Re: [Haskell-cafe] Simple GADT parser for the eval example

2006-11-01 Thread Greg Buchholz
Ulf Norell wrote:
> I'm not sure what you're asking...

Me neither probably.

> , but it's possible to get
>   my_read :: .. => Expr -> Term a
> Previously given code:
> >-- Give a GADT for representation types
> >data R a where
> >  Rint :: R Int
> >  Rbool :: R Bool
> >  Rpair :: R a -> R b -> R (a,b)

Yeah, I especially liked Joost Visser's version which is pretty
slick.  I was just wondering if it was possible to accomplish the same
task in a different way, using type classes instead of GADTs, which
would seem to work in a more top-downish fashion, as opposed to
bottom-upish.  But I'm not an expert enough with type systems to know if

Ambiguous type variable `b' in the constraint:
  `MyRead b'  
arising from use of `my_read' at gadt_wobbly.hs:65:28-36
Probable fix: add a type signature that fixes these type variable(s)

...problem was fixable by adding a type signature or grafting on some
additional type machinery.


Greg Buchholz

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Simple GADT parser for the eval example

2006-11-01 Thread Alexey Rodriguez
Hello Greg,It seems that I am late for the party but we used a "GADT parser" in the tool we built for our "Generating Generic Functions" paper[1]. It so happens that I made slides for this material so, if you're interested you can have a look at [2].
The motivation for doing this was that we needed to check whether a simply typed lambda calculus term satisfies a property or not. The road we took was software testing, but for that we needed evaluation and hence the GADT stuff.
You might like the fact that these well-typed terms include binding constructs such as lambda abstractions and variables. The code uses some tricks that I borrowed from Conor McBride and company :).Cheers,
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Simple GADT parser for the eval example

2006-10-31 Thread Ulf Norell

On Nov 1, 2006, at 1:32 AM, Greg Buchholz wrote:

Thanks to everyone who replied (especially Dimitrios Vytiniotis  

Joost Visser).  I now know the standard way to write the GADT parser.
But I'm still curious if anyone has comments pertaining to the version
using type classes.  It seems so close to doing what we want, and  
it is

pretty straightforward to implement.  The best way I can think to
describe it would be to say it uses the type system to find what it
should parse next, and dies of a pattern match failure if something
unexpected shows up, instead of checking to see if we can assemble a
type safe tree from pre-parsed parts (does that make any sense?).

I'm curious if there could be a small change to the type system to
make the fully general "my_read" possible, or if it suffers from an
incurable defect.

I'm not sure what you're asking, but it's possible to get

  my_read :: .. => Expr -> Term a

Previously given code:

-- Give a GADT for representation types
data R a where
  Rint :: R Int
  Rbool :: R Bool
  Rpair :: R a -> R b -> R (a,b)

-- Give an existential type with a type representation
data TermEx where
  MkTerm :: R a -> Term a -> TermEx

my_readEx :: Expr -> TermEx
getTerm   :: TermEx -> R a -> Term a

Given this you can define

> classRep awhere rep :: R a
> instance Rep Int  where rep = Rint
> instance Rep Bool where rep = Rbool
> instance (Rep a, Rep b) => Rep (a,b) where
>   rep = Rpair rep rep
> my_read :: Rep a => Expr -> Term a
> my_read e = getTerm (my_readEx e) rep

/ Ulf
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Simple GADT parser for the eval example

2006-10-31 Thread Greg Buchholz
Thanks to everyone who replied (especially Dimitrios Vytiniotis and
Joost Visser).  I now know the standard way to write the GADT parser.
But I'm still curious if anyone has comments pertaining to the version
using type classes.  It seems so close to doing what we want, and it is
pretty straightforward to implement.  The best way I can think to
describe it would be to say it uses the type system to find what it
should parse next, and dies of a pattern match failure if something
unexpected shows up, instead of checking to see if we can assemble a
type safe tree from pre-parsed parts (does that make any sense?).

I'm curious if there could be a small change to the type system to
make the fully general "my_read" possible, or if it suffers from an
incurable defect. 

Greg Buchholz 

> {-# OPTIONS -fglasgow-exts #-}  
> main = print test
> test :: Int 
> test = $
> "(EIf (EIsZ (ELit 0))  " ++
> " (EInc (ELit 1))  " ++
> " (EFst (EPair (ELit 42)   " ++
> "  (ELit 43"
> class MyRead a where
> my_read :: Expr -> Term a 
> instance MyRead Int where
> my_read (ELit a)= Lit a
> my_read (EInc a)= Inc (my_read a)
> my_read (EIf p t e) = If  (my_read p) (my_read t) (my_read e)
> my_read (EFst a)= Fst (my_read a :: Term (Int,Int))
> my_read (ESnd a)= Snd (my_read a :: Term (Int,Int))
> instance MyRead Bool where
> my_read (EIsZ a)= IsZ (my_read a)
> my_read (EIf p t e) = If  (my_read p) (my_read t) (my_read e)
> my_read (EFst a)= Fst (my_read a :: Term (Bool,Bool))
> my_read (ESnd a)= Snd (my_read a :: Term (Bool,Bool))
> instance (MyRead a, MyRead x) => MyRead (a,x) where
> my_read (EPair a b) = Pair (my_read a) (my_read b)
> my_read (EIf p t e) = If   (my_read p) (my_read t) (my_read e)
> data Expr = ELit Int
>   | EInc Expr
>   | EIsZ Expr 
>   | EPair Expr Expr
>   | EIf Expr Expr Expr
>   | EFst Expr
>   | ESnd Expr
> deriving (Read,Show)
> data Term a where
> Lit  :: Int -> Term Int
> Inc  :: Term Int -> Term Int
> IsZ  :: Term Int -> Term Bool
> If   :: Term Bool -> Term a -> Term a -> Term a
> Pair :: Term a -> Term b -> Term (a,b)
> Fst  :: Term (a,b) -> Term a
> Snd  :: Term (a,b) -> Term b 
> eval :: Term a -> a
> eval (Lit i)= i
> eval (Inc t)= eval t + 1
> eval (IsZ t)= eval t == 0
> eval (If b t e) = if eval b then eval t else eval e
> eval (Pair a b) = (eval a, eval b)
> eval (Fst t)= fst (eval t)
> eval (Snd t)= snd (eval t)
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Simple GADT parser for the eval example

2006-10-31 Thread Ulf Norell

On Oct 31, 2006, at 2:19 AM, Dimitrios Vytiniotis wrote:

-- Give a GADT for representation types
data R a where
  Rint :: R Int
  Rbool :: R Bool
  Rpair :: R a -> R b -> R (a,b)

-- Give an existential type with a type representation
data TermEx where
  MkTerm :: R a -> Term a -> TermEx

-- we use Weirich's higher-order type-safe cast to avoid deep  

-- one can replace the type_cast with a more simple traversal-based
-- version.

...complicated higher order stuff...

For instance:

> data a :==: b where
>   Refl :: a :==: a
> (===) :: Monad m => R a -> R b -> m (a :==: b)
> Rint  === Rint  = return Refl
> Rbool  === Rbool = return Refl
> Rpair a b === Rpair c d = do
> Refl <- a === c
> Refl <- b === d
> return Refl
> a === b = fail $ show a ++ " =/= " ++ show b
> cast :: a :==: b -> c a -> c b
> cast Refl x = x

In particular one wants to extract the Term part of a TermEx:

> getTerm :: Monad m => TermEx -> R a -> m (Term a)
> getTerm (MkTerm r' t) r = do
>   Refl <- r === r'
>   return t

/ Ulf

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Simple GADT parser for the eval example

2006-10-30 Thread Dimitrios Vytiniotis

Just noticed Joost Visser's message but since I
had (essentially a very similar) response I thought I might
send it off as well ... It includes the conditional cases.


{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fglasgow-exts #-}

module Main where

data Term a where
Lit  :: Int -> Term Int
Inc  :: Term Int -> Term Int
IsZ  :: Term Int -> Term Bool
If   :: Term Bool -> Term a -> Term a -> Term a
Pair :: Term a -> Term b -> Term (a,b)
Fst  :: Term (a,b) -> Term a
Snd  :: Term (a,b) -> Term b

data Expr = ELit Int
  | EInc Expr
  | EIsZ Expr
  | EPair Expr Expr
  | EIf Expr Expr Expr
  | EFst Expr
  | ESnd Expr
deriving (Read,Show)

-- Give a GADT for representation types
data R a where
  Rint :: R Int
  Rbool :: R Bool
  Rpair :: R a -> R b -> R (a,b)

-- Give an existential type with a type representation
data TermEx where
  MkTerm :: R a -> Term a -> TermEx

-- we use Weirich's higher-order type-safe cast to avoid deep traversals
-- one can replace the type_cast with a more simple traversal-based
-- version.

data CL c a d = CL (c (d,a))
data CR c a d = CR (c (a,d))

type_cast :: forall a b c. R a -> R b -> c a -> c b
type_cast Rint Rint x = x
type_cast Rbool Rbool x = x
type_cast (Rpair (ra::(R a0)) (rb::(R b0)))
(Rpair (ra'::(R a0')) (rb'::(R b0'))) x =
let g = (type_cast ra ra' :: ( (CL c b0)  a0 -> (CL c b0) a0' ))
h = (type_cast rb rb' :: ( (CR c a0') b0 -> (CR c a0') b0'))
in case (g (CL x)) of
 CL x' -> case (h (CR x')) of
CR y' -> y'
type_cast _ _ _  = error "cannot cast!"

-- give only the cases for Eif and Elit, the others are similar
my_read :: Expr -> TermEx
my_read (ELit i) = MkTerm Rint (Lit i);
my_read (EIf p t e) =
case (my_read p) of
  MkTerm rb b ->
  case rb of
Rbool ->
   case (my_read t) of
 MkTerm r1 t1 ->
   case (my_read e) of
 MkTerm r2 t2 ->
MkTerm r2 (If b (type_cast r1 r2 t1) t2)
_ -> error "conditional not boolean!"

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Simple GADT parser for the eval example

2006-10-30 Thread Joost Visser

Hi Greg,

We've built some GADT parsers recently to fit our two-level  
transformation library with front-ends for for XML Schema and SQL.  
See "Coupled Schema Transformation and Data Conversion For XML and  
SQL" (PADL 2007) if you're interested. The trick is to use a  
constructor in which the "a" variable of "Term a" is existentially  
quantified. For example:

data DynTerm where
  DynTerm :: Type a -> Term a -> DynTerm

(I'm using GADT notation here, but normal ADT syntax would do just  
fine as well.)

The first argument is the folklore GADT for representing types:

data Type a where
  Int :: Type Int
  Bool :: Type Bool
  Prod :: Type a -> Type b -> Type (a,b)

Then you can write your parser function with the following type:

my_read' :: Expr -> DynTerm

Or, more likely:

my_read' :: Expr -> Maybe DynTerm


my_read' (ELit a)= return $ DynTerm Int (Lit a)
my_read' (EInc a)= do
  DynTerm Int a' <- my_read' a
  return (DynTerm Int (Inc a'))

Then you call eval something like:

test :: Expr -> Maybe Dynamic
test expr = do
  DynTerm t a <- my_read' expr
  return (Dyn t (eval a))

The Dynamic is defined as:

data Dynamic where
  Dyn :: Type a -> a -> Dynamic

The dynamic typing trick here is due to Swierstra and Baars.
For further processing of the Dynamic result, you'll need to write  
functions with a type like:

f :: Type a -> a -> X

A typical example:

gshow :: Type a -> a -> String
gshow Int i = show i
gshow Bool b = show b
gshow (Prod a b) (x,y) = "("++gshow a x++","++gshow b y++")"

Hope this helps.

Source code is attached.


On Oct 30, 2006, at 5:00 PM, Greg Buchholz wrote:

I'm trying to create a simple parser for the GADT evaluator  
from the

wobbly types paper, and I need a little help.  Here's the GADT and the

data Term a where
Lit  :: Int -> Term Int
Inc  :: Term Int -> Term Int
IsZ  :: Term Int -> Term Bool
If   :: Term Bool -> Term a -> Term a -> Term a
Pair :: Term a -> Term b -> Term (a,b)
Fst  :: Term (a,b) -> Term a
Snd  :: Term (a,b) -> Term b

eval :: Term a -> a
eval (Lit i)= i
eval (Inc t)= eval t + 1
eval (IsZ t)= eval t == 0
eval (If b t e) = if eval b then eval t else eval e
eval (Pair a b) = (eval a, eval b)
eval (Fst t)= fst (eval t)
eval (Snd t)= snd (eval t)

...and instead of writing my own read instance, I thought I'd take a
shortcut and just try converting a regular data type to our  


data Expr = ELit Int
  | EInc Expr
  | EIsZ Expr
  | EPair Expr Expr
  | EIf Expr Expr Expr
  | EFst Expr
  | ESnd Expr
deriving (Read,Show)

my_read' :: Expr -> Term a
my_read' (ELit a) = Lit a
my_read' (EInc a) = Inc (my_read' a)
my_read' (EIsZ a) = IsZ (my_read' a)
my_read' (EPair a b) = Pair (my_read' a) (my_read' b)
my_read' (EIf p t e) = If (my_read' p) (my_read' t) (my_read' e)
my_read' (EFst a) = Fst (my_read' a)
my_read' (ESnd a) = Snd (my_read' a)

...That looks nice and simple, but it doesn't type check.  GHCi-6.6

Couldn't match expected type `a' (a rigid variable)
   against inferred type `Int'
  `a' is bound by the type signature for `my_read'
at eval_gadt_wobbly.hs:45:24
  Expected type: Term a
  Inferred type: Term Int
In the expression: Lit a
In the definition of `my_read': my_read (ELit a) = Lit a

...No surprise there, since there is no way to fail in the event of a
maltyped "Expr".  The next thing to try is a type class solution...

class MyRead a where
my_read :: Expr -> Term a

instance MyRead Int where
my_read (ELit a) = Lit a
my_read (EInc a) = Inc (my_read a)
my_read (EIf p t e) = If (my_read p) (my_read t) (my_read e)
my_read (EFst a) = Fst (my_read a :: MyRead b => Term (Int,b))
--my_read (ESnd a) = Snd (my_read a)instance MyRead Bool where
my_read (EIsZ a) = IsZ (my_read a)
my_read (EIf p t e) = If (my_read p) (my_read t) (my_read e)
--my_read (EFst a) = Fst (my_read a)
--my_read (ESnd a) = Snd (my_read a)
instance (MyRead a, MyRead b) => MyRead (a,b) where
my_read (EPair a b) = Pair (my_read a) (my_read b)
my_read (EIf p t e) = If (my_read p) (my_read t) (my_read e)
--my_read (EFst a) = Fst (my_read a)
--my_read (ESnd a) = Snd (my_read a)

This just about works, except for the definitions for the "Fst"  

"Snd" constructors.  The compiler complains...

Ambiguous type variable `b' in the constraint:
  `MyRead b'
arising from use of `my_read' at eval_gadt_wobbly.hs:65:28-36
Probable fix: add a type signature that fixes these type  

...Of course, that makes perfect sense, since, if we're applying "Fst"
to a term, then we don't care about the other branch of the  
"Pair".  You

can get it accepted by the type checker by making the types more

my_read (EFst a) = Fst (my_read a :: Term (Int,Int))

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Simple GADT parser for the eval example

2006-10-30 Thread John Meacham
I don't have an answer, but would be extremely interested in knowing

one of my first attempts to use GADTs was to do something similar,
implemening the simple polymorphic lambda calculus in a way that
transformations could be guarenteed typesafe statically, but then when I
went and tried to write an interpreter, I couldn't figure out how to
read in programs to interpret.

it seems you would want something like first class existentials 'Exp
(exists a . a)' or something like that.


John Meacham - ⑆⑆john⑈
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