Python Ireland Pub Meetup - Wed, 13th Jan, 2010 @ Trinity Capital Hotel

2010-01-11 Thread Vicky Lee
Hi All,

Hope everyone had a nice break? Here's to the new year and our first Python
Ireland meetup of the year!

When: Wed, 13th Jan, 2010 @ 19:00
Where: Trinity Capital Hotel, Pearse St., D2

More details:-


/// Vicky

~~   ~~
~~   ~~

Support the Python Software Foundation:

Re: integer and string compare, is that correct?

2010-01-11 Thread Marco Salden
On Jan 10, 1:26 pm, Hellmut Weber wrote:
 being a causal python user (who likes the language quite a lot)
 it took me a while to realize the following:

 l...@sylvester py_count $ python
 Python 2.6.3 (r263:75183, Oct 26 2009, 12:34:23)
 [GCC 4.4.1] on linux2
 Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.
   max = '5'
   n = 5
   n = max
   n + max
 Traceback (most recent call last):
    File stdin, line 1, in module
 TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'int' and 'str'

 Section 5.9 Comparison describes this.

 Can someone give me examples of use cases



 Dr. Hellmut Weber
 Degenfeldstraße 2         tel   +49-89-3081172
 D-80803 München-Schwabing mobil +49-172-8450321
 please: No DOCs, no PPTs. why:

I would say you want to compare semantically an integer value with an
integer value so why not:
IDLE 1.1.3
 max = '5'
 n = 5

(in Python 2.4...)


Re: how to duplicate array entries

2010-01-11 Thread Alf P. Steinbach

* Paul Rudin:

Sebastian writes:

I have an array  x=[1,2,3]

In python such an object is called a list.

(In cpython it's implemented as an automatically resizable array.)

I don't think the OP's terminology needs correction.

A Python list is an array functionality-wise.

If one isn't observant of that fact then one ends up with O(n^2) time for the 
simplest things.

Using the term array accentuates and clarifies this most important aspect.

Using the misleading term list, even if that's the type's name in Python, 
hides this most important aspect, and so is not, IMHO, a Good Idea except where 
it really matters that it's a 'list' array as opposed to, say, a 'tuple' array.

Is there an operator which I can use to get the result
[1,1,1,2,2,2,3,3,3] ?

There's no operator that will give you that directly - but there are
plenty of one-liners that will yield that list.

list(itertools.chain(*([x]*3 for x in [1,2,3])))

[1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3]

And I think it's worth noting that, for the general case, this notation is also 
hiding a gross inefficiency, first constructing sub-arrays and then copying them 
and joining them.

It doesn't even buy clarity.

So, just

 def repeat_items_in( s, n ):
...   a = []
...   for item in s:
... for i in range( n ):
...   a.append( item )
...   return a
 repeat_items_in( [1, 2, 3], 3 )
[1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3]

And if one absolutely feels like trading some efficiency and clarity for some 
more functional-programming expression like thing (I don't understand why people 
desire that!), just replace the 'append' line with a 'yield' and then write

  list( repeat_items_in( [1, 2, 3], 3 ) )

Re the thing I don't understand: it's the same in C++, people using hours on 
figuring out how to do something very simple in an ungrokkable indirect and 
compiled way using template metaprogramming stuff, when they could just write 
a simple 'for' loop and be done with in, say, 3 seconds, and much clearer too!


- Alf

Re: how to duplicate array entries

2010-01-11 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Mon, 11 Jan 2010 08:56:36 +0100, Alf P. Steinbach wrote:

 * Paul Rudin:
 Sebastian writes:
 I have an array  x=[1,2,3]
 In python such an object is called a list.
 (In cpython it's implemented as an automatically resizable array.)
 I don't think the OP's terminology needs correction.
 A Python list is an array functionality-wise.
 If one isn't observant of that fact then one ends up with O(n^2) time
 for the simplest things.

Well that's certainly not true. Some operations may be O(N**2), but 
others are not: list.append() is amortized O(N) and for individual 
appends, may be can be as fast as O(1).

 Using the term array accentuates and clarifies this most important

But Python lists are designed to behave as lists. Just because CPython 
implements them using arrays doesn't make them arrays. Other Python 
implementations might use other implementations... 

If the creator of CLPython is out there, perhaps might like to comment on 
whether he uses Lisp linked-lists for the Python list type?

 Using the misleading term list, even if that's the type's name in
 Python, hides this most important aspect, and so is not, IMHO, a Good
 Idea except where it really matters that it's a 'list' array as opposed
 to, say, a 'tuple' array.

Or an array array.

 from array import array
type 'array.array'

 Is there an operator which I can use to get the result
 [1,1,1,2,2,2,3,3,3] ?
 There's no operator that will give you that directly - but there are
 plenty of one-liners that will yield that list. e.g:
 list(itertools.chain(*([x]*3 for x in [1,2,3])))
 [1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3]
 And I think it's worth noting that, for the general case, this notation
 is also hiding a gross inefficiency, first constructing sub-arrays and
 then copying them and joining them.

I wouldn't call that a gross inefficiency -- that's a gross exaggeration 
unless count is very large, and even then, possibly not that large. Only 
one such sub-array (sub-list) exists at any time. (Unless I am grossly 

 It doesn't even buy clarity.

Not if you're unused to the functional, iterator-based idioms, no.

But if you are, it does.

 And if one absolutely feels like trading some efficiency and clarity for
 some more functional-programming expression like thing (I don't
 understand why people desire that!), 

I don't understand why you assume that functional forms are necessarily 
less efficient and clear than non-functional. Which is easier to read?

 print sum([1,2,3])


 total = 0
 for i in [1, 2, 3]:
... total += i
 print total

 Re the thing I don't understand: it's the same in C++, people using
 hours on figuring out how to do something very simple in an ungrokkable
 indirect and compiled way using template metaprogramming stuff, when
 they could just write a simple 'for' loop and be done with in, say, 3
 seconds, and much clearer too!

Amen to that brother!

It's the obsession with one-liners and the desire for a single built-in 
command to do every imaginable task.


Re: how to duplicate array entries

2010-01-11 Thread Sebastian
Thank you for your answers! I actually implemented it using for loops
before I posted here, but I was curious if there is a more elegant
solution (judging from the post, Alf will probably say, that for loops
are already elegant).


TypeError: __name__ must be set to a string object

2010-01-11 Thread Frank Millman
Hi all

This problem is similar to one I posted recently regarding the 
multiprocessing module and unicode.

However, although this one manifests itself while using the multiprocessing 
module, is caused by Python itself (2.6.2).

At the top of my program I have 'from __future__ import unicode_literals'.

The relevant lines from my program read -
from multiprocessing.managers import BaseManager
class MyManager(BaseManager): pass
MyManager.register('my_function', my_function)

Inside the multiprocessing module, the following lines are executed -
def register(cls, typeid, ...)
def temp(...):
temp.__name__ = typeid

At this point, Python raises the exception 'TypeError: __name__ must be set 
to a string object'.

I can fix it by changing my last line to -
MyManager.register(str('my_function'), my_function)

Is there any reason why __name__ cannot be a unicode object in Python 2.x? 
If so, there is probably little chance of this being changed, so it is 
probably not worth reporting.

Any thoughts?

Frank Millman


Re: how to duplicate array entries

2010-01-11 Thread Peter Otten
Alf P. Steinbach wrote:

 Re the thing I don't understand: it's the same in C++, people using hours
 on figuring out how to do something very simple in an ungrokkable indirect
 and compiled way using template metaprogramming stuff, when they could
 just write a simple 'for' loop and be done with in, say, 3 seconds, and
 much clearer too!

Most of that stuff doesn't end in code meant to do anything important. It's 
more like gymnastics that helps you keep your mind in shape. 
Or so I would hope.

 items = [1, 2, 3]
 result = 3*len(items)*[None]
 result[::3] = result[1::3] = result[2::3] = items
[1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3]

 from itertools import *
 list(chain.from_iterable(starmap(repeat, izip(items, repeat(3)
[1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3]



Re: how to duplicate array entries

2010-01-11 Thread Alf P. Steinbach

* Steven D'Aprano:

On Mon, 11 Jan 2010 08:56:36 +0100, Alf P. Steinbach wrote:

* Paul Rudin:

Sebastian writes:

I have an array  x=[1,2,3]

In python such an object is called a list.

(In cpython it's implemented as an automatically resizable array.)

I don't think the OP's terminology needs correction.

A Python list is an array functionality-wise.

If one isn't observant of that fact then one ends up with O(n^2) time
for the simplest things.

Well that's certainly not true. Some operations may be O(N**2), but 
others are not: list.append() is amortized O(N) and for individual 
appends, may be can be as fast as O(1).

The second sentence may or may not be true. I don't know of any fundamental 
'list' operations that have quadratic time. Is there?

The first sentence is just baffling  --  what on Earth is the that that you 
think is not true?

OK, I can guess (correct me if I'm guessing wrong, please): you think I'm 
talking about elementary operations. I'm not. I'm talking about algorithmic 
complexity for loops doing e.g. insertions.

Using the term array accentuates and clarifies this most important

But Python lists are designed to behave as lists.

No, I'm sorry, they're not.

A Python 'list' has de facto constant time indexing, or random access.

A linked list  --  what the informal list means in programming  --  does not 
have constant time indexing.

A linked list has constant time insertion.

A Python 'list' has de facto linear time insertion (except when used as cursor 
gap array, of course, or e.g. implementing a linked list on top, such things).

So in short, a Python 'list' has all the properties of arrays, and none of the 
properties of linked lists.

Just because CPython 
implements them using arrays doesn't make them arrays. Other Python 
implementations might use other implementations... 

No, I'm sorry, not without screwing up existing Python programs. Indexing is 
assumed as constant time in every CPython program. That is, in your own words, 
but here correct, that's certainly not true. ;-)

No (sensible) programming language allows a language implementation to change 
the running time of common loops from linear to quadratic.

It would be decidedly un-pythonic. ;-)

If the creator of CLPython is out there, perhaps might like to comment on 
whether he uses Lisp linked-lists for the Python list type?

If he does then you're talking about a different language than the one that 
CPython implements: constant time indexing is very different from linear time. 
It doesn't matter if some bananas are called oranges. They don't turn into 
oranges no matter what they're called.

Using the misleading term list, even if that's the type's name in
Python, hides this most important aspect, and so is not, IMHO, a Good
Idea except where it really matters that it's a 'list' array as opposed
to, say, a 'tuple' array.

Or an array array.

For example, yes. These different kinds of arrays have different restrictions: 
can't be used as dictionary key, can't be modified, has fixed item type. And 
when talking about such characteristics the type name can be relevant.

from array import array

type 'array.array'

Is there an operator which I can use to get the result
[1,1,1,2,2,2,3,3,3] ?

There's no operator that will give you that directly - but there are
plenty of one-liners that will yield that list. e.g:

list(itertools.chain(*([x]*3 for x in [1,2,3])))

[1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3]

And I think it's worth noting that, for the general case, this notation
is also hiding a gross inefficiency, first constructing sub-arrays and
then copying them and joining them.

I wouldn't call that a gross inefficiency -- that's a gross exaggeration 
unless count is very large, and even then, possibly not that large. Only 
one such sub-array (sub-list) exists at any time. (Unless I am grossly 

I'm sorry but to the best of my knowledge you're misinformed.

Unless there's some pretty advanced lazy evaluation involved the * operator has 
to collect the subarrays into an array formal argument for the 'chain' routine.

And at that point they all exist at the same time.

 def knurre( *poff ):
...print( type( poff ) )
...print( poff )
 a = [1, 2, 3]
 knurre( *(3*[x] for x in a) )
class 'tuple'
([1, 1, 1], [2, 2, 2], [3, 3, 3])

It doesn't even buy clarity.

Not if you're unused to the functional, iterator-based idioms, no.

But if you are, it does.

He he  --  see above, with 99.x certainty you *misunderstood* the code.

That's *not* clear code.

That's, hereby (almost) proven :-), code that makes even experienced programmers 
misunderstand what's going on!

And if one absolutely feels like trading some efficiency and clarity for
some more functional-programming expression like thing (I don't
understand why people desire that!), 

I don't understand why you assume that functional forms are necessarily 
less efficient 

Re: Advanced Python programming book?

2010-01-11 Thread flow
Cheers guys - I'll check the books out :)

Thanks very much.


Re: sys.stdout vs. sys.stderr

2010-01-11 Thread Martin v. Loewis
 In Python 3.1 is there any difference in the buffering behavior of the
 initial sys.stdout and sys.stderr streams?


 Were they different at some earlier point in Python's evolution?

That depends on the operating system. These used to be whatever the
C library set up as stdout and stderr. Typically, they were buffered
in the same way.


Re: how to duplicate array entries

2010-01-11 Thread Chris Rebert
On Mon, Jan 11, 2010 at 1:03 AM, Alf P. Steinbach wrote:
 * Steven D'Aprano:

 On Mon, 11 Jan 2010 08:56:36 +0100, Alf P. Steinbach wrote:

 * Paul Rudin:

 Sebastian writes:

 I have an array  x=[1,2,3]

 In python such an object is called a list.

 (In cpython it's implemented as an automatically resizable array.)

 I don't think the OP's terminology needs correction.

 A Python list is an array functionality-wise.

 If one isn't observant of that fact then one ends up with O(n^2) time
 for the simplest things.

 Well that's certainly not true. Some operations may be O(N**2), but others
 are not: list.append() is amortized O(N) and for individual appends, may be
 can be as fast as O(1).

 The second sentence may or may not be true. I don't know of any fundamental
 'list' operations that have quadratic time. Is there?

 The first sentence is just baffling  --  what on Earth is the that that
 you think is not true?

 OK, I can guess (correct me if I'm guessing wrong, please): you think I'm
 talking about elementary operations. I'm not. I'm talking about algorithmic
 complexity for loops doing e.g. insertions.

 Using the term array accentuates and clarifies this most important

 But Python lists are designed to behave as lists.

 No, I'm sorry, they're not.

 A Python 'list' has de facto constant time indexing, or random access.

 A linked list  --  what the informal list means in programming

Eh, it's a bit context-dependent. The abstract data type definition is
a superset that includes both linked lists and dynamic arrays. FWIW,
Java likewise uses list in its ADT sense.


Re: integer and string compare, is that correct?

2010-01-11 Thread Hellmut Weber

thanks to all who answered.

I'm using Python 2.6.5 on my machine and consulted the corresponding 
I do appreciate the modified definition of python 3, that seems much 
more reasonable.

Thanks for indicating.

Greetings from Munich in Winter


Am 10.01.2010 17:34, schrieb Nobody:

Hellmut Weber wrote:

being a causal python user (who likes the language quite a lot)
it took me a while to realize the following:

max = '5'
n = 5
n= max

Section 5.9 Comparison describes this.

Can someone give me examples of use cases

Peter Otten wrote:

The use cases for an order that works across types like int and str are weak
to non-existent. Implementing it was considered a mistake and has been fixed
in Python 3:

5  5

Traceback (most recent call last):
   File stdin, line 1, inmodule
TypeError: unorderable types: int()  str()

If you actually need to perform comparisons across types, you can rely
upon the fact that tuple comparisons are non-strict and use e.g.:

  a = 5
  b = '5'
  (type(a).__name__, a)  (type(b).__name__, b)
  (type(a).__name__, a)  (type(b).__name__, b)

The second elements will only be compared if the first elements are equal
(i.e. the values have the same type).

Dr. Hellmut Weber
Degenfeldstraße 2 tel   +49-89-3081172
D-80803 München-Schwabing mobil +49-172-8450321
please: No DOCs, no PPTs. why:


Re: lightweight encryption of text file

2010-01-11 Thread Paul Rubin
geremy condra writes:
 And having no dependencies frees you from the burden of testing
 where your software will be deployed? I don't think so.

If you just use the stdlib and are a bit careful about OS dependent
features, your code can run pretty much everywhere.  More to the point,
if (say) you develop a pure Python app on Linux and a Windows user
reports a problem, you can probably straighten it out without having to
actually use a Windows development system.  If you need C extensions you
need Windows compilers.

 2) using a serious library requires quite a bit of knowledge
 and decision-making which not everyone is equipped to do.

 Homebrewing is not a good solution to the problem of being
 ignorant of modern cryptography.

Not sure what you're getting at.  If you're referring to as a
homebrew algorithm designed by someone ignorant, I don't think that is
accurate.  I've been a fulltime crypto developer, and was reviewed
by several experts on sci.crypt who all felt that its design is sound.
I don't claim it's suitable for high-value data (stick with something
standards-conformant for that) but it was designed as a replacement for
the now-defunct rotor module, and is just about certainly better in
every regard.  Its only cryptographic assumption is that SHA1(key+X) is
a pseudorandom function for fixed length X.  That is not a certified
characteristic of SHA1, but the HMAC standard (RFC 2104) is based on the
same assumption (see Krawczyk's paper cited in the RFC).  I'd go as far
as to say that it is just about certainly better than RC4, which has
well-known distinguishers of quite low complexity.

 AES is not so simple to use unless you know what you're doing in
 terms of modes, nonces, etc.

 Seems pretty simple to me- use AES 192, don't use ECB mode, and
 use your library of choice's key strengthening utilities. 

That does not address any questions of authentication, ciphertext
malleability, IV generation, etc. handles all of that with no
fuss imposed on the user.  Really, was written because the same
basic desire (simple, pure-Python encryption) kept coming up over and
over in my own code and others', and it really seems to address the
constraints about as well as anything I've been able to think of.

Re: how to duplicate array entries

2010-01-11 Thread Alf P. Steinbach

* Chris Rebert:

On Mon, Jan 11, 2010 at 1:03 AM, Alf P. Steinbach wrote:

* Steven D'Aprano:

On Mon, 11 Jan 2010 08:56:36 +0100, Alf P. Steinbach wrote:

* Paul Rudin:

Sebastian writes:

I have an array  x=[1,2,3]

In python such an object is called a list.

(In cpython it's implemented as an automatically resizable array.)

I don't think the OP's terminology needs correction.

A Python list is an array functionality-wise.

If one isn't observant of that fact then one ends up with O(n^2) time
for the simplest things.

Well that's certainly not true. Some operations may be O(N**2), but others
are not: list.append() is amortized O(N) and for individual appends, may be
can be as fast as O(1).

The second sentence may or may not be true. I don't know of any fundamental
'list' operations that have quadratic time. Is there?

The first sentence is just baffling  --  what on Earth is the that that
you think is not true?

OK, I can guess (correct me if I'm guessing wrong, please): you think I'm
talking about elementary operations. I'm not. I'm talking about algorithmic
complexity for loops doing e.g. insertions.

Using the term array accentuates and clarifies this most important

But Python lists are designed to behave as lists.

No, I'm sorry, they're not.

A Python 'list' has de facto constant time indexing, or random access.

A linked list  --  what the informal list means in programming

Eh, it's a bit context-dependent. The abstract data type definition is
a superset that includes both linked lists and dynamic arrays.

Assuming you're talking about some abstract type definition that's in some PEP 
somewhere (there's no abstract data type in the language specification, it's all 
informal) then that's a deficiency of the specification, since the type is 
designed around indexing operations. Perhaps the designers thought it would be 
obvious, that no-one could mistake it for other than what it is? Anyway, that 
doesn't make it context-dependent: if true, it only makes it poorly specified.

FWIW, Java likewise uses list in its ADT sense.

I'm sorry, I'm unfamiliar with that Java terminology (but then, reportedly, many 
Java programmers think that Java has pass by reference, so nothing coming from 
that direction will surprise me very much!). The Java language specification has 
a section about arrays, none about lists AFAICS. Do you have a reference?

Cheers  hth.,

- Alf

Re: how to duplicate array entries

2010-01-11 Thread Chris Rebert
On Mon, Jan 11, 2010 at 2:20 AM, Alf P. Steinbach wrote:
 * Chris Rebert:
 On Mon, Jan 11, 2010 at 1:03 AM, Alf P. Steinbach wrote:
 * Steven D'Aprano:
 On Mon, 11 Jan 2010 08:56:36 +0100, Alf P. Steinbach wrote:
 * Paul Rudin:
 Sebastian writes:
 Using the term array accentuates and clarifies this most important

 But Python lists are designed to behave as lists.

 No, I'm sorry, they're not.

 A Python 'list' has de facto constant time indexing, or random access.

 A linked list  --  what the informal list means in programming

 Eh, it's a bit context-dependent. The abstract data type definition is
 a superset that includes both linked lists and dynamic arrays.

 Assuming you're talking about some abstract type definition that's in some
 PEP somewhere

No, I mean the computer science definition/term:

 FWIW, Java likewise uses list in its ADT sense.

 I'm sorry, I'm unfamiliar with that Java terminology (but then, reportedly,
 many Java programmers think that Java has pass by reference, so nothing
 coming from that direction will surprise me very much!). The Java language
 specification has a section about arrays, none about lists AFAICS. Do you
 have a reference?


Re: how to duplicate array entries

2010-01-11 Thread Munir
 I have an array  x=[1,2,3]

 Is there an operator which I can use to get the result
 [1,1,1,2,2,2,3,3,3] ?

 I tried x*3, which resulted in [1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3]

Have you tried:

y = x*3


easy_install fails on python-magic

2010-01-11 Thread Daniel Fetchinson
I'm not sure whose fault this is, the author of python-magic or
easy_install (I'm guessing easy_install) but in any case

easy_install python-magic

(as root) fails with

Searching for python-magic
No local packages or download links found for python-magic
Best match: None
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File /usr/bin/easy_install, line 8, in module
load_entry_point('setuptools==0.6c11', 'console_scripts', 'easy_install')()
line 1712, in main

line 1700, in with_ei_usage

line 1716, in lambda

  File /usr/lib64/python2.6/distutils/, line 152, in setup
  File /usr/lib64/python2.6/distutils/, line 975, in run_commands
  File /usr/lib64/python2.6/distutils/, line 995, in run_command
line 211, in run

line 434, in easy_install

line 475, in fetch_distribution
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'clone'

As far as I can see the problem is that no version of python-magic has
been supplied for python 2.6 which is the version I'm using, only 2.4
and 2.5. Nevertheless easy_install should I think fail with a more
user friendly message, and definitely not with a long traceback. It
should I think just inform the user that no version has been found,
good bye. Or something like that.


Psss, psss, put it down! -

Re: how to duplicate array entries

2010-01-11 Thread Alf P. Steinbach

* Chris Rebert:

On Mon, Jan 11, 2010 at 2:20 AM, Alf P. Steinbach wrote:

* Chris Rebert:

On Mon, Jan 11, 2010 at 1:03 AM, Alf P. Steinbach wrote:

* Steven D'Aprano:

On Mon, 11 Jan 2010 08:56:36 +0100, Alf P. Steinbach wrote:

* Paul Rudin:

Sebastian writes:


Using the term array accentuates and clarifies this most important

But Python lists are designed to behave as lists.

No, I'm sorry, they're not.

A Python 'list' has de facto constant time indexing, or random access.

A linked list  --  what the informal list means in programming

Eh, it's a bit context-dependent. The abstract data type definition is
a superset that includes both linked lists and dynamic arrays.

Assuming you're talking about some abstract type definition that's in some
PEP somewhere

No, I mean the computer science definition/term:

Note that the default meaning is a list with the characteristics of a linked 

The abstract data type specified in that article is a bit more restricted than 
the usual meaning of list -- as the article notes, the ADT it presents is 
equivalent to an abstract stack, and it's essentially the Lisp view of lists, 
not only just linked list but a restricted view of linked lists. To understand 
it you have to keep in mind that such an ADT is a simplification, for the 
purpose of specifying logical functionality and nothing else. The algorithmic 
efficiency is simply not specified, but is implied.

Unfortunately, as noted there, the article doesn't cite any references or 

Here's one:

FWIW, Java likewise uses list in its ADT sense.

I'm sorry, I'm unfamiliar with that Java terminology (but then, reportedly,
many Java programmers think that Java has pass by reference, so nothing
coming from that direction will surprise me very much!). The Java language
specification has a section about arrays, none about lists AFAICS. Do you
have a reference?

Thanks. I didn't know that. It's a very dirty hodgepodge interface with 
*optional* methods that throw exceptions if not implemented and apparently no 
constraints on algorithmic complexity for various methods. As such, it's a very 
good example why 'list' should not be conflated with 'array'. It leads to such 
monstrosities where neither correctness nor any kind of efficiency is guaranteed 

Cheers,  thanks,

- Alf

PS: Please do not mail me copies of your replies to the group. A mail copy means 
that I may have to answer your article twice, as in this case.


Re: Fractional Hours from datetime?

2010-01-11 Thread M.-A. Lemburg
W. eWatson wrote:
 Maybe there's a more elegant way to do this. I want to express the
 result of in fractional hours.
 Here's one way.
 xtup = dt.timetuple()
 h = xtup[3]+xtup[4]/60.0+xtup[5]/3600.00+xtup[6]/10**6
 #  now is in fractions of an hour

Here's how you'd do that with mxDateTime:

 from mx.DateTime import now
 now().abstime / 3600.0

.abstime gives you the time in fractional seconds.

Marc-Andre Lemburg

Professional Python Services directly from the Source  (#1, Jan 11 2010)
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TONIGHT Join 5-6P Mon 11th - 1st Evening Meeting test IRC VOIP online Python at BerkeleyTIP-Global - for forwarding

2010-01-11 Thread giovanni_re
You're invited to the first test of the Global Python bimonthly evening
meetings at BerkeleyTIP-Global.  :)

Join in tonight, Monday Jan 11, 5-6P Pacific, 8-9P Eastern, = Tues Jan
12 1A-2A UTC.

On #berkeleytip on,
 on voip - whatever is working - try btip server first.

This will be an online only meeting - no in person meeting at UCB.

Hot topics:  Community Leadership Summit review of interesting sessions,
Spring 2010 efforts for UCB  all UC's  all college activities,
Upcoming KDE conference end of next week, for 1 week, in Los Angeles.

What do _you_ want to discuss?

Some people have asked for an evening meeting, because: a) they can't
make weekend meetings, b) they want more BTIP-Global. ;)

So, this will be a test, everyone invited, to see if we can make this

==  BerkeleyTIP-Global is the Global All Free SW HW  Culture meeting
online via VOIP.

Join the global mailing list, say hi,  what you're interested in. :)

For Forwarding: You are invited to forward this announcement wherever it
might be appreciated.

Re: Fractional Hours from datetime?

2010-01-11 Thread Martin P. Hellwig

W. eWatson wrote:
Maybe there's a more elegant way to do this. I want to express the 
result of in fractional hours.

Here's one way.
xtup = dt.timetuple()
h = xtup[3]+xtup[4]/60.0+xtup[5]/3600.00+xtup[6]/10**6
#  now is in fractions of an hour

Here is another (though personally I don't find this more elegant than 
yours, perhaps a bit more readable):

 now =
 fractional_hour = int(now.strftime('%H')) + int(now.strftime('%M')) 
/ 60.0

'If consumed, best digested with added seasoning to own preference.'

Re: Fractional Hours from datetime?

2010-01-11 Thread Martin P. Hellwig

Martin P. Hellwig wrote:

W. eWatson wrote:
Maybe there's a more elegant way to do this. I want to express the 
result of in fractional hours.

Here's one way.
xtup = dt.timetuple()
h = xtup[3]+xtup[4]/60.0+xtup[5]/3600.00+xtup[6]/10**6
#  now is in fractions of an hour

Here is another (though personally I don't find this more elegant than 
yours, perhaps a bit more readable):

  now =
  fractional_hour = int(now.strftime('%H')) + int(now.strftime('%M')) 
/ 60.0

Actually my version is overcomplicated:
 now =
 fractional_hour = now.hour + now.minute / 60.0

'If consumed, best digested with added seasoning to own preference.'

Re: How to validate the __init__ parameters

2010-01-11 Thread Jean-Michel Pichavant

Aahz wrote:

In article,
Jean-Michel Pichavant wrote:

class A:
   def __init__(self, foo = None, bar = None):
   if len(foo)  5:
raise ValueError('foo cannot exceed 5 characters')

Bad Idea -- what happens when foo is None?

You're right.
That perfectly illustrates how the simplest solution is the often most 
valuable one: it is much more easy to find bugs, when there is any.


Re: Academic Question

2010-01-11 Thread Victor Subervi
On Sun, Jan 10, 2010 at 3:09 PM, MRAB wrote:

  browser = form.getfirst('browser', 'all')
  browser = headers()

 A bare except, and if an exception _does_ occur, they'll be a NameError
 because 'headers' isn't defined.

 slap with large halibut/

Oh, not the large halibut again! (I will be cleaning them up ;)

  os.chdir('%s/..' % cwd)
 from templateFrame import top, bottom

 Why doesn't it work if I move the bottom imports to the top? The form
 values get lost, even though I chdir to cwd.

  I try to avoid changing the directory.

It's either that or copying them all over to the other dir, which is even
worse, since I don't want to maintain identical scripts.

Re: Easy Q

2010-01-11 Thread Jean-Michel Pichavant

Victor Subervi wrote:
On Sat, Jan 9, 2010 at 11:56 AM, Gary Herron wrote:

Victor Subervi wrote:

I have a string.join statement on a variable that comes from a
cgi.FieldStorage().getlist. The variable may be a list or a
single value. I need to treat it differently depending on
which it is. How can I distinguish it? len(var) will obviously
give me the length of the string if it's a string and the
length of the list if it's a list.

Like this:

if isinstance(var, list):
 ... join ...
 ... ??? ...

Right.. Thanks!

You should definitely check again MRAB's answer.
Having getlist returning something else than a list, especially a non 
iterable single item *is* suspicious.

Usually, properly designed functions return consistent types over calls.


force URLencoding script

2010-01-11 Thread João
I'm trying to figure out how to force URLencoding in my Python 2.4.3
environment receiving data an input argument but I'm really at a loss

What am I doing wrong?

#!/usr/bin/env python

import sys
from urllib import urlencode, urlopen
from urllib2 import Request
import urlparse

destination = sys.argv[1]
msg = sys.argv[2] #Will I have problems with this one if the input is

# the browser identifies itself using the User-Agent header
# after creating the Request object, it's possible to pass in a
dictionary of headers
user_agent  =  'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1;
SV1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322)' # force the request to be identified as IE
headers =  {  ’User-Agent’  :  user_agent  }

# force no proxy

authentication = 'UID=22541PW=gdyb21LQTcIANtvYMT7QVQ=='
# force Unicode display format
message = u'M=%s' % msg
dest_number = 'N=%s' % destination
data = authentication + message + dest_number

url = ''
print 'Encoded URL:', url

#get full URL adding ? to it, followed by the encoded values
#full_url = url + '?' url_values
#should I force url_values = urllib.urlencode(data) instead?
full_url = urllib2.Request(url, data, headers)

response = urllib2.urlopen(full_url) #.urlopen works transparently
with proxies which do not require authentication

processed =

Re: Easy Q

2010-01-11 Thread Victor Subervi
On Mon, Jan 11, 2010 at 10:00 AM, Jean-Michel Pichavant wrote:

 Victor Subervi wrote:

  On Sat, Jan 9, 2010 at 11:56 AM, Gary Herron 
 gher...@islandtraining.commailto: wrote:

Victor Subervi wrote:

I have a string.join statement on a variable that comes from a
cgi.FieldStorage().getlist. The variable may be a list or a
single value. I need to treat it differently depending on
which it is. How can I distinguish it? len(var) will obviously
give me the length of the string if it's a string and the
length of the list if it's a list.

Like this:

if isinstance(var, list):
 ... join ...
 ... ??? ...

 Right.. Thanks!

 You should definitely check again MRAB's answer.
 Having getlist returning something else than a list, especially a non
 iterable single item *is* suspicious.
 Usually, properly designed functions return consistent types over calls.

Obviously. Thanks,

Re: Computer Music Toolkit (CMT) ?

2010-01-11 Thread Michele Petrazzo

Terry Reedy wrote:

On 1/10/2010 4:15 AM, Peter Billam wrote:

Greetings. Is there a way to get at the Computer Music Toolkit (CMT)
functionality from Python (Python3 in my case) ?

You can access compiled C shared libraries most easily via the ctypes

so if you do develop a ctypes wrapping, consider contributing it.

Since I'm interested to do it for a my new project, if the OP are 
interested, please contact me directly.


does anyone know a way to package a static or portable version of a python module?

2010-01-11 Thread Jaime Huerta Cepas
does anyone know a way to package a static version of a python module?
This is, the same that pyinstaller does with single scripts, but with a
complete module directory.

I'm specially interested in packaging all pyqt4, sip and qt4 dependencies
within the module itself.


Re: Academic Question

2010-01-11 Thread Dave Angel

Victor Subervi wrote:

On Sun, Jan 10, 2010 at 3:09 PM, MRAB wrote:


 browser = form.getfirst('browser', 'all')

 browser = headers()


A bare except, and if an exception _does_ occur, they'll be a NameError
because 'headers' isn't defined.

slap with large halibut/

Oh, not the large halibut again! (I will be cleaning them up ;)


 os.chdir('%s/..' % cwd)

from templateFrame import top, bottom

Why doesn't it work if I move the bottom imports to the top? The form
values get lost, even though I chdir to cwd.

 I try to avoid changing the directory.

It's either that or copying them all over to the other dir, which is even
worse, since I don't want to maintain identical scripts.

You miss the point.  Rather than doing chdir to change the current 
directory, in order to use getcwd in your sys.path.append, calculate the 
appropriate directory yourself, and use it directly, without changing 
the current directory.  Brute force would be  something like (untested):

  sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), ..))

You could get trickier by stripping off the last node of the directory 
path, but it shouldn't be necessary.

Incidentally, I'd tend to use os.path.dirname( __main__.file )   rather 
than os.getcwd().  That way it'd work even if current directory was 
changed by something else.  In other words (untested):

   sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), ..))

this will add the parent directory of the current module to the os.path.



Re: Academic Question

2010-01-11 Thread Victor Subervi
On Mon, Jan 11, 2010 at 11:26 AM, Dave Angel wrote:

 Victor Subervi wrote:

 On Sun, Jan 10, 2010 at 3:09 PM, MRAB wrote:

  browser = form.getfirst('browser', 'all')

  browser = headers()


 A bare except, and if an exception _does_ occur, they'll be a NameError
 because 'headers' isn't defined.

 slap with large halibut/

 Oh, not the large halibut again! (I will be cleaning them up ;)

  os.chdir('%s/..' % cwd)

 from templateFrame import top, bottom

 Why doesn't it work if I move the bottom imports to the top? The form
 values get lost, even though I chdir to cwd.

  I try to avoid changing the directory.

 It's either that or copying them all over to the other dir, which is even
 worse, since I don't want to maintain identical scripts.

 You miss the point.  Rather than doing chdir to change the current
 directory, in order to use getcwd in your sys.path.append, calculate the
 appropriate directory yourself, and use it directly, without changing the
 current directory.  Brute force would be  something like (untested):

  sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), ..))

 You could get trickier by stripping off the last node of the directory
 path, but it shouldn't be necessary.

 Incidentally, I'd tend to use os.path.dirname( __main__.file )   rather
 than os.getcwd().  That way it'd work even if current directory was changed
 by something else.  In other words (untested):

   sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), ..))

 this will add the parent directory of the current module to the os.path.

Well put. Thanks!

pyserial: Unexpected Local Echo

2010-01-11 Thread Steven Woody

I am using pyserial.  But I always get the local echo after I write
some characters onto serial port and I find no way to disable this
behavior. When I say 'local echo', I mean the next read operation will
get characters that was just write to the same port.

I run my program on cygwin (pyserial was also built on the system from
source code) and the serial port i am using is a USB adapter that
simulates a port (COM4 on my XP) because my laptop don't have a real
serial port.  But I checked my COM4 settings, there is no any think
like 'local echo'.

Thanks in advance.

Life is the only flaw in an otherwise perfect nonexistence
-- Schopenhauer

public key at (

Re: pyserial: Unexpected Local Echo

2010-01-11 Thread Steve Holden
Steven Woody wrote:
 I am using pyserial.  But I always get the local echo after I write
 some characters onto serial port and I find no way to disable this
 behavior. When I say 'local echo', I mean the next read operation will
 get characters that was just write to the same port.
 I run my program on cygwin (pyserial was also built on the system from
 source code) and the serial port i am using is a USB adapter that
 simulates a port (COM4 on my XP) because my laptop don't have a real
 serial port.  But I checked my COM4 settings, there is no any think
 like 'local echo'.
 Thanks in advance.
It sounds to me like the device you are connecting to implements
echoing. Have you tried connecting a terminal emulator to it?

Steve Holden   +1 571 484 6266   +1 800 494 3119
PyCon is coming! Atlanta, Feb 2010
Holden Web LLC


Re: Different number of matches from re.findall and re.split

2010-01-11 Thread Iain King
On Jan 11, 3:35 pm, Jeremy wrote:
 Hello all,

 I am using re.split to separate some text into logical structures.
 The trouble is that re.split doesn't find everything while re.findall
 does; i.e.:

  found = re.findall('^ 1', line, re.MULTILINE)
  tables = re.split('^ 1', line, re.MULTILINE)

 Can someone explain why these two commands are giving different
 results?  I thought I should have the same number of matches (or maybe
 different by 1, but not 6000!)


re.split doesn't take re.MULTILINE as a flag: it doesn't take any
flags. It does take a maxsplit parameter, which you are passing the
value of re.MULTILINE (which happens to be 8 in my implementation).
Since your pattern is looking for line starts, and your first line
presumably has more splits than the maxsplits you are specifying, your
re.split never finds more than 1.

'split(pattern, string, maxsplit=0)\nSplit the source string by
the occurren
ces of the pattern,\nreturning a list containing the resulting
 re.split( , a, re.MULTILINE)
['split(pattern,', 'string,', 'maxsplit=0)\n', '', '', '', 'Split',
'the', 'sour
ce string by the occurrences of the pattern,\nreturning a list
containing th
e resulting substrings.\n']
 re.split( , a)
['split(pattern,', 'string,', 'maxsplit=0)\n', '', '', '', 'Split',
'the', 'sour
ce', 'string', 'by', 'the', 'occurrences', 'of', 'the', 'pattern,\n',
'', '', ''
, 'returning', 'a', 'list', 'containing', 'the', 'resulting',


Re: Different number of matches from re.findall and re.split

2010-01-11 Thread Jeremy
On Jan 11, 8:44 am, Iain King wrote:
 On Jan 11, 3:35 pm, Jeremy wrote:

  Hello all,

  I am using re.split to separate some text into logical structures.
  The trouble is that re.split doesn't find everything while re.findall
  does; i.e.:

   found = re.findall('^ 1', line, re.MULTILINE)
   tables = re.split('^ 1', line, re.MULTILINE)

  Can someone explain why these two commands are giving different
  results?  I thought I should have the same number of matches (or maybe
  different by 1, but not 6000!)


 re.split doesn't take re.MULTILINE as a flag: it doesn't take any
 flags. It does take a maxsplit parameter, which you are passing the
 value of re.MULTILINE (which happens to be 8 in my implementation).
 Since your pattern is looking for line starts, and your first line
 presumably has more splits than the maxsplits you are specifying, your
 re.split never finds more than 1.

Yep.  Thanks for pointing that out.  I guess I just assumed that
re.split was similar to in what it accepted as
function parameters.  I guess I'll have to use a \n instead of a ^ for


Re: how to duplicate array entries

2010-01-11 Thread Steven Howe

#!/usr/bin/env python
from types import ListType, IntType

def array_expander( ar=None, ex=None ):
if type( ex ) != IntType:
return []
if ex = 0:
return []
if type( ar ) != ListType:
return []
# working code starts here #
res = []
for t in ar:
for x in range( ex ):
res.append( t )
return res
# function ends #

res = array_expander( [1,11,3,5], 4 )

print res
[1, 1, 1, 1, 11, 11, 11, 11, 3, 3, 3, 3, 5, 5, 5, 5]

*Kiri-kin-tha's* First Law of Metaphysics is /Nothing unreal exists./

Procedural API inside class--scoping questions

2010-01-11 Thread Kevin Walzer
I'm trying to make use of a Python library, aemreceive, that provides a 
procedural API. (aemreceive is a library for Python on the Mac that 
allows the application to receive and respond to Apple Events.)

My Python apps basically run in a single fooApp class, and everything 
runs inside the class. To launch the app (my apps are Tkinter-based), I 
use something like this:

if __name__== '__main__':
app = fooApp(None)

In keeping with aemreceive's procedural API, I've added a runCommand 
function inside the app class to provide some basic functionality in 
response to Apple Events it will set some objects/variables, then 
display the output in the app. In my code it looks like this:

def runCommand(string):

When I test this command, I get an error from Python: self is not 

I think I understand what is going here. All of the other functions in 
the fooApp class take self as a parameter, i.e. they are components of 
the class. runCommand is not, so therefore self is undefined. My 
question is, how can I get the values from the class (self.searchterm, inside the runCommand function?


Kevin Walzer
Code by Kevin

Re: Different number of matches from re.findall and re.split

2010-01-11 Thread Arnaud Delobelle
On 11 Jan, 15:35, Jeremy wrote:
 Hello all,

 I am using re.split to separate some text into logical structures.
 The trouble is that re.split doesn't find everything while re.findall
 does; i.e.:

  found = re.findall('^ 1', line, re.MULTILINE)
  tables = re.split('^ 1', line, re.MULTILINE)

 Can someone explain why these two commands are giving different
 results?  I thought I should have the same number of matches (or maybe
 different by 1, but not 6000!)


When in doubt, the documentation is a good place to start :)

re.split(pattern, string[, maxsplit=0])

re.findall(pattern, string[, flags])

Notice that re.split's optional third argument is not for passing




Re: Different number of matches from re.findall and re.split

2010-01-11 Thread MRAB

Jeremy wrote:

On Jan 11, 8:44 am, Iain King wrote:

On Jan 11, 3:35 pm, Jeremy wrote:

Hello all,
I am using re.split to separate some text into logical structures.
The trouble is that re.split doesn't find everything while re.findall
does; i.e.:

found = re.findall('^ 1', line, re.MULTILINE)


tables = re.split('^ 1', line, re.MULTILINE)

Can someone explain why these two commands are giving different
results?  I thought I should have the same number of matches (or maybe
different by 1, but not 6000!)

re.split doesn't take re.MULTILINE as a flag: it doesn't take any
flags. It does take a maxsplit parameter, which you are passing the
value of re.MULTILINE (which happens to be 8 in my implementation).
Since your pattern is looking for line starts, and your first line
presumably has more splits than the maxsplits you are specifying, your
re.split never finds more than 1.

Yep.  Thanks for pointing that out.  I guess I just assumed that
re.split was similar to in what it accepted as
function parameters.  I guess I'll have to use a \n instead of a ^ for

You could use the .split method of a pattern object instead:

tables = re.compile('^ 1', re.MULTILINE).split(line)

Re: Procedural API inside class--scoping questions

2010-01-11 Thread Arnaud Delobelle
On 11 Jan, 15:54, Kevin Walzer wrote:
 I'm trying to make use of a Python library, aemreceive, that provides a
 procedural API. (aemreceive is a library for Python on the Mac that
 allows the application to receive and respond to Apple Events.)

 My Python apps basically run in a single fooApp class, and everything
 runs inside the class. To launch the app (my apps are Tkinter-based), I
 use something like this:

 if __name__== '__main__':
      app = fooApp(None)

 In keeping with aemreceive's procedural API, I've added a runCommand
 function inside the app class to provide some basic functionality in
 response to Apple Events it will set some objects/variables, then
 display the output in the app. In my code it looks like this:

      def runCommand(string):

 When I test this command, I get an error from Python: self is not

Is runcommand is method of your class?  In that case you should define
it as:

def runCommand(self, string):



Python POS/cash register projects?

2010-01-11 Thread ethan
Anybody have any experience with creating a basic POS register system
in Python?  Any existing projects out there you are aware of?  This
would be a GUI app, standalone with some basic export and print
functions.  I see this as a great opportunity to deepen my Python
experience but dont want to reinvent the wheel completely..  doesn't
look like there is a lot out there..

Re: Different number of matches from re.findall and re.split

2010-01-11 Thread Peter Otten
Jeremy wrote:

 On Jan 11, 8:44 am, Iain King wrote:
 On Jan 11, 3:35 pm, Jeremy wrote:

  Hello all,

  I am using re.split to separate some text into logical structures.
  The trouble is that re.split doesn't find everything while re.findall
  does; i.e.:

   found = re.findall('^ 1', line, re.MULTILINE)
   tables = re.split('^ 1', line, re.MULTILINE)

  Can someone explain why these two commands are giving different
  results?  I thought I should have the same number of matches (or maybe
  different by 1, but not 6000!)


 re.split doesn't take re.MULTILINE as a flag: it doesn't take any
 flags. It does take a maxsplit parameter, which you are passing the
 value of re.MULTILINE (which happens to be 8 in my implementation).
 Since your pattern is looking for line starts, and your first line
 presumably has more splits than the maxsplits you are specifying, your
 re.split never finds more than 1.
 Yep.  Thanks for pointing that out.  I guess I just assumed that
 re.split was similar to in what it accepted as
 function parameters.  I guess I'll have to use a \n instead of a ^ for

You can precompile the pattern and then invoke the split() method:

 re.compile(^X, re.MULTILINE).split(X alpha
... beta
... X gamma
... delta X
... X
... zeta
... )
['', ' alpha\nbeta\n', ' gamma\ndelta X\n', '\nzeta\n']



Re: Different number of matches from re.findall and re.split

2010-01-11 Thread Duncan Booth
MRAB wrote:

 Yep.  Thanks for pointing that out.  I guess I just assumed that
 re.split was similar to in what it accepted as
 function parameters.  I guess I'll have to use a \n instead of a ^ for
 You could use the .split method of a pattern object instead:
  tables = re.compile('^ 1', re.MULTILINE).split(line)

or you might include the flag in the regular expression literal: '(?m)^ 1'

Duncan Booth

Re: lightweight encryption of text file

2010-01-11 Thread Robert Kern

On 2010-01-09 03:52 AM, Anthra Norell wrote:

Daniel Fetchinson wrote:
  I have a plain text file which I would like to protect in a very
  simple minded, yet for my purposes sufficient, way. I'd like to
  encrypt/convert it into a binary file in such a way that possession of
  a password allows anyone to convert it back into the original text
  file while not possessing the password one would only see the
  following with the standard linux utility 'file':
  [fetchin...@fetch ~]$ file data
  and the effort required to convert the file back to the original text
  file without the password would be equivalent to guessing the
  I'm fully aware of the security implications of this loose
  specification, but for my purposes this would be a good solution.
  What would be the simplest way to achieve this using preferably stock
  python without 3rd party modules? If a not too complex 3rd part
  module made it really simple that would be acceptable too.


Here's what looks like another thread veering off into package-ology,
leaving a stumped OP behind.

Don't use a random generator for encryption purposes! warns the
manual, of which fact I was reminded in no uncertain terms on this forum
a few years ago when I proposed the following little routine in response
to a post very similar to yours. One critic challenged me to encode my
credit card data and post it. Which I did.

Actually, you just encrypted your credit card number and challenged 
comp.lang.python to crack it. No one challenged you to do anything of the sort. 
Fortunately, the ever-watchful eye of Google was upon us that day:

Upon which another critic
conjured up the horror vision of gigahertzes hacking my pathetic little
effort to pieces as I was reading his message. Of the well-meaning kind,
he urged me to put an immediate stop to this foolishness. I didn't.

No unplanned expenditures ensued.

That's because comp.lang.python is not full of thieves, not because your 
algorithm is worth a damn. imposes no more overhead than this, but it has some real security 
properties. To quote Paul Rubin from that previous thread:

Since good encryption schemes that don't have significant performance
penalties are widely available, why mess with a crap scheme EVER?  Why
use a solution that might or might not be adequate when you can use
one that's definitely ok?

Robert Kern

I have come to believe that the whole world is an enigma, a harmless enigma
 that is made terrible by our own mad attempt to interpret it as though it had
 an underlying truth.
  -- Umberto Eco


Re: Fractional Hours from datetime?

2010-01-11 Thread W. eWatson

Austyn wrote:

Here's an improvement in case you want your code to work outside of

from time import time, timezone
h = ((time() - timezone) / 3600) % 24

On Jan 10, 9:04 pm, Austyn wrote:

How about:

import time
arizona_utc_offset = -7.00
h = (time.time() / 3600 + arizona_utc_offset) % 24

dt.timetuple()[6] is the day of the week; struct tm_time doesn't
include a sub-second field.

On Jan 10, 10:28 am, W. eWatson wrote:

Maybe there's a more elegant way to do this. I want to express the
result of in fractional hours.
Here's one way.
xtup = dt.timetuple()
h = xtup[3]+xtup[4]/60.0+xtup[5]/3600.00+xtup[6]/10**6
#  now is in fractions of an hour

There seems to be some controversy about this and other matters of 


Re: Procedural API inside class--scoping questions

2010-01-11 Thread Bruno Desthuilliers

Kevin Walzer a écrit :
I'm trying to make use of a Python library, aemreceive, that provides a 
procedural API. (aemreceive is a library for Python on the Mac that 
allows the application to receive and respond to Apple Events.)

My Python apps basically run in a single fooApp class, and everything 
runs inside the class. To launch the app (my apps are Tkinter-based), I 
use something like this:

if __name__== '__main__':
app = fooApp(None)

In keeping with aemreceive's procedural API, I've added a runCommand 
function inside the app class to provide some basic functionality in 
response to Apple Events it will set some objects/variables, then 
display the output in the app. In my code it looks like this:

def runCommand(string):

When I test this command, I get an error from Python: self is not 


I think I understand what is going here. All of the other functions in 
the fooApp class take self as a parameter, i.e. they are components of 
the class.

It actually works the other way round : it's because they are 
components (we prefer to say attributes) of the class that they take 
the current instance as first param. FWIW, the following syntaxes are 
functionnaly equivalent:

  obj = MyClass()
  # if some_method is not inherited:


runCommand is not, so therefore self is undefined. My 
question is, how can I get the values from the class (self.searchterm,

s/class/instance/ here. inside the runCommand function?

The usual way - adds the relevant param:

def runCommand(self, string):

The problem is that you don't provide much information about how this 
function is actually called.


Interesting (?) problem

2010-01-11 Thread mk

Hello everyone,

I have two lists of IP addresses:

hostips = [ 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e' ]

thread_results = [ 'd', 'b', 'c' ]

I need to sort thread_results in the same order as hostips.

(Obviously, hostips can contain any valid ip addresses as strings, they 
are sorted alphabetically here just for sake of example.)

Since explicit is better than implicit, I will clarify: thread_results 
is obviously result of threads communicating with IPs from hostips, and 
that can finish at various times, thus returning ips into thread_results 
in any order.

Sorting would be trivial to do if thread_results were not a subset of 
hostips (obviously, for some IPs communication can fail which excludes 
them from the result).

One approach I can see is constructing hostips_limited list that would 
contain only ips that are in thread_results but that would preserve 
order of hostips:

hostips_limited = []
for h in hostips:
if h in thread_results:

..and then doing sorting thread_results.

But maybe there is more elegant / faster approach?

Incidentally, it *seems* that list comprehension preserves order:

hostips_limited = [ h for h in hostips if h in thread_results ]

Empirically speaking it seems to work (I tested it on real ips), but 
please correct me if that's wrong.



Re: Interesting (?) problem

2010-01-11 Thread Jean-Michel Pichavant

mk wrote:

Incidentally, it *seems* that list comprehension preserves order:

hostips_limited = [ h for h in hostips if h in thread_results ]

Empirically speaking it seems to work (I tested it on real ips), but 
please correct me if that's wrong.


Sounds good to me.
List are *ordered* items ; it does not suprise me that list 
comprehension consistently keep the order.


Re: Interesting (?) problem

2010-01-11 Thread mk

mk wrote:

Hello everyone,

I have two lists of IP addresses:

hostips = [ 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e' ]

thread_results = [ 'd', 'b', 'c' ]

I need to sort thread_results in the same order as hostips.

P.S. One clarification: those lists are actually more complicated 
(thread_result is a list of tuples (ip, thread)), which is why I need 
thread_results sorted in order of hostips (instead of just constructing 
[ h for h in hostips if h in thread_results ] and be done with it).


Re: Interesting (?) problem

2010-01-11 Thread Arnaud Delobelle
mk writes:

 Hello everyone,

 I have two lists of IP addresses:

 hostips = [ 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e' ]

 thread_results = [ 'd', 'b', 'c' ]

 I need to sort thread_results in the same order as hostips.

 hostips_limited = []
 for h in hostips:
 if h in thread_results:

 ..and then doing sorting thread_results.

What do you mean by that last sentence?

[... or:]
 Incidentally, it *seems* that list comprehension preserves order:

 hostips_limited = [ h for h in hostips if h in thread_results ]

That's ok, but why not keep thread_results as a set instead of a list if
the ordering in that container is not significant but you are testing
membership a lot?


RE: C Module's '1.#INF' changes to 'inf' at Python

2010-01-11 Thread CELEN Erman
 Numeric.log10() will check to see if the errno was set to ERANGE. It does not 
 check if a floating point exception flag was set, which is tricky to do 
 platforms. The newer numpy can do it because we've finally managed to 
 all of that platform-specific code, but the earlier Numeric does not. 
 Presumably, the msvc8 C runtime's implementation of log10() sets errno and 
 msvc9 runtime's version does not.

It doesn't seem like C part is changed. I confirmed that the behavior of 
log10(0.0) in C's standard math.h library didn't change between compilers 
(msvc8 and msvc9 both sets the errno to 34(ERANGE)). Now I'm thinking that this 
setting errno problem is happening somewhere in Numeric's log10 wrappers. 

As I see, Numeric's PyUFunc_GenericFunction checks errno value to see if the 
called function has set it and if it is non-zero, it calls math_error which 
raises the exception. The problem is that now errno is not being set but I 
can't see why since I can't step into that redirected function call (*(double 
*)op = ((DoubleUnaryFunc *)func)(*(double *)ip1) where function value is 
0x01c4ede0 log10).

I am wondering which functions are actually being called when I call 
log10(0.0). Could you (or anybody) point me where this errno is supposed to be 
set in Numeric or umath when I call log10(0.0) so that I can take a look at why 
this is not being the case.

(I also noticed that this behavior is same under standard NumPy 1.4 with 
standard Python 2.6 on Windows. If you call numpy.log10(0.0) you will get an 
-inf and no exceptions will be raised. Which is not the case with Python's 
standard math.log10(0.0) which will raise a ValueError)

Best Regards,

Ali Erman CELEN
Platform Specialists / Porting

This email and any attachments are intended solely for the use of the 
individual or entity to whom it is addressed and may be confidential and/or 
privileged.  If you are not one of the named recipients or have received this 
email in error, (i) you should not read, disclose, or copy it, (ii) please 
notify sender of your receipt by reply email and delete this email and all 
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responsibility for any use of or reliance on this email.For other languages, go 

Re: Interesting (?) problem

2010-01-11 Thread Jean-Michel Pichavant

mk wrote:

mk wrote:

Hello everyone,

I have two lists of IP addresses:

hostips = [ 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e' ]

thread_results = [ 'd', 'b', 'c' ]

I need to sort thread_results in the same order as hostips.

P.S. One clarification: those lists are actually more complicated 
(thread_result is a list of tuples (ip, thread)), which is why I need 
thread_results sorted in order of hostips (instead of just 
constructing [ h for h in hostips if h in thread_results ] and be done 
with it).

Could be easily done by changing the thread_results structure. You seems 
to want to lookup using ips:

thread_results = {'ip1':['t1','t2','t3'], 'ip3':['t4','t8']} # tx are 

results = []
for ip in hostips:
   results += [(ip, thread) for thread in thread_results.get(ip, [])]

 print results
Out[10]: [('ip1', 't1'), ('ip1', 't2'), ('ip1', 't3'), ('ip3', 't4'), 
('ip3', 't8')]

In a general manner, if you end up with duplicated informations inside 
your structures (like ips in you thread_results structure) that means 
you'll need sooner or later to do additional loop work to factorize the 


Fundamental Function Question (beginner)

2010-01-11 Thread Scott
When creating a function is there any difference between putting
everything under the def or not?

Here I created a function called CscoPortNum to convert the network
port number field in a Cisco syslog string from a an ascii name back
into its numeric form if required. Does it matter at all that I
created the translation dictionary first and then started the def?

# def CscoPortNum(RulL)
# Accept a single ACL Rule as a List split into individual words and
# return Port number. Convert from Cisco syslog Port name if required
portfpth = \\progra~1\\syslogd\\ACL_Logs\\Port-Translations.txt
# Create dictionary of portnames to portnumbers
portD = {}
for prtnmS in open(portfpth):
prtnmS = prtnmS.rstrip()
spltprtL = prtnmS.split( )
portD[spltprtL[2]] = [spltprtL[1]]
def CscoPortNum(RulL):
if eq in RulL:# Is the Port listed?
if RulL[RulL.index(eq)+1][0].isdigit(): # Is it numeric?
#if\d, RulL[RulL.index(eq)+1][0]): # Is it
portnum = RulL[RulL.index(eq)+1] # If numeric, use
as is.
# If named, look up numeric translation
portnum = portD[RulL[RulL.index(eq)+1]]
portnum = str(portnum).strip([]')
else:  portnum = noeq
return portnum

Re: Interesting (?) problem

2010-01-11 Thread Peter Otten
mk wrote:

 mk wrote:
 Hello everyone,
 I have two lists of IP addresses:
 hostips = [ 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e' ]
 thread_results = [ 'd', 'b', 'c' ]
 I need to sort thread_results in the same order as hostips.
 P.S. One clarification: those lists are actually more complicated
 (thread_result is a list of tuples (ip, thread)), which is why I need
 thread_results sorted in order of hostips (instead of just constructing
 [ h for h in hostips if h in thread_results ] and be done with it).

Make it

[(host, thread) for host, thread in thread_results if host in hostips]

then. However, if you care to explain what you're intending to do with the 
resulting list I'm sure someone will come up with a more efficient approach 
based on sets or dicts.


Re: integer and string compare, is that correct?

2010-01-11 Thread Nobody
On Sun, 10 Jan 2010 23:13:55 -0800, Dan Bishop wrote:

 If you actually need to perform comparisons across types, you can rely
 upon the fact that tuple comparisons are non-strict and use e.g.:

          a = 5
          b = '5'
          (type(a).__name__, a)  (type(b).__name__, b)
          (type(a).__name__, a)  (type(b).__name__, b)

 The second elements will only be compared if the first elements are equal
 (i.e. the values have the same type).
 But this method gives you 3.0  2 because 'float'  'int'.  Probably
 not what you want.

If you're comparing instances of entirely arbitrary types, what
you probably want (and the only thing you're going to get) is an
entirely arbitrary ordering.

The main case where such a comparison makes sense is for algorithms which
require a total ordering (e.g. tree-like structures), and those won't care
if 32 so long as the axioms for a total ordering hold.


Re: Interesting (?) problem

2010-01-11 Thread Paul Rubin
mk writes:
 I have two lists of IP addresses:

 hostips = [ 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e' ]

 thread_results = [ 'd', 'b', 'c' ]

 I need to sort thread_results in the same order as hostips.

Assuming each address in hostips appears just once:

from itertools import izip,count
d = dict(izip(hostips, count()))
sorted_results = sorted(thread_results, key=d.get)

Re: sys.stdout vs. sys.stderr

2010-01-11 Thread Nobody
On Mon, 11 Jan 2010 10:09:36 +0100, Martin v. Loewis wrote:

 In Python 3.1 is there any difference in the buffering behavior of the
 initial sys.stdout and sys.stderr streams?
 Were they different at some earlier point in Python's evolution?
 That depends on the operating system. These used to be whatever the
 C library set up as stdout and stderr. Typically, they were buffered
 in the same way.

On Unix, stdout will be line buffered if it is associated with a tty 
and fully buffered otherwise, while stderr is always unbuffered.

On Windows, stdout and stderr are unbuffered if they refer to a character
device, fully buffered otherwise (Windows doesn't have line buffering;
setvbuf(_IOLBF) is equivalent to setvbuf(_IOFBF)).

ANSI C says:

 As initially opened, the standard error stream is not fully buffered; the
 standard input and standard output streams are fully buffered if and only
 if the  stream can be determined not to refer to an interactive device. 


Re: C Module's '1.#INF' changes to 'inf' at Python

2010-01-11 Thread Robert Kern

On 2010-01-11 12:27 PM, CELEN Erman wrote:

Numeric.log10() will check to see if the errno was set to ERANGE. It does not
check if a floating point exception flag was set, which is tricky to do across
platforms. The newer numpy can do it because we've finally managed to implement
all of that platform-specific code, but the earlier Numeric does not.
Presumably, the msvc8 C runtime's implementation of log10() sets errno and the
msvc9 runtime's version does not.

It doesn't seem like C part is changed. I confirmed that the behavior of 
log10(0.0) in C's standard math.h library didn't change between compilers 
(msvc8 and msvc9 both sets the errno to 34(ERANGE)). Now I'm thinking that this 
setting errno problem is happening somewhere in Numeric's log10 wrappers.

As I see, Numeric's PyUFunc_GenericFunction checks errno value to see if the called function has 
set it and if it is non-zero, it calls math_error which raises the exception. The problem is that now errno 
is not being set but I can't see why since I can't step into that redirected function call (*(double 
*)op = ((DoubleUnaryFunc *)func)(*(double *)ip1) where function value is 0x01c4ede0 log10).

This is the math library's log10() function.

I am wondering which functions are actually being called when I call 
log10(0.0). Could you (or anybody) point me where this errno is supposed to be 
set in Numeric or umath when I call log10(0.0) so that I can take a look at why 
this is not being the case.

errno gets set to 0 before PyUFunc_GenericFunction calls the underlying log10() 
function. Other than that, Numeric does not set errno.

(I also noticed that this behavior is same under standard NumPy 1.4 with standard Python 
2.6 on Windows. If you call numpy.log10(0.0) you will get an -inf and no 
exceptions will be raised. Which is not the case with Python's standard math.log10(0.0) 
which will raise a ValueError)

Correct. This is numpy's intended behavior. See numpy.seterr() to enable 
exceptions if you want them.

Robert Kern

I have come to believe that the whole world is an enigma, a harmless enigma
 that is made terrible by our own mad attempt to interpret it as though it had
 an underlying truth.
  -- Umberto Eco


Re: Fundamental Function Question (beginner)

2010-01-11 Thread MRAB

Scott wrote:

When creating a function is there any difference between putting
everything under the def or not?

Here I created a function called CscoPortNum to convert the network
port number field in a Cisco syslog string from a an ascii name back
into its numeric form if required. Does it matter at all that I
created the translation dictionary first and then started the def?

# def CscoPortNum(RulL)
# Accept a single ACL Rule as a List split into individual words and
# return Port number. Convert from Cisco syslog Port name if required
portfpth = \\progra~1\\syslogd\\ACL_Logs\\Port-Translations.txt
# Create dictionary of portnames to portnumbers
portD = {}
for prtnmS in open(portfpth):
prtnmS = prtnmS.rstrip()
spltprtL = prtnmS.split( )
portD[spltprtL[2]] = [spltprtL[1]]
def CscoPortNum(RulL):
if eq in RulL:# Is the Port listed?
if RulL[RulL.index(eq)+1][0].isdigit(): # Is it numeric?
#if\d, RulL[RulL.index(eq)+1][0]): # Is it
portnum = RulL[RulL.index(eq)+1] # If numeric, use
as is.
# If named, look up numeric translation
portnum = portD[RulL[RulL.index(eq)+1]]
portnum = str(portnum).strip([]')
else:  portnum = noeq
return portnum

There's nothing wrong with building dicts or other lookup tables outside
a function in order to avoid re-creating them every time the function is

Re: pyserial: Unexpected Local Echo

2010-01-11 Thread Nobody
On Mon, 11 Jan 2010 23:27:03 +0800, Steven Woody wrote:

 I am using pyserial.  But I always get the local echo after I write
 some characters onto serial port and I find no way to disable this
 behavior. When I say 'local echo', I mean the next read operation will
 get characters that was just write to the same port.

That explains the echo part. What makes you think that it's local?


Re: Fundamental Function Question (beginner)

2010-01-11 Thread r0g
Scott wrote:
 When creating a function is there any difference between putting
 everything under the def or not?
 Here I created a function called CscoPortNum to convert the network
 port number field in a Cisco syslog string from a an ascii name back
 into its numeric form if required. Does it matter at all that I
 created the translation dictionary first and then started the def?
 # def CscoPortNum(RulL)
 # Accept a single ACL Rule as a List split into individual words and
 # return Port number. Convert from Cisco syslog Port name if required
 portfpth = \\progra~1\\syslogd\\ACL_Logs\\Port-Translations.txt
 # Create dictionary of portnames to portnumbers
 portD = {}
 for prtnmS in open(portfpth):
 prtnmS = prtnmS.rstrip()
 spltprtL = prtnmS.split( )
 portD[spltprtL[2]] = [spltprtL[1]]
 def CscoPortNum(RulL):
 if eq in RulL:# Is the Port listed?
 if RulL[RulL.index(eq)+1][0].isdigit(): # Is it numeric?
 #if\d, RulL[RulL.index(eq)+1][0]): # Is it
 portnum = RulL[RulL.index(eq)+1] # If numeric, use
 as is.
 # If named, look up numeric translation
 portnum = portD[RulL[RulL.index(eq)+1]]
 portnum = str(portnum).strip([]')
 else:  portnum = noeq
 return portnum

In this snippet no, you're not calling the function in the preceding
code so there's no problem. You can intersperse functions with the rest
of your code however you like, they just wont be visible to the
preceding code, but it's better to stick them all at the top of your
script. Even better when you have more than a handful is to bundle
functions into separate py files and then import that file e.g.

---contents of
def foo():
print foo
def bar:
print bar

---contents of your main script-
import foobar
print foo(),bar()


Re: Different number of matches from re.findall and re.split

2010-01-11 Thread Steve Holden
Jeremy wrote:
 On Jan 11, 8:44 am, Iain King wrote:
 On Jan 11, 3:35 pm, Jeremy wrote:

 Hello all,
 I am using re.split to separate some text into logical structures.
 The trouble is that re.split doesn't find everything while re.findall
 does; i.e.:
 found = re.findall('^ 1', line, re.MULTILINE)
 tables = re.split('^ 1', line, re.MULTILINE)
 Can someone explain why these two commands are giving different
 results?  I thought I should have the same number of matches (or maybe
 different by 1, but not 6000!)
 re.split doesn't take re.MULTILINE as a flag: it doesn't take any
 flags. It does take a maxsplit parameter, which you are passing the
 value of re.MULTILINE (which happens to be 8 in my implementation).
 Since your pattern is looking for line starts, and your first line
 presumably has more splits than the maxsplits you are specifying, your
 re.split never finds more than 1.
 Yep.  Thanks for pointing that out.  I guess I just assumed that
 re.split was similar to in what it accepted as
 function parameters.  I guess I'll have to use a \n instead of a ^ for

Remember you can specify flags inside the pattern itself.

Steve Holden   +1 571 484 6266   +1 800 494 3119
PyCon is coming! Atlanta, Feb 2010
Holden Web LLC


Re: Interesting (?) problem

2010-01-11 Thread Nobody
On Mon, 11 Jan 2010 18:57:24 +0100, mk wrote:

 I have two lists of IP addresses:
 hostips = [ 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e' ]
 thread_results = [ 'd', 'b', 'c' ]
 I need to sort thread_results in the same order as hostips.
 P.S. One clarification: those lists are actually more complicated 
 (thread_result is a list of tuples (ip, thread)), which is why I need 
 thread_results sorted in order of hostips (instead of just constructing 
 [ h for h in hostips if h in thread_results ] and be done with it).

thread_results_dict = dict([(v[0], v) for v in thread_results])
[thread_results_dict[h] for h in hostips if h in thread_results_dict]

hostips_dict = dict([(ip, idx) for idx, ip in enumerate(hostips)])
sorted(thread_results, key = lambda r: hostips_dict[r[0]])


Re: integer and string compare, is that correct?

2010-01-11 Thread Arnaud Delobelle
Nobody writes:

 On Sun, 10 Jan 2010 23:13:55 -0800, Dan Bishop wrote:

 If you actually need to perform comparisons across types, you can rely
 upon the fact that tuple comparisons are non-strict and use e.g.:

          a = 5
          b = '5'
          (type(a).__name__, a)  (type(b).__name__, b)
          (type(a).__name__, a)  (type(b).__name__, b)

 The second elements will only be compared if the first elements are equal
 (i.e. the values have the same type).
 But this method gives you 3.0  2 because 'float'  'int'.  Probably
 not what you want.

 If you're comparing instances of entirely arbitrary types, what
 you probably want (and the only thing you're going to get) is an
 entirely arbitrary ordering.

 The main case where such a comparison makes sense is for algorithms which
 require a total ordering (e.g. tree-like structures), and those won't care
 if 32 so long as the axioms for a total ordering hold.

It won't work for several reasons.  Offhand I can think of two:

1. lists, tuples:

 [1]  ['a']
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File stdin, line 1, in module
TypeError: unorderable types: int()  str()

2. Partially ordered or unordered builtin types:

 1j  1+1j
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File stdin, line 1, in module
TypeError: no ordering relation is defined for complex numbers


xml.sax parsing elements with the same name

2010-01-11 Thread amadain
I have an event log with 100s of thousands of entries with logs of the

event eventTimestamp=2009-12-18T08:22:49.035
   result value=Blocked/
  filter code=338 type=Filter_Name
   result value=Triggered/
  filter code=338 type=Filter_Name
   result value=Blocked/

I am using xml.sax to parse the event log. The trouble with the file
above is when I parse for result value I get the last result value
(Blocked from above). I want to get the result value triggered (the
second in the event).

my code is as follows:

def startElement(self, name, attrs):
if name == 'event':
self.eventTime = attrs.get('eventTimestamp',)
self.eventUniqueId = attrs.get('uniqueId', )
if name == 'result':
self.resultValue = attrs.get('value',)

def endElement(self, name):
if name==event:
result= eval(self.filter)
if result:

How do I get the result value I require when events have the same
names like above?

Re: Fundamental Function Question (beginner)

2010-01-11 Thread r0g
r0g wrote:
 Scott wrote:
 When creating a function is there any difference between putting
 everything under the def or not?

 Here I created a function called CscoPortNum to convert the network
 port number field in a Cisco syslog string from a an ascii name back
 into its numeric form if required. Does it matter at all that I
 created the translation dictionary first and then started the def?

 # def CscoPortNum(RulL)
 # Accept a single ACL Rule as a List split into individual words and
 # return Port number. Convert from Cisco syslog Port name if required
 portfpth = \\progra~1\\syslogd\\ACL_Logs\\Port-Translations.txt
 # Create dictionary of portnames to portnumbers
 portD = {}
 for prtnmS in open(portfpth):
 prtnmS = prtnmS.rstrip()
 spltprtL = prtnmS.split( )
 portD[spltprtL[2]] = [spltprtL[1]]
 def CscoPortNum(RulL):
 if eq in RulL:# Is the Port listed?
 if RulL[RulL.index(eq)+1][0].isdigit(): # Is it numeric?
 #if\d, RulL[RulL.index(eq)+1][0]): # Is it
 portnum = RulL[RulL.index(eq)+1] # If numeric, use
 as is.
 # If named, look up numeric translation
 portnum = portD[RulL[RulL.index(eq)+1]]
 portnum = str(portnum).strip([]')
 else:  portnum = noeq
 return portnum
 In this snippet no, you're not calling the function in the preceding
 code so there's no problem. You can intersperse functions with the rest
 of your code however you like, they just wont be visible to the
 preceding code, but it's better to stick them all at the top of your
 script. Even better when you have more than a handful is to bundle
 functions into separate py files and then import that file e.g.
 ---contents of
 def foo():
 print foo
 def bar:
 print bar
 ---contents of your main script-
 import foobar
 print foo(),bar()

Whoops, that should have been...

 ---contents of your main script-
 import foobar



Re: Different number of matches from re.findall and re.split

2010-01-11 Thread Jeremy
On Jan 11, 9:28 am, Duncan Booth wrote:
 MRAB wrote:
  Yep.  Thanks for pointing that out.  I guess I just assumed that
  re.split was similar to in what it accepted as
  function parameters.  I guess I'll have to use a \n instead of a ^ for

  You could use the .split method of a pattern object instead:

       tables = re.compile('^ 1', re.MULTILINE).split(line)

 or you might include the flag in the regular expression literal: '(?m)^ 1'

Another great solution.  This is what I will do.


What is built-in method sub

2010-01-11 Thread Jeremy
I just profiled one of my Python scripts and discovered that 99% of
the time was spent in

{built-in method sub}

What is this function and is there a way to optimize it?


Re: xml.sax parsing elements with the same name

2010-01-11 Thread John Bokma
amadain writes:

 I have an event log with 100s of thousands of entries with logs of the

 event eventTimestamp=2009-12-18T08:22:49.035
result value=Blocked/
   filter code=338 type=Filter_Name
result value=Triggered/
   filter code=338 type=Filter_Name
result value=Blocked/

 I am using xml.sax to parse the event log. The trouble with the file
 above is when I parse for result value I get the last result value
 (Blocked from above). I want to get the result value triggered (the
 second in the event).

 my code is as follows:

 def startElement(self, name, attrs):
 if name == 'event':
 self.eventTime = attrs.get('eventTimestamp',)
 self.eventUniqueId = attrs.get('uniqueId', )
 if name == 'result':
 self.resultValue = attrs.get('value',)

 def endElement(self, name):
 if name==event:
 result= eval(self.filter)
 if result:

 How do I get the result value I require when events have the same
 names like above?

You have to keep track if you're inside a filters section, and keep
track of the filter elements (first, second, etc.) assuming you want the
result value of the first filter.

John Bokma

Read my blog:
Hire me (Perl/Python):

Re: Fundamental Function Question (beginner)

2010-01-11 Thread Phlip

MRAB wrote:

Scott wrote:

for prtnmS in open(portfpth):
prtnmS = prtnmS.rstrip()

There's nothing wrong with building dicts or other lookup tables outside
a function in order to avoid re-creating them every time the function is

However, please consider writing complete, pronounceable names for variables. 
This looks like Fortran!


Re: Python Goldmine has been updated:

2010-01-11 Thread tanix
In article, Terry Reedy wrote:
On 1/8/2010 11:50 AM, tanix wrote:
 Python Goldmine collection contains the extensive collection of articles
 going back several years. It includes thousands of code
 examples and expert discussions on all major topics.

 The information is organized by relevant topics, covered
 by the corresponding chapters.

 The information was filtered with sophisticated filters and vast
 majority of artilces with little relevance have been filtered out.

 If you have any specific requests for some new chapters to be added
 and it is of interest to others, please post your requests on this

 If anyone feels he has above average level of competence, or can
 reccommend someone who posts on this group, you may request to be
 included in the expert chapters.

 The Python Goldmine is at:

 Programmer's Goldmine collections:

 Tens of thousands of code examples and expert discussions on
 C++, MFC, VC, ATL, STL, templates, Java, Python, Javascript, PHP,
 organized by major topics of language, tools, methods, techniques.

This site pops up spam windowns. One was blocked, one managed to bypass 
the popup blocker. Tnis is not friendly behaviour.

I am sorry. But this is a known issue.
This is one of counter vendors doing these popups.
They were contacted about this but they refuse to deal with it.
These popups are totally inappropriate.
These counters will be removed with the next major site update.

Some categories have 100s of entries. Better, I think, to use a search 
engine such as  Google with more specific search terms and a snippet of 
context for each result.

Well, I can not tell you what is better for you.
You have to decide on your own.
What I can tell you is this: when you do Google search, you are not
going to get the most appropriate results. Because their filtering
is orders of magnitude less precise.

There is currenly work going on to do internal site search that
will further increase precision.

But even as it stands right now, you are getting the code examples
on related issues with  90% certainty of articles to be on topic.

Beyond that, do as you wish.


Programmer's Goldmine collections:

Tens of thousands of code examples and expert discussions on
C++, MFC, VC, ATL, STL, templates, Java, Python, Javascript, PHP,
organized by major topics of language, tools, methods, techniques.


Re: Python Goldmine has been updated:

2010-01-11 Thread tanix
In article, Steve Holden wrote:
Terry Reedy wrote:
 On 1/8/2010 11:50 AM, tanix wrote:
 Python Goldmine collection contains the extensive collection of articles
 going back several years. It includes thousands of code
 examples and expert discussions on all major topics.

 The information is organized by relevant topics, covered
 by the corresponding chapters.

 The information was filtered with sophisticated filters and vast
 majority of artilces with little relevance have been filtered out.

 If you have any specific requests for some new chapters to be added
 and it is of interest to others, please post your requests on this

 If anyone feels he has above average level of competence, or can
 reccommend someone who posts on this group, you may request to be
 included in the expert chapters.

 The Python Goldmine is at:

 Programmer's Goldmine collections:

 Tens of thousands of code examples and expert discussions on
 C++, MFC, VC, ATL, STL, templates, Java, Python, Javascript, PHP,
 organized by major topics of language, tools, methods, techniques.
 This site pops up spam windowns. One was blocked, one managed to bypass
 the popup blocker. Tnis is not friendly behaviour.
 Some categories have 100s of entries. Better, I think, to use a search
 engine such as  Google with more specific search terms and a snippet of
 context for each result.
Because I habitually run the NoScript extension to Firefox the popups
didn't appear, but there didn't seem to be any original content on this

The site contains the selected articles from this group,
filtered with high precision filters.

 Google continues to be your friend.


Programmer's Goldmine collections:

Tens of thousands of code examples and expert discussions on
C++, MFC, VC, ATL, STL, templates, Java, Python, Javascript, PHP,
organized by major topics of language, tools, methods, techniques.


Re: Python Goldmine has been updated:

2010-01-11 Thread tanix
In article, Steve Holden wrote:
Steve Holden wrote:
 Because I habitually run the NoScript extension to Firefox the popups
 didn't appear, but there didn't seem to be any original content on this
 site. Google continues to be your friend.
And dammit, why didn't I think to strip the links out instead of
creating yet one more link to it? Sorry ...

There isn't a single ad on any of these sites beyond those nasty
popups displayed by 3rd party counter vendor.

Sorry, but this is the way it is right now.
The simpliest thing is just to close the popup window without even
looking at it because it is pretty much guaranteed to be totally
off the wall add no one would be interested in seeing anyway.


Programmer's Goldmine collections:

Tens of thousands of code examples and expert discussions on
C++, MFC, VC, ATL, STL, templates, Java, Python, Javascript, PHP,
organized by major topics of language, tools, methods, techniques.


Re: What is built-in method sub

2010-01-11 Thread Carl Banks
On Jan 11, 11:20 am, Jeremy wrote:
 I just profiled one of my Python scripts and discovered that 99% of
 the time was spent in

 {built-in method sub}

 What is this function and is there a way to optimize it?

I'm guessing this is re.sub (or, more likely, a method sub of an
internal object that is called by re.sub).

If all your script does is to make a bunch of regexp substitutions,
then spending 99% of the time in this function might be reasonable.
Optimize your regexps to improve performance.  (We can help you if you
care to share any.)

If my guess is wrong, you'll have to be more specific about what your
sctipt does, and maybe share the profile printout or something.

Carl Banks

Re: What is built-in method sub

2010-01-11 Thread Matthew Barnett

Jeremy wrote:

I just profiled one of my Python scripts and discovered that 99% of
the time was spent in

{built-in method sub}

What is this function and is there a way to optimize it?



Re: What is built-in method sub

2010-01-11 Thread MRAB

Jeremy wrote:

I just profiled one of my Python scripts and discovered that 99% of
the time was spent in

{built-in method sub}

What is this function and is there a way to optimize it?

I think it's the subtraction operator. The only way to optimise it is to
reduce the number of subtractions that you do!

Re: Fundamental Function Question (beginner)

2010-01-11 Thread Philip Semanchuk

On Jan 11, 2010, at 2:50 PM, Phlip wrote:

MRAB wrote:

Scott wrote:

for prtnmS in open(portfpth):
   prtnmS = prtnmS.rstrip()

There's nothing wrong with building dicts or other lookup tables  
a function in order to avoid re-creating them every time the  
function is


However, please consider writing complete, pronounceable names for  
variables. This looks like Fortran!

Wht doYu mn? I thnk hisCde is ez2rd!


Re: What is built-in method sub

2010-01-11 Thread Jeremy
On Jan 11, 12:54 pm, Carl Banks wrote:
 On Jan 11, 11:20 am, Jeremy wrote:

  I just profiled one of my Python scripts and discovered that 99% of
  the time was spent in

  {built-in method sub}

  What is this function and is there a way to optimize it?

 I'm guessing this is re.sub (or, more likely, a method sub of an
 internal object that is called by re.sub).

 If all your script does is to make a bunch of regexp substitutions,
 then spending 99% of the time in this function might be reasonable.
 Optimize your regexps to improve performance.  (We can help you if you
 care to share any.)

 If my guess is wrong, you'll have to be more specific about what your
 sctipt does, and maybe share the profile printout or something.

 Carl Banks

Your guess is correct.  I had forgotten that I was using that

I am using the re.sub command to remove trailing whitespace from lines
in a text file.  The commands I use are copied below.  If you have any
suggestions on how they could be improved, I would love to know.


lines = self._outfile.readlines()

line = string.join(lines)

if self.removeWS:
# Remove trailing white space on each line
trailingPattern = '(\S*)\ +?\n'
line = re.sub(trailingPattern, '\\1\n', line)

Re: pyserial: Unexpected Local Echo

2010-01-11 Thread Grant Edwards
On 2010-01-11, Steven Woody wrote:

 I am using pyserial.  But I always get the local echo after I
 write some characters onto serial port

I really doubt you're getting a local echo.  Is the data coming
out the serial port?  Do you get the echo if you disconnect the
serial cable?

 and I find no way to disable this behavior. When I say 'local
 echo', I mean the next read operation will get characters that
 was just write to the same port.

The device to which you're connected is echoing them.  There's
also a chance that your rxd line is floating and there's enough
crosstalk in the cable to echo the data, but I'll bet money
it's not being done locally (in the serial driver or port).

 I run my program on cygwin (pyserial was also built on the
 system from source code) and the serial port i am using is a
 USB adapter that simulates a port (COM4 on my XP) because my
 laptop don't have a real serial port.  But I checked my COM4
 settings, there is no any think like 'local echo'.

Grant Edwards   grante Yow! Will it improve my
  at   CASH FLOW?

Re: lightweight encryption of text file

2010-01-11 Thread Anthra Norell

Robert Kern wrote:

On 2010-01-09 03:52 AM, Anthra Norell wrote:

Daniel Fetchinson wrote:
  I have a plain text file which I would like to protect in a very
  simple minded, yet for my purposes sufficient, way. I'd like to
  encrypt/convert it into a binary file in such a way that 
possession of

  a password allows anyone to convert it back into the original text
  file while not possessing the password one would only see the
  following with the standard linux utility 'file':
  [fetchin...@fetch ~]$ file data
  and the effort required to convert the file back to the original text
  file without the password would be equivalent to guessing the
  I'm fully aware of the security implications of this loose
  specification, but for my purposes this would be a good solution.
  What would be the simplest way to achieve this using preferably stock
  python without 3rd party modules? If a not too complex 3rd part
  module made it really simple that would be acceptable too.


Here's what looks like another thread veering off into package-ology,
leaving a stumped OP behind.

Don't use a random generator for encryption purposes! warns the
manual, of which fact I was reminded in no uncertain terms on this forum
a few years ago when I proposed the following little routine in response
to a post very similar to yours. One critic challenged me to encode my
credit card data and post it. Which I did.

Actually, you just encrypted your credit card number and challenged 
comp.lang.python to crack it. No one challenged you to do anything of 
the sort. Fortunately, the ever-watchful eye of Google was upon us 
that day:
My dear Robert. Thank you for the clarification. You are right. The 
thread recorded by Google doesn't mention the credit card detail. I 
remember it distinctly, though. I also remember that it wasn't my idea. 
And I recall being urged by another, well-mannered, member of this group 
to call it off right away. He wrote--I pretty much quote: ...there must 
be a number of machines out there grinding away at your code right 

Upon which another critic
conjured up the horror vision of gigahertzes hacking my pathetic little
effort to pieces as I was reading his message. Of the well-meaning kind,
he urged me to put an immediate stop to this foolishness. I didn't.

No unplanned expenditures ensued.

That's because comp.lang.python is not full of thieves, not because 
your algorithm is worth a damn.
You're right about the thieves. You have a point about my algorithm, 
although you might express it in a fashion that lives up to its merits. 
My algorithm would not resist a brute-force attack that iterates through 
all possible keys and analyzes the outcome for non-randomness. I knew 
that then and so I posted a second-level encryption, that is, an 
encryption of an encryption. Thus the brute-force attack wouldn't find 
anything non-random. By not disclosing the detail I may have breached 
some formal rule of the craft. If I had disclosed it, I have my doubts 
that the processing power available at a sensible cost would have done 
the job. The keys I said I used were long integers. There are roughly 
4.3 billion of them. Cycling through all of them would surely take a 
considerable number of hours on a PC. If each one of the 4.3 billion 
top-level decryptions required another bottom-level run many hours long, 
the chances of cracking the code before dying of old age are very, very, 
very remote.
 I may be wrong about that. If you know better, your knowledge 
would serve the community a lot better than your ill temper. imposes no more overhead than this, but it has some real 
security properties. To quote Paul Rubin from that previous thread:

Since good encryption schemes that don't have significant performance
penalties are widely available, why mess with a crap scheme EVER?  Why
use a solution that might or might not be adequate when you can use
one that's definitely ok?

Excellent point!

Why EVER make anything yourself when you can buy it?

Another excellent point!




Re: xml.sax parsing elements with the same name

2010-01-11 Thread amadain
On Jan 11, 7:26 pm, John Bokma wrote:
 amadain writes:
  I have an event log with 100s of thousands of entries with logs of the

  event eventTimestamp=2009-12-18T08:22:49.035
     result value=Blocked/
            filter code=338 type=Filter_Name
                     result value=Triggered/
            filter code=338 type=Filter_Name
                     result value=Blocked/

  I am using xml.sax to parse the event log. The trouble with the file
  above is when I parse for result value I get the last result value
  (Blocked from above). I want to get the result value triggered (the
  second in the event).

  my code is as follows:

      def startElement(self, name, attrs):
          if name == 'event':
              self.eventTime = attrs.get('eventTimestamp',)
              self.eventUniqueId = attrs.get('uniqueId', )
          if name == 'result':
              self.resultValue = attrs.get('value',)

      def endElement(self, name):
          if name==event:
              result= eval(self.filter)
              if result:

  How do I get the result value I require when events have the same
  names like above?

 You have to keep track if you're inside a filters section, and keep
 track of the filter elements (first, second, etc.) assuming you want the
 result value of the first filter.

 John Bokma

 Read my blog:
 Hire me (Perl/Python):

how do I keep track? The first result value is outside a filters
section and the rest are. Do you mean something like:

def startElement(self, name, attrs):
if name == 'event':
self.eventTime = attrs.get('eventTimestamp',)
self.eventUniqueId = attrs.get('uniqueId', )
if name == 'result':
self.resultValue = attrs.get('value',)
if name == filters:
if name == 'result':
self.resultValueF = attrs.get('value',)


Re: What is built-in method sub

2010-01-11 Thread Diez B. Roggisch

Jeremy schrieb:

On Jan 11, 12:54 pm, Carl Banks wrote:

On Jan 11, 11:20 am, Jeremy wrote:

I just profiled one of my Python scripts and discovered that 99% of
the time was spent in
{built-in method sub}
What is this function and is there a way to optimize it?

I'm guessing this is re.sub (or, more likely, a method sub of an
internal object that is called by re.sub).

If all your script does is to make a bunch of regexp substitutions,
then spending 99% of the time in this function might be reasonable.
Optimize your regexps to improve performance.  (We can help you if you
care to share any.)

If my guess is wrong, you'll have to be more specific about what your
sctipt does, and maybe share the profile printout or something.

Carl Banks

Your guess is correct.  I had forgotten that I was using that

I am using the re.sub command to remove trailing whitespace from lines
in a text file.  The commands I use are copied below.  If you have any
suggestions on how they could be improved, I would love to know.


lines = self._outfile.readlines()

line = string.join(lines)

if self.removeWS:
# Remove trailing white space on each line
trailingPattern = '(\S*)\ +?\n'
line = re.sub(trailingPattern, '\\1\n', line)

line = line.rstrip()?


Re: PIL how to display multiple images side by side

2010-01-11 Thread suresh.amritapuri
On Jan 9, 9:51 pm, Alf P. Steinbach wrote:
 * Lie Ryan:

  On 1/9/2010 8:43 AM, suresh.amritapuri wrote:

  In PIL, how to display multiple images in say m rows and n colums when
  I have m*n images.


  Tkinter has PhotoImage widget and PIL has support for this widget:

 Maybe I've misunderstood something (in that case glad to learn!), but I 
 PhotoImage is not a widget, and that a PhotoImage has to be presented in e.g. 
 Label widget or some other widget that's able to display images.


 - Alf

Let me paste the code I have adapted from somewhere. I dont get a clue
on how to go further so that all the images would stay in their
respective positions.


def button_click_exit_mainloop (event):
event.widget.quit() # this will cause mainloop to unblock.

root = Tkinter.Tk()
root.bind(Button, button_click_exit_mainloop)
root.geometry('+%d+%d' % (100,100))
names = [me1.jpg,me2.jpg,me1.jpg,me2.jpg,me1.jpg,me2.jpg]
shape = (2,3)
xlen,ylen = 0,0
for i in range(shape[0]):
for j in range(shape[1]):
images = [ for f in names]
images = [x.resize((300,200)) for x in images]
xsize = sum(im.size[0] for im in images)
ysize = sum(im.size[1] for im in images)
root.geometry('%dx%d' % (xsize,ysize))
tkpi = [ImageTk.PhotoImage(im) for im in images]
index = i*shape[1]+j

label_image = Tkinter.Label(root, image=tkpi[index]),y=ylen,width=images[index].size

if j == shape[1]-1:
ylen = ylen + images[index].size[1]
xlen = 0
xlen = xlen + images[index].size[0]
print index,xlen,ylen
root.mainloop() # wait until user clicks the window
except Exception, e:
# This is used to skip anything not an image.
# will generate an exception if it cannot open a
# Warning, this will hide other errors as well.

Re: What is built-in method sub

2010-01-11 Thread Stephen Hansen
On Mon, Jan 11, 2010 at 12:02 PM, Jeremy wrote:

 Your guess is correct.  I had forgotten that I was using that

 I am using the re.sub command to remove trailing whitespace from lines
 in a text file.  The commands I use are copied below.  If you have any
 suggestions on how they could be improved, I would love to know.

Just use line.rstrip().. Regular expressions are almost always slower then
just calling string methods for simple operations.


Re: What is built-in method sub

2010-01-11 Thread Jeremy
On Jan 11, 1:15 pm, Diez B. Roggisch wrote:
 Jeremy schrieb:

  On Jan 11, 12:54 pm, Carl Banks wrote:
  On Jan 11, 11:20 am, Jeremy wrote:

  I just profiled one of my Python scripts and discovered that 99% of
  the time was spent in
  {built-in method sub}
  What is this function and is there a way to optimize it?
  I'm guessing this is re.sub (or, more likely, a method sub of an
  internal object that is called by re.sub).

  If all your script does is to make a bunch of regexp substitutions,
  then spending 99% of the time in this function might be reasonable.
  Optimize your regexps to improve performance.  (We can help you if you
  care to share any.)

  If my guess is wrong, you'll have to be more specific about what your
  sctipt does, and maybe share the profile printout or something.

  Carl Banks

  Your guess is correct.  I had forgotten that I was using that

  I am using the re.sub command to remove trailing whitespace from lines
  in a text file.  The commands I use are copied below.  If you have any
  suggestions on how they could be improved, I would love to know.


  lines = self._outfile.readlines()

  line = string.join(lines)

  if self.removeWS:
      # Remove trailing white space on each line
      trailingPattern = '(\S*)\ +?\n'
      line = re.sub(trailingPattern, '\\1\n', line)

 line = line.rstrip()?


Yep.  I was trying to reinvent the wheel.  I just remove the trailing
whitespace before joining the lines.


Re: lightweight encryption of text file

2010-01-11 Thread Paul Rubin
Anthra Norell writes:
 Why EVER make anything yourself when you can buy it? 

Re: What is built-in method sub

2010-01-11 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Mon, 11 Jan 2010 11:20:34 -0800, Jeremy wrote:

 I just profiled one of my Python scripts 

Well done! I'm not being sarcastic, or condescending, but you'd be AMAZED 
(or possibly not...) at how many people try to optimize their scripts 
*without* profiling, and end up trying to speed up parts of the code that 
don't matter while ignoring the actual bottlenecks.

 and discovered that 99% of the time was spent in
 {built-in method sub}
 What is this function

You don't give us enough information to answer with anything more than a 
guess. You know what is in your scripts, we don't. I can do this:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File stdin, line 1, in module
NameError: name 'sub' is not defined

So it's not a built-in function. Nor do strings have a sub method. So I'm 
reduced to guessing. Based on your previous post, you're probably using 
regexes, so:

 import re
type 'function'

Getting closer, but that's a function, not a method.

type 'builtin_function_or_method'

That's probably the best candidate: you're probably calling the sub 
method on a pre-compiled regular expression object.

As for the second part of your question:

  and is there a way to optimize it?

I think you'll find that Python's regex engine is pretty much optimised 
as well as it can be, short of a major re-write. But to quote Jamie 

Some people, when confronted with a problem, think I know, 
I'll use regular expressions. Now they have two problems.

The best way to optimize regexes is to use them only when necessary. They 
are inherently an expensive operation, a mini-programming language of 
it's own. Naturally some regexes are more expensive than others: some can 
be *really* expensive, some are not.

If you can avoid regexes in favour of ordinary string methods, do so. In 
general, something like:

source.replace(target, new)

will potentially be much faster than:

regex = re.compile(target)
regex.sub(new, source)
# equivalent to re.sub(target, new, source)

(assuming of course that target is just a plain string with no regex 
specialness). If you're just cracking a peanut, you probably don't need 
the 30 lb sledgehammer of regular expressions.

Otherwise, we'd need to see the actual regexes that you are using in 
order to comment on how you might optimize them.


os.system function

2010-01-11 Thread Zabin
Hey everyone!

I am a new python programmer. I am trying to get the general file
functionality with options of save and save as working. These save
functions save a folder with multiple files. Upon using the os.system
copy function- if my destination directory has files with similar
names- i am asked whether i want to replace the files on the command

Is there some way of getting this question into a dialog box?

Also is there someway of avoiding or programmatically setting the
response to the command prompt?


Re: What is built-in method sub

2010-01-11 Thread J
On Mon, Jan 11, 2010 at 15:02, Jeremy wrote:
 I am using the re.sub command to remove trailing whitespace from lines
 in a text file.  The commands I use are copied below.  If you have any
 suggestions on how they could be improved, I would love to know.

Just curious, but if each line is simply a string, wouldn't it be
easier to pass each one through .strip() instead?

Asking because I'm keen to know.  It's been a while since I bothered
with any real regluar expressions, and while I've touched on them in
bash programming and some perl, I've never touched them in Python.

But just from that little big of code, it seems to me that if each
item in lines is just a string object that is one line from the file,
then just passing it to .strip() to remove the whitespace is quick and
simple.  Unless there's a reason to using the overhead (assuming
python has the same or similar overhead to regular expressions that
sometimes occur in other languages).




Pablo Picasso  - Computers are useless. They can only give you
answers. -

Re: What is built-in method sub

2010-01-11 Thread Terry Reedy

On 1/11/2010 3:02 PM, Jeremy wrote:

I am using the re.sub command to remove trailing whitespace from lines
in a text file.

Help on method_descriptor:

S.rstrip([chars]) - str

Return a copy of the string S with trailing whitespace removed.
If chars is given and not None, remove characters in chars instead.

Should be mush faster.

 The commands I use are copied below.  If you have any

suggestions on how they could be improved, I would love to know.


lines = self._outfile.readlines()

line = string.join(lines)

if self.removeWS:
 # Remove trailing white space on each line
 trailingPattern = '(\S*)\ +?\n'
 line = re.sub(trailingPattern, '\\1\n', line)


Re: Fundamental Function Question (beginner)

2010-01-11 Thread Scott
On Jan 11, 1:50 pm, Phlip wrote:
 MRAB wrote:
  Scott wrote:
  for prtnmS in open(portfpth):
      prtnmS = prtnmS.rstrip()
  There's nothing wrong with building dicts or other lookup tables outside
  a function in order to avoid re-creating them every time the function is

 However, please consider writing complete, pronounceable names for variables.
 This looks like Fortran!

Thanks for the advice.
Chrmn, Scty fr th lmntn f vwls

Re: Fundamental Function Question (beginner)

2010-01-11 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Mon, 11 Jan 2010 18:57:09 +, MRAB wrote:

 There's nothing wrong with building dicts or other lookup tables outside
 a function in order to avoid re-creating them every time the function is

Actually there is, but the benefit (avoiding the re-creation of the 
table) may be worth the cost (loss of encapsulation due to the use of a 
global variable).

Also, it is slightly slower to access a global than to access a local. 
This truly is a micro-optimization, and won't matter one bit for most 
functions, but in some rare cases it may.

But these are just quibbles. In general, I would agree with you.


Re: Fundamental Function Question (beginner)

2010-01-11 Thread Scott
 There's nothing wrong with building dicts or other lookup tables outside
 a function in order to avoid re-creating them every time the function is

Brilliant! I didn't think of that. I guess I accidentally did it right
this time as I query that dictionary quite a few times from the

Thanks MRAB and All!

Re: What is built-in method sub

2010-01-11 Thread Philip Semanchuk

On Jan 11, 2010, at 3:30 PM, Jeremy wrote:

On Jan 11, 1:15 pm, Diez B. Roggisch wrote:

Jeremy schrieb:

On Jan 11, 12:54 pm, Carl Banks wrote:

On Jan 11, 11:20 am, Jeremy wrote:

I just profiled one of my Python scripts and discovered that  
99% of

the time was spent in
{built-in method sub}
What is this function and is there a way to optimize it?

I'm guessing this is re.sub (or, more likely, a method sub of an
internal object that is called by re.sub).

If all your script does is to make a bunch of regexp substitutions,
then spending 99% of the time in this function might be reasonable.
Optimize your regexps to improve performance.  (We can help you  
if you

care to share any.)

If my guess is wrong, you'll have to be more specific about what  

sctipt does, and maybe share the profile printout or something.

Carl Banks

Your guess is correct.  I had forgotten that I was using that

I am using the re.sub command to remove trailing whitespace from  
in a text file.  The commands I use are copied below.  If you have  

suggestions on how they could be improved, I would love to know.


lines = self._outfile.readlines()

line = string.join(lines)

if self.removeWS:
# Remove trailing white space on each line
trailingPattern = '(\S*)\ +?\n'
line = re.sub(trailingPattern, '\\1\n', line)

line = line.rstrip()?


Yep.  I was trying to reinvent the wheel.  I just remove the trailing
whitespace before joining the lines.

I second the suggestion to use rstrip(), but for future reference you  
should also check out the compile() function in the re module. You  
might want to time the code above against a version using a compiled  
regex to see how much difference it makes.



Re: What is built-in method sub

2010-01-11 Thread Grant Edwards
On 2010-01-11, Steven D'Aprano wrote:

[regarding profiling results]

 I think you'll find that Python's regex engine is pretty much
 optimised as well as it can be, short of a major re-write. But
 to quote Jamie Zawinski:

 Some people, when confronted with a problem, think I know, 
 I'll use regular expressions. Now they have two problems.

 The best way to optimize regexes is to use them only when
 necessary. They are inherently an expensive operation, a
 mini-programming language of it's own. Naturally some regexes
 are more expensive than others: some can be *really*
 expensive, some are not.

And for all pracitacal purposes, you can't tell which is which.
At least not for any value of you I've run into...

Grant Edwards   grante Yow! I'm in direct contact
  at   with many advanced fun

shell access

2010-01-11 Thread monkeys paw

How do you access the command line from the
python interpreter?

on unix:

type python

 print 'hey'
   # I want to access the shell here, how do i do that?

Re: What is built-in method sub

2010-01-11 Thread Diez B. Roggisch

Philip Semanchuk schrieb:

On Jan 11, 2010, at 3:30 PM, Jeremy wrote:

On Jan 11, 1:15 pm, Diez B. Roggisch wrote:

Jeremy schrieb:

On Jan 11, 12:54 pm, Carl Banks wrote:

On Jan 11, 11:20 am, Jeremy wrote:

I just profiled one of my Python scripts and discovered that 99% of
the time was spent in
{built-in method sub}
What is this function and is there a way to optimize it?

I'm guessing this is re.sub (or, more likely, a method sub of an
internal object that is called by re.sub).

If all your script does is to make a bunch of regexp substitutions,
then spending 99% of the time in this function might be reasonable.
Optimize your regexps to improve performance.  (We can help you if you
care to share any.)

If my guess is wrong, you'll have to be more specific about what your
sctipt does, and maybe share the profile printout or something.

Carl Banks

Your guess is correct.  I had forgotten that I was using that

I am using the re.sub command to remove trailing whitespace from lines
in a text file.  The commands I use are copied below.  If you have any
suggestions on how they could be improved, I would love to know.


lines = self._outfile.readlines()

line = string.join(lines)

if self.removeWS:
# Remove trailing white space on each line
trailingPattern = '(\S*)\ +?\n'
line = re.sub(trailingPattern, '\\1\n', line)

line = line.rstrip()?


Yep.  I was trying to reinvent the wheel.  I just remove the trailing
whitespace before joining the lines.

I second the suggestion to use rstrip(), but for future reference you 
should also check out the compile() function in the re module. You might 
want to time the code above against a version using a compiled regex to 
see how much difference it makes.

For his usecase, none. There is a caching build-in into re that will 
take care of this.


Re: xml.sax parsing elements with the same name

2010-01-11 Thread John Bokma
amadain writes:

 On Jan 11, 7:26 pm, John Bokma wrote:
 amadain writes:

  event eventTimestamp=2009-12-18T08:22:49.035
     result value=Blocked/
            filter code=338 type=Filter_Name
                     result value=Triggered/
            filter code=338 type=Filter_Name
                     result value=Blocked/

 how do I keep track? The first result value is outside a filters
 section and the rest are. Do you mean something like:

 def startElement(self, name, attrs):
 if name == 'event':
 self.eventTime = attrs.get('eventTimestamp',)
 self.eventUniqueId = attrs.get('uniqueId', )
 if name == 'result':
 self.resultValue = attrs.get('value',)
 if name == filters:
 if name == 'result':
 self.resultValueF = attrs.get('value',)

I was thinking about something like:

self.filterIndex = 0

in startElement:

if name == 'filter':
   self.filterIndex += 1
if name == 'result' and self.filterIndex == 1:
   ...  = attrs.get('value', '')

in EndElement

   if name == 'filters':
  self.filterIndex = 0

If you want the result of the first filter in filters

John Bokma

Read my blog:
Hire me (Perl/Python):

Re: Python Goldmine has been updated:

2010-01-11 Thread Terry Reedy

On 1/11/2010 2:50 PM, tanix wrote:

In, Terry  wrote:

This site pops up spam windowns. One was blocked, one managed to bypass
the popup blocker. Tnis is not friendly behaviour.

I am sorry. But this is a known issue.
This is one of counter vendors doing these popups.
They were contacted about this but they refuse to deal with it.
These popups are totally inappropriate.
These counters will be removed with the next major site update.


Some categories have 100s of entries. Better, I think, to use a search
engine such as  Google with more specific search terms and a snippet of
context for each result.

Well, I can not tell you what is better for you.
You have to decide on your own.
What I can tell you is this: when you do Google search, you are not
going to get the most appropriate results. Because their filtering
is orders of magnitude less precise.

What you have told me is that you are woefully ignorant of how good 
Google results are. For example, search 'pyparsing'. First 3 hits are

Just what one would want to get info about and possibly download 
PyParsing. Compare that to a linear scan of 100s of titles under your 
general category 'parsing'.

There is currenly work going on to do internal site search that
will further increase precision.

A site search bar would improve its usefulness a lot.

Terry Jan Reedy


RE: C Module's '1.#INF' changes to 'inf' at Python

2010-01-11 Thread CELEN Erman
 (I also noticed that this behavior is same under standard NumPy 1.4 
 with standard Python 2.6 on Windows. If you call numpy.log10(0.0) you 
 will get an -inf and no exceptions will be raised. Which is not the 
 case with Python's standard math.log10(0.0) which will raise a 

 Correct. This is numpy's intended behavior. See numpy.seterr() to enable
 exceptions if you want them.

Numpy.seterr() doesn't seem to be working in case of log10(0.0) (output with 
all standard: Python2.6 with NumPy1.4 on Windows-32bit is below)

  Python 2.6.4 (r264:75708, Oct 26 2009, 08:23:19) [MSC v.1500 32 bit (Intel)] 
on win32
  Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.
   import numpy
  {'over': 'ignore', 'divide': 'ignore', 'invalid': 'ignore', 'under': 'ignore'}
   numpy.int16(32000) * numpy.int16(3)
  {'over': 'ignore', 'divide': 'ignore', 'invalid': 'ignore', 'under': 'ignore'}
   numpy.int16(32000) * numpy.int16(3)
  Traceback (most recent call last):
File stdin, line 1, in module
  FloatingPointError: overflow encountered in short_scalars
  {'over': 'raise', 'divide': 'raise', 'invalid': 'raise', 'under': 'raise'}

Also I'm pretty sure C's log10 (math.h) still sets errno to ERANGE (34) with 
both msvc8 and msvc9. That's why I thought a Numeric/Numpy wrapper might be 
involved but you are saying, if I'm not mistaken, math library's log10() 
function is called directly (without any special log10 wrappers) and only time 
Numeric changes errno is where it sets errno=0 before calling C's log10. 
Somehow, errno is not being set or gets changed/masked during this whole log10 
call procedure and this might also be the reason why current version of Numpy 
is missing the error even if we do numpy.seterr(all='raise').

So, why do you think errno is not being set under Python with Numeric.log10 (or 
numpy.log10() which also seems to have the same 'letting overflow error 
through' issue) ?

Thanks for your help,

Best Regards,

Ali Erman CELEN
Platform Specialists / Porting

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