Bismillah [IslamCity] Prophet Mohammad by Dr K S Ramakrishna Rao - Part 1

2008-05-06 Thread Mustafa Mawjee

Dr K. S. RAMAKRISHNA RAO, an Indian Professor of Philosophy in his  booklet,
Muhammad, The Prophet of Islam
Prof. Ramakrishna Rao explains his point by saying:

PART l (of 3)

The personality of Muhammad, it is most difficult to get into the whole  truth 
of it. Only a glimpse of it I can catch. What a dramatic  succession of 
picturesque scenes! There is Muhammad, the Prophet.  There is Muhammad, the 
Warrior; Muhammad, the Businessman; Muhammad, the  Statesman; Muhammad, the 
Orator; Muhammad, the Reformer; Muhammad, the  Refuge of Orphans; Muhammad, the 
Protector of Slaves; Muhammad, the  Emancipator of Women; Muhammad, the Judge; 
Muhammad, the Saint. All in  all these magnificent roles, in all these 
departments of human  activities, he is alike a hero.

God's Messenger said, If anyone among you is secure in mind in the morning, 
healthy in body, and   has food for the day,
it is as though the whole world has been brought into his possession.

Prophet's advice for Eating
In eating, apportion a third of your stomach to food, another third to  water, 
and leave the last third empty. The bowl most distasteful to God  is a full 
What I fear concerning my community is a large paunch, oversleep,   idleness 
and the lack of certainty.
'Cleanliness is half of faith  (Iman).
Do not lean and eat.
Wash both hands up to the wrists before eating
Do not find fault with the food.
Remove your shoes before eating.
When eating, sit with either both knees on the ground or one knee  raised or 
both knees raised.
Eat with the right hand.
Whilst eating one should not remain completely silent
Drink water in 3 breaths removing the utensil from the mouth after each sip . 
Do not drink directly from the jug or bottle. One should pour the  contents 
into a glass first and then drink
The best drink in this  world and the hereafter is water, when you  are 
thirsty drink it by sips  and not gulps, gulping produces sickness of the 
Don't eat until you are hungry.
The blessings of food lie in washing hands before and after eating.

Bismillah [IslamCity] World powers urge Arabs to honor Palestinian pledges

2008-05-06 Thread J M
  By Arshad Mohammed and Adrian Croft Fri May 2, 3:18 PM ET 

  LONDON (Reuters) - World powers called on Friday on Arab states to honor 
their financial and political pledges to help the Palestinians in their 
U.S.-backed Middle East peace effort with Israel. 
  if(window.yzq_d==null)window.yzq_d=new Object(); 
  The Quartet of Middle East peace mediators, which comprises the European 
Union, Russia, the United Nations and the United States, also called on Israel 
to freeze all settlement building and to dismantle outposts erected since March 
2001 to prevent the collapse of the peace talks.
  The Quartet called for all donors to follow through on pledges made ... The 
Quartet encouraged the Arab states to fulfill both their political and 
financial roles in support of the Annapolis process, it said after talks in 
  U.S. President George W. Bush announced the resumption of peace talks between 
Israel and the Palestinian Authority with fanfare at a November 27 conference 
in Annapolis, Maryland but the negotiations have since yielded no visible 
  Arab diplomats and foreign policy analysts suggest that the absence of 
tangible headway has disheartened Arab states, who are deeply skeptical of 
Bush's goal of achieving a peace deal by the end of this year.
  Let's remember this is not about the United States, this is ... for the 
Palestinian people, U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said when asked 
if Arab doubts about the U.S. peace push has made them reluctant to contribute.
  Clearly if you made a pledge, you ought to fulfill it, she added at a news 
conference before Quartet members were to meet with Arab states including Saudi 
Arabia, Egypt, Jordan, Tunisia, Kuwait and the United Arab Emirates.
  Norwegian Foreign Minister Jonas Gahr Stoere said the Palestinian Authority's 
need for money would grow more acute in the second half of this year and that 
donors need to step up with budget support.
  We believe it is a real challenge for the motivation of the donor community 
that they need to see ... progress on the political track, he added.
  According to U.S. figures, of $717.1 million in budget aid for the 
Palestinians promised by Arab League members, only $153.2 million has been 
delivered, all of which came from three countries: Saudi Arabia, the United 
Arab Emirates and Algeria.
  In contrast, other donors -- chiefly the United States and European nations 
-- have disbursed $502.1 million of the $834.9 million they pledged, the U.S. 
figures showed.
  Palestinian Prime Minister Salam Fayyad said Kuwait had announced on Friday 
it would allocate $80 million of the $300 million it pledged in December as 
budget support.
  Fayyad said he was pleased because Kuwait had previously indicated all the 
money was to be used for development projects.
  The Quartet also voiced deep concern over humanitarian conditions in Gaza, 
where Israel tightened its blockade after the Islamist Hamas movement seized 
power from Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas's more secular Fatah in June 
  The major powers called for a shift in strategy toward Gaza, backing Egyptian 
efforts to broker an informal truce between Israel and Palestinian militants 
and to ease the embargo.
  Israel says the blockade is aimed at stopping rocket attacks on Israel by 
Hamas and other militant groups.
  Shortages of fuel, power and basic goods have strangled Gaza's economy and 
created a humanitarian crisis for its 1.5 million people.   Fayyad said 
progress in the peace process continues to be slow. He said Israeli settlement 
building undercut the peace talks and Israeli raids on areas under Palestinian 
control undermine the Palestinian Authority's security forces.   An Arab 
diplomat said many countries in the region were losing hope that Bush's peace 
effort was making headway.   There is a sense of frustration that there aren't 
tangible dividends, said the diplomat, who asked not be named.   Speaking as 
she flew to London, where she will also have talks on Iran and Kosovo, Rice 
said the two sides were making progress in their negotiations despite the 
public doubts.   The fact that one can't see churning under the water I think 
has led people to believe that there is nothing --- no progress is being made, 
Rice said. And I just think it's not right. I think they are
 making progress.   She added: I think it is far too early to start (having) 
any sense of despair about the end of the year.   Rice was due to take part in 
a three-way meeting with Fayyad and Israeli Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni on 
Friday before going to Israel and the Palestinian territories this weekend.   
(Writing by Arshad Mohammed; Editing by Charles Dick)


Bismillah [IslamCity] Fears for jailed Brotherhood leader

2008-05-06 Thread Abdul Wahid Osman Belal

Ikhwanweb [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: From: Ikhwanweb [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Fears for jailed Brotherhood leader
Date: Fri, 2 May 2008 19:34:10 -0400

  Fears for jailed Brotherhood leader 

 Bill Law , BBC - United Kingdom

 Friday, May 2, 2008
  Zahraa al-Shater is worried. 
 Her father Khirat al-Shater, second in command of the Muslim Brotherhood, has 
just been sentenced by a military tribunal to seven years in jail for belonging 
to a banned organisation and giving funds to the brotherhood. 
 He was among 25 leading members given sentences of up to 10 years. 
 Khirat suffers from high blood pressure and diabetes, his daughter told me, 
and he has been refused treatment. 
 He is not allowed to go to any hospital, and when the prison allowed him for 
once to go to the hospital the security officers stopped the doctor from 
examining him. 
 She fears he will not live out his sentence. 
 Politically-motivated case 
 The Egyptian government did not comment on the allegation.
 But another political activist Ayman Noor - who like Zahraas father suffers 
from diabetes - has been refused treatment. 
 His wife, Gameela Ismail told the BBC earlier this year that months after 
doctors had recommended urgent surgery to save the sight in one eye her husband 
was still awaiting treatment. 
 Zahraa, a 32-year-old mother of four, also learned on 15 April that her 
husband Ayman Abd al-Ghani was given a three-year sentence by the same 
 This was after a civilian court had acquitted the two of all charges, saying 
there was no case against them. 
 But in a country where hundreds of Muslim Brothers were arrested in advance of 
municipal elections earlier this month and where there has been a wave of 
strikes, protests and unrest, Zahraa believes the case was 
politically-motivated from the beginning. 
 The civilian court acquitted them and they were released but the police 
re-arrested them moments after the verdict. 
 The civilian courts didnt give [President] Hosni Mubarak the verdict he 
wanted, so he handed them to the military court to get the verdict he wanted, 
Zahraa says. 
 Seeking peaceful change 
 She also says that when the wives and family members arrived at Haikstip 
military base on the outskirts of Cairo to hear the sentencing they - as well 
as the defendants lawyers - were denied access to the tribunal. Some of the 
women were beaten, she told me. 
 The Egyptian government has long considered the Muslim Brotherhood a violent 
and dangerous organisation. 
 The Brotherhood has been officially banned since a 1954 assassination attempt 
on then President Nasser. 
 For several years, though, the Brotherhood has insisted it advocates only 
peaceful change. 
 Zahraa rejects the attempt to portray the organisation as a terrorist group: 
This is false. What terrorism action did the Muslim Brothers do? 
 They [officials] have no evidence for what they are saying. They want to 
crush any organised political opposition because the Muslim Brotherhood is the 
greatest political opposition against the government. 
 No hope 
 But Zahraa says it is difficult for the families. 
 We cant explain to our children why the women are being beaten in the 
streets and why the government is taking the fathers who are the good models in 
their lives. 
 It is very hard to explain to them that being patient is not being passive. 
We try to tell them that we must be peaceful people. But - seeing what is 
happening to us - I feel we are living in a forest and we have no right to 
defend ourselves. 
 The families can appeal the verdict of the military tribunal within two months 
of sentencing. 
 But when asked if she has any hope her husband and father will be released 
Zahraa simply says No.


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Bismillah [IslamCity] Sami al-Hajj, Anzar Shah Kashmiri , Islam's Women Scholars, Obama-Wright Controversy

2008-05-06 Thread Jawed Anwar
Assalam O Alaikum

Sami al-Hajj Hits out at US Captors
Dazeylin, 02 May, 2008 12:52:00 

AL JAZEERA cameraman Sami al-Hajj has hit out at the US treatment of detainees 
at the Guantanamo Bay military prison where he was held for nearly six and a 
half years. Saying that rats are treated ... 
Full story Islam's Women Scholars
YOGINDER SIKAND 02 May, 2008 12:44:00 

ONE indicator of the development of a society is its female literacy rate and, 
related to this, the number of its female scholars. On both these fronts, 
India's Muslims are among the lowest of all the communities in the country. ... 
Full story Lessons from the Media-Generated Obama-Wright Controversy 
EL-HAJJ MAURI' SAALAKHAN 02 May, 2008 00:32:16 

A GOOD friend of mine, Reverend Graylan Scott Hagler - National President of 
Ministers for Racial, Social and Economic Justice of the United Church of 
Christ, and Senior Minister of the Plymouth Congregational United Church of 
Christ in Washington, DC -sent me ... 
Full story Obituary: Hazrath Moulana Anzar Shah Kashmiri (r.a.)
DAILY MUSLIMS 02 May, 2008 00:00:00 

IT is with utmost grief for us that a great 'Alim and Muhaddith of our time, 
Hazrat Moulana Anzar Shah Kashmiri (r.a.) - son of the great luminary, Moulana 
Anwar Shah Kashmiri (r.a.), departed this temporary abode at around on ... 
Full story Who Is Tariq Ramadan?
YOUSEF DRUMMOND 02 May, 2008 00:00:00 

IT would not be unfair to say that the Muslim Ummah today is undergoing a 
social transition throughout Europe - one that seeks to participate effectively 
as citizen and as Muslims. As citizens within European nation-states, Muslims 
co-exist peacefully ... 
Full story On Important Issues in Contemporary Islamic Thought
SHAH ABDUL HALIM 02 May, 2008 00:00:00 

DR. Taha Jabir Al-Alwani, former President of International Institute of 
Islamic Thought, U. S. A., is an eminent Islamic scholar, jurist and specialist 
in Usul.  He is also founder-member of the Council of the Muslim World League, 
a member of ... 
Full story Zimbabwe for Unity Government?
DR.ABDUL RUFF COLACHAL 01 May, 2008 23:02:29 

LATEST indications reveal that Zimbabwe is heading for a Unity government. 
After a long wait in obtaining the final victors in the polls, it seems, some 
mediators in Zimbabwe are negotiating for a unity government by the national 
parties, both ruling ... 
Full story Several Part-Time Positions Open: Muslim Community Perceptions of 
Policing Practices
NEWS RELEASE 01 May, 2008 22:57:31 

MAJOR cities, including New York have been the focus of counter-terrorism 
investigations post 9/11.  These investigations may have consequences for 
public and community perceptions of law enforcement strategies, and community 
willingness to comply with and cooperate with law enforcement. A ... 
Full story 
Jawed Anwar
Editor  Publisherfiles.php?file=sami-al-Hajj_843261136.jpgleft_navi_arrow.giffiles.php?file=spacer.giffiles.php?file=Anzar-Shah-Kashmiri_576303661.jpg

Bismillah [IslamCity] Good Bayaans

2008-05-06 Thread adil naveed
Bayaans of Mufti`Obaid Ur rahman
 listen and forward to others muslims
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Bismillah [IslamCity] must the women of Gaza wear a Burka now ??

2008-05-06 Thread raja chemayel
  The world is at the edge of a famine crisis
  or a least at the edge of a huge food shortage...
  Why ??
  Because some wise people decided to feed the cars
  before , or instead of , feeding the people...
  Gaza is already in a famine crises
  or at least of a huge shortage of everything , including food
  Why ??
  Because Israel is inhumane , and never was anything better than that
  and while the Egyptian regime is either coward or a traitoror both.
  The International law allows to any country to intervene 
  in another , if and when Human-rights are in acute danger.
  I guess that mass-hunger plus no electricity , plus no fuel, 
  plus no medicament's and no drinking water...must be more than enough
  for Egypt to intervene regardless of its Peace agreement with Israel,
  or any other argument or treaty.
  I do not mean to send its rusted-Tanks , but just to open the borders 
  for shopping if not for donations...and humanistic-help
  I remember George Bush in Iraq , or the NATO in the Balkans
  intervening for less arguments , let alone for the false arguments.
  They intervened in Afghanistan even for to deliver the women 
  from their  own Burkawhich,by the way, they still wear !!
  What about Gaza ??
  must the women of Gaza wear a Burka now , 
  so that the NATO may come to them with electricity 
  and drinking water ??? and medicament's...?
  Eng. Moustafa  Roosenbloom
  Sales manager for Pharmaceutical companies
  third of May 2008

Sent from Yahoo! Mail.
A Smarter Email.

Bismillah [IslamCity] US eats 5 times more than India per capita

2008-05-06 Thread Erooth Mohamed
*Now, Bush blames India for rising food prices*
3 May 2008
WASHINGTON: Prosperity in countries like India is good but it triggers
increased demand for better nutrition which in turn leads to higher food
prices, US President George W Bush said.
The comments come close on the heels of US Secretary of State Condoleezza
Rice's controversial statement that apparent improvement in the diets of
people in India and China and consequent food export caps is among the
causes of the current global food crisis.
*US eats 5 times more than India per capita*
4 May 2008, 0100 hrs IST,Subodh Varma,TNN

Even as the world spins into a global food crisis, a popular theory — voiced
by the likes of US President George W Bush and secretary of state
Condoleezza Rice — is that the Chinese and Indians are responsible. The
'logic': due to zooming incomes, they are eating more, causing worldwide
shortages. But is that true?

Due to their huge populations, countries like India and China may appear to
consume gigantic amounts of food. But the real elephant in the room that
nobody is willing to talk about is how much each person gets to eat. And the
answer will shock many.

Total foodgrain consumption — wheat, rice, and all coarse grains like rye,
barley etc — by each person in the US is over five times that of an Indian,
according to figures released by the US Department of Agriculture for 2007.

Each Indian gets to eat about 178 kg of grain in a year, while a US citizen
consumes 1,046 kg.

In per capita terms, US grain consumption is twice that of the European
Union and thrice that of China. Grain consumption includes flour and by
conversion to alcohol.

In fact, per capita grain consumption has increased in the US — so actually
the Americans are eating more. In 2003, US per capita grain consumption was
946 kg per year which increased to 1046 kg last year.

By way of comparison, India's per capita grain consumption has remained
static over the same period. It's not just grains. Milk consumption, in
fluid form, is 78 kg per year for each person in the US, compared to 36 kg
in India and 11 kg in China.

Vegetable oils consumption per person is 41 kg per year in US, while Indians
are making do with just 11 kg per year. These are figures for liquid milk,
not for cheese, butter, yogurt and milk powders which are consumed in huge
proportion in the more advanced countries.

A significant proportion of India's population is vegetarian, and so, this
is all the food that they get, apart from vegetables and pulses. But the
source of carbohydrates and fats is mainly derived from food grains and

As far as meat consumption is concerned, the US leads the world in per
capita consumption by a wide margin. Beef consumption, for example, is 42.6
kg per person per year, compared to a mere 1.6 kg in India and 5.9 kg in
China. In case you are thinking that perhaps Indians might be going in for
chicken, think again. In the US, 45.4 kg poultry meat is consumed every year
by each person, compared to just 1.9 kg in India.

Pork consumption is negligible in India, while it is a major item elsewhere.
In the European Union, 42.6 kg pork is consumed per person every year, while
in the US, 29.7 kgs are consumed. Pork is a staple for Chinese, and so over
35 kg are consumed per person per year. And, we are not talking about
various other types of meat, like turkey.
All these comparisons are for powerful economies, whether of the west or the

But the story would not be complete without mentioning the plight of Africa,
where foodgrain consumption in 2007 was a mere 162 kg per year for each
person, or about 445 grams per day. Don't forget they are not getting any
meat or milk products out there.

Perhaps, it is time to include the lifestyle choices of the West in the
whole feverish debate on how to tackle the global food crisis.

These figures are collated by the US Department of Agriculture. US per
capita grain consumption rose from 946 kg in 2003 to 1046 kg last year.
India's per capita consumption remained static in this period.

*US, EU responsible for 'explosive' food prices: UN*
*29 Apr 2008*
NEW YORK: The US and the European Union have taken a criminal path by
encouraging use of food crops to produce bio-fuels and thus contributing to
an explosive rise in global food prices, the UN Special Rapporteur on the
right to food has said.

Jean Ziegler held fuel policies pursued by the US and the EU to be main
causes for the current worldwide food crisis.

Last year, the US used a third of its corn crop to create bio-fuels, while
the European Union is planning to have 10 per cent of its need supplied by
bio-fuels, he said and called for a for a five-year moratorium on the
production of bio-fuels.

Ziegler also 

Bismillah [IslamCity] -Pope Affirms Zionist Noahide Laws- Brother Nathaniel Kapner speaks

2008-05-06 Thread New World OrderLies
  Close Ranks Spiritually - Spread Out Tactically
 ~ Find the Enemie's Agents ~
Know the Enemy, for Your Safety

  bits of wisdom from: 
  Stepping through the Minefields:
  notes from: Wisdom of the Armchair General
   Give the 
   Emerging POLICE STATE
~  ~  ~
  Stand Up for Our CONSTITUTION
   - or We ALL LOSE IT !
  ~ by Cyber Thomas Jefferson
Pope Affirms Zionist Noahide Laws In NYC!
By Brother Nathanael Kapner - Copyright © 2008
All Articles May Be Reproduced Only With Authorship of Br Nathanael Kapner
 Link To Real Jew News
  Following in the steps of his predecessor, Pope John Paul II, 
  who officially recognized modern day Jews as the 
  ‘Chosen People of God’ Here, Pope Benedict is fulfilling 
  the same role of pandering to the Jews. 
  In his recent visit to America from April 15-20 2008, Pope Benedict 
  met with representatives of the Jewish community on the eve 
  of the Jewish Passover on April 18 2008 at 5 PM Here 
  and reiterated that they are God’s “chosen” - of which any thinking 
  Sunday School student would easily refute Here! The Pope said:
  — “Shalom! It is with joy that I come here just a few hours 
  before the celebration of your Passover to assure you 
  of my prayers as you recall the wonders God performed 
  in liberating His *chosen people.*” — Here 
  In a Bilateral Commission Meeting between the Vatican delegation 
  and the Chief Rabbi Shear Yashuv Cohen in Jerusalem 
  in 2007 Here an agreement was made which recognized that
   “Jewish tradition emphasizes the Noachide Covenant 
  as containing the universal moral code 
  which is incumbent upon all humanity.” (Cf Genesis 9).
  So then? Not only are Jews “absolved” by the Vatican of their guilt 
  for crucifying the Messiah Jesus — now Pope Benedict recognizes 
  their leadership since they are the “Chosen People of God” 
  and that the “Noahide Laws are Jewish tradition.” 
  Hence who will ultimately be the moral authority that governs 
  the so-called Noahide Laws? Jews, that’s who. Anti-Christian Jews!
  It is paramount to note that on March 20 1990 President 
  George Bush Sr signed into law a Congressional Resolution 
  on the so-called Noahide Laws entitled House Joint Resolution 
  14 Public Law 102-4 Here  Here  Here.
  This Congressional Act potentially gives the Jews the legal right 
  to imprison and condemn to death Christians as “idol worshippers” 
  according to the 1st Article of the Noahide Laws which considers 
  the worship of Jesus Christ as “idolatry” for worshipping 
  a “false god” HERE. 
  The Jews call this article of the 7 Noahide Laws, Avodah Zarah, 
  enunciating it as a commandment: 
  “Do not worship false gods as idols” Here.
  The bottom line is that this ultimately means the international 
  imposition of the Noahide Laws by Jews. And these Noahide Laws, 
  which potentially can condemn Christians to death, 
  will be governed by the Zionists who are given ownership 
  over these laws by both the Vatican and the US Government. 
  Indeed, the ancient Jewish Sanhedrin that condemned the 
  Lord Jesus Christ to death was recently reinstituted 
  in Israel Here  Here. And the newly-instituted Sanhedrin 
  wasted no time in arrogating to themselves governance 
  over the Gentiles vis-à-vis the Noahide Laws Here. 
  We must all do everything in our power to stop the Anti Christian 
  Jews with their wicked Noahide Laws now before it’s too late!

For More See: “Pope Bows To The Jews” Click Here 
  And “Christians NOT Jews Are God’s Chosen People” Click Here
  And: “Jews Are Not The Chosen People” Click Here
  And: “Jews Are Guilty Of Deicide” Click Here

CLICK: Brother Nathanael…Street Evangelist!   
  Please Help Support This Site! (Many Expenses)
  Please Help Support This Site! (Many Expenses)[input]  
  Or Send Your Contribution To:
Brother Nathanael Kapner; 
  PO Box 170; Dillon CO 80435; 

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Bismillah [IslamCity] must we keep on driving endlessly on that Round-about ?

2008-05-06 Thread raja chemayel
  Very soon the Zionist will celebrate
  and we shall only commemorate .
  The evil celebrates , and the victims commemorate.
  The Ottoman Empire let them in
  when the British empire has sent then away.
  We sat and watched them disembarking on our beaches
  not knowing that they have had weapons in their hand-luggage's .
  We welcomed some of them as co-peasants
  not knowing that they have planted our uprooting far in advance.
  We welcomed some of them as refugees
  not knowing that they shall make us the future refugees.
  We offered them hospitality and humanity
  not knowing that they shall offer us back ethnic-cleansing .
  Today we are the ,so-called, Terrorists
  and they are our  chosen-invaders-occupiers-robbers-jailers .
  What shall we do for the next 60 years
  must we keep on driving endlessly on that same Round-about
  called the Peace-initiative or called the Road-map ??
  Raja Chemayel
  I stopped the driving !
  4TH of May 2008

Sent from Yahoo! Mail.
A Smarter Email.

Bismillah [IslamCity] IslamiCity Bulletin - 4/30/2008 - Qualities of an Exemplary Leader

2008-05-06 Thread Abdul Wahid Osman Belal

IslamiCity Bulletin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: From: IslamiCity Bulletin 
Date: Thu, 01 May 2008 01:22:34 GMT
Subject: IslamiCity Bulletin - 4/30/2008 - Qualities of an Exemplary Leader

  td img {display:block; padding:0; margin:0} p img, a img {display:inline} 
td {padding:0; margin:0} table {padding:0} a.whitelink:link,a.whitelink:visited 
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{color:#62A5D8; text-decoration:none} a.bluelink:hover,a.bluelink:active 
{color:#62A5D8; text-decoration:underline}   If you are 
unable to see the message below,CLICK HERE  to view.
   In The Name Of God, the Most   Gracious
the Most Merciful
   IslamiCity Weekly Bulletin
April   30,   2008
   Rabi` Al-Thani 23, 1429

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 IslamiCity Feature  
  Qualities of  
   an Exemplary Leader
 Owing to Mercy from God, you were gentle in dealing with them 
[your companions]. Were you harsh [and crude], hard of heart; they 
would have fled from you. Therefore, pardon their abuses, seek [God's] 
forgiveness for them, and consult them in the affair. Once you have 
resolved on a course of action [be decisive] and trust in God. Surely, 
God loves those who trust in Him. Qur'an 3:159 
 Click HERE to read full article
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Bismillah [IslamCity] Palestinians burying a mother and four children

2008-05-06 Thread J M
Gazan Mother and 4 Children Killed  Suhaib Salem/Reuters
  Palestinians burying a mother and four children who died Monday as they were 
eating breakfast in the northern Gaza Strip. 

  function getSharePasskey() { return 
'ex=1367208000en=8bedfa6004b562cbei=5124';} function getShareURL() {  
 } function getShareHeadline() {  return encodeURIComponent('Gazan Mother and 4 
Children Killed'); } function getShareDescription() {return 
encodeURIComponent('A Palestinian mother and her four young children were 
killed in Gaza during an Israeli operation against militants, and a dispute 
quickly arose over exactly how they had died.'); } function getShareKeywords() 
{  return encodeURIComponent('Palestinians,Families and Family Life,Gaza 
Strip,Israel,Ehud Barak'); } function getShareSection() {  return 
encodeURIComponent('world'); } function getShareSectionDisplay() {   return 
encodeURIComponent('International / Middle East'); } function 
getShareSubSection() {  return encodeURIComponent('middleeast'); } function 
getShareByline() {  return encodeURIComponent('By
 ETHAN BRONNER'); } function getSharePubdate() {  return 
encodeURIComponent('April 29, 2008'); }  

  Published: April 29, 2008
JERUSALEM — A Palestinian mother and her four young children were killed in 
northern Gaza on Monday during an Israeli operation against militants there, 
and a dispute quickly arose over exactly how they had died.
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  The Israelis said they shot a missile from the air that hit two armed men who 
were carrying heavy explosives, which blew apart the family’s house behind 
them. Palestinian witnesses said they believed an Israeli tank shell or a 
missile from a drone flew into the small house, killing the four as they were 
eating breakfast. Two other children from the same family were badly wounded 
and hospitalized.
  The killings prompted vows of revenge and seemed likely to complicate 
Egyptian efforts to mediate a cease-fire between Hamas, the militant Islamist 
group that rules Gaza, and Israel. 
  Shortly afterward, seven rockets and nine mortars were fired at southern 
Israel from Gaza. No one there was wounded, although a building was damaged.
  Dr. Muawiya Hassanein, director of emergency medical services in Gaza, said 
at least 10 were wounded in Gaza from the fighting.
  Outside the destroyed Gazan house, where the Abu Maatak family lived, in the 
town of Beit Hanoun, pots, children’s clothes and shoes lay scattered on the 
ground. The scene was shown repeatedly on Palestinian and other Arab television 
channels, along with photographs of the swathed dead bodies, including that of 
a baby, lying on metal trays in a Gaza morgue. 
  The dead were identified by relatives as Rudayna and Hana Abu Maatak, ages 6 
and 3, sisters; their brothers Saleh, 4, and Mousad, 15 months; and their 
mother, Miyasar, the youngest of three wives of Ahmed Abu Maatak, 70, who said 
he had gone to the market when the missile hit.
  Palestinian security officials said several Israeli tanks, armored vehicles 
and bulldozers backed by helicopters stormed Beit Hanoun early on Monday. 
Militant groups said in separate leaflets sent to reporters that they 
confronted the Israeli forces with bombs and grenades, adding that Israeli 
soldiers and Palestinian militants exchanged fire.
  Maj. Avital Leibovich, the Israeli military’s chief spokeswoman for the 
foreign news media, said that while the army was still investigating, an 
initial inquiry showed that several Israeli armored personnel carriers had 
entered the area of Beit Hanoun in what she described as a routine search for 
rocket launchers, snipers and terrorists. 
  Two heavily armed men approached the Israelis, she said, leading an Israeli 
aircraft to fire a missile at them, killing them. On their backs, she said, 
were rucksacks apparently holding large amounts of explosives, which caused the 
nearby house to tumble and kill those inside. She said the analysis was based 
partly on images taken from the air.
  Defense Minister Ehud Barak blamed Hamas. “We see Hamas as responsible for 
everything that happens there, for all injuries,” he said while on a tour of an 
Israeli weapons factory, Israeli radio reported. “The army is acting and will 
continue to act against Hamas, including inside the Gaza Strip.”
  The Palestinian Authority in the West Bank, a bitter rival of Hamas, 
condemned the killing of the mother and her four children. It said in a 
statement that the Israeli army escalation in Gaza “would harm the efforts to 
agree on a cease-fire between Israel and the Palestinians.”
  After Hamas took over Gaza last June in a battle with forces from Fatah, 
which now leads