[R] Any examples of a frailty model actually used for prediction ?

2006-09-20 Thread Koffijberg, H.

Hi everyone,

I'm looking for any examples of useful frailty models, in particular any 
situation in which a cox proportional hazards model with frailty outperforms a 
regular cox proportional hazards model with respect to prediction of the time 
to event (or the X-year risk of an event). I have defined my own gamma-frailty 
cox PH model in R but on my simulated data sample it does not predict any 
better than a regular cox model. In fact the predictions of the frailty model 
are often worse, *even* when I purposely add gamma-distributed frailty to the 
simulated sample (as I have previously posted). Can anyone help me, e.g. by 
pointing me to some R code in which the performance of models with and without 
frailty component are assessed ? Also any examples in which the actual 
estimated individual frailty values are used for predictions are very much 

Erik Koffijberg.

Julius Center for Health Sciences and Primary Care
University Medical Center Utrecht Str. 6.131
P.O.Box 85500, 3508 GA Utrecht, The Netherlands
Tel:+31 30 250 3013,
Fax:+31 30 250 5480

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[R] How to interpret these results from a simple gamma-frailty model

2006-09-19 Thread Koffijberg, H.

Dear R users,

I'm trying to fit a gamma-frailty model on a simulated dataset, with 6 
covariates, and I'm running into some results I do not understand. I 
constructed an example from my simulation code, where I fit a coxph model 
without frailty (M1) and with frailty (M2) on a  number of data samples with a 
varying degree of heterogeneity (I'm running R 2.3.1, running takes ~1 min).

library(survival); set.seed(1)
lambda <- 0.01  # Exp. hazard rate
# Beta coefficients for Age,TC,HDLC,SBP,Diab,Smok
beta <- c(0.0483,0.0064,-0.0270,0.0037,0.4284,0.5234)   
n <- 1000; Ngrp <- 2;   # Nr patients, Nr frailty groups
# Thetas for gamma-frailty  
thetaset <- c(1,2,10,100); Ntheta <- length(thetaset);  

# Define the simulated population
age <-rnorm(n,48.6,11.7);tc<-rnorm(n,200,30)
rtmp <- runif(0,1,n=n); diab <- rep(0, n); diab[rtmp < 0.05223] <- 1;
rtmp <- runif(0,1,n=n); smok <- rep(0, n); smok[rtmp < 0.40458] <- 1;
# Storage for the estimated coefficients in both models
cf <- 0; length(cf) <- 2*Ntheta*6; dim(cf) <- c(Ntheta,2,6); 

for (i in 1:Ntheta)
l = thetaset[i]
v=rep(rgamma(n/2,shape=l,scale=1/l),2)  # Shared frailty values
print(paste("Theta = ",l, " variance in introduced frailty v   = 
id=rep(seq(1:(n/2)),2); # Frailty id's, 
c <- rep(1,n);  # censoring flags
r <- runif(n,0,1);  # For random variate 
t <- (-1*log(r)) / 
fitM1=coxph(Surv(t,c)~age+tc+hdlc+sbp+diab+smok);   # Model 1, no 
cf[i,1,] <- round(fitM1$coef,6) # Model 1 
frailty(id,dist="gamma",sparse=T,method="em"))  # Model 2, 
cf[i,2,] <- round(fitM2$coef,6) # Model 2, 

# store estimated Variance of random effect


print(paste("Theta = ",l, " variance in estimated random effect= 
print(paste("Theta = ",l, " variance in estimated ind. frailty = ", 
print(paste("Theta=",l," org beta ",beta," M1: ",cf[i,1,], " M2: ", 
# Calculate the 'actual' 10-year risk and the risk estimated using M1 
and M2
estv <- exp(rep(fitM2$frail,2)) # Individual frailty values 
from M2
# Original risk score
pevent <- exp(-10*lambda)^(exp(rs)) # Original 
10-year risk
peventM1 <- exp(-10*lambda)^(exp(rsM1))
peventM2 <- exp(-10*lambda)^(estv*exp(rsM1))
# Proportion of more accurate predictions
pred <- sum(abs(pevent-peventM2) < abs(pevent-peventM1))/n  
print(paste("Theta = ",l," proportion pred. M2 more accurate than M1 = 

corresponding output:

[1] "Theta =  1  variance in introduced frailty v   =  0.948105787326522"
[1] "Theta =  1  variance in estimated random effect=  1.04435029128552"
[1] "Theta =  1  variance in estimated ind. frailty =  0.520078219281493"
[1] "Theta= 1  org beta  0.0483  M1:  0.025015  M2:  0.045987"  
[2] "Theta= 1  org beta  0.0064  M1:  0.002274  M2:  0.005178"  
[3] "Theta= 1  org beta  -0.027  M1:  -0.014239  M2:  -0.028824"
[4] "Theta= 1  org beta  0.0037  M1:  0.00071  M2:  0.010826"   
[5] "Theta= 1  org beta  0.4284  M1:  0.421602  M2:  0.648227"  
[6] "Theta= 1  org beta  0.5234  M1:  0.360069  M2:  0.593551"  
[1] "Theta =  1  proportion pred. M2 more accurate than M1 =  0.448"
[1] "Theta =  2  variance in introduced frailty v   =  0.515806773271924"
[1] "Theta =  2  variance in estimated random effect=  0.644954876113229"
[1] "Theta =  2  variance in estimated ind. frailty =  0.277209957022078"
[1] "Theta= 2  org beta  0.0483  M1:  0.033213  M2:  0.046216"  
[2] "Theta= 2  org beta  0.0064  M1:  0.005633  M2:  0.009491"  
[3] "Theta= 2  org beta  -0.027  M1:  -0.010048  M2:  -0.016658"
[4] "Theta= 2  org beta  0.0037  M1:  -0.006032  M2:  -0.003639"
[5] "Theta= 2  org beta  0.4284  M1:  0.402992  M2:  0.403226"  
[6] "Theta= 2  org beta  0.5234  M1:  0.457665  M2:  0.691871"  
[1] "Theta =  2  proportion pred. M2 more accurate than M1 =  0.482"
[1] "Theta =  10  variance in introduced frailty v   =  0.104197974543906"
[1] "Theta =  10  variance in estimated