
2012-05-19 Thread Peter Fischer
Good bye Peter Fischer  :-(
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Re: PicoLisp is DEAD (Was: PicoLisp and its (lack of) libraries)

2012-01-22 Thread Peter Fischer

Am 22.01.2012 08:42, schrieb Alexander Burger:

OK, I understand.

The language is not useful or usable, and the "Community" (I count 70
members in this list) is silent.

Hi Alexander!

Hm, for an April 1st joke it is too early!?
Bad mood day due to ugly wet weather in upper bavaria? ;)
Mailing list echo test on a sunday? :)

Everyone has a low from time to time. Breaks help a lot. Had a walk with 
the raincoat today afternoon, what a great experience!

And for Picolisp:
After a long work-related hiatus, at xmas I finally found time again to 
work on my learn-something-and-get-back-something-useful side project. 
And I chose PL for tinkering, *because* it is not (over?)loaded like 
other lisp implementations (which can scare beginners because of their 
sheer size).


P.S.: If you really wanted to throw the towel, *please* consider putting 
the source on github or one of the other bigger SCM sites.

But I'd like to see the project go on :) .

P.P.S.: in the next few days, this email address will unsubscribe - 
"spring cleaning"/new years resolution to get rid of data leeches. The 
human behind the address will read on!

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Re: PL vs. BSD License

2010-08-03 Thread Peter Fischer

On 03.08.2010 09:31, Alexander Burger wrote:

On Tue, Aug 03, 2010 at 09:16:12AM +0200, Tomas Hlavaty wrote:

Agreed, but the new licence would encurage "taking away" as opposed to
"giving away".

I don't think so. If somebody takes it, modifies it, or does whatever
she likes, it does in no way have any influence on the existing
versions. So it does not "take away" anything. It just does not force
people to "add" their modifications.

if a picolisp bloody beginner is allowed to say something:

I personally do not even mind if someone takes some source, alters it 
and becomes filthy rich selling the results. But I would mind some kind 
of "embrace and extend" (like what happened to kerberos after win 2k), 
so that the market would later force you to support "industry 
standards", parts of which are patented and/or expensive.

Implementations can be free to alter by everyone, standards must not be 
free to alter by everyone.

So if you want some part/aspect of picolisp to be free and open forever, 
put these files unter LGPL and the rest under BSD.

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Re: solicting user stories of picolisp

2010-07-19 Thread Peter Fischer

On 19.07.2010 18:46, Alexander Burger wrote:

On Mon, Jul 19, 2010 at 04:39:08PM +0200, Mateusz Jan Przybylski wrote:
>  ``So this Lisp is a newfangled language, quite like Ruby, right?''
I'm deeply shocked!
I'm not surprised. In 2010, people like wrapping yet another library in 
yet another framework. Until "the solution(tm)" is about 47 MB (=mega 
bloat) big - minimum. RAM and Disk is cheap nowadays... Programmers are 
admired for more LoC, not for less.

Another point may be the orientation of educational entities towards 
certain "industry standards" and the vendors "academical pricing".


P.S.: even less people have heard of Forth.

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2010-06-18 Thread Peter Fischer

Hello Peter Fischer  :-)
You are now subscribed

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