[issue19764] subprocess: use PROC_THREAD_ATTRIBUTE_HANDLE_LIST with STARTUPINFOEX on Windows Vista

2018-07-04 Thread Sebastian Bank

Sebastian Bank  added the comment:

Thanks Eryk. Done: https://bugs.python.org/issue34044


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[issue19764] subprocess: use PROC_THREAD_ATTRIBUTE_HANDLE_LIST with STARTUPINFOEX on Windows Vista

2018-06-30 Thread Eryk Sun

Eryk Sun  added the comment:

Sebastian, the problem in this case is that 
startupinfo.lpAttributeList['handle_list'] contains the duplicated 
standard-handle values from the previous call, which were closed and are no 
longer valid. subprocess.Popen has always modified STARTUPINFO in place, 
including dwFlags, hStdInput, hStdOutput, hStdError, and wShowWindow. This 
update follows suit to also modify lpAttributeList in place. 

This issue is closed. Please create a new issue if you think Popen should use a 
deep copy of startupinfo instead, to allow callers to reuse a single 
STARTUPINFO instance. Or the new issue could propose only to document the 
existing behavior.


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[issue19764] subprocess: use PROC_THREAD_ATTRIBUTE_HANDLE_LIST with STARTUPINFOEX on Windows Vista

2018-06-30 Thread Sebastian Bank

Sebastian Bank  added the comment:

AFAIU, this change broke the following usage of subprocess on Windows
(re-using a subprocess.STARTUPINFO instance to hide the command window):

import os, subprocess

STARTUPINFO.wShowWindow = subprocess.SW_HIDE

# raises OSError: [WinError 87]
# in the second loop iteration starting with Python 3.7
for i in range(2):
with open(os.devnull, 'w') as stderr:
subprocess.check_call(['attrib'], stderr=stderr,

AFAICT, this works on Python 2.7, 3.4, 3.5, and 3.6

nosy: +xflr6

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[issue19764] subprocess: use PROC_THREAD_ATTRIBUTE_HANDLE_LIST with STARTUPINFOEX on Windows Vista

2017-12-18 Thread STINNER Victor

STINNER Victor  added the comment:

Thank you Sergev Finer for finishing the implementation of my PEP 446. 
Supporting to only inherit a set of Windows handles was a "small note" my PEP 
446, mostly because I didn't feel able to implement the feature, but also 
because we still supported Windows versions which didn't implement this feature 

Thanks Eryk Sun, Gregory P. Smith and Steve Dower for the reviews and help on 
getting this nice feature into Python 3.7!

resolution:  -> fixed
stage: patch review -> resolved
status: open -> closed

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[issue19764] subprocess: use PROC_THREAD_ATTRIBUTE_HANDLE_LIST with STARTUPINFOEX on Windows Vista

2017-12-18 Thread STINNER Victor

STINNER Victor  added the comment:

Copy of my comment on the PR.


>  Merged from master... Again... Hopefully this won't end up missing 3.7 
> entirely... 

Oops sorry, I wanted this feature but I didn't follow closely the PR.

I don't know well the Windows API, so I didn't want to take the responsability 
of reviewing (approving) such PR. But I see that @zooba and @gpshead approved 
it, so I'm now confortable to merge it :-) Moreover, AppVeyor validated the PR, 
so let me merge it.

I prefer to merge the PR right now to not miss the Python 3.7 feature freeze, 
and maybe fix issues later if needed, before 3.7 final.

Thank you @segevfiner for this major subprocess enhancement. I really love to 
see close_fds default changing to True on Windows. It will help to fix many 
corner cases which are very tricky to debug.

Sorry for the slow review, but the subprocess is a critical module of Python, 
and we lack of Windows developers to review changes specific to Windows.


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[issue19764] subprocess: use PROC_THREAD_ATTRIBUTE_HANDLE_LIST with STARTUPINFOEX on Windows Vista

2017-12-18 Thread STINNER Victor

STINNER Victor  added the comment:

New changeset b2a6083eb0384f38839d3f1ed32262a3852026fa by Victor Stinner (Segev 
Finer) in branch 'master':
bpo-19764: Implemented support for subprocess.Popen(close_fds=True) on Windows 


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[issue19764] subprocess: use PROC_THREAD_ATTRIBUTE_HANDLE_LIST with STARTUPINFOEX on Windows Vista

2017-12-16 Thread Segev Finer

Segev Finer  added the comment:

The PR has been sitting there for quite a while now...


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[issue19764] subprocess: use PROC_THREAD_ATTRIBUTE_HANDLE_LIST with STARTUPINFOEX on Windows Vista

2017-05-30 Thread Eryk Sun

Eryk Sun added the comment:

We can't reliably distinguish file descriptors from OS handles. They're 
overlapping sets of integers. A separate pass_handles parameter would be 
needed. The bigger problem with that idea is that the handles in the list have 
to be made inheritable before calling CreateProcess. Thus using pass_fds or 
pass_handles would have a race condition with concurrent CreateProcess calls 
that inherit all inheritable handles, such as Popen with close_fds=False, 
spawn*(), and system(). That's not consistent with how pass_fds works on Unix.

This proposed change doesn't solve the race condition problem in general, but 
it solves the problem if only subprocess.Popen is used and child processes are 
limited to inheriting the STARTUPINFO standard handles and handle_list.


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[issue19764] subprocess: use PROC_THREAD_ATTRIBUTE_HANDLE_LIST with STARTUPINFOEX on Windows Vista

2017-05-30 Thread Gregory P. Smith

Gregory P. Smith added the comment:

I am not a Windows person... but is there a reason that handle_list must be an 
attribute of a STARTUPINFO class rather than just a special case of pass_fds 
such that people could supply windows handles in the pass_fds parameter rather 
than using STARTUPINFO?  (we can detect which is which based on type right?  or 
are they both integers and thus indistinguishable?)

The whole STARTUPINFO thing feels like we are exposing windows internals here 
and not offering an abstract API that people would write portable code to get 
the same behavior across OSes on without platform conditionals of their own.

But maybe that is required here given how little I know of Windows?  Food for 

nosy: +gregory.p.smith

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[issue19764] subprocess: use PROC_THREAD_ATTRIBUTE_HANDLE_LIST with STARTUPINFOEX on Windows Vista

2017-05-22 Thread Segev Finer

Segev Finer added the comment:

GitHub PR bit rotting away... :P

Just a friendly reminder :)


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[issue19764] subprocess: use PROC_THREAD_ATTRIBUTE_HANDLE_LIST with STARTUPINFOEX on Windows Vista

2017-04-20 Thread Segev Finer

Segev Finer added the comment:

OK Rietveld definitely punted on the git patch (I guess it's only for the old 
Mercurial repo, I don't think it actually even support Git...)

I will try re-submitting the patch as a PR so that it can be reviewed easily.


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[issue19764] subprocess: use PROC_THREAD_ATTRIBUTE_HANDLE_LIST with STARTUPINFOEX on Windows Vista

2017-04-20 Thread Roundup Robot

Changes by Roundup Robot :

pull_requests: +1341

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[issue19764] subprocess: use PROC_THREAD_ATTRIBUTE_HANDLE_LIST with STARTUPINFOEX on Windows Vista

2017-04-20 Thread Segev Finer

Segev Finer added the comment:

Oh LOL!!! I missed the fact that Python finally moved to GitHub!
Rebased the patch on top of the Git master XD (And removed accidentally 
committed code... sorry...)

I still submitted as a patch since I don't know if the infrastructure handles 
moving a patch to a PR well :P

Added file: 

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[issue19764] subprocess: use PROC_THREAD_ATTRIBUTE_HANDLE_LIST with STARTUPINFOEX on Windows Vista

2017-04-20 Thread Segev Finer

Segev Finer added the comment:

Added the 5th version after another review by eryksun (In rietveld).

Added file: 

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[issue19764] subprocess: use PROC_THREAD_ATTRIBUTE_HANDLE_LIST with STARTUPINFOEX on Windows Vista

2017-04-19 Thread Segev Finer

Segev Finer added the comment:

Added the 4th version after review by eryksun (In rietveld).

Added file: 

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[issue19764] subprocess: use PROC_THREAD_ATTRIBUTE_HANDLE_LIST with STARTUPINFOEX on Windows Vista

2017-04-19 Thread Eryk Sun

Eryk Sun added the comment:

In case you didn't get notified by Rietveld, I made a couple suggestions on 
your latest patch. Also, if you wouldn't mind, please update the patch to apply 
cleanly to 3.7 -- especially since STARTUPINFO now has an __init__ method.


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[issue19764] subprocess: use PROC_THREAD_ATTRIBUTE_HANDLE_LIST with STARTUPINFOEX on Windows Vista

2017-04-10 Thread Segev Finer

Segev Finer added the comment:

It's been a while since this got any attention...


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[issue19764] subprocess: use PROC_THREAD_ATTRIBUTE_HANDLE_LIST with STARTUPINFOEX on Windows Vista

2017-01-13 Thread Segev Finer

Segev Finer added the comment:

I have read some of https://github.com/rprichard/win32-console-docs and it 
documents quite a bunch of nastiness with PROC_THREAD_ATTRIBUTE_HANDLE_LIST in 
Windows Vista/7. Windows is so much fun sometimes :P

Essentially console handles in Windows before Windows 8 are user mode handles 
and not real kernel handles. Those user mode handles are inherited by a 
different mechanism than kernel handles and regardless of 
PROC_THREAD_ATTRIBUTE_HANDLE_LIST will cause it to fail in weird ways. Those 
user mode console handles have the lower two bits set. The lower two bits in 
Windows are reserved for tagging such special handles.

Also in all versions you can't pass in an empty handle list, but a list with 
just a NULL handle works fine.


I attached a version of the patch with a hack around those issues based on what 
I read, but I can't test that it actually fixes the issues since I don't have a 
Windows Vista or 7 system around.

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[issue19764] subprocess: use PROC_THREAD_ATTRIBUTE_HANDLE_LIST with STARTUPINFOEX on Windows Vista

2017-01-07 Thread Eryk Sun

Eryk Sun added the comment:

> Python already has a multiprocessing module which is able to pass 
> handles (maybe also FD? I don't know) to child processes on 
> Windows.

Popen doesn't implement the undocumented CRT protocol that's used to smuggle 
the file-descriptor mapping in the STARTUPINFO cbReserved2 and lpReserved2 
fields. This is a feature of the CRT's spawn and exec functions. For example:

fdr, fdw = os.pipe()
os.set_inheritable(fdw, True)
os.spawnl(os.P_WAIT, os.environ['ComSpec'], 'cmd /c "echo spam >&%d"' % fdw)

>>> os.read(fdr, 10)
b'spam \r\n'

We don't have to worry about implementing fd inheritance so long as os.spawn* 
uses the CRT. Someone that needs this functionality can simply be instructed to 
use os.spawn.

> I dislike adding a lpAttributeList attribute: it's too close to 
> the exact implementation of Windows may change in the future.

If you're going to worry about lpAttributeList, why stop there? 
Aren't dwFlags, wShowWindow, hStdInput, hStdOutput, and hStdError also too 
close to the exact implementation? My thoughts when suggesting this were 
actually to make this as close to the underlying API as possible, and 
extensible to support other attributes if there's a demand for it. 

Passing a list of handles is atypical usage, and since Python and subprocess 
use file descriptors instead of Windows handles, I prefer isolating this in a 
Windows structure such as STARTUPINFO, rather than adding even more confusion 
to Popen's constructor.

> Since the only known use case today is to pass handles

In the review of the first patch, I listed 3 additional attributes that might 
(simplified by the fact that 3.7 no longer supports Vista). Currently the way 
to set the latter two is to use the built-in `start` command of the cmd shell.

> I propose to focus on this use case: add a new pass_handles parameter
> to Popen, similar to pass_fds.

This is a messy situation. Python 3's file I/O is built on the CRT's POSIX 
layer. If it had been implemented directly on the Windows API using handles, 
then pass_fds would obviously use handles. That's the current situation with 
socket module because Winsock makes no attempt to hide AFD handles behind POSIX 
file descriptors. 

Popen's constructor accepts file descriptors -- not Windows handles -- for its 
stdin, stdout, and stderr arguments, and the parameter to control inheritance 
is named "close_fds". It seems out of place to add a "pass_handles" parameter.


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[issue19764] subprocess: use PROC_THREAD_ATTRIBUTE_HANDLE_LIST with STARTUPINFOEX on Windows Vista

2017-01-07 Thread Segev Finer

Segev Finer added the comment:

I removed previous_handle_list in _execute_child since I noticed subprocess 
already clobbers the other attributes in startupinfo anyhow.

I figured there will be some discussion about how to pass the handle list, so 
here's my two cents:

* subprocess already exposes a bit of Windows specific flags like creationflags 

* Windows doesn't really break it's API in backwards incompatible ways often 
(Heck it barely breaks it ever, which is why we have so many Ex functions and 
reserved parameters :P).

* The _winapi module tries to expose WinAPI functions as is. So I implemented 
this as an internal attribute on STARTUPINFO, in the first version, since I 
wasn't sure we want this exposed to users, but I still wanted to try and mimic 
the original WinAPI functions internally. The lpAttributeList is a change 
requested by eryksun that brings it even closer to WinAPI and exposes it for 
further extension with additional attributes.

Added file: 

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[issue19764] subprocess: use PROC_THREAD_ATTRIBUTE_HANDLE_LIST with STARTUPINFOEX on Windows Vista

2017-01-06 Thread STINNER Victor

STINNER Victor added the comment:

I dislike adding a lpAttributeList attribute: it's too close to the exact 
implementation of Windows may change in the future. I would prefer a more high 
level API.

Since the only known use case today is to pass handles, I propose to focus on 
this use case: add a new pass_handles parameter to Popen, similar to pass_fds.

I see that your patch is able to set close_fds to True on Windows: great job! 
It would be a great achievement to finally fix this last known race condition 
of subprocess on Windows!

So thank you for working on this!

> As for pass_fds: as you noted, it has it's own share of complexities and 
> issues and I think it's best to leave it to a separate patch/issue.

pass_fds would be "nice to have", but I prefer to stick first to the native and 
well supported handles on Windows. For me, using file descriptors on Windows is 
more a "hack" to be able to write code working on Windows and UNIX, but since 
it's not natively supported on Windows, it comes with own set of issues.

IMHO it's better supported to work on handles.


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[issue19764] subprocess: use PROC_THREAD_ATTRIBUTE_HANDLE_LIST with STARTUPINFOEX on Windows Vista

2017-01-06 Thread STINNER Victor

STINNER Victor added the comment:

Python already has a multiprocessing module which is able to pass handles 
(maybe also FD? I don't know) to child processes on Windows. I found some code 
in Lib/multiprocessing/reduction.py:
- duplicate()
- steal_handle()
- send_handle()

But the design doesn't really fit the subprocess module, since this design 
requires that the child process communicates with the parent process. On UNIX, 
fork()+exec() is used, so we can execute a few instructions after fork, which 
allows to pass an exception from the child to the parent. On Windows, 
CreateProcess() is used which doesn't allow directly to execute code before 
running the final child process.

The PEP 446 describes a solution using a wrapper process, so 
parent+wrapper+child, 3 processes. IMHO the best design for subprocess is 


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[issue19764] subprocess: use PROC_THREAD_ATTRIBUTE_HANDLE_LIST with STARTUPINFOEX on Windows Vista

2017-01-06 Thread Segev Finer

Segev Finer added the comment:

Second version of the patch after review by eryksun.

Please pay attention to the hack in _execute_child due to having to 
temporarily override the handle_list if the user supplied

As for pass_fds: as you noted, it has it's own share of complexities and issues 
and I think it's best to leave it to a separate patch/issue.

Added file: 

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[issue19764] subprocess: use PROC_THREAD_ATTRIBUTE_HANDLE_LIST with STARTUPINFOEX on Windows Vista

2017-01-06 Thread Eryk Sun

Eryk Sun added the comment:

Implementing pass_fds on Windows is a problem if Popen has to implement the 
undocumented use of the STARTUPINFO cbReserved2 and lpReserved2 fields to 
inherit CRT file descriptors. I suppose we could implement this ourselves in 
_winapi since it's unlikely that the data format will ever change. Just copy 
what the CRT's accumulate_inheritable_handles() function does, but constrained 
by an array of file descriptors.

components: +Library (Lib)
nosy: +eryksun
stage:  -> patch review
versions: +Python 3.7 -Python 3.5

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[issue19764] subprocess: use PROC_THREAD_ATTRIBUTE_HANDLE_LIST with STARTUPINFOEX on Windows Vista

2017-01-06 Thread Segev Finer

Segev Finer added the comment:

Though Python has taken measures to mark handles as non-inheritable there is 
still a possible race due to having to create inheritable handles while 
creating processes with stdio pipes (subprocess).

Attached is a Patch that implements subprocess.Popen(close_fds=True) with stdio 
handles on Windows using PROC_THREAD_ATTRIBUTE_HANDLE_LIST, which plugs that 
race completely.

I implemented this by adding the attribute STARTUPINFO._handleList, which when 
passed to _winapi.CreateProcess, will be passed to CreateProcess as a 
PROC_THREAD_ATTRIBUTE_HANDLE_LIST. subprocess.py can than use this attribute as 
needed with inherit_handles=True to only inherit the stdio handles.

The STARTUPINFO._handleList attribute can also be used to implement pass_fds 
later on. Though the exact behavior of how to convert a file descriptor list to 
a handle list might be a bit sensitive, so I left that out for now.

This patch obviously doesn't support Windows XP but Python 3 doesn't support XP 
anymore either.

keywords: +patch
nosy: +Segev Finer
Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file46175/windows-subprocess-close-fds.patch

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[issue19764] subprocess: use PROC_THREAD_ATTRIBUTE_HANDLE_LIST with STARTUPINFOEX on Windows Vista

2016-04-12 Thread STINNER Victor

Changes by STINNER Victor :

components: +Windows
nosy: +paul.moore, steve.dower, tim.golden, zach.ware
type: enhancement -> resource usage

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[issue19764] subprocess: use PROC_THREAD_ATTRIBUTE_HANDLE_LIST with STARTUPINFOEX on Windows Vista

2013-11-28 Thread STINNER Victor

STINNER Victor added the comment:

I read again the following blog post:

I understood the purpose of PROC_THREAD_ATTRIBUTE_HANDLE_LIST.

Let say that two Python threads create a Popen object with a pipe for stdout:

* Thread A : pipe 1
* Thread B : pipe 2
* Main thread has random inheritable files and sockets

Handles of the both pipes are inheritable. Currently, thread A may inherit pipe 
2 and thread B may inherit pipe 1 depending exactly when pipes are created and 
marked as inheritable, and when CreateProcess() is called.

Using PROC_THREAD_ATTRIBUTE_HANDLE_LIST, thread A will only inherit pipe 1, not 
pipe 2 nor inheritable handles of the other threads. Thread B will only inherit 
pipe 1, no other handle. It does not matter that CreateProcess() is called with 
bInheritHandles=TRUE nor that there are other inheritable handles.


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[issue19764] subprocess: use PROC_THREAD_ATTRIBUTE_HANDLE_LIST with STARTUPINFOEX on Windows Vista

2013-11-27 Thread STINNER Victor

STINNER Victor added the comment:

The purpose of this issue is to avoiding having to call CreateProcess() with 
bInheritHandles parameter set to TRUE on Windows, and avoid calls to 
self._make_inheritable() in subprocess.Popen._get_handles().

Currently, bInheritHandles is set to TRUE if stdin, stdout and/or stderr 
parameter of Popen constructor is set (to something else than None).

Using PROC_THREAD_ATTRIBUTE_HANDLE_LIST, handles don't need to be marked as 
inheritable in the parent process, and CreateProcess() can be called with 
bInheritHandles parameter set to FALSE.


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[issue19764] subprocess: use PROC_THREAD_ATTRIBUTE_HANDLE_LIST with STARTUPINFOEX on Windows Vista

2013-11-27 Thread STINNER Victor

STINNER Victor added the comment:

UpdateProcThreadAttribute() documentation says that ... handles must be 
created as inheritable handles ... and a comment says that If using 
PROC_THREAD_ATTRIBUTE_HANDLE_LIST, pass TRUE to bInherit in CreateProcess. 
Otherwise, you will get an ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER.


Seriously? What is the purpose of PROC_THREAD_ATTRIBUTE_HANDLE_LIST if it does 
not avoid the race condition? It's just to not inherit some inheritable 
handles? In Python 3.4, files and sockets are created non-inheritable by 
default, so PROC_THREAD_ATTRIBUTE_HANDLE_LIST may not improve anything :-/


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[issue19764] subprocess: use PROC_THREAD_ATTRIBUTE_HANDLE_LIST with STARTUPINFOEX on Windows Vista

2013-11-25 Thread STINNER Victor

New submission from STINNER Victor:

subprocess.Popen has a race condition on Windows with file descriptors: if two 
threads spawn subprocesses at the same time, unwanted file descriptors may be 
inherited, which lead to annoying issues like cannot delete a file because it 
is open by another process. For the issue #19575 for an example of such bug.

Since Windows Vista, a list of handle which should be inherited can be 
specified in CreateProcess() using PROC_THREAD_ATTRIBUTE_HANDLE_LIST with 
STARTUPINFOEX. It avoids the need to mark the handle temporarly inheritable.

For more information, see:

messages: 204314
nosy: Bernt.Røskar.Brenna, haypo, sbt
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
Windows Vista
type: enhancement
versions: Python 3.5

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