Re: [Interest] Roland Qml

2020-07-14 Thread Jonathan Purol
On 14/07/2020 13:24, Roland Hughes wrote:
> They have no formal education with respect to computer science.

So you're implying that CS education has anything to do with the ability
to write good code?
Some of the best programmers I know, far beyond the capabilities of me,
perhaps you, and a vast majority of other coders on this planet, have no
"formal education [in] computer science".

And having taught programming to people at universities, having worked
with people who graduated as a CS bachelor or master from universities,
I can 100% assure you that education and skill form nothing more than a
correlation, and drawing the causation the way you did (amidst some very
biased generalisations) is a logical fallacy at best, and harmful
misdirection at worst.

I haven't followed the entirety of this thread (as it's split into a few
different threads for some reason).
I can understand some disdain against the "dumbing-down" of programming
nowadays and I'm personally not fond of QML (in it's current state) either.
But you suddenly jump from "JavaScript is insecure" to "medical devices
running JavaScript will kill patients". Making mistakes can happen in
every language, and I'm sure quite a few people have died because of
technical issues in c++ code as well. JavaScript might be more error
prone -- of course -- but I wouldn't really blame QML for that. If you
use JavaScript in QML for anything other than visual logic, without any
validation, unit tests, fuzzing, QA, etc. then you're a bad coder.
You're a bad coder *not* because you're from an off-shore country, *not*
because you're using JavaScript, and *not* because you're using QML.
You're a bad coder because you have made bad decisions and that happens
in every language. I've witnessed enough bad c++ Qt coders in my life to
conclude that.

Jonathan Purol
Interest mailing list

Re: [Interest] Roland Qml

2020-07-14 Thread Thiago Macieira
On Tuesday, 14 July 2020 04:35:28 PDT Roland Hughes wrote:
> On 7/14/20 5:00 AM, Thiago Macieira wrote:
> >> When QML was first pitched back in the Nokia days, it was supposed to be
> >> a script that ran through a pre-compiler generating the C++ widget code.
> > 
> > No, it wasn't.
> Yes it was. I got that exact pitch. It was supposed to replace the
> problem prone XML based UI files and buggy designer of the day. At that
> time the designer was notorious for corrupting UI files forcing one to
> open them with a different editor to fix. Having a plain text "language"
> that was easy to code and would pre-compile to widget code was a great
> selling point.

Again, no, it wasn't. I was there. I was the product manager in question.

You're confusing the QtDeclarative library and QML with the previous attempt 
called WidgetsNG (which in turn was a re-iteration of a previous effort called 
ItemViewNG). WidgetsNG was based on QGraphicsView and its stated intent was to 
bring proper widgets onto QGraphicsView, with support for animations and 
transformations. It had an XML language that, like with uic, would compile to 
C++ at build time.

QtDeclarative never had compilation to C++. I don't remember if the file 
format was XML back then or whether it was already JS based, but by the time 
the Oslo team was involved in the effort the whole thing was processed at 
runtime. This was before anything was sent outside of Nokia.

> That's what the Nokia developers were talking about in the Chicago area.
> They were going to get rid of XML, giving us something that looks much
> like QML, having no logic capabilities, just screen layout, that would
> be 100% compiled.
> What we got was an interpreted language massive security risk.

I don't know who you were talking to. There were no Qt development offices in 
the Chicago area. Either you were talking to sales people or you were talking 
to Nokia developers who had nothing to do with Qt. 

It might have been a customer-meeting trip where product managers (like me 
back then) would have been present to gather customer input, but not with the 
actual developers. Trips from Australia are mighty expensive. If that was the 
case, then nothing was sent in stone. It might even have been WidgetsNG time, 
which was presented in one session at one Qt Developer Days I think.

Thiago Macieira - thiago.macieira (AT)
  Software Architect - Intel System Software Products

Interest mailing list

Re: [Interest] Roland Qml

2020-07-14 Thread Giuseppe D'Angelo via Interest

Il 14/07/20 13:35, Roland Hughes ha scritto:

When QML was first pitched back in the Nokia days, it was supposed to be
a script that ran through a pre-compiler generating the C++ widget code.

No, it wasn't.
Yes it was. I got that exact pitch. 

Are you calling the person who has maintained QtCore for the last 10+ 
years, who has worked directly first under Trolltech and then Nokia, who 
has been the release manager for a number of Qt releases (just before 
4.7, which publicly introduced Qt Declarative) a liar?

It was supposed to replace the
problem prone XML based UI files and buggy designer of the day. At that
time the designer was notorious for corrupting UI files forcing one to
open them with a different editor to fix. Having a plain text "language"
that was easy to code and would pre-compile to widget code was a great
selling point.

"Notorious" is hearsay and unwarranted.

Giuseppe D'Angelo | | Senior Software Engineer
KDAB (France) S.A.S., a KDAB Group company
Tel. France +33 (0)4 90 84 08 53,
KDAB - The Qt, C++ and OpenGL Experts

Description: Firma crittografica S/MIME
Interest mailing list

Re: [Interest] Roland Qml

2020-07-14 Thread Cristián Maureira-Fredes

On 7/14/20 1:24 PM, Roland Hughes wrote:

On 7/14/20 5:00 AM, wrote:

When I was at a client site just over a year ago they were using an 
off-shore team that tried to do 100% of the project in QML and 
JavaScript because you can find those people for absolutely no money. 
They have no formal education with respect to computer science. Just 
read half a "Teach Yourself How to Be Totally Useless or Less in 24 
Hours" type book on JavaScript and hung out a shingle. I opened the 
binary with, I think SublimeText, perhaps KATE, doesn't matter, just a 
text editor. There it was. All the JavaScript code. I know because in 
the other frame I was looking at the actual source. The developer 
sitting beside me didn't believe me. He used Eclipse for everything. 
Ba-da-bing ba-da-boomb there it was.


Hello Roland,

I'm pretty sure you understand how your message breaks our Code of
Conduct, and making those generalized bias comments about developers
using other programming languages from different countries
is not admitted in this mailing list.

I'm certain The Qt project has many people that come from different
backgrounds, and not because they didn't have "a formal CS education"
means that they will produce bad code or harm any project.

As someone from an "off-shore" country,
I kindly ask you to stop generalizing your own experiences,
and maybe find a different platform to share those thoughts.


Dr. Cristian Maureira-Fredes
R&D Manager

The Qt Company GmbH
Erich-Thilo-Str. 10
D-12489 Berlin

Geschäftsführer: Mika Pälsi,
Juha Varelius, Mika Harjuaho
Sitz der Gesellschaft: Berlin,
Registergericht: Amtsgericht
Charlottenburg, HRB 144331 B
Interest mailing list

Re: [Interest] Roland Qml

2020-07-14 Thread Roland Hughes

On 7/14/20 5:00 AM, Thiago Macieira wrote:

When QML was first pitched back in the Nokia days, it was supposed to be
a script that ran through a pre-compiler generating the C++ widget code.

No, it wasn't.

Yes it was. I got that exact pitch. It was supposed to replace the 
problem prone XML based UI files and buggy designer of the day. At that 
time the designer was notorious for corrupting UI files forcing one to 
open them with a different editor to fix. Having a plain text "language" 
that was easy to code and would pre-compile to widget code was a great 
selling point.

That's what the Nokia developers were talking about in the Chicago area. 
They were going to get rid of XML, giving us something that looks much 
like QML, having no logic capabilities, just screen layout, that would 
be 100% compiled.

What we got was an interpreted language massive security risk.

Roland Hughes, President
Logikal Solutions

Interest mailing list

Re: [Interest] Roland Qml

2020-07-14 Thread Roland Hughes

On 7/14/20 5:00 AM, wrote:

Let us not forget that QML+JavaScript is completely insecure in the
OpenSource world. All of that JavaScript gets stuffed into the binary
you ship as free text. Anyone with a decent text editor can read/extract
your super secret proprietary algorithms. Worse yet, anyone with enough
patience can change a binary in the field.

Then use some filesystem-level protection mechanism like dm-verity.

That will prevent replacing the binaries altogether, whether done by the way
of editing some text inside or by recompiling.

PS: QML is usually not found in clear text inside the binary because rcc
attempts to compress and text compresses really well. You need to actually
reverse engineer to find the compressed text content. It's not very difficult,
but it is one step up from trivial.

When I was at a client site just over a year ago they were using an 
off-shore team that tried to do 100% of the project in QML and 
JavaScript because you can find those people for absolutely no money. 
They have no formal education with respect to computer science. Just 
read half a "Teach Yourself How to Be Totally Useless or Less in 24 
Hours" type book on JavaScript and hung out a shingle. I opened the 
binary with, I think SublimeText, perhaps KATE, doesn't matter, just a 
text editor. There it was. All the JavaScript code. I know because in 
the other frame I was looking at the actual source. The developer 
sitting beside me didn't believe me. He used Eclipse for everything. 
Ba-da-bing ba-da-boomb there it was.

This is the identity theft (or worse) security breach Qt has unleashed 
upon the world. There is no safety in the environment. Things have been 
dumbed down so people with no formal training can purchase a license and 
ticking time bombs are being released every day.

I lay awake at night filled with complete dread about the medical 
devices previously and currently being developed using dirt cheap low 
skilled off-shore teams because they are "priced right" trying to do the 
entire thing in QML and JavaScript. A token few will even believe that 
one & done OpenSource security is actually secure so they won't 
optically isolate network communications from the actual device via an 
I/O appliance with its own processor and memory. They get in, open up 
the binary with a text editor, change what the JavaScript does, then 
save the binary.

To the doctors and nurses it looks like the 100+- other of these devices 
the hospital has. This one, at random intervals, kills patients. It will 
be months and perhaps thousands of dead patients before anyone suspects 
anything, depending on the device. Something like a ventilator people 
don't have high survival rates being on in the first place. An infusion 
pump for a cancer patient would attract slightly more suspicion by 
offing cancer patients where the disease was caught early.

All because the JavaScript was brought along in the binary as text.

How about all of those "apps" in the app stores written by people with 
no formal training "because they can" with QML? They won't kill people, 
but they could make the Equifax breach look small time.

Roland Hughes, President
Logikal Solutions

Interest mailing list

[Interest] Reminder: Qt Code of Conduct

2020-07-14 Thread Andy Shaw

This mail is being posted to all of the mailing lists individually, but not 
cross-posted because that is an invite to create havoc so for those on multiple 
mailing lists then I apologise for the fact you will get this more than once.

The Qt Code of Conduct was created and agreed upon back in October 2018 and we 
have had a lot of new contributors and people joining the Qt community that it 
is time for a reminder that the Qt Code of Conduct exists and that it is worth 
refreshing everyone's memory about it. I am happy to say that the communities 
conduct as a whole is generally positive and aside from issues occasionally 
things are going in the right direction and this community is a good place to 
be a part of. That said, it does not hurt to look at the Qt Code of Conduct 
again, or maybe in some cases for the first time which you can find here:

I would like to add that this email is not an invitation to discuss the content 
of the Qt Code of Conduct whether you agree with it or not, but merely to 
remind people that it exists for the benefit of everyone who is part of the Qt 

The Qt community has been a fundamental aspect of the Qt Project since the 
beginning, let's keep having a nice and welcoming environment to everyone.

Thank you for your time,

Andy Shaw
The Qt Company

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