Re: Build servers offline due to failed SSD

2021-03-14 Thread Vincent Habchi

Wouldn’t it make sense to use some sort of RAM caching to speed up builds 
instead of SSD? What’s the point of using a permanent storage device for 
something that is bound to be erased in a very short time?

Maybe I’m way off base, though.


Re: hints for porting sunrpc programs to macOS?

2020-08-25 Thread Vincent Habchi
> Are there any MODERN sunrpc service libraries that have been ported to macOS, 
> or any other solutions? Or anyplace else I'd be likelier to find an answer? 
> :-)

Aren't rpc services SYS V anyway? I thought they had been deprecated after the 
death of the yellow pages service. Was prolly wrong.

I am not aware of any RPC library running on MacOS, but that doesn’t mean one 
doesn’t exist.


Re: Dependency untangling riddle

2020-02-05 Thread Vincent Habchi
> Is there a concept of "python-stable" versus "python-newest" like there is 
> the -devel versions?

I don’t think so?

In my case, it turns out there were three “problematic” ports: 
gobject-introspection, fonttools and libpsl. All have python 3.7 hardcoded into 
their Portfile, so it’s not possible to use any other python version. They 
ought to be updated to allow for variant use.

py-brotli I upgraded to use python 3.8, I’m going to commit the wart.


Dependency untangling riddle

2020-02-05 Thread Vincent Habchi
Hi again,

this time, I have another interesting quandary. When I try to install LyX, I 
get this message:

Air > sudo port install LyX +python38
--->  Computing dependencies for LyX
The following dependencies will be installed: 
Continue? [Y/n]: 

So basically I have a long list of dependents to install, one (or more) of 
which itself/themselves depend(s) on python 3.7, at least in its/their default 
version(s). Since I don’t want to have python3.7 installed alongside python3.8, 
how can I find out (easily) which port(s) in the list is/are requiring python37?


Why does qt5-qttools depends on clang 9?

2020-02-04 Thread Vincent Habchi
Hi there,

everything is in the subject. Is there any reason for this dependency? I’m 
trying to get rid of python 2.7, and the only dependent port left so far is 
clang 9.0, which is needed by qt5-qttools, but I can’t figure out why.

Thanks a bunch,

Re: Xcode update broke ports

2019-09-24 Thread Vincent Habchi
> I think it is port-dependent. Some ports worked fine with the symlink, but 
> some (e.g., gcc) failed due to differences in the headers from what they were 
> expecting.

Oh, okay, right, makes sense.

Have fun,

Re: OpenCL deprecation in MacOS 10.14

2019-09-01 Thread Vincent Habchi
> On 1 Sep 2019, at 12:26, Mojca Miklavec  wrote:
> I have 10.13, but it should be present in 10.14. Maybe it disappeared with 
> 10.15. Even on 10.13 I could not make fft work with gpu using my own program 
> though (but the headers were there), it only worked with cpu.

Apparently, 10.14.6 ditched it. I had no problem compiling the previous version 
of GDAL with OpenCL, but right now, it’s gone.
What you say to me rings a bell as to why some utilities build on GDAL used to 
crash. I’m taking your word for it, and I think the best way is indeed to put 
out that +opencl variant to pasture.

Thanks a bunch Mojca!


OpenCL deprecation in MacOS 10.14

2019-09-01 Thread Vincent Habchi

I’m currently upgrading the GDAL port to 3.0.1 and… the OpenCL code doesn’t 
work anymore. No way I can find the file OpenCL.h anywhere in the system. I 
suppose this is part of Apple policy of deprecating OpenCL, so that no one can 
build new software based on it. 

Could you confirm that OpenCL.h has also disappeared from the 
/System/Library/Framework on your machines (as of 10.14.6)? In which case, I’m 
going to pull out the +opencl variant from the new Portfile.

Thanks a bunch,

Re: Gimp doesn't start

2018-11-28 Thread Vincent Habchi
> Christophs-MBP:MacOS kuku$ pwd
> /Applications/MacPorts/
> Christophs-MBP:MacOS kuku$ ls
> Christophs-MBP:MacOS kuku$ file GIMP
> GIMP: Mach-O 64-bit executable x86_64
> Christophs-MBP:MacOS kuku$ ./GIMP
> 2018-11-28 08:23:18.176 GIMP[86714:1924234] Failed to connect (cancelButton) 
> outlet from (ScriptExecController) to (NSButton): missing setter or instance 
> variable
> 2018-11-28 08:23:18.176 GIMP[86714:1924234] Failed to connect 
> (messageTextField) outlet from (ScriptExecController) to (NSTextField): 
> missing setter or instance variable
> Anzeige kann nicht geöffnet werden: 

Nah. This is not X11 related but Cocoa-. It means the underlying handling code 
for some UI elements is missing, which is rather strange. 
When you launch GIMP, do you (briefly) see the X11 icon popping up?

Did you installed GTK3 with the +quartz variant too?

Viel Glück :/


Re: Gimp doesn't start

2018-11-27 Thread Vincent Habchi
> macOS mojave 10.14.1.
> I did a port install gimp. In the end the icon is there in the Apps launcher. 
> Clicking on the icon results in nothing happening.

Try to launch it from Terminal and look for error messages.

Say, like, typing a line like this at the prompt (note that “” is a 
wild guess):

/Applications/MacPorts/ (use the TAB key to 
trigger autocompletion)

Also, did you install X11? I’m not 100% certain, but last time I checked GIMP 
still needed X11 to run.


Re: Can not remove the new MacPorts Mojave package

2018-11-16 Thread Vincent Habchi

> On 16 Nov 2018, at 13:05, Dr M J Carter  
> wrote:
>  Bingo, for sufficiently provisional values of Bing.  Much thought
> needed on which of several approaches to take next, and I'll need to
> guard against premature rejoicing, but it's the first substative Clue
> I've seen yet.  Wish me luck, folks.

Good luck! :)
Don’t forget to tell us if Oumuamua is an extraterrestrial probe or not ;)


Re: Can not remove the new MacPorts Mojave package

2018-11-09 Thread Vincent Habchi
Hi again,

> rm: /opt/local/var/macports/home/Library: Operation not permitted
> rm: /opt/local/var/macports/home: Operation not permitted

Both lines are very suspect. When I ls what’s inside the first directory
Air > ll /opt/local/var/macports/home/Library/Preferences/
total 616
-rw-r--r--  1 macports  admin  314139  7 Nov 18:33

This looks to me very much like a hardlink or a protected file.

Air > ls -lORa /opt/local/var/macports/home/Library/Preferences/
total 616
drwxr-xr-x  3 root  admin  - 96  8 Nov 14:53 .
drwxr-xr-x  3 root  admin  - 96 25 Oct  2016 ..
-rw-r--r--  1 macports  admin  - 314139  7 Nov 18:33

But that doesn’t mean anything in my case, since I have disabled SIP for files 
(yes, I got rid of several dumb apps such as Chess or Stocks, I only have a 128 

> No hard links that I spotted (but would that not fail under 10.13? the
> same code runs fine).  The only differences between what fails and
> what works are 10.14 vs 10.13 and older, and [sound effect: penny
> dropping] APFS vs HFS+ journaled.  If there's some protection going

SIP protection might have been extended to newer files between 10.13 and 10.14.


Re: Can not remove the new MacPorts Mojave package

2018-11-09 Thread Vincent Habchi
On 9 Nov 2018, at 11:31, Dr M J Carter  wrote:
> On Wed, Oct 03, 2018 at 01:25:28PM +0100, Chris Jones wrote:
>> On 03/10/18 13:16, S. L. Garwood via macports-users wrote:
>>> I installed the new Macports bundle mentioned in Josha Root’s email.
>>> Install went fine, but now it will not uninstall — doing the “rm”
>>> commands in /opt/local gets a series of errors
>>> rm: /opt/local/var/macports/home/Library/Preferences: Operation not
>>> permitted
>>> rm: /opt/local/var/macports/home/Library: Operation not permitted
>>> rm: /opt/local/var/macports/home: Operation not permitted
>>> rm: /opt/local/var/macports: Directory not empty
>>> rm: /opt/local/var: Directory not empty
>>> rm: /opt/local: Directory not empty

Did you check the script was executed with root privilege? Also what files are 
left in /opt/local/var/macports/home/Library/Preferences? Any hard link to any 
other file that could be protected by a sandbox mechanism?


Re: User information about macOS Mojave

2018-09-19 Thread Vincent Habchi
>> One specific change in Mojave is the deprecation of 32-bit software. Mojave 
>> can run existing 32-bit software but can't build 32-bit software anymore [3] 
>> so MacPorts can't offer 32-bit software on Mojave.
> I don't need it, but out of curiosity, what exactely isn't provided by Apple 
> that prevents building 32-bits software?
> Why is it not possible to build 32-bit software with a Macports version of 
> gcc, linked against Macports version of libraries?

The 10.14 SDK doesn’t embed the 32-bit libraries anymore. I suppose if you 
compile clang/llvm from MacPorts, you can still continue to develop i386 
software, though access to Cocoa would be problematic.


Heads-up: PROJ

2018-03-25 Thread Vincent Habchi
Hey there,

I’m going to commit a major overhaul to the “proj” port. Currently, “proj” is 
split between proj47 and proj, the latter corresponding to proj 5.0.0 recently 

The problem is this:

• Proj 5.0.0 is buggy, unusable at least with QGis until a bugfix version is 
• Proj and proj47 can be installed together, but since proj installs its files 
in ${prefix} whereas proj47 does in ${prefix}/lib/proj${version}/…, even if 
proj47 location is specified in the Portfile, because of the order in which -I… 
include paths are emitted at compile time, the compiler ends up seeing always 
proj include files instead of proj47;
• Proj47 is obsolete, latest proj4 version is 4.9.3.

What I am going to do:

• Rename proj47 port into proj4 and update it to proj 4.9.3;
• Change the proj Portfile so that it installs files in ${prefix}/lib/proj5, in 
such a way that both proj4 and proj(5) can be used simultaneously without 
• Update all portfiles that currently depend on proj → proj4, until a suitable 
proj 5 bug fix version is released.

What I could do:

• Rename proj into proj5. Does anyone objects to this?


Re: QGIS and GRASS 7.4.0

2018-02-16 Thread Vincent Habchi
> It looks like the QGIS port needs an update. 
> indicates 
> that 2.18.14 (the current port version) was released 2017-10-27 but grass74 
> support didn't get done until 2017-11-18.
> I have found that opening tickets for updates to existing ports is useful for 
> getting updates done.

I apologise because I sort of put QGIS aside while concentrating on the QGIS 3 
port, which should be released any day now. I’m afraid I took the opportunity 
of jumping to QGIS 3 to remove all legacy software that I had to leave 
installed because of QGIS 2, such as Qt4 and Python 2.7, because I have a very 
small SSD on my MacBook Air, and having both Qt4 and Qt5 alongside consumed a 
lot of space.

I think I still have another machine with QGIS/Python 2/QT 4 installed, but 
unfortunately I’m just about to begin a week long holiday and won’t have that 
machine at hand before I return next week. So if that can wait that long…

I apologise for the inconvenience.


Re: scp ignores case in filenames?

2018-01-19 Thread Vincent Habchi
> The point is third party applications (and perhaps even some Apple stuff) is 
> not well tested on anything other than the defaults. So its far from 
> impossible for there to be applications that internally are not consistent 
> with their naming. 

I’ve been working for years on case-sensitive HFS+/APFS file systems (coming 
from BSD Unix) and never encountered any problem. Only PyCharm needs an extra 
configuration line to be inserted. But that’s the only side effect I ever 
stumbled upon.


Re: lib dependency confusion

2018-01-11 Thread Vincent Habchi
Alternatively to what Ryan just mentioned, you can statically link the 
executable, which means that you embed all the code the executable and its 
dependencies need into the main code. This result in a bigger executable (more 
code) but less bloated than a full install with has a full-blown copy of all 

In order to do that, you can link against static archives (.a files) rather 
than dylibs.

Re: meltdown and spectre

2018-01-05 Thread Vincent Habchi
Hey folks,

for Meltdown, MacOS 10.13.2 is already patched and secure.

As for Spectre, LLVM developers have committed a workaround (it’s a bit complex 
to detail here) for 5/6 which should be back ported. Whomever is responsible 
for LLVM should be on the lookout for the new versions to appear anytime soon.


Re: GRASS 7.2 fails to install on Mac OS X Sierra 10.12.2

2017-01-05 Thread Vincent Habchi

> Ah, there was a filename mismatch that I didn't notice until now. Fixed it:

Thanks for that. Does it work now?


Re: GRASS 7.2 fails to install on Mac OS X Sierra 10.12.2

2017-01-04 Thread Vincent Habchi

> Thanks, tried your suggestion, but no success. I get the same error. Here is 
> the log:
> /opt/local/var/macports/sources/
>  No such file or directory

Darn, did I forget to commit the patch?
Please could you tell me what the contents of 
