[MMouse]: sheesh

2000-03-09 Thread Philip Smoker

~*tanNer*~ says:
> thank you phil for that ever so poetic 
> reply..sheesh...and

It wasn't directed at you specifically so much as it
was at the topic in general.  Sheesh.

bonita applebaum I said you gotta put me on,

Do You Yahoo!?
Talk to your friends online with Yahoo! Messenger.

[MMouse]: sheesh

1999-07-16 Thread KatPowah

About this "indie" thing:

I'm new on this list, and I'm wondering what all the recent bad blood is 
about.  I didn't save his e-mail, but from what I remember reading, Russ (it 
was Russ, wasn't it?) was just sharing his opinion with the rest of us.  I 
don't understand why everyone's jumping all over him about it.  Can't we lay 
off the sarcasm, name-calling (indier-than-thou?  Please.  It's so indie, 
whatever that means, to not be indie nowadays... but not to excess, of 
course.) and bad vibes for a while, and just discuss things civilly?  

We're all entitled to our own opinions, and to express them freely.  What 
sucks is when people start moving away from ideas and into personal 
territory.  Into bullying, pettiness, and incoherent rambling.  So before 
this situation gets out of hand, let's all lighten up and keep talking to, 
not at, each other.

Thank you.

Stepping off the soapbox,


[MMouse]: sheesh

1998-12-05 Thread the amputated arm *lovesick*

ok, now that we have all THAT out of our systems...i can't think of a 
top ten, but the things i have been listening to non-stop this month 
are: neutral milk hotel "in the aeroplane over the sea", the 
rock*a*teens "baby, a little rain must fall", and bonfire madigan band 
"...from the burnpile".  those are my (semi-)recent faves, anyway.  and 
my dream show is mm, joan of arc, braid, and all the dead riot grrrl 
bands like heavens to betsey and huggy bear. aw yeah.  now that everyone 
is probably annoyed w/ ME, i'm out.  
xoxo nicole

"and when you grow up yr gonna be a freak, want a violent
   girl who's not scared of anything."--elliot smith

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