Re: Options to right click and open to view some how.

2017-03-15 Thread Martin Bednar

Le Tuesday, March 14, 2017 10:06:30 PM CET John_82 a écrit :
> If I am having problems and need to start poking about in system files that
> don't have an association I have to scroll through all of the alternatives
> to get to say kwrite.

This is the "open with" dialog I get:
Note the "Remember application association ... " At the bottom.
Also not the text bar at the top, where you can write the name of the binary 

> That has been driving me nuts for years at times. I had to use windows at
> work and it's easy to add things to a right click there that will always be
> present what ever is clicked on.
> Is there anything that I can edit to add options to a right click in kde
> 5.26 ? Associations aren't on as some have no suffix.

System settings -> Applications -> File Associations


Why top posting?
Why are forums read from top to bottom?

Re: Zig zag side edges when I move a window around quickly

2017-03-15 Thread Martin Bednar

Le Monday, March 13, 2017 2:39:31 PM CET John_82 a écrit :
> Thought I might mention this. It's not running on a slow machine etc.
> KDE5.26 27"monitor 2560x1440

5.26? That would be kde-frameworks, I presume.
what about plasma (which includes kwin)?

> Curious thing is that it's worse over the desktop and not so bad if it's
> over another window and often stays straight. No problems with the top and
> bottom even if it's just moved up and down. The side to side on the edges
> was easy to notice and no signs of this on 4 at all.

Go to System Settings -> Desktop Effects -> Compositor 
and check your vsync settings. Experiment with different values.

Also, as René mentioned, check the rendering backend. Make sure it is openGL.

> Maybe wayland might help at some point. If any one on here has access to
> those people please ask them not to forget graphic tablets users. I use a
> hanvon. Some one maintains a driver. The tablet is fully featured and needs
> X to set it up. It's 1/2 the price of a similar waycom. Some might say
> better too actually.

Wayland should help indeed. but that doesn't solve your current problem :)


Re: [kde] Akonadi acting up (again)

2013-09-23 Thread Martin Bednar
Le lundi 16 septembre 2013 01:49:05 Frank Steinmetzger a écrit :
> Do you have any advice that might help me here? I don’t relly want to
> delete the resources and download everything anew again. If at least I
> could find out what the hell is keeping Akonadi up.


I just realized this : you don't have to delete the resources, just clear the 
database. I'm using a system-wide mariadb server, and it came down to 
connecting to maridb, dropping the db, creating it anew, and granting 
necessary privileges. No need to reconfigure any resources. I admit I don't 
know what to delete to only delete the akonadi internal db.
I suggest you only do that, it's relatively pain-free.

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Re: [kde] Akonadi acting up (again)

2013-09-17 Thread Martin Bednar
Le lundi 16 septembre 2013 01:49:05 Frank Steinmetzger a écrit :
> Hey list
> Maybe you can help me here. After an upgrade from 4.10 to 4.11 on my
> Gentoo systems, Akonadi is on the fritz again. As soon as I load KMail
> (or Kontakt with KMail), it starts hogging a CPU core. Deleting a bunch
> of spam mail (Ctrl+A and Ctrl+Delete) via IMAP takes a while, but gets
> done. Loading IMAP folders works, too (I can see new mails in the list
> and the effects of actions I did in other mail programs).  But I can't
> read any mail, I only get the typical “fetching content” page.
> Akonadi has been such a nuisance... 2 years ago, when it caused data
> loss to some peope, I actually switched to mutt and I haven't fully
> returned ever since. All the time I tell myself “Give it time, it’s
> probably getting better with every release”. But then something like
> this happens again.
> On another machine I had the same symptoms at first, but then it behaved
> again. But that was a 32 bit system.  On my current main 64 bit machine,
> it just isn't happening. Akonadi has been clogging the CPU for 20
> minutes now. Closing the KMail or Kontakt window doesn't help, the CPU
> load is still there. I have to kill the KMail/Kontact process which
> still lingers in the background, only then will Akonadi return to being
> quiet.
> Do you have any advice that might help me here? I don’t relly want to
> delete the resources and download everything anew again. If at least I
> could find out what the hell is keeping Akonadi up.

You mentioned that you performed a major version update. Did you run 
nepomukcleaner? AFAIK it was recommended. Another thing I can think of is 
running akonadictl fsck or akonadictl vacuum.
If you updated your entire system, did you check whether your storage backend 
(such as mysql) needed some manual update action (mysql_upgrade comes to 

It also dawns on me : Gentoo used to have sqlite set as the default store for 
Akonadi. This was never recommended by upstream, and completely broke some 
time ago (haven't checked whether it's been fixed). Check that. I switched to 
MariaDB (for Akonadi and Amarok) and have been a happy camper since.

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Re: [kde] Has the KDE Social/Semantic Desktop been worth the hassle to anyone?

2012-11-17 Thread Martin Bednar
Le samedi 17 novembre 2012 16:30:05 Duncan a écrit :
> Kevin Krammer posted on Sat, 17 Nov 2012 14:29:22 +0100 as excerpted:
> > On Saturday, 2012-11-17, Jerome Yuzyk wrote:
> >> With all the hassles added by Akonadi and Nepomuk and Strigi for some
> >> higher "social/semantic desktop" purpose, does anyone actually _use_
> >> the stuff?
> > 
> > Of the above three mentioned technologies, only Nepomuk is part of
> > "semantic desktop".
> > 
> > The other two, while being used by Nepomuk as data sources, have their
> > own, orthogonal, use cases.
> Yes.  You mention strigi's.  I'll mention akonadi.  Like strigi it has
> its use case.  In its case it's to unify the backend for the various
> kdepim apps, eventually saving time and maintenance effort by replacing
> multiple copies of contact information (for example) management code with
> a single copy.
> While in theory that should eventually be great, it does mean putting all
> the kdepim eggs in one (much more complicated) basket, making things much
> worse if that basket develops a hole, since now it's the data from all
> those apps at risk.  Also, there's inevitable growing/change pains, and
> getting from here to there isn't an easy process.

Data is resource-dependent. A bug in akonadi doesn't necessarily put data at 
risk, a bug in a resource does. In fact, akonadi bugs losing data are very 
rare, most data loss bugs I've seen tracked down into one specific resource.

> The database backend is both the trouble and savior in many ways, as
> databases are notorious for causing "ordinary users" (and not so ordinary
> ones as well) quite the headaches, not always being perfectly reliable
> without "professional" management, etc.  Sure, high-volume commercial
> stuff couldn't do without databases, but just to take mysql as an example
> since that was the first and probably most common akonadi backend, it's
> known for database version upgrades that need extra steps taken to manage
> the data format upgrades, and for such details as time and character-
> encoding (unicode/etc) format issues that database pros deal with and
> configure as a matter of course, but that simply aren't appropriate for
> end users to be dealing with.  Yet that's now what end users will HAVE to
> deal with, as kde and mysql upgrade with their distro version, and they
> find their old contact information not making the upgrade in one piece
> with them.

IMO that is a distro QA problem. Being a Gentoo user too, reading news is all 
I ever needed to do to keep my system clicking.

> Plus, if there's a bug, binary formats are notoriously difficult to
> repair and are arguably less robust, compared to "plain text" and perhaps
> XML for contact info, etc.

You should never have to worry about the akonadi database : it's only a cache. 
This means that all the data is stored somewhere else (whether it be IMAP, 
POP, maildir, carddir), and that data is plaintext (or whatever). Akonadi 
resources only unify data sources.

> Five years down the line, it might be stable.  Thunderbird and evolution
> both depend on database backends (sqlite I believe, now a choice for
> akonadi as well, tho it wasn't originally, and a lot of folks are still
> using the mysql backend) and they aren't considered /terribly/ unstable.
> But they've had years... the better part of a decade I guess... to
> mature.  What are long-time kmail/kdepim users supposed to do while it's
> stabilizing?  Basically, they're left either dealing with the problem as
> kdepim slowly stabilizes on akonadi, or switching to something more
> reliable in the mean time, from which many will never switch back.

just my $0.02 : akonadi/SQlite user here, works like a charm. (maybe slower 
than with mysql, never benchmarked, also my email collection is "small" 
compared to what I've heard from other people)

> And that's what we see, some people choosing to live with the problems,
> some people switching to other alternatives, from which many will never
> return even after kdepim on akonadi is long since stable.
> Was it worth it?  The developers obviously thought it was worth the
> risk.  Users like me are going elsewhere, likely never to return.  Others
> suffer thru it, and there's always new users after the stabilization.
> But the answer those of us forced off have will be very different than
> that of the devs, and the new users who didn't have to live thru the
> upgrade.

IMO the akonadi change was worth it, I see possibilities everywhere with this 
framework. I see you mentioned "lightweight mail client"; did you hear about 
Trojita (IMAP only)?
Nepomuk is in serious lack of manpower; I know that I'll never be a big user 
(tags/ratings et al aren't for me), but just for the timeline and music 
ioslaves, it's worth it for me.



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Re: [kde] Plasma "upside down" ...

2012-07-14 Thread Martin Bednar
Le samedi 14 juillet 2012 11:57:03 Hans Muecke a écrit :
> Am 14.07.2012 10:34, schrieb Martin Bednar:
> > Le samedi 14 juillet 2012 06:41:54 Hans Muecke a écrit :
> >> 
> >> 
> >> Started with setting up the desktop and tried to activate desktop
> >> 
> >> effects via schift-alt-f12 and bamm! Everything upside down again, the
> >> 
> >> screen flipped again, as I could tell from the control bar on the left
> >> 
> >> side of the screen and the open system-settings window. Funny "side
> >> 
> >> effect" .. while visually flipped I still had to click in the areas,
> >> 
> >> where all the buttons are supposed to be (hope you understand what I am
> >> 
> >> talking about ... :-) )
> > 
> > This is the most interesting part. What graphic card/driver (optionally
> > acceleration method) are you using? This is only the output that is
> It's a GeForce GT 545 with the NVIDIA driver ...
> > flipped, KDE and X know nothing about it. Try running an OpenGL
> > appllication (preferrably fullscreen, with kwin effects disabled). My
> > guess is that it too will be flipped.
> > 
> > To check that it isn't a weird kwin bug, create a new user, and try
> > enabling effects there.
> Same result ... when enabling desktop effects using OpenGL screen flips,
> while everything works fine with XRender.
> > 1 solution workaround you already found :
> >> Since you mentioned OpenGL I chchanged the composite type to Xrender and
> >> 
> >> I don't the problem there (means I can activate effects without the
> >> 
> >> flipping of the screen).
> > 
> > the other would be to change/update a part of the graphics stack.
> Any idea which?

Well, the first thing I'd do is change the current driver : either update 
(downgrade) the binary blob, or try the nouveau driver.

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Re: [kde] Plasma "upside down" ...

2012-07-14 Thread Martin Bednar
Le samedi 14 juillet 2012 06:41:54 Hans Muecke a écrit :
> Am 13.07.2012 18:51, schrieb Duncan:
> Hi Duncan,
> > Hans Muecke posted on Fri, 13 Jul 2012 12:44:04 -0500 as excerpted:
> >> Howdy folks,
> >> 
> >> Ran into a strange problem ...
> >> 
> >> Kubuntu 12.04LTS/KDE4.8.4 ...
> >> 
> >> For whatever reason my plasma desktop crashed yesterday. Couldn't get it
> >> to come up again, so I deleted all the plasma files in the home
> >> directory to start from scratch.
> >> I must have done that in the "protected mode" unknowingly ... since
> >> today - when trying to change one of the desktop effects - I was told
> >> that I was running protected mode and should switch to the "normal"
> >> plasma desktop.
> >> Did as requested and ended up with an "upside down" desktop. Visually
> >> everything is upside down, but buttons still seem to be where they are
> >> supposed to be on the desktop (screenshots: and
> >> ). Everything looks fine in protected mode ... minus
> >> effects that is.
> >> 
> >> Anyone have an idea what went wrong here and how to possibly correct it?
> > 
> > That is indeed a strange problem.
> > 
> > I have a couple ideas, but I guess you're translating from whatever
> > (looks like German maybe?) to English (or maybe kubuntu changed the names
> I am doing this from german ...
> > from kde standard?) and the terms don't quite match what I'm used to.  So
> > let's first confirm that we're talking about the same thing. =:^)
> > 
> > 1) The thread title says plasma, and the pix look like plasma-desktop
> > only.  So the first thing is to confirm, it's plasma ONLY that's
> > affected, correct?  All other apps look normal?
> I might have been a bit incorrect here, since I didn't have any
> applications running at that moment, when I first ran into this problem.
> I just started from scratch again ... deleted the plasma* files in my
> home directory, rebooted and this time took care and chose the
> plasma-desktop session and not the protected one (when I say protected
> ... I can't think of another word for "abgesichert" which is also used
> when a windows crashes and gives one the choice of starting windows and
> starting a protected windows ... I think you get the idea).
> Started with setting up the desktop and tried to activate desktop
> effects via schift-alt-f12 and bamm! Everything upside down again, the
> screen flipped again, as I could tell from the control bar on the left
> side of the screen and the open system-settings window. Funny "side
> effect" .. while visually flipped I still had to click in the areas,
> where all the buttons are supposed to be (hope you understand what I am
> talking about ... :-) )

This is the most interesting part. What graphic card/driver (optionally 
acceleration method) are you using? This is only the output that is flipped, 
KDE and X know nothing about it. Try running an OpenGL appllication 
(preferrably fullscreen, with kwin effects disabled). My guess is that it too 
will be flipped.
To check that it isn't a weird kwin bug, create a new user, and try enabling 
effects there.
1 solution workaround you already found : 

> Since you mentioned OpenGL I chchanged the composite type to Xrender and
> I don't the problem there (means I can activate effects without the
> flipping of the screen).

the other would be to change/update a part of the graphics stack.

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Re: [kde] Help required regarding KDE Telepathy IM

2012-07-09 Thread Martin Bednar

Le lundi 9 juillet 2012 13:24:58 Nikhil bhalwankar a écrit :
> Hi All,
> Greetings for the day !!
> It would be much appreciated if you provide me inputs on KDE Telepahy IM. I
> have a following issue,
> I
> installed Fedora Core 17 on my laptop 2 days back. Yesterday when I
> started the laptop, I found my status as ONLINE in this messenger and
> was showing around 90 contacts. I did not configure any of the accounts
> but I found 2 accounts automatically got configured. It looks like the
> accounts were using my unix username.

This is just a guess but haven't you by any chance started your laptop on a 
public network with many Apple/linux devices present? My guess is that fedora 
automatically creates a  local xmpp account, which discovers users in your 
area. check the type of the accounts.

> Can you
> please help me on this? Is this something strange or this is a normal
> behaviour? Are there any default chat rooms which automatically get
> configured or is there something related to KDE wallet? I am little bit
> worried. Please help.

If you had previously installed linux where you used telepathy, and haven't 
deleted the partition, it is possible that your previous settings are being 

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Re: [kde] How to filter out KDE notifications from certain applications?

2012-06-07 Thread Martin Bednar

> I am experimenting with the byobu screen manager under KDE 4.8.3, but every
> few seconds a KDE notification pops up to say "Activity in session 'Shell'".

>From this I gather that you start the WM from Konsole?

> How do I stop this from happening? (Either by stopping byobu from sending
> the notifications or by filtering in KDE to stop the notifications from
> appearing? The latter solution would be preferable, since that's more
> general and could be useful in other circumstances.)

This can be stopped in Konsole. My guess is that you have enabled  "watch for 
activity" (sorry, my KDE is in French, might be different; the default shortcut 
is CTRL+SHIFT+A) in the "appearance" menu (again, language), which generates a 
notification every time something is printed.

You can completely disable notifications : just right-click on the notification 
icon, and configure it (or completely remove it). Filtering by application 
isn't possible AFAIK.

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Re: [kde] wtf fucked up power devil

2012-05-29 Thread Martin Bednar
Le mardi 29 mai 2012 19:43:04 vous avez écrit :
> > 
> > I have no idea what you're calling tabs in this context
> see img attach

Ok, this means that you have activities configured, and these tabs could be 
used as "profiles". Why your activity daemon is announcing itself as half-
broken, I have no idea. 
As for your request to disable suspend etc, see my previous replies "disable 
powermanagement" checkbox in the battery widget.

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Re: [kde] wtf fucked up power devil

2012-05-29 Thread Martin Bednar
Le lundi 28 mai 2012 22:37:53 Sérgio Basto a écrit :
> On Seg, 2012-05-28 at 11:47 +0530, dE . wrote:
> > On second though it's a good thing. It simplifies things.
> your top posting doesn't help much
> First what is an activity ?  where is documented how activity works ?

Here you go, a quick tour of activities :

> "The activity service is running with bare functionalities.
> Names and icons of the activities might not be available."
> wtf this means ?
> I have 11 tabs , 4 called desktop , 5 called unnamed and 2 called new
> acitivty .

I have no idea what you're calling tabs in this context

> Before turn off profile , we may setting "power save" or not , enable
> and disable display after certain time or not etc .
> How do you do a profile for presentations, not disable screeen , even on
> battery ?

Okular in master has code to automagically inhibit suspension, althoug AFAIK 
it also worked before. For now, I think the you'll want to be using the 
"enable powermanagement" checkbox in the battery applet.

> Thanks,
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Re: [kde] KAddressbook Spawning Tags (Update)

2012-05-27 Thread Martin Bednar

sorry for not replying, I've been away for the week

Le mardi 22 mai 2012 09:50:52 vous avez écrit :
> Greetings.
> Thank you again for all the help messages, it does make a difference when
> new avenues are pointed out to remove the frustration of not seeing
> solutions.
> Further to my last message, the spawning tags have mutated overnight.  What
> was two on the contact I use as reference is now 17 tags, of which one was
> added by me yesterday.
> The extra tags were created involuntarily by nemopuk last night with all my
> attempts to deselect and reselect and delete.  But at least they don't seem
> to be breeding out of control on their own any more!

That's progress, I suppose...

> When I gave up last night, new tags would be displayed in the Contact data
> view as a "nemopuk + code" entry.  This morning that changed to display the
> correct tag description in the contact view, but the tag description that
> displayed last night in the tag selection view has now changed to be just a
> tickbox with no description next to it like the tags I found immediately
> after populating the new user's contact list with my data.

Where did all your tags come from? Are they stored in the vcard? AFAIK nepomuk 
starts out with no tags at all (unless it uses the vcard CATEGORIES/NOTE 
property, I really don't know). 

> What is strange to me and perhaps someone can explain to me, is this.  This
> is a new user on the same system with the same data.  I accept something is
> broken in the original version, but this should have been solved with the
> standard default setup of the new user, the new user starting out with the
> invisible tags in the tags view is however even more useless than the
> original broken version.

Were the tags there before you imported your contacts? If yes, it may be your 
distro's default setup that is broken.

> Either the developers didn't test for this behaviour before release, or
> there is still something I can change on my system to resolve this.  If
> there is I will try, but once again I am stumped.

Me too, as I don't really understand what's going on. All I can recommend you 
to do is always do things one step at a time, then check if everything still 

> Should I report this as a bug, or is there something else anyone can propose
> I try before I do that?

Try to find a way to reproduce it, if possible without any random behaviour. 
I'd suggest using a small(er) contact list (using a new user,  so that you 
know that the kde setup isn't broken). and trying to import it. Then report 

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Re: [kde] wtf fucked up power devil

2012-05-27 Thread Martin Bednar
Le samedi 26 mai 2012 18:51:23 dE . a écrit :
> I just noticed this recently, and this's a complete turn off! There
> should've been profiles!!

There still are sort of profiles, only that now they're linked to 
activities[1]. Meaning depending on your current activity, you can have 
different suspend timeout values. As for cpufreq and other configuration, as 
mentioned previously, laptop-mode-tools does it pretty well, I suggest you 
configure it there. IMHO this is the "correct" solution : advanced users who 
know what cpufreq is have one place to configure it, those who don't should 
probably not touch those settings and use the distro-provided defaults. 

As for the presentation mode, now the app presenting should inhibit it itself 
(I think okular does). And this is exactly what the "enable powermanagement" 
checkbox does : disable powermanagement features.[2]


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Re: [kde] KAddressbook Spawning Tags

2012-05-20 Thread Martin Bednar
Le dimanche 20 mai 2012 10:18:03 Lex Middelberg a écrit :
> My system is being used daily for work, however it is a stock standard
> system that I installed somewhere in 2009 and simply upgraded as and when
> new version of Kubuntu became available.  I never tweaked it
> Some time last year I upgraded and it all turned into a nightmare.  I lost
> my emails and kontact is more problem than help.  It is a bit late now, but
> I wish I had tried gnome with evolution first.  In any event everything is
> stock- standard as KDE or Kubuntu set it up.

Yes, upgrades can be very bumpy. If you're still using the user you created in 
2009, with the same configuration files, I am not at all surprised that your 
setup is shot. A great many changes have occured since then, and the migration 
wasn't smooth at all.

> > Have you tried backing up those  contacts, deleting the resource and
> > creating a new one?
> Why would that work?  How should I do that?  Through Systems-Settings?

nope, with akonadi-related problems, akonadiconsole is your friend. However, I 
must warn you that used incorrectly, it can be very destructive.
As for the why, because its broken, I'd try to fix it by starting at its 
initial state (yes, I'm a programmer)

> > Is the akonadi nepomuk feeder active?
> If you mean to ask is nemopuk enabled? The answer is yes.  If you are asking
> something else, I do not know where to look to see if the "feeder" is
> active.
> > Which version of KDE does precise come with?
> 4.8.2
> > If you're not using nepomuk for other things, you can start from scratch
> > (new  user/delete nepomuk configuration), I guarantee that will get rid of
> > the tags. You will then have to recreate the akonadi nepomuk feeder
> > though.
> Isn't that a bit extreme?
> See above, I don't know what else nemopuk is linked to.  I am not aware that
> it does anything else on my system.

Nepomuk is used for file tagging, history and other fun things. For instance, 
it indexes all your music files (extracts the id3 tags) and you can use this 
desktop service directly as a music database via the bangarang media player, 
or the music:/ kioslave. As of 4.8 it is also used for mail indexing, and does 
the heavy lifting behind mail search (not the quick filter bar).

> If I create a new user what about my emails and contact list?  What about my
> data in the home directory of the current user?  What about my accounting
> data and the data and configurations stored by all my other software?

As I see it, since you're in a non-working situation, you have 3 options : 
a - create a new user
b - delete non-working config
c- switch to something else

C was very much debated here, I won't go into it.

a : copying data isn't a problem, just copy all non-hidden files. Copying mails 
& contacts: know where they're stored, and you're ok. App configuration can be 
a PITA : for every app you have to know the necessary files and where to place 

b : I did this several times, completely deleting all PIM-related config 
(sometimes including nepomuk). It involved a bit of manual setup after to get 
it working from scratch (I left the wizards disabled), but IMO it was worth 
This is best done from a tty (terminal) without the desktop running as your 
usual user.
first delete ~/.config/akonadi, then ~/.local/share/akonadi
then delve deep into ~/.kde4, and delete anything that seems related to 
akonadi/kmail/addressbook (the whole PIM). Be careful though, as korganizer 
might be keeping a calendar file in the ~/.kde4/share/apps/korganizer/ 
subdirectory, and you haven't said where your mails are (kmail might have them 
stored somewhere).
After this, since you're not actively using nepomuk, I recommend you nuke 
evrything related to it too. (most stuff can be reindexed anyway).
Then log in (GUI), and the default akonadi configuration should appear. You can 
then configure all resources as you need using system settings.

if you have customized apps, option b is a lot easier otherwise if 
reconfiguring all the apps isn't such a hassle, I'd go for option a.

I just realized that this thread went from 'addressbook not working' to nuking 
all akonadi/nepomuk configuration. Fun :)
As a sidenote : I really do recommend nuking nepomuk, because the nepomuk 
feeders got a pretty big rewrite for 4.8, and really many bugfixes for 4.8.2/3, 
so it should work well (at least it does for me, although granted I don't have 
nearly as many contacts).
And I cannot stress this enough : make backup of important data before playing 
It all comes down to : do you want to try fixing your KDEPIM, or migrate now to 
something else...


PS : I hope all this makes sense, it's kind of late :)
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Re: [kde] KAddressbook Spawning Tags

2012-05-19 Thread Martin Bednar
Le samedi 19 mai 2012 18:39:41 phanisvara das a écrit :
> On Sat, 19 May 2012 17:39:49 +0530, Hans Muecke
>  wrote:
> > Am 19.05.2012 06:14, schrieb Renaud (Ron) Olgiati:
> >> On Saturday 19 May 2012 05:54 my mailbox was graced by a message from
> >> Duncan
> >> 
> >> who wrote:
> >>>  Switching
> >>> 
> >>> my mail archive, address book, and mail filters over to claws-mail
> >>> wasn't
> >>> easy, but it was worth it, for sure, and the worst I get in a crash is
> >>> a
> >>> few read messages showing up as unread, again, if it hadn't yet saved
> >>> that status.  YMMV, but claws-mail was a better solution for me anyway,
> >> 
> >> What are the best choices for replacing Kmail ?
> > 
> > After upgrading to 12.04 (and KDE4.8 with it) and still getting strange
> > effects with all that akonadi driven stuff I switched to Thunderbird,
> > since I also use it with windows. It does what I expect and - for me a
> > big plus - a WORKING calendar plugin for Google.
> for me, since i started to use openSUSE 12.2 with KDE 4.8.3, all
> akonadi/nepomuk/strigi related problems have stopped -- at least until
> now. i don't think it depends so much on the distro version, or even the
> minor version of KDE 4.8.x, but that i started with a new $HOME this time.

Indeed, this was a very important step for me too.
Akonadi was slow, showing the mail list was unusable.
Upon updating to 4.8.1 I deleted all akonadi/pim related configuration and 
haven't had an issue since. I did take care to manually delete only 
akonadi/kontact configuration files, so that the rest of my quite extensive 
customization an locally stored data (such as calendars) stayed intact.
All I had to do then was point akonadi to the data folders, and everything 

Back to the original question (adressbook spawning tags) : How are your 
contacts stored? Which ressource do you use? Have you tried backing up those 
contacts, deleting the resource and creating a new one? Is the akonadi nepomuk 
feeder active? Which version of KDE does precise come with?

If you're not using nepomuk for other things, you can start from scratch (new 
user/delete nepomuk configuration), I guarantee that will get rid of the tags. 
You will then have to recreate the akonadi nepomuk feeder though.

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[kde] porting KInetD

2011-02-16 Thread Martin Bednar
I'm trying to port kinetd to KDE4, I have it in a state where it runs, listens 
and (for now) doesn't crash (well, it does, but so does KRFB). Where should I 
send my modifications? kde-devel? Bugzilla? I'd also welcome some insight on 
how to make it more kde4-ish (maybe add dbus signals?)


Martin Bednar
This message is from the kde mailing list.
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