Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Syed Abul Ala Maududi [May Allah have mercy on his soul]

2007-06-04 Thread Abdul Latheef

*Syed Abul Ala Maududi **[May Allah have mercy on his soul]*
*By Prof. Anis Ahmad, Ph.D.*
The roots of Islamic reawakening in the twentieth century are often traced
in the Muslim response to the western colonialism in Asia and Africa. While
it may be one contributory factor in the case of a few Muslim countries, a
global Islamic reassertion, we notice as a phenomenon even in countries,
which were not colonialized by the western imperialists. This calls for
search of more important reasons other than the often-repeated reactionary
thesis. The interpretation of Islamic reawakening as a reaction to the
European colonialism though, recognizes Islamic reawakening as historical
reality, at the same time marginalizes the existence of Islamic reawakening
in its own rights.

A serious study of the Islamic sources, the Qur'an and the sunnah will show
that Islam as the way of life and a total system has an innate tendency to
activate and reinvigorate from within, the process of Islamic re-assertion.
The dynamic principle responsible for these phenomena is mentioned in the
prophetic hadith as ijtihad (systematic and innovative thinking). Whenever
the Muslim ummah faced periods of depression, and decline it was with the
help of ijtihad or sometimes jihad that a new life in the ummah was infused.
Indeed Nineteenth Century was a pend of political, economic, and
intellectual decline in the ummah. Nevertheless, we cannot think of a
century in which at least a few towering Islamic personalities did not
emerge to lead the ummah out of its temporary crisis with the help of

The crisis the ummah faced in the 20th century was encountered in a profound
manner by the great exegete Sayyid Abul Ala Maududi (1903-1979). He
pioneered a movement ijtihad at the level of thought and institution
building and offered an ideological alternative to the modern world. Aware
of the impact of ideological challenges of the Capitalist, Marxist and
Fascists ideologies of the 19th century Europe, Sayyid Maududi encountered
the challenge at three different levels. First one was at the level of
ideology. The capitalists and Marxist ideologies, claim to have ultimate
answer to the man's economic, social and political problems. The rise of
Europe as a political power was also interpreted as its ideological
supremacy on the other systems. Nevertheless the capitalist and the Marxists
ideologies within the Twentieth Century saw this failure in realizing their
utopian heaven on earth. First important contribution of Sayyid Maududi
relates with his articulation of the Islamic vision of a society, economy,
and state. While offering a critique of the European ideologies Sayyid
Maududi, also offered at a positive level an alternative Islamic ideological
framework. Meeting the challenges of modernity, perhaps no other Muslim
intellectual in the 19th and 20th century offered such elaborate ideas on
political, economic and social dimensions of Islam as we find its in the
writings of Sayyid Maududi.

Sayyid Maududi apparently holds the views that western ideologies can only
be defeated at an intellectual level. This is why with a deep understanding
and first hand knowledge of the Capitalists, Socialists and Fascists
ideologies, he highlighted Islamic system of thought in his remarkable works
entitles Sud (usury or interest), Islamic civilization it genesis and
principles, Tafhimat, al-Jihad fi allslam and Tanqihat. While understanding
the applied aspects of Islamic political, economics and social system, he
offers a critical evaluation of the Capitalists and Socialists Ideologies.

In order to introduce and elaborate on the basic Qur'anic concepts he
produced a monumental exegesis of Qur'an entitled Tafhimul Qur'an while
further elaboration was done on certain basic Qur'anic themes in his books
Four Basic Terms of the Qur'an and Islamic Ibadat par aik Tehqiqi Nazr. The
purpose of his Tafseer of the Qur'an is not to go in academic and historical
discussions but to use historical background and contextual analysis for
discovering relevance of the Qur'anic instructions with contemporary

The ideological contribution made by Sayyid Maududi appears to be one of the
major factors behind the global Islamic reawakening. While he produced his
work essentially in Urdu his ideas wee translated into Arabic, Persian,
Turkish, english, French and German languages within first two decades of
his establishing the movement for Islamic revival in the Pakistan
sub-continent. By late 1950s he was already an internationally known spokes
person for Islam as the ideology of future. It was due to his clarity of
thought and systematic approach in presenting Islamic system that young
intellectuals in Sudan, Iran, Middle East with their given situations.

The second major contribution made by him was launching of a movement for
Ishah in the sub-continent Pakistan. With an humble beginning in 1941 the
movement soon spread all over the sub continent and was able to attrac

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Syed Abul Ala Maududi [May Allah have mercy on his soul]

2007-05-31 Thread Abdul Latheef

 *Syed Abul Ala Maududi **[May Allah have mercy on his soul]*
*By Prof. Anis Ahmad, Ph.D.*
The roots of Islamic reawakening in the twentieth century are often traced
in the Muslim response to the western colonialism in Asia and Africa. While
it may be one contributory factor in the case of a few Muslim countries, a
global Islamic reassertion, we notice as a phenomenon even in countries,
which were not colonialized by the western imperialists. This calls for
search of more important reasons other than the often-repeated reactionary
thesis. The interpretation of Islamic reawakening as a reaction to the
European colonialism though, recognizes Islamic reawakening as historical
reality, at the same time marginalizes the existence of Islamic reawakening
in its own rights.

A serious study of the Islamic sources, the Qur'an and the sunnah will show
that Islam as the way of life and a total system has an innate tendency to
activate and reinvigorate from within, the process of Islamic re-assertion.
The dynamic principle responsible for these phenomena is mentioned in the
prophetic hadith as ijtihad (systematic and innovative thinking). Whenever
the Muslim ummah faced periods of depression, and decline it was with the
help of ijtihad or sometimes jihad that a new life in the ummah was infused.
Indeed Nineteenth Century was a pend of political, economic, and
intellectual decline in the ummah. Nevertheless, we cannot think of a
century in which at least a few towering Islamic personalities did not
emerge to lead the ummah out of its temporary crisis with the help of

The crisis the ummah faced in the 20th century was encountered in a profound
manner by the great exegete Sayyid Abul Ala Maududi (1903-1979). He
pioneered a movement ijtihad at the level of thought and institution
building and offered an ideological alternative to the modern world. Aware
of the impact of ideological challenges of the Capitalist, Marxist and
Fascists ideologies of the 19th century Europe, Sayyid Maududi encountered
the challenge at three different levels. First one was at the level of
ideology. The capitalists and Marxist ideologies, claim to have ultimate
answer to the man's economic, social and political problems. The rise of
Europe as a political power was also interpreted as its ideological
supremacy on the other systems. Nevertheless the capitalist and the Marxists
ideologies within the Twentieth Century saw this failure in realizing their
utopian heaven on earth. First important contribution of Sayyid Maududi
relates with his articulation of the Islamic vision of a society, economy,
and state. While offering a critique of the European ideologies Sayyid
Maududi, also offered at a positive level an alternative Islamic ideological
framework. Meeting the challenges of modernity, perhaps no other Muslim
intellectual in the 19th and 20th century offered such elaborate ideas on
political, economic and social dimensions of Islam as we find its in the
writings of Sayyid Maududi.

Sayyid Maududi apparently holds the views that western ideologies can only
be defeated at an intellectual level. This is why with a deep understanding
and first hand knowledge of the Capitalists, Socialists and Fascists
ideologies, he highlighted Islamic system of thought in his remarkable works
entitles Sud (usury or interest), Islamic civilization it genesis and
principles, Tafhimat, al-Jihad fi allslam and Tanqihat. While understanding
the applied aspects of Islamic political, economics and social system, he
offers a critical evaluation of the Capitalists and Socialists Ideologies.

In order to introduce and elaborate on the basic Qur'anic concepts he
produced a monumental exegesis of Qur'an entitled Tafhimul Qur'an while
further elaboration was done on certain basic Qur'anic themes in his books
Four Basic Terms of the Qur'an and Islamic Ibadat par aik Tehqiqi Nazr. The
purpose of his Tafseer of the Qur'an is not to go in academic and historical
discussions but to use historical background and contextual analysis for
discovering relevance of the Qur'anic instructions with contemporary

The ideological contribution made by Sayyid Maududi appears to be one of the
major factors behind the global Islamic reawakening. While he produced his
work essentially in Urdu his ideas wee translated into Arabic, Persian,
Turkish, english, French and German languages within first two decades of
his establishing the movement for Islamic revival in the Pakistan
sub-continent. By late 1950s he was already an internationally known spokes
person for Islam as the ideology of future. It was due to his clarity of
thought and systematic approach in presenting Islamic system that young
intellectuals in Sudan, Iran, Middle East with their given situations.

The second major contribution made by him was launching of a movement for
Ishah in the sub-continent Pakistan. With an humble beginning in 1941 the
movement soon spread all over the sub continent and was able to attra