There is a horse pasture on the s/s of Middle Rd., between Ostrander Ave &
Northville Tpke, Riverhead, that I've known about since 1968, when I
transferred from Garden City to Riverhead, for the local utility company.
Then known as LILCO, but after ~ 7 name changes, operates now as the
National Grid / PSE&G Power Company. I myself, retired in 1999 when it was
still Keyspan, after 42 years, 8 months, and 23 days...but who's counting !

>From the moment I saw this pasture, (which is less than 5 minutes from my
house) I was sure this had to be a good spot to find Cattle Egret*. *So
today, on my way down to Dune Rd., as I approached the pasture...could it
be, or were my eyes playing tricks on me in the form of a white bird (of
any species), something which hadn't happened in 16 + years ? Well no, they
weren't ! There was a white bird toward the back of the pasture (the only
bird within it, of any species) feeding away, but the shape was wrong for
an egret, but right-on for a goose ! Fully expecting to get my scope on a
Snow Goose, I was quite surprised to find an adult Ross's, my 1st of the
season ! The time of day was ~ 1430, but when I passed this location at ~
1700, it was gone, with 2 Canadas taking its place. I will try again
tomorrow AM, and will post if it has returned.

Following my usual route, I rode Dune Road., from the Post La. Bridge,
Quogue to Shinnicock Inlet, Hampton Bays. There were only 2 birds of note,
a N.Harrier seen early in the ride, and a Snowy Owl seen at the end. This
bird (only the 2nd of the season for me) was spectacular for (a) its very
"being", and (b) for where it decided to show off that "being" !  Would you
believe atop the highest "cupola" on the roof of Oakland's Restaurant,
which is the last (and biggest) restaurant on Shinnicock Bay, before the
inlet ! Through the years I have seen this exciting species many times
along Dune Rd., but this has to be the best photographic opportunity I have
ever been afforded - and yes, I did get a few good ones !

P.S...As Gil Raynor used to say, "good weather - bad birding" / "bad
weather - good birding" !


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