Re: Application design patterns

2003-07-24 Thread Perrin Harkins
On Thu, 2003-07-24 at 17:22, Garrett Goebel wrote:
> Perrin Harkins wrote:
> > 
> > The biggest thing the article didn't cover is the ideas
> > used by the guys coding the more interactive parts of the
> > application to express the state machine implemented by
> > each of their modules in a declarative data structure.
> > This was largely invented by Adam Sussman, who is at
> > TicketMaster now.  It was similar to what you see in
> > CGI::Application and some of the other frameworks.
> Has anyone written an article on it?

On state machines as a model for web apps?  Probably.  And there is this
article about CGI::Application:

You can also read the fairly extensive docs for CGI::Application,
Apache::PageKit, OpenInteract, CGI::MxScreen, and others.  None of these
require you to read code.

Essentially, people have looked at the core concepts of web applications
-- screens, transitions between screens, expected input on each screen
-- and come up with various ways to define them with a data structure
instead of with code.  Whether or not this is a good idea depends partly
on what your application does.  Apps that do lots of browsing/publishing
don't gain as much from this as ones that have lots of interactivity and

> I don't have a background in CS.

Welcome to the club.  This isn't rocket science.

> After sifting through google searches I turned up the following
> article:
> Essay on Web State Machines by Charles Stross

That one seems to be about managing persistent data, which is a
different topic.

> Interactive Web Applications Based on Finite State Machines

That's more like it.

- Perrin

Re: Application design patterns

2003-07-24 Thread Garrett Goebel
Title: Re: Application design patterns

Perrin Harkins wrote:
> The biggest thing the article didn't cover is the ideas
> used by the guys coding the more interactive parts of the
> application to express the state machine implemented by
> each of their modules in a declarative data structure.
> This was largely invented by Adam Sussman, who is at
> TicketMaster now.  It was similar to what you see in
> CGI::Application and some of the other frameworks.

Has anyone written an article on it?

Or is this still in the domain of: go read the CGI::Application code and sort it out for yourself?

This is a topic I've been wondering about recently. I don't have a background in CS. So, I always wonder when tempted to head off into the books... whether or not the return-on-investment will justify the time I could have spent kludging something together that's good enough.

I've noted a few FSM modules on CPAN:


After sifting through google searches I turned up the following article:

Essay on Web State Machines by Charles Stross

Interactive Web Applications Based on Finite State Machines

Garrett Goebel
IS Development Specialist

ScriptPro  Direct: 913.403.5261
5828 Reeds Road    Main:   913.384.1008
Mission, KS 66202  Fax:    913.384.2180  garrett at scriptpro dot com

Re: Application design patterns

2003-07-24 Thread Perrin Harkins
On Thu, 2003-07-24 at 15:17, Eric Sammer wrote:
> Maybe a stupid question, but what would be the functional difference 
> between dumping the object after each request like you say and using the 
> same method as you describe for the TT object below? I ask because I'm 
> currently treating both objects the same way in two or three of my 
> larger applications. I would assume this is to catch premature database 
> shutdown or network trouble between an app server and database (cluster) 
> on a request by request basis? Is this a performance related choice or 
> an Apache::DBI best practices thing?

Apache::DBI already caches it.  It will ping the handle to make sure
it's active and then hand it back to you.  This extra level just skips
the ping if we've already done it on the current request.  If you simply
put the handle in a global, it will not get ping-ed on each requests and
you'll have all kinds of problems when connections time out.

Another approach to the same issue is to use the setPingTimeOut() method
of Apache::DBI.

> > The rest has to do with database work and patterns for
> > building model objects, and I hope to cover that in the article version
> > of the talk I gave about object-relational mapping tools at this year's
> > Perl Conference.
> Is this past tense and if so, is the article up somewhere? Just curious...

I already gave the talk, but have not completed the article yet.

- Perrin

Re: Application design patterns

2003-07-24 Thread Eric Sammer
Perrin Harkins wrote:
On Thu, 2003-07-24 at 02:18, Eric Sammer wrote:

where did you (Perrin) keep 
objects like your database handle (assuming DBI, but please correct 
otherwise) and any objects that could be reused (TT, XML parser objects, 
et al)?
People seem to ask about this frequently, but I don't think we did
anything especially interesting there.  We just had a simple class full
of accessors for these resources that would call factory methods the
first time and then cache the result as appropriate.
Sorry to be so cliche / predictable. ;)

This is what I'm sure will wind up happening. I think what I'm looking 
for will require this kind of framework.

This caches the database handle for the rest of the request (one
Apache::DBI ping per request should be enough).
Maybe a stupid question, but what would be the functional difference 
between dumping the object after each request like you say and using the 
same method as you describe for the TT object below? I ask because I'm 
currently treating both objects the same way in two or three of my 
larger applications. I would assume this is to catch premature database 
shutdown or network trouble between an app server and database (cluster) 
on a request by request basis? Is this a performance related choice or 
an Apache::DBI best practices thing?

For the Template Toolkit object we want to cache it for the life of the
process, so it would be something like this:
Right. This is what I currently do.

I see a reference to a utility style class (ESR::Util, IIRC), but after 
rereading a number of articles and design pattern books, I'm reluctant 
to go with a "handle holder" object as I've done in the past.
Gang of Four got you spooked?  If you have something that works and
doesn't cause problems elsewhere in your code, don't fret about it.
Quite true. I think when starting any new large application, as I am 
now, I like to reevaluate my current design methods and look at anything 
I might have been able to do better and do it - a bad (or good) habit.

He who feels he got it right in the past never looks for a better way to 
do it in the future and, thus, stunts all learning and growth... or some 
 such idealistic babble. ;)

That said, I think what I'm learning here is that the uncomfortability 
with this design method is more in my head than tangible.

What I'd like is to have my model (as in MVC) objects reuse the 
process or maybe even server shared objects without doing any of these:

1. Using a singleton utility class
2. Needing to pass objects to model objects' new() in teh controllers
3. Instantiating the objects in the model classes themselves
All of those sound legit to me, as long as you don't duplicate code
between the objects.  I would choose #1, personally.
Yea... that seems to be the ticket, so to speak.

I guess I could use a class to just act as a namespace to hold the 
objects and create them at server startup time and use a module like 
IPC::MM, File::Cache, or Cache::Mmap but that feels kludgy and offers no 
encapsulation for the objects themselves.
No, you can't share things like this between processes.  Things with XS
code, open sockets, filehandles, etc. are not shareable.
And now that you mention it, it seems so obvious. $Deity only knows what 
I was thinking...

Perrin - Have you ever considered revealing more about the Etoys project 
or just the concepts as you applied them? It would be nice to peek at 
some of the details. Or, is this an NDA situation or some such thing? 
Well, I don't have permission to go posting big chunks of code, but in
terms of the generally applicable ideas, I think the article covered
most of it.  The rest has to do with database work and patterns for
building model objects, and I hope to cover that in the article version
of the talk I gave about object-relational mapping tools at this year's
Perl Conference.
Is this past tense and if so, is the article up somewhere? Just curious...

The biggest thing the article didn't cover is the ideas used by the guys
coding the more interactive parts of the application to express the
state machine implemented by each of their modules in a declarative data
structure.  This was largely invented by Adam Sussman, who is at
TicketMaster now.  It was similar to what you see in CGI::Application
and some of the other frameworks.
Hm... that is interesting as well. I've been poking at the internals of 
  a lot of the "frameworks" out there and there are some fantastic 
concepts (Chris Winters' OI comes to mind). Or, there is the distinct 
possibility that I'm overly obsessed with architecture; that shouldn't 
be dismissed either... ;)

Thanks for all your input and the great article(s).
Eric Sammer

Re: Application design patterns

2003-07-24 Thread Perrin Harkins
On Thu, 2003-07-24 at 02:18, Eric Sammer wrote:
> where did you (Perrin) keep 
> objects like your database handle (assuming DBI, but please correct 
> otherwise) and any objects that could be reused (TT, XML parser objects, 
> et al)?

People seem to ask about this frequently, but I don't think we did
anything especially interesting there.  We just had a simple class full
of accessors for these resources that would call factory methods the
first time and then cache the result as appropriate.

For example, to get a DBI handle you would call something like this:

sub get_dbh {
my $r = Apache->request();
my $dbh = $r->pnotes('ESF_DBH');
if (!$dbh) {
$dbh = ESF::Service::DB->new();
$r->pnotes('ESF_DBH', $dbh);
return $dbh;

This caches the database handle for the rest of the request (one
Apache::DBI ping per request should be enough).

For the Template Toolkit object we want to cache it for the life of the
process, so it would be something like this:

use vars qw($Cached_Template_Object);

sub get_template {
if (!defined $Cached_Template_Object) {
$Cached_Template_Object = Template->new();
return $Cached_Template_Object;

We also did things in there like setting the include path for the
current request, but you get the idea.  These are all class methods in
the ESF::Util class.

> I see a reference to a utility style class (ESR::Util, IIRC), but after 
> rereading a number of articles and design pattern books, I'm reluctant 
> to go with a "handle holder" object as I've done in the past.

Gang of Four got you spooked?  If you have something that works and
doesn't cause problems elsewhere in your code, don't fret about it.

> What I'd like is to have my model (as in MVC) objects reuse the 
> process or maybe even server shared objects without doing any of these:
> 1. Using a singleton utility class
> 2. Needing to pass objects to model objects' new() in teh controllers
> 3. Instantiating the objects in the model classes themselves

All of those sound legit to me, as long as you don't duplicate code
between the objects.  I would choose #1, personally.

> I guess I could use a class to just act as a namespace to hold the 
> objects and create them at server startup time and use a module like 
> IPC::MM, File::Cache, or Cache::Mmap but that feels kludgy and offers no 
> encapsulation for the objects themselves.

No, you can't share things like this between processes.  Things with XS
code, open sockets, filehandles, etc. are not shareable.

I think the way we did it in the above code (don't fetch it until it's
asked for and then cache it as long as you safely can) is a good
approach, but you could refine it by having it set up some things in the
child init hook.

> Perrin - Have you ever considered revealing more about the Etoys project 
> or just the concepts as you applied them? It would be nice to peek at 
> some of the details. Or, is this an NDA situation or some such thing? 

Well, I don't have permission to go posting big chunks of code, but in
terms of the generally applicable ideas, I think the article covered
most of it.  The rest has to do with database work and patterns for
building model objects, and I hope to cover that in the article version
of the talk I gave about object-relational mapping tools at this year's
Perl Conference.

The biggest thing the article didn't cover is the ideas used by the guys
coding the more interactive parts of the application to express the
state machine implemented by each of their modules in a declarative data
structure.  This was largely invented by Adam Sussman, who is at
TicketMaster now.  It was similar to what you see in CGI::Application
and some of the other frameworks.

- Perrin

Re: Application design patterns

2003-07-24 Thread Eric Sammer
Aaron Ross wrote:
Hi Eric,

class. What I'd like is to have my model (as in MVC) objects reuse the 
process or maybe even server shared objects without doing any of these:

1. Using a singleton utility class
2. Needing to pass objects to model objects' new() in teh controllers
3. Instantiating the objects in the model classes themselves
I'm not sure if this violates 3 (the models classes have to know what
resources they need, so i am not sure what wouldn't), but could you use
a singleton for the resource and a factory to access it? The model
classes call a "static" factory method that handles the configuration,
cache, etc...
This is what I'm thinking I'll do. It seems to be the most "natural" in 
this case. I was reading this paper by Andy Wardly which has a 
collection of resource classes that seem to act in a similar method at 
some level (providing a resource with a class that could be implemented 
as a singleton).

This solves the problem of having configuration and resource allocation
code in your model objects. It does mean that you have to write factory
classes for your resources, but they ought to be quite simple. 
Writing factory methods compared to littering code with instantiation of 
objects all objects are going to need lends itself to an easy and 
obvious first choice. ...For me, at least. ;)

I've done a fair amount of Objective-C (Mac OS X Cocoa and Openstep) and 
there's a number of classes that work in a similar fashion - simple, 
clean, and functional. The reason I like it is because I don't need to 
worry about passing stuff around - just get a static instance and go to 
town. (For those interested or in the know, I'm talking about 
NSNotificationCenter, NSFileManager, and other similar classes).

Thanks for the input!

Eric Sammer

Re: Application design patterns

2003-07-24 Thread Perrin Harkins
On Thu, 2003-07-24 at 09:20, Frank Wiles wrote:
>   I too would like to would like to have a better understanding of how
>   MVC can be applied to mod_perl.  Maybe even HelloWorld sized example
>   showing how all of the different components interact? 

There's one of those in my original article.  I'm not really sure what
to add to it beyond what's there.  You can also read previous
discussions on this from the mailing list archives and the docs for
CGI::Application, Apache::PageKit and OpenInteract which all talk about
it to some degree.

If you can ask something more specific, I'll try to answer.

- Perrin

Re: Application design patterns

2003-07-24 Thread Stathy G. Touloumis
## NOTE : Very simple example which for the most part
## will seem like overkill and it is.  Typically the complexity
## of the application can be reduced by breaking it into the
## components below.  It makes for easier maintenance.
## Model responsible for data retrieval not formatting.
##In many architectures data will be retrieved from
## some sort of data storage (rdbms).
#--- MODEL ---
package My::Model
sub title { return 'MVC Hello World Example'; }
sub new { return bless {}, shift };
sub enter_room { return 'Hello'; }
sub leave_room { return 'Bye'; }
## Responisble for presentation/formatting of data not
## modifying/retrieving data.
#--- VIEW ---
package My::View
sub new { return bless {}, shift };
sub output {
  my $p = { @_ };
  print <



## Handles user actions/events ... retrieve data through
## model layer and present data through view layer.
## Depending on the application (CGI, etc.) initialization code here

my $m = My::Model->new;
my $v = My::View->new;
my $data = $m->leave_room;

if ( $input == 'enter_room' ) {
$data = $m->enter_room;
title=> $v->title,
data=> $data,

  I too would like to would like to have a better understanding of how
  MVC can be applied to mod_perl.  Maybe even HelloWorld sized example
  showing how all of the different components interact?

Re: Application design patterns

2003-07-24 Thread Chris Winters
Frank Wiles wrote:
  I too would like to would like to have a better understanding of how
  MVC can be applied to mod_perl.  Maybe even HelloWorld sized example
  showing how all of the different components interact? 
No examples, but Andy Wardley sent a great email to the Template 
Toolkit mailing list a few months ago about MVC and web apps:

Also no examples but possibly helpful: I place the OpenInteract2 
components in an MVC context (will be in next beta):


Chris Winters ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Building enterprise-capable snack solutions since 1988.

Re: Application design patterns

2003-07-24 Thread Frank Wiles
On Thu, 24 Jul 2003 02:18:17 -0400
Eric Sammer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Perrin - Have you ever considered revealing more about the Etoys
> project or just the concepts as you applied them? It would be nice to
> peek at some of the details. Or, is this an NDA situation or some such
> thing? Either way, great article.

  I too would like to would like to have a better understanding of how
  MVC can be applied to mod_perl.  Maybe even HelloWorld sized example
  showing how all of the different components interact? 

   Frank Wiles <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re: Application design patterns

2003-07-24 Thread Aaron Ross
Hi Eric,
> class. What I'd like is to have my model (as in MVC) objects reuse the 
> process or maybe even server shared objects without doing any of these:
> 1. Using a singleton utility class
> 2. Needing to pass objects to model objects' new() in teh controllers
> 3. Instantiating the objects in the model classes themselves

I'm not sure if this violates 3 (the models classes have to know what
resources they need, so i am not sure what wouldn't), but could you use
a singleton for the resource and a factory to access it? The model
classes call a "static" factory method that handles the configuration,
cache, etc...

This solves the problem of having configuration and resource allocation
code in your model objects. It does mean that you have to write factory
classes for your resources, but they ought to be quite simple. 

package MyModel::SomeObject;


sub doSomething {
  my $dbiHandle = MyDBIHandleFactory->getHandle();


package MyDBIHandleFactory;

sub getHandle {
   if (defined $handle) {
return $handle # implement as singleton
   ... read config or something ...
   $handle = DBI->connect(...);


hth, aaron

Re: Application design patterns

2003-07-23 Thread Eric Sammer
Perrin Harkins wrote:
There are tutorials on the Template Toolkit site, a recent
article about TT and Class::DBI, and my article:
I read Perrin's case study awhile ago and it was excellent. Out of 
curiosity (and since most of my code written prior to reading said 
article looks identical in structure) where did you (Perrin) keep 
objects like your database handle (assuming DBI, but please correct 
otherwise) and any objects that could be reused (TT, XML parser objects, 
et al)?

I see a reference to a utility style class (ESR::Util, IIRC), but after 
rereading a number of articles and design pattern books, I'm reluctant 
to go with a "handle holder" object as I've done in the past. I use a 
configuration object that parses and holds all site config info (DBI 
dsn, user, pass, TT paths, etc.), when apache starts - a singleton style 
class. What I'd like is to have my model (as in MVC) objects reuse the 
process or maybe even server shared objects without doing any of these:

1. Using a singleton utility class
2. Needing to pass objects to model objects' new() in teh controllers
3. Instantiating the objects in the model classes themselves
I guess I could use a class to just act as a namespace to hold the 
objects and create them at server startup time and use a module like 
IPC::MM, File::Cache, or Cache::Mmap but that feels kludgy and offers no 
encapsulation for the objects themselves.

I'm sure I'm either overcomplicating the situation to some great 
extentent or the utility class is the way to go (combined with some 
caching / shared mem module). Is there some obvious pattern I've missed 
or should I just KISS?

Perrin - Have you ever considered revealing more about the Etoys project 
or just the concepts as you applied them? It would be nice to peek at 
some of the details. Or, is this an NDA situation or some such thing? 
Either way, great article.

Thanks in advance.
Eric Sammer

Re: Application design patterns

2003-07-23 Thread Perrin Harkins
On Wed, 2003-07-23 at 18:18, Aleksandr Guidrevitch wrote:
> Are there some common application design patterns using  mod_perl + TT2 
> ? Any links would be greatly appreciated

There are tutorials on the Template Toolkit site, a recent
article about TT and Class::DBI, and my article:

- Perrin