Re: [i3] How to display in `i3bar` (via `i3status`) the amount of free memory

2015-09-16 Thread Jeff Jibson
On Wed, Sep 16, 2015 at 6:22 AM, Ciprian Dorin Craciun <> wrote:
> On Wed, Sep 16, 2015 at 2:26 PM, Michael Stapelberg 
> > The recommended way is to wrap i3status as described in its manpage.
> The whole purpose of `i3status` is that it's lightweight both in terms
> of resources and OS calls.  Wrapping it in a script that each second
> spawns a bunch of processes just to add memory usage is counter to its
> purpose...
> ...

> However I would like to ask the developers to please reconsider adding
> such a basic and useful piece of information.  (But as said I'll live
> this here.)
> Thanks for i3,
> Ciprian.

There are several alternatives to i3status.  I haven't had time to try any
of them.  I have been using conky for years, so I use it.

In my config file I have:

bar {
output HDMI1
status_command conky -c ~/.i3/conkyrc.left
mode   dock
position   bottom
workspace_buttons  yes
font   $font

colors {
background $root
statusline $foreground
focused_workspace  $foreground $focused   $foreground
active_workspace   $foreground $active$foreground
inactive_workspace $foreground $unfocused $foreground
urgent_workspace   $urgentfg   $urgentbg  $urgentfg

I have two monitors.  Both conky files have the following settings at the
top of the file:

background no
use_xft yes
out_to_console yes
out_to_x no
update_interval 2
total_run_times 0
double_buffer yes
border_inner_margin 0
border_outer_margin 0
use_spacer none
if_up_strictness address
short_units yes

In file for my left monitor I have:

BKK ${tztime UTC-7 %T} \
 CCSD ${tztime PST8PDT %T} \
 PT-0{1,2,3} ${tztime MST7MDT %T}|\
en01 ${addr eno1} ${downspeed eno1} ${upspeed eno1}  \
 ${if_up tun0}  tun0 ${addr tun0} ${downspeed tun0} ${upspeed tun0}
 ${endif} \
 port ${tcp_portmon 1 65535 count}|\
$nodename ($kernel) $uptime \
 ${time %F %T}

In the file for the right monitor I have:

CLP $cpu=${cpu cpu0}+${cpu cpu1} \
 $loadavg \
 $running_processes / $processes|\
MS $mem/$memmax ($memperc%) \
 $swap/$swapmax ($swapperc%)|\
D / ${fs_used /}/${fs_size /}|\
G ${execi 50 if pgrep sandbox > /dev/null ; then genlop -cn | grep
'Currently merging'  ; else echo -n Las Sync: ; ~/.i3/ ; fi}
HKUT $nodename ($kernel) $uptime \
 ${time %T}

Some of this is specific to gentoo and needs gentools.

Re: [i3] Retina/HiDPI: Querying DPI

2014-06-05 Thread Jeff Jibson
On Thu, Jun 5, 2014 at 1:49 AM, Michael Stapelberg  wrote:

> My question is: does anyone have a strong preference on which of these
> we should use? If so, why?

It seems to me that the xrandr --dpi method would be better, especially
with laptops where the monitor plugged in varies.  I already use xrandr in
my xinit to determine the resolution of an external monitor.
I remember doing the dpi calculations years ago, but it made the fonts
huge.  So, I ended up lying to X setting the dpi to 72x72.

Re: [i3] monitor dependent workspaces

2014-04-13 Thread Jeff Jibson
On Fri, Apr 11, 2014 at 3:59 PM, Eric Roseman wrote:

> Thanks for the input. I tried this and I'm not sure how to switch to
> workspaces 11-20. What I'm trying to do is have workspace 1-10 per
> monitor, and a mod+2 or mod+3 would focus the #2 or #3 workspace of the
> current monitor.
> Thanks,
> Eric

You can use other mod keys.  I have the left windows key setup as hyper and
the right as super.  I tend to use the monitors in pairs (browsers on the
left and tmux on the right) so, $Hyper+Control changes to both.  Using 0L
and 0R works nice for scripting the pairs.

set $Hyper Mod3
set $Super Mod4

# switch to another workspace
bindcode $Hyper+19 workspace "0L"
bindcode $Super+19 workspace "0R"
bindcode $Hyper+Control+19 workspace "0L"; workspace "0R"
bindcode $Hyper+10 workspace "1L"
bindcode $Super+10 workspace "1R"
bindcode $Hyper+Control+10 workspace "1L"; workspace "1R"
bindcode $Hyper+11 workspace "2L"
bindcode $Super+11 workspace "2R"
bindcode $Hyper+Control+11 workspace "2L"; workspace "2R"

# Workspace assignments
workspace "0L"output DVI-I-1
workspace "1L"output DVI-I-1
workspace "2L"output DVI-I-1
workspace "0R"output HDMI-1
workspace "1R"output HDMI-1
workspace "2R"output HDMI-1

# move to another workspace
bindcode $Hyper+Shift+19 move workspace "0L"
bindcode $Super+Shift+19 move workspace "0R"
bindcode $Hyper+Shift+10 move workspace "1L"
bindcode $Super+Shift+10 move workspace "1R"
bindcode $Hyper+Shift+11 move workspace "2L"
bindcode $Super+Shift+11 move workspace "2R"

Re: [i3] RFC: i3-dmenu-desktop

2012-12-11 Thread Jeff Jibson
>> There are 5157 .desktop files on the machine I am using now, though I
>> think "only" about 924 are relevant.  How long does it take to parse 924
>> files on a slow computer?  Probably not that long, but too long for a
>> basic user interface element.
> I have 130 .desktop files within the relevant locations. Are your 5157
> .desktop files in the 'applications' subfolder? If yes, how did you get
> to 924 “relevant” and what does that mean?

This number sounded insane to me.  So, I checked mine... 19.  Many of
these are dependencies of things I use.  I use dmenu more for scripts
that manipulate i3 than real programs.

[i3] Can I get the current mode?

2012-02-01 Thread Jeff Jibson
How can I get the current mode?  I am looking for the mode that is set
in the i3 config, i.e. mode "resize."  There are a couple of uses I
can think of; first, displaying it in the status bar; second, using it
within a script.


Re: [i3] multiple x sessions

2012-01-24 Thread Jeff Jibson
On Mon, Jan 23, 2012 at 14:34, Michael Stapelberg
> Hi Jeff,
> Excerpts from Jeff Jibson's message of 2012-01-23 21:13:08 +:
>> I have two x sessions, :0 with two screens and :1 with one screen
>> connected by x2x.  Is there a way to jump from one session to the
>> other with a keyboard.  The mouse works, but mice are evil ;)
> Yes, swarp.
> Best regards,
> Michael

Thanks, that works.

[i3] multiple x sessions

2012-01-23 Thread Jeff Jibson
I have two x sessions, :0 with two screens and :1 with one screen
connected by x2x.  Is there a way to jump from one session to the
other with a keyboard.  The mouse works, but mice are evil ;)

I am using:
  i3 4.1.1
  xorg-server 1.11.3 (x11 7.4)
  x2x 1.27
  xf86-video-nouvea 0.0.16_pre2009
  xf86-video-displaylink 0.3.

I tried using synergy (1.4.5), but it doesn't seem to work.  I'd
prefer this to x2x if it worked.