[HACKERS] Re[2+]: COCOMO & Indians

2008-12-11 Thread Dmitry Turin
Hi, Pavel.

Let me replace "We" by "Somebody" for your comprehension.

>> Money will not be confirmed, until size of it will be known.
> I though some different, First you have to show real code

"show read code" before hiring

> develop process is based

I'm not intersting process of development in pgsql-hackers@postgresql.org now -
i'm interesting method to estimate lines and time.
If you don't like my proposals, you can imply other proposals behind.
I assume, PMs can be not here (in list), as well as (nominal) PMs here can not 
use methods
and work at random.

Let's leave my SQL5, and come back to topic:
  1.1) Somebody divide possibilities to elementary features, find analogues in 
already written
code, and suppose e.g., that quantity of lines for 'create timer' will be 
similar to
'create function', and that implementation for 'create timer' is easy than 
of 'create function' (because it already has prototype in 'create function', 
and coping
source code is possiblle)
  1.2) Somebody calculate cost and time by COCOMO 
How relevant is this estimation ?

Dmitry (SQL50, HTML60)

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Re: [HACKERS] COCOMO & Indians

2008-12-11 Thread Dmitry Turin
Hi, Pavel.

>> Money will not be confirmed, until size of it will be known.
> I though some different, First you have to show real code

"show read code" before hiring

> develop process is based

I'm not intersting process of development in pgsql-hackers@postgresql.org now -
i'm interesting method to estimate lines and time.
If you don't like my proposals, you can imply other proposals behind.
I assume, PMs can be not here (in list), as well as (nominal) PMs here can not 
use methods
and work at random.

Let's leave my SQL5, and come back to topic:
  1.1) We divide possibilities to elementary features, find analogues in 
already written
code, and suppose e.g., that quantity of lines for 'create timer' will be 
similar to
'create function', and that implementation for 'create timer' is easy than 
of 'create function' (because it already has prototype in 'create function', 
and coping
source code is possiblle)
  1.2) We calculate cost and time by COCOMO http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cocomo
How relevant is this estimation ?

Dmitry (SQL50, HTML60)

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Re: [HACKERS] COCOMO & Indians

2008-12-11 Thread Dmitry Turin
Hi, Pavel.

> you have to show some real product, real project

Money will not be confirmed, until size of it will be known.

No IT solution can be confirmed or not, but business solution.
Budget for implementation is part of business solution.

Dmitry (SQL50, HTML60)

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Re: [HACKERS] COCOMO & Indians

2008-12-11 Thread Dmitry Turin
Hi, Robert.

>>> This is the wrong place to do it.
>> Seggest other place.
> This topic is off-topic for the mailing list.

I feel strong desire to recall you, that Pg has no concreate instructions till 
how to hire for appending features into engine.

And of cource, there is no usefull recomendations to orientate on market.

I agree to continue discussion about features of site only in other mailing 
if you just want.

Dmitry (SQL50, HTML60)

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Re: [HACKERS] COCOMO & Indians

2008-12-11 Thread Dmitry Turin
Hi, Jonah and Ibrar.

> This is the wrong place to do it.

Seggest other place.

>> 2) We are captivated by price of Indians,
>> we listened much about low quality of code, written by Indians,
>> we are fearing, that American company will resale implementation to Indian 
>> subcontractor
>> (i.e. real developers will be Indians anyway).
> Did you really just say that?

My letters are perlustrated by bank security command (team).

> it seems that you haven't got the hint yet

Already done. Current results is the following:
A1) cost in US is above cost in India in 3 time (i.e. coefficient is 3),
coefficient was obtained as expert estimation independently (of digits below).
A2) avarage in India is nearly 50 000$, avarage in US is nearly 150 000$.
Much dispersion (range) of prices (dispersion for India is bigger).
Both country informs, that cost in Europe is above cost in US.
A3) Contributor from Pg informs, that cost is 50 000 euro, i.e. 75 000$.

We interpret in following way:
B1) We can pack into 75 000, if we will seach developers enough long time,
we can get developers just now, if we pay twice (i.e. 75*2=150)
B2) therefore cost in India is increased twice, i.e. actual cost is 25 000
B3) We have no reasons to believe US, probably real developers will be in India

>Do we really need this kind of discussion here?

Bosses do not like dispersion.
Besides this, 50 000 itself seems very much for India to be math expectation.

Dmitry (SQL50, HTML60)

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2008-12-11 Thread Dmitry Turin
Hi, Pgsql-hackers.

We would like to obtain your opinion on these two questions:

1) We wanna append possibilities into Postgres engine, and wanna get top 
estimation for
size of code, cost and time of implementation.
1.1) We divide possibilities to elementary features, find analogues in already 
code, and suppose e.g., that quantity of lines for 'create timer' will be 
similar to
'create function', and that implementation for 'create timer' is easy than 
of 'create function' (because it already has prototype in 'create function', 
and coping
source code is possiblle)
1.2) We calculate cost and time by COCOMO http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cocomo

How relevant is this estimation ?

2) We are captivated by price of Indians,
we listened much about low quality of code, written by Indians,
we are fearing, that American company will resale implementation to Indian 
(i.e. real developers will be Indians anyway).

What requirements should satisfy code, written by Indians, to be in next 
version of Postgres ?

Dmitry (SQL50, HTML60)

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2008-12-11 Thread Dmitry Turin
Hi, Pgsql-hackers.

We would like to obtain your opinion on these two questions:

1) We wanna append possibilities into Postgres engine, and wanna get top 
estimation for
size of code, cost and time of implementation.
1.1) We divide possibilities to elementary features, find analogues in already 
code, and suppose e.g., that quantity of lines for 'create timer' will be 
similar to
'create function', and that implementation for 'create timer' is easy than 
of 'create function' (because it already has prototype in 'create function', 
and coping
source code is possiblle)
1.2) We calculate cost and time by COCOMO http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cocomo

How relevant is this estimation ?

2) We are captivated by price of Indians,
we listened much about low quality of code, written by Indians,
we are fearing, that American company will resale implementation to Indian 
(i.e. real developers will be Indians anyway).

What requirements should satisfy code, written by Indians, to be in next 
version of Postgres ?

Dmitry (SQL50, HTML60)

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[HACKERS] SQL5 budget

2008-11-13 Thread Dmitry Turin
Hi, Pgsql-hackers.

> many seem (to me) to be overly tied to an "all XML all the time" view.

Only for hierarchical result sets. Even in case of

Dmitry (SQL50, HTML60)

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[HACKERS] SQL5 budget

2008-11-12 Thread Dmitry Turin
Hi, Pgsql-hackers.

> what he's looking for is to somehow
> use XML in lieu of, um, either SQL, PHP, libpq, or something like
> that.  (And the fact that those are 4 rather different things reveals
> how confused the matter is.)


Dmitry (SQL50, HTML60)

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Re: [HACKERS] SQL5 budget

2008-11-05 Thread Dmitry Turin
Hi, Pgsql-hackers.

Full list of changes of two related projects (SQL5 & HTML6) at current moment
(not reflected in documentation yet).


  master table is table, to primary key of which this (slave) table refers
  (terms "master" and "slave" are used only for MTD).
  if master table is not represented in the same html-document,
  where slave is (created by "select ''"),
  then new separate browser window will appear, and content of master table 
will shown in it.
  master and slave table must be bound by only one foreing key in database.

  communication - must be implemented via SQL5 over TCP
  (look at slides #27-28 of http://sql50.euro.ru/sql5.16.4.pdf)
  without closing TCP-connection after obtaining XML-document

  because saments are saved in database, but baments are not
  (we don't need to save temporary service information), instead of sament
<_ name= event= arg= >
  the following bament must be sent


in regard to

  instead of

  the following construction must be implemented

  with CSS
table[name=M] { online:yes; portion:50; visual:20 }
table[name=S] { online:yes; portion:40; visual:10; master:M }

  as well as instead of

  the following construction must be implemented

  with CSS
table[name=M] { online:yes; portion:50; visual:20 }
table[name=N] { online:yes; portion:50; visual:20 }
table[name=P] { online:yes; portion:50; visual:20 }
table[name=S] { online:yes; portion:40; visual:10; master:M N P }
  or (if slave table refers to one master table by 3 own fields)
table[name=M] { online:yes; portion:50; visual:20 }
table[name=S] { online:yes; portion:40; visual:10; master:M/§s3 N/§s4 P/§s5 }
  where §s3, §s4, §s5 are fields of table "S"

  instead of sament
<_ name= event= arg= >
  the following bament must be sent

  as well as instead of
<_ name= event= arg= >

  the following construction must be sent

  as well as instead of
<_ name="S" event="TableDown" arg="40">

  the following construction must be sent


  instead of

  the following construction must be implemented


  instead of


  the following construction must be implemented

  with CSS
table [name=A] { online:yes; portion:50; visual:20 }
table [name=A] { §a2: B }/* 'portion', 'visual' are 
inherited */

  in addition to mentioned, statement
table [name=A] { §a2: B C }
  means, that "C" is master table for "B", "B" is master table for "§a2",
  and that browser represents content "C" before content "B" to choose sub-set 
of "B"

  in addition to mentioned in paper, each 1-st click on column header
  (e.g. concerning to xml-attribute @a2) sends bament

   each 2-nd click sends bament

   each 3-rd click sends bament

  in addition to mentioned in paper, master table rise appearance of new 
separete browser window
  and displaying content of slave table in it, if 
  *) additional virtual column is specified in CSS for master table
 (slave field is specified too, if several fields of slave table refer to 
one master table)
table[name=M] §m20::after { slave:S/§s5 }
  *) user make double-click on this virtual column
  Relation "master-slave" is served by the same saments, as relation 
  but refering key will be specified


in regard to

  instead of

  the following element must be implemented

  with CSS
ul[name=A] { online:yes; portion:40 }

  instead of sament
<_ name= event= arg= >
  the following bament must be sent

  as well as instead of
<_ name= event= arg= >
  the following construction must be sent



in regard to

  instead of

  the following element must be implemented

  with CSS
ul[name=A] { online:yes }

  instead of sament
<_ name= event= arg= >
  the following bament must be sent


in regard to

  in addition to mentioned in papers, tree as master element for table is 
ul   [name=A] { online:yes }
table[name=S] { online:yes; portion:40; visual:10; master:A }
  and browser sends at user actions

  it's supposed, that foreign key of database table "S" refers to
  primary key of database table "A"

  database table, corresponding to HTML-tree, consists of only two fields -
  of primary key (extracted as @id), and of any other field with any name
  (extracted as content of element LI)

===other HTML6 additions

  pressing browser botton "back" not only display previos XML-document, but 
also sends bament

  (which rollback 

Re: [HACKERS] SQL5 budget

2008-11-04 Thread Dmitry Turin
> I had preliminary conversation with my employer about implementation of SQL5 
> [1] without "Driven Scene" [2]. He needs concrete budget.
> So i'm asking you to estimate and say, how much will it cost.
> In particular, speach goes about implemention of slides # 17-42, 47-56, 63, 
> 102-109, 114-143,
> 147-157, 160-177, 180-197 of "sql5.16.4.pdf", and about implementation of
> http://sql50.euro.ru/site/sql50/en/author/mtd_eng.htm

Changes of two related projects (SQL5 & HTML6), not reflected in documentation 


in regard to
http://sql50.euro.ru/sql5.16.4.pdf (slide #31,etc)

  in addition to mentioned in pdf-document, statement
  extracts additional record from table as first xml-element,
  attributes of which contain comments, specified for each field earlier by 
COMMENT tab/@fld BY "column title";
  this first xml-element contains additional service xml-attribute '_=comment'.
  usually comments are specified for html-tables, instead of html-trees


in regard to
http://sql50.euro.ru/sql5.16.4.pdf (slide #18)
http://html60.euro.ru/site/html60/en/author/tabfile_eng.htm (Sending of form)
http://html60.euro.ru/site/html60/en/author/cube_eng.htm(Sending of form)

  Obtaining single xml-element (instead of xml-tree) with primary key (PK) for 
DBMS table (specified in some xml-attribute) means the following:
*) if this PK is already in DBMS table, then DBMS *updates* fields of record 
with this PK
*) if this PK is not in table (this usually means, that record with this PK was 
already deleted),
  then DBMS *inserts* this xml-element under new PK (obtained from sequence for 
this PK), i.e. PK will be changed during insertion.


in regard to
http://sql50.euro.ru/sql5.16.4.pdf (slide #31-32, 39(Another output), 40)
http://html60.euro.ru/site/html60/en/author/quest_eng.htm#webforms_data (...)

  Each 'select ...' extracts data into LAN or WAN.
  (instead of 'insert ... select ...' and 'select ... into ...', coping data 
into internal DBMS table).
  Each 'select ... union ... select ...' interpreted as single extraction of 
xml into LAN or WAN.
  Each extraction of data into LAN or WAN is automatically:
*) anticipated by content of field 'beginning' of system table 
*) ended by content of field 'end' of system table 'SysXmlFormatting' and
*) by bament  (to inform client, e.g. browser, about end of 
Other field of system table 'SysXmlFormatting' is URL
(which specifies browser URL; 'null' means all URL and is applied,
only if 'SysXmlFormatting' does not contain record with exact URL).


in regard to
http://sql50.euro.ru/sql5.16.4.pdf (slide #173)

  Authentification (obtaining username and password, slide #173) must be 
implemented by baments
  (look at slides #26-27) and is described nowhere.
--other SQL5 additions

  in addition to mentioned in pdf-document, each 'select ...' (extracting data 
into LAN/WAN) is savepoint.
  DBMS rollbacks to this savepoint, having obtained bament

  in addition to mentioned in pdf-document, permissions for field are controlled

  in addition to mentioned in pdf-document, if table "b" below is created
| b1 | b2 |  b3  |
| | a1 | a2 | a3 |
  then expression
IMPLY b/@b3 as b/@b3/@a2;
  influence so, that any 'SELECT @b3 FROM b' will extract only one elementary 
field (@a2) 
  instead of all branch elementary fields (@a1, @a2, @a3),
  i.e. mentioned statement will be equivalent to 'SELECT @b3/@a2 FROM b'.
  it's for multi-language applications (@a1, @a2, @a3 contain notes in 
different languages)
  DBMS creates separete CSS-file "username.css" for each user "username" in 
local (for DBMS) directory.
  All accessable database fields (for user "username") are listed in this file 
as ¶fieldname
  [instead of §fieldname, because DBMS does not know,
  what fields are service (like @colspan, @rowspan) or
  are values of properties (like in 
  and what fields contain data for visualization -  
  so mark ¶ acts like comment for this xml-attribute),
  except fields, which are primary keys in database, and which are always 
specified (and never ignored) as invisible.
  Fields, calculated upon other fields and don't saved really, specified as 
calculated by browser upon other fields.
  CSS-files are available for editing for DBMS administrator.


in regard to

  instead of

  the following construction must be implemented

  with CSS
table[name=M] { online:yes; portion:50; visual:20 }
table[name=S] { online:yes; portion:40; visual:10; 

[HACKERS] SQL5 budget

2008-11-04 Thread Dmitry Turin
Hi, all.

I had preliminary conversation with my employer about implementation of SQL5 
[1] without "Driven Scene" [2]. He needs concrete budget.
So i'm asking you to estimate and say, how much will it cost.
In particular, speach goes about implemention of slides # 17-42, 47-56, 63, 
102-109, 114-143,
147-157, 160-177, 180-197 of "sql5.16.4.pdf", and about implementation of 

[1] http://sql50.euro.ru/sql5.16.4.pdf
Brief description of SQL5 is on
or on

[2] http://computer20.euro.ru/driven-scene.pdf
Brief description of SQL5 is on
or on

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Re: [HACKERS] Postgres + Window manager

2008-06-22 Thread Dmitry Turin

Can i hope to your interest ?

>>> I stated details of proposal on page 2-13, 67-75 of pdf-document
>>> http://sql50.euro.ru/sql5.16.4.pdf , and i ask to implement it.
>>> All my proposals are public domain.
JB>> I'm confused.  You're planning to develop this
DT> I can't make this alone.
JB>> or you're looking for someone else to?
DT> Yes, i'm looking for programmers, which agree to support this
DT> initiative.

Dmitry Turin
SQL5  (5.16.4)  http://sql50.narod.ru/sql5.16.4.pdf

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Re: [HACKERS] Postgres + Window manager

2008-06-19 Thread Dmitry Turin

>> I stated details of proposal on page 2-13, 67-75 of pdf-document
>> http://sql50.euro.ru/sql5.16.4.pdf , and i ask to implement it.
>> All my proposals are public domain.

JB> I'm confused.  You're planning to develop this

I can't make this alone.

JB> or you're looking for someone else to?

Yes, i'm looking for programmers, which agree to support this

Dmitry Turin
SQL5 (5.16.4)  http://sql50.euro.ru/sql5.16.4.pdf

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[HACKERS] Postgres + Window manager

2008-06-18 Thread Dmitry Turin
Good day,

Progress in office technologies stopped, and it has occurred because user
himself can not map arbitrary 3-dimensional composition _into_ a window.
In the same time, it's possible to keep composition in Postgres, to extract by
operator 'select', and to transfer got binary data without transformation into
Window manager.
Thus user will avoid OpenGL and DirectX, which he never master.

I stated details of proposal on page 2-13, 67-75 of pdf-document
http://sql50.euro.ru/sql5.16.4.pdf , and i ask to implement it.
All my proposals are public domain.

XML is used only to clarify, what's happened in proprietary format,
used for communication between Postgres and its client.

Dmitry Turin
SQL5  (5.16.4)  http://sql50.euro.ru/sql5.16.4.pdf
HTML6 (6. 8.3)  http://html60.euro.ru
Unicode7  (7. 3.2)  http://unicode70.euro.ru
Computer2 (2. 7.0)  http://computer20.euro.ru

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Re: [HACKERS] distibuted transactions, SQL+XPath+XTree

2008-02-20 Thread Dmitry Turin

>> I see the following business opportunity for Postgres:
>> I) Simple man can't program middleware to connect XML-client and
>> Postgres.
RH> Aha! still trying to push an XML command system and http server into the
RH> backend.


>> II) Request into several databases does not exist.
RH> what you do with cross-database dependencies

As i understand, you are saying about inter-database FK

connect address www.default.bz;
create nick db1 address www.site.com;
create nick db2 address www.data.net;

connect addr=“www.data.net” user=“Smith” pwd=“qxuwb”;
create table b (
  b1 xml,
  b2 number,
  b3 xml

connect addr=“www.site.com” user=“Tomson” pwd=“ncwhif”;
create table a (
  a1 number  references db1:b(@b1/k/m/@m1),
  a2 xml,  foreign key (@a2/p/q/@q1) references db1:b(@b2),
  a3 xml,  foreign key (@a3/p/q/@q1) references db1:b(@b3/k/m/@m1)

e.g. slides #75-76 in http://sql50.euro.ru/sql5.11.3.ppt ?
There are two case, which i'm naming
  'set' ( a<= b, slide #93-94) and
  'relay-rece' ( a => b , slide #95-98).
I propose to not try all "second" database, i.e. to not use
reference from "second" database to "first" database (case of 'set').
Case 'relay-race' works clearly.

Of course, i raise question about designation of interbase FK in
modellers (slide #105).

>> III) Notebooks need several switching-on and switching-off during
>> transaction.
RH> How are you dealing with the locking issues?

I propose to freeze transaction (#118):

create user u identified by p waited 1.0/0; -- yy.mm.dd/hh.mm.ss;
freeze; -- like disconnect

unfreeze addr=site.com user=Tomson pwd=ncwhif safe=8726; -- like ‘connect’
unfreeze addr=data.net user=Smith  pwd=qxuwb  safe=9278;

Of course, i propose possibility to freeze failed commit (#120).

>> IV) Distance between strings are not supported, that makes
>> aproximate searching impossible.
RH> Would that be "not supported" in the sense of "contrib/fuzzystrmatch"?

I propose
1) to use Levenshtein distance recursively:
for letters in words, for words in phrases (separated by marks of
punctuation), for phrases (e.g. sentances) in string
2) to count convolutions (several words into abbreviation, and back)

>> V) There is no possibility to hide some (not all) records of table,
>> granted to other users, from these users
RH> Apart from views

depending of user, which look in view

RH> or the veil pgfoundry project of course.

I'm not understanding, clarify, please.

>> I ask you to implement these solutions, that Postgres get
>> advantage before other DBMS-es. I have prepered several drawing
>> http://sql50.euro.ru/sql5.11.3.ppt to explain ideas.
>> More details are described below.
RH> Were you looking to hire developers, or do you have customers who are
RH> looking to hire developers?

Neither this, nor that.
I'm looking for volunteers.

I'm also seggesting to implement

1) restricted table for stream processing:

create table a (
  a1 number,
  a2 number
) size 5;
create table aa (…);
-- resize a to 10;
-- resize a to infinity;
-- redirect a to aa;

create table a (
  a1 number,
  a2 number
) size 5 direct aa;

2) timer:

create timer TimerName
  start yy.mm.dd/hh.mm.ss
  end  yy.mm.dd/hh.mm.ss
  schedule (yy.mm.dd/hh.mm.ss, yy.mm.dd/hh.mm.ss, …)
  per   yy.mm.dd/hh.mm.ss
  as begin … end;
create timer t1 schedule (01/0, 03/0, 10/0) per 01.00/0 as … ;
  -- 1-st, 3-rd, 10-th day of each month
create timer t2 schedule (0/0.05, 0/0.10, 0/0.20) per 0/01 as … ;
  -- 5-, 10-, 20-th minutes of each hour
create timer t3 schedule (0) per 1/0 as … ; 
  -- each day

Dmitry Turin
SQL5  (5.11.3)  http://sql50.euro.ru
HTML6 (6. 5.4)  http://html60.euro.ru
Unicode7  (7. 2.1)  http://unicode70.euro.ru
Computer2 (2. 0.2)  http://computer20.euro.ru

---(end of broadcast)---
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