Re: [PATCH] Re: mp2 with perl-5.8.1 on Windows

2003-09-15 Thread Randy Kobes
On Mon, 15 Sep 2003, Steve Hay wrote:

> I've actually rebuilt Perl and Apache as full debug builds
> so I have all these .pdb files already.  mod_perl gets
> them too because it inherits Perl's "debug build" mode.
> My question was where in the DevStudio GUI do you get at
> the stacktrace that you posted, or how do you get
> DevStudio to dump it out for you?  All I can find is a
> "Context" drop-down (in the panel showing variables'
> values) from which I have to manually copy down the
> information (hence I only posted a list of functions!)
> It doesn't look like you've done that!

Hi Steve,
   I see now; that's something I struggled with too,
until Doug pointed this out; try Alt+7 to give a
stacktrace window (look under View -> Debug Windows).
And perhaps also to save some grief, if you want to
copy it, select+right-click within that window
doesn't work; you have to select+Edit->Copy.

best regards,

Re: Apache::Session permissions problem

2003-09-15 Thread Perrin Harkins

Sorry if I came off overly critical.  Many people have had problems 
trying to use Mason with Apache::Session because of that article.  This 
is why on the Mason website the link to that article describes it as 
outdated and steers people to newer documentation.  (It probably should 
also steer them to the new handler...)

Eric Schwartz wrote:
Beggars can't be choosers, and all that, but would you mind telling me 
what handler you're talking about?  I looked around for session handling 
and Mason, and that article was the best one I found in terms of 
explaining how it worked and how to use it.
Did you look on the Mason site,  That's the best 
place to find information on Mason.  A search for "session" on that site 
includes a reference to MasonX::Request::WithApacheSession, available 
from CPAN.  This is mentioned in the administrator's manual that comes 
with Mason.  It's possible that you have an old version of Mason that 
predates this.

Apache::Session::DBI (which is what the article refers to) is ancient and
should not be used.
How can I know this?  The documentation for Apache::Session::DBIStore 
(which A::S::DBI refers to) doesn't say anything about being obsolete or 
deprecated.  Is there an archive of received wisdom somewhere I should 
be checking to validate articles like the one I found?
The latest Apache::Session on CPAN is version 1.54, released in October 
2001.  The last release that included a module called 
Apache::Session::DBI was version 1.03, released two years earlier.  I'm 
not certain what would do if you told it to install 
Apache::Session::DBI.  It might install the old one, which would be very 
unfortunate.  Is that how you installed it?

You shouldn't use the IPC locking in Apache::Session.  You didn't mention
which database you're using, but most of them have alternative ways of
doing locking.  In my opinion, the locking approach taken in
Apache::Session is not a good one for the average web site and you should
simply turn it off by using the NullLocker.

By using Apache::Session::Flex.  The configuration for 
MasonX::Request::WithApacheSession also lets you do this.

It's not 
particularly obvious from the documentation I can find that it's going 
to be used, or how to select alternative methods.
Look at the source and you'll see it.  It's all much clearer in the more 
recent release though.

I installed 
Apache::Session from CPAN, and the docs refer to PosixFileLocker 
SysVSemaphoreLocker and NullLocker, but no perldocs for those modules 
are on my system.
The Apache::Session::PosixFileLocker and 
Apache::Session::SysVSemaphoreLocker modules are included with 
Apache::Session (although both are obsolete and only part of the old 
version that you installed).  They have no documentation, so perldoc 
will not find them.  The later equivalents (Apache::Session::Lock::File) 
do have docs.

'perldoc Apache::Session::DBI' says it uses A::S::PosixFileLocker, not 
A::S::SysVSemaphoreLocker.  Are the docs wrong, or the code?
The docs are wrong.  You can see it refers to the semaphore locker if 
you look at the source.

Basically, you stumbled across an old article that referred to an 
obsolete version of Apache::Session, and all of your problems stem from 
that.  If you get a later version and check out the Mason handler and 
the newer documentation on, I think it will all start to 
make sense to you.

- Perrin

Re: Apache::Session permissions problem

2003-09-15 Thread Eric Schwartz
On Saturday, Sep 13, 2003, at 09:22 America/Denver, Perrin Harkins 
I found a pretty useful article at on how to use
Apache::Session with Mason.
I'm afraid that is not a very good article.  It's out of date, and 
poor error handling.  If you want to use sessions with Mason, you 
be using the session handler that Mason provides.  That is available on
CPAN and is supported on the Mason list.
Beggars can't be choosers, and all that, but would you mind telling me 
what handler you're talking about?  I looked around for session 
handling and Mason, and that article was the best one I found in terms 
of explaining how it worked and how to use it.

Apache::Session::DBI (which is what the article refers to) is ancient 
should not be used.
How can I know this?  The documentation for Apache::Session::DBIStore 
(which A::S::DBI refers to) doesn't say anything about being obsolete 
or deprecated.  Is there an archive of received wisdom somewhere I 
should be checking to validate articles like the one I found?

You shouldn't use the IPC locking in Apache::Session.  You didn't 
which database you're using, but most of them have alternative ways of
doing locking.  In my opinion, the locking approach taken in
Apache::Session is not a good one for the average web site and you 
simply turn it off by using the NullLocker.
How?  I never asked for IPC locking; it somehow snuck in.  It's not 
particularly obvious from the documentation I can find that it's going 
to be used, or how to select alternative methods.  I installed 
Apache::Session from CPAN, and the docs refer to PosixFileLocker 
SysVSemaphoreLocker and NullLocker, but no perldocs for those modules 
are on my system.  I'm honestly trying to figure out how I can draw 
those conclusions for myself, so I'm not stuck asking this list about 

Suggestions are more than welcome; I'm not quite sure how
Session::SysVSempaphoreLocker got involved in the first place, since I
don't explicitly reference it.
Apache::Session::DBI uses it for locking.
'perldoc Apache::Session::DBI' says it uses A::S::PosixFileLocker, not 
A::S::SysVSemaphoreLocker.  Are the docs wrong, or the code?


Re: mod_perl v2 Forking

2003-09-15 Thread Martin Langhoff

Have you tried issuing the command to `at`?  If you don't need to 
interact wih the report generator, and can pass all the parameters in 
the command line or via a tmp file, this is a great solution.

at (and the corresponding atd) will preserve your environment vars and 
other niceties.



[ANNOUNCE] Apache::IncludeHook

2003-09-15 Thread Geoffrey Young
hi all...

I wanted to let everyone know that I have ported  SSI tag 
support to Apache 2.0.  it should behave under both prefork and threaded 
mpms, and work pretty much the same as it did in Apache 1.3, despite the 
fact that mod_include is now an output filter.

while the support is fairly complete, the code is a bit messy and can be 
refactored.  however, I wanted to get something released for people to play 
with before I needed to move on to something else.



has entered CPAN as

  file: $CPAN/authors/id/G/GE/GEOFF/Apache-IncludeHook-2.00_01.tar.gz
  size: 7289 bytes
   md5: 0753eda141bf886290fa872fbffaf580
from the README:


Apache::IncludeHook - #perl Server Side Include support


  PerlModule Apache::IncludeHook

  Alias /ssi /usr/local/apache/htdocs
AddType text/html .shtml
AddOutputFilter INCLUDES .shtml
Options +Includes

Apache::IncludeHook offers support for #perl tags in
documents parsed by the mod_include engine included in
the Apache 2.0 distribution.  Supported formats include
In Apache 1.3, mod_include supported #perl tags out of
the box.  In 2.0, support for tags outside the standard
mod_include realm ('echo', 'flastmod', etc) have been removed,
having been replaced with an API that allows you to hook
your own functionality into mod_include's parsing engine.
The 'exec' tag is an example of one that is no longer natively
supported by mod_include - mod_cgi now supplies the base
implementaiton of this tag.
The current hope with this module is simply to carry over #perl tag
support from Apache 1.3 to 2.0.  Apache::SSI-like support
for custom tags will (possibly come later).  keep in mind
that while this module is not inteneded to replace the old
Apache::SSI for Apache 1.3, because the new Apache 2.0 API
includes a filtering mechansim,
you already have the ability to post-process SSI tags via
Perl (or C) output filters.


perl  here

package My::PrintArgs;

use Apache::RequestRec ();
use Apache::Const -compile => 'OK';
use strict;

sub handler {

  my ($r, @args) = @_;

  print join ' ', '***', (join ' : ', @args), '***';

  return Apache::OK;
which is almost identical to what you would see with mod_perl 1.0,
save the mod_perl 2.0 specific classes.

This implementation is designed to hook into the mod_include
that ships with Apache 2.0.  It will not work with Apache 2.1.
This is alpha ware, subject to massive API changes.  Meaning,
the TIEHANDLE interface may go away and you may be forced to
use only the (currently non-existent) filter interface.  so
get to know filters now before it's too late (they're really
cool anyway).

Subrequests are still a work in progress - they still don't seem
to work properly from filters.
only print STDOUT and $r->print are supported.  other methods
of sending content to the client still need to be implemented.



Copyright (c) 2003, Geoffrey Young

All rights reserved.

This module is free software.  It may be used, redistributed
and/or modified under the same terms as Perl itself.

Re: [PATCH] Re: mp2 with perl-5.8.1 on Windows

2003-09-15 Thread Steve Hay
Randy Kobes wrote:

On Mon, 15 Sep 2003, Steve Hay wrote:


PS.  Randy: How do you that stacktrace output that you've
posted?  Is that using MSVC++, or something else?

Hi Steve,
 I'm using MSVC++ ... When a problem like this occurs,
an offer is made to call up the VC++ debugger, where
the trace is then done.
 In order to get a more useful trace (with symbol
information), I compiled Perl using some patches to
perl-5.8.x/win32/Makefile that ActiveState introduced
This patch enables debug symbols in release builds, and
involves using '-Zi' in $(OPTIMIZE) and '-debug
-opt:ref,icf' for $(LINK_DBG). With this, one gets .pdb
files corresponding to compiled libraries, which hold the
symbol information (I had to manually copy perl58.pdb
[corresponding to perl58.dll] to C:\Perl\bin). The
Apache/2.0.47 sources have this also enabled for the release
build, by default, and building mod_perl as 'perl
Makefile.PL ... MP_DEBUG=1' will enable them in mod_perl as
Sorry, I should have made my question more specific.

I've actually rebuilt Perl and Apache as full debug builds so I have all 
these .pdb files already.  mod_perl gets them too because it inherits 
Perl's "debug build" mode.

My question was where in the DevStudio GUI do you get at the stacktrace 
that you posted, or how do you get DevStudio to dump it out for you?  
All I can find is a "Context" drop-down (in the panel showing variables' 
values) from which I have to manually copy down the information (hence I 
only posted a list of functions!)  It doesn't look like you've done that!

- Steve

Re: [PATCH] Re: mp2 with perl-5.8.1 on Windows

2003-09-15 Thread Randy Kobes
On Mon, 15 Sep 2003, Steve Hay wrote:

> PS.  Randy: How do you that stacktrace output that you've
> posted?  Is that using MSVC++, or something else?

Hi Steve,
  I'm using MSVC++ ... When a problem like this occurs,
an offer is made to call up the VC++ debugger, where
the trace is then done.
  In order to get a more useful trace (with symbol
information), I compiled Perl using some patches to
perl-5.8.x/win32/Makefile that ActiveState introduced
This patch enables debug symbols in release builds, and
involves using '-Zi' in $(OPTIMIZE) and '-debug
-opt:ref,icf' for $(LINK_DBG). With this, one gets .pdb
files corresponding to compiled libraries, which hold the
symbol information (I had to manually copy perl58.pdb
[corresponding to perl58.dll] to C:\Perl\bin). The
Apache/2.0.47 sources have this also enabled for the release
build, by default, and building mod_perl as 'perl
Makefile.PL ... MP_DEBUG=1' will enable them in mod_perl as

best regards,

Re: [PATCH] Re: mp2 with perl-5.8.1 on Windows

2003-09-15 Thread Rafael Garcia-Suarez
Steve Hay wrote:
> I still haven't found out what the problem with the server crashing on 
> startup is, but the attached patch against CVS seems to fix the 
> fprintf() problem that you refer to.

Your patch passes the current interpreter context to
modperl_hash_seed_init(), and thus the interpreter-wide variables. I
don't see problems with it, but I don't know anything about the mod_perl
2 internals.

I've a minor comment :

> @@ -63,7 +63,8 @@
>  if (s) {
>  int i = atoi(s);
>  if (i == 1) {
> -fprintf(stderr, "\nmod_perl: using init hash seed: %"UVuf"\n",
> +PerlIO_printf(PerlIO_stderr(),

When possible, try to use Perl_error_log instead of PerlIO_stderr().
It's equivalent to it, but checks for the availability of STDERR
beforehand. And BTW the trace below should probably be out#defined for
non-debug builds.

> + "\nmod_perl: using init hash seed: %"UVuf"\n",
>  MP_init_hash_seed);
>  }
>  }
> @@ -587,10 +588,12 @@

Re: Apache::Session permissions problem

2003-09-15 Thread Enrico Sorcinelli
On Fri, 12 Sep 2003 01:01:24 -0600
Eric Schwartz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi Eric,

> I found a pretty useful article at 
> on how to use 
> Apache::Session with Mason.  

I wrote a tutorial on session management with HTML::Mason and 
Apache::SessionManager (a wrapper around Apache::Session) available at:

I hope that it will be useful for you.

Yes, I know, now there is a Mason extension to handle sessions (not in the
Mason core), _but_:

1) when I wrote Apache::SessionManager, the extension wasn't yet available :-)
   (moreover A::SM has a session expiration/inactivity built-in cleanup
2) with Apache::SessionManager you can use session object also in other Apache
   life request phases than Response phase (for example I need session
   in Authentication phase). With MasonX::Request::WithApacheSession you cannot
   (if I not mistake)
3) There is no way to use URI session tracking (session id is embedded in left
   side of the URI)

In all other case, MasonX::Request::WithApacheSession works fine.


- Enrico

[PATCH] Re: mp2 with perl-5.8.1 on Windows

2003-09-15 Thread Steve Hay
Randy Kobes wrote:

On Fri, 12 Sep 2003, Steve Hay wrote:



Has anybody else got mp2 (CVS) working with recent perl-5.8.1's on Windows?

I've got it building, but I can't start the Apache server at all.  (It's
fine without the mod_perl bits in the httpd.conf file.)
See this thread on p5p for what I'm getting:

- Steve

I also found a problem, as below:
Perl_safesysmalloc(unsigned int 0x0010) line 70 + 21 bytes
 : perl-5.8.1/util.c
modperl_hash_seed_init(apr_pool_t * 0x0026a7f0) line 44 + 7 bytes
 : modperl-2.0/src/modules/perl/mod_perl.c
modperl_hook_pre_config(apr_pool_t * 0x0026a7f0,
apr_pool_t * 0x00848100, apr_pool_t * 0x0084a108) line 594 + 9 bytes
 : modperl-2.0/src/modules/perl/mod_perl.c
ap_run_pre_config(apr_pool_t * 0x00401441, apr_pool_t * 0x0026a7f0,
 apr_pool_t * 0x00848100) line 126 + 49 bytes
main(int 0x00401d82, const char * const * 0x0008) line 575 + 19 bytes

APACHE! mainCRTStartup + 227 bytes

which seems to be related to the safemalloc() call on line
44 of src/modules/perl/mod_perl.c. (by the way, I had to
comment out the fprintf() call at line 66 to get it to
compile, otherwise an error about my_perl being undeclared
was found).
I still haven't found out what the problem with the server crashing on 
startup is, but the attached patch against CVS seems to fix the 
fprintf() problem that you refer to.

I've no idea how advisable what I've done is, but without it I get:

   cl -IC:/Temp/modperl-2.0/src/modules/perl 
-IC:/Temp/modperl-2.0/xs -IC:\
apache2/include -IC:\apache2/include -nologo -Gf -W3 -Od -MD -Zi 
DMP_COMPAT_1X -Od -MD -Zi -DDEBUGGING   -c mod_perl.c && 
C:\perl\bin\perl.exe -M
ExtUtils::Command -e mv mod_perl.obj mod_perl.lo
mod_perl.c(66) : error C2065: 'my_perl' : undeclared identifier
mod_perl.c(66) : warning C4047: 'function' : 'struct interpreter *' 
differs in l
evels of indirection from 'int '
mod_perl.c(66) : warning C4024: 'Perl_IStdIO_ptr' : different types for 
formal a
nd actual parameter 1
mod_perl.c(66) : warning C4047: 'function' : 'struct interpreter *' 
differs in l
evels of indirection from 'int '
mod_perl.c(66) : warning C4024: 'Perl_IStdIO_ptr' : different types for 
formal a
nd actual parameter 1
NMAKE : fatal error U1077: 'cl' : return code '0x2'

and with it, it all builds OK.

- Steve

PS.  Randy: How do you that stacktrace output that you've posted?  Is 
that using MSVC++, or something else?

--- mod_perl.c.orig 2003-09-11 19:10:39.0 +0100
+++ mod_perl.c  2003-09-15 12:00:30.273019100 +0100
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
 /* see modperl_hash_seed_set() */
-static void modperl_hash_seed_init(apr_pool_t *p) 
+static void modperl_hash_seed_init(pTHX_ apr_pool_t *p) 
 char *s;
@@ -63,7 +63,8 @@
 if (s) {
 int i = atoi(s);
 if (i == 1) {
-fprintf(stderr, "\nmod_perl: using init hash seed: %"UVuf"\n",
+   "\nmod_perl: using init hash seed: %"UVuf"\n",
@@ -587,10 +588,12 @@
 int modperl_hook_pre_config(apr_pool_t *p, apr_pool_t *plog,
 apr_pool_t *ptemp)
 /* we can't have PerlPreConfigHandler without first configuring mod_perl */
 /* perl 5.8.1+ */
+modperl_hash_seed_init(aTHX_ p);
 return OK;

Re: AIX perfomance

2003-09-15 Thread Patrick Mulvany
On Fri, Sep 12, 2003 at 04:12:00PM +0100, Ged Haywood wrote:
> Hi there,
> On Fri, 12 Sep 2003, William McCabe wrote:
> > I've got a lot of experience with mod_perl on both linux and AIX and
> > can state categorically that there are no typical conditions which
> > would cause AIX run "strangely slowly" compared to linux on
> > comparable hardware.
> That's useful information, thanks Bill.  We don't see much about AIX
> here but it seems to me that it's been becoming more common recently.

AIX will of course have an massive growth in popularity now that SCO has withdrwan 
IBMs un*x licence. ;*>


Re: Can't build Apache::Dispatch on Windows / Perl 5.8.0

2003-09-15 Thread Steve Hay
Stas Bekman wrote:

Randy Kobes wrote:

On Fri, 12 Sep 2003, Stas Bekman wrote:

Steve Hay wrote:

Stas Bekman wrote:

Randy Kobes wrote:

On Fri, 12 Sep 2003, Steve Hay wrote:

I believe that mod_perl 2 now installs the mod_perl.lib
somewhere to solve that kind of problem.  Is there an
option in the mod_perl 1 build process to thave that
library installed, or could that be added to the next

That's a good suggestion - you're right that mod_perl 2
installs the mod_perl.lib under the Apache2/ tree, and it
would make sense for mod_perl 1 to do the same, with
Apache::MyConfig adjusted to reflect that. I'll look into
putting together something to do that.

Does it? According to Apache::Build, it should be installed under the
apache tree's lib:

Yes, in my Apache2 setup (the one that I can't get working with Perl
5.8.1...) I have mod_perl.lib in C:\Apache2\lib.  I didn't change 
any of
the installation locations.

I'd assumed that's what Randy meant, actually - Apache2/lib being 
the Apache2/ tree :-)

what is mod_perl.lib? a static library? (I guess an
equivalent of mod_perl.lo on unix). We don't install it on
unix yet, but I think that for consistency it should go to
the same place where is installed to. Which is
under the Apache tree.

This mod_perl.lib (on Win32) isn't a true static library,
containing all the symbol definitions; from what I
understand, it just contains the minimal information on
symbols needed to allow the application it's being linked
with to find the symbols in the dynamic library (in this
I put it under Apache2/lib/ because that's where the Apache2
libs (eg, apr.lib, libapr.lib, mod_dav.lib) are placed. The
dynamic libraries are placed either under Apache2/modules/,
if it's a module (eg,, or under Apache2/bin/,
such as libapr.dll.

Ah, so it's all cool. I have confused Apache2/ with perl's lib 

Having said that, the doesn't actually
seem to refer to the location that the library has been
installed into -- like mp1, it refers to the location in
which it was built! I have:
in  Wouldn't it be better for that to be

Nope, it uses this attribute as a source dir in cp from to:

$install .= <<'EOI';
# install mod_perl.lib
And as you can see it should install the static lib under
$(MODPERL_AP_LIBDIR)  (which is under the apache tree)
purhaps it should be fixed to have a more intuitive name
BUILD_LOCATION I'd suggest an even more intuitive:
lib. Purhaps adding a new var MODPERL_STATIC_LIB_LOCATION
pointing to where the static lib was installed to will be

Having a pointer to where the mod_perl.lib library was
installed would be useful. I'm not sure calling it
MODPERL_STATIC_LIB_LOCATION would be the best thing on
Win32, as it's not a static library as such, but something
could be come up with ...

Well, if ModPerl::MM does the right thing, a developer will not even 
need to know where it is located. So probably leaving it as it's now 
is fine. The only misleading part is that MODPERL_LIB_LOCATION points 
to the build dir, so it should probably be renamed to reflect that. 
I'm not sure that's the *only* mis-leading part, but, as you say, if it 
all works then it shouldn't really matter too much.

The main thing is to get mod_perl.lib installed in the first place under 

- Steve