Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Vacancy - accountant with UAE exp.

2007-07-10 Thread Abdul Latheef

On 7/9/07, IlliasKhan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Accountant, with 5 yrs. UAE exp. & knowledge of finalization of
accounts, required urgently, send CV [EMAIL PROTECTED]

P.P. Abdullatheef
Neeleswaram  - CLT

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] For your Kids in this Summer Vacation

2007-06-27 Thread Abdul Latheef

*Kids** **are probably counting down the days until summer vacation.  Make
sure this summer vacation will be different from the past years by
increasing/updating Religious knowledge instead of relaxing or
enthusiastically sleeping.*
*We have ample books on various topics for you and your family.  Part of the
summer planning should be to alleviate your Islamic knowledge.***

*English Section*
*Holy Life Of Prophet Mohammed
*Islam My 
*Stories of Messengers*
*Devoted Companions Part – I
*Devoted Companions Part –
*Model Stories – I*
*Pearl Necklace Part-I*

*Urdu Section*
*Badon Ki 
*Chattanay (The Rocks)
*Banao Aur 
*Achi Sachi Aur Mazedar

*Telugu Section*
*Idiye Islam*
*Manava Seva*

*Satya Dharmam*
*Please visit your web site & enjoy the free download facilities.*
* ** ** *
*(A unique & comprehensive e-Library in Multiple Languages)*
Available many more books in Multiple Languages
*** *** ***
*The purpose of the web site is to provide wide range, authentic &
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a unique **FREE download** facility.*
*We will highly appreciate if you introduce among your friends in the best
possible manners.***

P.P. Abdullatheef
Neeleswaram  - CLT

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Required Urgently :Opthalmologist to Gulf and Computer Programmers in Jeddah

2007-06-15 Thread Abdul Latheef

Alexander V <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Date: Jun 13, 2007 9:24 AM

*Wanted Opthalmologist with minimum 2 years experience for a leading optical
shop in gulf region.
email your detailed CV with photograph to *
[EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>* ** or Call 00968 927
916 80*

Arangodan, Abdulnaser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Date: Jun 12, 2007 2:51 PM
Subject: JOB VACANCY - Programmers

*Dear All,*

*Urgently required FOUR (4) Computer Programmers for a Software Support

*Contact immediately **Dr. Abdullah – Tel: 02 6914640*



*P.P. Abdullatheef*
Neeleswaram  - CLT

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] The Observations of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) About the Finality of Prophethood

2007-06-05 Thread Abdul Latheef

*The Observations of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) About the Finality of
Prophethood *

The meaning of the word Khatam that emerges out of the context of the Holy
Qur'an and which is the same as given in all lexicons of the Arabic language
is also affirmed by the observations of the Holy Prophet(peace and blessings
be upon him). We quote some authentic traditions to illustrate the case in

1. The Holy Prophet (PBUH) observed: *"The tribe of Israel was guided by
prophets. When a prophet passed away, another prophet succeeded him. But no
prophet will come after me; only caliphs will succeed me." *(Bukhari,

2. The Prophet of God (PBUH) affirmed:* "My position in relation to the
prophets who came before me can be explained by the following example: *

*A man erected a building and adorned this edifice with great beauty, but he
left an empty niche, in the corner where just one brick was missing. People
looked around the building and marvelled at its beauty, but wondered why a
brick was missing from that niche? I am like unto that one missing brick and
I am the last in the line of the Prophets." *(Bukhari, Kitab-ul-Manaqib).

3. The Holy Prophet (PBUH) observed: *"God has bestowed upon me six favors
which the former Prophets did not enjoy: *

*I have been endowed with the gift of pithy and perfect speech. *

*I was granted victory owing to my awe. *

*The spoils of war were made lawful unto me. *

*The whole earth has been made the place of worship for me and it has become
the means of purification for me also. In other words in my religion,
offering of prayers is not confined to certain specified places of worship.
Prayers can be offered at any place over the earth. And in case water is not
available it is lawful for my people to perform ablutions with earth
(Tayammum) and to cleanse themselves with the soil if water for bathing is
scarce. *

*I have been sent by Allah to carry His Divine message to the whole world. *

*And the line of prophets has come to its final end in me. *(Muslim,
Tirmidhi, Ibn Majah)

4. The Prophet of Allah (PBUH) affirmed: *"The chain of Messengers and
Prophets has come to an end. There shall be no Messenger nor Prophet after
me." *(Tirmidhi, Kitab-ur-Rouya Babu Zahab-un- Nubuwwa, Musnad Ahmad,
Marwiyat-Anas bin Malik)

5. Abdur Rahman bin Jubair reported: *"I heard Abdullah bin 'Amr ibn-'As
narrating that one day the Holy Prophet (PBUH) came out of his house and
joined our company. His manner gave us the impression as if he were leaving
us.' He said, 'I am Muhammad, the unlettered prophet of Allah' and repeated
this statement three times. Then he affirmed: "There will be no prophet
after me'." *(Musnad Ahmad, Marwiyat'Abdullah bin Amr ibn'-As.)

6. The Holy Prophet (PBUH) said: *"If an Apostle were to succeed me, it
would have been 'Umar bin Khattab." *(Tirmidhi,Kitab-ul- Manaqib)

7. The Holy Prophet (PBUH) told Hadrat 'Ali, *"You are related to me as
Aaron was related to Moses (peace be upon  him). But no Apostle will come
after me."* (Bukhari and Muslim, Kitab Fada'il as-Sahaba)

There plenty of Rasoolullah's word to take in consideration than any other

*P.P. Abdullatheef*
Neeleswaram  - CLT

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Syed Abul Ala Maududi [May Allah have mercy on his soul]

2007-06-04 Thread Abdul Latheef

*Syed Abul Ala Maududi **[May Allah have mercy on his soul]*
*By Prof. Anis Ahmad, Ph.D.*
The roots of Islamic reawakening in the twentieth century are often traced
in the Muslim response to the western colonialism in Asia and Africa. While
it may be one contributory factor in the case of a few Muslim countries, a
global Islamic reassertion, we notice as a phenomenon even in countries,
which were not colonialized by the western imperialists. This calls for
search of more important reasons other than the often-repeated reactionary
thesis. The interpretation of Islamic reawakening as a reaction to the
European colonialism though, recognizes Islamic reawakening as historical
reality, at the same time marginalizes the existence of Islamic reawakening
in its own rights.

A serious study of the Islamic sources, the Qur'an and the sunnah will show
that Islam as the way of life and a total system has an innate tendency to
activate and reinvigorate from within, the process of Islamic re-assertion.
The dynamic principle responsible for these phenomena is mentioned in the
prophetic hadith as ijtihad (systematic and innovative thinking). Whenever
the Muslim ummah faced periods of depression, and decline it was with the
help of ijtihad or sometimes jihad that a new life in the ummah was infused.
Indeed Nineteenth Century was a pend of political, economic, and
intellectual decline in the ummah. Nevertheless, we cannot think of a
century in which at least a few towering Islamic personalities did not
emerge to lead the ummah out of its temporary crisis with the help of

The crisis the ummah faced in the 20th century was encountered in a profound
manner by the great exegete Sayyid Abul Ala Maududi (1903-1979). He
pioneered a movement ijtihad at the level of thought and institution
building and offered an ideological alternative to the modern world. Aware
of the impact of ideological challenges of the Capitalist, Marxist and
Fascists ideologies of the 19th century Europe, Sayyid Maududi encountered
the challenge at three different levels. First one was at the level of
ideology. The capitalists and Marxist ideologies, claim to have ultimate
answer to the man's economic, social and political problems. The rise of
Europe as a political power was also interpreted as its ideological
supremacy on the other systems. Nevertheless the capitalist and the Marxists
ideologies within the Twentieth Century saw this failure in realizing their
utopian heaven on earth. First important contribution of Sayyid Maududi
relates with his articulation of the Islamic vision of a society, economy,
and state. While offering a critique of the European ideologies Sayyid
Maududi, also offered at a positive level an alternative Islamic ideological
framework. Meeting the challenges of modernity, perhaps no other Muslim
intellectual in the 19th and 20th century offered such elaborate ideas on
political, economic and social dimensions of Islam as we find its in the
writings of Sayyid Maududi.

Sayyid Maududi apparently holds the views that western ideologies can only
be defeated at an intellectual level. This is why with a deep understanding
and first hand knowledge of the Capitalists, Socialists and Fascists
ideologies, he highlighted Islamic system of thought in his remarkable works
entitles Sud (usury or interest), Islamic civilization it genesis and
principles, Tafhimat, al-Jihad fi allslam and Tanqihat. While understanding
the applied aspects of Islamic political, economics and social system, he
offers a critical evaluation of the Capitalists and Socialists Ideologies.

In order to introduce and elaborate on the basic Qur'anic concepts he
produced a monumental exegesis of Qur'an entitled Tafhimul Qur'an while
further elaboration was done on certain basic Qur'anic themes in his books
Four Basic Terms of the Qur'an and Islamic Ibadat par aik Tehqiqi Nazr. The
purpose of his Tafseer of the Qur'an is not to go in academic and historical
discussions but to use historical background and contextual analysis for
discovering relevance of the Qur'anic instructions with contemporary

The ideological contribution made by Sayyid Maududi appears to be one of the
major factors behind the global Islamic reawakening. While he produced his
work essentially in Urdu his ideas wee translated into Arabic, Persian,
Turkish, english, French and German languages within first two decades of
his establishing the movement for Islamic revival in the Pakistan
sub-continent. By late 1950s he was already an internationally known spokes
person for Islam as the ideology of future. It was due to his clarity of
thought and systematic approach in presenting Islamic system that young
intellectuals in Sudan, Iran, Middle East with their given situations.

The second major contribution made by him was launching of a movement for
Ishah in the sub-continent Pakistan. With an humble beginning in 1941 the
movement soon spread all over the sub continent and was able to attrac

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Syed Abul Ala Maududi [May Allah have mercy on his soul]

2007-05-31 Thread Abdul Latheef

 *Syed Abul Ala Maududi **[May Allah have mercy on his soul]*
*By Prof. Anis Ahmad, Ph.D.*
The roots of Islamic reawakening in the twentieth century are often traced
in the Muslim response to the western colonialism in Asia and Africa. While
it may be one contributory factor in the case of a few Muslim countries, a
global Islamic reassertion, we notice as a phenomenon even in countries,
which were not colonialized by the western imperialists. This calls for
search of more important reasons other than the often-repeated reactionary
thesis. The interpretation of Islamic reawakening as a reaction to the
European colonialism though, recognizes Islamic reawakening as historical
reality, at the same time marginalizes the existence of Islamic reawakening
in its own rights.

A serious study of the Islamic sources, the Qur'an and the sunnah will show
that Islam as the way of life and a total system has an innate tendency to
activate and reinvigorate from within, the process of Islamic re-assertion.
The dynamic principle responsible for these phenomena is mentioned in the
prophetic hadith as ijtihad (systematic and innovative thinking). Whenever
the Muslim ummah faced periods of depression, and decline it was with the
help of ijtihad or sometimes jihad that a new life in the ummah was infused.
Indeed Nineteenth Century was a pend of political, economic, and
intellectual decline in the ummah. Nevertheless, we cannot think of a
century in which at least a few towering Islamic personalities did not
emerge to lead the ummah out of its temporary crisis with the help of

The crisis the ummah faced in the 20th century was encountered in a profound
manner by the great exegete Sayyid Abul Ala Maududi (1903-1979). He
pioneered a movement ijtihad at the level of thought and institution
building and offered an ideological alternative to the modern world. Aware
of the impact of ideological challenges of the Capitalist, Marxist and
Fascists ideologies of the 19th century Europe, Sayyid Maududi encountered
the challenge at three different levels. First one was at the level of
ideology. The capitalists and Marxist ideologies, claim to have ultimate
answer to the man's economic, social and political problems. The rise of
Europe as a political power was also interpreted as its ideological
supremacy on the other systems. Nevertheless the capitalist and the Marxists
ideologies within the Twentieth Century saw this failure in realizing their
utopian heaven on earth. First important contribution of Sayyid Maududi
relates with his articulation of the Islamic vision of a society, economy,
and state. While offering a critique of the European ideologies Sayyid
Maududi, also offered at a positive level an alternative Islamic ideological
framework. Meeting the challenges of modernity, perhaps no other Muslim
intellectual in the 19th and 20th century offered such elaborate ideas on
political, economic and social dimensions of Islam as we find its in the
writings of Sayyid Maududi.

Sayyid Maududi apparently holds the views that western ideologies can only
be defeated at an intellectual level. This is why with a deep understanding
and first hand knowledge of the Capitalists, Socialists and Fascists
ideologies, he highlighted Islamic system of thought in his remarkable works
entitles Sud (usury or interest), Islamic civilization it genesis and
principles, Tafhimat, al-Jihad fi allslam and Tanqihat. While understanding
the applied aspects of Islamic political, economics and social system, he
offers a critical evaluation of the Capitalists and Socialists Ideologies.

In order to introduce and elaborate on the basic Qur'anic concepts he
produced a monumental exegesis of Qur'an entitled Tafhimul Qur'an while
further elaboration was done on certain basic Qur'anic themes in his books
Four Basic Terms of the Qur'an and Islamic Ibadat par aik Tehqiqi Nazr. The
purpose of his Tafseer of the Qur'an is not to go in academic and historical
discussions but to use historical background and contextual analysis for
discovering relevance of the Qur'anic instructions with contemporary

The ideological contribution made by Sayyid Maududi appears to be one of the
major factors behind the global Islamic reawakening. While he produced his
work essentially in Urdu his ideas wee translated into Arabic, Persian,
Turkish, english, French and German languages within first two decades of
his establishing the movement for Islamic revival in the Pakistan
sub-continent. By late 1950s he was already an internationally known spokes
person for Islam as the ideology of future. It was due to his clarity of
thought and systematic approach in presenting Islamic system that young
intellectuals in Sudan, Iran, Middle East with their given situations.

The second major contribution made by him was launching of a movement for
Ishah in the sub-continent Pakistan. With an humble beginning in 1941 the
movement soon spread all over the sub continent and was able to attra

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Did Jesus BAPTIZED?

2007-05-20 Thread Abdul Latheef

*Jose Murekan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> send:*
*Did Jesus BAPTIZED? *
*Historically 'NO'! *

Baptism is one of the fundamental aspects in Christianity.  It is a
spiritual process which makes a person 'Christian', that means if a person
is not baptized then he/she is not a Christian even if that person was born
in the church by both very active Christian parents, let say even both
parents are priests. In one word, no one is born a Christian, therefore
whoever wishes to be Christian has to join the faith, that means that person
has to be converted. The conversion is made through water baptism therefore
baptism and conversion go hand in hand, to be precise baptism and conversion
is one and the same thing. According to church's doctrine, if anyone dies
before being baptized (even if that person is a  child of both active
Christian parents) can't be buried by church. Simply because that person or
a child is considered as a sinner, full of sins inherited from our father
Adam and mother Eve. We may conclude here that if there is no baptism then
there is no Christianity because whoever not baptized is not a Christian.

The Christian scholars are telling us that Jesus was baptized therefore it
is mandatory for them to go through this "spiritual" process. The
scholars don't go empty handed in proving and spreading this state of affair
to millions around the world. The verse in which they frequently quote to
authenticate their belief is to be found in the Gospel according to St
TO BE BAPTIZED BY HIM" Matthew 3: 17.

It's a common belief among the believers of Christian faith that Jesus was
baptized by someone known as John the son of Zechariah generally
acknowledged as 'John the Baptist', around the banks of river Jordan in the
year believed by many to be 30 AD. This date can't be proven though however
we take it for granted as another dogma. The original manuscripts of the new
testament was written in Latin and Greek, the biblical internal evidence
shows that the Romans didn't know even how Jesus look alike that's why the
day they went to catch him in the garden of Gethsemane they had to take
Judas Iscariot with them, Judas was one of the twelve disciples of Jesus.

In order to avoid unnecessary confusion, every single point I am going to
raise will be supported by a scriptural evidence, a verse from the bible.
Since there is a distinct difference between a prove and explanation all you
have to do is to open your copy of the bible if you have one and cross check
those verses mentioned in here. In due case if you are doubtful about this
pamphlet then you are doubtful about authenticity of the bible. This
pamphlet, by the way, is no way serves to disprove the Christian faith. The
real purpose is to bridge the gape of our differences and bring us together
in common terms.
According to the bible Jesus and John the Baptist didn't meet each other in
their natural lives. That means John the Baptist didn't baptize Jesus. Jesus
himself didn't baptize anyone and he even said conversion that has to go
through baptism will send people involved to hell. To prove my case and
arguments I will provide you with some axiomatic, irrefutable, concrete and
tangible evidences extracted only from and within the covers of different
versions of Bible accepted by all Christians of all churches and
denominations. I strongly restrict myself from quoting any Christian
scholar, Bible preacher or any other known authorities rather than of the
Holy Bible. By the way all in brackets in verses are my words and all
references elaborated herein are extracted from RSV of 1971 and NIV of 1995
for your further references. Now let us separate the wheat from the chuffs

**Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea, during the reign of King Herod. The
wise men from East went to Bethlehem to pay their respect to the newly born
child (Jesus) whom they called the King of the Jews. When this good news
reached King Herod's office, he was very disturbed. He sent his wise men to
Bethlehem to see the newly born boy (Jesus) and scrutinize people's reaction
towards him. Unfortunately they did not go back to him according to the
scriptures. Somehow Herod then, planned to kill the boy Jesus. When Herod's
wise men left Bethlehem God Almighty sent down an angel to Joseph in dream,
"When they had gone, an angel of Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream, 'get
up' he said 'take the child (Jesus) and his mother (Mary) and escape to
Egypt . Stay there until I tell you, for Herod is going to search for the
child to kill him"
Matthew 2:13

Joseph woke up took the boy Jesus and his mother Mary and left for Egypt at
same night to avoid the murder of the child Jesus in the hands of the cruel
children killer Herod the King. Then it was Herod's birthday. His
stepdaughter danced very well and pleased Herod so much that he promised
with an oath to give her whatever she would ask. With the a

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Create Shariah index and watch Islamic funds flow in: SHAILESH MENON-TIMES NEWS

2007-05-15 Thread Abdul Latheef

 *Create Shariah index and watch Islamic funds flow in** *

*TIMES NEWS NETWORK* [ TUESDAY, MAY 01, 2007 04:02:39 AM]

MUMBAI: The Indian stock market may have been likened to a casino and a den
of vice by some, but Shariq Nisar begs to differ. According Mr Nisar, an
economist and expert in Islamic finance, the current share of the Indian
Shariah compliant market capitalisation (at 61%) is the highest even when
compared with a number of Islamic countries such as Malaysia (57%), Pakistan
(51%) and Bahrain (6%).

Sectors such as computer software, drugs and pharmaceuticals and automobile
ancillaries are all Shariah compliant. These sectors constitute about 36% of
the total Shariah compliant stocks on the NSE.

Shariah, the canonical law of the followers of Islam, has strictures
regarding finance and commercial activities permitted for believers. Arab
investors only invest in a portfolio of "clean" stocks. They do not invest
in stocks of companies dealing in alcohol, conventional financial services
(banking and insurance), entertainment (cinemas and hotels), tobacco, pork
meat, defence and weapons.

In a research paper titled 'Islamic investments opportunities in India', Mr
Nisar, writes: "The growth in market capitalisation of Indian Shariah
compliant stocks was found to be more impressive than the growth in market
capitalisation of non-Shariah compliant stocks. Another remarkable finding
of the study is that even when the number of Shariah compliant stocks was
very limited, the share of Shariah compliant market capitalisation never
went below 50% of the total market capitalisation."

If investors in Islamic countries buy Mr Nisar's logic then Indian markets
could see a huge inflow of capital in search for 'Shariah compliant stocks'.
Says Ashraf Mohammadi, managing director, Idafa Investments: "About $600
billion-worth Islamic investments are locked up in fixed deposits around the
world, waiting for an attractive, but ethical, market to invest in. A
significant sum of Arab investments also flow into the small Pakistani and
immature UAE markets. With a dedicated Shariah index and some regulatory
steps, Indian securities market can open the floodgates on Islamic

Currently, there are more than 800 Shariah compliant stocks on the
exchanges. Pakistan, a favoured Islamic capital market investment
destination, has only 30 Shariah compliant scrips out of some 700-odd

One key development that could set off the flood of this capital inflow is
an index that tracks Shariah relevant stocks. Experts believe that given the
stagnation in European markets, a low-performing bullion market and falling
crude prices, Indian markets could have fared better with a dedicated equity
index for Muslim investors. The absence of such an index is inhibiting the
capital flow. Take for example, the US and Pakistan. The US has the
Dow-Jones Islamic Market Index (DJIMI) and Pakistan the Meezan Islamic Fund

World over, Islamic investors have begun demanding more sophisticated
instruments for investing their money. They want these investment
alternatives to comply with both Shariah standards and international norms
of financial investments. "In the past, observant Muslims were wary of being
involved in financial investment vehicles for fear that they weren't
compliant with Shariah. A Shariah compliant index includes only those
companies whose business activities and financial ratios comply with Shariah
norms," said Alka Banerjee, vice-president, Global Index Management,
Standard & Poor's, which recently launched its headline Shariah-compliant
indices — the S&P 500 Shariah (for the US), S&P Europe 350 Shariah and the
S&P Japan 500 Shariah.

Lack of awareness is a major impediment in the propagation of Islamic
investments. "It is the religious requirement of a Muslim to be invested;
rather it is un-Islamic to hold money. Interest is forbidden, but sharing
risk and responsibility that is sharing profit and loss is acceptable.
Equity investing is wholly acceptable under Shariah as long as it is in
companies compliant with the Shariah rules," says Zafar Sareshwala, managing
director, Parsoli Investments.


P.P. Abdullatheef
Neeleswaram  - CLT

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] The Humanity of the Prophets

2007-04-05 Thread Abdul Latheef

*The Humanity of the Prophets*

*By Sheikh Muhammad Mitwalli Ash-Sha'rawi*

(*Is it a matter of wonderment to men that We have sent Our inspiration to a
man from among themselves? — that he should warn mankind (of their danger),
and give the good news to the Believers that they have before their Lord the
lofty rank of truth. (But) the Unbelievers say: "This is indeed an evident
sorcerer!*) (Yunus 10:2)

Allah Almighty chose honorable humans to be His prophets, a choice that the
disbelievers would oppose till the Day of Judgment. Every prophet was a
human and was attacked by his people for being a human:

(*The chiefs of the disbelievers among his people said: "We see you (are)
but a human like ourselves, nor do we see (that) any follow you but the
meanest among us and they (too) followed you without thinking. And we do not
see in you any merit above us.*) (Hud 11: 27)

This verse was revealed regarding the people of Noah, the first messenger
sent after Adam (peace and blessings be upon both of them).

The same attitude was repeated in nation after nation. The Qur'an narrates
the stories of the peoples of `Aad and Thamud and those after them. They
rejected the prophets' message under the pretext that the prophets were (*no
more than human beings like us*) *(Ibrahim 14:10).*

When Allah sent Shu`aib (peace and blessings be upon him) to his people to
tell them that they should give full measure and weigh with the true and
straight balance, they answered (You are but a human being like us and
verily, we think that you are one of the liars!) (Ash-Shu`ara' 26:186).

Also Pharaoh and his people accused Moses and his brother Aaron (peace and
blessings be upon both of them) of lying: (*Shall we believe in two men like
ourselves, and their people are servile unto us?*) (Al-Mu'minun 23:47).

Similarly, the humanity of Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) was
taken as a basis for raising doubts about his message:

(*The wrong-doers conceal their private counsels, (saying), "Is this (one)
more than a man like yourselves? Will you go to witchcraft with your eyes
open?"*) (Al-Anbiyaa' 21:3)

*Angels Unsuitable*

Why did Allah Almighty chose His messengers from humans? Why did He not send
angels to guide people and to show them the straight path?

A messenger is assigned to convey the law of Allah and to inform people
about the divine message, so he must be one of them, speaking their language
and knowing their habits, to be able to convey the message. People must have
known him before his mission; his honesty, truthfulness, and noble manners
should be unquestionable.

Not only would the prophet convey the divine law, but he would also teach
people how to apply it. The law is theoretical and must be practically
applied. People need to see their messenger offering prayers, performing
Hajj, and applying the divine law he brought to them. Therefore the humanity
of the prophet is imperative.

Moreover, if Allah had sent down angels as prophets, people would not have
recognized them, being that angels do not live on the earth. Even if we
assume that He had made the angel prophets known to people, they would have
said, "Such angelic prophets could not be examples to us because they are
created from light and we are created from clay. They are infallible by
nature and they carry out the commands they receive from Allah. Unlike them,
we humans are liable to err."

Angels, therefore, cannot be prophets to humans because angelic powers and
nature differ from those of humans. Allah willed that His prophets be as
human as the people to whom they were sent, so that none would dare argue on
the Day of Judgment, "O Lord, You have burdened us beyond our power and
enjoined on us what we could not do." The answer would simply be that your
prophet was a human like you, yet he was able to faithfully apply the divine
law without feeling burdened beyond the capacity of humans.

*Excerpted with some modifications from the author's book* Muhammad.

*Sheikh Muhammad Mitwalli Ash-Sha'rawi *(1911–1998), was a prominent Muslim
scholar and one of the most famous Arabic-speaking preachers. He was known
particularly for his TV program in which he interpreted the Qur'an in a way
easily understood by the common people. He lectured in Saudi Arabia and
served as the Egyptian minister of religious endowments from 1976 to 1978.
Sheikh Ash-Sha`rawai also authored many books.

P.P. Abdullatheef
Neeleswaram  - CLT