[libreoffice-projects] minutes of ESC call ...

2015-03-19 Thread Michael Meeks
* Present: 
+ Muthu, Sophie, Andras, Miklos, Caolan, David, Michael M, Robinson,
  Norbert, Jan-Marek, Kendy, Lionel
* Completed Action Items:
* Pending Action Items:
+ please file an Easy-Hack this week: just a bug with whiteboard: (All)
"EasyHack DifficultyBeginner SkillCpp TopicCleanup"
+ thanks to: 
+ http://bit.ly/1KR4HWX
+ make sure to create a new openid if you are using the Google openID (all)
[ still need to get this done ! ]
+ poke Mathiew wrt. Windows / locking bug & revert if no response (Michael 
* GSoC (?)
+ student application period: March 16 to March 27th
+ Wiki page for tasks:
* Release Engineering update (Robinson)
+ Cloph on vacation.
+ 4.4.2 RC2 after the hack-fest
+ 4.3.7 RC1 April 7th or so
+ 4.5.0 / 5.0.0? - 1st Alpha release - April 13th
+ Android & iOS Remote
* Crashtest update (Caolan)
+ couple of hundred crashers; all the same problem in the
  new service naming scheme, next report should be small again.
   + more service bits in gerrit (Miklos)
* Hackfests (Bjoern)
+ Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain
+ March 19th, 20th: Thur / Fri.
+ Cambridge, UK - May 2015 - contact (Michael)
+ 21st -> 23rd May confirmed. Thur / Fri / Sat.
+ Cambridge Beer Festival overlap / Punting Excursion planned etc.
* UX Update (Kendy)
+ not so much this week; finalized & blogged about CMIS
  updated workflow
  + not huge changes; a new toolbar button in toolbar & start-center
  + replace the internal file dialog with an on-line CMIS browser
  + makes no sense not to use the system dialog handler.
+ breeze icons now in the repository & compressed by Andrew
* l10n Update (Sophie)
+ still working on the pootle upgrade
* Developer Certification (Stephan/Bjoern/Kendy)
+ still pending script foo.
* Jenkins update (Norbert)
+ jenkins: http://ci.libreoffice.org/view/Dashboard/
+ Windows system is more resilient
+ this morning a job got stuck & timed out / killed after a while.
+ can build a feature branch if we want to
+ need to push a patch through gerrit; at the end -
  put one of the last patches
+ git push origin HEAD:refs/for/feature/branch
 + and bingo.
+ lcov: http://lcov.libreoffice.org/
+ failing around coinmp - Makefile doesn't like it.
+ still pending.
* Tinderbox functionality stats (Norbert)
+ what %age of time is green for each platform ?
+ Linux:   90% green
+ Mac: 75% green
+ Windows: 66% green
+ is it related to build-times ? (Michael)
+ Linux & Mac - are incremental
+ mostly tied to people fixing on that platform (Kendy)
+ waits for Windows users to fix things.
+ Linux started a lot later as a TB (Norbert)
* VclPtr (Michael)
+ Noel and I working hard on it
+ tentacles of lifecycle badness everywhere
* Document Liberation (David)
+ some good candidates for GSOC
+ lots of followers on twitter.
* QA (Robinson)
+ needAdvice at 11
+ running out of 4.4 regressions to bisect (Matthew Francis)
+ goal is to be able to build bibisect in real-time
+ compressing the pack takes over a day (Norbert)
+ would like to do it all on one machine (Robinson)
+ vmiklos' dbgutil / master bibisect repo on dev-builds
+ useful for chasing master.
* QA stats:
  + https://bugs.documentfoundation.org/page.cgi?id=weekly-bug-summary.html
+123-79(+44 overall)
many thanks to the top bug squashers:
Jean-Baptiste Faure   12
raal  10
Serg Bormant   7
V Stuart Foote 6
Michael Stahl  5
Cor Nouws  3
Beluga 2
Julien Nabet   2
David Tardon   2
Adolfo Jayme   2
Matthew Francis2
Laurent BP 2
Kohei Yoshida  1
Joni_M 1
Markus Mohrhard1
* Open 4.5 MAB
  + 1/3 1/3 0/2 0/2 1/2 0/1 0/1 0/1 0/1
* Open 4.4 MAB
  + 13/49 15/49 14/48 13/47 12/46 16/44 16/43 16/40 14/38 11/34 6/26 6/24 7/24
 26%   30%   29%   27%   26%   36%   37%   40%   36%   32%  23%  25%  29%
* Open 4.3 MAB
  + 78/160 79/160 77/158 77/158 76/158 77/156 77/155 78/155 86

Re: [libreoffice-projects] Re: German community meeting in Essen

2015-03-19 Thread Florian Effenberger


Marc Paré wrote on 2015-03-19 at 11:15:

I have added the meeting to our LibreOffice events calendar and added
you as the LibreOffice contact[1]. Let me know if the text needs any

thanks, looks good!

Perhaps also get someone to list it on our wiki events page, either EN
or DE would be fine. I could also not find a website for the meeting,
but perhaps it is still too early for that.

There's no wiki page yet indeed, it will show up later I guess :-)


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[libreoffice-projects] Re: German community meeting in Essen

2015-03-19 Thread Marc Paré

Hi Florian

Le 2015-03-09 07:34, Florian Effenberger a écrit :


I'd like to inform you that the German community has planned their
annual meeting at Linuxhotel in Essen, from

 Friday, June 19 to Sunday, June 21

As the last years, we will meet and gather with the community, discuss
about projects carried out in the past, and plan for the future. An
agenda is yet to be written.

Everyone is invited to join, of course, to get in touch with community
members, and contribute to the success of LibreOffice. ;-)

There's also a limited number of rooms available, but we have to book
right now. So if you're sure you want to join already now, please let us
know in time. Otherwise, there's a couple of other hotels available in
Essen, and you can still join during the day.

Note that most of the slots will be in German language, but of course
English speakers are welcome as well - exchanging thoughts and ideas
across countries is usually quite constructive!

Looking forward to meeting you!

I have added the meeting to our LibreOffice events calendar and added 
you as the LibreOffice contact[1]. Let me know if the text needs any 

Perhaps also get someone to list it on our wiki events page, either EN 
or DE would be fine. I could also not find a website for the meeting, 
but perhaps it is still too early for that.



[1] https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/EventsCalendar
[2] https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Events

Marc Paré
parEntreprise.com Supports OpenDocument Formats (ODF)
parEntreprise.com Supports http://www.LibreOffice.org

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[libreoffice-projects] Minutes of the Design Hangout: 2015-03-18

2015-03-19 Thread Jan Holesovsky
* Present: David, Heiko, Ibrahim, Jay, Kendy, Mattias
+ David for the first time - welcome! :-)

* Completed Action Items:

+ Not using google docs for the design discussions
  [turned out to be a misunderstanding - OK with that for now]

* Pending Action Items:
+ Default document view for Writer, single page rather than automatic
+ Stuart: Change the default to single page
+ Jay/Stuart: Change the tooltip to "Multipage view" or "Multiple page 
  [https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=88001#c5 - would be 
great to get that to gerrit]
  AI: Stuart -- figure it out and get it posted.
+ Jay: Double check if we can change 'Spelling' to 'Spelling and Grammar'
+ Jay: Send a mail to documentat...@global.libreoffice.org with the wiki 
page that collects changes in menus
+ Kendy: Collecting of the user information should be incremental, 
somewhere in the user's profile
+ Ahmed: Push the new Sifr icons he's done recently
+ Kendy: Talk to Milos wrt. 
+ Alex: Gnome 2.20-style 'a' icons & Gnome 3-style text line icons
+ Samuel: Formulas and Navigator should open in the sidebar, not as a 
special window
+ Is that issue for the Navigator too (I dont read it from the issue)
  and in Writer the choice anycase was to allow opening separate too. 
(Cor, after discussion on 20150128)
+ the bug report only discusses the separate formulas sidebar in calc 
+ Kendy: https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=87794
 + check how the sliders in the Audio/Video toolbar are implemented to 
move them to sidebar
* UI changes integrated the last week:

+ Auto/No Fill now has a button (Adolfo)
+ new breeze icons integrated (Andreas Kainz/Jay)
+ many icons optimized (Andrew Dent)
* Icon Updates / Issues
+ Sifr
+ Breeze (Andreas/Jay)
+ http://arsenalrace.at/analytics/ak/libreoffice/
+ Andreas will push to gerrit
+ pushed the changes sent via mail (Kendy)Kainz
+ looked like there were only few new icons - some got lost 
somewhere? (Kendy)
+ will ping Andreas (Heiko)
+ Breeze pushed today - https://gerrit.libreoffice.org/#/c/14891/ (Jay)
+ conflict with Kendy's pushing :-) - fixed the links.txt (Kendy)
+ Extra-Large (32x32) Icons for hidpi
* Table of Contents (Heiko/Jay)
+ https://bugs.documentfoundation.org/show_bug.cgi?id=89608
+ updated the design session document, finalized
+ one button less in the UI, will update the latest mockup
+ topic closed
* CMIS / online documents mockup (Heiko/Jay)
+ follow-up concerns
+ changing size of the dialog (Bjoern B.)
+ there are 2 good solutions; will be decided what's best (Heiko)
+ will publish with proposals for the solution of the concerns (Heiko)
+ can include more people this way indeed (Kendy)
AI  + will publish the blogpost (Heiko)
* Friday's design session (Jay/Kendy)
+ 1pm UTC
+ this week's theme: Insert Special Character split/group button and dialog
* Finished proposals

+ Change tracking sidebar proposal
+ https://bugs.documentfoundation.org/show_bug.cgi?id=87695
+ CMIS / Online repositories
+ do we have a central place for collecting the finished ones?
+ Design Session Folder - 
+ something that we can links from
+ CoreHacks - something like EasyHacks for the more advanced tasks 
(that need some mentoring)
+ the bug number in the bugzilla should be the entry point (Heiko)
+ to avoid confusion what is the 'ultimate' source
+ consensus: sounds good
* Uncluttering Impress default view and stop toolbars from poping up and hiding 
+ Disable object, image and text toolbars - 
+ Move view tabs to left slide sidebar - 
+ Jay will create the mockups
+ Add media playback features to sidebar, so its toolbar can be disabled - 
+ Kendy needs to check implementation of the sliders
+ Slightly reduce the default sizes of the right and left sidebars
+ Do not hide slide pane in handout and slide sorter views
+ showing makes no sense with handout and sorter ? (Cor)
+ no real blockers to go ahead

* Uncluttering the Draw default view (Jay)

+ What an unclu