Linux-Hardware Digest #803

2001-05-20 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Hardware Digest #803, Volume #14   Sun, 20 May 01 18:13:12 EDT

  Re: SCSI errorr ("Stuart R. Fuller")
  Re: Asus Geforce 2 mx in working in linux? (Monte Milanuk)
  Re: VIA Apollo Southbridge again ("Bobby D. Bryant")
  Re: installing my ehternet card ("bowman")
  Re: Will my sound card work? ("Infomagic")
  Re: installing my ehternet card ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  calculation of performance (using iptables) (nick)
  Net2Phone YapPhone vs. Linux (Young4ert)
  montego II in redhat (cash)
  Re: How do I "Kill" Netscape? (SammyTheSnake)
  Re: How do I "Kill" Netscape? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: How do I "Kill" Netscape? (James Knott)
  Re: Udma 100 - RH 7.1 ? ("theDude")
  Re: yes, 2 SGI 1600sw LCD panels DO work in linux in dualhead mode! (The Linux 
  Help me with LTMODEM ! ("Sékine COULIBALY")
  Re: segmentation faults (Ronowald Verschuren)
  Re: How do I "Kill" Netscape? (Harold Stevens US.972.952.3293)
  Re: yes, 2 SGI 1600sw LCD panels DO work in linux in dualhead mode! (Bryan)
  Re: yes, 2 SGI 1600sw LCD panels DO work in linux in dualhead mode! (I R A Darth 
  HPc2490a scsi disk?? (Marko Vuorinen)
  Re: Help me with LTMODEM ! ("Peter T. Breuer")

From: "Stuart R. Fuller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: SCSI errorr
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.misc
Date: Sun, 20 May 2001 15:39:01 GMT

In comp.os.linux.misc Pieter Ekkebus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
: "Stuart R. Fuller" wrote:
:> In comp.os.linux.misc Pieter Ekkebus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
:> : When I copy from scsidisk to scsidisk I see sometimes some
:> : error's in my log file:
:> : (scsi1:A:0:0): Locking max tag count at 64
:> : Somebody know what's going wrong?
:> What makes you think this is an error?  

: Intuition

:> Do copies go correctly? 

: Yes

:>  Are you seeing file corruption?

: No.

SCSI disks support a concept known as "tagged command queuing".  This is a
process where a controller can initiate a command on a target (disk),
disconnect from the target, and initiate a command on the same or another
target.  Each command has a tag, and the controller can reference that tag
number to the target for later processing.  

The message simply means that the controller is limiting the number of
outstanding (unfinished) commands to 64.



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Monte Milanuk)
Subject: Re: Asus Geforce 2 mx in working in linux?
Date: 20 May 2001 09:01:58 -0700

"James" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message 
> I have redhat 7.1 and I have a Geforce 2 MX card it work under Redhat 7.0
> with no problem only was no hardware acceleration until I got the stuff from
> Nvidia and dynamicaly linked programs when it was an option

S It works fine under RH 7.0, though no hardware acceleration
w/o the special NVidia drivers, right?  Hows the situation under RH
7.1??  Is it still necessary to get the NVidia drivers, or does it
work 'out of the box'??




From: "Bobby D. Bryant" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: VIA Apollo Southbridge again
Date: Sun, 20 May 2001 10:44:41 +0600

Thomas Palm wrote:

> I still have problems with the VIA Apollo southbridge (Kernel 2.4.2 (Redhat 7.1) and 
>Kernel 2.4.4).

There are known to be bugs in the VIA chipsets, but you might want to report this to

Bobby Bryant
Austin, Texas


From: "bowman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: installing my ehternet card
Date: Sun, 20 May 2001 10:43:06 -0600

<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> With Windows98, I was using Verizon's DSL service with a Westell
> Infospeed modem. After searching Google, I intalled Roaring Penguin on
> my linux, and installed it; Everytime I tried to connect, it timed

I assume this box started life as a Windows machine. Go into the Windows
ControlPanel, and remove the NIC. Reboot, and get into the bios setup. Set
it to have the BIOS assign addresses, not Plug'n'Play. Reboot into Windows.
Hopefully it will find the NIC, and you can reinstall it.

Then boot into Linux, and you should see the card.


From: "Infomagic" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Will my sound card work?
Date: Mon, 21 May 2001 00:55:35 +0800

just sndconfig

every thing will be OK!

"Rio de Janeiro" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
news:9dvuf6$an5h$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> I bought this sound card hoping it will work in linux.
> Sound Blaster 16 PCI, 

Linux-Hardware Digest #803

2000-10-29 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Hardware Digest #803, Volume #13   Sun, 29 Oct 00 02:13:06 EST

  Re: LinkSys betrayed us!  Poor prospects for Linux. (John Hasler)
  RH 7.0 no sound on HP Kayak!!! (fk)
  Re: Root out of space ("Gerald R. Jensen")
  Re: Linux-compatible hardware (Mark Post)
  Adding new drive to the existing system (NTK)
  Actually, it might (might) not be computer-related ("frankie")
  Re: How do I know if Linux sees 2nd CPU? ("bluster")
  Re: How do I know if Linux sees 2nd CPU? ("bluster")
  Re: Installation impossible HELP ("Sebastien")
  Re: Actually, it might (might) not be computer-related ("Paul Kuliniewicz")
  Re: Root out of space ("bluster")
  SuparMax pci modem ("H@CkM@N!!")
  cd writer problames (Johnbus)
  Re: LinkSys betrayed us!  Poor prospects for Linux. (Jean-David Beyer)
  Re: RedHat6.2 (or other) on Asus A7V Athlon system
  Printing to an okidata okipage 4w printer in Linux (Gary)
  Re: Installation impossible HELP ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Controlling several boxes from one place (John)
  Re: Controlling several boxes from one place ("walt")
  Installing an audio driver... weird case ("routerl")
  Re: Printing to an okidata okipage 4w printer in Linux (Larry Cooper)
  a brave new world ("Paul & Cheryl Schofield")

From: John Hasler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.misc,comp.os.linux.networking
Subject: Re: LinkSys betrayed us!  Poor prospects for Linux.
Date: Sat, 28 Oct 2000 23:36:03 GMT

Peter T. Breuer writes:
> Wonderful! Now HOW did you do that? Is there a rot13 command somewhere

In emacs, of course.
John Hasler
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, Wisconsin


Crossposted-To: linux.redhat.install
Subject: RH 7.0 no sound on HP Kayak!!!
Date: Sat, 28 Oct 2000 22:10:11 -0400

I just installed successfully RH 7.0 to my PC.
However I cannot get sound happening.

sndconfig does not detect any cards on my
system, and when I manually specify the type
of card it is (ad1816) it asks me to input the proper
IRQ, base address, etc,. and no matter what I
enter,  it always fails, giving an error message that
the resource is busy (ad1816.o)

How to make this happen?

How do I find the proper IRQ, base address, etc.. for a
card that is built0in to the motherboard (more or less)?

Info appreciated.


From: "Gerald R. Jensen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Root out of space
Date: Sat, 28 Oct 2000 22:06:36 -0500

Actually, this system is probably partitioned about right ... the usual
suspects have their own partitions:
Filesystem   1k-blocks  Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/hda13  155545155545 0 100% /
/dev/hda1   155545  2647144868   2% /boot
/dev/hda6  1011928 49540910984   5% /home
/dev/hda8  1059360 30064975480   3% /idd
/dev/hda9  1011928 75716884808   8% /opt
/dev/hda12  10108925 95845   0% /tmp
/dev/hda5  1011928703728256796  73% /usr
/dev/hda10  497829   899471228   0% /usr/local
/dev/hda7  1011928 22168938356   2% /var

<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> "Gerald R. Jensen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > System: RedHat Linux 6.1 / Apache 1.3.14 / MySQL 3.22.32 / PHP 4.0.2
> >
> > Tried to create a new user this morning but could not (password file
> > couldn't be locked).
> >
> > I then discovered that the / (root) partition is out of space! Root is
> > on this system. I checked logs and found nothing, then noticed that
> > /proc/kcore is 134+mb.
> /proc is not a real file system.  kcore is the kernel's memory, or
> something like that.  It doesn't actually use space on your disk
> (nothing in /proc does).
> > What can cause this, and how can I correct?
> If your / is only 150MB, you should have nothing (except maybe /tmp
> and a few others) mounted on it.  Probably you have /home or something
> sharing a partition with the root, which is Very Bad.  For now, delete
> files to free space.  For later, repartition and make sure no big
> directories are on /, or that / is big enough to hold all of them.
> You can use `du' to figure out where all your space is going.
> --


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Mark Post)
Subject: Re: Linux-compatible hardware
Date: Sun, 29 Oct 2000 03:26:58 GMT

On Sun, 29 Oct 2000 07:17:18 +1100, Barry Kirsten <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


Linux-Hardware Digest #803

2000-05-04 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Hardware Digest #803, Volume #12Thu, 4 May 00 15:13:07 EDT

  Stream benchmarks for VIA Apollo 133 motherboards ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Help with USB mouse ("Mauricio Carvalho")
  Re: Presentations on Laptop (Henrik Carlqvist)
  Re: UMAX Astra 2200SU/2400S compatibility (Andrey Vlasov)
  Any modem drivers for CONEXANT HCF v90 56K Data Fax PCI Modem (Mun Sing)
  Re: My 300Mhz is reported as 233Mhz (Brian Payne)
  Can't get SMC 8432T NIC to work in 6.2 ("Krakus")
  Re: Linux woes (Compaq for one) on the horizon (Scott Alfter)
  Re: hdc: lost interrupt (ATA drive) ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Building new linux / apache server, hardware advise needed: (LhD Administrator)
  Re: caldera 2.3 & adaptec 29160 (LhD Administrator)
  Re: Any modem drivers for CONEXANT HCF v90 56K Data Fax PCI Modem (MSeward)
  Re: Any modem drivers for CONEXANT HCF v90 56K Data Fax PCI Modem 

Subject: Stream benchmarks for VIA Apollo 133 motherboards
Date: Thu, 04 May 2000 17:05:04 GMT

I am looking for Stream benchmarks (for memory
for motherboards with the VIA Apollo 133/133A
We have an ASUS P3V133 mobo that yields
HALF of the benchmarks than our (older) 440BX
yield, and this is surprising taking into account
that the VIA
chipset has a FSB of 133 Mhz, while the BX has 100
We suspect that there is something wrong, and we
like to compare.

Sent via
Before you buy.


From: "Mauricio Carvalho" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Help with USB mouse
Date: Thu, 04 May 2000 17:30:16 GMT

I'm a linux newbie. I've installed RH 6.2, and updated to kernel 2.3.51,
which I'm running at moment.
I have a Logitech MouseMan USB connected to my computer, and I'm not being
able to use it. I read some articles and messages about enebling it, but so
far no success...
RH 6.2, kernel 2.3.51
USB support compiled into the kernel, not as modules: HID support, Mouse
support and Mix all mice into one device support. NOT the USB HIDBP Mouse
support, as I read it's not as good so far.

I did: mknod /dev/usb/usbmouse0 c 13 32

When I try to cat /dev/usb/usbmouse0 , I got a message "no such device". I
know Linux is sensing my mouse, because when I do more /proc/interrupts ,
move the mouse, and do it again, irq 12 (usb-uhci) increases in value, as it
should if the device is being sensed.

So, what more must I do to enable the driver? Do I must to take some more
steps to add the device to the system (usbmouse0) ? Or just mknod should do
it? As I'm a newbie, and a non-English speaking, please the ones that answer
be clear.
My system:
Celeron 466/66
256 MB Ram
Logitech MouseMan USB

Thanks in advance,


From: Henrik Carlqvist <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Presentations on Laptop
Date: Wed, 03 May 2000 20:06:26 +0200

dan wrote:
> I use StarOffice , StarImpress to create slide presentations.
> I need to be able to switch from the presentation to the desktop
> and/or a console screen.  I can't do this.
> Can anyone help with what key strokes will put the presentation in
> the background and turn the desktop back over to other apps?

This depends on your window manager. You should be able to iconify
StarOffice with a mouse click. Some window managers also support this
with keyboard.

To get to another console, press ctrl-alt-f2. Most distributions have
different consoles at ctrl-alt-f1 to ctrl-alt-f6 and the first X session
is at ctrl-alt-f7.

regards Henrik

spammer strikeback:


From: Andrey Vlasov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: UMAX Astra 2200SU/2400S compatibility
Date: Thu, 04 May 2000 10:35:11 -0700

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Hi Sian,

one day I found this link on freshmeat and it is "What are you looking


but UMAX Astra 2400S come with very cheap SCSI card which suppose to
in Linux but I couldn't manage to make it work. I' probably will try to
find another SCSI cable for NCR875 SCSI card in near future. After that
I'll able
to connect the scanner to my second computer. ( Scanner's end of SCSI
cable looks
almost like for printer - but only SCSI)

About USB model I can not say for sure as I just don't have it but have
a link and
they meantioned there UMAX 2000U. I guess that they was able to make it

but remember that USB works only in kernel 2.3 and it cery close to 2.4
version at the moment. You may need to compil

Linux-Hardware Digest #803

1999-07-20 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Hardware Digest #803, Volume #10   Tue, 20 Jul 99 15:13:42 EDT

  Re: 3com / US robotics 56K (Davis Eric)
  NEC SuperScript 1800 w/PostScript level 2 (Carlos Wexler)
  Re: linux on a gateway solo 2500se? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: HP false advertising ("David J. Topper")
  Re: HP false advertising ("David J. Topper")
  Resetting the SCSI bus (Dave Ulrick)
  Re: Does anybody know if Creative Labs 2xAGP 3D Graphics Blaster Riva  (Jeffrey Chok)
  New & hot linux books at DISCOUNT ("Order SQL - books! (discount price!)")
  pcmcia recommendations (Walter Dean)
  Re: Epson Stylus Colour 440 (Dale Pontius)
  Re: Zip, Jazz, and Orbs. (benjamin j snyder)
  Re: X on Compaq Laptop ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Printer error in RH5.2 (Canon BJC-4100) ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  linux and midi on a notebook (The Mitochondrion)
  Re: [Q] 440BX/GX/LX and others (EKK)
  Re: MSI 5169 and K6-2/450 (Greg Leblanc)
  Re: Cant get Creative Ensoniq AudioPCI to work (Sinner from the Prairy)
  Mount 2nd CDROM (Dan Anderson)
  Re: Looking for good *sounding* sound card (EKK)
  US Robotics Modem ? ("Vikram")
  pb whith GPM and MC (chausson aux pommes)
  Re: Mount 2nd CDROM (EKK)
  Re: Windrover Notebooks running Linux? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Will a modem on a USB port work with Linux? (Greg Leblanc)
  Re: Mount 2nd CDROM (Greg Leblanc)
  Anyone Get The CMI8330 Working ? ("Allix")

From: Davis Eric <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.misc
Subject: Re: 3com / US robotics 56K
Date: Tue, 20 Jul 1999 13:44:40 GMT


Try Jaton Communicator II. It is terrific in my Linux box. I use RHL 6.0
and Win95. It can be found and used in both OS.

Good luck,


In article <7n153b$ci4$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> k96rk01 wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > I'm trying to find a 56K modem that will work under linux.  I
checked the
> > "Linux modems list," aka "Winmodems are not modems," and discovered
> the
> > 3com / USRobotics Sportster 56K, model 1785, allegedly works fine.
> >
> > The problem is that I can't find any of these being sold anywhere.
> > closest model number I can find is 1787, and I can't find any
> > details that tell if this one would probably be compatible, too.
> curious
> > if anyone else out there has had any success with this model.
> >
> > Also, if you know of another 56K modem that works well with linux, I
> wouldn't
> > mind hearing about that, either.
> >
> > thanks in advance for any advice,
> > rob kent
> >
> > ---== Posted via Deja News, The Discussion Network
> >   Search, Read, Discuss, or Start Your
> Own
> I got the same problem (which modem to buy) - now I have USR 56k
> faxmodem and it works great!
> If you wan't or have any problems I can send you my mini-HOWTO file
> configuring modem and PPP connection onRedhat. Just mail me.
> --  Posted via SearchLinux  --

I do not feel shameful if I was and am an idiot; I
will feel shameful if I haven't realized it.

Sent via
Share what you know. Learn what you don't.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Carlos Wexler)
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux
Subject: NEC SuperScript 1800 w/PostScript level 2
Date: 20 Jul 1999 14:35:20 GMT

Hi everyone!

I am looking to buy a postscript laser printer and found a printer with
very nice specifications for a nice price:  

NEC SuperScript 1800 (about $770 at PCConnection)

1200dpi (not that I can see the difference w/r/t 600...) 
17 ppm (manufacturer's claims...)
PCL5/6 and PostScript Level 2 (additional ~$110)
Duplex  (nice feature! lets save some trees...)

Claims to be compatible with Windoze/DOS and Mac (with the PS kit and an
optional mac interface)

Will it work with Linux?  It should, right?  After all it is PostScript...

But will I know the escape sequences to make it print either in duplex or
simplex mode?

How reliable are NEC printers? (I was going to get an HP 2100 w/PS for
about the same price, but no duplexing)

Any help will be greatly appreciated!


Carlos Wexler |  Dept. of Physics, Box 118440
  |  University of Florida
  |  Gainesville, FL 32611-8440

Linux-Hardware Digest #803

1999-03-22 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Hardware Digest #803, Volume #9Mon, 22 Mar 99 05:13:43 EST

  Re: TV program for BT848 (miro PCTV) (Human)
  Re: Redhat and modem please read (Mircea)
  Re: All the current OSes are idiotic (was Re: Is Windows for idiots?) (Leslie 
  Re: RedHat for Big Harddirve?? ("Charles Sullivan")
  Re: Redhat and modem please read ("Jeff Shultz")
  ati 128 ? (Adrien LAURENT)
  Re: Linux on IBM Thinkpad 560? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Hard drive partitions for Redhat 5.2?? (Geoff Allsup)
  Re: All the current OSes are idiotic (was Re: Is Windows for idiots?) (Jim 
  Re: Mindpath Wireless Keyboard? (Andrew Mossberg)
  Re: All the current OSes are idiotic (was Re: Is Windows for idiots?) (Peter 
Kwangjun Suk)
  Low level NEtworking (Alfred REYNOLDS 3031616)
  DVD movies? (Ryan McGeary)
  Re: 2.2.3, ess 1888, & insanity (Herbert Ho)
  Unix network drivers ("Robert")
  Scanner gets BGR instead of RGB (James Tappin)
  Newbie: Compaq SystemPro questions (John Abbe)
  Re: What hardware is required ? (John Abbe)
  Re: linux using soundblaster live (Joel Ebel)

Subject: Re: TV program for BT848 (miro PCTV)
Date: 22 Mar 1999 00:34:53 GMT

Look for XawTV.

Papa Aquilino <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
:   There is any program to see TV with a miro PCTV (BT848). 
: I've installed it whith kernel 2.2.0.

: Please,
:   replay to [EMAIL PROTECTED]


From: Mircea <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Redhat and modem please read
Date: Sun, 21 Mar 1999 22:15:30 -0500

It's a winmodem. The fact that it works in _Windows_ NT doesn't mean a


Jeff Shultz wrote:
> Okay, I'm pretty sure I've gotten one of those to work under NT, so
> no, I don't think it's a winmodem either.  You do need to find out
> what it considers to be it's default COMx and possibly IRQ, though.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Leslie Mikesell)
Subject: Re: All the current OSes are idiotic (was Re: Is Windows for idiots?)
Date: 21 Mar 1999 20:33:32 -0600

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Peter Wilson  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>To my mind the last major attempt to make a new operating system from
>first principles was the OS for the IBM System/38 (later AS/400). To a
>large extent they succeeded. The cost was enormous - reportedly $500M.
>However, they recouped their investment many times.
>With 20 years more experience I find it sad that people are still raving
>about old Unix or Linux (or more rarely Windows) or Dec or whoever.
>Are peoples expectations so low? Have we learned nothing?
>Can't we do better?

Many of us learned over that time interval that it is a very
bad idea to rely on anything that ties you to a single vendor
and their whims and survival issues.  What is there besides
unix that is available from a variety of sources and is not
hopelessly married to a small set of hardware?  Why do you
want to be forced into helping some vendor recoup a huge
investment just to keep your programs running?

  Les Mikesell


From: "Charles Sullivan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: RedHat for Big Harddirve??
Date: Sun, 21 Mar 1999 22:12:08 -0500

Go into the 'expert' menu of fdisk and set the number of cylinders to
 (assuming that's the correct LBA value), then return to the
main menu to create your partitions.

Jeremy Ma wrote in message <7d0kmi$mfm$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>Hi  Thanks in advance for anyone's help
>I try to install red had 5.2 on my IBM PC Server 325 with 9.1 gig scsi and
>have problem creating boot sector because linux only accept harddrive below
>1024 sectors but my harddirve have  sectors.


From: "Jeff Shultz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Redhat and modem please read
Date: Sun, 21 Mar 1999 19:23:15 -0800 (PST)
Reply-To: "Jeff Shultz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

On Sun, 21 Mar 1999 22:15:30 -0500, Mircea wrote:

:>It's a winmodem. The fact that it works in _Windows_ NT doesn't mean a

It's apparently a different model from the one I was thinking of...
not surprising, Diamond modems are all "SupraExpress
somethingoranother" or so it seems. 

Jeff Shultz
Here an OS, there an OS... I need more computers.


Subject: ati 128 ?
Date: Sun, 21 Mar 1999 18:45:05 +0100

Does somebody arrived to u