Re: The future of Python immutability

2009-09-05 Thread John Nagle

Steven D'Aprano wrote:

On Fri, 04 Sep 2009 06:36:59 -0700, Adam Skutt wrote:

Nope, preventing mutation of the objects themselves is not enough. You
also have to forbid variables from being rebound (pointed at another

   Right.  What's needed for safe concurrency without global locking looks
something like this:

   Object categories:
Owned by a thread.
Owned by synchronized object

"Synchronized" objects would be created with something like

class foo(synchronized) :

Only one thread can be active within a synchronized object, as in Java.
So there's implicit locking at entry, unlocking at exit, and temporary
unlocking when the thread is blocked on a lock.
External access to non-function members of synchronized objects has to be
prohibited, since that would allow race conditions.

Everything else can be handled implicitly, without declarations or

Here's the big problem:

class foo(synchronized) :
def __init__(self) :
self.items = []
def putitem(self,item) :
self.items.append(item) # adds item to object's list
def getitem(self,item) :
return(self.items.pop())# removes item

 def test()
 words = ["hello","there"]  # a mutable object
 sobj = foo()   # a synchronized object
 sobj.putitem(words)# add to object
 words[0] = "goodbye" # ERROR - no longer can access

The concept here is that objects have an "owner", which is either
a thread or some synchronized object.   Locking is at the "owner"
level.  This is simple until "ownership" needs to be transferred.
Can this be made to work in a Pythonic way, without explicit

What we want to happen, somehow, is to
transfer the ownership of "words" from the calling thread to the object
in "putitem", and transfer it to the calling thread in "getitem".
How can this be done?

If ownership by a synchronized object has "priority" over ownership
by a thread, it works.  When "putitem" above does the "append",
the instance of "foo" becomes the owner of "item".  In general,
when a reference to an object is created, and the reference
is from an object owned by a synchronized object, the object
being referenced has to undergo an ownership change.

Once "putitem" has returned, after the ownership change,
it is an error (a "sharing violation?") for the calling thread to
access the object.  That seems weird, but the alternative is
some explicit way of swapping ownership.

What's wrong with this?  It takes two reference counts and a pointer
for each mutable object, which is a memory cost.  Worse, when a
collection of unsynchronized mutable objects is passed in this manner,
all the elements in the collection have to undergo an ownership change.
That's expensive.  (If you're passing trees around, it's better if the
tree root is synchronized.  Then the tree root owns the tree, and
the tree can be passed around or even shared, with locking controlled
by the root.)

A compiler smart enough to notice when a variable goes "dead" can
optimize out some of the checking.

None of this affects single-thread programs at all.  This is purely
needed for safe, efficient concurrency.

It's kind of a pain, but if servers are going to have tens or hundreds
of CPUs in future, we're going to have to get serious about concurrency.

John Nagle


Re: Q on explicitly calling file.close

2009-09-05 Thread Stephen Hansen
On Sat, Sep 5, 2009 at 6:51 PM, kj  wrote:

> In <02b2e6ca$0$17565$> Steven D'Aprano <
>> writes:
> >(3) For quick and dirty scripts, or programs that only use one or two
> >files, relying on the VM to close the file is sufficient (although lazy
> >in my opinion *wink*)
> It's not a matter of laziness or industriousness, but rather of
> code readability.  The real problem here is not the close() per
> se, but rather all the additional machinery required to ensure that
> the close happens.  When the code is working with multiple file
> handles simultaneously, one ends up with a thicket of try/finally's
> that makes the code just *nasty* to look at.  E.g., even with only
> two files, namely an input and an output file, compare:

This is precisely why the with statement exists; to provide a cleaner way to
wrap a block in setup and teardown functions. Closing is one. Yeah, you get
some extra indentation-- but you sorta have to live with it if you're
worried about correct code. I think it's a good compromise between your
examples of nasty and nice :)

def compromise(from_, to_):
with file(to_) as to_h:
with file(from_) as from_h:
for line in from_h:
   print >> to_h, munge(line)

It's just too bad that 'with' doesn't support multiple separate "x as y"

As for why you didn't see much of that style code in the wild-- that's
because the with statement is just pretty new. 2.5 had it with a future
statement, and although there's lots of code out there that /supports/
Python 2.5, there's not /that/ much which /requires/ it of yet. As time goes
on and people stop wanting to support earlier versions of Python in various
libraries, you'll see more of it in publicly available code. I'm personally
rewriting a huge chunk of code in the office to convert everything from
try/finally to with statements as we move our codebase to 2.5 finally, and
am quite gleeful. It's a lot cleaner and clearer.


Re: Problems with hex-conversion functions

2009-09-05 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Fri, 04 Sep 2009 15:28:10 -0700, Arnon Yaari wrote:

> Hello everyone.
> Perhaps I'm missing something, but I see several problems with the two
> hex-conversion function pairs that Python offers: 1. binascii.hexlify
> and binascii.unhexlify 2. bytes.fromhex and bytes.hex
> Problem #1:
> bytes.hex is not implemented, although it was specified in PEP 358. This
> means there is no symmetrical function to accompany bytes.fromhex.

That would probably be an oversight. Patches are welcome.

> Problem #2:
> Both pairs perform the same function, although The Zen Of Python
> suggests that
> "There should be one-- and preferably only one --obvious way to do it."

That is not a prohibition against multiple ways of doing something. It is 
a recommendation that there should be one obvious way (as opposed to no 
way at all, or thirty five non-obvious ways) to do things. Preferably 
only one obvious way, but it's not a prohibition against there being an 
obvious way and a non-obvious way.

> I do not understand why PEP 358 specified the bytes function pair
> although it mentioned the binascii pair...

Because there are three obvious ways of constructing a sequence of bytes:

(1) from a sequence of characters, with an optional encoding;

(2) from a sequence of pairs of hex digits, such as from a hex dump of a 

(3) from a sequence of integers.

(1) and (2) are difficult to distinguish -- should "ab45" be interpreted 
as four characters, "a" "b" "4" and "5", or as two pairs of hex digits 
"ab" and "45"? The obvious solution is to have two different bytes 

> Problem #3:
> bytes.fromhex may receive spaces in the input string, although
> binascii.unhexlify may not.
> I see no good reason for these two functions to have different features.

There's clearly differences of opinion about how strict to be when 
accepting input strings. Personally, I can see arguments for both. Given 
that these are two different functions, there's no requirement that they 
do exactly the same thing, so I wouldn't even call it a wart. It's just a 

> Problem #4:
> binascii.unhexlify may receive both input types: strings or bytes,
> whereas bytes.fromhex raises an exception when given a bytes parameter.
> Again there is no reason for these functions to be different.

There's no reason for them to be the same. unhexlify() is designed to 
take either strings or bytes, mostly for historical reasons: in Python 
1.x and 2.x, it is normal to use byte-strings (called 'strings') as the 
standard string type, and character-strings ('unicode') is relatively 
rare, so unhexlify needs to accept bytes. In Python 3.x, the use of bytes 
as character strings is discouraged, hence passing hex digits as bytes to 
bytes.fromhex() is illegal.

> Problem #5:
> binascii.hexlify returns a bytes type - although ideally, converting to
> hex should always return string types and converting from hex should
> always return bytes.

This is due to historical reasons -- binascii comes from Python 1.x when 
bytes were the normal string type. Presumably modifying binascii to 
return strings in Python 3.x (but not 2.6 or 2.7) would probably be a 
good idea. Patches are welcome.

> To fix these issues, three changes should be applied: 1. Deprecate
> bytes.fromhex. 

-1 on that. I disagree strongly: bytes are built-ins, and constructing 
bytes from a sequence of hex digits is such a natural and important 
function that needing to import a module to do it is silly and wasteful.

> 2. In order to keep the functionality that bytes.fromhex has over
> unhexlify,
>the latter function should be able to handle spaces in its input
> (fix #3)

0 on that. I don't care either way.

> 3. binascii.hexlify should return string as its return type (fix #5)

+1 for the Python 3.x series, -1 for Python 2.6 and 2.7.


midi file toolkit

2009-09-05 Thread Sean McIlroy
## python 2.6.2

from tkFileDialog import askopenfilename, askdirectory

def nowindow(function):
def windowless():
from Tkinter import Tk
return function()
return windowless

getfilename = nowindow(askopenfilename)
getdirectoryname = nowindow(askdirectory)

def haskellize(pathname):
return '\\'.join(pathname.split('/'))

def newname():
from time import time
return 'NAME_' + ''.join(str(time()).split('.'))

def mangle(name):
return '__' + name + '__'

def pathsafe(name):
return '_'.join(name.split('/'))

def changefilename(filename,directoryname=None,rewrite=lambda
from os.path import split, splitext, join
dirname, filename = split(filename)
filename, extension = splitext(filename)
filename = rewrite(filename)
directoryname = directoryname or dirname
return join(directoryname,filename) + extension

def readbytes(filename):
return [ord(x) for x in file(filename,'rb').read()]

def writebytes(numbers,filename):
file(filename,'wb').write(''.join([chr(x) for x in numbers]))

def playbytes(numbers):
from os import startfile
filename = newname() + '.mid'

def IfThenElse(criterion,optionTrue,optionFalse):
if bool(criterion)==True:  return optionTrue
if bool(criterion)==False: return optionFalse

def flatten(homogeneouslist):
from itertools import chain
while type(homogeneouslist[0])==list: homogeneouslist = list(chain
return homogeneouslist

def number2digits(number,base):
digits = [number]
while digits[0]>=base: digits[0:1] = [digits[0]//base, digits
return digits

def digits2number(digits,base):
reversedigits = list(reversed(digits))
return sum([reversedigits[i]*(base**i) for i in range(len

def number2fixedlength(number,numbytes):
digits = number2digits(number,2**8)
numleadingzeros = IfThenElse(len(digits)=(2**7): index = index + 1
endindex = index + 1
return numbers[startindex:endindex], endindex

headeridentifier   = [ord(x) for x in 'MThd']
trackidentifier= [ord(x) for x in 'MTrk']

eventtypes = range(2**3)
noteoff= eventtypes[0]  ## notenumber,
velocity   = parameters
noteon = eventtypes[1]  ## notenumber,
velocity   = parameters
noteaftertouch = eventtypes[2]  ## notenumber,
aftertouchvalue= parameters
controller = eventtypes[3]  ## controllernumber,
controllervalue  = parameters
programchange  = eventtypes[4]  ##
programnumber  = parameters[0]
channelaftertouch  = eventtypes[5]  ##
aftertouchvalue= parameters[0]
pitchbend  = eventtypes[6]  ## pitchvalueLSB,
pitchvalueMSB   = parameters
nonmidicontrol = eventtypes[7]

channels  = range(2**4)
systemexclusive   = channels[0]
meta  = channels[15]

def chunk(identifier,flatdata):
return identifier + number2fixedlength(len(flatdata),4) + flatdata

def analyzeheaderdata(data):
formattype   = data[0:2]
numtracks= data[2:4]
timedivision = data[4:6]
return [digits2number(x,2**8) for x in [formattype, numtracks,

def synthesizeheaderdata(formattype,numtracks,timedivision):
datasegments = [number2fixedlength(x,2) for x in [formattype,
numtracks, timedivision]]
return datasegments[0] + datasegments[1] + datasegments[2]

def headerchunk(formattype,numtracks,timedivision):
return chunk(headeridentifier, synthesizeheaderdata(formattype,
numtracks, timedivision))

def trackchunk(events):
return chunk(trackidentifier,flatten(events))

def analyzestatus(status):
number = status[0]
eventtype = (number - 2**7) // (2**4)
channel = number % (2**4)
return eventtype, channel

def synthesizestatus(eventtype,channel):
number = (2**7) + eventtype*(2**4) + channel
return [number]

def midicontrolevent(deltatime,eventtype,channel,*parameters):
deltatime = number2variablelength(deltatime)
status = synthesizestatus(eventtype, channel)
return [deltatime, status, list(parameters)]

def nonmidicontrolevent(deltatime,messagedata,metatype=[]):
deltatime = number2variablelength(deltatime)
eventtype = nonmidicontrol
channel = IfThenElse(metatype, meta, systemexclusive)
status = synthesizestatus(eventtype, channel)
datalength = number2variablelength(len(messagedata))
return [deltatime, status, (metatype + datalength + messagedata)]

def getchunk(numbers,startindex):
identifier, startindex = getfixedlength(numbers,startindex,4)
chunksize,  startindex = getfixedlength(numbers,startindex,4)
chunkdata,  startindex = getfixedlength
return [identifier, chunksize, chunkdata], startindex

def file2chunks(numbers):
strictupperbound = len(numbers)
startindex = 0
chunks = []
while star

Re: Q on explicitly calling file.close

2009-09-05 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Sun, 06 Sep 2009 01:51:50 +, kj wrote:

> In <02b2e6ca$0$17565$> Steven D'Aprano
>  writes:
>>(3) For quick and dirty scripts, or programs that only use one or two
>>files, relying on the VM to close the file is sufficient (although lazy
>>in my opinion *wink*)
> It's not a matter of laziness or industriousness, but rather of code
> readability.  The real problem here is not the close() per se, but
> rather all the additional machinery required to ensure that the close
> happens.  When the code is working with multiple file handles
> simultaneously, one ends up with a thicket of try/finally's that makes
> the code just *nasty* to look at.

Yep, that's because dealing with the myriad of things that *might* (but 
probably won't) go wrong when dealing with files is *horrible*. Real 
world code is almost always much nastier than the nice elegant algorithms 
we hope for.

Most people know they have to deal with errors when opening files. The 
best programmers deal with errors when writing to files. But only a few 
of the most pedantic coders even attempt to deal with errors when 
*closing* the file. Yes, closing the file can fail. What are you going to 
do about it? At the least, you should notify the user, then continue. 
Dying with an uncaught exception in the middle of processing millions of 
records is Not Cool. But close failures are so rare that we just hope 
we'll never experience one.

It really boils down to this... do you want to write correct code, or 
elegant code?


Re: subprocess + python-daemon - bug/problem?

2009-09-05 Thread Sewar
I got the same bug.

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./", line 30, in 
call(["python", "", "arg1"], stdout=sys.stdout, stderr=STDOUT)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/", line 444, in call
return Popen(*popenargs, **kwargs).wait()
  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/", line 1123, in wait
pid, sts = os.waitpid(, 0)
OSError: [Errno 10] No child processes


Re: subprocess + python-daemon - bug/problem?

2009-09-05 Thread Sewar
I got the same bug.

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./", line 30, in 
call(["python", "", "arg1"], stdout=sys.stdout, stderr=STDOUT)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/", line 444, in call
return Popen(*popenargs, **kwargs).wait()
  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/", line 1123, in wait
pid, sts = os.waitpid(, 0)
OSError: [Errno 10] No child processes

Re: Pythonwin.exe Error?!?

2009-09-05 Thread kennyken747
On Sep 5, 2:37 pm, kennyken747  wrote:
> HELP! So apparently after installing EPD 5.0 (a python 2.5 dist) aside
> my main Python installation (2.6) I started getting this error.
> -Pure virtual function call
> Whenever I open up ActiveState Python, it gets this runtime error
> under pythonwin.exe
> Already uninstalled EPD but am still getting this error. I've done
> everything from re-install Python and ActiveState to deleting
> everything in the registry to do with Python!!! I suggest that nobody
> install that until they sort their problems out.
> But for now, any help is appreciated.

Re: Support for Windows 7 ?

2009-09-05 Thread Grant Edwards
On 2009-09-05, Pascale Mourier  wrote:

> Well, os.listdir('C:') instead of raising an exception, for
> some reason behaves like os.listdir('.').

Windows (and DOS) have worked like that for decades.  A lone
drive letter always refers to the "current directory" on that
drive.  It's been that way since the very first versions of



Re: The future of Python immutability

2009-09-05 Thread Terry Reedy

Adam Skutt wrote:

On Sep 5, 11:29 am, Terry Reedy  wrote:

This is a pointless replacement for 'def b(x): return x+a'

And?  That has nothing to do with anything I was saying whatsoever.

Agreed.  However, posts are read by newbies.
Posts that promote bad habits are fair game for comment.

Python does not have lambda objects. It has lambda expressions that
produce function objects identical except for .__name__ to the
equivalent def statement output.

Sure sounds like python has lambda objects to me then... 

The idea that Python has 'lambda objects' had caused no end of mischief 
over the years.



Re: How to refer to data files without hardcoding paths?

2009-09-05 Thread Dave Angel

Ben Finney wrote:

Matthew Wilson  writes:


Today I realized that I'm hardcoding paths in my app. They are
relative paths based on os.getcwd(), but at some point, I'll be
running scripts that use this code, these open(...) calls will fail.

The conventional solution to this is:

* Read configuration settings, whether directory paths or anything else,
  from a configuration file of declarative options.

* Have the program read that configuration file from one location (or a
  small number of locations), and make those locations well-known in the
  documentation of the program.

Python's standard library has the ‘configparser’ module, which is one
possible implementation of this.

Before you can decide what libraries to use, you need to determine your 
goal. Usually, you can separate the data files your application uses 
into two groups. One is the read-only files. Those ship with the 
application, and won't be edited after installation, or if they are, 
they would be deliberate changes by the administrator of the machine, 
not the individual user. Those should be located with the shipped .py 
and .pyc files.

The other group (which might in turn be subdivided) is files that are 
either created by the application for configuration purposes (config 
files), or for the user (documents), or temp files (temp).

The first files can/should be found by looking up the full path to a 
module at run time. Use the module's __file__ to get the full path, and 
os.path.dirname() to parse it.

The second group of files can be located by various methods, such as 
using the HOMEPATH
environment variable. But if there is more than one such location, one 
should generally create a config file first, and have it store the 
locations of the other files, after consulting with the end-user.

Once you've thought about your goals, you should then look at supporting 
libraries to help with it. configparser is one such library, though both 
its name and specs have changed over the years.



Re: Q on explicitly calling file.close

2009-09-05 Thread kj
In <02b2e6ca$0$17565$> Steven D'Aprano 

>(3) For quick and dirty scripts, or programs that only use one or two 
>files, relying on the VM to close the file is sufficient (although lazy 
>in my opinion *wink*)

It's not a matter of laziness or industriousness, but rather of
code readability.  The real problem here is not the close() per
se, but rather all the additional machinery required to ensure that
the close happens.  When the code is working with multiple file
handles simultaneously, one ends up with a thicket of try/finally's
that makes the code just *nasty* to look at.  E.g., even with only
two files, namely an input and an output file, compare:

def nice(from_, to_):
to_h = file(to_, "w")
for line in file(from_):
print >> to_h, munge(line)

def nasty(from_, to_):
to_h = file(to_, "w")
from_h = file(from_)
 for line in from_h:
 print >> to_h, munge(line)

I leave to your imagination the joys of reading the code for
hairy(from_, to_, log_), where log_ is a third file to collect
warning messages.


Re: How to refer to data files without hardcoding paths?

2009-09-05 Thread Ben Finney
Matthew Wilson  writes:

> Today I realized that I'm hardcoding paths in my app. They are
> relative paths based on os.getcwd(), but at some point, I'll be
> running scripts that use this code, these open(...) calls will fail.

The conventional solution to this is:

* Read configuration settings, whether directory paths or anything else,
  from a configuration file of declarative options.

* Have the program read that configuration file from one location (or a
  small number of locations), and make those locations well-known in the
  documentation of the program.

Python's standard library has the ‘configparser’ module, which is one
possible implementation of this.

 \  “I used to be an airline pilot. I got fired because I kept |
  `\   locking the keys in the plane. They caught me on an 80 foot |
_o__)stepladder with a coathanger.” —Steven Wright |
Ben Finney

Re: Multiple inheritance - How to call method_x in InheritedBaseB from method_x in InheritedBaseA?

2009-09-05 Thread Carl Banks
On Sep 4, 3:01 am, The Music Guy  wrote:
> I have a peculiar problem that involves multiple inheritance and method 
> calling.
> I have a bunch of classes, one of which is called MyMixin and doesn't
> inherit from anything. MyMixin expects that it will be inherited along
> with one of several other classes that each define certain
> functionality. It defines method_x, which it assumes will also be
> defined in the other class that MyMixin ends up getting inherited
> with. For example,
> class MyMixin(object):
>     def method_x(self, a, b, c):
>         ...
> class BaseA(object):
>     def method_x(self, a, b, c):
>         ...
> class BaseB(object):
>     def method_x(self, a, b, c):
>         ...
> class BaseC(object):
>     def method_x(self, a, b, c):
>         ...
> class FooX(MyMixin, BaseA):
>     ...
> class FooY(MyMxin, BaseB):
>     ...
> class FooZ(MyMixin, BaseC):
>     ...
> This all appears fine at first, but there is a problem: Each Foo's
> method_x must call the method_x of MyMixin as well as the method_x of
> each respective Foo's second base class. One cannot simply call
> FooN.method_x, because that will only call MyMixin.method_x and not
> that of the other base.
> One might be tempted to amend MyMixin's method_x so that it calls the
> parent's method_x before doing anything else:
> class MyMixin(object):
>     def method_x(self, a, b, c):
>         super(MyMixin, self).method_x(a, b, c)
>         ...
> ...but of course, that will fail with an AttributeError because
> MyMixin's only superclass is object, which does not have a method_x.

Out of curiosity, did you try this and are reporting that it resulted
in an AttributeError, or did you merely deduce that it would raise
AttributeError based on your knowledge of Python's inheritance?

I ask this rhetorically.  I know that you didn't try it (or that you
tried it and made a mistake) because if you had tried it (and not made
a mistake) you would have seen that it works exactly as you want it

Carl Banks

How to refer to data files without hardcoding paths?

2009-09-05 Thread Matthew Wilson
When a python package includes data files like templates or images,
what is the orthodox way of referring to these in code?

I'm working on an application installable through the Python package
index.  Most of the app is just python code, but I use a few jinja2
templates.  Today I realized that I'm hardcoding paths in my app.  They
are relative paths based on os.getcwd(), but at some point, I'll be
running scripts that use this code, these open(...) calls will fail.

I found several posts that talk about using __file__ and then walking
to nearby directories.

I also came across pkg_resources, and that seems to work, but I don't
think I understand it all yet.



[ANN] pyKook 0.0.4 - a smart build tool similar to Make, Rake, or Ant

2009-09-05 Thread kwatch

I have released pyKook 0.0.4.

In this release, recipe syntax is changed (see below).


pyKook is a smart build tool similar to Make, Rake, Ant, or Cook.
pyKook regards software project as cooking.
Terms used in pyKook are cooking terms.
For example:

cookbook-  Makefile
product -  target file
ingredient  -  source file
recipe  -  how to create target from source
spices  -  command-line options for recipe

Cookbook (= Makefile) is written in pure Python.
You can write any statements or expressions in cookbook.

NOTICE: pyKook is under alpha release. Spec and features may be
in the future without previous announcement.


Example of cookbook (

## properties
cc = prop('cc', 'gcc')
cflags = prop('cflags', '-g -Wall')

## recipes
def all(c):# or task_all(c)

def file_command(c):
"""generates hello command"""
system(c%"$(cc) $(cflags) -o $(product) $(ingred)")

@ingreds("$(1).c", if_exists("$(1).h"))
def file_ext_o(c):
"""compile '*.c' and '*.h'"""
system(c%"$(cc) $(cflags) -c $(1).c")

def clean(c):

Exampe of result:

bash> ls   hello.chello.h

bash> pykook -l
  cc  : 'gcc'
  cflags  : '-g -Wall'

Task recipes:
  all : cook all products
  clean   : remove by-products

File recipes:
  hello   : generates hello command
  *.o : compile '*.c' and '*.h'

(Tips: you can set 'kook_default_product' variable in your

bash> pykook all   # or, pykook --cc=gcc4 all
### *** hello.o (func=file_ext_o)
$ gcc -g -Wall -c hello.c
### ** hello (func=file_command)
$ gcc -g -Wall -o hello hello.o
### * all (func=task_all)

See users-guide for more details.

Enhancements sice 0.0.3

- Compact style of @recipe decorator supported.
 ## normal style
   @ingreds('$(1).c', '$(1).h')
   def file_o(c):
   system(c%"gcc -c $(ingre)")

 ## compact style
   @recipe('*.o', ['$(1).c', '$(1).h'])
   def file_o(c):
   system(c%"gcc -c $(ingre)")

- 'kk' script supports '$KK_CLIMB' environment variable.
  If you set it, 'kk' script searches parent directories
  when '' is not found.
 sh> ls -F
 sh> cd src/foo/bar/
 sh> kk clean# ERROR
 kk: No kookbook found.
 sh> export KK_CLIMB=1
 sh> kk clean# OK
 ### * clean (recipe=clean)
 $ rm **/*.pyc

- New command-line option '-R' (recursively) supported.
  If you specify '-R', pykook command searches
in parent directory recursively.
 sh> ls -F
 sh> cd src/foo/bar/
 sh> pykook clean# ERROR
 pykook: not found.
 sh> pykook -R clean # OK
 ### * clean (recipe=clean)
 $ rm **/*.pyc

Have fun!

makoto kuwata

python smtp gmail authentication error (sending email through gmail smtp server)

2009-09-05 Thread online
Hi all,

I have the following code

import smtplib
from email.mime.text import MIMEText

smtpserver = ''
AUTHREQUIRED = 1 # if you need to use SMTP AUTH set to 1
smtpuser = ''  # for SMTP AUTH, set SMTP username
smtppass = '123456'  # for SMTP AUTH, set SMTP password here


msg = MIMEText('dsdsdsdsds\n')
msg['Subject'] = 'The contents of iii'
msg['From'] = ''
msg['To'] = ''''

mailServer = smtplib.SMTP('',587)
mailServer.login(smtpuser, smtppass)

this code works fine on my desktop. but it failed with this error

smtplib.SMTPAuthenticationError: (535, '5.7.1 Username and
Password not accepted. Learn more at\n5.7.1

on my linux server.

Not sure what went wrong, should i open some port/ install some
services on my linux server?


Re: efficiently splitting up strings based on substrings

2009-09-05 Thread Rhodri James

On Sun, 06 Sep 2009 00:29:14 +0100, per  wrote:

it's exactly the same problem, except there are no constraints on the
strings.  so the problem is, like you say, matching the substrings
against the string x. in other words, finding out where x "aligns" to
the ordered substrings abc, and then determine what chunk of x belongs
to a, what chunk belongs to b, and what chunk belongs to c.

so in the example i gave above, the substrings are: a = 1030405, b =
1babcf, c = fUUIUP, so abc = 10304051babcffUUIUP

given a substring like 4051ba, i'd want to split it into the chunks a,
b, and c. in this case, i'd want the result to be: ["405", "1ba"] --
i.e. "405" is the chunk of x that belongs to a, and "1ba" the chunk
that belongs to be. in this case, there are no chunks of c.  if x
instead were "4051babcffUU", the right output is: ["405", "1babcf",
"fUU"], which are the corresponding chunks of a, b, and c that make up
x respectively.

i'm not sure how to approach this. any ideas/tips would be greatly
appreciated. thanks again.

I see, I think.  Let me explain it back to you, just to be sure.

You have a string x, and three component strings a, b and c.  x is
a substring of the concatenation of a, b and c (i.e. a+b+c).  You
want to find out how x overlaps a, b and c.

Assuming I've understood this right, you're overthinking the problem.
All you need to do is find the start of x in a+b+c, then do some
calculations based on the string lengths and slice appropriately.
I'd scribble some example code, but it's nearly 1am and I'd be sure
to commit fence-post errors at this time of night.

Rhodri James *-* Wildebeest Herder to the Masses

Re: Multiple inheritance - How to call method_x in InheritedBaseB from method_x in InheritedBaseA?

2009-09-05 Thread ryles
On Sep 4, 6:01 am, The Music Guy  wrote:
> I have a peculiar problem that involves multiple inheritance and method 
> calling.
> I have a bunch of classes, one of which is called MyMixin and doesn't
> inherit from anything. MyMixin expects that it will be inherited along
> with one of several other classes that each define certain
> functionality. It defines method_x, which it assumes will also be
> defined in the other class that MyMixin ends up getting inherited
> with. For example,
> class MyMixin(object):
>     def method_x(self, a, b, c):
>         ...
> class BaseA(object):
>     def method_x(self, a, b, c):
>         ...
> class BaseB(object):
>     def method_x(self, a, b, c):
>         ...
> class BaseC(object):
>     def method_x(self, a, b, c):
>         ...
> class FooX(MyMixin, BaseA):
>     ...
> class FooY(MyMxin, BaseB):
>     ...
> class FooZ(MyMixin, BaseC):
>     ...
> This all appears fine at first, but there is a problem: Each Foo's
> method_x must call the method_x of MyMixin as well as the method_x of
> each respective Foo's second base class. One cannot simply call
> FooN.method_x, because that will only call MyMixin.method_x and not
> that of the other base.
> One might be tempted to amend MyMixin's method_x so that it calls the
> parent's method_x before doing anything else:
> class MyMixin(object):
>     def method_x(self, a, b, c):
>         super(MyMixin, self).method_x(a, b, c)
>         ...
> ...but of course, that will fail with an AttributeError because
> MyMixin's only superclass is object, which does not have a method_x.
> The only way I can think to solve the problem would be to implement a
> method_x for each Foo that calls the method_x for each of the bases:
> class FooX(MyMixin, BaseA):
>     def method_x(self, a, b, c):
>         MyMixin.method_x(self, a, b, c)
>         BaseA.method_x(self, a, b, c)
> class FooY(MyMxin, BaseB):
>     def method_x(self, a, b, c):
>         MyMixin.method_x(self, a, b, c)
>         BaseB.method_x(self, a, b, c)
> class FooZ(MyMixin, BaseC):
>     def method_x(self, a, b, c):
>         MyMixin.method_x(self, a, b, c)
>         BaseC.method_x(self, a, b, c)
> The problem with this solution is that method_x has to be explicitly
> created for each Foo, even though they all do just about the same
> thing, which kind of defeats the purpose of using multiple inheritance
> in this situation. Besides that, I just don't like it!
> So, does anyone have an idea about how to remedy this, or at least
> work around it?

Hopefully I've interpreted your requirement correctly.

In this particular case a workaround is to use super() in your base
classes and then have your concrete classes inherit from the base
*before* the mixin:

class MyMixin(object):
def method_x(self, a, b, c):
print "MyMixin"

class BaseA(object):
def method_x(self, a, b, c):
print "BaseA"
super(BaseA, self).method_x(a, b, c)

class FooX(BaseA, MyMixin):

FooX().method_x(1, 2, 3)


And if you want to define method_x() in FooX, then simply have that
use super() as well.

Re: The future of Python immutability

2009-09-05 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Sat, 05 Sep 2009 04:57:21 -0700, Adam Skutt wrote:

>> > so the fact "Foo" and "Bar" are immutable isn't enough to solve the
>> > problem.
>> This is a side-effect of writing code that relies on global variables.
>> Global variables are generally a bad idea. Global constants are fine.
> Nope, the variables don't have to be global to have this problem, they
> just have to be shared:

Yes, you're right, my bad. Globals are shared, but not all shared 
variables are global.

>> What do you mean by "variables"? Do you mean names?
> In the case of python I mean the name and the value, since all variables
> in Python are pointers.

Let me see if I understand you... 

You say that by "variable" you mean the name and the value.

Then you say that all variables are pointers.

In other words... "all names and values in Python are pointers".

Either you're not explaining yourself correctly, or you're badly confused 
about Python. In Python, names are keys in namespaces, and values are 
objects. Possibly some Python implementations use pointers in some way to 
implement namespaces, or objects, but Python the language doesn't have 
pointers, and the Python virtual machine that executes Python byte code 
doesn't have pointers either.

> (Worrying about the difference though, is semantics)

Semantics are important. If we can't agree on what things mean, how can 
we possibly communicate?

>> What are pointer semantics?
> Assignment to the variable causes it to point to another object (as
> opposed to assigning a new value to the current object, like a C++
> reference) and copying the variable does not create a copy of the
> referred object (which necessarily implies their lifecycles are
> independent).

I can *guess* what you mean by all that, but it's just a guess. You say 
"assignment to the variable", but earlier you said that to you, variables 
are names and values, so I'm left wondering if you mean assignment to the 
name, assignment to the value, or both. Likewise for copying the variable.

Here is my guess... you're pointing out the similarities between Python 
name binding and C pointers:

* when you bind a name to a new object, you cause the name be associated 
with the new object rather than mutating the existing object to become 
equal to the new object;

* assigning two names to a single object causes both names to be 
associated with the same object, rather than each name being associated 
with independent copies of the object;

while ignoring the differences between Python name binding and C pointers:

* Python names are keys, not numeric addresses, hence you can't perform 
anything like pointer arithmetic on them;

* objects in Python have no idea what, if any, names are associated with 
them, unlike C pointers, where you can always ask for the address of a 

Okay, I accept that if you focus only on the similarities and completely 
ignore the differences, Python name binding is just like pointer 

>> Assuming you mean names must be forbidden from being rebound, no,
>> incorrect. It's only names which are shared between both threads which
>> must not be re-bound. If you have names local to the thread, you can
>> change them all you want without affecting any other thread.
> What does it matter, seeing as Python lacks the ability altogether?

I don't understand what you mean. Python lacks the ability to do what 

If you mean that Python threads lack the ability to have local variables, 
that's not true at all.


Re: Q on explicitly calling file.close

2009-09-05 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Sat, 05 Sep 2009 16:14:02 +, kj wrote:

> Finally, I was under the impression that Python closed filehandles
> automatically when they were garbage-collected.  (In fact (3) suggests
> as much, since it does not include an implicit call to fh.close.) If so,
> the difference between (1) and (3) does not seem very big.  What am I
> missing here?

(1) Python the language will close file handles, but doesn't guarantee 
when. Some implementations (e.g. CPython) will close them immediately the 
file object goes out of scope. Others (e.g. Jython) will close them 
"eventually", which may be when the program exists.

(2) If the file object never goes out of scope, say because you've stored 
a reference to it somewhere, the file will never be closed and you will 
leak file handles. Since the OS only provides a finite number of them, 
any program which uses large number of files is at risk of running out.

(3) For quick and dirty scripts, or programs that only use one or two 
files, relying on the VM to close the file is sufficient (although lazy 
in my opinion *wink*) but for long-running applications using many files, 
or for debugging, you may want more control over what happens when.


Re: The future of Python immutability

2009-09-05 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Sat, 05 Sep 2009 14:09:57 -0700, Adam Skutt wrote:

>> Python does not have lambda objects. It has lambda expressions that
>> produce function objects identical except for .__name__ to the
>> equivalent def statement output.
> Sure sounds like python has lambda objects to me then... the fact
> they're a special case of some more general construct is mostly
> semantics, /especially/ in the context of the point I was actually
> making, no?

No. Lambdas are a *syntactical construct*, not an object. You wouldn't 
talk about "while objects" and "if objects" and "comment objects" 
*because they're not objects*. Neither are lambdas -- they're syntax, 
which creates ordinary functions:

>>> def f(x):
... return x
>>> g = lambda x: x
>>> type(f) is type(g)

Functions created with def and functions created with lambda are 
*precisely* the same type of object. There is no such thing as a "lambda 
object" which is a "special case" of ordinary functions, there are just 


Re: efficiently splitting up strings based on substrings

2009-09-05 Thread per
On Sep 5, 7:07 pm, "Rhodri James"  wrote:
> On Sat, 05 Sep 2009 23:54:08 +0100, per  wrote:
> > On Sep 5, 6:42 pm, "Rhodri James"  wrote:
> >> On Sat, 05 Sep 2009 22:54:41 +0100, per  wrote:
> >> > I'm trying to efficiently "split" strings based on what substrings
> >> > they are made up of.
> >> > i have a set of strings that are comprised of known substrings.
> >> > For example, a, b, and c are substrings that are not identical to each
> >> > other, e.g.:
> >> > a = "0" * 5
> >> > b = "1" * 5
> >> > c = "2" * 5
> >> > Then my_string might be:
> >> > my_string = a + b + c
> >> > i am looking for an efficient way to solve the following problem.
> >> > suppose i have a short
> >> > string x that is a substring of my_string.  I want to "split" the
> >> > string x into blocks based on
> >> > what substrings (i.e. a, b, or c) chunks of s fall into.
> >> > to illustrate this, suppose x = "00111". Then I can detect where x
> >> > starts in my_string
> >> > using my_string.find(x).  But I don't know how to partition x into
> >> > blocks depending
> >> > on the substrings.  What I want to get out in this case is: "00",
> >> > "111".  If x were "00122",
> >> > I'd want to get out "00","1", "22".
> >> > is there an easy way to do this?  i can't simply split x on a, b, or c
> >> > because these might
> >> > not be contained in x.  I want to avoid doing something inefficient
> >> > like looking at all substrings
> >> > of my_string etc.
> >> > i wouldn't mind using regular expressions for this but i cannot think
> >> > of an easy regular
> >> > expression for this problem.  I looked at the string module in the
> >> > library but did not see
> >> > anything that seemd related but i might have missed it.
> >> I'm not sure I understand your question exactly.  You seem to imply
> >> that the order of the substrings of x is consistent.  If that's the
> >> case, this ought to help:
> >> >>> import re
> >> >>> x = "00122"
> >> >>> m = re.match(r"(0*)(1*)(2*)", x)
> >> >>> m.groups()
> >> ('00', '1', '22')>>> y = "00111"
> >> >>> m = re.match(r"(0*)(1*)(2*)", y)
> >> >>> m.groups()
> >> ('00', '111', '')
> >> You'll have to filter out the empty groups for yourself, but that's
> >> no great problem.
> > The order of the substrings is consistent but what if it's not 0, 1, 2
> > but a more complicated string? e.g.
> > a = 1030405, b = 1babcf, c = fUUIUP
> > then the substring x might be 4051ba, in which case using a regexp
> > with (1*) will not work since both a and b substrings begin with the
> > character 1.
> Right.  This looks approximately nothing like what I thought your
> problem was.  Would I be right in thinking that you want to match
> substrings of your potential "substrings" against the string x?
> I'm sufficiently confused that I think I'd like to see what your
> use case actually is before I make more of a fool of myself.
> --
> Rhodri James *-* Wildebeest Herder to the Masses

it's exactly the same problem, except there are no constraints on the
strings.  so the problem is, like you say, matching the substrings
against the string x. in other words, finding out where x "aligns" to
the ordered substrings abc, and then determine what chunk of x belongs
to a, what chunk belongs to b, and what chunk belongs to c.

so in the example i gave above, the substrings are: a = 1030405, b =
1babcf, c = fUUIUP, so abc = 10304051babcffUUIUP

given a substring like 4051ba, i'd want to split it into the chunks a,
b, and c. in this case, i'd want the result to be: ["405", "1ba"] --
i.e. "405" is the chunk of x that belongs to a, and "1ba" the chunk
that belongs to be. in this case, there are no chunks of c.  if x
instead were "4051babcffUU", the right output is: ["405", "1babcf",
"fUU"], which are the corresponding chunks of a, b, and c that make up
x respectively.

i'm not sure how to approach this. any ideas/tips would be greatly
appreciated. thanks again.

Re: run-time inclusion of files

2009-09-05 Thread Stephen Fairchild wrote:

> I'm interested in three seperate problems:
> 1) being able to import a file that isn't in the standard module include
> path

sys.path.insert(0, "/path/to/module"
module = __import__("module")
del sys.path[0]

Ideally this goes into a function, possibly with os.path.split to break
apart absolute paths.
> 2) being able to import a file whose name is specified in a python string

sys = __import__("sys")

> 3) being able to reload the file if it changes on disk

sys = reload(sys) # sys must have been imported already

Maybe use in conjunction with python-inotify and or Gamin for change
Stephen Fairchild

Re: efficiently splitting up strings based on substrings

2009-09-05 Thread Rhodri James

On Sat, 05 Sep 2009 23:54:08 +0100, per  wrote:

On Sep 5, 6:42 pm, "Rhodri James"  wrote:

On Sat, 05 Sep 2009 22:54:41 +0100, per  wrote:
> I'm trying to efficiently "split" strings based on what substrings
> they are made up of.
> i have a set of strings that are comprised of known substrings.
> For example, a, b, and c are substrings that are not identical to each
> other, e.g.:
> a = "0" * 5
> b = "1" * 5
> c = "2" * 5

> Then my_string might be:

> my_string = a + b + c

> i am looking for an efficient way to solve the following problem.
> suppose i have a short
> string x that is a substring of my_string.  I want to "split" the
> string x into blocks based on
> what substrings (i.e. a, b, or c) chunks of s fall into.

> to illustrate this, suppose x = "00111". Then I can detect where x
> starts in my_string
> using my_string.find(x).  But I don't know how to partition x into
> blocks depending
> on the substrings.  What I want to get out in this case is: "00",
> "111".  If x were "00122",
> I'd want to get out "00","1", "22".

> is there an easy way to do this?  i can't simply split x on a, b, or c
> because these might
> not be contained in x.  I want to avoid doing something inefficient
> like looking at all substrings
> of my_string etc.

> i wouldn't mind using regular expressions for this but i cannot think
> of an easy regular
> expression for this problem.  I looked at the string module in the
> library but did not see
> anything that seemd related but i might have missed it.

I'm not sure I understand your question exactly.  You seem to imply
that the order of the substrings of x is consistent.  If that's the
case, this ought to help:

>>> import re
>>> x = "00122"
>>> m = re.match(r"(0*)(1*)(2*)", x)
>>> m.groups()

('00', '1', '22')>>> y = "00111"
>>> m = re.match(r"(0*)(1*)(2*)", y)
>>> m.groups()

('00', '111', '')

You'll have to filter out the empty groups for yourself, but that's
no great problem.

The order of the substrings is consistent but what if it's not 0, 1, 2
but a more complicated string? e.g.

a = 1030405, b = 1babcf, c = fUUIUP

then the substring x might be 4051ba, in which case using a regexp
with (1*) will not work since both a and b substrings begin with the
character 1.

Right.  This looks approximately nothing like what I thought your
problem was.  Would I be right in thinking that you want to match
substrings of your potential "substrings" against the string x?

I'm sufficiently confused that I think I'd like to see what your
use case actually is before I make more of a fool of myself.

Rhodri James *-* Wildebeest Herder to the Masses

Re: efficiently splitting up strings based on substrings

2009-09-05 Thread per
On Sep 5, 6:42 pm, "Rhodri James"  wrote:
> On Sat, 05 Sep 2009 22:54:41 +0100, per  wrote:
> > I'm trying to efficiently "split" strings based on what substrings
> > they are made up of.
> > i have a set of strings that are comprised of known substrings.
> > For example, a, b, and c are substrings that are not identical to each
> > other, e.g.:
> > a = "0" * 5
> > b = "1" * 5
> > c = "2" * 5
> > Then my_string might be:
> > my_string = a + b + c
> > i am looking for an efficient way to solve the following problem.
> > suppose i have a short
> > string x that is a substring of my_string.  I want to "split" the
> > string x into blocks based on
> > what substrings (i.e. a, b, or c) chunks of s fall into.
> > to illustrate this, suppose x = "00111". Then I can detect where x
> > starts in my_string
> > using my_string.find(x).  But I don't know how to partition x into
> > blocks depending
> > on the substrings.  What I want to get out in this case is: "00",
> > "111".  If x were "00122",
> > I'd want to get out "00","1", "22".
> > is there an easy way to do this?  i can't simply split x on a, b, or c
> > because these might
> > not be contained in x.  I want to avoid doing something inefficient
> > like looking at all substrings
> > of my_string etc.
> > i wouldn't mind using regular expressions for this but i cannot think
> > of an easy regular
> > expression for this problem.  I looked at the string module in the
> > library but did not see
> > anything that seemd related but i might have missed it.
> I'm not sure I understand your question exactly.  You seem to imply
> that the order of the substrings of x is consistent.  If that's the
> case, this ought to help:
> >>> import re
> >>> x = "00122"
> >>> m = re.match(r"(0*)(1*)(2*)", x)
> >>> m.groups()
> ('00', '1', '22')>>> y = "00111"
> >>> m = re.match(r"(0*)(1*)(2*)", y)
> >>> m.groups()
> ('00', '111', '')
> You'll have to filter out the empty groups for yourself, but that's
> no great problem.
> --
> Rhodri James *-* Wildebeest Herder to the Masses

The order of the substrings is consistent but what if it's not 0, 1, 2
but a more complicated string? e.g.

a = 1030405, b = 1babcf, c = fUUIUP

then the substring x might be 4051ba, in which case using a regexp
with (1*) will not work since both a and b substrings begin with the
character 1.

your solution works if that weren't a possibility, so what you wrote
is definitely the kind of solution i am looking for. i am just not
sure how to solve it in the general case where the substrings might be
similar to each other (but not similar enough that you can't tell
where the substring came from).


Re: efficiently splitting up strings based on substrings

2009-09-05 Thread Rhodri James

On Sat, 05 Sep 2009 22:54:41 +0100, per  wrote:

I'm trying to efficiently "split" strings based on what substrings
they are made up of.
i have a set of strings that are comprised of known substrings.
For example, a, b, and c are substrings that are not identical to each
other, e.g.:
a = "0" * 5
b = "1" * 5
c = "2" * 5

Then my_string might be:

my_string = a + b + c

i am looking for an efficient way to solve the following problem.
suppose i have a short
string x that is a substring of my_string.  I want to "split" the
string x into blocks based on
what substrings (i.e. a, b, or c) chunks of s fall into.

to illustrate this, suppose x = "00111". Then I can detect where x
starts in my_string
using my_string.find(x).  But I don't know how to partition x into
blocks depending
on the substrings.  What I want to get out in this case is: "00",
"111".  If x were "00122",
I'd want to get out "00","1", "22".

is there an easy way to do this?  i can't simply split x on a, b, or c
because these might
not be contained in x.  I want to avoid doing something inefficient
like looking at all substrings
of my_string etc.

i wouldn't mind using regular expressions for this but i cannot think
of an easy regular
expression for this problem.  I looked at the string module in the
library but did not see
anything that seemd related but i might have missed it.

I'm not sure I understand your question exactly.  You seem to imply
that the order of the substrings of x is consistent.  If that's the
case, this ought to help:

import re
x = "00122"
m = re.match(r"(0*)(1*)(2*)", x)

('00', '1', '22')

y = "00111"
m = re.match(r"(0*)(1*)(2*)", y)

('00', '111', '')

You'll have to filter out the empty groups for yourself, but that's
no great problem.

Rhodri James *-* Wildebeest Herder to the Masses

Re: run-time inclusion of files

2009-09-05 Thread Chris Rebert
On Sat, Sep 5, 2009 at 3:23 PM,  wrote:
> Hello,
> I was wondering if there was something like Perl's "require" that allows
> you to import a file whose name is specified at run-time.  So far I've only
> seen imports of modules that are put in the standard module include path.

You'll need to use the `imp` module:


Re: Usage of main()

2009-09-05 Thread r
On Sep 4, 5:56 am, "Jan Kaliszewski"  wrote:
> 04-09-2009 o 08:37:43 r  wrote:
> > Why use a nested function when you already *in* main?
> I understand you name global scope as 'main'. But (independently
> of using the __main__ idiom and so on) it is still good idea not to
> place to much code in the global scope but to place your app-logic
> code in functions -- because, as we noted:
> * in practice it is considerably faster,
> * it helps you with using functions & class browsers.

Ah yes, thanks Jan!.
And the others mentioning of "side effects" from imports makes a lot
of sense too.


run-time inclusion of files

2009-09-05 Thread travis+ml-python

I was wondering if there was something like Perl's "require" that allows
you to import a file whose name is specified at run-time.  So far I've only
seen imports of modules that are put in the standard module include path.

I'm interested in three seperate problems:

1) being able to import a file that isn't in the standard module include path

2) being able to import a file whose name is specified in a python string

3) being able to reload the file if it changes on disk

I'm pretty sure that the Pylons web framework does all this, and I'm also
pretty sure that there's a simple solution, I am just not aware of what
it is.
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efficiently splitting up strings based on substrings

2009-09-05 Thread per
I'm trying to efficiently "split" strings based on what substrings
they are made up of.
i have a set of strings that are comprised of known substrings.
For example, a, b, and c are substrings that are not identical to each
other, e.g.:
a = "0" * 5
b = "1" * 5
c = "2" * 5

Then my_string might be:

my_string = a + b + c

i am looking for an efficient way to solve the following problem.
suppose i have a short
string x that is a substring of my_string.  I want to "split" the
string x into blocks based on
what substrings (i.e. a, b, or c) chunks of s fall into.

to illustrate this, suppose x = "00111". Then I can detect where x
starts in my_string
using my_string.find(x).  But I don't know how to partition x into
blocks depending
on the substrings.  What I want to get out in this case is: "00",
"111".  If x were "00122",
I'd want to get out "00","1", "22".

is there an easy way to do this?  i can't simply split x on a, b, or c
because these might
not be contained in x.  I want to avoid doing something inefficient
like looking at all substrings
of my_string etc.

i wouldn't mind using regular expressions for this but i cannot think
of an easy regular
expression for this problem.  I looked at the string module in the
library but did not see
anything that seemd related but i might have missed it.

any help on this would be greatly appreciated.  thanks.

Re: Q on explicitly calling file.close

2009-09-05 Thread r
On Sep 5, 2:47 pm, Dennis Lee Bieber  wrote:
> > Finally, I was under the impression that Python closed filehandles
> > automatically when they were garbage-collected.  (In fact (3)
> > suggests as much, since it does not include an implicit call to
> > fh.close.) If so, the difference between (1) and (3) does not seem
> > very big.  What am I missing here?

True, but i find the with statement (while quite useful in general
practice) is not a "cure all" for situations that need and exception
caught. In that case the laborious finger wrecking syntax of "f.close
()" must be painstaking typed letter by painful letter.


It's just not fair ;-(

Re: incorrect DeprecationWarning?

2009-09-05 Thread Alan G Isaac

I've filed a bug report:

Sadly the Twisted developers apparently did not file
a bug report when they were bitten by this ...

Alan Isaac

Re: pysqlite throwing exception?

2009-09-05 Thread william tanksley
MRAB  wrote:
> I wonder whether it's complaining about the "as count" part because
> "count" is the name of a function, although you do say that the same
> query works elsewhere.

Hey, good catch. Thanks; I'll change that. (It wasn't the problem, but
no doubt someday it could be.)


Re: pysqlite throwing exception?

2009-09-05 Thread william tanksley
william tanksley  wrote:
> Oh, this is Python 2.5 on Windows.

New result: this works on Python 2.6. Obviously the SQLite format
changed between the two runs.

I'll call this "problem solved"; my app appears to run now.


Re: pysqlite throwing exception?

2009-09-05 Thread MRAB

william tanksley wrote:

I'm trying to modify an app I wrote a few months ago, but now it dies
on startup (it worked before). The app loads the SQLite Media Monkey
database, and crashes on its first query (when I try to get the number
of podcasts). At the end of this post is a reduced version of the
problem (which produces the same error).

Oh, this is Python 2.5 on Windows.

The following is the traceback for the reduced version:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\projects\podcasts\podstrand-mm\", line 16, in

cursor.execute("select count(*) as count from songs")
OperationalError: malformed database schema - near "VIRTUAL": syntax

It's the same error I get while running this code in context.

The major change is that I upgraded version of MediaMonkey, and I'd
think that might cause problems-- although all of my non-Python SQLite
support apps have no problem (including running the same query).

Unfortunately, if pysqlite's been upgraded, I can't find it -- has been down the past 2 days.


import os
import sqlite3

# Find the mediamonkey database.
conn = sqlite3.connect(
 'Local Settings',
 'Application Data',
conn.row_factory = sqlite3.Row # provide named columns in results
# Ask mediamonkey for its data.
cursor = conn.cursor()
# Get the total number of songs.
cursor.execute("select count(*) as count from songs")
track_estimate = cursor.fetchall()[0]['count']

I wonder whether it's complaining about the "as count" part because
"count" is the name of a function, although you do say that the same
query works elsewhere.

Re: The future of Python immutability

2009-09-05 Thread Adam Skutt
On Sep 5, 11:29 am, Terry Reedy  wrote:
> This is a pointless replacement for 'def b(x): return x+a'

And?  That has nothing to do with anything I was saying whatsoever.
Point is: any mutable shared state is bad, and making objects
immutable isn't enough to remove all shared state, or even reduce it
to be available only with TEH EBIL global variables.

> Python does not have lambda objects. It has lambda expressions that
> produce function objects identical except for .__name__ to the
> equivalent def statement output.
Sure sounds like python has lambda objects to me then... the fact
they're a special case of some more general construct is mostly
semantics, /especially/ in the context of the point I was actually
making, no?

Re: Support for Windows 7 ?

2009-09-05 Thread Tim Roberts
Pascale Mourier  wrote:
>YES IT IS! Sorry for the inconvenience. I usually start from this 
>assumption. Yesterday this new student was really agressive, and I 
>assumed he was right!
>Here's his mistake: with Windows the name of the directory rooted at a 
>drive name (say C:) is called 'C:\' not 'C:', and it's been that way for 

The root of drive C: is, indeed, spelled "C:\".  However, the spelling "C:"
has a well-defined meaning, and it has since MS-DOS 2 when directories were
introduced.  It means "the current directory for C:".

>Well, os.listdir('C:') instead of raising an exception, for some reason 
>behaves like os.listdir('.').

Because it's not an exception.  The meaning is well-defined.  This can be
very handy, for example, when copying between deeply nested paths on
different drives:

cd "\Ridiculous\Long\Path\Names\For Annoyance"

cd "\Another\Ridiculous\Long\Path\Name"
copy C:one.txt D:two.txt
Tim Roberts,
Providenza & Boekelheide, Inc.

Re: Formatted input function

2009-09-05 Thread candide
Günther Dietrich a écrit :

> RTFM!  :)
> In the python 2.5 manual: Chapter 4.2.6 (search pattern 'scanf' on the 
> index tab of python25.chm)

Correct !! For once ;) the Manual gives an inambiguous answer :

Simulating scanf() .-- Python does not currently have an equivalent to scanf().
Regular expressions are generally more powerful, though also more verbose, than
scanf() format strings.

I'm realizing that using re module is worthwhile but I never tried to learn it.

pysqlite throwing exception?

2009-09-05 Thread william tanksley
I'm trying to modify an app I wrote a few months ago, but now it dies
on startup (it worked before). The app loads the SQLite Media Monkey
database, and crashes on its first query (when I try to get the number
of podcasts). At the end of this post is a reduced version of the
problem (which produces the same error).

Oh, this is Python 2.5 on Windows.

The following is the traceback for the reduced version:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\projects\podcasts\podstrand-mm\", line 16, in

cursor.execute("select count(*) as count from songs")
OperationalError: malformed database schema - near "VIRTUAL": syntax

It's the same error I get while running this code in context.

The major change is that I upgraded version of MediaMonkey, and I'd
think that might cause problems-- although all of my non-Python SQLite
support apps have no problem (including running the same query).

Unfortunately, if pysqlite's been upgraded, I can't find it -- has been down the past 2 days.


import os
import sqlite3

# Find the mediamonkey database.
conn = sqlite3.connect(
 'Local Settings',
 'Application Data',
conn.row_factory = sqlite3.Row # provide named columns in results
# Ask mediamonkey for its data.
cursor = conn.cursor()
# Get the total number of songs.
cursor.execute("select count(*) as count from songs")
track_estimate = cursor.fetchall()[0]['count']


Re: Q on explicitly calling file.close

2009-09-05 Thread Tim Chase

CPython uses reference counting, so an object is garbage collected as
soon as there are no references to it, but that's just an implementation

Other implementations, such as Jython and IronPython, don't use
reference counting, so you don't know when an object will be garbage
collected, which means that the file might remain open for an unknown
time afterwards in case 1 above.

Most people use CPython, so it's not surprising that case 1 is so

Additionally, many scripts just use a small number of files (say, 
1-5 files) so having a file-handle open for the duration of the 
run it minimal overhead.

On the other hand, when processing thousands of files, I always 
explicitly close each file to make sure I don't exhaust some 
file-handle limit the OS or interpreter may enforce.



Pythonwin.exe Error?!?

2009-09-05 Thread kennyken747
HELP! So apparently after installing EPD 5.0 (a python 2.5 dist) aside
my main Python installation (2.6) I started getting this error.

-Pure virtual function call

Whenever I open up ActiveState Python, it gets this runtime error
under pythonwin.exe

Already uninstalled EPD but am still getting this error. I've done
everything from re-install Python and ActiveState to deleting
everything in the registry to do with Python!!! I suggest that nobody
install that until they sort their problems out.

But for now, any help is appreciated.


Re: Support for Windows 7 ?

2009-09-05 Thread Thorsten Kampe
* MRAB (Sat, 05 Sep 2009 17:54:00 +0100)
> Pascale Mourier wrote:
> > Martin v. Löwis a écrit :
> > 
> >> Without having seen any details, I refuse to guess. Most likely, it is
> >> a user mistake.
> > 
> > YES IT IS! Sorry for the inconvenience. I usually start from this 
> > assumption. Yesterday this new student was really agressive, and I 
> > assumed he was right!
> > 
> > Here's his mistake: with Windows the name of the directory rooted at a 
> > drive name (say C:) is called 'C:\' not 'C:', and it's been that way for 
> > ages.
> > Well, os.listdir('C:') instead of raising an exception, for some reason 
> > behaves like os.listdir('.').
> I believe that in Windows (and inherited from MS-DOS) there's a current
> directory for each drive. If you want to change the current directory to
> another directory on another drive in the Windows command prompt then
> you must change both the current drive and the current directory for
> that drive, eg:

Exactly (or use the "/d" parameter which is a newer improvement).


Re: Q on explicitly calling file.close

2009-09-05 Thread r
On Sep 5, 1:17 pm, Dave Angel  wrote:
> kj wrote:
> > There's something wonderfully clear about code like this:
> >     # (1)
> >     def spam(filename):
> >         for line in file(filename):
> >             do_something_with(line)
> > It is indeed pseudo-codely beautiful.  But I gather that it is not
> > correct to do this, and that instead one should do something like
> >     # (2)
> >     def spam(filename):
> >         fh = file(filename)
> >         try:
> >             for line in fh:
> >                 do_something_with(line)
> >         finally:
> >             fh.close()
> > ...or alternatively, if the with-statement is available:
> >     # (3)
> >     def spam(filename):
> >         with file(filename) as fh:
> >             for line in fh:
> >                 do_something_with(line)
> > Mind you, (3) is almost as simple as (1) (only one additional line),
> > but somehow it lacks (1)'s direct simplicity.  (And it adds one
> > more indentation level, which I find annoying.)  Furthermore, I
> > don't recall ever coming across either (2) or (3) "in the wild",
> > even after reading a lot of high-quality Python code (e.g. standard
> > library modules).
> > Finally, I was under the impression that Python closed filehandles
> > automatically when they were garbage-collected.  (In fact (3)
> > suggests as much, since it does not include an implicit call to
> > fh.close.) If so, the difference between (1) and (3) does not seem
> > very big.  What am I missing here?
> > kynn
> We have to distinguish between reference counted and garbage collected.  
> As MRAB says, when the reference count goes to zero, the file is
> immediately closed, in CPython implementation.  So all three are
> equivalent on that platform.
> But if you're not sure the code will run on CPython, then you have to
> have something that explicitly catches the out-of-scopeness of the file
> object.  Both your (2) and (3) do that, with different syntaxes.
> DaveA

Stop being lazy and close the file. You don't want open file objects
just floating around in memory. Even the docs says something like
"yes, python will free the memory associated with a file object but
you can never *really* be sure *when* this will happen, so just
explicitly close the damn thing!". Besides, you can't guarantee that
any data has been written without calling f.flush() or f.close()
first. What if your program crashes and no data is written? huh?

I guess i could put my pants on by jumping into both legs at the same
time thereby saving one step, but i my fall down and break my arm. I
would much rather just use the one leg at a time approach...

Re: Q on explicitly calling file.close

2009-09-05 Thread Dave Angel

kj wrote:

There's something wonderfully clear about code like this:

# (1)
def spam(filename):
for line in file(filename):

It is indeed pseudo-codely beautiful.  But I gather that it is not
correct to do this, and that instead one should do something like

# (2)
def spam(filename):
fh = file(filename)
for line in fh:

...or alternatively, if the with-statement is available:

# (3)
def spam(filename):
with file(filename) as fh:
for line in fh:

Mind you, (3) is almost as simple as (1) (only one additional line),
but somehow it lacks (1)'s direct simplicity.  (And it adds one
more indentation level, which I find annoying.)  Furthermore, I
don't recall ever coming across either (2) or (3) "in the wild",
even after reading a lot of high-quality Python code (e.g. standard
library modules).

Finally, I was under the impression that Python closed filehandles
automatically when they were garbage-collected.  (In fact (3)
suggests as much, since it does not include an implicit call to
fh.close.) If so, the difference between (1) and (3) does not seem
very big.  What am I missing here?


We have to distinguish between reference counted and garbage collected.  
As MRAB says, when the reference count goes to zero, the file is 
immediately closed, in CPython implementation.  So all three are 
equivalent on that platform.

But if you're not sure the code will run on CPython, then you have to 
have something that explicitly catches the out-of-scopeness of the file 
object.  Both your (2) and (3) do that, with different syntaxes.



Re: Formatted input function

2009-09-05 Thread Chris Rebert
On Sat, Sep 5, 2009 at 8:00 AM, Terry Reedy wrote:
> Chris Rebert wrote:
>> On Sat, Sep 5, 2009 at 3:13 AM, candide wrote:
>>> I have a text file and the first line provides the best score of a game.
>>> This
>>> line has  the following format :
>>> Best score : 42
>>> In order to update the score, I try to retrieve the score value.
>>> In C, we would manage this with the following statement :
>>> fscanf(foo_file, "Best score : %d", &score);
>>> Does Python provide an equivalent ?
>> Not an exact one, but it's still easily accomplished:
>> score = int(":").strip())
> One must, of course, select the second item from the list returned by
> .split.

(whacks forehead)

One should not answer threads at 3AM local time without
double-checking the solution...

- Chris

Re: Formatted input function

2009-09-05 Thread Günther Dietrich
candide  wrote:

>In C, we would manage this with the following statement :
>fscanf(foo_file, "Best score : %d", &score);
>Does Python provide an equivalent ?

RTFM!  :)

In the python 2.5 manual: Chapter 4.2.6 (search pattern 'scanf' on the 
index tab of python25.chm)

There are some scanf-patterns with corresponding regular expressions 

Works quite nice.

Best regards,


Re: Q on explicitly calling file.close

2009-09-05 Thread MRAB

kj wrote:

There's something wonderfully clear about code like this:

# (1)
def spam(filename):
for line in file(filename):

It is indeed pseudo-codely beautiful.  But I gather that it is not
correct to do this, and that instead one should do something like

# (2)
def spam(filename):
fh = file(filename)
for line in fh:

...or alternatively, if the with-statement is available:

# (3)
def spam(filename):
with file(filename) as fh:
for line in fh:

Mind you, (3) is almost as simple as (1) (only one additional line),
but somehow it lacks (1)'s direct simplicity.  (And it adds one
more indentation level, which I find annoying.)  Furthermore, I
don't recall ever coming across either (2) or (3) "in the wild",
even after reading a lot of high-quality Python code (e.g. standard
library modules).

Finally, I was under the impression that Python closed filehandles
automatically when they were garbage-collected.  (In fact (3)
suggests as much, since it does not include an implicit call to
fh.close.) If so, the difference between (1) and (3) does not seem
very big.  What am I missing here?

CPython uses reference counting, so an object is garbage collected as
soon as there are no references to it, but that's just an implementation

Other implementations, such as Jython and IronPython, don't use
reference counting, so you don't know when an object will be garbage
collected, which means that the file might remain open for an unknown
time afterwards in case 1 above.

Most people use CPython, so it's not surprising that case 1 is so

Re: Support for Windows 7 ?

2009-09-05 Thread MRAB

Pascale Mourier wrote:

Martin v. Löwis a écrit :

Without having seen any details, I refuse to guess. Most likely, it is
a user mistake.

YES IT IS! Sorry for the inconvenience. I usually start from this 
assumption. Yesterday this new student was really agressive, and I 
assumed he was right!

Here's his mistake: with Windows the name of the directory rooted at a 
drive name (say C:) is called 'C:\' not 'C:', and it's been that way for 
Well, os.listdir('C:') instead of raising an exception, for some reason 
behaves like os.listdir('.').

I believe that in Windows (and inherited from MS-DOS) there's a current
directory for each drive. If you want to change the current directory to
another directory on another drive in the Windows command prompt then
you must change both the current drive and the current directory for
that drive, eg:

chdir another_dir

Re: possible attribute-oriented class

2009-09-05 Thread Jan Kaliszewski

05-09-2009 Steven D'Aprano  wrote:

On Fri, 04 Sep 2009 22:37:15 +0200, Jan Kaliszewski wrote:

Named tuples (which indeed are really very nice) are read-only, but the
approach they represent could (and IMHO should) be extended to some kind
of mutable objects.


What sort of extensions did you have in mind?

Two useful (from my point of view) concepts have appeared (or been linked
to) in this thread -- on python-list and python-ideas:

* the namespace/AttrDict concept (see Ken Newton's, Nick Coghlan's and my

* record concept (see George Sakkis post).

The old discussion, the above link points to, shows that such a
dot-accessible dict-like class is something that many people need and
repeatedly implemet it (more or less perfectly) for themselves.

I think it's something which people copy from other languages because
that's what they're used to, not because they need it.

I don't think so, especially if we say about the former. IMHO it is simply
useful in practice, especially for scripting (but not only) -- being more
convenient than using empty class.

It offers (in compact way, without additional efforts and verbose
syntax -- once you have got such a tool implemented) three things at
the same time, without necessity to choose between them: comfortable
static attribute access, flexible dict-like dynamic access when needed
and possibility of iteration.

It's just a change in syntax. Whether you write x.key or x['key'] is a
matter of convenience. Attribute access is optimized for when you know
the key names at compile time, key access is optimized for when you don't
know the names until runtime.

Exactly. It is a matter of *convenience* (as well as large areas of Python)
and that's the point. I suppose that that is the reason for people to
repeatedly implement it for themselves.

05-09-2009 Steven D'Aprano  wrote:

On Fri, 04 Sep 2009 22:51:39 -0700, Ken Newton wrote:


I would think this is much more than just copy from other language
styles or 'just' a syntax change -- the apparent widespread use would
hint at a deeper need.

"Apparent" is the key word there. There are lots of people who *say* this
this useful functionality, but how many of them *actually* use it? And of
those who do use it, how many of them know what they're doing? There are
an awful lot of bad programmers out there.

If you do need such functionality, it's easy to implement. Here's one:

Neither you nor me have hard evidence about popularity/unpopularity of the
idea (number of places where you can find similar, more or less successful,
attempts to implement it seems to testify in favour of the idea) -- nor
about how it is used or abused.

Obviously there are a lot of bad programmers who are able to use globals
instead of function arguments etc Thats the fate of every language

But it's not the reason to resign from a feature that has particular common
and proper use-cases. Even official Python tutorial mentions a case that is
typical for the matter:

As a
general rule, if obj.x is an attribute, then every valid obj should have
an attribute x. But if obj['x'] is a key/value, then it is data-specific:
some instances will have an 'x' key, and some won't.

It's often true but not always (see e.g. the above example in docs).


Jan Kaliszewski (zuo) 

Q on explicitly calling file.close

2009-09-05 Thread kj

There's something wonderfully clear about code like this:

# (1)
def spam(filename):
for line in file(filename):

It is indeed pseudo-codely beautiful.  But I gather that it is not
correct to do this, and that instead one should do something like

# (2)
def spam(filename):
fh = file(filename)
for line in fh:

...or alternatively, if the with-statement is available:

# (3)
def spam(filename):
with file(filename) as fh:
for line in fh:

Mind you, (3) is almost as simple as (1) (only one additional line),
but somehow it lacks (1)'s direct simplicity.  (And it adds one
more indentation level, which I find annoying.)  Furthermore, I
don't recall ever coming across either (2) or (3) "in the wild",
even after reading a lot of high-quality Python code (e.g. standard
library modules).

Finally, I was under the impression that Python closed filehandles
automatically when they were garbage-collected.  (In fact (3)
suggests as much, since it does not include an implicit call to
fh.close.) If so, the difference between (1) and (3) does not seem
very big.  What am I missing here?


Re: Turn-based game - experimental economics

2009-09-05 Thread Hendrik van Rooyen
On Saturday 05 September 2009 12:07:59 Paolo Crosetto wrote:

> The problem I now face is to organise turns. Players, as in Scrabble, will
> play in turns. So far I have developed the server and ONE client, and
> cannot get my head round to - nor find many examples of - how to simply
> develop a turn-based interaction.

> Does anyone have any hints?

Why do you not just write a loop, giving each player a turn?

keep a list of players.

for player in players:
ans = get_the_answer(player)

This is of course very basic, as it needs stuff like timeouts.
But maybe it can get you started.

HTH - Hendrik


Re: Support for Windows 7 ?

2009-09-05 Thread Pascale Mourier

Martin v. Löwis a écrit :

Without having seen any details, I refuse to guess. Most likely, it is
a user mistake.

YES IT IS! Sorry for the inconvenience. I usually start from this 
assumption. Yesterday this new student was really agressive, and I 
assumed he was right!

Here's his mistake: with Windows the name of the directory rooted at a 
drive name (say C:) is called 'C:\' not 'C:', and it's been that way for 
Well, os.listdir('C:') instead of raising an exception, for some reason 
behaves like os.listdir('.').


Re: Turn-based game - experimental economics

2009-09-05 Thread Paolo Crosetto
Dear Terry, 

> As I understand your description, the server and each client will be a
> separate process on a separate machine (once deployed), so threads do
> not seem applicable. (For development, you can use separate processes on
> one machine communicating through sockets just as if they were on
> multiple machines.) 

Exactly. And this is exactly how I do it now. I have a process for the server, 
and process for the client (I succeeded in having it working with one client). 
I use XMLRPC to setup the server and make calls from the client.

> As I understand select, it is for select *any*
> available client input, not just one in particular. I believe the
> standard solution is to define a 'turn token' and write the clients so
> that they only do 'turn' activities when and only when they have that
> token.

This is similar to what bouncynic suggested. I was thinking of having a status 
global variable in the server that register whose turn it is [eg a list of N 
zeroes for N players] and ask the client to read that variable and act only 
when their own element in the list turns to one, white otherwise.

Does this make sense?

> I presume you do not need to worry about players trying to cheat
> by rewriting the client.

No, not really :)

I have one more question, then:

how do I make the client stay alive during the waiting period? Let me explain 
with rubbish pseudocode. Right now the code for handling turns, with status 
held on alist on the server, would be:


if server.getStatus[i]==1: all the actions in one's turn...
server.changeStatus[i] #changes to zero the global status var
server.passTurn #the last action for client i is to set to 1 the 
for client i+1


Now, my question is: how do I implement 'wait' without making the client exit? 
With gui-based clients I guess it is done with mainloop() keeping the app 
alive until something closes it; how do I achieve that with stdout (bash) 

Sorry for the not-so-much related question, and thanks for your suggestions.

Paolo Crosetto
PhD Student in Economics
DEAS - Department of Economics - University of Milan

Re: The future of Python immutability

2009-09-05 Thread Terry Reedy

Adam Skutt wrote:

This is a side-effect of writing code that relies on global variables.
Global variables are generally a bad idea. Global constants are fine.

Nope, the variables don't have to be global to have this problem, they
just have to be shared:

>>> a = 3
>>> b = lambda x: x + a

This is a pointless replacement for 'def b(x): return x+a'

>>> print b(3)
>>> a = 4
>>> print b(3)

Passing any lambda

Python does not have lambda objects. It has lambda expressions that 
produce function objects identical except for .__name__ to the 
equivalent def statement output.



Re: incorrect DeprecationWarning?

2009-09-05 Thread exarkun

On 02:28 pm, wrote:

I am not sure how best to deprecate dependence on the
Python 2.5 mistake, but this is not it.  And I know at
least one important library that is affected.

I'll agree that it's not great.  I certainly would have preferred it not 
to have been done.  It is futile to complain about this kind of thing on 
python-list, though.  Raise the issue on python-dev.  I don't think 
anyone will listen to you, but who knows until you try.  If you have an 
alternate suggestion to make, that might help gain some traction; if 
not, the issue will probably just be dismissed.  Even so, I suspect 
someone will say "This is irrelevant, just rename your attribute." 
Python developers aren't much concerned with this kind of thing.


Re: Turn-based game - experimental economics

2009-09-05 Thread Terry Reedy

Paolo Crosetto wrote:

Dear all,

I am writing an application in Python for an experiment in Experimental 

For those who do not know what this is: experimental economics uses 
controlled, computerised lab experiments with real subjects, putting the 
subject in a game mimicking the situation of interest and collecting 
behavioural data about choices made.

Hence, experiments involve the use of a multi-client architecture with one 
server, and are sort of online games, with actions taken by clients and 
computation, data collection, etc... handled by servers.

I chose to use Python because I needed something flexible, powerful and easy - 
I am a beginner programmer.

My game is a sort of scrabble, with palyers buying letters and producing words 
or extending existing words. I use a pipe to ispell -a for spellcheck, XMLRPC 
for the server-client infrastructure, and have developed all the rules of the 
game as server functions, called by a client. States of players and of words 
created are stored in instances of two basic classes, Player and Word, on the 
server side.

The problem I now face is to organise turns. Players, as in Scrabble, will 
play in turns. So far I have developed the server and ONE client, and cannot 
get my head round to - nor find many examples of - how to simply develop a 
turn-based interaction.
I basically need the server to freeze in writing all the clients while client 
i is playing, then when i is over passing the turn to i+1; clients are still 
accessible by the server at any time (the payoff of a player changes even as 
she is not playing, by royalties collected from other players extending her 

In another thread (about a battleship game) I found two possible leads to a 

1. using 'select'.
2. using threads.

But in both cases I could not find any clear documentation on how to do this. 
The 'select' road was said to be the easiest, but I found no further hints.

Does anyone have any hints?

As I understand your description, the server and each client will be a 
separate process on a separate machine (once deployed), so threads do 
not seem applicable. (For development, you can use separate processes on 
one machine communicating through sockets just as if they were on 
multiple machines.) As I understand select, it is for select *any* 
available client input, not just one in particular. I believe the 
standard solution is to define a 'turn token' and write the clients so 
that they only do 'turn' activities when and only when they have that 
token. I presume you do not need to worry about players trying to cheat 
by rewriting the client.



Re: Formatted input function

2009-09-05 Thread Terry Reedy

Chris Rebert wrote:

On Sat, Sep 5, 2009 at 3:13 AM, candide wrote:

I have a text file and the first line provides the best score of a game. This
line has  the following format :

Best score : 42

In order to update the score, I try to retrieve the score value.

In C, we would manage this with the following statement :

fscanf(foo_file, "Best score : %d", &score);

Does Python provide an equivalent ?

Not an exact one, but it's still easily accomplished:

score = int(":").strip())

One must, of course, select the second item from the list returned by 
.split. The .strip() seems not to be needed, at least in 3.1, as int() 
ignores whitespace.

>>> s='Best score : 42\n'
>>> int(s.split(':')[1])


Re: How to access ODBC databases ?

2009-09-05 Thread Timothy Madden

Martin P. Hellwig wrote:

Timothy Madden wrote:

Martin P. Hellwig wrote:

Timothy Madden wrote:

 >>> conn = pyodbc.connect('DRIVER={PostgreSQL 

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 1, in 

pyodbc.Error: ('0', '[0] [nxDC (202) (SQLDriverConnectW)')

Not sure (i.e. wild guess) but that line makes me think it has 
something to do with the encoding, is it possible to try a different 

Thank you.

Slackware also comes with mysql, I guess I could try to install and 
register a driver for it in my unixODBC installation.

What about the encoding ? What should I be looking for in this case ?
Indeed when I try
   createdb --encoding=UTF-8 pikantBlue
I get the message that the server's /LC_TYPE settings require encoding 
to be LATIN1/. What should I do about it ? Should I have been more 
careful about the configure options when compiling postgresql ? I also 
tried pyodbc on Ubuntu with the database installed with apt-get and I 
still get the same problem.

Thank you
Timothy Madden

According to this:
You could try the 'PostgreSQL ANSI' driver.

Thank you.

The precompiled driver from apt-get worked on one of the 
Ubuntu machines that I tried.

I would still like o use the Unicode driver if possible. Do you know 
what the problem could be ? Or where ? pyodbc/unixODBC/ ?

Thank you,
Timothy Madden

Re: incorrect DeprecationWarning?

2009-09-05 Thread Terry Reedy wrote:

On 12:20 pm, wrote:

I think you are missing my point.
I understand it is just a DeprecationWarning.
But **why** should I receive a deprecation warning
when I am **not** using the deprecated practice?
Since I am **not** using the deprecated practice, the
warning is incorrect. (See the class definition above.)
And this incorrect warning affects a lot of people!

You are using the deprecated practice.  Attributes are not scoped to a 
particular class.  There is only one "message" attribute on your 
"MyError" instance.  It does not belong just to "MyError".  It does not 
belong just to "Exception".  It does not belong just to "BaseException". 
It is shared by all of them.  Because "BaseException" deprecates 
instances of it having a "message" attribute, any instance of any 
subclass of "BaseException" which uses this attribute will get the 
deprecation warning.  Perhaps you weren't intending to use the "message" 
attribute as "BaseException" was using it, but this doesn't matter. 
There is only one "message" attribute, and "BaseException" already 
claimed it, and then deprecated it.

What anyone who is **not** using the deprecated practice
should expect in Python 2.6 is the Py3 behavior.  That is
not what we get: we get instead an incorrect deprecation

Possibly so, but there is no way for the runtime to know that you're not 
trying to use the deprecated behavior.  All it can tell is that you're 
using the deprecated attribute name.  Perhaps you can come up with a way 
for it to differentiate between these two cases and contribute a patch, 

It is sometimes hard to warn exactly when appropriate and impossible for 
the default action to satisfy everyone. The developers are, of course, 
aware of this. That is why there is a mechanism to turn off particular 
warnings. Checkout the extremely flexible warnings module.



Re: Math Notations, Computer Languages, and the “F orm” in Formalism

2009-09-05 Thread slawekk

> Theorem provers
> such as OCaml (HOL, Coq), Mizar does math formalism as a foundation,
> also function as a generic computer language, but lacks abilities as a
> computer algebra system or math notation representation.

Isabelle's presentation layer is well integrated with LaTeX and you
can use math notation in (presentation of) proofs.


Re: IMGCrush (New Python image optimizing tool)

2009-09-05 Thread Aahz
In article ,  wrote:
>Requires ImageMagick and Python (coded in python 2.x, I'm running 2.6
>but it might run on older python as well)

Why are you using ImageMagick instead of PIL?
Aahz (   <*>

"Look, it's your affair if you want to play with five people, but don't
go calling it doubles."  --John Cleese anticipates Usenet

Re: incorrect DeprecationWarning?

2009-09-05 Thread Alan G Isaac

On 9/5/2009 9:07 AM, wrote:

You are using the deprecated practice.

Clearly not, or it would fail in Python 3,
which it does not.

Attributes are not scoped to a
particular class. There is only one "message" attribute on your
"MyError" instance. It does not belong just to "MyError". It does not
belong just to "Exception". It does not belong just to "BaseException".
It is shared by all of them.

No, it does not belong to any of those classes.
It belongs to the instance.

Because "BaseException" deprecates
instances of it having a "message" attribute

That is what is is doing, and that is precisely the problem.
The DeprecationError is raised for the wrong thing.
I mean be serious: this is flagging the use of
a new attribute on a subclass.  If you proposed building
a class that way the screams on "unPythonic" on this
list would be deafening.

I am not sure how best to deprecate dependence on the
Python 2.5 mistake, but this is not it.  And I know at
least one important library that is affected.

Alan Isaac

ANNOUNCE: Leo 4.6.3 released

2009-09-05 Thread Edward K Ream
Leo 4.6.3 final is now available at:

Leo is a text editor, data organizer, project manager and much more. See:

Leo 4.6.3 fixes a significant caching bug in Leo 4.6.2.
Leo 4.6.3 also comes with an executable installer for Windows.

The highlights of Leo 4.6
- Cached external files *greatly* reduces the time to load .leo files.
- Leo now features a modern Qt interface by default.
  Leo's legacy Tk interface can also be used.
- New --config, --file and --gui command-line options.
- Leo tests syntax of .py files when saving them.
- Leo can now open any kind of file into @edit nodes.
- @auto-rst nodes allow easy editing of reStructuredText files.
- Properties of commanders, positions and nodes simplify programming.
- Improved Leo's unit testing framework.
- Leo now requires Python 2.5 or later.
- Dozens of small improvements and bug fixes.


Edward K. Ream   email:


Re: Application-global "switches"?

2009-09-05 Thread kj
In  Ethan Furman 

>I've seen a couple cool recipes implementing WORM* attributes if you 
>wanted to ensure that your settings were not re-set.

>Steven D'Aprano wrote one with a class name of ConstantNamespace, you 
>can search on that if you're interested.  I'd include the code, but I 
>have no idea if that's good netiquette or not.

Thanks, I'll check this out.


Re: incorrect DeprecationWarning?

2009-09-05 Thread exarkun

On 12:20 pm, wrote:

Alan G Isaac wrote:

Python 2.6.2 (r262:71605, Apr 14 2009, 22:40:02) [MSC v.1500 32 bit
(Intel)] on win32
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more 

class MyError(Exception):

... def __init__(self, message):
... Exception.__init__(self)
... self.message = message

e = MyError('msg')

__main__:4: DeprecationWarning: BaseException.message has been
deprecated as of Python 2.6

So? Why would that mean I cannot add such an attribute
to derived classes?

On 9/4/2009 6:42 PM, Terry Reedy wrote:
It does not mean that. Try printing e.message and you should see 

I believe what it does mean is the the special meaning of
exception.message (I have forgotten what it is) is gone in Python 3.

In Py3
class MyError(Exception):
def __init__(self, message):
self.message = message

e = MyError('msg')

# 'msg'

No warning any more.


I think you are missing my point.
I understand it is just a DeprecationWarning.
But **why** should I receive a deprecation warning
when I am **not** using the deprecated practice?
Since I am **not** using the deprecated practice, the
warning is incorrect. (See the class definition above.)
And this incorrect warning affects a lot of people!

You are using the deprecated practice.  Attributes are not scoped to a 
particular class.  There is only one "message" attribute on your 
"MyError" instance.  It does not belong just to "MyError".  It does not 
belong just to "Exception".  It does not belong just to "BaseException". 
It is shared by all of them.  Because "BaseException" deprecates 
instances of it having a "message" attribute, any instance of any 
subclass of "BaseException" which uses this attribute will get the 
deprecation warning.  Perhaps you weren't intending to use the "message" 
attribute as "BaseException" was using it, but this doesn't matter. 
There is only one "message" attribute, and "BaseException" already 
claimed it, and then deprecated it.

What anyone who is **not** using the deprecated practice
should expect in Python 2.6 is the Py3 behavior.  That is
not what we get: we get instead an incorrect deprecation

Possibly so, but there is no way for the runtime to know that you're not 
trying to use the deprecated behavior.  All it can tell is that you're 
using the deprecated attribute name.  Perhaps you can come up with a way 
for it to differentiate between these two cases and contribute a patch, 


PyCon 2010 - Call for Tutorials

2009-09-05 Thread Greg Lindstrom
The Tutorial Committee for PyCon 2010 in Atlanta is now accepting proposals
for classes.  This year will feature 2 days of classes prior to the
"official" conference.  These classes are 3-hour long sessions concentrating
on specific Python packages or techniques and are taught by some of the
smartest cookies in the Python Universe.  Anything Python may be submitted
for consideration but there are a limited number of sessions to be filled.
Topics taught or requested over the past two years include:

* Python 101 - An introduction to programming Python, either for complete
beginners or programmers experienced in other languages.

* Python 201 - There has been repeated requests for classes covering
"intermediate" topics; data structures, database techniques,
classes/objects, standard library, eggs, etc.

* Python 401 - Classes covering "advanced" topics;
multi-processing/concurrency, iterators/generators, OOP, etc.

* Web Topics - Frameworks, web testing, design, security, scraping.

* Scientific Python - MatLab, SciPy

* Testing - Frameworks, methods

* GUI - Dabo, wxPython, TkInter, etc.

*  More: XML, GIS, SQLAlchemy, Jython, System Administration

More information, including a sample proposal and blank template, are at

Questions?  Email us at

Greg Lindstrom

Re: incorrect DeprecationWarning?

2009-09-05 Thread Alan G Isaac

Alan G Isaac wrote:

Python 2.6.2 (r262:71605, Apr 14 2009, 22:40:02) [MSC v.1500 32 bit
(Intel)] on win32
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.

class MyError(Exception):

... def __init__(self, message):
... Exception.__init__(self)
... self.message = message

e = MyError('msg')

__main__:4: DeprecationWarning: BaseException.message has been
deprecated as of Python 2.6

So? Why would that mean I cannot add such an attribute
to derived classes?

On 9/4/2009 6:42 PM, Terry Reedy wrote:

It does not mean that. Try printing e.message and you should see 'msg'.
I believe what it does mean is the the special meaning of
exception.message (I have forgotten what it is) is gone in Python 3.

In Py3
class MyError(Exception):
def __init__(self, message):
self.message = message

e = MyError('msg')

# 'msg'

No warning any more.


I think you are missing my point.
I understand it is just a DeprecationWarning.
But **why** should I receive a deprecation warning
when I am **not** using the deprecated practice?
Since I am **not** using the deprecated practice, the
warning is incorrect. (See the class definition above.)
And this incorrect warning affects a lot of people!

What anyone who is **not** using the deprecated practice
should expect in Python 2.6 is the Py3 behavior.  That is
not what we get: we get instead an incorrect deprecation

Alan Isaac


Re: The future of Python immutability

2009-09-05 Thread Adam Skutt
On Sep 5, 12:06 am, Steven D'Aprano  wrote:
> On Fri, 04 Sep 2009 06:36:59 -0700, Adam Skutt wrote:
> > Nope, preventing mutation of the objects themselves is not enough. You
> > also have to forbid variables from being rebound (pointed at another
> > object).  Consider this simple example:
> > -- Thread 1 -- | -- Thread 2 --
> > a = "Foo"
> > spawn Thread 2
> > a = "Bar"                        print "thread 2: %s" % a
> > print "thread 1: %s" % a
> > You could see (ignoring the fact the output isn't ordered):
> > "thread 1: Bar"
> > "thread 2: Foo"
> > or:
> > "thread 1: Bar"
> > "thread 2: Bar"
> > so the fact "Foo" and "Bar" are immutable isn't enough to solve the
> > problem.
> This is a side-effect of writing code that relies on global variables.
> Global variables are generally a bad idea. Global constants are fine.

Nope, the variables don't have to be global to have this problem, they
just have to be shared:

>>> a = 3
>>> b = lambda x: x + a
>>> print b(3)
>>> a = 4
>>> print b(3)

Passing any lambda between threads will cause the problem I described
above, regardless of whether the variables captured are global or

> What do you mean by "variables"? Do you mean names?
In the case of python I mean the name and the value, since all
variables in Python are pointers.  (Worrying about the difference
though, is semantics)
> What are pointer semantics?
Assignment to the variable causes it to point to another object (as
opposed to assigning a new value to the current object, like a C++
reference) and copying the variable does not create a copy of the
referred object (which necessarily implies their lifecycles are

> Assuming you mean names must be forbidden from being rebound, no,
> incorrect. It's only names which are shared between both threads which
> must not be re-bound. If you have names local to the thread, you can
> change them all you want without affecting any other thread.
What does it matter, seeing as Python lacks the ability altogether?


Re: The future of Python immutability

2009-09-05 Thread sturlamolden
On 5 Sep, 08:47, Steven D'Aprano  wrote:

> How do you know?

After more than 10 years experience with scientific programming I just
do. When it comes to numerics I have a gut feeling for what is fast
and what is slow.

It's not difficult actually. You just have to imagine how often the
interpreter is invoked. Explicit loops are therefore evilness in
numerical scripts. Vectorized array expressions tend to be comparable
to C in performance, because they do a lot of work independent of the
interpreter. What do we see here? Vectorized array expressions
throughout the code, no significant amount of looping by the
interpreter (just the recursion at the end).


2009-09-05 Thread Hassan Baig
We are developing a turn-based strategy game in Python 2.6. One of the
features of this game is that several battles can be concurrently in
progress which each one having a *user-defined* turn-length.

So the problem here is coming up with a robust method of turn processing
which ensures all initialized battles proceed according to their
user-defined turn schedules.

We're looking for ideas on how to accomplish this elegantly - so far we've
only been able to implement a global timer function (defeats the original
purpose). Can you folks help? We'll be very grateful.

-Hassan Baig (The Varsity Heroes Team)

Re: Turn-based game - experimental economics

2009-09-05 Thread
As I Understand it I Would just use a simple shared variable or perhaps data 
wrote to a file to indicate busy or waiting and then use some kind of wait 
function or no-op to simulate' then recheck

Sent via Cricket Mobile Email

--Original Message--
From: Paolo Crosetto 
Date: Sat, 5 Sep 2009 12:07:59 PM +0200
Subject: Turn-based game - experimental economics

Dear all,

I am writing an application in Python for an experiment in Experimental 

For those who do not know what this is: experimental economics uses 
controlled, computerised lab experiments with real subjects, putting the 
subject in a game mimicking the situation of interest and collecting 
behavioural data about choices made.

Hence, experiments involve the use of a multi-client architecture with one 
server, and are sort of online games, with actions taken by clients and 
computation, data collection, etc... handled by servers.

I chose to use Python because I needed something flexible, powerful and easy - 
I am a beginner programmer.

My game is a sort of scrabble, with palyers buying letters and producing words 
or extending existing words. I use a pipe to ispell -a for spellcheck, XMLRPC 
for the server-client infrastructure, and have developed all the rules of the 
game as server functions, called by a client. States of players and of words 
created are stored in instances of two basic classes, Player and Word, on the 
server side.

The problem I now face is to organise turns. Players, as in Scrabble, will 
play in turns. So far I have developed the server and ONE client, and cannot 
get my head round to - nor find many examples of - how to simply develop a 
turn-based interaction.
I basically need the server to freeze in writing all the clients while client 
i is playing, then when i is over passing the turn to i+1; clients are still 
accessible by the server at any time (the payoff of a player changes even as 
she is not playing, by royalties collected from other players extending her 

In another thread (about a battleship game) I found two possible leads to a 
1. using 'select'.
2. using threads.

But in both cases I could not find any clear documentation on how to do this. 
The 'select' road was said to be the easiest, but I found no further hints.

Does anyone have any hints?


Paolo Crosetto
PhD Student in Economics
DEAS - Department of Economics - University of Milan


Re: Formatted input function

2009-09-05 Thread Chris Rebert
On Sat, Sep 5, 2009 at 3:13 AM, candide wrote:
> I have a text file and the first line provides the best score of a game. This
> line has  the following format :
> Best score : 42
> In order to update the score, I try to retrieve the score value.
> In C, we would manage this with the following statement :
> fscanf(foo_file, "Best score : %d", &score);
> Does Python provide an equivalent ?

Not an exact one, but it's still easily accomplished:

score = int(":").strip())


Formatted input function

2009-09-05 Thread candide
I have a text file and the first line provides the best score of a game. This
line has  the following format :

Best score : 42

In order to update the score, I try to retrieve the score value.

In C, we would manage this with the following statement :

fscanf(foo_file, "Best score : %d", &score);

Does Python provide an equivalent ?

Turn-based game - experimental economics

2009-09-05 Thread Paolo Crosetto
Dear all,

I am writing an application in Python for an experiment in Experimental 

For those who do not know what this is: experimental economics uses 
controlled, computerised lab experiments with real subjects, putting the 
subject in a game mimicking the situation of interest and collecting 
behavioural data about choices made.

Hence, experiments involve the use of a multi-client architecture with one 
server, and are sort of online games, with actions taken by clients and 
computation, data collection, etc... handled by servers.

I chose to use Python because I needed something flexible, powerful and easy - 
I am a beginner programmer.

My game is a sort of scrabble, with palyers buying letters and producing words 
or extending existing words. I use a pipe to ispell -a for spellcheck, XMLRPC 
for the server-client infrastructure, and have developed all the rules of the 
game as server functions, called by a client. States of players and of words 
created are stored in instances of two basic classes, Player and Word, on the 
server side.

The problem I now face is to organise turns. Players, as in Scrabble, will 
play in turns. So far I have developed the server and ONE client, and cannot 
get my head round to - nor find many examples of - how to simply develop a 
turn-based interaction.
I basically need the server to freeze in writing all the clients while client 
i is playing, then when i is over passing the turn to i+1; clients are still 
accessible by the server at any time (the payoff of a player changes even as 
she is not playing, by royalties collected from other players extending her 

In another thread (about a battleship game) I found two possible leads to a 
1. using 'select'.
2. using threads.

But in both cases I could not find any clear documentation on how to do this. 
The 'select' road was said to be the easiest, but I found no further hints.

Does anyone have any hints?


Paolo Crosetto
PhD Student in Economics
DEAS - Department of Economics - University of Milan

Re: possible attribute-oriented class

2009-09-05 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Fri, 04 Sep 2009 22:51:39 -0700, Ken Newton wrote:

> On Fri, Sep 4, 2009 at 9:49 PM, Steven
> D'Aprano wrote: ...
>>> The old discussion, the above link points to, shows that such a
>>> dot-accessible dict-like class is something that many people need and
>>> repeatedly implemet it (more or less perfectly) for themselves.
>> I think it's something which people copy from other languages because
>> that's what they're used to, not because they need it.
>> It's just a change in syntax. Whether you write x.key or x['key'] is a
>> matter of convenience. Attribute access is optimized for when you know
>> the key names at compile time, key access is optimized for when you
>> don't know the names until runtime. Compare:
>> # You know the key when you write the code. x.key versus x['key']
>> # You don't know the key until runtime. s = get_key()
>> getattr(x, s) versus x[s]
> ...
> I would think this is much more than just copy from other language
> styles or 'just' a syntax change -- the apparent widespread use would
> hint at a deeper need.

"Apparent" is the key word there. There are lots of people who *say* this 
this useful functionality, but how many of them *actually* use it? And of 
those who do use it, how many of them know what they're doing? There are 
an awful lot of bad programmers out there.

If you do need such functionality, it's easy to implement. Here's one:

No comment, no votes.

Here's another:

Four comments, mostly negative, no votes.

To me, this seems like a superficially attractive idea which is actually 
a bad idea, even when it's useful. Using a screwdriver as a chisel, or 
crowbar is useful too, and I've done so myself, but it's still usually a 
bad idea.

Key lookup and attribute access are superficially similar, and they're 
implemented the same way in Python, but they're actually for different 
conceptual purposes. Attributes are conceptually part of the object, 
while key/values are conceptually data attached to the object. As a 
general rule, if obj.x is an attribute, then every valid obj should have 
an attribute x. But if obj['x'] is a key/value, then it is data-specific: 
some instances will have an 'x' key, and some won't. Consequently, 
obj.has_key('x') (better written these days as 'x' in obj) will be MUCH 
more common than hasattr(obj, 'x').

For example, dict.clear has a special meaning shared by all dicts. 
dict['clear'] does not. You confuse the two at your peril.


Re: print() a list

2009-09-05 Thread AggieDan04
On Sep 5, 1:51 am, Dero  wrote:
> On Sep 5, 2:35 pm, "Mark Tolonen"  wrote:
> > "DarkBlue"  wrote in message
> >
> > >I am trying to get used to the new print() syntax prior to installing
> > > python 3.1:
> > Without the following statement, print does not work the "new" way.  What
> > you are printing is a tuple of the two list elements.
> > from __future__ import print_function
> I thought in 2.6 both print and print() were equally implemented
> without the future import requirement.

That couldn't be done because the print() syntax can't be
distinguished from old-style print with a tuple.

~$ python2.6 -c "print(1, 2)"
(1, 2)
~$ python3.0 -c "print(1, 2)"
1 2

Re: recursive decorator

2009-09-05 Thread Michele Simionato

> def enable_recur(f):
>     print f.func_code.co_names
>     if 'recur' not in f.func_code.co_names:
>         return f # do nothing on non-recursive functions
>     c = Code.from_code(f.func_code)
>     c.code[1:1] = [(LOAD_GLOBAL, f.__name__), (STORE_FAST, 'recur')]
>     for i, (opcode, value) in enumerate(c.code[2:]):
>         if opcode == LOAD_GLOBAL and value == 'recur':
>             c.code[i+2] = (LOAD_FAST, 'recur')
>     f.func_code = c.to_code()
>     return f
There is a useless line 'print f.func_code.co_names' here, a left over
of my tests, sorry.

Re: Multiple inheritance - How to call method_x in InheritedBaseB from method_x in InheritedBaseA?

2009-09-05 Thread The Music Guy
On Fri, Sep 4, 2009 at 11:23 AM, Scott David
Daniels wrote:
> The Music Guy wrote:
>> I have a peculiar problem that involves multiple inheritance and method
>> calling.
>> I have a bunch of classes, one of which is called MyMixin and doesn't
>> inherit from anything. MyMixin expects that it will be inherited along
>> with one of several other classes that each define certain
>> functionality.
> ...  ...
>> This all appears fine at first, but ...
>> One might be tempted to amend MyMixin's method_x so that it calls the
>> parent's method_x before doing anything else:
>> class MyMixin(object):
>>    def method_x(self, a, b, c):
>>        super(MyMixin, self).method_x(a, b, c)
>>        ...
>> ...but of course, that will fail with an AttributeError because
>> MyMixin's only superclass is object, which does not have a method_x.
> Here the fix below works.
>> The only way I can think to solve the problem would be to implement a
>> method_x for each Foo that calls the method_x for each of the bases:
> ...
>> So, does anyone have an idea about how to remedy this, or at least
>> work around it?
> The diamond inheritance stuff is meant to allow you to deal with
> exactly this issue.  If you define a class, MixinBase, with do-
> nothing entries for all the methods you are inventing, and you
> make all of your Mixin classes (and your main class) inherit
> from MixinBase, you are guaranteed that all of the Mixins you
> use will be earlier on the method resolution order (mro in the
> docs) than MixinBase.  If the set of actual methods is small
> and pervasive, I might even be tempted rename MixinBase to
> "Object":
 if 1:
>    class MixinBase(object):
>        '''Base for solving mixin strategy.
>        Also a nice common place to describe the args and meaning.
>        '''
>        def method_x(self, a, b, c):
>            '''Suitable docstring'''
>            print 'MixinBase'
>    class MyMixin(MixinBase):
>        def method_x(self, a, b, c):
>            super(MyMixin, self).method_x(a, b, c)
>            print 'Mixin'
>    class BaseA(MixinBase):
>        def method_x(self, a, b, c):
>            super(BaseA, self).method_x(a, b, c)
>            print 'BaseA'
>    class BaseB(MixinBase):
>        pass
>    class BaseC(MixinBase):
>        def method_x(self, a, b, c):
>            super(BaseC, self).method_x(a, b, c)
>            print 'BaseC'
>    class FooX(MyMixin, BaseA):
>        def method_x(self, a, b, c):
>            super(FooX, self).method_x(a, b, c)
>            print 'FooX'
>    class FooY(MyMixin, BaseB):
>        pass
>    class FooZ(MyMixin, BaseC):
>        def method_x(self, a, b, c):
>            super(FooZ, self).method_x(a, b, c)
>            print 'FooZ'
> MixinBase
> BaseC
> Mixin
> FooZ
> MixinBase
> Mixin
> MixinBase
> BaseA
> Mixin
> FooX
> MixinBase
> BaseA

> --Scott David Daniels
> --

Thanks for your reply, Scott. I'm glad there's somebody here who is
actually willing to help me with this; it seems like I usually don't
get any response from posting to most mailing lists. However, I'm not
sure I completely understand your solution.

Two of my requirements are that 1.) no Foo class ever need implement a
method_x because each FooN is merely a version of a BaseN with MyMixin
features added in, and 2.) Each BaseN is a fully-usable class that
does not have MyMixin features and does not need to be subclassed in
order to be used (ie. even though it is usable as a base, it is also
usable as an ordinary class).

Here's some psuedocode that may make my intent more clear:

class Widget(SomeBase, SomeOtherBase, ...):
""" A GUI class that occupies a region of a screen. Can be
contained by a Container class. """

def __init__(self, region):

# Rect-ify the given region (no pun intended)
self.region = Rect(region)

class Container(Widget):
   """ A widget that can contain other widgets and show their regions
in relation to the container's region. """

def __init__(self, region, children=()):
Widget.__init__(self, region)

self.children = []

for child in children:

def __getitem__(self, index):
return self.children[index]

def __setitem__(self, index, new):
self.children[index] = new

def append(self, new):

class MovableContainer(Container):
""" Enhanced container that can be moved in response to the user
clicking and dragging on an empty space in the container. """

...code for handling mouse input...

def append(self, child):
""" Provides enhanced functionality for Container.append. """
super(MovableContainer, self).append(child)
... do some other stuff ...

class LayoutControlMixin(o

Re: print syntax

2009-09-05 Thread Bernie
On Thu, 03 Sep 2009 12:22:14 -0400, doug wrote:

> I am new to python, working by way through 'Core Python Programming'. I
> can find no description of using print with the built-in type for
> formatting. I think I have got some [most?] of it from Chun, google, and
> My comment is - it should not be that hard to find. I would
> suggest a link from the print syntax section.
> What is seems to be is:
>print "format-spec" % (variable-list)
> I assume the '%' is required token.
> _
> Douglas Denault
> Voice: 301-217-9220
>Fax: 301-217-9277

You say "using print with the built-in type for formatting." - It's two 
separate things, print just prints a string.  You can use the formatting 
quite separately on the string first.

my_string = "%s %s %s" % (1, 2, 3)# creates string "1 2 3"
print my_string

so you probably would find difficulty is searching for 'print 
formatting', you should be looking for string formatting.