Re: [meteorite-list] Questions about accretion. Part 2 UAE, Shock wave distribution proto Solar System

2009-04-11 Thread Rob McCafferty

Great postings Elton. They take the whole discussion to a far greater level and 
I fo one applaud you for it. 
I like to think there are others that appreciate it and thin this is what this 
list should be about.

As an addition to what you say I will say the following.

The short half life of Al26  (yes, I believe it is 720 thousand years) is a 
really good indication that differentiation took place very quickly. 

Al26 would have been present in large quantities (1 part in 10^5 of aluminium 
atoms) and would provide a large source of energy. Info from encyc of 
It's short half life limits the differentiation period to less than 10Ma, borne 
out by the majority meteorite samples we have).

There is, of course the issue of homogeneity amongst the pre/proto solar nebula.

Even distribution of isotopes around the nebula used for dating the solar 
system is assumed rather than confirmed.
Personally, I don't think it makes much difference.

The sphericity of the Oort cloud versus the disk of the solar system is likely 
a density of matter issue. Beyond 60AU, the material is likely to be too thinly 
spread in the early solar system to form into a proper disk (a factor that 
would also induce heating in the inner region thoug I don't know how much and 
it'd be more significant closer in).

There is also the issue of the E-M effect produced during the T-Tauri phase.
I adored the idea you made (I've never heard it before) of it resisting 
differentiation. I think you're right and it may be a contributing factor to 
the size of planetary bodies. Only when gravity can overcome such an effect can 
differentiation occur.

We know that T-Tauri stars eject material out through their poles. Maybe as 
much as 0.0001 solar masses may re-accrrete to the disk (+/- an order of 
magnitude). As it does so, huge EM effects will take place.

We know it happens but we don't know how or why or the effect it has.

Personally, I think it's great that we have found out so much but still have so 
much to know and I love being able to chew it over here.


--- On Wed, 4/8/09, Mr EMan wrote:

 From: Mr EMan
 Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Questions about accretion. Part 2 UAE, Shock 
 wave distribution proto Solar System
 To: Meteorites USA,
 Date: Wednesday, April 8, 2009, 3:33 AM
 There was a question regarding the sorting of elements and
 why for example common chondrules had more iron than did
 Carbonaceous chondrites. The reason for the difference also
 includes why we use isotope ratios to determine from where a
 parent body probably formed within the solar system.
 Sometime in early solar system development there was a
 sustained and or repeated strong solar wind or mini-nova, or
 perhaps our own ancestral sun's predecessor nearby
 supernova, or other cosmic water hose(?) that sweep through
 the swirling matter in the proto-solar disk, significantly
 sorting it out by elemental and molecular weights. Heavier
 particles weren't pushed out as far as the lighter ones.
  Thus we have heavy to light sorting of particles/ elements/
 molecules/ solids/ gases etc from the inner rocky planets at
 one end to the giant gas planets beyond the asteroid belt
 and all way out to the Ort cloud.  The sorting was not
 perfect but did rearrange the mixtures of elements locally. 
 Conservation of angular momentum must have broken down at
 some level such that the Oort Cloud is theorized to be more
 or less spherical while planetary masses tend to lie close
 to the plane of the ecliptic. (This glitch influences
 measured elemental ratios of our known
  solar system and just mentioned for those paying
 Thus before significant planetary accretion(first 3-5
 million years?) we experienced a cycle of sorting that left
 zones of like particles to be accreted.  This sorting also
 locally affected the ratios of the individual isotopes of
 elements from a concept we know as the Universal Abundance
 of the Elements.(UAE)  (The UAE says that based on human
 measurements the mass of the universe is concentrated in the
 first 20 elements which incidentally were the main elements
 associated with living processes). 
  When the local Solar system abundance of the UAE was
 disturbed, distribution of isotope ratios were also skewed
 in the local solar system.  Ergo oxygen isotope studies in
 meteorites tell us what relative distance/radius a parent
 body formed away from the sun. 
 On Earth the ratios for Oxygen:
 O18(Tritium)-O17(Deuterium)-O16 is something like 18O / 16O
 = 2005.20 ±0.43 ppm (a ratio of 1 part per approximately
 498.7 parts) 17O / 16O = 379.9 ±1.6 ppm (a ratio of 1 part
 per approximately 2632 parts)  This ratio signature is
 specific to an origin in the Earth Moon distance and there
 is a different one for Mars, the asteroid belt, Jupiter,
 Saturn and carbonaceous chondrites etc.  Complications

Re: [meteorite-list] Questions about accretion. Part 2 UAE, Shock wave distribution proto Solar System

2009-04-07 Thread Mr EMan

There was a question regarding the sorting of elements and why for example 
common chondrules had more iron than did Carbonaceous chondrites. The reason 
for the difference also includes why we use isotope ratios to determine from 
where a parent body probably formed within the solar system.

Sometime in early solar system development there was a sustained and or 
repeated strong solar wind or mini-nova, or perhaps our own ancestral sun's 
predecessor nearby supernova, or other cosmic water hose(?) that sweep through 
the swirling matter in the proto-solar disk, significantly sorting it out by 
elemental and molecular weights. Heavier particles weren't pushed out as far as 
the lighter ones.  Thus we have heavy to light sorting of particles/ elements/ 
molecules/ solids/ gases etc from the inner rocky planets at one end to the 
giant gas planets beyond the asteroid belt and all way out to the Ort cloud.  
The sorting was not perfect but did rearrange the mixtures of elements locally. 
 Conservation of angular momentum must have broken down at some level such that 
the Oort Cloud is theorized to be more or less spherical while planetary masses 
tend to lie close to the plane of the ecliptic. (This glitch influences 
measured elemental ratios of our known
 solar system and just mentioned for those paying attention)

Thus before significant planetary accretion(first 3-5 million years?) we 
experienced a cycle of sorting that left zones of like particles to be 
accreted.  This sorting also locally affected the ratios of the individual 
isotopes of elements from a concept we know as the Universal Abundance of the 
Elements.(UAE)  (The UAE says that based on human measurements the mass of the 
universe is concentrated in the first 20 elements which incidentally were the 
main elements associated with living processes). 

 When the local Solar system abundance of the UAE was disturbed, distribution 
of isotope ratios were also skewed in the local solar system.  Ergo oxygen 
isotope studies in meteorites tell us what relative distance/radius a parent 
body formed away from the sun. 

On Earth the ratios for Oxygen: O18(Tritium)-O17(Deuterium)-O16 is something 
like 18O / 16O = 2005.20 ±0.43 ppm (a ratio of 1 part per approximately 498.7 
parts) 17O / 16O = 379.9 ±1.6 ppm (a ratio of 1 part per approximately 2632 
parts)  This ratio signature is specific to an origin in the Earth Moon 
distance and there is a different one for Mars, the asteroid belt, Jupiter, 
Saturn and carbonaceous chondrites etc.  Complications to this gradient include 
the amount of oxygen returned to earth via comets in what was known as the 
great bombardment-- back skewing the post shockwave sorting in the early sweep 

Ok we are at the end almost.  O18 being two neutrons heavier takes more latent 
energy to vaporize and results in a slight concentration of its ratio in 
seawater depending on how much extra energy is around.  The colder the climate 
the more O18 gets left behind in seawater and available for building carbonate 
seashells.  The higher the temperature trends the more gets evaporated and a 
portion of that gets preserved in paleo-ice cores.  Thus ratios differ in 
sequestrations such as in coral reefs and sea shells. This characteristic makes 
O18 content in ancient ice cores and fossil shells equivalent to a paleo 

Long way around answering why some classes of meteorites have more iron in them 
than others.

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