Re: [liberationtech] Bradley Manning's sentence: 35 years for exposing us to the truth

2013-08-21 Thread Mike Perry
Thus spake Tom O (

 To be honest, this was probably the best he could have hoped for.
 He was facing 90. He got 35 with parole after 12.
 It's shit, but not as shit as the other options.
 If Snowden gets captured, you can bet he will be getting much much worse.

This would be really unfortunate, especially since by any objective
measure Snowden has been significantly more careful with what he's
allowed to be revealed than Manning was. Thankfully, public opinion also
seems to indicate that most people understand this effort on Snowden's
part, despite the media circus.

Even still, I am not in the Snowden would get a fair trial in the US
camp, either.

I am also worried by the fact that the lawlessness of the gangster
governments that most Western democracies have devolved into has
necessitated this whole insurance file business again. Let's hope at
least that bit works out better this time, for everyone involved.

Mike Perry
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Re: [liberationtech] What if Firefox adopts Tor as feature?

2013-08-08 Thread Mike Perry
You can't have any of these configurations without a browser to begin
with, and serious support from Mozilla would make a number of things
better for Tor users in any number of deployment configurations,
including (and perhaps especially) high security ones.

As for capacity and all of that, we've been consistently adding relays
and capacity, but our userbase has not grown proportionally. My belief
is that this is largely due to usability issues.

In short, I am excited by this news, and I look forward to improving our
communication and cooperation with Mozilla on this front.

Kyle Maxwell:
 I've no idea about the capacity, but I will say that, in a general
 sense, this is a relatively insecure method of using Tor. Recent
 events have highlighted this, naturally, but Tor works best as network
 infrastructure where split tunnelling (to borrow a term from VPN
 architecture) is not allowed. Perhaps if it were fully sandboxed such
 that all communications had to go through a proxy, a la Whonix.
 On Thu, Aug 8, 2013 at 9:24 AM, Lazlo wrote:
  Firefox is flirting with idea the to adopt Tor as a feature [1,2]. This
  could easily multiply [3] the number of daily users on the Tor network [4].
  These daily users are not likely to add new capacity to the network. Is the
  Tor network able to handle a sudden peak in usage (there is some
  overcapacity [5]) without a hassle or is there action required?
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 Liberationtech list is public and archives are searchable on Google. Too many 
 emails? Unsubscribe, change to digest, or change password by emailing 
 moderator at or changing your settings at

Mike Perry
Liberationtech list is public and archives are searchable on Google. Too many 
emails? Unsubscribe, change to digest, or change password by emailing moderator 
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Re: [liberationtech] From Snowden's email provider. NSL???

2013-08-08 Thread Mike Perry
It is profoundly encouraging to see that people of such courage and
integrity as the Lavabit staff exist, and are willing to put everything
on the line to stand up against this madness.

David Johnson:
 My Fellow Users,
 I have been forced to make a difficult decision: to become complicit in
 crimes against the American people or walk away from nearly ten years of
 hard work by shutting down Lavabit. After significant soul searching, I
 have decided to suspend operations. I wish that I could legally share with
 you the events that led to my decision. I cannot. I feel you deserve to
 know what’s going on--the first amendment is supposed to guarantee me the
 freedom to speak out in situations like this. Unfortunately, Congress has
 passed laws that say otherwise. As things currently stand, I cannot share
 my experiences over the last six weeks, even though I have twice made the
 appropriate requests.
 What’s going to happen now? We’ve already started preparing the paperwork
 needed to continue to fight for the Constitution in the Fourth Circuit
 Court of Appeals. A favorable decision would allow me resurrect Lavabit as
 an American company.
 This experience has taught me one very important lesson: without
 congressional action or a strong judicial precedent, I would _strongly_
 recommend against anyone trusting their private data to a company with
 physical ties to the United States.
 Ladar Levison
 Owner and Operator, Lavabit LLC
 Defending the constitution is expensive! Help us by donating to the Lavabit
 Legal Defense Fund

 Liberationtech list is public and archives are searchable on Google. Too many 
 emails? Unsubscribe, change to digest, or change password by emailing 
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Mike Perry
Liberationtech list is public and archives are searchable on Google. Too many 
emails? Unsubscribe, change to digest, or change password by emailing moderator 
at or changing your settings at

Re: [liberationtech] NSA's crypto city

2013-07-12 Thread Mike Perry
James S. Tyre:
 Oddly, a former NSA operative I know was, while still with NSA, the Mayor of 
 the nearby
 town in which he lived.  Perhaps his colleagues stuffed the ballot box for 
 him.  '-)

You kid, but this is not how this sort of manipulation would work. Even
with E-Voting being the sham that it is, as Kennedy (I think?) said,
You can steal a close race, but you can't steal a landslide.

In reality, NSA operatives are more likely to use their power for
destroying/manipulating political opponents by obtaining information
that could be used against them. For well-documented historical
examples, just look at Nixon, Hoover, etc.

For a more recent example: I suspect it was more than mere coincidence
that allowed the Petraeus affair to be discovered.. Even if you are
disinclined to believe in conspiracy in that particular case, it serves
as a textbook example for how one could take down a high-ranking
political official who suddenly becomes inconvenient, using
only inappropriately obtained information...

Mike Perry
Too many emails? Unsubscribe, change to digest, or change password by emailing 
moderator at or changing your settings at

[liberationtech] The Tor Project is looking for a Lead Automation Engineer

2013-07-09 Thread Mike Perry
The Tor Project wants to deploy nightly builds and continuous
integration for as many of our key software components and platform
combinations as possible.  Your job would be build and deploy the
initial functional versions of a wide range of testing frameworks and
continuous integration systems.

This is a contract position. Candidates are expected to be capable of
taking the lead in selecting, deploying, and maintaining multiple
automation systems in several different programming languages.

Candidates should also be capable of reproducing bugs and writing new
reproduction test cases for one or more of the testing frameworks.
Eventually, we hope to add additional staff to assist in this project,
but to start, you will be expected to prioritize your own work such that
the most important tasks get attention first, without letting any
specific core component starve for attention.

For more details, including information on how to apply, see the job

Mike Perry
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moderator at or changing your settings at

Re: [liberationtech] abuse control for Tor exit nodes

2013-06-28 Thread Mike Perry
Tom Ritter:
 On 27 June 2013 05:07, Rich Kulawiec wrote:
  [ Okay, so I have a long-winded response to this.  It's possible that
  eventually I'll wander somewhere near a point. ;-) ]
  My suggestion (and this is based on many other kinds of operations
  since I've never run a Tor exit node) is to do what everyone should
  do for every operation: use a bidirectional default-deny firewall.
  Then punch holes in it as necessary to permit desired traffic.  Use netflows
  to detect and squash things like brute-force attacks.  (In other
  words, if you observe a serious spike in outbound ssh connection attempts,
  then someone is using your node, and possibly others, to conduct an ssh
  brute-force attack.  Rate-limit it.  Or just block it for a while.)
  Another highly useful technique is rate-limiting based on passive
  OS fingerprinting of the source: one application is to provide
  severely limited SMTP bandwidth to anything fingerprinting as Windows.
  Another is to use the Team Cymru bogon list.  And still another is
  to use the Spamhaus DROP list, since nothing good can happen by permitting
  traffic to/from those network ranges.
  The pf firewall in various BSD distributions is a good choice
  for implementing all this.  It also has the useful feature of being
  rather resource-frugal: it's quite impressive how an old/slow box
  running it can gracefully handle large traffic volumes.
 This is a very well written argument, thank you.  I'd love to see more
 discussion around the ethics of Should I or Shouldn't I put in
 (non-logging) abuse filtering on exit nodes.  Someone can always
 disguise abuse.  An intelligent DoS attack on an SSL website couldn't
 be detected by an exit node operator.  But, just as moving SSH off
 port 22 really honest-to-god does eliminate 99% of the crap you'd get
 otherwise, maybe there are similar cheap wins to be had on Exit Nodes.
  While there are legitimate reasons to send sqlmap through Tor, I'm
 currently thinking if you actually want to test something,
 legitimately, through Tor, using sqlmap - you should be prepared to
 deal with exit blocking.  Exit blocking that could eliminate 50%, 80%,
 95% of the crap.  I'd love to see people debate this back and forth
 more and tease out arguments for and against.
 On the practical side of things, a couple questions.
 Blacklisting connects *to* the spamhaus list, and other known spammers
 (as an exit operator) would really only shut down control channels,
 no?.  Similarly, if you're an entry node, you could block connections
 *from*... but if spammers on the spamhaus blocklist were actually
 using Tor... well, they wouldn't *be on the blocklist*.  I could
 always be wrong, but I don't see this making big wins.
 Shutting down SSH brute forcing would be cool.  I've joked with my
 friends There are so many interesting thing in the world, and I have
 no little time to learn them all.  I have to prioritize. So I decided
 to skip iptables and use a wrapper (shorewall).Do you have, or
 know of, any simple writeups for doing that, or some of the more
 complicated suggestions?

This argument comes up every so often on tor-relays.

Censorship filters, IDS systems, and rate limiting firewalls don't
belong on Tor exits anymore than they belong on the core routers of the
Internet. They belong on the leaves. Censor yourself, not others.

Imagine what would happen if the core routers of the Internet detected
abuse with even 99% accuracy (1% false positive rate). The Internet
would cease to function, due to the base rate fallacy and the relative
infrequency of actual abuse:

The same math applies to Tor exits.

Mike Perry
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Re: [liberationtech] DuckDuckGo vs Startpage

2013-06-26 Thread Mike Perry
 Quoth Mike Perry:
Hidden service circuits require ~4X as many Tor router traversals
as normal Tor exit circuits to set up, and unlike normal Tor exit
circuits, they are often *not* prebuilt. Once they are set up, they
still require 2X as many Tor router traversals end-to-end as normal
circuits. You could easily circle the globe several times to issue
a single search query.

And all this is to use the Tor hidden service's 80bit-secure hash 
instead of an https cert, along with all of the other issues with
Tor Hidden Services that have accumulated over the past decade due
to the lack of time for maintenance on Tor's part? I am not
   This is good to know -- don't promote hidden service versions of
   websites (including DDG) when they have an https version, as hidden
   services are broken as of now.
  Right. However, hidden services are still useful in narrow
  circumstances, even as janky as they are. I think their most compelling
  usecase is as fully internal TCP-style application endpoints, not as
  authentication mechanisms for services that already exist on the
  surveilled Internet, and use it for their communications.
 But don't hidden services have the advantage that as there is no 
 exit node, the adversary controlling the entry and exit node problem 
 goes away? Or am I misunderstanding. I see that in this case the tor 
 connection to the website is not likely to be the weak point anyway, 
 but I'd be keen to know if I've got this wrong.

If you're talking about attacks as strong as end-to-end correlation,
then it turns out hidden services have similar weaknesses on that order.
There are a number of points where the adversary can inject themselves
either to observe or manipulate hidden service circuit construction.

For some recent examples of that, see

Some of those attacks are quite powerful indeed (and many of them allow
the adversary to choose their own nodes for observation!) and it will
take Tor at least a full stable release cycle or more to fix them...

In terms of data confidentiality and integrity though, I think it is
probably true that the Tor hidden service trust root is much stronger
than the browser CA trust root, even given the 80bit name hash and
RSA-1024 sized keys (which probably are roughly equivalent to each other
in strength for most purposes).

However, Mozilla is working on supporting cert pinning for https, which
we should pick up in Tor Browser in the next few months. Basically, all
we have to do after that is pin our search provider's actual leaf
certificate in Tor Browser itself, and the https usecase becomes both
stronger than the hidden service case in terms of data confidentiality
and integrity to the actual search engine (who knows what happens after
that, of course), and roughly 4X faster...

Still, despite all of this, I still think hidden services have an
important roll to play in Tor. The search engines of today just aren't
the proper use case for them right now.

Mike Perry
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moderator at or changing your settings at

Re: [liberationtech] DuckDuckGo vs Startpage

2013-06-26 Thread Mike Perry
Jacob Appelbaum:
 Mike Perry:
  In terms of data confidentiality and integrity though, I think it is
  probably true that the Tor hidden service trust root is much stronger
  than the browser CA trust root, even given the 80bit name hash and
  RSA-1024 sized keys (which probably are roughly equivalent to each other
  in strength for most purposes).
 I think it also changes how people might begin to start attacking a user
 - it is not as easy as just throwing up a Tor node, allow and exit and
 running some general tools.
  However, Mozilla is working on supporting cert pinning for https, which
  we should pick up in Tor Browser in the next few months. Basically, all
  we have to do after that is pin our search provider's actual leaf
  certificate in Tor Browser itself, and the https usecase becomes both
  stronger than the hidden service case in terms of data confidentiality
  and integrity to the actual search engine (who knows what happens after
  that, of course), and roughly 4X faster...
 However - Tor will not protect users after the exit node - so if there
 are libnss bugs, the exit or things beyond it may tamper with it. The
 attack surface is smaller for Tor HS users, I think.
  Still, despite all of this, I still think hidden services have an
  important roll to play in Tor. The search engines of today just aren't
  the proper use case for them right now.
 I'd like to see an omnibox search that allows people to choose - I would
 especially like it if that one was totally unfiltered, even for porn or
 other thought crime.

Good points. While I am against having the default be 4X slower just for
this, I will happily merge omnibox .src files for both the hidden
service version of DDG and an unfiltered StartPage if anyone provides
them and put them in order right after vanilla StartPage and DDG

Mike Perry
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Re: [liberationtech] DuckDuckGo vs Startpage [was: Help test Tor Browser]

2013-06-26 Thread Mike Perry
The Doctor:
 Hash: SHA1
 On 06/24/2013 09:16 PM, Daniel Sieradski wrote:
  Has there ever been any effort to create an open source search
  engine that is entirely transparent in both its software and
  practices? (
 doesn't count!)

YaCY and other FOSS engines (in a sibling thread someone mentioned
another that I already forgot) are also something that I will accept
search plugins for the Omnibox, but their result quality, index depth,
and crawl frequency are no match for either StartPage or DDG.

Mike Perry
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moderator at or changing your settings at

Re: [liberationtech] DuckDuckGo vs Startpage

2013-06-25 Thread Mike Perry
Michael Carbone:
 On 06/24/2013 10:00 PM, Mike Perry wrote:
  IxQuick has so far successfully negotiated with Google against
  outright banning us. Google sees a spike in IxQuick traffic every
  time we increase StartPage's prominence in TBB, and this does not
  go unnoticed by Google.
  Unfortunately, Google's knee-jerk reaction to each increase so far
  is to argue harder in favor of banning all Tor users from both
  Startpage and Google, so we'll have to wait and see how this plays
  Backchannel like that (and direct-channel refusals to work with
  Tor) really makes you wonder about Google's commitment to privacy
  and the freedom of access to information.
 Very interesting. I don't know the backchannel relationships but I'd
 guess Google's decision to allow or not allow Tor users doesn't depend
 on the levels of traffic they get from StartPage from TBB front page.

Well, that's not exactly how it works directly, but the effect is the
same. I was simplifying the explanation for the purposes of brevity,
and because I was basically a 3rd party to this pressure who was not
present during the actual negotiation.

However, near as I can tell, the actual mechanism of the pressure is
both economic and service-level. Google isn't transparent about what it
pays for ad revenue and what it allows for API key volume, and they
simply pay less ad revenue and/or ban your API key if they don't like
your query flow for whatever reason. They also call you up and start
asking questions if your volume suddenly increases, and sometimes just
shut off your API key at random (and when they do this, StartPage has to
ban Tor users, which has happened each time we've featured them in a
more easily accessible way in TBB so far).

Google is also unwilling to work with us to deploy rate limiting
solutions, even if Tor were to develop them for them. I've tried
numerous times through multiple channels over the past 5 (five!) years
now to get some level of agreement to support various alternative and
less intrusive rate limiting mechanisms based on proof of work, blind
signatures, and other schemes instead of SMS and Captcha, so that Tor
could turn around and try to find a sponsor to build it, but the only
response we can get is Abuse rate limiting is hard, and Google is the
best in the world at it! You can't mess with success!

It is very frustrating, but I also feel like if we stop trying to use
any flavor of Google results entirely, we lose the ability to signal to
them how many people care about Tor.

  Just trying to rationally explain it.
  I would not rationally use the hidden service version in lieu of
  https by default.
  As I alluded to through my questioning of the https backend link to
  Bing, the transit path from Tor to DDG is not the weakest link in
  an already-https search engine.
 Okay, so this seems to be the sticking point? Using the !g bang syntax
 they route Google requests through DDG (so you can search Google if
 you want, even though they don't seem to rely on Google for their own
 index). Is that reroute different than what Ixquick does? I don't
 know. For the index itself, I wasn't able to find anything on the
 technical connection between DDG and their index sources.

g! is just a redirect. There is no privacy there.
 Apparently the founder of DDG is interested in getting an external
 audit, so this might be the type of issue that could solve? He was
 looking for external audit recommendations as of two days ago (
 ). I'd ping him @yegg or with some recs.

Sure. I don't think this stuff is rocket science. There are probably
several people on this list that could help him figure out how to make
stuff end-to-end encrypted for front end and backend, excluding his
actual servers, and help him certify and promote that claim.

I am after a bigger monster, though.

  Further, claims that the performance is the same or similar are
  not rigorous.
  Hidden service circuits require ~4X as many Tor router traversals
  as normal Tor exit circuits to set up, and unlike normal Tor exit
  circuits, they are often *not* prebuilt. Once they are set up, they
  still require 2X as many Tor router traversals end-to-end as normal
  circuits. You could easily circle the globe several times to issue
  a single search query.
  And all this is to use the Tor hidden service's 80bit-secure hash 
  instead of an https cert, along with all of the other issues with
  Tor Hidden Services that have accumulated over the past decade due
  to the lack of time for maintenance on Tor's part? I am not
 This is good to know -- don't promote hidden service versions of
 websites (including DDG) when they have an https version, as hidden
 services are broken as of now.

Right. However, hidden services are still useful in narrow
circumstances, even as janky as they are. I think their most compelling

Re: [liberationtech] Help test the new Tor Browser!

2013-06-24 Thread Mike Perry
Cooper Quintin:
 The default engine was Google for a while until Mike Perry and I changed
 it.  We chose StartPage over DDG because while both being privacy aware,
 start page had more relevant search results.  However these days I
 personally find that DDG's results are often more relevant than start

I find StartPage/Google immensely superior to Duckduckgo/Bing when
searching the long tail of technical material (which I do frequently).

This has always been the case, and has not changed these days, or ever.

One example: Try querying both engines for deterministic builds and
compare what you find on the front page of each. By result 10,
DuckDuckGo starts rambling about free will, philosophy, and life
planning. Startpage on the other hand, actually already includes this
very thread in the first page results.

I am curious which types of queries people perceive DuckDuckGo/Bing to
be better at. Is it only better if you're searching for hoodies, movies,
video games, and other mainstream things?

 They also have a page that does not require cookies or JS at

I am not aware of any JS or cookie requirement via StartPage either, and
Startpage allows you to generate your own URL with the safesearch
features disabled (so you do not need cookies). You can then create a
keyword search for this URL.

I am not sure if we want to make that our default search option, but
I might be convinced to merge a third omnibox dropdown for it.

Mike Perry
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Re: [liberationtech] Help test the new Tor Browser!

2013-06-24 Thread Mike Perry
Jacob Appelbaum:
 Jillian C. York:
  On Mon, Jun 24, 2013 at 2:38 PM, Cooper Quintin
  Start page also allows you to generate a url that has certain settings,
  for example this one (
  )has safe search turned off and no caching for video and image search
  results turned on.  It could be useful to put something like this in Tor
  Browser to avoid search filtering.
 It would be great if this was the default home page. I'd certainly be
 happier with that as the default search engine.

I don't have anything against porn, and do I strongly believe we should
make it easy for people to search for whatever they want (hence right
now, I like the idea of adding a Startpage (unfiltered) omnibox item
rather than changing the default), but I am not sure that I like the
idea of exposing people to porn who are not looking for it. I worry that
changing the default *might* do this.

Two things could tip the scales in my mind either way about the default:

1. Can anyone provide concrete examples where the image and/or video
filters of Startpage/Google (I think Startpage just uses Google's
filters) have inadvertently censored material that is not porn, and this
error has persisted uncorrected for a significant period of time?

I think it is important to weigh this against people being provided with
porn results if they are not actually looking for porn -- which is an
important issue of consent, IMO. I am sure there are many Muslim users
of TBB who do not want to see porn at all, and merely want free access
to information. The possibility of subjecting those people to porn
potentially against their will weighs on me a bit..

2. The converse is that making people in the Islamic world who *are*
looking for porn potentially signal this via their omnibox choice isn't
a great option either, since that choice can leak to disk. I don't think
it is fair to allow these people to potentially subject themselves to
government persecution via this choice. :/

I am open to suggestions on how to balance these concerns.

Mike Perry
Too many emails? Unsubscribe, change to digest, or change password by emailing 
moderator at or changing your settings at

Re: [liberationtech] Help test the new Tor Browser!

2013-06-24 Thread Mike Perry
Mike Perry:
 Jacob Appelbaum:
  Jillian C. York:
   On Mon, Jun 24, 2013 at 2:38 PM, Cooper Quintin
   Start page also allows you to generate a url that has certain settings,
   for example this one (
   )has safe search turned off and no caching for video and image search
   results turned on.  It could be useful to put something like this in Tor
   Browser to avoid search filtering.
  It would be great if this was the default home page. I'd certainly be
  happier with that as the default search engine.
 I don't have anything against porn, and do I strongly believe we should
 make it easy for people to search for whatever they want (hence right
 now, I like the idea of adding a Startpage (unfiltered) omnibox item
 rather than changing the default), but I am not sure that I like the
 idea of exposing people to porn who are not looking for it. I worry that
 changing the default *might* do this.

In fact it does do this. Queries for female condom help, female
condom use, female condom pictures, female condom videos return
increasing numbers of porn results with the query without filters. With
the filters in place, they return no porn, only instructional material,
diagrams, and pictures.

I think it is reasonable to expect that a number of sexual education
and potentially even sexual abuse topics will have similar results.

 Two things could tip the scales in my mind either way about the default:
 1. Can anyone provide concrete examples where the image and/or video
 filters of Startpage/Google (I think Startpage just uses Google's
 filters) have inadvertently censored material that is not porn, and this
 error has persisted uncorrected for a significant period of time?
 I think it is important to weigh this against people being provided with
 porn results if they are not actually looking for porn -- which is an
 important issue of consent, IMO. I am sure there are many Muslim users
 of TBB who do not want to see porn at all, and merely want free access
 to information. The possibility of subjecting those people to porn
 potentially against their will weighs on me a bit..
 2. The converse is that making people in the Islamic world who *are*
 looking for porn potentially signal this via their omnibox choice isn't
 a great option either, since that choice can leak to disk. I don't think
 it is fair to allow these people to potentially subject themselves to
 government persecution via this choice. :/
 I am open to suggestions on how to balance these concerns.

Still am, but I also want to point out that there is also the Do
Nothing option: DuckDuckGo is our second omnibox choice, and it is not
hard to switch to it to get unfiltered porn results without signaling
that you are looking for such material...

Mike Perry
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[liberationtech] DuckDuckGo vs Startpage [was: Help test Tor Browser]

2013-06-24 Thread Mike Perry
Nadim Kobeissi:
 I'd just like to add that I'm a DuckDuckGo user myself and that I can
 definitely vouch for the service.

I've had a number of people tell me that they vouch for DuckDuckGo. What
does this even mean? Nobody seems to be capable of rationally explaining

Have you inspected their datacenter/server security? Have you audited
their logging mechanisms?

Does DuckDuckGo even have an https channel to Bing on the back end?

Note that I don't vouch for StartPage. I merely think that StartPage
provides superior search results to DDG.

In fact, I wish both companies the best of luck business-wise, and I'm
happy to have both of them at the two top positions in TBB's omnibox.

This is because right now, there are only two ways to get https web
search results over Tor. Microsoft allows Tor, but has officially
refused to support https directly for Bing. Google regularly bans Tor
nodes entirely, often without the possibility of even entering a Captcha
or using a valid Gmail account (both of which are non-starters for a
default engine of course, but would be better than status quo).

Every time Tor tries to start a conversation with either Google or
Microsoft on these two topics, they both give us a litany of excuses as
to why fixing the situation is a hard problem, even after we present
potential cost-effective engineering solutions to both problems.

For this reason, the loss of either DDG or Startpage would scare the
shit out of me, but right now, neither one has done enough for Tor to
warrant the default search position**, and since StartPage tends to
index more of the deep web faster, it is my opinion we should stick with
them as the top position, and have DDG in second.

** Sure, DuckDuckGo runs a hidden service, and also one of the slowest
Tor relays on the network (rate limited to 50KB/sec or less), but it is
quite debatable as to if either of these things are actually helpful to
Tor. In fact, such a slow Tor relay probably harms Tor performance more
than helps (in the rare event that you actually happen to select it).

Mike Perry
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moderator at or changing your settings at

Re: [liberationtech] DuckDuckGo vs Startpage [was: Help test Tor Browser]

2013-06-24 Thread Mike Perry
Michael Carbone:
 On 06/24/2013 08:20 PM, Mike Perry wrote:
  I've had a number of people tell me that they vouch for DuckDuckGo.
  What does this even mean? Nobody seems to be capable of rationally
  explaining it.
  Have you inspected their datacenter/server security? Have you
  audited their logging mechanisms?
 The data center thing is a non-sequitur -- no third-party service has
 this type of the transparency. My understanding is that you don't need
 to trust these service providers to use them anonymously as they are
 friendly to Tor and no scripts/cookies/etc -- hence the difficulties
 you mention later on with Bing  Google. So it doesn't split either
 way between StartPage or DDG. They are equivalent in not allowing
 personal audits of their servers.

I was questioning where the vouching comes from. Vouch is a pretty
strong word -- it typically suggests that you are laying down your
reputation on the line to support someone or something else, either by
oath or by evidence.

My general point is that DuckDuckGo seems to have a lot of appeal behind
it, causing many people to endorse it in extreme ways without any
supporting evidence.

I want to understand where that support is coming from. As you point
out, the two engines seem largely identical from the perspective of
third party vouching/audits wrt privacy.

  Note that I don't vouch for StartPage. I merely think that
  StartPage provides superior search results to DDG.
 Since this is the only criterion you base your choice of search engine
 on, then perhaps StartPage is the way to go for you. If I were to
 argue for DDG, I would point to its much more friendly user
 interface/experience (including the html version) and the great !bang
 syntax. Maybe it also provides better results for mainstream things
 as you alluded, I don't know. But there's certainly nothing wrong with
 appealing to mainstream folks, this is TBB after all.
 I think these are the reasons why it is gaining a lot of users ( ). Either way, users will be able
 to choose the other search engine in the omnibox as you mention.

That's great! I am glad they are succeeding, and hopefully are in no
danger of going away!
  Every time Tor tries to start a conversation with either Google or 
  Microsoft on these two topics, they both give us a litany of
  excuses as to why fixing the situation is a hard problem, even
  after we present potential cost-effective engineering solutions to
  both problems.
  For this reason, the loss of either DDG or Startpage would scare
  the shit out of me, but right now, neither one has done enough for
  Tor to warrant the default search position**, and since StartPage
  tends to index more of the deep web faster, it is my opinion we
  should stick with them as the top position, and have DDG in
  ** Sure, DuckDuckGo runs a hidden service, and also one of the
  slowest Tor relays on the network (rate limited to 50KB/sec or
  less), but it is quite debatable as to if either of these things
  are actually helpful to Tor. In fact, such a slow Tor relay
  probably harms Tor performance more than helps (in the rare event
  that you actually happen to select it).
 The hidden service is a plus, no? They seem to be trying at least,
 does Ixquick have either? Maybe it'd be good to reach out to DDG about
 their relay.

IxQuick has so far successfully negotiated with Google against outright
banning us. Google sees a spike in IxQuick traffic every time we
increase StartPage's prominence in TBB, and this does not go unnoticed
by Google.

Unfortunately, Google's knee-jerk reaction to each increase so far is to
argue harder in favor of banning all Tor users from both Startpage and
Google, so we'll have to wait and see how this plays out...

Backchannel like that (and direct-channel refusals to work with Tor)
really makes you wonder about Google's commitment to privacy and the
freedom of access to information.

 Just trying to rationally explain it.

I would not rationally use the hidden service version in lieu of https
by default.

As I alluded to through my questioning of the https backend link to Bing,
the transit path from Tor to DDG is not the weakest link in an
already-https search engine.

Further, claims that the performance is the same or similar are not

Hidden service circuits require ~4X as many Tor router traversals as
normal Tor exit circuits to set up, and unlike normal Tor exit circuits,
they are often *not* prebuilt. Once they are set up, they still require
2X as many Tor router traversals end-to-end as normal circuits. You
could easily circle the globe several times to issue a single search

And all this is to use the Tor hidden service's 80bit-secure hash
instead of an https cert, along with all of the other issues with Tor
Hidden Services that have accumulated over the past decade due to the
lack of time for maintenance on Tor's part? I am not convinced.

Sorry if all

Re: [liberationtech] NSA is very likely storing all encrypted communications it is intercepting

2013-06-21 Thread Mike Perry
 and foreign information stink, it gives
   carte blanche to review those communications for evidence of crimes that
   unrelated to espionage and terrorism,” says Kevin Bankston, a director
  of the
   Free Expression Project at the Center For Democracy and Technology. “If
   don’t know where you are, they assume you’re not a US person. The
  default is
   that your communicatons are unprotected.”
   All of those exceptions seem to counter recent statements made by NSA
  and FBI
   officials who have argued that any collection of Americans’ data they
   is strictly limited by the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA)
   Court, a special judiciary body assigned to oversea the National Security
   Agency. “We get great oversight by all branches of government,” NSA
   Alexander said in an on-stage interview at the Aspen Institute last year.
   “You know I must have been bad when I was a kid. We get supervised by the
   Defense Departmnet, the Justice Department the White House, by Congress…
   by the [FISA] Court. So all branches of government can see that what
   doing is correct.”
   But the latest leaked document bolsters a claim made by Edward Snowden,
   29-year-old Booz Allen contractor who has leaked a series of top secret
   documents to the media after taking refuge in Hong Kong. In a live QA
   the public Monday he argued that NSA analysts often make independent
   decisions about surveillance of Americans not subject to judicial review.
   “The reality is that…Americans’ communications are collected and viewed
  on a
   daily basis on the certification of an analyst rather than a warrant,”
   Snowden wrote. “They excuse this as ‘incidental’ collection, but at the
   of the day, someone at NSA still has the content of your communications.”
   However, the leaked document doesn’t exactly paint Snowden’s picture of a
   random NSA analyst determining who is surveilled. The guidelines do state
   that exceptions have to be “specifically” approved by the “Director (or
   Acting Director) of NSA…in writing.”
   Just how much actual surveillance the NSA’s exception for Americans’
   encrypted data allows also remains unclear. The Center for Democracy and
   Technology’s Kevin Bankston points out that a previously leaked slide
  from an
   NSA presentation makes reference to programs called FAIRVIEW and BLARNEY,
   which are described as “collection of communications on fiber cables and
   infrastructure as data flows past.”
   If the NSA is in fact tapping the Internet’s network infrastructure,
   Thursday’s leaked guidelines suggest it might be allowed to collect and
   retain all data protected with the common Web encryption Secure Sockets
   Layer, (SSL) used for run-of-the-mill private communications like the Web
   email offered by Google and Microsoft, social networking services like
   Twitter and Facebook, and online banking sites. “If they’re tapping at
   [network] switches and they take full allowance of this ability to retain
   data, that could mean they’re storing an enormous amount of SSL traffic,
   including things like Gmail traffic,” Bankston says.
   In other words, privacy advocates may be facing a nasty Catch-22: Fail to
   encrypt your communications, and they’re vulnerable to any eavesdropper’s
   surveillance. But encrypt them, and they become legally subject to
   eavesdropping by the most powerful surveillance agency in the world.
   Too many emails? Unsubscribe, change to digest, or change password by
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  Joseph Lorenzo Hall
  Senior Staff Technologist
  Center for Democracy  Technology
  1634 I ST NW STE 1100
  Washington DC 20006-4011
  (p) 202-407-8825
  (f) 202-637-0968
  fingerprint: BE7E A889 7742 8773 301B 4FA1 C0E2 6D90 F257 77F8
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Mike Perry
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Re: [liberationtech] Bush-Era Whistleblower Claims NSA Ordered Wiretap Of Barack Obama In 2004

2013-06-21 Thread Mike Perry
 I have to admit, I find that rather amusing. I wonder if this is
 actually true and if it might change Obamas opinion on the surveillance
 machine. And if it does, how will he try to hide the obvious hypocrisy?

I used to think there was a possibility that surveillance would capture
our politicians through blackmail/etc. After seeing more and more of
these releases, I am becoming convinced that this *already happened*.

If they didn't capture Obama in this 2004 operation, capturing him later
wouldn't be terribly difficult. NSA: You're the first black US
President, and you want to *dismantle* the domestic surveillance
operation that might prevent an assassination attempt on you or your
family by some moron redneck lunatic? Sure would be a shame if something
were to happen to you after that...

I sure can understand his hesitance in the face of such a threat. I
don't envy him, that's for sure :/.
 Actually I have to say that I'm beginning to see the whole phenomenon
 developing around Snowdens leaks with a good dose of gallows humor.
 It's kind of slapstick-y that every time someone of the US government
 tries to justify all the surveillance, there seem to be three new
 stories popping up that elaborate on all the stuff they actually do;
 some of which even directly contradicts what those apologists claim.

I have noticed this pattern too. I think Snowden and his handlers at the
Guardian have a far more sophisticated PR and release timing strategy
than anyone has given them credit for (I'm referring to various
rumblings about their release of material at the end of the week,
questioning the value of the release of intel on US hacking, etc).

If there is to be a journalistic award for this work, it should not be
for any one story. The whole arc is magnificently directed.

Mike Perry
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Re: [liberationtech] Deterministic builds and software trust

2013-06-20 Thread Mike Perry
Jonathan Wilkes:
  From: Mike Perry
  This is where deterministic builds come in: any individual can use our
  anonymity network to download our source code, verify it against public
  signed, audited, and mirrored git repositories, and reproduce our builds
  exactly, without being subject to such targeted attacks. If they notice
  any differences, they can alert the public builders/signers, hopefully
  using a pseudonym or our anonymous trac account.
  This also will eventually allow us to create a number of auxiliary
  authentication mechanisms for our packages, beyond just trusting the
  offline build machine and the gpg key integrity.
 Interesting.  Questions:
 1) I'd imagine in your case that a large portion of
 users aren't going to want to compile the software, and it seems at
 least like they could still be good citizens by verifying the binaries
 they download against what a random sampling of mirrors say they
 should look like.  Is there a tool out there they can use to do this?

Right. First, let me say just to make this fully clear: not everybody
needs to compile their own bundles to protect against attack. This isn't
security-through-self-compilation a-la Gentoo.

You only need to compile a bundle if you suspect either nobody else in
the world is privately verifying the bundles (and right now, you might
be correct), *or* if you suspect the GPG keys are compromised and you
specifically are being fed targeted, fake-signed bundles that none of
the private verifiers actually see.

However, I would still like to mitigate even these targeted attacks.
Here's my thoughts so far:

The immediate plan is to publish the full set of detached GPG signatures
for all of the matching public builds to start, so that we at least
require multikey compromise to mount the targeted fake bundle+fake
signature attack. Hopefully at least one of the builders will use a
hardware GPG signing token, to make such theft harder. (It's on my TODO
list to figure that out for my own keys..)

Later, as I alluded to in that next paragraph, we can do
defense-in-depth things like place a URL that lists the approved
official bundle hashes along with a SHA256SUM for that URL's contents in
the Tor Consensus document (which is also a multikey signed document
using offline keys and yearly signing key rotation).

We can also verify the consensus document hash itself (including the
package URL+hash) with a double Ben Laurie multipath+notary and/or
multisigned hashtree check...

I would like to do all of these things (especially the double Ben
Laurie backup Tor Consensus verification, because I don't really think
we should trust the consensus keys fully as we do now), but there's also
a lot of other things to do at Tor first. Who knows what shiny new
explosion of doom will distract me next. It's an exciting place to work!

 2) Do you use Tor's git version id (the hash) for the
 release as the random seed string?  Seems like that would be a
 good precedent to set in case other projects start using this
 method, too.

Not sure exactly what you're asking here.

For GCC's -frandom-seed, we just use tor as the string. I'm not aware
of any reason why that seed needs to ever change (my understanding is
that it is only used for symbol mangling to avoid static/namespace

We also include the full set of git hashes, version tags, and input
source hashes in the bundles themselves, so you know exactly what went
into your bundle if you want to try to match it at a later date...

Mike Perry
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[liberationtech] Deterministic builds and software trust [was: Help test Tor Browser!]

2013-06-18 Thread Mike Perry
Jacob Appelbaum:
 I'm really excited to say that Tor Browser has had some really important
 changes. Mike Perry has really outdone himself - from deterministic
 builds that allow us to verify that he is honest to actually having
 serious usability improvements. 

First, thanks for the praise, Jake!

But: I've been meaning to clarify this honesty point for a few days
now, and Cooper's similar statement in another thread about security
being all about trust reminded me of it.

I actually disagree with the underlying assumptions of both points.

I didn't spend six agonizing weeks (and counting) getting deterministic
builds to work for Tor Browser to prove that I was honest or
trustworthy. I did it because I don't believe that software development
models based on single party trust can actually be secure against
serious adversaries anymore, given the current trends in computer
security and cyberwar.

For the past several years, we've been seeing a steady increase in the
weaponization, stockpiling, and the use of exploits by multiple
governments, and by multiple *areas* of multiple governments. This
includes weaponized exploits specifically designed to bridge the air
gap, by attacking software/hardware USB stacks, disconnected Bluetooth
interfaces, disconnected Wifi interfaces, etc. Even if these exploits
themselves don't leak (ha!), the fact that they are known to exist means
that other parties can begin looking for them.

In this brave new world, without the benefit of anonymity to protect
oneself from such targeted attacks, I don't believe it is possible to
keep a software-based GPG key secure anymore, nor do I believe it is
possible to keep even an offline build machine secure from malware
injection anymore, especially against the types of adversaries that Tor
has to contend with.

This means that software development has to evolve beyond the simple
models of Trust my gpg-signed apt archive from my trusted build
machine, or even projects like Debian going to end up distributing
state-sponsored malware in short order.

This is where deterministic builds come in: any individual can use our
anonymity network to download our source code, verify it against public
signed, audited, and mirrored git repositories, and reproduce our builds
exactly, without being subject to such targeted attacks. If they notice
any differences, they can alert the public builders/signers, hopefully
using a pseudonym or our anonymous trac account.

This also will eventually allow us to create a number of auxiliary
authentication mechanisms for our packages, beyond just trusting the
offline build machine and the gpg key integrity.

I believe it is important for Tor to set an example on this point, and I
hope that the Linux distributions will follow in making deterministic
packaging the norm. (Don't despair: it probably won't take 6 weeks per
package. Firefox is just a bitch).

Otherwise, I really don't think we'll have working computers left in
5-10 years from now :/.

I hope to write a longer blog post about this topic on the Tor Blog in
the next couple weeks, discussing the dangers of exploit weaponization
and the threats it poses to software engineering and software
distribution. I'm still mulling over the exact focus and if I should
split the two ideas apart, or combine them into one post...

Ideas and comments welcome!

Mike Perry
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Re: [liberationtech] Help test the new Tor Browser!

2013-06-17 Thread Mike Perry
Kody Leonard:
 I get the same error on Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit. It will run when Windows
 XP is selected under Compatibility mode.   I had the same issue with other
 languages.  This is logged in the event viewer when it doesn't run as-is:
 Faulting application name: firefox.exe, version:
 Faulting module name: d2d1.dll, version: 6.2.9200.16492
 Exception code: 0xc005
 Faulting application path: C:\XX\Tor
 Faulting module path: C:\Windows\system32\d2d1.dll

Do you happen to have an Nvidia video card by any chance?

This crash seems to be happening on only a select number of x64 Win7
installs (and none of them are developer machines -- which are also x64
Win7), and I am trying to figure out what the common denominator is.

 On Mon, Jun 17, 2013 at 6:14 PM, Masayuki Hatta wrote:
  I tried torbrowser-install-3.0-alpha-1_en-US.exe on Windows 7 Home Premium
  64bit (Japan edition), but it doesn't run at all.  Installation went well,
  but double-clicking on Start Tor Browser icon doesn't start things off,
  nothing happens (seems trying something for a while, but crashes
  silently).  Is this known problem or am I the only one? I have two 64bit
  Win7 machines, and suffer from the same problem.  Things from the current
  tor-browser-2.3.25-8_en-US.exe is working nicely for a long time, so I
  guess something wrong in the new Tor Browser Launcher...
  Please let me know if there's something I can try.
  Best regards,
  2013/6/17 Jacob Appelbaum
  I'm really excited to say that Tor Browser has had some really important
  changes. Mike Perry has really outdone himself - from deterministic
  builds that allow us to verify that he is honest to actually having
  serious usability improvements. I really mean it - the new TBB is
  actually awesome. It is blazing fast, it no longer has the sometimes
  confusing Vidalia UI, it is now fast to start, it now has a really nice
  splash screen, it has a setup wizard - you name it - nearly everything
  that people found difficult has been removed, replaced or improved.
  Hooray for Mike Perry and all that helped him!
  Here is Mike's email:
  Here is the place to download it:
  Please test it and please please tell us how we might improve it!
  All the best,
  Too many emails? Unsubscribe, change to digest, or change password by
  emailing moderator at or changing your settings at
  Masayuki Hatta
  Assistant Professor, Faculty of Economics and Management, Surugadai
  University, Japan  / / /
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Mike Perry
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Re: [liberationtech] Help test the new Tor Browser!

2013-06-17 Thread Mike Perry
Mike Perry:
 Kody Leonard:
  I get the same error on Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit. It will run when Windows
  XP is selected under Compatibility mode.   I had the same issue with other
  languages.  This is logged in the event viewer when it doesn't run as-is:
  Faulting application name: firefox.exe, version:
  Faulting module name: d2d1.dll, version: 6.2.9200.16492
  Exception code: 0xc005
  Faulting application path: C:\XX\Tor
  Faulting module path: C:\Windows\system32\d2d1.dll
 Do you happen to have an Nvidia video card by any chance?
 This crash seems to be happening on only a select number of x64 Win7
 installs (and none of them are developer machines -- which are also x64
 Win7), and I am trying to figure out what the common denominator is.

Another option is to run cmd.exe as Administrator (right click) and run
'sfc /verifyonly' to check if any of your dlls (including d2d1.dll) are
out of date/damaged/replaced by alternate vendor versions.

Mike Perry
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Re: [liberationtech] Help test the new Tor Browser!

2013-06-17 Thread Mike Perry
It looks like Mozilla hit a similar bug some years ago:

While in compatibility mode, can you try setting one or both of these to
'true' in about:config:


Then try without XP compatibility mode, and see if one or both allow you
to run without crashes?

Masayuki Hatta:
 Some findings on this issue.
 0) Setting compatibility mode to Windows XP (Service Pack 3) makes it
 1) I tried it on two machines, both don't have NVidia.(both have Intel HD
 Graphics 4000)
 2) sfc /verifyonly couldn't find any discrepancy.
 Hope it helps.
 Best regards,
 2013/6/18 Mike Perry
  Mike Perry:
   Kody Leonard:
I get the same error on Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit. It will run when
XP is selected under Compatibility mode.   I had the same issue with
languages.  This is logged in the event viewer when it doesn't run
Faulting application name: firefox.exe, version:
Faulting module name: d2d1.dll, version: 6.2.9200.16492
Exception code: 0xc005
Faulting application path: C:\XX\Tor
Faulting module path: C:\Windows\system32\d2d1.dll
   Do you happen to have an Nvidia video card by any chance?
   This crash seems to be happening on only a select number of x64 Win7
   installs (and none of them are developer machines -- which are also x64
   Win7), and I am trying to figure out what the common denominator is.
  Another option is to run cmd.exe as Administrator (right click) and run
  'sfc /verifyonly' to check if any of your dlls (including d2d1.dll) are
  out of date/damaged/replaced by alternate vendor versions.
  Mike Perry
  Too many emails? Unsubscribe, change to digest, or change password by
  emailing moderator at or changing your settings at
 Masayuki Hatta
 Assistant Professor, Faculty of Economics and Management, Surugadai
 University, Japan  / / /

 Too many emails? Unsubscribe, change to digest, or change password by 
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Mike Perry
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Re: [liberationtech] FT: Companies scramble for consumer data (personal data are so cheap... why bother to protect them)

2013-06-16 Thread Mike Perry
Does all this really mean that if we can just create a system for
privately paying parties ~$0.25, their services will actually be *more*
profitable to run than in the current age of dataveilance?

The major problem is of course that micropayment is currently neither
private nor seamless... So in addition to your money, you also *still*
have to pay with your PII *and* your time..

P.S. Amusingly I couldn't actually read the article below because of a
paywall + give us your PII signup click-through.

Yosem Companys:
 From: Toon Vanagt
 I stumbled on this FT article with 'volume pricing' for personal data and a 
 convenient estimation tool:
 Basically, if you're a millionaire, your personal data is worth about $ 0.123 
 (if you're not, you start at: $ 0.007).
 The FT has build an interactive data value estimation tool. For example by 
 adding ADHD to my profile I gained a stunning $ 0.200. Consider it extra 
 money for 'salting data set' :)
 3 Quick thoughts:
 The Financial Times will not collect, store or share the data users input 
 into the calculator. Despite this disclaimer I wonder what the FT really 
 does with the harvested data on its web servers or considered the risk of 
 'leaking logs'? At the end of their 'game', I'm invited to share my private 
 'data worth' on Twitter, which exposes how much Marketers would pay 
 approximately for your data: and conveniently allows third parties to 
 identify me... When linked with their identifiable FT subscriber profile, 
 there's no need for a tweet to link the results to a person. 
 Check - public search 
 result. Great for marketeers. Also has the potential to reverse engineer 
 Prices in the article  calculator seem very low and suggest that your 
 'personal data' are not really valuable to companies in a consumer society  
 That is if you're not obese, don't subscribe to a gym, don't own a plane... 
 Due to competition the broker prices are said to trending towards 
 'worthless'.. Data brokers seem to suggest we should not bother to protect 
 something of so little economic value...
 Let me know if my reading between the lines is wrong.
 Does anybody know about a personal data value calculator that is not based on 
 broker volume pricing, but reveals how much companies pay for qualified leads 
 in different industries (mortgage, insurance, cruise travel, fitness, car 
 test drive, hotel booking,...) The outcome of such an 'intent cast valuator' 
 would be much higher and more of an economic incentive to raise awareness of 
 data value.

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Mike Perry
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Re: [liberationtech] New Anonymity Network for Short Messages

2013-06-11 Thread Mike Perry
Steve Weis:
 Comments inline...
 On Tue, Jun 11, 2013 at 10:47 AM, Sean Cassidy 
   - Any specific reason you picked CTR?
  CTR is widely recommended. Cryptography Engineering specifically
  recommends it.

I was puzzled by this recommendation. CTR has several bad propeties that
can surprise you, and have bitten Tor as well.
 The reason I ask is that this makes your IV-generation more critical than,
 say, CBC, XTS, or other modes. If you have an IV collision, you'll leak
 some message bits.

Additionally to this, CTR allows bit-level maleability of the cleartext:
a bit flipped in a CTR cipherstream translates into a bit flipped in
the cleartext.

In fact, if there are regions of known cleartext (such as zeroes) the
adversary can do things like encode the originating IP in the cleartext
simply by XORing it into the cipherstream.

This property can cause problems if you perform any operations before
checking the MAC (like evaluating a weak CRC to decide to forward the
message or not).

CBC on the other hand causes a single ciphertext bitflip to scramble a
block of cleartext (16 or 32 bytes for 128bit vs 256bit) in an
unpredictable and key-dependent way.

Mike Perry
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Re: [liberationtech] Crypho

2013-06-08 Thread Mike Perry

 On Tue, Mar 26, 2013 at 09:24:13AM +0100, Yiorgis Gozadinos wrote:
  Assuming there is a point of reference for js code, some published instance 
  of the code, that can be audited and verified by others that it does not 
  leak. The point then becomes: Is the js I am running in my browser the 
  same as the js that everybody else is?. 
  Like you said, it comes down to the trust one can put in the verifier.
  A first step could be say for instance a browser extension, that compares a 
  hash of the js with a trusted authority. The simplest version of that would 
  be a comparison of a hash with a hash of the code on a repo.
  Another (better) idea, would be if browser vendors would take up the task 
  (say Mozilla for instance) and act as the trusted authority and built-in 
  verifier. Developers would sign their code and the browser would verify.
  Finally, I want to think there must be a way for users to broadcast some 
  property of the js they received. Say for example the color of a hash. Then 
  when I see blue when everyone else is seeing pink, I know there is 
  something fishy. There might be a way to even do that in a decentralised 
  way, without having to trust a central authority.
 Dear Yiorgis:
 I think this is a promising avenue for investigation. I think the problem is
 that people like you, authors of user-facing apps, know what the problem is
 that you want to solve, but you can't solve it without help from someone else,
 namely the authors of web browsers.
 With help from the web browser, this problem would be at least partly 
 There is no reason why this problem is more impossible to solve for apps
 written in Javascript and executed by a web browser than for apps written in a
 language like C# and executed by an operating system like Windows.
 Perhaps the next step is to explain concisely to the makers of web browsers
 what we want.
 Ben Laurie has published a related idea:

Now this is interesting. Had not seen that link before.

I wonder how that above 2012 Ben Laurie would get along with this
slightly more vintage 2011 Ben Laurie, who discounts not only the
hashtree concept, but any attempt to secure it with computation as well:

The problem is, 2012 Ben Laurie's system is obviously quite easy to
censor and manipulate if the adversary has any sort of active traffic
capabilities in terms of showing custom extensions of the hash chain (ie
malware) to targeted individuals.

2011 Ben Laurie's Efficient Distributed Currency, on the other hand,
suggests a Tor-like multiparty signing protocol to avoid these issues:

But if we assume the worst, the 2011 model Ben Laurie is weak to an
adversary such as the NSA that might compromise his datacenter
computers (or keys) behind his back.

However, 2012 Ben Laurie could detect this compromise by the NSA if it
was reasonably hard to add new, fake entries to the hash tree, if
clients kept history, and if he had multiple authenticated network
perspectives on the hash tree (ie notaries).

Can't both Ben Laurie's just get along? ;)

To bring us back to Earth:

The core problem with the website-as-an-app JS model is that *every* JS
code download from the server is not only authenticated only by the
abysmal CA trust root, but that insecure/malicious versions of the
software can also be easily targeted *specifically* to your account by
the webserver (or by the CA mafia) at any time without informing you in
any way.

But, the really scary situation we now face is that many of us have
accounts on app stores capable of delivering updates *right now* that
have the same type of targeted capabilities. In fact, in my opinion, all
app stores that exist today are just as unsafe for delivering crypto
software as website-based solutions are :/.

I think I still agree that the takeaway is that it's better to create
situations where you only have to do a heavyweight double Ben Laurie
PKI+notary+hashtree+PoW all-in-one-check *once* upon initial download,
to establish a trust root with the software provider themselves, rather
than regularly trusting an intermediary appstore, webserver, and/or 
CA trust root.

Once that initial strong check is done (and you've either run the
malware or you haven't), then the software can update using its own
strong signature authentication. In the case of paid/proprietary
software, proof of purchase from the client should be based upon
blind-signatures/ZKPs instead of unique account credentials.

But like, really nobody in the world is doing any of this, are they?

Mike Perry
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[liberationtech] The Tor Project has funding for a Firefox developer

2012-08-03 Thread Mike Perry
The Tor Project is looking for a Firefox developer as a contractor
position likely starting in October and going through Q1 2013, with the
possibility of later in 2013 and beyond. There may also be a possibility
for part-time work prior to October. This would be a telecommuting
position, with collaboration happening primarily over IRC and email.

The purpose of our browser is to build a private-by-design reference
implementation of Do Not Track, but through the alteration of
browser behavior and without the need for regulation or begging:

Your job would be to work on that Firefox-based browser as a developer.
This includes triaging, diagnosing, and fixing bugs; looking for and
resolving web privacy issues; responding on short notice to security
issues; and working collaboratively with coworkers and volunteers on
implementing new features and web behavior changes. You'd also be
reviewing other people's code, designs, and academic research papers,
and looking for ways to improve upon them.

For information on how to apply and what to send in with your
application, please see the job posting:

Mike Perry
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