Re: PATCH: drivers/char/vt.c allows virtually locking up nonnetworkedmachine

2001-07-02 Thread Dan Podeanu

On Sat, 30 Jun 2001, Rudolf Polzer wrote:

> There is a problem concerning chvt. A normal user can run a
> bash$ while [ 1 ]; do chvt 11; done
> which cannot be killed using the console (only remotely, virtually never
> on a nonnetworked multiuser machine). So I changed the kernel source code
> so that only the superuser may change terminals.
Ok, lemme see if I got this right. What exactly do you mean by 'a normal
user' or a 'nonnetworked machine'. If the machine is non-networked, then
it must be sort of single user. Oh yea, and if someone logs on from your
console, smack them and don't patch the kernel.

Oh yeah, I can imagine a few situations in which this would be necessary.
But if someone you don't trust logs on from your (non-networked) console
and has time to play with it, you're screwed anyway.


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Re: A Possible 2.5 Idea, maybe?

2001-06-29 Thread Dan Podeanu

On Fri, 29 Jun 2001, Brent D. Norris wrote:

> Recently one more than one subject there have been comments along the
> lines of, "Do x, y and z because it would be great on desktops" and then
> someone else will say "NO! becausing doing x, y, and z will make servers
> run slow."  Then as a final note someone else will say "Do y and z, but
> not x, because that will make my handheld linux project a lot better."
> Now whatever is eventually decided in each discusion, normally one
> group/user walks away feeling they are getting the shortend of the stick.

Ok, this is a problem. Though it was sort of discussed before when someone
came with the idea of creating a 'home' linux-kernel edition (yuck!).

> Now many of these things are configurable.  If it is the amount of
> messages that the boot of the kernel makes or even the "motivation" and
> actions that the VM takes.  It seems possible to configure the kernel so
> that it would work optimally for each of the groups.  The problem is that
> the code in these sections is having to work in too different of
> situations.  Example : The VM is now somewhat more tweaked for servers
> than it was previously.  Many people were concerned about the
> "interactivity" of it.  Now it seems that it would be possible to change
> the vm code so that it worked better for desktop users, but the
> maintainers are not eager to do that because it would slow linux down in
> the server market.

Thats why we have /proc/... To echo things into it.

> This all stems from one problem, which is a really great problem to have
> if you must have a problem.  Linux is spreading to largely different
> kinds of machines with many different purposes.  Microsoft solved this
> problem by having several different kernels (NT code base for servers, 9x
> code base for desktops, CE code base for handhelds), and this is somewhat
> like what the "forking is a good thing" messge recommended for linux.  I
> disagree with that concept though.  It is easy to see the trouble
> microsoft is having with that and now they are trying to slowly merge the
> two (NT,9x) together.

Several kernel threads are hard to maintain, hard to evolve, hard to
bugfix, modify patches, etc. Mainly, we should have a single kernel that
can be tuned to fit people's needs.

> Instead of forking the kernel or catering only to one group, instead why
> not try this:  Using the new CML2 tools and rulesets, make it possible to
> have the kernel configured for the type of job it will be doing?  Just
> like CML2 asks our CPU type (i386, alpha, althon ...) and then goes out
> and configures options for that, have it ask people "Is your machine a
> server, workstation, embedded/handheld?" and configure things in the
> kernel like the VM, bootup and others to optimize it for that job type?

IMO, the Linux distributions out there should configure the kernel based
on the type of system the (l[inux])user wants. Those who have the balls to
compile their own system should know such things anyway. The rest, better
rely on the distribution default and/or ask around and get some more
info [the kernel configuration help is explicit enough anyway, given a
decent level of common sense is used].


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Re: 2.4.5-ac20, make menuconfig problem

2001-06-28 Thread Dan Podeanu

On Thu, 28 Jun 2001, f5ibh wrote:

> make[4]: Entre dans le répertoire
> `/usr/src/kernel-sources-2.4.5-ac20/drivers/pnp'
> gcc -D__KERNEL__ -I/usr/src/kernel-sources-2.4.5-ac20/include -Wall
> -Wstrict-prototypes -Wno-trigraphs -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
> -fno-strict-aliasing -fno-common -pipe -mpreferred-stack-boundary=2 -march=k6
> -DEXPORT_SYMTAB -c pnp_bios.c
> pnp_bios.c:252: warning: static declaration for `pnp_bios_dock_station_info'
> follows non-static
> pnp_bios.c:432: warning: no semicolon at end of struct or union

gcc -v?

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Re: Cosmetic JFFS patch.

2001-06-28 Thread Dan Podeanu

Ok, my two cents.

Print all copyright, config, etc. as KERN_DEBUG. Then use a 'verbose' or
similar parameter to lilo/kernel to enable console printing of KERN_DEBUG,
to be used when the system fails to boot, etc.


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Re: Alan Cox quote? (was: Re: accounting for threads)

2001-06-20 Thread Dan Podeanu

export IFS=$'\n'

> lines=`ls -l | awk '{print "\""$0"\""}'`
> for i in $lines
> do
>   echo line:$i
> done

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Re: Client receives TCP packets but does not ACK

2001-06-17 Thread Dan Podeanu

On Sun, Jun 17, 2001 at 05:13:43PM -0400, Albert D. Cahalan wrote:
> > Is there any logical reason why if, given fd is a connected, AF_INET,
> > SOCK_STREAM socket, and one does a write(fd, buffer, len); close(fd);
> > to the peer, over a rather slow network (read modem, satelite link, etc),
> > the data gets lost (the remote receives the disconnect before the last
> > packet). According to socket(7), even if SO_LINGER is not set, the data
> > is flushed in the background.
> > 
> > Is it Linux or TCP specific? Or some obvious techincal detail I'm missing?
> The UNIX API (Linux, BSD, Solaris, OSF/1...) requires that you
> put that write() call in a loop, because you can get partial
> writes. Repeat until done... the OS might do 1 byte at a time.

Not so true. The write is completed successfuly, ie.
size == write(fd, buf, size); so the data actually gets to the kernel's
network buffer, only the background polling is not done properly, in the
way I see things.
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Re: Client receives TCP packets but does not ACK

2001-06-17 Thread Dan Podeanu

On Sun, Jun 17, 2001 at 08:17:27PM +0200, Pavel Machek wrote:

> > 2.  There is a flaw in the TCP protocol itself that is extremely unlikely
> > to bite people but can in theory cause wrong data in some unusual
> > circumstances that Ian Heavans found and has yet to be fixed by
> > the keepers of the protocol.

Bit offtopic.

Is there any logical reason why if, given fd is a connected, AF_INET,
SOCK_STREAM socket, and one does a write(fd, buffer, len); close(fd);
to the peer, over a rather slow network (read modem, satelite link, etc),
the data gets lost (the remote receives the disconnect before the last
packet). According to socket(7), even if SO_LINGER is not set, the data
is flushed in the background.

Is it Linux or TCP specific? Or some obvious techincal detail I'm missing?

Thanks, Dan.
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Re: 2.4 VM & swap question

2001-06-17 Thread Dan Podeanu

> Yes, I know there's no hard and fast rule for the exact ammount of ram/swap one
> needs that will always work.  However, in 2.2 for a 'workstation' one could
> usually quite happily get away with having 128:128 and never have much of a
> problem.  with 2.4.0 and up this isn't the case.  This has been the cause
> of many people complaining quite loudly about 2.4 VM sucking and having
> lots of OOM kills going about.  It's also been called an 'aritificial limit'
> since one of the VM people had a patch to 'fix' this.  What I'm trying to
> figure out is if this problem exists linearly or just with 'lower' ammounts
> of total physical ram.  ie if I jump up to 512mb and don't have a webserver
> or database (ie I've got 512mb so I end up with a big disk cache) will I need
> to have 1gb of swap just to keep the VM happy?  Will 256 be enough?  Could I
> even live w/o swap?

Probably you'd live with 512MB of swap. As for w/o swap? You need it
atleast to hear the disks trashing and know you have to ctrl-c the damn
process, if not anything else.

I have:
spiral:~# free
 total   used   free sharedbuffers cached
Mem:254572  89936 164636  0   4352  48016
-/+ buffers/cache:  37568 217004
Swap:   530136  0 530136

With X, netscape and a gcc running and doing quite fine.
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Re: 2.4 VM & swap question

2001-06-17 Thread Dan Podeanu

On Sun, Jun 17, 2001 at 10:48:36AM -0700, Tom Rini wrote:
> 'lo all.  I've got a question about swap and RAM requirements in 2.4.  Now,
> when 2.4.0 was kicked out, the fact that you need swap=2xRAM was mentioned.
> But what I'm wondering is what exactly are the limits on this.  Right now
> I've got an x86 box w/ 128ram and currently 256swap.  When I had 128, I'd get
> low on ram/swap after some time in X, and doing this seems to 'fix' it, in
> 2.4.4.  However, I've also got 2 PPC boxes, both with 256:256 in 2.4.  One
> of which never has X up, but lots of other activity, and swap usage seems
> to be about the same as 2.2.x (right now 'free' says i'm ~40MB into swap,
> 18day+ uptime).  The other box is a laptop and has X up when it's awake and
> that too doesn't seem to have any problem.  So what exactly is the real
> minium swap ammount?

I doubt there is a limit. I think 'it depends on what you're planning
to do' is the correct answer. For a blank router, 32mb ram/64 swap can
be enough, for a web/database server, you need more, etc.

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Re: Linux 2.4.4-ac6

2001-05-08 Thread Dan Podeanu

On Wed, 9 May 2001, Alan Cox wrote:

> 2.4.4-ac6

To be sincere I was expecting the Athlone pre-pre-pre-patch/fix to be

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Re: DISCOVERED! Cause of Athlon/VIA KX133 Instability

2001-05-06 Thread Dan Podeanu

> No matter if I use the mandrake 8 gcc 2.96 or a self compiled gcc 2.95.3.

Mandrake 8's kernel comes with i586 CPU support, it is alredy known it
works. Remember that the instability occurs only when Athlon optimizations
are used.

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Re: Current status of NTFS support

2001-04-21 Thread Dan Podeanu

On Fri, 20 Apr 2001 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> So how risky is this?

Risky enough. I had to chkdsk once for half an hour after copying on an
NTFS 5. Of course, I'm not familiar with the internals of it.

> Also, I'll have to recreate my Linux partitions after the upgrade.  Does anyone
> know if FIPS can split a partition safely that was created under Windows
> NT?

As far as I know, it doesn't know about NTFS. I might be wrong though. Get
some Partition Magic that is bit wiser.

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Re: Data-corruption bug in VIA chipsets

2001-04-13 Thread Dan Podeanu

On 13 Apr 2001, Doug McNaught wrote:

> Alan Cox <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > > Here might be one of the resons for the trouble with VIA chipsets:
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > Some DMA error corrupting data, sounds like a really nasty bug. The
> > > information is minimal on that page.
> >
> > What annoys me is that we've known about the problem for _ages_. If you look
> > the 2.4 kernel has experimental workarounds for this problem. VIA never once
> > even returned an email to say 'we are looking into this'. Instead people sat
> > there flashing multiple BIOS images and seeing what made the difference.
> Is this problem likely to affect 2.2.X?  I have a VIA-based board on
> order (Tyan Trinity) and I don't plan to run 2.4 on it anytime soon
> (it's upgrading a stock RH6.2 box).

We've had HUGE problems with 2.4.x kernels and VIA based boards. We have
here 3 VIA boards with Athlon/850 and Duron/900 CPUs. The problem goes
like this:

Compile 2.4.3 with VIA and Athlon support.
Ooopses (between 1 and continuously scrolling of them) occur at random
periods of time, between mounting the root filesystem and 2-3 minutes of

Note that the problem occurs with all versions of 2.4 but not with
2.2.17-2.2.19. Also, enabling or disabling DMA doesn't help fix the

After several compiles, it appears that compiling with 586 cpu support
instead of Athlon resulted in a working, stable kernel (which is rather
strange imo, given there are different CPUs but the same board model).
However, compiling with 386 support didn't (which was my first guess of a
stable system).

I was a bit lazy and didn't save/ksymoops any of the oopses, but will do
if this is not a well-known problem (and it appears that more or less it

My lspci:
00:00.0 Host bridge: VIA Technologies, Inc.: Unknown device 0305 (rev 03)
00:01.0 PCI bridge: VIA Technologies, Inc.: Unknown device 8305
00:07.0 ISA bridge: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT82C686 [Apollo Super] (rev
00:07.1 IDE interface: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT82C586 IDE [Apollo] (rev
00:07.2 USB Controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT82C586B USB (rev 16)
00:07.4 Bridge: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT82C686 [Apollo Super ACPI] (rev
00:07.5 Multimedia audio controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT82C686
[Apollo Super AC97/Audio] (rev 50)
00:0b.0 Ethernet controller: Intel Corporation 82557 [Ethernet Pro 100]
(rev 08)01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: Matrox Graphics, Inc. MGA G400
AGP (rev 04)

(although the cards stuck in the PCIs aren't the same for all three

and /proc/cpuinfo (from the kernel with 586 support):
processor   : 0
vendor_id   : AuthenticAMD
cpu family  : 6
model   : 4
model name  : AMD Athlon(tm) Processor
stepping: 2
cpu MHz : 851.961
cache size  : 256 KB
fdiv_bug: no
hlt_bug : no
f00f_bug: no
coma_bug: no
fpu : yes
fpu_exception   : yes
cpuid level : 1
wp  : yes
flags   : fpu vme de pse tsc msr pae mce cx8 sep mtrr pge mca cmov
pat pse36 mmx fxsr syscall mmxext 3dnowext 3dnow
bogomips: 1697.38

I know that all in all this is rather irrelevant, but if further
information is needed, drop me a line and I'll try be a good boy (tm) :)

Yours, Dan.

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linux-2.4.0-test11-pre6 fails to compile

2000-11-17 Thread Dan Podeanu

Hello everybody,

When attempting to compile test11-pre6 it crashes out with: 

gcc -D__KERNEL__ -I/usr/src/linux/include -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes -O2
-fomit-frame-pointer -fno-strict-aliasing -pipe  -march=i686
-DNTFS_IN_LINUX_KERNEL -DNTFS_VERSION=\"000607\"  -c -o inode.o inode.c
inode.c:1054: conflicting types for `new_inode'
/usr/src/linux/include/linux/fs.h:1153: previous declaration of
make[3]: *** [inode.o] Error 1
make[3]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/linux-2.4.0-test11-pre6/fs/ntfs'
make[2]: *** [first_rule] Error 2
make[2]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/linux-2.4.0-test11-pre6/fs/ntfs'
make[1]: *** [_subdir_ntfs] Error 2
make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/linux-2.4.0-test11-pre6/fs'
make: *** [_dir_fs] Error 2

Indeed, in fs/ntfs/inode.c we have a
static int new_inode (ntfs_volume* vol,int* result) { ... }

while in include/linux/fs.h an
static inline struct inode * new_inode(struct super_block *sb) { ... }

It appears that simply renaming new_inode to, for instance, ntfs_new_inode
makes it compile cleanly

--- fs/ntfs/inode.c.origFri Nov 17 19:40:43 2000
+++ fs/ntfs/inode.c Fri Nov 17 19:41:49 2000
@@ -1050,7 +1050,7 @@

 /* We have to skip the 16 metafiles and the 8 reserved entries */
 static int
-new_inode (ntfs_volume* vol,int* result)
+ntfs_new_inode (ntfs_volume* vol,int* result)
int byte,error;
int bit;
@@ -1236,11 +1236,11 @@
ntfs_volume* vol=dir->vol;
int byte,bit;

-   error=new_inode (vol,&(result->i_number));
+   error=ntfs_new_inode (vol,&(result->i_number));
if(error)return error;
-   error=new_inode(vol,&(result->i_number));
+   error=ntfs_new_inode(vol,&(result->i_number));
ntfs_error ("ntfs_get_empty_inode: no free inodes\n");

Compiling also breaks at net/core/dev.c

make[3]: Entering directory `/usr/src/linux-2.4.0-test11-pre6/net/core'
gcc -D__KERNEL__ -I/usr/src/linux/include -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes -O2
-fomit-frame-pointer -fno-strict-aliasing -pipe  -march=i686-c -o
dev.o dev.c
dev.c: In function `run_sbin_hotplug':
dev.c:2736: `hotplug_path' undeclared (first use in this function)
dev.c:2736: (Each undeclared identifier is reported only once
dev.c:2736: for each function it appears in.)
make[3]: *** [dev.o] Error 1
make[3]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/linux-2.4.0-test11-pre6/net/core'
make[2]: *** [first_rule] Error 2
make[2]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/linux-2.4.0-test11-pre6/net/core'
make[1]: *** [_subdir_core] Error 2
make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/linux-2.4.0-test11-pre6/net'
make: *** [_dir_net] Error 2

After a bit of digging, it appears to me that the whole bottom part of
net/core/dev.c should be wrapped in an #ifdef CONFIG_HOTPLUG, like in:

--- net/core/dev.c.orig Fri Nov 17 19:55:25 2000
+++ net/core/dev.c  Fri Nov 17 20:04:02 2000
@@ -2712,6 +2712,7 @@
  * Currently reported events are listed in netdev_event_names[].

 /* /sbin/hotplug ONLY executes for events named here */
 static char *netdev_event_names[] = {
[NETDEV_REGISTER]   = "register",
@@ -2765,3 +2766,4 @@
printk (KERN_WARNING "unable to register netdev
KERN_WARNING "/sbin/hotplug will not be run.\n");

... and init/main.c

--- init/main.c.origFri Nov 17 20:15:39 2000
+++ init/main.c Fri Nov 17 20:13:52 2000
@@ -712,11 +712,13 @@
init_pcmcia_ds();   /* Do this last */

/* do this after other 'do this last' stuff, because we want
 * to minimize spurious executions of /sbin/hotplug
 * during boot-up

    /* Mount the root filesystem.. */

After this, everything seems and runs okay.

Be seeing you around.

Dan Podeanu,
Extreme Solutions Inc., Bucharest, Romania.

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Re: uid

2000-09-19 Thread Dan Podeanu

On Mon, 18 Sep 2000, Christopher Allen Wing wrote:

.. snipped ..

> tar should work okay, I think; by default it uses textual user names
> instead of numeric UIDs.

Not true. All the kernels I download from a certain local mirror are owned
by the local user 'tarabas' since the uid happens to be the same with
those on the mirror site. So numeric uids.

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