[PHP] Re: Why?

2002-03-25 Thread Arve Bersvendsen

Gunter Ohrner wrote:

> The HTTP-based network protocol for controlling coffee machines
> was not bad, either.

Which we seriously considered implementing here at my job.  But: A 
webcam and a pair of legs suffices.

Arve X-No-Archive? Never

He's the greatest cowboy of them all

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[PHP] Re: HOWTO Q: detect browser's script enabled? - II

2002-01-29 Thread Arve Bersvendsen

Ivo Stoykov wrote in [EMAIL PROTECTED]:">news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:

> Hello again
> earlier today I asked about detecting whether javascript is
> enabled on the visitor's browser (bellow are the question and
> answeres received). 

jsImg = new Image()
jsImg.src = "js-yes.gif";


Your access logs for the images js-yes.gif, and js-no.gif will give 
you stats over js/no-js.

If you need something more sophisticated, you can replace js-yes.gif 
and js-no.gif with serverside scripts that add the results to a 

I have a sample php-script that gives you some of that functionality 
without resorting to database:


I then modify the html/js code to look like this:


jsImg = new Image()
jsImg.src = "jsenabled.php?js=y";


Please note that you'd want to purge the an.txt and ay.txt every once 
in a while.

Arve http://www.bersvendsen.com/>

Newsere mot X-No-Archive

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[PHP] Re: Redeclaring functions

2002-01-11 Thread Arve Bersvendsen

Martin Wickman wrote in [EMAIL PROTECTED]:">news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:

> I dont know what a perpetual-running socket server is, but to have
> a main PHP script execute different functions with the same name I
> guess 

I'm thinking about a server that can keep it's connection up & 
running, even if I decide to change the internal functionality of 
functions, or even adding functions on-the-fly.

Arve http://www.bersvendsen.com/>

Newsere mot X-No-Archive

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[PHP] Redeclaring functions

2002-01-10 Thread Arve Bersvendsen

As a small, personal, "enjoy-myself"-project I'd like to run a 
perpetual-running socket server. Problem is; I also want it to be 
self-modifying so I can insert, remove and change functions as the 
server is running.

The problem is; under normal circumstances, PHP won't let the script 
redeclare functions. Is there any way to circumvent this.

Yes: I know this is probably better solved in other languages, but I 
want this done in PHP.

Arve http://www.bersvendsen.com/>

Newsere mot X-No-Archive

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[PHP] Re: Parsing syntax to add a HTML line break

2001-12-18 Thread Arve Bersvendsen

 wrote in 000f01c187af$60d6c900$d536cca6@vaio:">news:000f01c187af$60d6c900$d536cca6@vaio:

> I have a form to be used for data submission and to be added to
> MySQL. How do I parse the syntax so that it automatically inserts
> a HTML line break whenever a carriage return is present?? 

nl2br http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.nl2br.php>

Arve http://www.bersvendsen.com/>

Newsere mot X-No-Archive

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[PHP] Re: foo-bar

2001-11-29 Thread Arve Bersvendsen

Christoph Starkmann wrote in 

> Can anybody tell me where the words
> foo and bar


Arve http://www.bersvendsen.com/>

Newsere mot X-No-Archive

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[PHP] Re: JavaScript MD5()

2001-09-11 Thread Arve Bersvendsen

Arve Bersvendsen wrote in 

> The algorithm is described in RFC 1321. 
> http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc1321.txt>

BTW: I found a Javascript-implementation of MD5. 

Arve «The pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity.
   The optimist sees opportunity in every difficulty.» 
 - Winston Churchill

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[PHP] Re: JavaScript MD5()

2001-09-11 Thread Arve Bersvendsen

Nicolas Costes wrote in 00fd01c13a94$e3329b80$0100a8c0@p2333:">news:00fd01c13a94$e3329b80$0100a8c0@p2333:

> Hellorgh, all !!!
> Does anyone knows if there is a way to MD5-encode strings with
> JavaScript ? 

The algorithm is described in RFC 1321. 

> I use MD5() to encode passwords then insert them in my account
> database, and when a user logs in, i do
> MD5($password_provided_by_form) to compare it with the one stored
> in the DB. Ok, fine, I cannot see the users's passwords but when
> they log in, everyone can sniff it !!!

MD5 is a one way algorithm, which means that you won't be doing MD5 on 
the server.

> That's why i'd like to encode passwords at client-side a
> Javascript MD5() function should be fine, but i think it doesn't
> exists  and I can't use (and i don't know how to ;~p ) SSL,
> https:  

Which won't help you in any way, in effect you'll just be sending a 
plaintext password that's a lot longer.
> Someone's got any solution 

A secure connection is your only real solution here.

Arve «The pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity.
   The optimist sees opportunity in every difficulty.» 
 - Winston Churchill

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