[PERFORM] inserting into brand new database faster than old database

2004-07-07 Thread Missner, T. R.

I have been a happy postgresql developer for a few years now.  Recently
I have discovered a very strange phenomenon in regards to inserting

My app inserts millions of records a day, averaging about 30 rows a
second. I use autovac to make sure my stats and indexes are up to date.
Rarely are rows ever deleted.  Each day a brand new set of tables is
created and eventually the old tables are dropped. The app calls
functions which based on some simple logic perform the correct inserts.

The problem I am seeing is that after a particular database gets kinda
old, say a couple of months, performance begins to degrade.  Even after
creating brand new tables my insert speed is slow in comparison ( by a
magnitude of 5 or more ) with a brand new schema which has the exact
same tables.  I am running on an IBM 360 dual processor Linux server
with a 100 gig raid array spanning 5 scsi disks.  The machine has 1 gig
of ram of which 500 meg is dedicated to Postgresql.

Just to be clear, the question I have is why would a brand new db schema
allow inserts faster than an older schema with brand new tables?  Since
the tables are empty to start, vacuuming should not be an issue at all.
Each schema is identical in every way except the db name and creation

Any ideas are appreciated.


T.R. Missner

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 9: the planner will ignore your desire to choose an index scan if your
  joining column's datatypes do not match

Re: [PERFORM] inserting into brand new database faster than old database

2004-07-07 Thread Missner, T. R.
I do have one table that acts as a lookup table and grows in size as the
app runs, however in the tests I have been doing I have dropped and
recreated all tables including the lookup table.

I keep wondering how disk is allocated to a particular DB. Also is there
any way I could tell whether the writes to disk are the bottleneck?

T.R. Missner
Level(3) Communications
SSID tools
Senior Software Engineer

-Original Message-
From: Matthew T. O'Connor [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, July 07, 2004 1:17 PM
To: Missner, T. R.
Subject: Re: [PERFORM] inserting into brand new database faster than old

I don't think I have enough detail about your app.  Couple of questions,

are there any tables that recieve a lot of inserts / updates / deletes 
that are not deleted and recreated often?  If so, one possibility is 
that you don't have a large enough FSM settings and your table is 
actually growing despite using autovac.  Does that sounds possbile to

Missner, T. R. wrote:

> Hello,
> I have been a happy postgresql developer for a few years now.
> I have discovered a very strange phenomenon in regards to inserting
> rows.
> My app inserts millions of records a day, averaging about 30 rows a
> second. I use autovac to make sure my stats and indexes are up to
> Rarely are rows ever deleted.  Each day a brand new set of tables is
> created and eventually the old tables are dropped. The app calls
> functions which based on some simple logic perform the correct
> The problem I am seeing is that after a particular database gets kinda
> old, say a couple of months, performance begins to degrade.  Even
> creating brand new tables my insert speed is slow in comparison ( by a
> magnitude of 5 or more ) with a brand new schema which has the exact
> same tables.  I am running on an IBM 360 dual processor Linux server
> with a 100 gig raid array spanning 5 scsi disks.  The machine has 1
> of ram of which 500 meg is dedicated to Postgresql.
> Just to be clear, the question I have is why would a brand new db
> allow inserts faster than an older schema with brand new tables?
> the tables are empty to start, vacuuming should not be an issue at
> Each schema is identical in every way except the db name and creation
> date.
> Any ideas are appreciated.
> Thanks,
> T.R. Missner
> ---(end of
> TIP 9: the planner will ignore your desire to choose an index scan if
>   joining column's datatypes do not match

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 8: explain analyze is your friend