2020-05-12 Thread george snedeker via Marxism
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I am the book review editor for the journal, Socialism and Democracy. I am 
looking for someone to review Barbara Foley's book:
MARXIST LITERARY CRITICISM TODAY, Pluto Press, 2020. If you would like to 
review this book, write to me at george.snede...@verizon.net Sample reviews we 
have published can be found at www.sdonline.org. Just click on Back Issues to 
find the sample reviews.


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[Marxism] Neo-feudalism and the end of capitalism

2020-05-12 Thread jenorem via Marxism
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[Marxism] Biden Gets Push From Left-Leaning Groups to Slash Pentagon Budget - just liberal crap!

2020-05-12 Thread John Obrien via Marxism
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This is so wrong -

First, it was the Obama/Biden Administration that approved funding for the U. 
S. nuclear arsenal upgrade.
This article states it is Trump who is resposible - which is just false.
(For the record: Trump is a dangerous creep)

Second, to suggest that the U. S. capitalists are going to change their long 
held policies, to use militarism
to advance their economic interests - and to financially benefit from these 
wasteful weapons and huge profits
is just wrong.

Third, this is just pro-Biden b.s. promoted to create false illusions that the 
corporate dems "favor peace".

Fourth, how does "slashing" ten percent do anything but cause illusions that 
the U. S. military - is not what it is?
The current health crisis is exacerbated by the military barack/ship confines, 
as it was in the 1918 virus pandemic.

Fifth, the U. S. military is one of the largest contributors to the harms of 
Climate Change.
Cutting it ten percent is insufficient.  Does anyone on this list believe that 
the U. S. Airforce is going to "stand down"?

Only ending capitalism, will end these weapons of harm (nuclear weapons, 
biological weapons, etc.)
"reforming the wolves of greed" is a liberal reformist illusion. The CP 
political thinkers have accepted that illusion,
with their "peaceful co-existence"  b. s. that the former stalinists states 
promoted, to justify not having revolutions
to end the capitalist greed and harm to this world.   How did that work out?

From: Marxism  on behalf of Richard Taylor 
via Marxism 
Sent: Monday, May 11, 2020 7:38 PM
Cc: Richard Taylor 
Subject: [Marxism] Biden Gets Push From Left-Leaning Groups to Slash Pentagon 

> https://eur02.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fforeignpolicy.com%2F2020%2F05%2F11%2Fbiden-left-leaning-groups-slash-pentagon-budget%2F%3Futm_source%3DPostUp%26utm_medium%3Demail%26utm_campaign%3D21442%26utm_term%3DEditors&data=02%7C01%7C%7Cd35dca90b66343a912df08d7f6a9751d%7C84df9e7fe9f640afb435%7C1%7C0%7C637249079979173712&sdata=bG5S8dsKTUq%2BegYwy6ig2%2BtO5FTHdMEbzOZqGUxtJo0%3D&reserved=0
>  Picks OC& 

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[Marxism] America’s longest river was recently drier than during the Dust Bowl.

2020-05-12 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Washington Post, May 12, 2020
America’s longest river was recently drier than during the Dust Bowl. 
And it’s bound to happen again.

By Darryl Fears

For the first decade of the century, the Upper Missouri River Basin was 
the driest it’s been in 1,200 years, even more parched than during the 
disastrous Dust Bowl of the 1930s, a new study says.

The drop in water level at the mouth of the Missouri — the country’s 
longest river — was due to rising temperatures linked to climate change 
that reduced the amount of snowfall in the Rocky Mountains in Montana 
and North Dakota, scientists found.

The basin has continued to experience droughts this decade — in 2012, 
2013 and 2017 — but their severity in comparison with historic drought 
is unknown. The “Turn-Of-The-Century Drought” study, published Monday in 
the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, focused only on the 
10 years after 2000.

“In terms of the most severe flow deficits, the driest years of the 
Turn-Of-The-Century-Drought in the [Upper Missouri River Basin] appear 
unmatched over the last 1,200 years,” the study said. “Only a single 
event in the late 13th century rivaled the greatest deficits of this 
most recent event.”

Researchers familiar with drought of this magnitude in the dry Southwest 
were surprised to find it in the Midwest. The Missouri River winds 2,300 
miles from western Montana to St. Louis, where it joins the Mississippi 
River. It runs through the Dakotas and past Nebraska, Iowa, Kansas and 
Missouri, where it supports farming in several states and provides fresh 
water for dozens of municipalities.

“We don’t tend to think of the upper Missouri region as being as 
drought-threatened as a region like the Southwest United States,” said 
Erika Wise, an associate professor in the geography department at the 
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and study co-author.

“These findings show that the upper Missouri Basin is reflecting some of 
the same changes that we see elsewhere across North America, including 
the increased occurrence of hot drought" that’s more severe than usual, 
Wise said.

A 'megadrought' will grip the U.S. in the coming decades, NASA 
scientists say

The study is the latest to show how human-influenced climate change 
threatens to reshape the landscape by making naturally occurring drought 
far more severe.

A study published last month in the journal Science found that a vast 
region of the western United States — California, Arizona and New Mexico 
north to Oregon and Idaho — is already in the grips of the first climate 
change-induced megadrought.

Scientists at NASA and Columbia University had predicted such a drought 
would start sometime around 2030, but last month’s study showed that the 
phenomenon is already here. “The megadrought era seems to be reemerging, 
but for a different reason than the [past] megadroughts,” said Park 
Williams, the study’s lead author and a researcher at the Lamont-Doherty 
Earth Observatory at Columbia University.

Prolonged drought can disrupt agriculture and hurt economies, the 
researchers said. It affects dams that manage water resources and slows 
commercial traffic in rivers. On top of that, it harms marine life that 
must cope with lower water levels and animals such as waterfowl that 
rely on fish to survive. Runoff from the mountains to the Upper Missouri 
started decreasing in the 1950s, then dramatically declined between 1980 
and 2000, the study said.

“Future warming is anticipated to cause increasingly severe droughts by 
enhancing water deficits that could prove challenging for water 
management,” the Missouri River study said. Historically, the Upper 
Missouri accounts for about 30 percent of the total flow at the mouth of 
the Missouri and will diminish over time, the authors said.

“The watershed is a critical source of water for the region — supporting 
megafarms, hydropower, tourism, and healthy ecosystems,” one author 
said. Declines in stream flow will be felt downstream on farms from Iowa 
to Missouri, especially if the southern part of the Missouri River 
experiences drought when the northern portion is dry.

“In the UMRB, what we’re really worried about is a future of snow 
droughts,” Wise said. “Snowpack in the Rocky Mountains is very sensitive 
to warming temperatures. Snow provides the water for stream flow to the 
Upper Missouri, and we’ve designed our agriculture and infrastructure 
around expectations that this water will be provided at a certain pace 
over a certain part of the year.”

Wise said a team of nearly 20 government and academic researchers knew 
the Upper Missouri was unusually dry

Re: [Marxism] The Syrian fascist

2020-05-12 Thread John Reimann via Marxism
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This article is relevant to what is happening in the Covid-19 crisis in
this sense: We are seeing the rise of conspiracy theory ideas regarding
this pandemic. Some on the "left" will be taken in by these ideas. In
reality, they will be advancing the agenda of the far, far right. Their
mode of thinking as well as the political alliances they will be making is
the same as those on the "left" who either overtly or covertly support
Assad and see him as some sort of anti-imperialist leader. But completely
aside from that, this article is important in and of itself.

John Reimann
*“In politics, abstract terms conceal treachery.” *from "The Black
Jacobins" by C. L. R. James
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[Marxism] Morning musings,

2020-05-12 Thread DW via Marxism
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Anthony's musings hit something I've been hearing on a very low level
emanating from NY. His point 12: Criminal prosecution of ex-president Trump
by the NY State Attorney General and various local NYC DAs. This doesn't
surround his Presidency whatsoever. What I see is the launching of many
State level investigations into the Trump Organization from his commercial
constitutions business to sexual harassment charges simply gangster like
activities. So long as it is state crimes, not Federal ones, it wouldn't
matter if there were even a GOP President.

Also, should Biden win (more likely than both the VP and President Stupid
getting C-19 and dying with Pelosi getting the Presidency for a few short
months), there will be ZERO Federal prosecution of anything he did as
President, no matter how blatant. It just won't happen due to politics.

David Walters
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[Marxism] Cancel the rent

2020-05-12 Thread Anthony Boynton via Marxism
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Cancel the Rent

The New Yorker by Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor May 12, 2020

It is now clear that the twin prescriptions of social isolation and
shuttering large parts of the national economy have lowered the death toll
of the novel coronavirus in the United States from the direst predictions.
But in a country where the “social safety net” is more a distant memory
than a source of actual provision or support, large swaths of the public
now face the threat of hunger and homelessness. Each passing week brings
more questions about what our cities and states will look like when the
shelter-in-place orders are lifted; they also bring us one week closer to
the rent coming due.

By May 6th, twenty per cent of tenants had not paid this month’s rent, a
slight improvement over the twenty-two per cent who did not pay last
month’s rent in the first week. This is probably the result of renters
receiving increased unemployment and stimulus checks, but it is also
unsustainable. Republicans have vowed not to renew the extra unemployment
money when it comes up for a vote again in July, and most states are
running out of funding to make their shares of the payments. Meanwhile, in
a matter of weeks, a staggering thirty-three million people have filed for
unemployment, and the future of millions more hangs in the balance. April’s
unemployment rate was nearly fifteen per cent, a height of joblessness not
reached since the Great Depression. The Congressional Budget Office has
projected that by the fall, the official unemployment rate could rise even
higher, to sixteen per cent.

Threadbare protections against many forms of destitution exist, whether it
be unemployment assistance, Medicaid, or food stamps, but there are
virtually no programs people can turn to in a housing emergency. There are
charities here, or an emergency grant from a public agency there, but
millions of ordinary people staring down the first of the month are on
their own. Last month, Chicago’s Department of Housing offered
one-time-only thousand-dollar grants to two thousand residents who need
help with the rent; a staggering eighty-three thousand people applied for
them within five days.

The crisis of stagnant wages and rising rents certainly predates covid-19.
Forty-seven per cent of renter households in the U.S. were already
“cost-burdened,” meaning that they pay at least thirty per cent of their
income in rent. More than half of African-American and Latino renters are
cost-burdened. Twenty-five per cent of renters are “severely”
cost-burdened, meaning that they pay at least half of their income in
housing. From June of 2018 to July of 2019, Harvard researchers found that
the median rent for an unfurnished apartment in a new building was sixteen
hundred and twenty dollars, a thirty-seven-per-cent increase from the
median rent in 2000. To state the obvious, that’s more than Trump’s one-off
stimulus check. For almost everyone, housing is their greatest monthly

The mismatch between housing need and costs has been a constant feature of
the U.S. economy, with shortages driven by the basic reality that there is
little to no money to be made in housing for working-class or poor people.
The dynamic is especially acute for African-Americans. The real-estate
market has been lauded as a race-neutral space, guided only by supply and
demand, but more than a century of racial discrimination and residential
segregation, rooted in the government-inspired perceptions that
African-Americans pose an existential threat to property values, belies
that myth. The roots of the current crisis, however, can be found in the
Great Recession and the avalanche of foreclosures in its wake. As millions
of struggling homeowners, particularly African-Americans, lost their homes,
private-equity firms, like the Blackstone Group, swooped in to buy hundreds
of thousands of the properties. Those homes whose mortgages had been backed
by the federal government were especially attractive, because the feds,
eager to dump these properties, would sell them at a thirty- to
fifty-per-cent discount.

These were cheap houses to begin with—they were an entry point for
working-class families who wanted to buy a house. Many of the properties
have been turned into rentals, meaning that there are significantly fewer
entry points into the ownership market. This has meant that black and brown
families have become especially vulnerable to the changing rental market.
It is a hallmark of private-equity landlords, with their huge haul of
properties, to be primarily focussed on maximizing the return on their
investment. The result is persistent rises in rent, cutting back on repairs
and other 

[Marxism] He Was a Science Star. Then He Promoted a Questionable Cure for Covid-19.

2020-05-12 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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(Devastating take-down of Didier Raoult, hydroxychloroquine booster.)

NY Times Magazine, May 12, 2020
He Was a Science Star. Then He Promoted a Questionable Cure for Covid-19.
By Scott Sayare

When diagnosing the ills afflicting modern science, an entertainment 
that, along with the disparagement of his critics and fellow 
researchers, he counts among his great delights, the eminent French 
microbiologist Didier Raoult will lightly stroke his beard, lean back in 
his seat and, with a thin but unmistakable smile, declare the poor 
patient to be stricken with pride. Raoult, who has achieved 
international fame since his proposed treatment for Covid-19 was touted 
as a miracle cure by President Trump, believes that his colleagues fail 
to see that their ideas are the products of mere intellectual fashions — 
that they are hypnotized by methodology into believing that they 
understand what they do not and that they lack the discipline of mind 
that would permit them to comprehend their error. “Hubris,” Raoult told 
me recently, at his institute in Marseille, “is the most common thing in 
the world.” It is a particularly dangerous malady in doctors like him, 
whose opinions are freighted with the responsibility of life and death. 
“Someone who doesn’t know is less stupid than someone who wrongly thinks 
he does,” he said. “Because it is a terrible thing to be wrong.”

Raoult, who founded and directs the research hospital known as the 
Institut Hospitalo-Universitaire Méditerranée Infection, or IHU, has 
made a great career assailing orthodoxy, in both word and practice. 
“There’s nothing I like more than blowing up a theory that’s been so 
nicely established,” he once said. He has a reputation for bluster but 
also for a certain creativity. He looks where no one else cares to, with 
methods no one else is using, and finds things. In just the past 10 
years, he has helped identify nearly 500 novel species of human-borne 
bacteria, about one-fifth of all those named and described. Until 
recently, he was perhaps best known as the discoverer of the first giant 
virus, a microbe that, in his opinion, suggests that viruses ought to be 
considered a fourth and separate domain of living things. The discovery 
helped win him the Grand Prix Inserm, one of France’s top scientific 
prizes. It also led him to believe that the tree of life suggested by 
Darwinian evolution is “entirely false,” he told me, and that Darwin 
himself “wrote nothing but inanities.” He detests consensus and comity; 
he believes that science, and life, ought to be a fight.

It is in this spirit that, over the objections of his peers, and no 
doubt because of them, too, he has promoted a combination of 
hydroxychloroquine, an antimalarial drug, and azithromycin, a common 
antibiotic, as a remedy for Covid-19. He has taken to declaring, “We 
know how to cure the disease.” Trump was not the only one eager to 
embrace this possibility. By the time I arrived in Marseille, some 
version of Raoult’s treatment regimen had been authorized for testing or 
use in France, Italy, China, India and numerous other countries. One in 
every five registered drug trials in the world was testing 

In March, Raoult announced that his hospital would test and treat anyone 
who cared to show up. Crowds gathered at the entrance to the IHU in 
winding single-file lines, like pilgrims shuffling toward their private 
audience with the oracle. On March 16, Raoult released the results of a 
small clinical trial that showed, he said, a 100 percent cure rate. The 
study has since been widely debated, and Raoult’s boosterism has been 
lamented by scientists and health officials around the world; in a 
comment more or less representative of the tenor of the controversy in 
France, where Raoult’s name and image have now been everywhere for 
weeks, one detractor, a generally thoughtful politician, suggested that 
Raoult “shut his face and be a doctor” and that he “stop saying ‘I’m a 
genius’ all over the place.”

His colleagues liken his psychology to that of Napoleon, though he is 
not physically small. When asked by one journalist about his tendency to 
“swim against the current” of scientific thought, Raoult responded: “I’m 
not an ‘outsider.’ I’m the one who’s farthest out in front.” Axel Kahn, 
a geneticist and physician who has known Raoult for nearly 40 years, 
told me that he has always been this way. “One of Professor Raoult’s 
abiding characteristics is that he knows that he’s very good,” Kahn told 
me. “But he considers everyone else to be worthless. And he always has. 
It’s not a recent development.” At his home, alongside a collec

[Marxism] Biden Gets Push From Left-Leaning Groups to Slash Pentagon Budget

2020-05-12 Thread Richard Taylor via Marxism
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> https://foreignpolicy.com/2020/05/11/biden-left-leaning-groups-slash-pentagon-budget/?utm_source=PostUp&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=21442&utm_term=Editors
>  Picks OC& 
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[Marxism] The Syrian fascist whose word Max Blumenthal would have us believe | Louis Proyect: The Unrepentant Marxist

2020-05-12 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] Morning musings

2020-05-12 Thread Anthony Boynton via Marxism
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*Morning musings*

Speculation always plays a role in science and a bigger role in art and
politics. Here are some speculations from the shower and the morning’s
first cup of coffee.

1. Trump and Pence die from COVID-19, Nancy Pelosi becomes president. Wow!

2. Trump and Pence survive, and Nancy Pelosi does not become president.

3. Obama goes all in to campaign for Biden.

4. Kamala Harris is nominated as Biden’s VP candidate.

5. The pandemic strike wave leads to teachers strikes for safety in the
classroom in the Fall prior to the November elections.

6. Tesla reopens. Three weeks later, it becomes a COVID hot spot. Workers
walk out over safety issues. Tesla unionization becomes a reality.

7. Rent strikes and mortgage defaults lead to a growing wave of evictions
and foreclosures. The Texas and Florida renters and homeowners committees
begin to protect people from eviction with armed picket lines,

8. The Democrats win the White House, the Senate and the House.

9. Ruth Bader Ginsberg resigns or dies after Biden is inaugurated.

10. Biden appoints Obama to the Supreme Court and the new Democratic Senate
confirms him.

11. The pandemic and the recession/depression recede.

12. Criminal prosecution of ex-president Trump begins.

13. It almost immediately becomes a Supreme court issue.

14. The Supreme court becomes the main issue in the 2022 Congressional

11a. The pandemic and the recession/depression continue.

12a. The new Biden/Obama/Harris administration opts for the FDR option
including some variant of a Green New Deal with a big jobs program, some
version of Medicare for all, mortgage debt relief, and reregulation of
industry and banking.

13a. The Republican dominated Supreme Court declares the measures taken to
be unconstitutional.

14a. The Supreme court becomes the central issue in the 2022 Congressional

Whatever actually happens, the new new left will emerge out of something
that could be much wilder than these speculations.
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[Marxism] Igor Levit

2020-05-12 Thread Stephen Gosch via Marxism
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A few years ago at Tanglewood, I was thrilled to hear Levit's performance
of Frederic Rzewski's "The People United Will Never Be Defeated."  Levit's
great album, *Igor Levit Piano* includes Bach's "Goldberg Variations,"
Beethoven's "Diabelli Variations" and the Rzewski masterpiece.
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Re: [Marxism] error message

2020-05-12 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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On 5/12/20 2:37 AM, george snedeker via Marxism wrote:

Dear Louis,

This is the error I keep getting on the talking books webpage: www.loc.gov/nls/.

Error 520 Ray ID: 5921e71c6fdc09a4 . 2020-05-12 05:57:32 UTC
Web server is returning an unknown error

I have made several complaints to the LIBRARY OF CONGRESS I need to have access 
to this library in order to find books to read. I am visually impaired and use 
JAWS software in order to navagate webpageses like this one.

Do you have any idea what the problem is? I have removed all of the cookies 
from my computer. The error message keeps telling me to reinitialize and try 
again in a few minutes. This does not help.

George, I googled "Library of Congress talking books" and a page came up 
with this info:  Jane Caulton (202) 707-0521 | Donna Urschel (202) 707-1639

I think your best bet would be to contact them. They can get a technical 
person to look into the problem.

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[Marxism] The Virus Has Seized the Means of Production | Boston Review

2020-05-12 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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In films such as Contagion, virology is often confused with the 
invisible workings of capital.


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[Marxism] The COVID-19 Crisis and the End of the "Low-skilled" Worker – Spectre Journal

2020-05-12 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] The COVID-19 Crisis and the End of the "Low-skilled" Worker – Spectre Journal

2020-05-12 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] MR Online | Syria spinmeisters fumble attempts to narrative manage OPCW leaks

2020-05-12 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Monthly Review blogger crossposts article by Caitlin Johnstone absolving 
Assad of chemical attacks. This is the same Caitlin Johnstone that got 
raked over the coals in CounterPunch for advocating a united front with 
the fascist Mike Cernovich.


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[Marxism] Author discusses book on Jackson State shootings of 1970

2020-05-12 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] [Thou shalt] Honour the asparagus!: Romanian Agricultural Labour in Germany during the COVID-19 Season | Lefteast

2020-05-12 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] The Defender of Differences | by Kwame Anthony Appiah | The New York Review of Books

2020-05-12 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Franz Boas biographies, plus some observations on his inadequacies.


My own evaluation of Boas:


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[Marxism] more problems

2020-05-12 Thread george snedeker via Marxism
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Dear Louis,

This is the error I keep getting on the talking books webpage.

Error 520 Ray ID: 5921e71c6fdc09a4 . 2020-05-12 05:57:32 UTC
Web server is returning an unknown error
You Browser WorkingAshburn Cloudflare Workingwww.loc.gov 
What happened?
There is an unknown connection issue between Cloudflare and the origin web 
server. As a result, the web page can not be displayed.
What can I do?
If you are a visitor of this website:
Please try again in a few minutes.

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There is an issue between Cloudflare's cache and your origin web server. 
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Please correct this problem if you can. I use JAWS to navigate the NLS web page 
of the Library of Congress. I have been using this webpage for the last five 
years. Only recently have I been receiving the error message. I get this error 
message each time I try to use the webpage to find books I would like to read. 
I am a retired sociology professor and spend a great deal of time reading.
I have been using the NSL library ever since I was a junior high school student.

George Snedeker Ph. D.
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