No, without fixing the source code, splint does not recognize (("test"))
as a constant string.  If you want to fix this, look at exprNode_addParens
in exprNode.c.  Otherwise, it will be fixed in an upcoming release.

--- Dave

On Fri, 26 Apr 2002, Marcel Douben wrote:

> The following code is present in my application:
> void foo(void)
> {
>       printf ( ("2\n") );
>       printf ("1\n");
> }
> When I run lclint I get the following output:
>  Format string parameter to printf is not a compile-time constant:
> ("2\n")
> I cannot change the doube parentheses around the string. Is there a way
> to make lclint understand this?
> Regards,
> --
> Marcel Douben                    ASML
> phone: (040) 268 - 2010          fax: (040) 268 - 4990

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