django-raster rendering raster url

2018-07-03 Thread Xristos Xristoou
i want to add raster functionality in django using postgis database using 
django-raster package and this docs

here my code :

from django.contrib.gis.db import models
class RasterWithName(models.Model):
raster = models.RasterField()
name = models.TextField()
add raster using console :

from django.contrib.gis.gdal import GDALRaster
from myapp.models import RasterWithName
gdal_raster = GDALRaster('C:/Users/username/Desktop/image.tif')
rast = RasterWithName(name='one', raster=gdal_raster)
but i am very confused with Rendering tiles and urls.

docs say :

/raster/tiles/layer_id/{z}/{x}/{y}.png where the layer_id is the primary key of 
a raster layer. This structure can be used directly in online mapping software 
such as OpenLayers or Leaflet. An example request could look like this: 
/raster/tiles/23/8/536/143.png, returning a tile in png format of the layer 
with ID pk=23 at zoom level z=8 and indexes x=536 and y=143

but indexes x,y mean some random x,y coordinate in image ?anyway i using this 
url or x,y in my image) and i 
take a black window in my browser,any idea where i have wrong in my url 
rendering ?

file download using django and javascript

2018-05-17 Thread Xristos Xristoou

i have create a django app with REST JSON API and i fill html table in web page 
from my JSON.

here some examples

javascript snippets :

var field22=document.getElementById('f22');;

var field23=document.getElementById('f23');;

html :


  id :
   file :

i have parse my JSON in table with success but in the file field now i have a 
simple text from image path.

Now i want in this path to have some hyperlink(or button) for download this 

any idea how to do this because i stack ?i dont know how to connection 
javasscript with my download or how to download this file using javascript

django app code

class MyModel(models.Model):
file_1 = models.FileField(upload_to='documents/',blank=True, null=True)

simple test django donwload :

def download(request, id):
f = StringIO()
zip = zipfile.ZipFile(f, 'w')
product_file_url = product_file.file_1.url
file_url = settings.MEDIA_ROOT + product_file_url[6:]
filename = product_file_url[6:].split('/')[-1]
response = HttpResponse(f.getvalue(), content_type="application/zip")
response['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment;'
return response


Re: PyQt4 QWebView cant load google maps markers

2018-03-23 Thread Xristos Xristoou
tell some solution ?yes you are correct for some seconds show me the mark but 
only for some seconds.can i update my pyqt4 to show me the mark ?

PyQt4 QWebView cant load google maps markers

2018-03-22 Thread Xristos Xristoou

I want to create a simple python app using pyqt,QWebView and google maps with 

The problem is that,the markers does not load inside the QWebView, as you can 
see they load just fine in the browser. 

here the simple code : 

 import sys 
 from PyQt4.QtCore import * 
 from PyQt4.QtGui import * 
 from PyQt4.QtWebKit import * 
 import os 
 app = QApplication(sys.argv) 
 web_view= dialog.findChild(QWebView,"webView") 

error message : 
right click and select Inspect, then go to console and observe the messages 
console I take this error : 

TypeError: 'undefined' is not a function (evaluating 'this.D.bind(this)') 

Any idea how to can fix that ? 
I need to add more settings to QWebView to work google maps with markers ?

PyQt4 QWebView cant load google maps markers

2018-03-22 Thread Xristos Xristoou

I want to create a simple python app using pyqt,QWebView and google maps with 

The problem is that,the markers does not load inside the QWebView, as you can 
see they load just fine in the browser. 

here the simple code :

 import sys
 from PyQt4.QtCore import *
 from PyQt4.QtGui import *
 from PyQt4.QtWebKit import *
 import os
 app = QApplication(sys.argv)
 web_view= dialog.findChild(QWebView,"webView")

error message :
right click and select Inspect, then go to console and observe the messages 
console I take this error :

TypeError: 'undefined' is not a function (evaluating 'this.D.bind(this)') 

Any idea how to can fix that ?
I need to add more settings to QWebView to work google maps with markers ?

DJANGO app loose path from batch file

2017-11-06 Thread Xristos Xristoou
I try to learn more about Django celery and rabbitmq to create some async tasks 
and I have some question.
Some programs can provide PYTHON API to can some development to use modules 
from this program in python.
one most way to take that PYTHON API from this program is to use batch file 
like this :
@echo off
SET PROGRAM_ROOT=C:\main-folder
call "%PROGRAM_ROOT%"\bin\some-batch-file.bat

SET PYCHARM="C:\Program Files\JetBrains\PyCharm 2017.1.5\bin\pycharm64.exe"


start "PyCharm aware of PROGRAM" /B %PYCHARM% %*
if I run this batch file can I use all imports and modules from this program.
that to release if add celery in my app and broker url rabbitmq server then if 
i use some module or some import from this python api then I take error message 
: no module name some_module_from_program (for all other modules celery and 
rabbitmq app work fine).
that mean in celery and rabbitmq server loose that paths from batch file and I 
take this error.
my question how to can define rabbitmq server to start server with that paths 
like batch file before to avoid this error?

django celery delay function dont exetute

2017-10-29 Thread Xristos Xristoou
hello I want to use celery tasks in my Django project and I try to follow this 
very good tutorial from Mr.Vitor Freitas.

but in my case and if try to run it that tutorial project i don't get results 
back the functions don't execute and in my case and in tutorial(i take message 
to wait and refresh and nothing after refresh).

Any idea Why ?

I think so the problem maybe is in RABBITQM server ?some configuration ?

Just install Erlang(otp_win64_20.1.exe) and after 

here example code :

CELERY_BROKER_URL = 'amqp://localhost'

from __future__ import absolute_import
import os
from celery import Celery

os.environ.setdefault('DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE', 'mysite.settings')

app = Celery('mysite')
app.config_from_object('django.conf:settings', namespace='CELERY')

import string

from django.contrib.auth.models import User
from django.utils.crypto import get_random_string

from celery import shared_task

def create_random_user_accounts(total):
for i in range(total):
username = 'user_{}'.format(get_random_string(10, string.ascii_letters))
email = '{}'.format(username)
password = get_random_string(50)
User.objects.create_user(username=username, email=email, 
return '{} random users created with success!'.format(total)
_ _init_

from .celery import app as celery_app

__all__ = ['celery_app']

from django.contrib.auth.models import User
from django.contrib import messages
from django.views.generic import TemplateView
from django.views.generic.list import ListView
from django.views.generic.edit import FormView
from django.shortcuts import redirect

from .forms import GenerateRandomUserForm
from .tasks import create_random_user_accounts

class UsersListView(ListView):
template_name = 'core/users_list.html'
model = User

class GenerateRandomUserView(FormView):
template_name = 'core/generate_random_users.html'
form_class = GenerateRandomUserForm

def form_valid(self, form):
total = form.cleaned_data.get('total')
messages.success(self.request, 'We are generating your random users! 
Wait a moment and refresh this page.')
return redirect('users_list')
here details after cd my project path > celery -A mysite worker -l info :

C:\Windows\System32>cd C:\Users\username\Desktop\django-celery-example-master

C:\Users\username\Desktop\django-celery-example-master>celery -A mysite worker 
-l info

 -- celery@pc name v4.1.0 (latentcall)
--- * ***  * -- Windows-8-6.2.9200 2017-10-29 18:10:24
-- * -  ---
- ** -- [config]
- ** -- .> app: mysite:0x404e5c0
- ** -- .> transport:   amqp://guest:**@localhost:5672//
- ** -- .> results: disabled://
- *** --- * --- .> concurrency: 4 (prefork)
-- ***  .> task events: OFF (enable -E to monitor tasks in this worker)
--- * -
 -- [queues]
.> celery   exchange=celery(direct) key=celery

  . mysite.core.tasks.create_random_user_accounts

[2017-10-29 18:10:24,596: CRITICAL/MainProcess] Unrecoverable error: 
TypeError('must be integer, not _subprocess_handle',)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\celery\worker\", line 203, in 
  File "C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\celery\", line 119, in start
  File "C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\celery\", line 370, in start
return self.obj.start()
  File "C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\celery\concurrency\", line 131, in 
  File "C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\celery\concurrency\", line 112, 
in on_start
  File "C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\billiard\", line 1007, in __init__
  File "C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\billiard\", line 1116, in 
  File "C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\billiard\", line 124, in start
self._popen = self._Popen(self)
  File "C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\billiard\", line 383, in _Popen
return Popen(process_obj)
  File "C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\billiard\", line 64, 
in __init__
TypeError: must be integer, not _subprocess_handle
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 1, in 
  File "C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\billiard\", line 159, in 
new_handle = steal_handle(parent_pid, pipe_handle)
  File "C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\billiard\", line 126, in 
WindowsError: [Error 6]

Re: django project avoid reload page where work algorithm

2017-10-08 Thread Xristos Xristoou
Τη Κυριακή, 8 Οκτωβρίου 2017 - 10:48:38 μ.μ. UTC+3, ο χρήστης Richard Damon 
> On 10/8/17 11:58 AM, Xristos Xristoou wrote:
> > Τη Κυριακή, 8 Οκτωβρίου 2017 - 6:35:28 μ.μ. UTC+3, ο χρήστης MRAB έγραψε:
> >> On 2017-10-08 15:27, Xristos Xristoou wrote:
> > 
> >> Do you mean "long reload"?
> > 
> > user can put some numbers in my html template and i take that numbers and i 
> > sue it in specific mathematical algorithm that algorithm to create result 
> > need time  between 5-10 minutes in that time browser stay on reload...that 
> > i mean
> > 
> It sounds like the fundamental problem is that you are doing the 
> calculation in the web page handler. This means that the browser will be 
> stuck in the page load until the calculation finishes, and that if the 
> user aborts the access (or loses connection) then the web page handler 
> is aborted.
> What you need to do is rather than doing the calculation in the page 
> handler, you need to kick off an independent process to do the 
> calculation, and then immediately finish the page (maybe giving the use 
> a link to a page they can check to see if a result is available).

yes this is nice can you help me to do that?

Re: django project avoid reload page where work algorithm

2017-10-08 Thread Xristos Xristoou
Τη Κυριακή, 8 Οκτωβρίου 2017 - 6:35:28 μ.μ. UTC+3, ο χρήστης MRAB έγραψε:
> On 2017-10-08 15:27, Xristos Xristoou wrote:

> Do you mean "long reload"?

user can put some numbers in my html template and i take that numbers and i sue 
it in specific mathematical algorithm that algorithm to create result need time 
 between 5-10 minutes in that time browser stay on reload...that i mean

Re: django project avoid reload page where work algorithm

2017-10-08 Thread Xristos Xristoou

> You can use the smtplib module to send an email.

ok but how to avoid pong reload on page ?can you help me ?

Re: django project avoid reload page where work algorithm

2017-10-08 Thread Xristos Xristoou

> You mentioned email, so why not just ask for an email address to which 
> you will send the result?

i have user email from register i need to do all automate,how to use celery for 
this ?

django project avoid reload page where work algorithm

2017-10-07 Thread Xristos Xristoou
I have a website where the user can be put three numbers on my html template 
and get some results from my personal mathematical algorithm. the result save 
at user personal table on my database and can see in specific tab in my website.
my problem is where the algorithm to calculate result maybe take time between 
5-10 minutes in this time the browser stay on reload. if user change tab or 
close browser or maybe have problem with internet connection then loose that 
request and need again to put the numbers and again wait for results.
I want after the user request from my form in html to keep this request and 
work my algorithm without reload the page and where the algorithm finish then 
to send the user some email or message or just need the user visit the tab of 
results to see new results.
that I want to avoid the problems where the algorithm is in running and user 
loose data or request or time.
is easy to do that using suproccess,celery or RabbitMQ ?
any idea ?
here the code
def math_alg(request):
if request.method == "POST":
test = request.POST.get('no1')
test = request.POST.get('no3')
test = request.POST.get('no3')
#start algorith
instance = rmodel.objects.create(user=request.user,rfield=result)
return render(request, 'page.html', {'result': result})
html :
{% csrf_token %}
  op math calculate:

{{result }}


python multiprocessing

2017-10-07 Thread Xristos Xristoou
I have three functions in the python that each one puts an image (image path) 
as input and makes a simple image processing and creates a new image (image 
path) as output.
in the example below, one function depends on the other, ie: the function of 
alg2 takes as input the image that generates the function of alg and the 
function of alg3 assign as input the image that generates the function of alg2 
which depends on the function of alg1.
(I hope you do not mind basically)
because of their relatively high execution time (image processing is that) I 
would like to ask if I can to parallelize them using python multiprocessing. I 
have read about multiprocessing map and pool but I was pretty confused .
whenever I summarize I have three interdependent functions and I would like to 
run them together if done. I would also like to know how I would perform these 
three functions in a contemporary way if they were not interdependent, ie each 
was autonomous.

def alg1(input_path_image,output_path_image):
start = timeit.default_timer()
stop = timeit.default_timer()
print stop - start
return output_path_image

def alg1(output_path_image,output_path_image1):
start = timeit.default_timer()
stop = timeit.default_timer()
print stop - start
return output_path_image1

def alg3(output_path_image1,output_path_image2):
start = timeit.default_timer()
stop = timeit.default_timer()
print stop - start
return output_path_image2

if __name__ == '__main__':

python multiprocessing question

2017-09-03 Thread Xristos Xristoou

i have create a 4 function using python(f1,f2,f3,f4) and i have 4 cores in my 

def f1()

def f2()

def f3()

def f4()

that functions operate independently of each other but how to use 
multiprocessing to define the cores to
work that functions parallel to win some time ?
sorry i am very new and i need some help or some example.

automatically set field values in django using function

2017-08-29 Thread Xristos Xristoou
I need t define some values of fields automatically in my model using function. 
my function get input image path and calculate and I need that calculation 
results to define my database fields in Django.
but first the upload image need to get the path in server and after i can to 
define the values..

i will test this but myfunc cant understand the image path from upload image.
here the code :

def myview(request):
uploadimages = UploadImagesForm(request.POST or None, request.FILES or None)
if uploadimages.is_valid():
# Get the images that have been browsed
if request.FILES.get('multipleimages', None) is not None:
images = request.FILES.getlist('multipleimages')
for image in images:
instance = MyModel.objects.create(field1=request.user, 
instance.field3 = myfunc(image)
instance.field4 = myfunc(image)

Re: python script is slowly after use multiprocessing

2017-07-04 Thread Xristos Xristoou
@MRAB tell me your proposal for this ?
@Ben Bacarisse  i dont get some error,i have wrong map ?


python script is slowly after use multiprocessing

2017-07-03 Thread Xristos Xristoou
i have create an image processing python function.

my system have 4 cores + 4 threads.

i want to use multiprocessing to speed up my function,but anytime to use 
multiprocessing packages my function is not faster and is 1 minute slowly. any 
idea why ?first time use multiprocessing packages.

main function :

if __name__ == '__main__':
myfun(in_path, out_path)
time=3.4 minutes

with multiprocessing map :

if __name__ == '__main__':
p = Pool(processes=4)
result =,out_path))
time=4.4 minutes

if __name__ == '__main__':
pool = multiprocessing.Pool(4)
pool.apply_async(myfun, args=(in_path,out_path,))
time=4.5 minutes

Re: DJANGO cannot import name _compare_digest

2017-06-28 Thread Xristos Xristoou
i dont have '' in my system only '' and 

if :
import sys
print sys.modules['operator']

i get this :

that say me 

how to rename it?

DJANGO cannot import name _compare_digest

2017-06-28 Thread Xristos Xristoou

hello i have python 7.13

DJANGO 1.11.2 version

django-crypto 0.20 version on windows 10.

i want to create a DJANGO app but anytime to try to migrate i take

that error :

from django.utils.crypto import get_random_string
  File "C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\django\utils\", line 8, in 

import hmac
  File "C:\Python27\Lib\", line 8, in 
from operator import _compare_digest as compare_digest
ImportError: cannot import name _compare_digest

how to fix it ?

json to access using python

2017-06-18 Thread Xristos Xristoou

I have a json url and i want from this url to update my table in microsoft 
access,how to do that using python or some tool of microsoft access ?

Re: python and post gis question

2017-06-18 Thread Xristos Xristoou
Τη Παρασκευή, 16 Ιουνίου 2017 - 10:59:10 μ.μ. UTC+3, ο χρήστης Xristos Xristoou 
> I have create a python script where use post gis queries to automate some 
> intersection tasks using postgis database.
> in my database I have polygons,points and lines.
> here my snippet code of my script :
>  try:
> if str(geomtype) == 'point':
> geomtype = 1
> elif str(geomtype) == 'linestring':
> geomtype = 2
> elif str(geomtype) == 'polygon':
> geomtype = 3
> else:
> raise TypeError()
> sql = "\nDROP TABLE IF EXISTS {0}.{1};\nCREATE TABLE {0}.{1} AS (SELECT 
> {4},\n(st_dump(ST_CollectionExtract(st_intersection(dbgis.{2}.shape,dbgis.{3}.shape)::GEOMETRY(GEOMETRY,2345),{5}))).geom
>  AS shape\nFROM  dbgis.{2}, dbgis.{3} WHERE 
> st_intersects(dbgis.{2}.shape,dbgis.{3}.shape) AND {5}=3);\nCREATE INDEX 
> idx_{2}_{3}_{6} ON {0}.{1} USING GIST (shape);\nALTER TABLE {0}.{1} ADD 
> COLUMN id SERIAL;\nALTER TABLE {0}.{1} ADD COLUMN my_area double 
> precision;\nUPDATE {0}.{1} SET my_area = ST_AREA(shape::GEOMETRY);\nALTER 
> pop_g_col('{0}.{1}'::REGCLASS);\nGRANT ALL ON {0}.{1} TO GROUP u_cl;\nGRANT 
> ALL ON {0}.{1} TO GROUP my_user;\n-- VACUUM ANALYZE 
> {0}.{1};\n".format(schema, table, tablea, tableb, selects, geomtype, id_gen())
> return sql
> this post gis sql query work nice but I need the new field where I want to 
> add my_area to create only for polygons layers.
> that code create for all layers (lines,points,polygons) that field my_area if 
> layer is point or line then take value 0 I don't like that I don't need it.
> how to change this code to create my_area only in polygons ?

i wabt to ccreate a new  field only in polygons layera

Re: python and post gis question

2017-06-17 Thread Xristos Xristoou
Τη Παρασκευή, 16 Ιουνίου 2017 - 10:59:10 μ.μ. UTC+3, ο χρήστης Xristos Xristoou 
> I have create a python script where use post gis queries to automate some 
> intersection tasks using postgis database.
> in my database I have polygons,points and lines.
> here my snippet code of my script :
>  try:
> if str(geomtype) == 'point':
> geomtype = 1
> elif str(geomtype) == 'linestring':
> geomtype = 2
> elif str(geomtype) == 'polygon':
> geomtype = 3
> else:
> raise TypeError()
> sql = "\nDROP TABLE IF EXISTS {0}.{1};\nCREATE TABLE {0}.{1} AS (SELECT 
> {4},\n(st_dump(ST_CollectionExtract(st_intersection(dbgis.{2}.shape,dbgis.{3}.shape)::GEOMETRY(GEOMETRY,2345),{5}))).geom
>  AS shape\nFROM  dbgis.{2}, dbgis.{3} WHERE 
> st_intersects(dbgis.{2}.shape,dbgis.{3}.shape) AND {5}=3);\nCREATE INDEX 
> idx_{2}_{3}_{6} ON {0}.{1} USING GIST (shape);\nALTER TABLE {0}.{1} ADD 
> COLUMN id SERIAL;\nALTER TABLE {0}.{1} ADD COLUMN my_area double 
> precision;\nUPDATE {0}.{1} SET my_area = ST_AREA(shape::GEOMETRY);\nALTER 
> pop_g_col('{0}.{1}'::REGCLASS);\nGRANT ALL ON {0}.{1} TO GROUP u_cl;\nGRANT 
> ALL ON {0}.{1} TO GROUP my_user;\n-- VACUUM ANALYZE 
> {0}.{1};\n".format(schema, table, tablea, tableb, selects, geomtype, id_gen())
> return sql
> this post gis sql query work nice but I need the new field where I want to 
> add my_area to create only for polygons layers.
> that code create for all layers (lines,points,polygons) that field my_area if 
> layer is point or line then take value 0 I don't like that I don't need it.
> how to change this code to create my_area only in polygons ?

what you mean where?

python and post gis question

2017-06-16 Thread Xristos Xristoou
I have create a python script where use post gis queries to automate some 
intersection tasks using postgis database.

in my database I have polygons,points and lines.

here my snippet code of my script :

if str(geomtype) == 'point':
geomtype = 1
elif str(geomtype) == 'linestring':
geomtype = 2
elif str(geomtype) == 'polygon':
geomtype = 3
raise TypeError()
sql = "\nDROP TABLE IF EXISTS {0}.{1};\nCREATE TABLE {0}.{1} AS (SELECT 
 AS shape\nFROM  dbgis.{2}, dbgis.{3} WHERE 
st_intersects(dbgis.{2}.shape,dbgis.{3}.shape) AND {5}=3);\nCREATE INDEX 
idx_{2}_{3}_{6} ON {0}.{1} USING GIST (shape);\nALTER TABLE {0}.{1} ADD COLUMN 
id SERIAL;\nALTER TABLE {0}.{1} ADD COLUMN my_area double precision;\nUPDATE 
{0}.{1} SET my_area = ST_AREA(shape::GEOMETRY);\nALTER TABLE {0}.{1} ADD 
PRIMARY KEY (id);\nSELECT pop_g_col('{0}.{1}'::REGCLASS);\nGRANT ALL ON {0}.{1} 
TO GROUP u_cl;\nGRANT ALL ON {0}.{1} TO GROUP my_user;\n-- VACUUM ANALYZE 
{0}.{1};\n".format(schema, table, tablea, tableb, selects, geomtype, id_gen())
return sql
this post gis sql query work nice but I need the new field where I want to add 
my_area to create only for polygons layers.

that code create for all layers (lines,points,polygons) that field my_area if 
layer is point or line then take value 0 I don't like that I don't need it.

how to change this code to create my_area only in polygons ?

dont exetute my exe after decompile and change code

2017-06-14 Thread Xristos Xristoou

i have an .exe file where file compiled by py2exe in my .exe folder i have some 
.dll files one .exe file and file and inside this zip i have to 
many .pyccombile files.

i have decompile this files from using this program and that 
program create me new file where i can see and change my code.

i have open this file where i need and i change my code using python editor and 
finaly i save as new script code with the some name and extension .pyc with 
purpose to replace first .pyc.

zip again library folder and i try to run .exe prgram but after the changes the 
program dont exetute.

where step i have wrong in my task ?i need with the some way to re-compile 
again ?

How to decompile an exe file compiled by py2exe?

2017-06-13 Thread Xristos Xristoou

How to decompile an exe file compiled by py2exe?
in my file i have a file i dont if that help this work.

i need some easy because i am very new i try some programs but without results.

take select request from django from

2017-04-16 Thread Xristos Xristoou

hello i have create a select django form with list of images for per user.

How to take that select request in my ?

i have success only to create correct that select list but i need take that 
select request but i dont know how.

class MyModel(models.Model):
user = models.ForeignKey(User, unique=True)
upload = models.ImageField(upload_to='upload')

def carlist(request):
Myform = MyModelForm(user=request.user)
return render(request,'about.html',{'Myform':Myform})

select django form :

class MyModelForm(ModelForm):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
# extract "user" from kwrags (passed upon form init)
if 'user' in kwargs:
self.user = kwargs.pop('user')
super(MyModelForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
# generate the choices as (display, value). 
# Display is the one that'll be shown to user, value is 
# the one that'll be sent upon submitting 
# (the "value" attribute of )
choices = MyModel.objects.filter(user=self.user).values_list('upload', 
self.fields['upload'].widget = Select(choices=choices)

class Meta:
model = MyModel
fields = ('upload',)

html :

{% csrf_token %}
  {{ Myform}}

for example Myform now have a list of user images that is correct but after 
from that i need the select images from the form.

can do it that with my code or not ?

how to get image url from django form

2017-04-15 Thread Xristos Xristoou
i have create a simple django form where the authentication user can select one 
of personal images where have upload before and i want do something with that 
request in my

but i dont know how to take the image url from that request in my view because 
first i using request.user in the form to take only self user images and i dont 
know how to continue and finaly i take that images url.

the form work great show me only the self user images

any idea ?

here the code

def carlist(request):
Myform = MyModelForm(user=request.user)
return render(request,'about.html',{'Myform':Myform})

select django form :

class MyModelForm(ModelForm):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
# extract "user" from kwrags (passed upon form init)
if 'user' in kwargs:
self.user = kwargs.pop('user')
super(MyModelForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
# generate the choices as (display, value). Display is the one that'll 
be shown to user, value is the one that'll be sent upon submitting (the "value" 
attribute of )
choices = MyModel.objects.filter(user=self.user).values_list('upload', 
self.fields['upload'].widget = Select(choices=choices)

class Meta:
model = MyModel
fields = ('upload',)

html :

{% csrf_token %}
  {{ Myform}}


django user images

2017-04-11 Thread Xristos Xristoou

if i want to create a query in django with to take all images and preview that 
list in html like easy work.

but if want in html page preview only the personal images where login user what 
changes i need in my code ?
class MyModel(models.Model):
user = models.ForeignKey(User, unique=True)
photo = models.ImageField(upload_to='images')

class BasicUploadView(request):
photos_list = Photo.objects.all()
return render(request, 'photos/basic_upload/index.html', {'photos': 

html page :

  {% for photo in photos %}

  {{ }}

  {% endfor %}

auth select chooses in

2017-04-09 Thread Xristos Xristoou
I have read this code in this question and look nice. but if I have user auth 
and I want user select only your odjects how to change that code ?for ex 
chooses your personal upload images.
from django.forms.widgets import Select
class ProvinceForm(ModelForm):
class Meta:
CHOICES = Province.objects.all()

model = Province
fields = ('name',)
widgets = {
'name': Select(choices=( (, for x in CHOICES )),
my model :
class MyModel(models.Model):
user = models.ForeignKey(User, unique=True)
upload = models.ImageField(upload_to='images')

django add images to from

2017-04-01 Thread Xristos Xristoou
I create a simple Django authentication app and work fine. now I want to add a 
python script where to can do some simple image processing. my python script 
for processing work fine and I put in the my question is the new 
image created from the script how to can add back to image from mymodel ?first 
must be save temporarily ? can I do this ? sorry I am new.
class MyModel(models.Model):
user = models.ForeignKey(to=settings.AUTH_USER_MODEL)
image = models.ImageField(upload_to=generate_path(self.user))
class CronForm(forms.Form):
days = forms.ModelChoiceField(queryset=MyModel.objects.all)
def show_something(request,user_id):
   user = UserProfile.objects.get(user__id=user_id)
   form = CronForm()
   if request.method == "POST":
  form = CronForm(request.POST)
  if form.is_valid:
 #  do image processing
 #  do image processing
 # and finaly ta ke new image from the image processing like 
  return HttpResponseRedirect(...) 
  errors = form.errors or None
   return render(request, 'path/to/template.html',{
  'form': form,
  'errors': errors,

django authentication multi upload files

2017-03-30 Thread Xristos Xristoou
I have create I simple Django auth project and I need to add the user to can 
upload some images. multi upload images from internet
from django.shortcuts import render
from django.http import HttpResponse

def Form(request):
return render(request, "index/form.html", {})

def Upload(request):
for count, x in enumerate(request.FILES.getlist("files")):
def process(f):
with open('/Users/Michel/django_1.8/projects/upload/media/file_' + 
str(count), 'wb+') as destination:
for chunk in f.chunks():
return HttpResponse("File(s) uploaded!")
but how to define that to multi upload images in specific unique folder for any 
user. first I use login_required and in destination I use user_directory_path. 
But how to define the code in the to work with authentication per 
user. for example for user_1 upload images in your folder for user_1 in folder 
for user_2.
def user_directory_path(instance, filename):
return 'user_{0}/{1}'.format(, filename)

class MyModel(models.Model):
user = models.ForeignKey(User, unique=True)
upload = models.ImageField(upload_to=user_directory_path)

add processing images in the using django

2017-03-30 Thread Xristos Xristoou
want to create a simple image processing using Django. my tasks is easy I have 
some user a simple model and that user can upload images in my project using 
html form or django form and then that images saves to upload_to='mypath' in 
upload from my model. but I have some questions :
I have a simple image processing in my if the processing complete 
success then create new image and I want that image to add in the upload from 
my model .
how to do that in Django ?
class MyModel(models.Model):
user = models.ForeignKey(User)
upload = models.ImageField(upload_to='mypath/personal/folder/per/user')
def index(request):
form = ImageUploadForm(request.POST or None, request.FILES or None)
if request.method == "POST" and form.is_valid():
image_file = request.FILES['image'].read()
image processing new image

return render_to_response("blog/success.html", {"new image":new image})
return render_to_response('blog/images.html', {'form': form}, 

Re: relative paths connect using python

2017-03-20 Thread Xristos Xristoou
Τη Δευτέρα, 20 Μαρτίου 2017 - 7:05:33 μ.μ. UTC+2, ο χρήστης Xristos Xristoou 
> i have a little confused problem. i want to store some paths from images 
> using python 2.7 in windows 10.
> i have some relative path like this var1='C:/my/store/path' and in the final 
> folder where in my example is the name 'path' inside that folder i have some 
> images like this :
> -path
> can i connect my relative path like var1 with the images using only the 
> number of the mid name of images and finaly i take the full original path 
> like this var1='C:/my/store/path/myimage_1010_im.png' ?
> i try something but not work 
> import os
> cwd = os.getcwd()
> path = os.path.join(cwd, "my_file")

i want like this
path = os.path.join(cwd, a")
print path

and the path i need full absolute path like this : 

in my first code i dont have error but i take wrong for me path not full

relative paths connect using python

2017-03-20 Thread Xristos Xristoou
i have a little confused problem. i want to store some paths from images using 
python 2.7 in windows 10.
i have some relative path like this var1='C:/my/store/path' and in the final 
folder where in my example is the name 'path' inside that folder i have some 
images like this :
can i connect my relative path like var1 with the images using only the number 
of the mid name of images and finaly i take the full original path like this 
var1='C:/my/store/path/myimage_1010_im.png' ?
i try something but not work 
import os
cwd = os.getcwd()
path = os.path.join(cwd, "my_file")

Re: python script Non-ASCII character

2017-03-19 Thread Xristos Xristoou
Τη Κυριακή, 19 Μαρτίου 2017 - 7:38:19 μ.μ. UTC+2, ο χρήστης Xristos Xristoou 
@Terry non-ascii in pathnames i need for ex :var1="C:\Users\username\Desktop\my 
language\mylanguage\myfile" and for the blank ?

Re: python script Non-ASCII character

2017-03-19 Thread Xristos Xristoou
Τη Κυριακή, 19 Μαρτίου 2017 - 7:38:19 μ.μ. UTC+2, ο χρήστης Xristos Xristoou 
yes that i know but i need python 2.7 for my task

Re: python script Non-ASCII character

2017-03-19 Thread Xristos Xristoou
Τη Κυριακή, 19 Μαρτίου 2017 - 7:38:19 μ.μ. UTC+2, ο χρήστης Xristos Xristoou 

how to define my script with  encoding of ISO-8859-7 or  UTF-8?and for the 
blanks ?


python script Non-ASCII character

2017-03-19 Thread Xristos Xristoou
hello i have create a python script when read some files using paths and do 
something with that files.
if that paths for files is in english likes this "c:/my_path/english " then 
python script  working but if that paths is in my main language or the path 
have some blank character then not working and i take that error :

SyntaxError: Non-ASCII character '\xce' in file on line 15, but no 
encoding declared; 

can i fix that in python 2.7.13 ? can i find some solution to python read paths 
in my main language or paths with blanks?


Re: python and databases

2017-03-15 Thread Xristos Xristoou
Τη Τρίτη, 14 Μαρτίου 2017 - 9:59:42 μ.μ. UTC+2, ο χρήστης Xristos Xristoou 
first thx for response second i cant use additional packate because i build 
tool for other python program and that use standar python only,
sqlite is in standar python 2.7 @Irmen de Jong  ?
can use quyries in CSV @ Irving Duran @Chris Angelico  ?

python and databases

2017-03-14 Thread Xristos Xristoou
I have a database in  microsoft ACCESS with about 150 records.. if I want to 
get some data from this database using  a query in python and i want to store 
in some variables in python that will do this ? to avoid the 150 if ...: Using 
the standard library the python? know easily put it an SQL query but i canot 
use additional library python.

python and pyqt4

2017-03-14 Thread Xristos Xristoou
i will want to create a simple python script with pyqt4 and Q designer where 
the user put a number (line_edit) and if that number is something the user take 
back three new codes(lineEdit_2,lineEdit_3,lineEdit_4) and if user press 
ok(buttonBox) then plugin do something else in the some GUI.
for that i create a new additional pushButton in Qdesigner and i create 
additional def function(run1) for execute code for pushButton.

first i add new pushbutton in __init__ :
def __init__(self, iface):
self.dlg = pluginDialog()

plugin work without error but dont show me the codes 
(lineEdit_2,lineEdit_3,lineEdit_4) in the plugin window if i press 
any idea ? my python code :

def run1(self):
distance = str(self.dlg.lineEdit.text())
if distance==0:

def run(self):
result = self.dlg.exec_()

if result:

and i try to replace run1 with :

def run1(self):
result = self.dlg.exec_()
if result:
distance = str(self.dlg.lineEdit.text())
if distance==0:

but no change.

python/gui question

2017-03-09 Thread Xristos Xristoou
i want to create a very simple python plugin using QT designer but i an not 
sure how to connect my variable from gui to my python script.
my gui is simple have only one lineEdit and ok or cancel.
in the gui (widget):




def run(self):
result = self.dlg.exec_()
if result:
distance = self.dlg.lineEdit.value()
if distance == 0:
#do something
#do sothing else

i test this code but dont work dont show me anything. any idea ?

DJANGO image processing

2017-02-11 Thread Xristos Xristoou
I want to create a django app with the base64 help where the users can upload 
images(specific ".tiff" ext) using DJANGO forms without model and without that 
images store in my server. and i will the users can be get back new processing 
i have success with encode/decode image with base64 and i can display that 
image in template using safari because that can display TIFF images.
here the code :
def convert_to_base64(image_file):
base64_string = base64.encodestring(image_file)
return "data:image/png;base64,"+base64_string

def index(request):
form = ImageUploadForm(request.POST or None, request.FILES or None)
if request.method == "POST" and form.is_valid():
image_file = request.FILES['image'].read()
base64_string = convert_to_base64(image_file)
file = base64_string.decode('utf8')
   return render_to_response("blog/success.html", {"image_file":file})
return render_to_response('blog/calc.html', {'form': form}, 
my problem is now after the base64 i cant use that image for image 
processing(work fine in standalone python script) and i take two error :
RuntimeError at /
not a string in the browser
and that message in command line :
"GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 346
ERROR 4: `II*' does not exist in the file system,
and is not recognised as a supported dataset name.
here the code :
def index(request):
form = ImageUploadForm(request.POST or None, request.FILES or None)
if request.method == "POST" and form.is_valid():
image_file = request.FILES['image'].read()
base64_string = convert_to_base64(image_file)

file = base64_string.decode('utf8')
file_like = cStringIO.StringIO(image_file)
flow_direction_uri = "output.tif"
routing.flow_direction_d_inf(file_like, flow_direction_uri)
return render_to_response("blog/success.html", {"image_file":file})
return render_to_response('blog/calc.html', {'form': form}, 
and if i use file = base64_string.decode('utf8') as input in my function then i 
take that error :
AttributeError at /
'NoneType' object has no attribute 'GetRasterBand'
and in command line i take to like that :
with to many lines.

image handling(donwloading/display) in django using html and form

2017-02-04 Thread Xristos Xristoou

i want to do some image processing using Django and now work and on the image 
handling(donwloading/display) using Django. first on my task i dont want to 
store that images on my server. but i have some problems.
that my code :
from django.conf.urls import url
from . import views

urlpatterns = [
#url(r'^$',views.index, name='index'),
url(r'^$',views.calc, name='calc'),


{% csrf_token %}
{{ form.as_p }}

{{ flow_direction_uri.url }}
from django import forms

class ImageUploadForm(forms.Form):
"""Image upload form."""
image = forms.ImageField()
from django.shortcuts import render
from django.shortcuts import render_to_response
from django.template import RequestContext
from pygeoprocessing import routing
from django import forms
from blog.forms import ImageUploadForm

def calc(request):
form = ImageUploadForm()
if request.method == "POST" and form.is_valid():
image_file = request.FILES['image']
'''do something image process'''
'''and finaly i take that output in standalone python script out of 
outpu1 = "outpu1.tif"
outpu2 = "outpu2.tif"
outpu3 = "outpu3.tif"
outpu4 = "outpu4.tif"

return render_to_response ('blog/calc.html', {'form':form,'output1':output1}, 
and i take that error :
UnboundLocalError at /
local variable 'output1' referenced before assignment
but i thing so its not that error why if i change to response request to 
{return render_to_response ('blog/calc.html', {'form':form}, 
` dont show me that error i can see in the browser two buttons where i can 
choose image from my files and submit button but i thing so that do nothing.
maybe to use html forms and no Django forms ?


2017-01-31 Thread Xristos Xristoou
who is the better method to take images from uses(visitors) on my web site
and to return the new images(processing) back to users using DJANGO?
i am new i dont know how to connect my python script with the html templetes to 
take the images and how to return?
for example my script take images paths to processing new images with new paths.

Re: count points where is within the polygons using shapely and fiona

2017-01-30 Thread Xristos Xristoou
tell your proposal to count

count points where is within the polygons using shapely and fiona

2017-01-29 Thread Xristos Xristoou
i tried to count points from the point shapefile where is within in the polygon 
shapefile but i fail.Maybe my code is complete wrong but i tried.
any idea how to fix my code ?
i want fast method because i have big data features
from shapely.geometry import shape
import fiona

filepath1 = "point.shp"
file1features = []
intersectfeatures_file1 = []
intersectfeatures_file2 = []
count =0
outschema = None
with fiona.collection(filepath1, "r") as input1:
outschema = input1.schema.copy()
for p1 in input1:

filepath2 = "polygon.shp"
with fiona.collection(filepath2, "r") as input2:
for p2 in input2:
for p1 in file1features:
[count for i in 
if p1 not in intersectfeatures_file1:
if p2 not in intersectfeatures_file2:

print count
if intersectfeatures_file1:
outfile = "outputfile1.shp"
with fiona.collection(outfile, "w", "ESRI Shapefile", outschema) as output:
for outfeature in intersectfeatures:
if intersectfeatures_file2:
outfile = "outputfile2.shp"
with fiona.collection(outfile, "w", "ESRI Shapefile", outschema) as output:
for outfeature in intersectfeatures:
on the print count i take 20 times the number 1. after for this count i want to 
export to new shapefile the polygons where have specific number of points. thnx

Re: python corrupted double-linked list error

2017-01-19 Thread Xristos Xristoou

how to understand that ?solution ?

python corrupted double-linked list error

2017-01-19 Thread Xristos Xristoou
i am a python 2.7 and ubuntu 16.04 user and i have unexpected error when try to 
excute some python scripts . i use pycharm and i have the some error when i try 
to run python script from the ubuntu terminal. the error :

*** Error in `/usr/bin/python2.7': corrupted double-linked list: 0x0b83c880 ***

the error message :

=== Backtrace: =
=== Memory map: 
08048000-0838f000 r-xp  08:01 1583892/usr/bin/python2.7
0839-08391000 r--p 00347000 08:01 1583892/usr/bin/python2.7
08391000-083f1000 rw-p 00348000 08:01 1583892/usr/bin/python2.7
083f1000-08406000 rw-p  00:00 0 
0a0f7000-0ba69000 rw-p  00:00 0  [heap]
a03e-a03eb000 r-xp  08:01 1049930
a03eb000-a03ec000 r--p a000 08:01 1049930
a03ec000-a03ed000 rw-p b000 08:01 1049930
a03ed000-a03f3000 rw-p  00:00 0 
a03f3000-a03fe000 r-xp  08:01 1048664
a03fe000-a03ff000 r--p a000 08:01 1048664
a03ff000-a040 rw-p b000 08:01 1048664
a040-a0421000 rw-p  00:00 0 
a0421000-a050 ---p  00:00 0 
a0509000-a052 r-xp  08:01 1048674
a052-a0521000 r--p 00016000 08:01 1048674
a0521000-a0522000 rw-p 00017000 08:01 1048674
a0522000-a0524000 rw-p  00:00 0 
a0524000-a052c000 r-xp  08:01 1048675
a052c000-a052d000 r--p 7000 08:01 1048675
a052d000-a052e000 rw-p 8000 08:01 1048675
a054a000-a054b000 ---p  00:00 0 
a054b000-a10cb000 rw-p  00:00 0 
a10cb000-a10d4000 r-xp  08:01 150141 
a10d4000-a10d5000 r--p 8000 08:01 150141 
a10d5000-a10d6000 rw-p 9000 08:01 150141 
a10d6000-a1296000 rw-p  00:00 0 
a1296000-a12a5000 r-xp  08:01 283552 
a12a5000-a12a6000 ---p f000 08:01 283552 
a12a6000-a12a7000 r--p f000 08:01 283552 
a12a7000-a12a8000 rw-p 0001 08:01 283552 
a12a8000-a139f000 rw-p  00:00 0 
a139f000-a13a8000 r-xp  08:01 283553 
a13a8000-a13a9000 ---p 9000 08:01 283553 
a13a9000-a13aa000 r--p 9000 08:01 283553 
a13aa000-a13ab000 rw-p a000 08:01 283553 
a13ab000-a13eb000 rw-p  00:0

Re: geopandas bug ?

2017-01-14 Thread Xristos Xristoou
Τη Σάββατο, 14 Ιανουαρίου 2017 - 8:09:53 μ.μ. UTC+2, ο χρήστης duncan smith 
> On 14/01/17 14:59, Xristos Xristoou wrote:
> > Τη Σάββατο, 14 Ιανουαρίου 2017 - 4:38:39 μ.μ. UTC+2, ο χρήστης duncan smith 
> > έγραψε:
> >> On 14/01/17 11:18, Xristos Xristoou wrote:
> >>> i want  to create a simple spatial joing using geopandas but i thing so 
> >>> geopandas has bug ?
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> geopandas code :
> >>>
> >>> from geopandas import gpd
> >>> import geopandas
> >>> points = geopandas.GeoDataFrame.from_file('points.shp') # or geojson etc
> >>> polys = geopandas.GeoDataFrame.from_file('polygons.shp')
> >>> pointInPoly = gpd.sjoin(points, polys, how='left',op='within')
> >>>
> >>> error :
> >>>
> >>> Traceback (most recent call last):
> >>>   File "/home/sarantis/testshapely/sumpointsinsidepolygon/", 
> >>> line 7, in 
> >>> pointInPoly = gpd.sjoin(points, polys, how='left',op='within')
> >>>   File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/geopandas/tools/", 
> >>> line 57, in sjoin
> >>> r_idx = np.concatenate(idxmatch.values)
> >>> ValueError: need at least one array to concatenate
> >>>
> >>> and if i change the imports with the some code :
> >>>
> >>> import geopandas
> >>> import pandas as pd
> >>> import geopandas as gpd
> >>> from geopandas import GeoDataFrame, read_file
> >>> from import sjoin
> >>> from shapely.geometry import Point, mapping,shape
> >>> import pandas as gpd
> >>>
> >>> i take that error :
> >>>
> >>> pointInPoly = gpd.sjoin(points, polys, how='left',op='within')
> >>> AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'sjoin'
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> any idea why ?
> >>>
> >>
> >>
> >> import geopandas as gpd
> >> import pandas as gpd
> >>
> >> Does pandas have an attribute 'sjoin'?
> >>
> >> Duncan
> > 
> > i dont know i follow detais i am newbie
> > 
> You import geopandas as gpd, then import pandas as gpd. So maybe you
> think gpd refers to geopandas while it actually refers to pandas. I
> don't know geopandas or pandas, but you should check your imports.
> Duncan

@Duncan i see that and i remove line with pandas ans no change

Re: geopandas bug ?

2017-01-14 Thread Xristos Xristoou
Τη Σάββατο, 14 Ιανουαρίου 2017 - 6:33:54 μ.μ. UTC+2, ο χρήστης Peter Otten 
> Xristos Xristoou wrote:
> >> I suggest that you file a bug report.
> > 
> > Mr.Peter Otten do you see my shapefiles ?have instersection 100 to 100 i
> > use instersection on QGIS ad work fine
> Yes, I downloaded the zipfile at
> > with the
> and when I ran your code I got the very error that you saw. There are many 
> NaN values in your data, so if it works elsewhere perhaps the data is 
> corrupted in some way. I'm sorry I cannot help you any further. 
> Good luck!

one more question,i have a idea what is wrong,but if my code work how to export 
spatial join "pointInPoly" to new shapefile ?

Re: geopandas bug ?

2017-01-14 Thread Xristos Xristoou
Τη Σάββατο, 14 Ιανουαρίου 2017 - 6:01:39 μ.μ. UTC+2, ο χρήστης Peter Otten 
> Xristos Xristoou wrote:
> > Τη Σάββατο, 14 Ιανουαρίου 2017 - 4:30:48 μ.μ. UTC+2, ο χρήστης Peter Otten
> > έγραψε:
> >> Xristos Xristoou wrote:
> >> 
> >> > Τη Σάββατο, 14 Ιανουαρίου 2017 - 3:43:10 μ.μ. UTC+2, ο χρήστης Peter
> >> > Otten έγραψε:
> >> >> Xristos Xristoou wrote:
> >> >> 
> >> >> > i want  to create a simple spatial joing using geopandas but i thing
> >> >> > so geopandas has bug ?
> >> >> 
> >> >> Have you tried the examples on
> >> >> <>? Do they work? If yes, inspect
> >> >> your data, does it have the same format?
> >> 
> >> Looks like you chose to ignore the hard part.
> >>  
> >> >> > geopandas code :
> >> >> > 
> >> >> > from geopandas import gpd
> >> >> > import geopandas
> >> >> > points = geopandas.GeoDataFrame.from_file('points.shp') # or geojson
> >> >> > etc polys = geopandas.GeoDataFrame.from_file('polygons.shp')
> >> >> > pointInPoly = gpd.sjoin(points, polys, how='left',op='within')
> >> >> > 
> >> >> > error :
> >> >> > 
> >> >> > Traceback (most recent call last):
> >> >> >   File
> >> >> >   "/home/sarantis/testshapely/sumpointsinsidepolygon/",
> >> >> >   line 7, in 
> >> >> > pointInPoly = gpd.sjoin(points, polys, how='left',op='within')
> >> >> >   File
> >> >> >   "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/geopandas/tools/",
> >> >> >   line 57, in sjoin
> >> >> > r_idx = np.concatenate(idxmatch.values)
> >> >> > ValueError: need at least one array to concatenate
> >> 
> >> >> > any idea why ?
> >> >> 
> >> >> My crystal ball says that either points or polys is empty ;)
> >> > 
> >> > is not empty and yes i have two shapefiles from qgis.
> >> 
> >> Can I download those files somewhere?
> >> 
> >> > what is the error ?
> >> 
> >> No idea. Without those files I cannot run your code.
> > 
> > with the
> > shapefiles
> It looks like there are no intersections in your data.
> With the proviso that I've learned about the library only today I think you 
> should get an empty result set rather than the ValueError.
> Here's a way to reproduce the error (?) with the data provided in the 
> project:
> import geopandas
> from geopandas import gpd
> world = gpd.read_file(gpd.datasets.get_path('naturalearth_lowres'))
> cities = gpd.read_file(gpd.datasets.get_path('naturalearth_cities'))
> countries = world[['geometry', 'name']]
> def find(items, name):
> # didn't find the idomatic way quickly, so
> for index, n in enumerate(items["name"]):
> if n == name:
> return items[index:index+1]
> raise ValueError
> berlin = find(cities, "Berlin")
> paris = find(cities, "Paris")
> germany = find(countries, "Germany")
> print(gpd.sjoin(berlin, germany))
> print(gpd.sjoin(paris, germany)) # ValueError
> $ python
> geometry name_left  index_right  \
> 175  POINT (13.39960276470055 52.52376452225116)Berlin   41   
> name_right  
> 175Germany  
> [1 rows x 4 columns]
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "", line 20, in 
> print(gpd.sjoin(paris, germany)) # ValueError
>   File "/home/peter/virt/geopandas/lib/python3.4/site-
> packages/geopandas/tools/", line 57, in sjoin
> r_idx = np.concatenate(idxmatch.values)
> ValueError: need at least one array to concatenate
> $
> I suggest that you file a bug report.

Mr.Peter Otten do you see my shapefiles ?have instersection 100 to 100 i use 
instersection on QGIS ad work fine

Re: geopandas bug ?

2017-01-14 Thread Xristos Xristoou
Τη Σάββατο, 14 Ιανουαρίου 2017 - 4:38:39 μ.μ. UTC+2, ο χρήστης duncan smith 
> On 14/01/17 11:18, Xristos Xristoou wrote:
> > i want  to create a simple spatial joing using geopandas but i thing so 
> > geopandas has bug ?
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > geopandas code :
> > 
> > from geopandas import gpd
> > import geopandas
> > points = geopandas.GeoDataFrame.from_file('points.shp') # or geojson etc
> > polys = geopandas.GeoDataFrame.from_file('polygons.shp')
> > pointInPoly = gpd.sjoin(points, polys, how='left',op='within')
> > 
> > error :
> > 
> > Traceback (most recent call last):
> >   File "/home/sarantis/testshapely/sumpointsinsidepolygon/", line 
> > 7, in 
> > pointInPoly = gpd.sjoin(points, polys, how='left',op='within')
> >   File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/geopandas/tools/", 
> > line 57, in sjoin
> > r_idx = np.concatenate(idxmatch.values)
> > ValueError: need at least one array to concatenate
> > 
> > and if i change the imports with the some code :
> > 
> > import geopandas
> > import pandas as pd
> > import geopandas as gpd
> > from geopandas import GeoDataFrame, read_file
> > from import sjoin
> > from shapely.geometry import Point, mapping,shape
> > import pandas as gpd
> > 
> > i take that error :
> > 
> > pointInPoly = gpd.sjoin(points, polys, how='left',op='within')
> > AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'sjoin'
> > 
> > 
> > any idea why ?
> > 
> import geopandas as gpd
> import pandas as gpd
> Does pandas have an attribute 'sjoin'?
> Duncan

i dont know i follow detais i am newbie

Re: geopandas bug ?

2017-01-14 Thread Xristos Xristoou
Τη Σάββατο, 14 Ιανουαρίου 2017 - 4:30:48 μ.μ. UTC+2, ο χρήστης Peter Otten 
> Xristos Xristoou wrote:
> > Τη Σάββατο, 14 Ιανουαρίου 2017 - 3:43:10 μ.μ. UTC+2, ο χρήστης Peter Otten
> > έγραψε:
> >> Xristos Xristoou wrote:
> >> 
> >> > i want  to create a simple spatial joing using geopandas but i thing so
> >> > geopandas has bug ?
> >> 
> >> Have you tried the examples on <>?
> >> Do they work? If yes, inspect your data, does it have the same format?
> Looks like you chose to ignore the hard part.
> >> > geopandas code :
> >> > 
> >> > from geopandas import gpd
> >> > import geopandas
> >> > points = geopandas.GeoDataFrame.from_file('points.shp') # or geojson
> >> > etc polys = geopandas.GeoDataFrame.from_file('polygons.shp')
> >> > pointInPoly = gpd.sjoin(points, polys, how='left',op='within')
> >> > 
> >> > error :
> >> > 
> >> > Traceback (most recent call last):
> >> >   File "/home/sarantis/testshapely/sumpointsinsidepolygon/",
> >> >   line 7, in 
> >> > pointInPoly = gpd.sjoin(points, polys, how='left',op='within')
> >> >   File
> >> >   "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/geopandas/tools/",
> >> >   line 57, in sjoin
> >> > r_idx = np.concatenate(idxmatch.values)
> >> > ValueError: need at least one array to concatenate
> >> > any idea why ?
> >> 
> >> My crystal ball says that either points or polys is empty ;)
> > 
> > is not empty and yes i have two shapefiles from qgis.
> Can I download those files somewhere?
> > what is the error ?
> No idea. Without those files I cannot run your code. with the shapefiles

Re: geopandas bug ?

2017-01-14 Thread Xristos Xristoou
Τη Σάββατο, 14 Ιανουαρίου 2017 - 4:30:48 μ.μ. UTC+2, ο χρήστης Peter Otten 
> Xristos Xristoou wrote:
> > Τη Σάββατο, 14 Ιανουαρίου 2017 - 3:43:10 μ.μ. UTC+2, ο χρήστης Peter Otten
> > έγραψε:
> >> Xristos Xristoou wrote:
> >> 
> >> > i want  to create a simple spatial joing using geopandas but i thing so
> >> > geopandas has bug ?
> >> 
> >> Have you tried the examples on <>?
> >> Do they work? If yes, inspect your data, does it have the same format?
> Looks like you chose to ignore the hard part.
> >> > geopandas code :
> >> > 
> >> > from geopandas import gpd
> >> > import geopandas
> >> > points = geopandas.GeoDataFrame.from_file('points.shp') # or geojson
> >> > etc polys = geopandas.GeoDataFrame.from_file('polygons.shp')
> >> > pointInPoly = gpd.sjoin(points, polys, how='left',op='within')
> >> > 
> >> > error :
> >> > 
> >> > Traceback (most recent call last):
> >> >   File "/home/sarantis/testshapely/sumpointsinsidepolygon/",
> >> >   line 7, in 
> >> > pointInPoly = gpd.sjoin(points, polys, how='left',op='within')
> >> >   File
> >> >   "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/geopandas/tools/",
> >> >   line 57, in sjoin
> >> > r_idx = np.concatenate(idxmatch.values)
> >> > ValueError: need at least one array to concatenate
> >> > any idea why ?
> >> 
> >> My crystal ball says that either points or polys is empty ;)
> > 
> > is not empty and yes i have two shapefiles from qgis.
> Can I download those files somewhere?
> > what is the error ?
> No idea. Without those files I cannot run your code.

yes i sent you

Re: geopandas bug ?

2017-01-14 Thread Xristos Xristoou
Τη Σάββατο, 14 Ιανουαρίου 2017 - 3:43:10 μ.μ. UTC+2, ο χρήστης Peter Otten 
> Xristos Xristoou wrote:
> > i want  to create a simple spatial joing using geopandas but i thing so
> > geopandas has bug ?
> Have you tried the examples on <>?
> Do they work? If yes, inspect your data, does it have the same format?
> > geopandas code :
> > 
> > from geopandas import gpd
> > import geopandas
> > points = geopandas.GeoDataFrame.from_file('points.shp') # or geojson etc
> > polys = geopandas.GeoDataFrame.from_file('polygons.shp')
> > pointInPoly = gpd.sjoin(points, polys, how='left',op='within')
> > 
> > error :
> > 
> > Traceback (most recent call last):
> >   File "/home/sarantis/testshapely/sumpointsinsidepolygon/",
> >   line 7, in 
> > pointInPoly = gpd.sjoin(points, polys, how='left',op='within')
> >   File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/geopandas/tools/",
> >   line 57, in sjoin
> > r_idx = np.concatenate(idxmatch.values)
> > ValueError: need at least one array to concatenate
> > 
> > and if i change the imports with the some code :
> > 
> > import geopandas
> > import pandas as pd
> > import geopandas as gpd
> > from geopandas import GeoDataFrame, read_file
> > from import sjoin
> > from shapely.geometry import Point, mapping,shape
> > import pandas as gpd
> > 
> > i take that error :
> > 
> > pointInPoly = gpd.sjoin(points, polys, how='left',op='within')
> > AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'sjoin'
> > 
> > 
> > any idea why ?
> My crystal ball says that either points or polys is empty ;)

is not empty and yes i have two shapefiles from qgis.what is the error ?

geopandas bug ?

2017-01-14 Thread Xristos Xristoou
i want  to create a simple spatial joing using geopandas but i thing so 
geopandas has bug ?

geopandas code :

from geopandas import gpd
import geopandas
points = geopandas.GeoDataFrame.from_file('points.shp') # or geojson etc
polys = geopandas.GeoDataFrame.from_file('polygons.shp')
pointInPoly = gpd.sjoin(points, polys, how='left',op='within')

error :

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/username/testshapely/sumpointsinsidepolygon/", line 7, 
pointInPoly = gpd.sjoin(points, polys, how='left',op='within')
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/geopandas/tools/", line 
57, in sjoin
r_idx = np.concatenate(idxmatch.values)
ValueError: need at least one array to concatenate

and if i change the imports with the some code :

import geopandas
import pandas as pd
import geopandas as gpd
from geopandas import GeoDataFrame, read_file
from import sjoin
from shapely.geometry import Point, mapping,shape
import pandas as gpd

i take that error :

pointInPoly = gpd.sjoin(points, polys, how='left',op='within')
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'sjoin'

any idea why ?

geopandas bug ?

2017-01-14 Thread Xristos Xristoou
i want  to create a simple spatial joing using geopandas but i thing so 
geopandas has bug ?

geopandas code :

from geopandas import gpd
import geopandas
points = geopandas.GeoDataFrame.from_file('points.shp') # or geojson etc
polys = geopandas.GeoDataFrame.from_file('polygons.shp')
pointInPoly = gpd.sjoin(points, polys, how='left',op='within')

error :

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/sarantis/testshapely/sumpointsinsidepolygon/", line 7, 
pointInPoly = gpd.sjoin(points, polys, how='left',op='within')
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/geopandas/tools/", line 
57, in sjoin
r_idx = np.concatenate(idxmatch.values)
ValueError: need at least one array to concatenate

and if i change the imports with the some code :

import geopandas
import pandas as pd
import geopandas as gpd
from geopandas import GeoDataFrame, read_file
from import sjoin
from shapely.geometry import Point, mapping,shape
import pandas as gpd

i take that error :

pointInPoly = gpd.sjoin(points, polys, how='left',op='within')
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'sjoin'

any idea why ?

topology rules in python

2016-12-20 Thread Xristos Xristoou
I have a PostGIS database with shapefiles lines, polygons and points and I want 
to create a topology rules with python.
Any idea how to do that ?some packages ?

I like some easy way to do that because I am newbie but its OK.

Some topology rules when I want.
shapefile must not have gaps
shapefile must not have overlaps
shapefile must not overlap with shapefile2
invalid geometries

Re: SIP install error on windows

2016-12-12 Thread Xristos Xristoou
Τη Δευτέρα, 12 Δεκεμβρίου 2016 - 9:29:38 μ.μ. UTC+2, ο χρήστης Xristos Xristoou 
> hello i want to install sip on windows bit using python 
>  32 bit.
> i download sip from this link
> i try to install from cmd line :
> C:\WINDOWS\system32>cd C:\Users\username\Desktop\sip-4.17
> C:\Users\username\Desktop\sip-4.17>python install
> and take that error any idea ?
> This is SIP 4.17 for Python 2.7.11 on win32.
> Error: Unsupported macro name specified. Use the --show-build-macros flag to
> see a list of supported macros.

yes but i dont have python 3 i need use python 2.7

SIP install error on windows

2016-12-12 Thread Xristos Xristoou

hello i want to install sip on windows bit using python 
 32 bit.
i download sip from this link
i try to install from cmd line :

C:\WINDOWS\system32>cd C:\Users\username\Desktop\sip-4.17

C:\Users\username\Desktop\sip-4.17>python install
and take that error any idea ?

This is SIP 4.17 for Python 2.7.11 on win32.
Error: Unsupported macro name specified. Use the --show-build-macros flag to
see a list of supported macros.


Re: Couldn't load SIP module.

2016-11-20 Thread Xristos Xristoou
Τη Σάββατο, 19 Νοεμβρίου 2016 - 10:45:16 μ.μ. UTC+2, ο χρήστης Xristos Xristoou 
> hello
> i using python 2.7.12 on ubuntu 16.04 and i have that error with SIP :
> Couldn't load SIP module.
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "", line 1, in 
> ImportError: /usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ undefined symbol: 
> PyUnicodeUCS2_AsUTF8String
> ('Qt version:', '4.8.7')
> ('SIP version:', '4.17')
> ('PyQt version:', '4.11.4')
> any idea how to fix that ?

how to delete complete python with all packages on ubuntu ?

Couldn't load SIP module.

2016-11-19 Thread Xristos Xristoou
i using python 2.7.12 on ubuntu 16.04 and i have that error with SIP :

Couldn't load SIP module.

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 1, in 
ImportError: /usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ undefined symbol: 

('Qt version:', '4.8.7')
('SIP version:', '4.17')
('PyQt version:', '4.11.4')

any idea how to fix that ?

Raster top and lowe x,y how ca i get

2016-10-10 Thread Xristos Xristoou
How can i get left lower X,Y left top X,Y right lower X,Y and right Top X,Y  
from a raster image like dem(digital elevation model).
I am nembie sorry if i have stupid quest

Re: define variables in the txt file using python

2016-10-08 Thread Xristos Xristoou
Τη Σάββατο, 8 Οκτωβρίου 2016 - 12:25:28 π.μ. UTC+3, ο χρήστης Xristos Xristoou 
> hello
> i have one .txt file and i want to create python script with sys.argv or 
> argparse or other package to define some variables in the txt file and i take 
> some result.
> txt file maybe like this :
> input number 1= %var1%
> input number 2= %var2%
> result = %vresult(var1-var2)%
> how can i write a python script to update dynamic variables in the txt file ?
> i dont want with replace i thing so arguments is the better.

thanks Mr.Peter your code look nice,i have one question,must be running from 
cmd line ?i cant to run your code in the python script ?

define variables in the txt file using python

2016-10-07 Thread Xristos Xristoou

i have one .txt file and i want to create python script with sys.argv or 
argparse or other package to define some variables in the txt file and i take 
some result.

txt file maybe like this :

input number 1= %var1%
input number 2= %var2%
result = %vresult(var1-var2)%

how can i write a python script to update dynamic variables in the txt file ?
i dont want with replace i thing so arguments is the better.

python and dos files question

2016-10-05 Thread Xristos Xristoou

some programs allow to export tools to dos .bat files for running from command 
my question is how can i do to running .bat files and how can i do to define 
some variables from the .bat file before the running.

for example i want to define 4 variable and run this .bat file with the python
variables can be strings paths,images and text.

.bat file like this :


REM SET program1=C:\program1\Modules
REM SET PATH=%PATH%;C:\program1

REM Tool: Tool1

program1_cmd tool1 0 -variable1=NULL -variable2=NULL -variable3=NULL 
-variable4=NULL -


scipy tutorial question

2016-10-02 Thread Xristos Xristoou

i want to follow this scipy tutorial to calculate 
slope/aspect and more.

first question,this is a good way to calculate slope/aspect with scipy ?
can i find more easy way for this calculate ?

second question and most important,how can i use mine DEM (raster image) inside
the tutorial code to calculate slope/aspect from mine DEM (raster image)?
and how to export that calculation to new tiff images ?
i thing so easy but i am very new.
i have and gdal package in my python

the tutorial code :

import numpy as np

def gaussianFilter(sizex,sizey=None,scale=0.333):
Generate and return a 2D Gaussian function
of dimensions (sizex,sizey)

If sizey is not set, it defaults to sizex
A scale can be defined to widen the function (default = 0.333)
sizey = sizey or sizex
x, y = np.mgrid[-sizex:sizex+1, -sizey:sizey+1]
g = np.exp(-scale*(x**2/float(sizex)+y**2/float(sizey)))
return g/g.sum()

def randomDEM(nx,sizex,max,min,sizey=None,ny=None):
Generate a pseudo-DEM from random correlated noise.

nx  :   number of pixels of the output
sizex   :   number of pixels of the smoothing filter
max :   max height in DEM
min :   min height in DEM

sizey   :   defaults to sizex
ny  :   defaults to nx

from scipy import signal
ny = ny or nx
sizey = sizey or sizex
dem1 = np.random.rand(nx+2*sizex,ny+2*sizey)
demSmooth = signal.convolve(dem1,gaussianFilter(sizex,sizey),mode='valid')
demSmooth = (demSmooth - demSmooth.min())/(demSmooth.max() - 
demSmooth = demSmooth*(max-min)+min
return demSmooth

def plot(array,file=None):
Produce a plot of the 2D array

file:   specify an output file
import matplotlib.pylab as plt
if file == None:
smoothDEM = randomDEM(300,20,100.,0.,sizey=5)
def padding(dem,size=1):
Apply a border of size to a spatial dataset

Return the padded data with the original centred in the array
out = np.zeros([dem.shape[0]+2*size,dem.shape[1]+2*size])
out[:,:] = np.max(dem)+1
out[size:-size,size:-size] = dem
return out

padDEM = padding(smoothDEM)
def localMin(dem):
We wish to return the location of the minimum grid value
in a neighbourhood.

We assume the array is 2D and defined (y,x)

We return wx,wy which are the cell displacements in x and y directions.

wy = np.zeros_like(dem).astype(int)
wx = np.zeros_like(dem).astype(int)
winx = np.ones([3,3])
for i in xrange(3):
winx[:,i] = i - 1
winy = winx.transpose()
demp = padding(dem,size=1)
for y in np.arange(1,demp.shape[0]-1):
for x in np.arange(1,demp.shape[1]-1):
win = demp[y-1:y+2,x-1:x+2]
ww = np.where(win == np.min(win))
whereX = winx[ww][0]
whereY = winy[ww][0]
wy[y-1,x-1] = whereY
wx[y-1,x-1] = whereX
return wx,wy

(wx,wy) = localMin(smoothDEM)

def grad2d(dem):
Calculate the slope and gradient of a DEM
from scipy import signal
f0 = gaussianFilter(3)
I = signal.convolve(dem,f0,mode='valid')
f1 = np.array([[-1,0,1],[-2,0,2],[-1,0,1]])
f2 = f1.transpose()
g1 = signal.convolve(I,f1,mode='valid')
g2 = signal.convolve(I,f2,mode='valid')
slope = np.sqrt(g1**2 + g2**2)
aspect = np.arctan2(g2,g1)
return slope, aspect
slope,  aspect = grad2d(smoothDEM)

Re: RASTER analysis(slope)

2016-10-02 Thread Xristos Xristoou
Τη Σάββατο, 1 Οκτωβρίου 2016 - 8:52:13 μ.μ. UTC+3, ο χρήστης Xristos Xristoou 
> hello team
> i want to calculate slope and aspect from some RASTER 
> IMAGE(.grid,tiff,geotiff)
> who is the better method to can i do this ?
> with numpy and scipy or with some package?
> thnx you team

pydem like easy but have errors like this :

from pydem.dem_processing import DEMProcessor
filename_to_elevation_geotiff = 'dem.tif'
dem_proc = DEMProcessor(filename_to_elevation_geotiff)
mag, aspect = dem_proc.calc_slopes_directions()

error message :
Warning (from warnings module):
 line 563[data.mask] = FILL_VALUE
MaskedArrayFutureWarning: setting an item on a masked array which has a shared 
mask will not copy the mask and also change the original mask array in the 
Check the NumPy 1.11 release notes for more information.
starting slope/direction calculation for chunk 1 [0:516, 0:516]

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:/Python27/test/test/", line 4, in 
mag, aspect = dem_proc.calc_slopes_directions()
 line 853, in calc_slopes_directions
 line 879, in _slopes_directions
return self._tarboton_slopes_directions(data, dX, dY)
 line 890, in _tarboton_slopes_directions
self.facets, self.ang_adj)
  File "C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\numba\", line 285, in 
return self.compile(tuple(argtypes))
  File "C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\numba\", line 531, in compile
cres = self._compiler.compile(args, return_type)
  File "C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\numba\", line 80, in compile
flags=flags, locals=self.locals)
  File "C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\numba\", line 725, in 
return pipeline.compile_extra(func)
  File "C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\numba\", line 369, in 
return self.compile_bytecode(bc, func_attr=self.func_attr)
  File "C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\numba\", line 378, in 
return self._compile_bytecode()
  File "C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\numba\", line 690, in 
return self._compile_core()
  File "C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\numba\", line 677, in 
res =
  File "C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\numba\", line 257, in run
raise patched_exception
LoweringError: Caused By:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\numba\", line 249, in run
  File "C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\numba\", line 455, in 
cres = self.frontend_looplift()
  File "C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\numba\", line 446, in 
  File "C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\numba\", line 743, in 
return pipeline.compile_ir(interp=interp, lifted=lifted, 
lifted_from=lifted_from, func_attr=func_attr)
  File "C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\numba\", line 389, in 
return self._compile_ir()
  File "C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\numba\", line 697, in 
return self._compile_core()
  File "C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\numba\", line 677, in 
res =
  File "C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\numba\", line 257, in run
raise patched_exception
LoweringError: Caused By:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\numba\", line 249, in run
  File "C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\numba\", line 595, in 
self._backend(lowerfn, objectmode=True)
  File "C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\numba\", line 572, in _backend
lowered = lowerfn()
  File "C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\numba\", line 546, in 
  File "C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\numba\", line 869, in 
  File "C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\numba\", line 125, in lower
  File "C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\numba\", line 160, in 

RASTER analysis(slope)

2016-10-01 Thread Xristos Xristoou
hello team

i want to calculate slope and aspect from some RASTER IMAGE(.grid,tiff,geotiff)
who is the better method to can i do this ?
with numpy and scipy or with some package?

thnx you team

batch files and path in python (subprocess | sys)

2016-05-24 Thread Xristos Xristoou

i use some programs where support python api. 
but to can use that api from programs need to define some paths(pythonpath 
program and more) and call some batch files(if i not do that i cant access api 
support).create an .bat file where if i run i can use api. 

set ROOT=C:\path\path 
call “%ROOT%“\path1\path1.bat 
call “%ROOT%“\path2\path2\path2\path2\path2.bat 
set GDPATH=%ROOT%\path3\path3 
path %PATH%;”%ROOT%\path4\path4\path4\” 
set PYTHONPATH=%PYTHONPATH%;%ROOT%\path4\path4\path4; 
set PYTHONPATH=%PYTHONPATH%;%ROOT%\path5\path5\path5\path5
set SPATH=%ROOT%\path6 
start “name ide” /B “path from idle.exe” 

but i can use api only from this file i dont want that 

i want to create a script where to run or call batch file with the |subprocess 
| and run on background(activate). 
and i need define path with the |sys|,sys.path.extend,sys.path.append i am not 
sure who is right.
i need a mybatch.bat to convert to python script to take easy api

.bat files and path in python(subprocess | sys)

2016-05-24 Thread Xristos Xristoou

i use some programs where support python api.
but to can use that api from programs need to define some paths(pythonpath 
program and more) and call some batch files(if i not do that i cant access api 
support).create an .bat file where if i run i can use api.

set ROOT=C:\path\path
call “%ROOT%“\path1\path1.bat
call “%ROOT%“\path2\path2\path2\etc\path2.bat
set GDPATH=%OSGEO4W_ROOT%\path3\path3
path %PATH%;”%OSGEO4W_ROOT%\path\Python27\Scripts\”
set PYTHONPATH=%PYTHONPATH%;%ROOT%\path4\path4\python;
set PYTHONPATH=%PYTHONPATH%;%ROOT%\path5\Python27\Lib\site-packages
set SPATH=%ROOT%\path6
start “name ide” /B “path from idle.exe” 

but i can use api only from this file i dont want that

i want to create a script where to run or call batch file with the |subprocess 
| and run on background(activate).
and i need define path with the |sys|,sys.path.extend,sys.path.append i am not 
sure who is right.


python for complte program ?

2016-05-20 Thread Xristos Xristoou
hello i want to ask if a python is a good for to do it a complete program(.exe)?
with user interface,module interface,background scripts where compile if 
the users calls some scripts,windows with interaction with the users?
how can i do that with the python?
how can libs need for this ?
some tutorial for complete programs ?


2016-05-20 Thread Xristos Xristoou
i want to use python API from the QGIS in my python idle out from QGIS program 
, but i have some errors if i try to import qgis.core in my idle. i have python 
2.7 64 bit (my version) and i install QGIS via OSGeo4W64.

first i try to set two PATHS PYTHONPATH = 
C:\OSGeo4W64\apps\qgis\pythonPYTHONPATH(because there is the python python) and 
set PATH=C:\OSGeo4W64\apps\qgis\binPATH(because there is the python modules 
modules).now if i try to import qgis.core then show me error message no module 
name siperror in idle

after this error i try to import paths inside the idle via sys.path.extend

import sys
i use more paths for sure but now show me DLL error load failed error 2

finaly i try other method from this bat file(question). my bat file.

set PYTHONPATH=C:\OSGeo4W64\apps\qgis\python
if i run this bat file in the OSGeo4w shell work but only in the shell shell 
image. but not work again in my idle again show me error no module name 
SIPerror sip why?any idea how to fix that? the problem is the paths sure but i 
dont know how to fix that.err

Re: Python packages for hydrology and DEM

2016-04-19 Thread Xristos Xristoou
Τη Τρίτη, 19 Απριλίου 2016 - 9:19:33 π.μ. UTC+3, ο χρήστης Xristos Xristoou 
> I want to ask for hydrology python packages with complete function to 
> calculate hydrology tasks like fill,flow direction,flow accumulator and 
> more?or how can i find genetic algorithms for to do this tasks to finaly 
> create a complete hydro model with python.
> can someone tell me some documentation to do that with python ? i want to 
> find like this TopoToolbox from matlab in python using
> also i want to ask and for python psckage for digital elevation models 
> calcultor like idw krigging spline and more...or some documentation for this
> or some genetic algorithm for this
> ty.

all this packages is old and without or low support-documentecion

Python packages for hydrology and DEM

2016-04-18 Thread Xristos Xristoou
I want to ask for hydrology python packages with complete function to calculate 
hydrology tasks like fill,flow direction,flow accumulator and more?or how can i 
find genetic algorithms for to do this tasks to finaly create a complete hydro 
model with python.

can someone tell me some documentation to do that with python ? i want to find 
like this TopoToolbox from matlab in python using

also i want to ask and for python psckage for digital elevation models 
calcultor like idw krigging spline and more...or some documentation for this
or some genetic algorithm for this


Re: scipy install error,need help its important

2016-04-18 Thread Xristos Xristoou
Τη Δευτέρα, 18 Απριλίου 2016 - 6:53:30 π.μ. UTC+3, ο χρήστης Xristos Xristoou 
> guys i have big proplem i want to install scipy
> but all time show me error
> i have python 2.7 and windows 10
> i try to use pip install scipy and i take that error
> raise NotFoundError('no lapack/blas resources found')
> numpy.distutils.system_info.NotFoundError: no lapack/blas resources found
> Command "C:\Python27\python.exe -u -c "import setuptools, 
> tokenize;__file__='c:\\users\\name\\appdata\\local\\temp\\pip-build-a3fjaf\\scipy\\';exec(compile(getattr(tokenize,
>  'open', open)(__file__).read().replace('\r\n', '\n'), __file__, 'exec'))" 
> install --record 
> c:\users\name\appdata\local\temp\pip-pgtkuz-record\install-record.txt 
> --single-version-externally-managed --compile" failed with error code 1 in 
> c:\users\name\appdata\local\temp\pip-build-a3fjaf\scipy\

yes i have idle python 2.7 before,must delete first before install anaconda 
?how can anaconda packages to run with old idle ?because i have to many 
packages in old python.

Re: scipy install error,need help its important

2016-04-17 Thread Xristos Xristoou
Τη Δευτέρα, 18 Απριλίου 2016 - 6:53:30 π.μ. UTC+3, ο χρήστης Xristos Xristoou 
> guys i have big proplem i want to install scipy
> but all time show me error
> i have python 2.7 and windows 10
> i try to use pip install scipy and i take that error
> raise NotFoundError('no lapack/blas resources found')
> numpy.distutils.system_info.NotFoundError: no lapack/blas resources found
> Command "C:\Python27\python.exe -u -c "import setuptools, 
> tokenize;__file__='c:\\users\\name\\appdata\\local\\temp\\pip-build-a3fjaf\\scipy\\';exec(compile(getattr(tokenize,
>  'open', open)(__file__).read().replace('\r\n', '\n'), __file__, 'exec'))" 
> install --record 
> c:\users\name\appdata\local\temp\pip-pgtkuz-record\install-record.txt 
> --single-version-externally-managed --compile" failed with error code 1 in 
> c:\users\name\appdata\local\temp\pip-build-a3fjaf\scipy\

i fllow you with anaconda route and i install scipy without error
but in the idle i write import scipy and show me erroe msg no module name 
scipy,why ?

Re: scipy install error,need help its important

2016-04-17 Thread Xristos Xristoou
Τη Δευτέρα, 18 Απριλίου 2016 - 6:53:30 π.μ. UTC+3, ο χρήστης Xristos Xristoou 
after google search to many post propose install  lapack and atla
bt=ut i dont know

> guys i have big proplem i want to install scipy
> but all time show me error
> i have python 2.7 and windows 10
> i try to use pip install scipy and i take that error
> raise NotFoundError('no lapack/blas resources found')
> numpy.distutils.system_info.NotFoundError: no lapack/blas resources found
> Command "C:\Python27\python.exe -u -c "import setuptools, 
> tokenize;__file__='c:\\users\\name\\appdata\\local\\temp\\pip-build-a3fjaf\\scipy\\';exec(compile(getattr(tokenize,
>  'open', open)(__file__).read().replace('\r\n', '\n'), __file__, 'exec'))" 
> install --record 
> c:\users\name\appdata\local\temp\pip-pgtkuz-record\install-record.txt 
> --single-version-externally-managed --compile" failed with error code 1 in 
> c:\users\name\appdata\local\temp\pip-build-a3fjaf\scipy\

scipy install error,need help its important

2016-04-17 Thread Xristos Xristoou
guys i have big proplem i want to install scipy
but all time show me error
i have python 2.7 and windows 10
i try to use pip install scipy and i take that error

raise NotFoundError('no lapack/blas resources found')
numpy.distutils.system_info.NotFoundError: no lapack/blas resources found

Command "C:\Python27\python.exe -u -c "import setuptools, 
 'open', open)(__file__).read().replace('\r\n', '\n'), __file__, 'exec'))" 
install --record 
--single-version-externally-managed --compile" failed with error code 1 in 


import opencv error (DLL load failed)

2016-04-06 Thread Xristos Xristoou

i have windows 10 and python 3.5.1 and i want to install open cv.
first i go to
and download the opencv_python-3.1.0-cp35-none-win_amd64.whl
from command prompt i install with pip.
pip install \opencv_python-3.1.0-cp35-none-win_amd64.whl
and show me successfuly installed opencv-python-3.1.0.
i look the files in the site-packages and now i have opencv files
and more 
opencv.dll files

after successfuly installed open python idle i a try to import
cv2 and i take that error massege ..

error massege 

import cv2
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 1, in 
import cv2
ImportError: DLL load failed :

after this error downloaded opencv 3.0 and extracted it.copying cv2.pyd to the 
site-packages folder and show me again this error massege .

can you tell why?and how to FIX THAT ?


testing python program,project and django site

2016-04-04 Thread Xristos Xristoou

i am python user and i have some projects,programs and sites with django
in python.
i want one more step deeper,i want to test my programs for
bugs,weaknesses,vulnerability,security or penetration test,on my sites for 
crashes(because use python apps).because the user i am now on the feature maybe 
i have thousand users to work with my programs.
can you tell me how to find this?some propram to do that or some for that ?
some method to do that?
some program to testing the programs?

thnX you

Re: install open cv on windows 10 and python 3.5

2016-04-02 Thread Xristos Xristoou
Τη Παρασκευή, 1 Απριλίου 2016 - 1:56:52 μ.μ. UTC+3, ο χρήστης Xristos Xristoou 
> hello,
> i have windows 10 and python 3.5 and i want to use
> open cv but i think so opencv work only on python 2.7 ?
> and i install this
> but not work again

yes i cant import cv2 on my idle that is my problem

Re: install open cv on windows 10 and python 3.5

2016-04-01 Thread Xristos Xristoou
Τη Παρασκευή, 1 Απριλίου 2016 - 1:56:52 μ.μ. UTC+3, ο χρήστης Xristos Xristoou 
> hello,
> i have windows 10 and python 3.5 and i want to use
> open cv but i think so opencv work only on python 2.7 ?
> and i install this
> but not work again

in my site-packages i have :
and more opencv.dlls
yes i have and python2.7 for other version
in pip install succefully
