haskell within haskell.

2002-12-20 Thread Alastair Reid

John Hughes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> When I want to do this kind of thing, I use hugs as a back-end. I
> write the expressions I want to evaluate, or whatever, to a file of
> hugs commands, and then run

>   system "hugs hugsoutput"

> then read and process the output (choose your favourite filenames,
> /tmp/... or whatever).

A variant on this idea would be to use the 'Hugs Server API'.  We used
to publicise this API on the Hugs pages but it seems to have gone
missing so you can grab a copy from:

You'll find a more up to date version in the Hugs distribution in

The server API provides an interface for use from C programs but
Haskell's foreign function interface makes it a snap to access that
from Haskell.  

There's only one caveat: you will have to use GHC or NHC to use the
Hugs server; you can't use Hugs to use the Hugs server.  Bummer!

Alastair Reid [EMAIL PROTECTED]  
Reid Consulting (UK) Limited

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: Interpret haskell within haskell.

2002-12-20 Thread Lauri Alanko
For what it's worth, I will probably be doing my MSc thesis on
adapting eval (and reflection in general) to a statically typed
language. Essentially you need a run-time representation of the
environment and the typing context, and a type system which groks the
relationship between run-time and static types.

Strangely enough, I haven't found any real research on this particular
subject. There's lots of work on related areas, eg. dynamic types and
intensional polymorphism, but nothing that's really motivated by eval
and reflection.

Any suggestions for references are welcome. :)

Lauri Alanko
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: Interpret haskell within haskell.

2002-12-20 Thread John Hughes
On Fri, 20 Dec 2002, Matt Hellige wrote:

> [Christopher Milton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>]
> > --- David Sankel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > I was wondering if there is any project that aims to
> > > interpret haskell within haskell.
> [... snipped intro to ghci ...]
> > If you have defined functions in "myprog.hs":
> > :load myprog.hs
> > then the functions defined in the file are available,
> > or else you'll get error message(s) about problems
> > found parsing "myprog.hs".
> >
> I'm not sure this is quite what he's asking for. For many projects it
> is useful to be able to dynamically (and programatically) load and
> evaluate arbitrary chunks of code for one reason or another.

Maybe this isn't quite what he was asking for either, but...

When I want to do this kind of thing, I use hugs as a back-end. I write
the expressions I want to evaluate, or whatever, to a file of hugs
commands, and then run

system "hugs hugsoutput"

then read and process the output (choose your favourite filenames,
/tmp/... or whatever).

It's not the world's fastest solution, but on the other hand hugs provides
excellent "reflection" -- you can do much more than just evaluate
expressions, you can ask hugs about types, class instances, etc etc. I've
used this, for example, in an old prototype JavaDoc like tool which used
Hugs to determine the types and other properties of documented names, and
in a little script for use with QuickCheck, which finds all the property
names defined in a set of modules, loads the modules into hugs, and tests
the properties.

You may think this is a very simple-minded approach, but I would defend it
on several grounds:

* it is VERY simple, and provides "programmatic eval" without any semantic
  problems whatsoever.

* knowledge of the Haskell language is isolated where it belongs, in the
  hugs interpreter -- my tools only need to know how to work the hugs
  interface. As the language evolves, I can keep up just by installing a
  new version of hugs -- I have no parser and interpreter of my own to

Easy and effective -- if a bit slow.

John Hughes

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: Interpret haskell within haskell.

2002-12-19 Thread Matt Hellige
[Christopher Milton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>]
> --- David Sankel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I was wondering if there is any project that aims to
> > interpret haskell within haskell.

[... snipped intro to ghci ...]

> If you have defined functions in "myprog.hs":
> :load myprog.hs
> then the functions defined in the file are available,
> or else you'll get error message(s) about problems
> found parsing "myprog.hs".

I'm not sure this is quite what he's asking for. For many projects it
is useful to be able to dynamically (and programatically) load and
evaluate arbitrary chunks of code for one reason or another. I
previously inquired about using Haskell as an extension language,
which is one application of this idea. There are many others. The
ability to do this, and hopefully to do it in a simple, well-specified
(and well-integrated into the rest of the language) way is perceived
as a major benefit of using many high-level languages. The classic
example, obviously, is lisp, where constructs to do exactly this are
an integral part of the language's design.

So it seems natural, especially to new users, to hope that Haskell and
the ML variants, sharing many other features common to these
languages, would offer this facility as well. The answer, in general,
is that they do not.

In many ways, this is a shame. In languages that support it cleanly,
the ability to parse, manipulate and evaluate programs in an abstract,
reflective way is wonderful. I suppose there's no need for examples,
but I'd be happy to argue the point if there's disagreement. :)

I know that I personally would love it if, as part of the language
definition, Haskell and ML provided the ability to do these types of

I'm not sure that I really understand all the reaons why this hasn't
been done. I have some ideas, and I'd be very curious to know how far
off the mark they are... In fact, I think this would make a wonderful
Not-so-frequently Asked Question for the Wiki, if we could get
together a good list of reasons why this is hard/inappropriate for
Haskell. (If we can't, I nominate it to go into Haskell 2... :)

In any case, here are my guesses at why Haskell doesn't have "eval":
 - It is difficult to make the kind of run-time safety guarantees
   that we are used to with Haskell/ML if we introduce constructs of
   this kind.
 - It would seem to require considerable typing information to be
   carried around at run-time, which in general Haskell compilers
   seem to rely on being able to avoid. More generally, it may
   render unsafe a wide range of optimizing program transformations.
 - It would require the run-time for potentially every program to be
   considerably larger, carrying around an entire interpreter.
 - It has not, historically, been a priority for the community. The
   FP community has tended to focus more on safety and static analysis,
   as well as efficiency of compiled output. The general answer has
   been, "Well, if you want that, you should be using lisp/scheme/etc."

Are those reasons basically right, basically wrong, somewhere in the
middle? If it's actually mostly the final reason, I wonder if the idea
deserves more consideration. Has the idea been revisited in light of
monadic control flow, type classes and other relatively recent
developments? Would it be possible, in this case, to have our cake
and eat it too? 


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: Interpret haskell within haskell.

2002-12-19 Thread Christopher Milton
--- David Sankel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I was wondering if there is any project that aims to
> interpret haskell within haskell.

GHC, the Glasgow Haskell Compiler 
  The Glasgow Haskell compiler is a full implementation of Haskell.
It is itself written in Haskell and is designed to act as a substrate
for the research work of others. The source code is freely available.
It produces fast code.

The GHC interpreter is ghci. (It's not as slow anymore.)

The other Haskell interpreters also load and interpret users'
Haskell source code, as well.

If you have defined functions in "myprog.hs":
:load myprog.hs
then the functions defined in the file are available,
or else you'll get error message(s) about problems
found parsing "myprog.hs".

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