RE: mod perl issues/ cpan won't make properly

2003-08-14 Thread Ged Haywood
Hello again,

On Tue, 5 Aug 2003, Hodge, Jeff F (ECIII) wrote:

> My directories look exactly like that.


>  First I went to the apache directory and ran the configure to enable DSO.

Do you have any particular reason for using DSO?  IMHO it's usually
more trouble than it's worth.  I always build static if I can.  Also I
like a file 'makepl_arg.mod_perl' in the mod_perl source directory to
supply the configuration.  Sample attached.  Then you just have to say

perl Makefile.PL

in the mod_perl directory and everything is set up for you.  Then you
can repeat it whenever you like: just remove the source directories,
extract the sources fresh, copy the makepl_args.mod_perl file, and
issue the perl Makefile.PL command again.

> How does root user affect things?

People have had problems with permissions getting a little screwy,
and it's safest to do builds as non-root in case there's an accident.

> I need Apache::request and DBD::mysql  rsn

Get Apache and mod_perl running first.  There shouldn't be any
problemn with the rest.

> I repeated my build/install steps  interesting.  its failing a
> test; output: (I'm fairly sure this wasn't the result the other day):
> Failed 1 test script out of 667, 99.85% okay.

It could be worth following the instructions to try to pin that down.

> btw - what is 73?

Morse code shorthand.  Long time ago.  It means "best wishes."


RE: mod perl issues/ cpan won't make properly

2003-08-05 Thread Hodge, Jeff F (ECIII)
Title: RE: mod perl issues/ cpan won't make properly

First off...thanks for addressing my issues

>> Here's how I installed mod_perl/apache:
>> cd apache_1.3.28
>> ./configure --enable-module=so  
>> cd mod_perl_1.28

>I don't like the look of that.  Please send *exactly* what you did.
>Have you got the mod_perl directory inside the apache directory?
>Your directories should be somethign like this:


>> perl Makefile.PL APACHE_SRC= /dloads/apache_mod_perl/apache_1.3.28/src
>> DO_HTTPD=1 USE_APACI=1 EVERYTHING=1 APACHE_PREFIX=/usr/local/httpd_perl
>> make && make test && make install

My directories look exactly like that.  First I went to the apache directory and ran the configure to enable DSO.  Then I went to the modperl directory and compiled mod perl with the apache with options outlined above

>What is the user that's running this?  Don't do the first three steps
>as root, only do the 'make install' as root:

Ok. I'll recompile them as another user.  How does root user affect things? (appears to be a perl issue still see below)

% perl Makefile.PL APACHE_SRC= /dloads/apache_mod_perl/apache_1.3.28/src \
% make
% make test
% su
# make install
# exit

>That backslash on the first line is important.  If you've done
>everything as root and if you have the mod_perl directory inside the
>apache one, then it's best to remove the directories and start again.

> So using Cpan I tried to install the Bundle::Apache...which bombs out

>Don't worry about it for now, you don't need it for your mod_perl Apache.

I need Apache::request and DBD::mysql  rsn, but I guess that is another issue all together...allthough I though it might be a sign that something else is fowl if they won't make.

> ALSO here is perl -V 
> Summary of my perl5 (revision 5.0 version 8 subversion 0) configuration:
> [snip]
> ccversion='', gccversion='2.95.3 20010315 (SuSE)',
> [snip]
> gnulibc_version='2.2.5'
> [snip]
> Characteristics of this binary (from libperl):
>   Compile-time options: USE_LARGE_FILES
>   Built under linux
>   Compiled at Aug  2 2003 13:09:23
> [snip]

>Looks like you compiled this Perl yourself using gcc 2.95.3 a couple
>of days ago, is that right?  Did the Perl tests all pass OK?

yes...seeing as I wasn't sure whether it passed everything...and the make all test wouldn't run again; then I repeated my build/install steps

interesting.  its failing a test; output:   (I'm fairly sure this wasn't the result the other day): 

Failed 1 test script out of 667, 99.85% okay.
### Since not all tests were successful, you may want
to run some of
### them individually and examine any diagnostic
messages they produce.
### See the INSTALL document's section on "make test".
### You have a good chance to get more information by
###   ./perl harness
### in the 't' directory since most (>=80%) of the
tests succeeded.
### You may have to set your dynamic library search
### LD_LIBRARY_PATH, to point to the build directory:
###   setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH `pwd`; cd t; ./perl
###   LD_LIBRARY_PATH=`pwd`; export LD_LIBRARY_PATH;
cd t; ./perl harness
###   export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=`pwd`; cd t; ./perl
### for csh-style shells, like tcsh; or for
### Bourne-style shells, like bash, ksh, and zsh,
u=2.73  s=0.72  cu=193.21  cs=19.29  scripts=667 
make[2]: *** [_test_tty] Error 1
make[2]: Leaving directory `/dloads/perl/perl-5.8.0'
make[1]: *** [_test] Error 2
make[1]: Leaving directory `/dloads/perl/perl-5.8.0'
make: *** [test] Error 2


btw - what is 73?

Thank you,


Re: mod perl issues/ cpan won't make properly

2003-08-05 Thread Ged Haywood
Hello there,

On Mon, 4 Aug 2003, Hodge, Jeff F (ECIII) wrote:

> Here's how I installed mod_perl/apache:
> cd apache_1.3.28
> ./configure --enable-module=so  
> cd mod_perl_1.28

I don't like the look of that.  Please send *exactly* what you did.
Have you got the mod_perl directory inside the apache directory?
Your directories should be somethign like this:


> perl Makefile.PL APACHE_SRC= /dloads/apache_mod_perl/apache_1.3.28/src
> make && make test && make install

What is the user that's running this?  Don't do the first three steps
as root, only do the 'make install' as root:

% perl Makefile.PL APACHE_SRC= /dloads/apache_mod_perl/apache_1.3.28/src \
% make
% make test
% su
# make install
# exit

That backslash on the first line is important.  If you've done
everything as root and if you have the mod_perl directory inside the
apache one, then it's best to remove the directories and start again.

> So using Cpan I tried to install the Bundle::Apache...which bombs out

Don't worry about it for now, you don't need it for your mod_perl Apache.

> ALSO here is perl -V 
> Summary of my perl5 (revision 5.0 version 8 subversion 0) configuration:
> [snip]
> ccversion='', gccversion='2.95.3 20010315 (SuSE)',
> [snip]
> gnulibc_version='2.2.5'
> [snip]
> Characteristics of this binary (from libperl):
>   Compile-time options: USE_LARGE_FILES
>   Built under linux
>   Compiled at Aug  2 2003 13:09:23
> [snip]

Looks like you compiled this Perl yourself using gcc 2.95.3 a couple
of days ago, is that right?  Did the Perl tests all pass OK?
