Re: Win XP: How to hide command window for sub processes?

2009-11-04 Thread Rüdiger Ranft
klausfpga schrieb:
> On Oct 29, 11:25 am, Rüdiger Ranft <> wrote:

> Thanks Ruediger,
> I'll try that immediately tomorrow, when working again on a windows
> host.
> Good to know, that the Python API supports this.
> though this feature was not that easy to be found in the doc.

Well, getting the point from was easy. Finding the
documentation about STARTUPINFO in the MSDN was not. I better stop here
before this post turns into a rant about Mircosofts use of javascript.


Re: comparing alternatives to py2exe

2009-11-04 Thread Rüdiger Ranft
Maxim Khitrov schrieb:

> 1. I don't think cx_freeze supports single exe. I haven't even been
> able to get it to append the generated file to the
> executable using documented options. Other things like .pyd files
> always seem to be separate. At the same time, singe executables
> generated by py2exe do not always work. I have a program that works
> fine on Windows XP, Vista, and 7 if it is built under XP. However, if
> I build the exact same program under Windows 7, it no longer works on
> Vista or XP. I'm sure it has something to do with SxS or other dll
> issues.

I had similar issues with under Vista generated programs not running
under 2K (unfortunately I have to support it). This behavior came from
the .dll dependency tracking of py2exe, which included a OS .dll into
the dist output.

These are the steps I toke to find the offending .dll
* generated a "flat" directory (the .dll's not packed into
  with options = { [...], 'bundle_files': 3 }
* extracted the not loadable extension from
* examined the dependencies of this module with Microsoft's
  "Dependency Walker" (you can find it somewhere in the MSDN)
* added the superfluous .dll to the
  options = { [...], 'dll_excludes': ['offending.dll'] } parameter


Re: Win XP: How to hide command window for sub processes?

2009-10-29 Thread Rüdiger Ranft
klausfpga schrieb:
> Hi,
> I have a Python script which wants to start a subprocess and wait for
> it to finish.
> However I would like to have NO command window popping up during
> execution.

You need to specify the hide parameter for windows.

import subprocess
kwargs = {}
if subprocess.mswindows:
su = subprocess.STARTUPINFO()
su.dwFlags |= subprocess.STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW
su.wShowWindow = subprocess.SW_HIDE
kwargs['startupinfo'] = su
process = subprocess.Popen( (r'c:\python25\python.exe',
r'd:\projekte\'), **kwargs )


Re: user authorization (with one time login) in a Python desktop application ?

2009-09-30 Thread Rüdiger Ranft
Stef Mientki schrieb:

> By making use of the one time login on windows,
> I'm not sure, but I guess the user environment variable "USER"  should
> hold the vald user,
> which has probably a one-to-one relation with the SID
Environment variables are *very* easy to forge. But since you use
windows, you can let windows do all the security stuff for you. Since u
use sqlite, I guess that the database is stored on a file on a disk. You
can use the file permission to give access only to the users permitted
to access the file.

But when you want to separate access at dataset/column/row level, then
sqlite is not the best tool, since every user can open the database file
with an other sqlite tool. Encryption will only take more time for rogue
users, since the key needs to be stored in your application, and can be
read by the user. I would recommend a "real" database server in this
case, so the permission checks are out of the reach of the users. When u
have a kerberos or active directory environment, some servers even can
use kerberos to get the user name from the client.


Re: Re: Weird lambda behavior

2009-04-22 Thread Rüdiger Ranft
Chris Rebert schrieb:
> On Wed, Apr 22, 2009 at 4:50 AM, Rüdiger Ranft <> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I want to generate some methods in a class using setattr and lambda.
>> Within each generated function a name parameter to the function is
>> replaced by a string constant, to keep trail which function was called.
>> The problem I have is, that the substituted name parameter is not
>> replaced by the correct name of the function, but by the last name the
>> for loop has seen.
>> import unittest
>> class WidgetDummy:
>>'''This class records all calls to methods to an outer list'''
>>def __init__( self, name, calls ):
>>'''name is the name of the object, which gets included into a
>>call record. calls is the list where the calls are appended.'''
>> =ame
>>self.calls =alls
>>for fn in ( 'Clear', 'Append', 'foobar' ):
>>func =ambda *y,**z: self.__callFn__( fn, y, z )
>>setattr( self, fn, func )
> Common wart to run into as of late. fn (in the lambda) doesn't get
> evaluated until the call-time of the lambda, by which point the loop
> has finished and the loop variable has been changed to its final
> value, which is used by the lambda.

Doh! I wasn't aware of the point when the lambda expression is evaluated.

> Workaround:
> #exact syntax may vary with your version of Python, but you should be
> able to get the idea
> func =ambda *y,**z, fn=fn: self.__callFn__( fn, y, z )
> The default argument value gets evaluated at definition-time, thus
> forcing the right value of fn within the function.

Thank you, I replaced the direct assignment with a proxy function call,
and now it works.

def __init__( self, name, calls ): = name
self.calls = calls

def forceEval(x):
setattr( self, fn, lambda *y,**z: self.__callFn__(x, y, z) )

for fn in ( 'Clear', 'Append', 'foobar' ):

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Weird lambda behavior

2009-04-22 Thread Rüdiger Ranft
Hi all,

I want to generate some methods in a class using setattr and lambda.
Within each generated function a name parameter to the function is
replaced by a string constant, to keep trail which function was called.
The problem I have is, that the substituted name parameter is not
replaced by the correct name of the function, but by the last name the
for loop has seen.

import unittest

class WidgetDummy:
'''This class records all calls to methods to an outer list'''

def __init__( self, name, calls ):
'''name is the name of the object, which gets included into a
call record. calls is the list where the calls are appended.''' = name
self.calls = calls
for fn in ( 'Clear', 'Append', 'foobar' ):
func = lambda *y,**z: self.__callFn__( fn, y, z )
setattr( self, fn, func )

def __callFn__( self, fnName, *args ):
'''Add the function call to the call list'''
self.calls.append( (, fnName, args ) )

class Testcase( unittest.TestCase ):
def testFoo( self ):
calls = []
wd = WidgetDummy( 'foo', calls )
wd.Append( 23 )
self.assertEqual( [ ( 'foo', 'Append', ( 23, {} ) ) ], calls )


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Re: Re: get text from rogramms runn by subprocess.Popen immediatetly

2009-04-16 Thread Rüdiger Ranft
Diez B. Roggisch schrieb:
> Rüdiger Ranft schrieb:
>> Hi all,
>> I need to call some programms and catch their stdout and stderr streams.
>> While the Popen class from subprocess handles the call, I get the
>> results of the programm not until the programm finishes. Since the
>> output of the programm is used to generate a progress indicator, I need
>> a way to acces the values written to stdout/stderr as fast as possible.
> Use the communicate()-method of Popen-objects.

It gives the same behavior, the first call to communicate gets all text,
the second gives a closed handle error :(. I also tried
p.communicate(''), which gives the same as p.communicate(None) result.


from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
from time import sleep

p = Popen('./iodummy',stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, bufsize=2)
# now I expect '0\n1\n' in stderr
print 'Point1:', p.communicate(None)
print 'Point2:', p.communicate(None)

Point1: ('', '0\n1\n2\n3\n4\n5\n6\n7\n8\n9\n')
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 9, in ?
print 'Point2:', p.communicate('')
  File "/usr/lib/python2.4/", line 1028, in communicate
ValueError: I/O operation on closed file

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get text from rogramms runn by subprocess.Popen immediatetly

2009-04-16 Thread Rüdiger Ranft
Hi all,

I need to call some programms and catch their stdout and stderr streams.
While the Popen class from subprocess handles the call, I get the
results of the programm not until the programm finishes. Since the
output of the programm is used to generate a progress indicator, I need
a way to acces the values written to stdout/stderr as fast as possible.

Beneath is a test which shows what I did


8<---8<---8<-- iodummy.cpp -8<---8<---

int main()
for( int i = 0; i < 10; i++ )
std::cerr << i << std::endl;

from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
from time import sleep

p = Popen('./iodummy',stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
# now I expect '0\n1\n' in stderr, but read() blocks until
# the end of iodummy.

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