Re: [Marxism] [New post] A Socialist Defector

2019-04-20 Thread Joseph Green via Marxism
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One would think socialism refers to a society in 
which the workers, the masses, are in control. They were not in control in East 
Germany. Yet Proyect puts forward the old GDR (East Germany) as an example 
of "genuine socialism", writing that it was "a society based on socialist 
even if distorted", and that it showed "how socialism provided major benefits 
East Germans (I should add genuine socialism as opposed to the ersatz product 
being peddled today by some on the left.)" (The parenthetical comment is 

East Germany saw the uprising of 1953. It sought to stabilize its existence  by 
draconic restrictions on foreign travel, including the building of the Berlin 
Wall in 
1961. The people were spied on by the Stasi. The elections of 1989 signified 
coming end of the regime in 1990. How can it be said that this was a society 
by the workers?  The people did not determine the structure of the this 
but they did usher in its dissolution.

But then, is anyone really saying that it was a society run by the workers? 
refers to the social programs in East Germany and the expropriation of the past 
capitalists. But he does not refer to how it was governed, for the GDR was 
governed by a new elite, albeit this was an elite in turn subject to the Soviet 

Proyect says that Grossman is "brutally honest about what happened in East 
Germany." I haven't read Grossman's book, so I can't judge that, but I don't 
Proyect's review is "brutally honest". He evades unpleasant facts, referring to 
them only indirectly.

 The review doesn't say directly that the GDR didn't have popular support. It 
the GDR couldn't "withstand the onslaught of West Germany that was facilitated 
by Gorbachev's perestroika and glasnost." Onslaught - wow that sounds like the 
Wehrmacht was in motion. But it's a reference to the fact that the people of 
GDR dissolved it. And Proyect just can't get himself to say that directly. He 
of Grossman's "sense of outrage over the way in which East Germany was 
'liberated'..."  But does Grossman directly talk about the GDR losing popular 
support? Proyect doesn't say.

If one were "brutally honest", one would take it more seriously that the people 
were upset with the regime.  And one would say directly whether one believed 
that a regime should be able to maintain itself in power indefinitely, even if 
had to 
rule against the will of the majority of the people. We are seeing one regime 
another which believes it has the right to rule even though it has lost 
support, and 
yet gets support from a certain section of the left for this. Should this 
simply on how many social programs are enacted and how many nationalizations 
have taken place? And should we be the ones to decide, or should the local 
population have that right?

Proyect gives as an example of brutal honesty the analysis that the GDR's 
economic problems, insofar as they were caused by outside pressure, was due to 
the fact that "Essentially, socialist East Germany lacked the two tools that 
capitalist production relied on: the carrot and the stick. ... Generally, both 
factory and the retail worker never felt the same kind of lash that kept their 
counterparts in the West in line. This gave rise to a certain haughtiness in 
service-oriented fields where, for example, tips were never expected in East 
German restaurants."

The GDR's economy wasn't run by the workers. The major decisions on its 
structure were decided by the East German elite and the Soviet Union, and 
factory management was run according to the Soviet model. The elite themselves 
had bonuses and carrots. But "brutal honesty" is supposedly to blame the 
problems of the economy on the workers. 

There are questions of fact to deal with in assessing what happened in the GDR. 
But there are also questions of principle. Should we consider that genuine 
socialism must be the act of the masses or of a hopefully benevolent elite?

The GDR was not an example of the working class running society. In my view, to 
use it as an example of "the universal appeal of socialism" is to substitute 
ideology of benevolent despotism for socialism.

It's worth recalling a poem of Brecht's about the 1953 uprising that Proyect or 
someone else posted earlier. Is this just a poem against some faceless 
bureaucrat or does it tell a deeper truth about what was happening? 

The Solution - Poem by Bertolt Brecht

After the uprising of the 17th June
The Secretary of the Writers Union
Had leaflets distributed in the Stalinallee
Stating that the people
Had forfeited 

[Marxism] Harvesting data

2019-04-20 Thread Ken Hiebert via Marxism
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This article put me in mind of bellingcat and their methods of information 
ken h

Everything from monitoring the thickness of the briefcase carried by the head 
of the Federal Reserve to satellite pictures of the parking lots outside big 
box stores.

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[Marxism] Taking our final steps |

2019-04-20 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] Bernie Sanders: Minority candidate in the Democratic primaries

2019-04-20 Thread John Reimann via Marxism
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As the polling numbers in this article show, the Sanders wing of the
Democratic Party is a clear minority. Unless they reverse that (which is
unlikely), then why should Sanders be the nominee? Just because his
supporters like him? As for socialists: if this situation remains, what
will we have to show for it when the majority of the Democratic Party
asserts itself and nominates Biden/Klobuchar/Harris or whoever? As the last
40 years have shown - never mind the last 4 years - it's impossible to
argue for a working class party while advocating swallowing the bait of the
"left" wing of the Democratic Party.

*“In politics, abstract terms conceal treachery.” *from "The Black
Jacobins" by C. L. R. James
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[Marxism] Half of England Is Owned by Less Than 1% of Its Population, Researcher Says

2019-04-20 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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NY Times, April 20, 2019
Half of England Is Owned by Less Than 1% of Its Population, Researcher Says
By Palko Karasz

LONDON — Land ownership in England, a source of enormous wealth, is 
often shielded by a culture of secrecy harking back to the Middle Ages. 
But a researcher says that after years of digging, he has an answer:

Less than 1 percent of the population — including aristocrats, royals 
and wealthy investors — owns about half of the land, according to “Who 
Owns England,” a book that is to be published in May. And many of them 
inherited the property as members of families that have held it for 
generations — even centuries.

In the book, a copy of which was obtained by The New York Times, the 
author, Guy Shrubsole, an environmental activist and writer, identifies 
many of the owners and compiles data gathered by peppering public bodies 
with freedom of information requests and combing through the 25 million 
title records in the government’s Land Registry.

He reached a striking conclusion — that in England, home to about 56 
million people, half the country belongs to just 25,000 landowners, some 
of them corporations.

The findings go to the heart of a potent political issue — economic 
inequality — that is roiling nations and feeding populist movements on 
multiple continents. Leaders of the opposition Labour Party seized on 
Mr. Shrubsole’s findings, first published this week in the newspaper The 
Guardian, as evidence for the case they have made for years against the 
governing Conservative Party.

“Don’t let anyone tell you our country doesn’t need radical change,” 
Jeremy Corbyn, the party leader, wrote on Twitter as he shared The 
Guardian’s article on Thursday.

Comparison to other developed countries is difficult, because they do 
not have national land registries. Records can be viewed only one at a 
time through hundreds of local registry officers, they are not fully 
open to the public and, as in the United States, ownership can be 
obscured through shell corporations.

But Britain has greater wealth inequality than peers like Germany, 
France, the Low Countries and Scandinavia — though less than the United 
States. And Britain has not seen the kinds of wars and revolutions that 
over centuries wiped away sprawling estates owned by nobility in most of 

Who owns the “green and pleasant land” of the English countryside can be 
a well-kept secret, in part because a large segment of it does not even 
figure in public records. Government efforts to make a public accounting 
of land ownership date to the 19th century, but according to the Land 
Registry, about 15 percent of the country’s area, most of it rural, is 
still unrecorded.

“Much of the land owned by the Crown, the aristocracy, and the Church 
has not been registered, because it has never been sold, which is one of 
the main triggers for compulsory registration,” the registry, which 
covers England and Wales, says on its website.

Mr. Shrubsole began documenting England’s estates after the referendum 
on Britain’s withdrawal from the European Union, known as Brexit, in 
2016. “If Brexit really meant ‘taking back control of our country,’ then 
I’d like at least to know who owns it,” he wrote in an op-ed in The 
Guardian a year after the vote.

Real estate prices in England are among the highest in Europe and have 
soared over the last generation. Mr. Shrubsole’s book documents 
ownership, maps unregistered land and argues that the concentration of 
ownership helps keep available land scarce and expensive.

Houses, stores, office buildings, schools and farms are often held under 
long-term leases, paying a steady stream of rents — directly or through 
intermediate leaseholders — to major landowners.

Mr. Shrubsole said that by publishing his research, he wanted to start a 

“It should prompt a proper debate about the need for land reform in 
England,” Mr. Shrubsole said. The issue of land relates to the country’s 
housing crisis, to economic inequality, to climate change and the 
intensive use of farmland, he added.

The ancient idea that wealth meant land does not always hold true in 
modern times. But in Britain, land accounted for half of the country’s 
net worth in 2016, according to data from the Office of National 
Statistics — double that of Germany and higher than in countries like 
France, Canada and Japan.

Britain’s net worth more than tripled between 1995 and 2017, driven 
primarily by the value of land, which rose much faster than other kinds 
of assets.

“The main economic challenge and the social justice issue is that for 
the last 30, 40 years, landowners 

[Marxism] How Luxury Developers Use a Loophole to Build Soaring Towers for the Ultrarich in N.Y.

2019-04-20 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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(These fuckers are turning NY into Abu Dhabi.)

NY Times, April 20, 2019
How Luxury Developers Use a Loophole to Build Soaring Towers for the 
Ultrarich in N.Y.

By Matthew Haag

Some of the tallest residential buildings in the world soar above 
Central Park, including 432 Park Avenue, which rises 1,400 feet and 
features an array of penthouses and apartments for the ultrarich.

But 432 Park also has an increasingly common feature in these new 
towers: swaths of unoccupied space. About a quarter of its 88 floors 
will have no homes because they are filled with structural and 
mechanical equipment.

The building and nearby towers are able to push high into the sky 
because of a loophole in the city’s labyrinthine zoning laws. Floors 
reserved for structural and mechanical equipment, no matter how much, do 
not count against a building’s maximum size under the laws, so 
developers explicitly use them to make buildings far higher than would 
otherwise be permitted.

The towers benefiting the most from the zoning quirk have all sprouted 
during the past half-decade: enormous glass and steel buildings with 
lavish condominiums that sell for millions of dollars. Many line the 
blocks around Central Park, some of the most expensive and coveted real 
estate in the city, and have become second homes for Chinese 
billionaires, European tycoons and out-of-state hedge fund investors.

But the proliferation of these buildings is provoking a backlash amid a 
broader debate about affordable housing, megaprojects for the ultrarich 
and the city’s identity. Now, officials are seeking to rein in 
developers by proposing rules that would apply unusually large 
mechanical spaces toward a building’s height limit.

The motivation to build tall is obvious: panoramic views for residents 
and hefty profits for developers. A 95th floor condominium at 432 Park 
Avenue sold in December for $30.7 million, or about $7,592 a square 
foot. That same month, a unit about halfway down the building sold for 
$4,216 a square foot.

“It’s pretty outrageous, but it’s also pretty clever,” said George M. 
Janes, a planning consultant who has tracked and filed challenges 
against buildings in New York with vast unoccupied spaces. “What is the 
primary purpose of these spaces? The primary purpose is to build very 
tall buildings.”

The effort by the city to curb building heights has ignited a showdown 
with the powerful real estate industry, which has criticized the 
proposed rules as overly restrictive and misguided.

Harry B. Macklowe, who developed 432 Park Avenue, said he agrees with 
the effort to establish firm rules around mechanical spaces, but he 
rejected claims that his building was using them to rise higher. Every 
mechanical floor, he said, has equipment necessary for the building to 

“It offends me,” Mr. Macklowe said, “because we created a very nice 
building that fits into the skyline perfectly.”

Many of these towers stay vacant most of the year, so their owners are 
not subject to local and state income taxes because they are not city 
residents. As a result, the state and city have already begun a separate 
crackdown on them.

State lawmakers proposed a pied-à-terre tax, an annual recurring tax on 
second homes valued at more than $5 million, but it was derailed under 
intense lobbying from real estate groups. Instead, lawmakers embraced a 
one-time fee on the sale of multimillion-dollar homes.

New York City’s complicated building regulations are meant to produce 
predictable developments. Height requirements are imposed in most of the 
city, though parts of Manhattan are exempt. Every block is also 
effectively assigned a maximum square footage, which can be spread 
across smaller buildings on a block or condensed in larger developments.

Savvy, well-heeled and patient developers have worked that system to 
their benefit. A developer seeking to build a supertall tower might 
start with one lot on a block and then buy unused square footage from 
its neighbors.

With advancements in engineering and construction, that developer can 
take the accumulated square footage and concentrate it in a skinny 
mega-tower. Floors of mechanical space, exempt from the square footage 
calculations, make the tower even taller.

“There is no question that they have become this lightning rod because 
they are not just luxury housing but uber-luxury housing,” said 
Elizabeth Goldstein, president of the Municipal Art Society, a nonprofit 
group that seeks to preserve the city’s architecture and urban design. 
She said they were unaffordable not only for the 99 percent but also for 
most of the 1 percent.

Re: [Marxism] The Mueller Report: Glenn Greenwald vs. David Cay Johnston on Trump-Russia Ties, Obstruction & More

2019-04-20 Thread Ralph Johansen via Marxism

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John Reimann wrote

Ralph Johnson, apparently approvingly, quotes Glenn Greenwald: "I think 
Donald Trump is a huge danger and menace to the republic for a lot of 
reasons that David is very adeptly covering, and I really hope that we 
can now turn our attention to those things, now that we?re done with 
this espionage thriller that has dominated us for three years. I hope we 
can focus on the things that matter."

"But Greenwald? His views should not be taken seriously."

I accept that you will document what you write about Greenwald on 
request, but what is it that you object to in these three sentences:

"Donald Trump is a huge danger and menace to the republic for a lot of 

I really hope that we can now turn our attention to those things, now 
that we're done with this espionage thriller that has dominated us for 
three years.

I hope we can focus on the things that matter."

You may differ about what "things that matter" means to Greenwald, as 
opposed to what it may mean to a Marxist, but to me it's a sort of an 
unobjectionable, fill-in-the-blanks statement.

Moreover, Greenwald whatever his warts is an exceptionally astute, 
well-informed spokesperson for the civil libertarian liberal left, the 
kind I would not parse and quibble over as compared to all the criminals 
in high places out there, And as to his omissions and errors on the 
issues you mention that you oppose, this was hardly the place for him or 
anyone else to focus on them.

Greenwald's observations on the Mueller Report read as if he was 
prepping to represent a litigant, at $750 an hour, rather than as an 
investigative reporter, however much his compensation - which cannot be 
a bad thing for us. Greenwald convinces me that there is no comforting 
life left in this project, either from DOJ or Congress, despite or just 
because of what's not been covered, and projecting politically, won't.

Is It an appropriate time to trot out your list of his other political 
shortcomings, and then in conclusion write, "But Greenwald? His views 
should not be taken seriously."

Sort of calls to mind those ad hominem attacks on Assange for his warts 
at this critical juncture, joining the attack dogs, rather than keeping 
our eyes on the main threat posed by his abduction and 7-year 
confinement to one room in the embassy, convening of a 
Pentagon-neighborhood secret Grand Jury to come up with a guaranteed 
indictment, and impending delivery to the dungeon in order to 
definitively chill whistle blowers and investigative reporters for the 

We need all the help we can get, including when it comes to speaking 
out, effectively, on behalf of our dwindling civil liberties. Or do you 
think otherwise.

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[Marxism] Easter Rising of 1916

2019-04-20 Thread Philip Ferguson via Marxism
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Some pieces on the Rising from The Irish Revolution blog:

Sylvia Pankhurst on the Rising:

Constance Markievicz on Tom Clarke and the first day of the Republic:

Constance Markievicz on James Connolly as she knew him:

C.L.R. James on the importance of James Connolly and Easter Week:

Connolly, Markievicz, the republicans and the debate over 1916:


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Re: [Marxism] The Persisting Relevance of Walter Rodney's 'How Europe Underdeveloped Africa?'

2019-04-20 Thread Philip Ferguson via Marxism
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Very good review here:

> Subject: [Marxism] The Persisting Relevance of Walter Rodney?s ?How
> Europe Underdeveloped Africa? - Los Angeles Review of Books
> Message-ID: <>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8; format=flowed


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Re: [Marxism] The Mueller Report: Glenn Greenwald vs. David Cay Johnston on Trump-Russia Ties, Obstruction & More

2019-04-20 Thread John Reimann via Marxism
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Ralph Johnson, apparently approvingly, quotes Glenn Greenwald: "I think
Donald Trump is a huge danger and
menace to the republic for a lot of reasons that David is very adeptly
covering, and I really hope that we can now turn our attention to those
things, now that we?re done with this espionage thriller that has
dominated us for three years. I hope we can focus on the things that

Like so much of the left as well as the alt-left, Greenwald completely
misses the point, which is that the President of the United States is
seriously beholden to a rival capitalist class. This is not a matter of
patriotism nor defense of "national interests"; it's a question of
understanding the political crisis of US capitalism, something which
Greenwald is incapable of doing.

That's because he is nothing but a somewhat more subtle version of Max
Blumenthal/Ben Norton. He openly advocates a red-brown alliance, having
equated the Occupy movement with the Tea Party as both being
"anti-establishment" and concluded "I think that left and right as we
understood them for the last four decades are starting to morph into
pro-establishment and anti-establishment dynamics and that will only

Greenwald supports the Assadist Tulsi Gabbard, and is a collaborator with
the far right Tucker Carlson.

Basically, Greenwald is like so much of the left that sees any opponent of
US imperialism as an ally, which is why he in effect defends Putin & Co. So
I think his views on the Mueller Report have to be considered in this
light. That there was collaboration, or attempted collaboration, between
the Trump campaign and the Putin regime is really beyond doubt. What was
the meeting at Trump Tower all about? What were the frequent contacts
between Trump staffers and Russian representatives about?

And the story goes back decades - to the fact that it was the Russian mafia
capitalist class that provided much of Trump's financing for decades. Even
Don jr. said this. And THAT is the real scandal of the Mueller
"investigation" - that they never tried to lift the lid on that can of

But Greenwald? His views should not be taken seriously.

John Reimann
*“In politics, abstract terms conceal treachery.” *from "The Black
Jacobins" by C. L. R. James
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[Marxism] Chatting up the LaRouchites | Louis Proyect: The Unrepentant Marxist

2019-04-20 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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On my way back home yesterday, I spotted a LaRouchite table at the same 
place near my high-rise on the Upper East Side that they usually occupy. 
I hadn’t seen them in over a year and stopped by to ask them if I could 
take their picture. Go ahead, they said. I had more ambitious plans, 
however. I wanted to do a video based on an encounter with them, 
something that had never occurred to me before even though I used to 
like to stop and give them a hard time for a minute or two before 
heading up to my apartment.

This time I wanted to put them at ease so I could allow them to deliver 
their usual spiel, something many of my readers have never seen given 
their relative obscurity as opposed to thirty years or so when Lyndon 
LaRouche was on TV all the time. I told them that I was in Columbia SDS 
in the sixties and used to go to his lectures—a total lie. I also told 
them that I read “Dialectical Economics: An Introduction to Marxist 
Political Economy”, which was only a white lie since in my ongoing 
series about LaRouche, I found it useful to get to the bottom of the 
theories that morphed into his later fascist ideology.

Finally, I was struck by how much the interviewee’s emphasis on high 
culture and restoring humanity’s faith in itself, combined with their 
technocratic obsessions, dovetails so neatly with Spiked Online. 
LaRouche and his cohorts emerged out of a certain distorted version of 
Marxism as I pointed out in the first installment 
in my series on LaRouche. A veteran of his movement who goes by the name 
of Hieronymus Hedgehog wrote an analysis of “Dialectical Economics: An 
Introduction to Marxist Political Economy” that I highly recommend 
Although I would never mistake LaRouche’s politics with those of some of 
the young people writing on ecology for Jacobin, I only hope that they 
would read the Hedgehog’s article just to make sure they don’t go too 
far with their nonsense.

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[Marxism] Turkey in 2019: An Assessment

2019-04-20 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] Claims of Shoddy Production Draw Scrutiny to a Second Boeing Jet - The New York Times

2019-04-20 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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A compelling case for workers control of industry.
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[Marxism] We Just Remembered How to Strike | Kim Moody | Jacobin

2019-04-20 Thread Kevin Lindemann and Cathy Campo via Marxism
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Sent from my iPhone

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[Marxism] NY TImes: Maurice Isserman on Gene Debs

2019-04-20 Thread Alan Ginsberg via Marxism
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(w/ photos at

America’s Original Socialist
A century ago, Eugene V. Debs went to prison for his beliefs.

One hundred years ago this month, the American Socialist leader Eugene V.
Debs, reported to a penitentiary in Moundsville, W.V., to begin a 10-year
prison term. Debs had been convicted the previous fall of violating the
Espionage Act, which had been enacted shortly after the United States
entered World War I with the ostensible aim of punishing citizens who
provided aid to the enemy. By the time Debs went to prison, scores of his
fellow Socialists had already been imprisoned under the act’s provisions.

Approaching his 64th birthday in ill health, depressed and dreading
separation from family and friends, Debs did not crave martyrdom. But he
knew he had a role to play, one he had freely chosen, and thus remained
outwardly defiant. “Tell my comrades,” Debs declared on beginning his
sentence in April 1919, “that I entered prison doors a flaming
revolutionist, my head erect, my spirit untamed and my soul unconquered.”

Debs’s crime, in fact, had nothing to do with “espionage,” or any other
devious act of subterfuge and disloyalty. His was a crime committed proudly
in the open: delivering a speech before a cheering crowd of a thousand
supporters in a public park in Canton, Ohio, some 10 months earlier. Debs
deeply opposed the war, and said so, and was punished for it. When he
entered prison, Helen Keller, herself a veteran Socialist, called him an
“apostle of brotherhood and freedom.”

Debs dedicated his career to showing that another, more equitable America
was possible; a century later, as the country once again wrestles with the
same question, it’s worth remembering what Debs tried to tell us.

Born in Terre Haute, Ind., in 1855 and raised by freethinking French
immigrant parents, Debs belonged to no church, and espoused no formal
religious convictions. But he was intimately familiar with Scripture, and
comfortable speaking in the idiom of Midwestern American Protestantism.
“The man of Galilee,” he told the crowd in Canton, as frowning federal
agents on the scene scribbled down his words, “the carpenter, the working
man who became the revolutionary agitator of his day, soon found himself to
be an undesirable citizen in the eyes of the ruling knaves and they had him

Debs devoted just one paragraph of his lengthy Canton address to expressing
the Socialist Party’s traditional opposition to war: “The master class has
always declared the wars,” he noted, while “the subject class has always
fought the battles.” But that was enough under the Espionage Act to bring
his swift indictment and conviction. (The Espionage Act remains on the
books a century later.)

Few of Debs’s acquaintances from his early days in Terre Haute could have
predicted that he would someday face the grim prospect of spending his last
years as a political prisoner. Before he turned 15, eager to contribute to
his family’s uncertain finances, Debs dropped out of school and went to
work in the local railroad yards. But he did not remain a manual laborer
long. By the time he was 25, he was editor of the national magazine of the
Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen, then an important union of skilled
railroad workers. By 30 he had won election as a Democrat to the Indiana
Legislature. Given his intelligence and eloquence, his future seemed

Debs’s views in those early Indiana days were those of a fairly
conservative craft unionist, anchored in a vision of promoting social
harmony between labor and capital. But by the early 1890s he had come to
feel that craft unionism, which focused exclusively on the organization of
skilled workers like the locomotive firemen (almost entirely white,
native-born and male) was a dead end for the labor movement.

Instead he turned to industrial unionism, the strategy of organizing all
workers in a given industry, regardless of skill, into a single
organization. In 1893 he helped form and became president of the American
Railway Union, which enjoyed a brief but phenomenal success, climaxing in
the great Pullman strike of 1894. The strike was broken by federal troops,
and Debs was subsequently thrown in prison for interfering with the mails.
The union’s demise, and the six months he spent in jail, sent Debs on a
political trajectory that in a few years’ time saw him emerge as the
presidential standard-bearer for a small but growing Socialist movement.

“Even physically Debs seemed to change,” his biographer Nick Salvatore
wrote. He took on national stature after the turn 

[Marxism] A crisis in Kentucky shows the high cost of clean drinking water - The Washington Post

2019-04-20 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] Why Larry Krasner Let Mumia Abu-Jamal’s Appeal Go Forward

2019-04-20 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] Why Animal Rights Is the Next Frontier for the Left | The New Republic

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[Marxism] Earth could take 10 million years to recover from mass extinction - Business Insider

2019-04-20 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] Making the ‘man-eater’: Tiger conservation as necropolitics - ScienceDirect

2019-04-20 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Filled with jargon but making important points.
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[Marxism] Trump called Libya's Hiftar, Backed Warlord's Press to Conquer whole Country

2019-04-20 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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