Re: [Rdkit-discuss] Optimizing SSS in the RDKit

2009-02-22 Thread Andrew Dalke

On Feb 22, 2009, at 12:51 PM, Greg Landrum wrote:

BTW: looks like you forgot the attachment.


# Written by Andrew Dalke
# Andrew Dalke Scientific, AB, Gothenburg, Sweden
# This document has been released to the public domain.

# Data set comes CACTVS keys, generated by
# gzcat ~/databases/Compound_241*.sdf.gz | 
#   awk 'flg==1{id=$1;flg=0} /PUBCHEM_COMPOUND_CID/ {flg=1} /^AAAD.*==/ {print $1, id}' 
#   cactvs_keys.dat
# Result contains lines which look like:

 Here are results from running this for different data sets and queries
# The known hit comes from cid:24100068
# The non-hit comes from cid:24776000

# This test set (Compound_241*) has 98837 fingerprints.
# Trie uses 59 MB, bits use 14 MB
# Trie takes 11* time of regular search for a known hit

trie creation 8.29011487961
int creation 1.60190391541
trie search time 0.557299137115
int search time 0.0491080284119
int search finds 15
trie search finds 15
Are they the same? True
Number of fingerprints: 98837

# Same data set, with a fingerprint which isn't in the data set
# Trie is 1.2* the speed of regular search (Note: no hits)

trie creation 8.09642100334
int creation 1.41214299202
trie search time 0.0511682033539
int search time 0.0443210601807
int search finds 0
trie search finds 0
Are they the same? True
Number of fingerprints: 98837

# Using Compound_241* and Compound_242*; together 198819 fingerprints
# Trie uses 105 MB, bits use 28 MB
# With a known hit, trie takes 10* the time of regular search

trie creation 17.7659249306
int creation 3.26757502556
trie search time 0.725470066071
int search time 0.0877990722656
int search finds 30
trie search finds 30
Are they the same? True
Number of fingerprints: 198819

# With a known negative, trie is 20% faster than regular search (NOTE! no hits)

trie creation 17.7014229298
int creation 3.35999107361
trie search time 0.0733439922333
int search time 0.0909128189087
int search finds 0
trie search finds 0
Are they the same? True
Number of fingerprints: 198819

import time

# Decode and grab the first 384 bits, to match Smellie's fp size
def decode_cactvs_fp(encoded_fp):
return encoded_fp[4:].decode(base64)[:384//8]
# The order of the bits is very important. Reverse the bits and the trie search time is very slow
# This is because in reverse order most fingerprints have a lot of leading 00s
# No branching occurs, so more work during the search.
#return encoded_fp[4:].decode(base64)[::-1][:384//8]

# convert into a Python integer. This is the fastest way to
# do the substructure tests in pure Python.
def decode_cactvs_fp_as_int(encoded_fp):
return int(encoded_fp[4:].decode(base64)[:384//8].encode(hex), 16)
return int(encoded_fp[4:].decode(base64)[::-1][:384//8].encode(hex), 16)

# This is the leaf node. All values in the node have the same
# fingerprint.  The tail is non-empty when there is only one leaf
# node under a given entry in a node. This occurs because most leaves
# have no siblings (Proof: that would require about 2**(384/8) ==
# 2**48 == a lot of structures)

# In that case, tail is a compact representation of the linear chain
# of nodes along with the leaf which would contain the same set of
# identifier values.

class Leaf(object):
# memory optimization
__slots__ = [tail, values]

def __init__(self, tail):
self.tail = tail
self.values = set()
def dump(self, depth):
print  *depth, self.tail.encode(hex),
for value in sorted(self.values):
print value,

# A Node contains up to 2**8 == 256 branches, one for each possible byte value.
# The child can be another Node or a Leaf.
class Node(object):
# memory optimization
__slots__ = [children]

def __init__(self):
self.children = {}
def add(self, text, value, offset=0):
c = text[offset]
x = self.children.get(c)
if x is None:
self.children[c] = y = Leaf(text[offset+1:])
elif isinstance(x, Node):
x.add(text, value, offset+1)
elif isinstance(x, Leaf):
#print compare, repr(x.tail), repr(text[offset+1:])
if x.tail == text[offset+1:]:
elif not x.tail:
assert offset+1 == len(text)
c2 = x.tail[0]
x.tail = x.tail[1:]
self.children[c] = y = Node()
y.children[c2]  = x
y.add(text, value, offset+1)

Re: [Rdkit-discuss] Optimizing SSS in the RDKit

2009-02-21 Thread Andrew Dalke

On Feb 17, 2009, at 8:30 PM, Andrew Dalke wrote:

Thanks for the link. I've read [Andrew Smellie's] paper now. It's very
nicely written, clear, with good background, description,
and results,


Andrew Smellie didn't take what I thought would be
the obvious next step and use a trie (probably a
Patricia trie) to store things.


Now I want to try it out! :)

I made a first pass implementation of my trie idea using
Python.  It's attached. My quick summary is:

fingerprint   size of  time for  size of  time for  time for
   size bits bits trie trie  trie (no hits)
===   ===    ===    
  9883714 MB 0.05s59 MB0.6s  0.04s
 19881928 MB 0.09s   105 MB0.7s  0.07s

Based on the paper, it seems his C code requires about
160 MB for 200,000 compounds so there's a clear savings
due to at least one of the two memory savings techniques
I tried.

I expect faster performance for the regular  based
screens if I were to do the test directly in C. I'm
guessing a factor of 3.

I expect an even better performance increase and reduced
memory use were I to rewrite the trie in C. There I
expect about 10x-30x performance, which brings them
to the same times. But that's a scientific wild-ass guess.

There's no real conclusion you can draw from these numbers
other than that I've managed to save a lot of memory and
that this is an avenue worth considering.


Re: [Rdkit-discuss] Optimizing SSS in the RDKit

2009-02-17 Thread Andrew Dalke

On Feb 17, 2009, at 12:40 PM, Greg Landrum wrote:
Well, now I'm incredibly behind in all this. I will try to slowly  
catch up.

That'll teach you not to take a vacation.  ;)

Seriously though, I was writing as I worked, which means there's
a lot of verbiage and places where I wasn't clear on things.  The
last email puts everything together.

I've generated a new, larger, testing dataset using the pubchem HTS
compounds. I will also post the details on those (hopefully this

Cool. I've asked a few people/lists for data sets but no response
yet. There's a few I'll try.

I don't know Judy trees. Do you have a reference/pointer?

Oops, judy array
and I did a (buggy as it turns out) wrapper at
when I last looked into substructure fp filters.

My idea then and now was to store a mapping from:
   unique path identifier - sorted list of matching compounds

Substructure filtering is the same as generating all paths
and finding the intersection of the sorted lists.

I think this is called an inverted index. Most paths are
rare, so storing all those paths doesn't take much space.

I was thinking that a sorted list works better than a
hash or normal trie because I could do an N-way merge
to find the intersection, rather than a lot of membership
tests. But in reflection, the latter may be faster.
Looks like more testing will occur.

They aren't by any chance connected to the thing presented in Andrew
Smellie's recent paper (haven't read it yet)?

Not at all. I really need to visit the library soon.
Or pay $30 for 24 hour access to ACS, plus unknown
price for access to Ullmann's paper.

I think it's worth looking into branched paths as well for real
substructure searches. People don't query with linear fragments all
that often, so it seems like it would be a win.

While people don't query with liner fragments, more complex
structures contain linear subparts, including crossing paths.

My thought was that linear paths are easy to generate and
canonicalize, and would give a baseline limit to more
sophisticated schemes.


Re: [Rdkit-discuss] Optimizing SSS in the RDKit

2009-02-13 Thread Andrew Dalke

On Feb 13, 2009, at 6:41 AM, Greg Landrum wrote:

I'm leaving for vacation this morning and have limited time, so I'm
going to just attach my test data. The rest I'm really looking forward
to spending some time with later. I will have email access while gone,
but I won't be as responsive as normal.

No worries.

I have preliminary conclusions for my approach. Summary: it looks
like a small fingerprint (64 bits) can filter 80% of the data set,
but linear paths isn't going to get better than that.

I used my top 271 bits to encode fingerprints for the queries and
targets and found that on average my query fingerprints only
screened the data set from 1000 compounds down to 222. That's 78%
filtered compared to what Greg found:

Experiment 2: reduce fps to 512 bits
RDK fingerprints: filter out 441529 (54%)
Layered: filter out 710647 (86%)
10-15% faster

I'm regenerating my data set to have 512 bits so I can do a
more direct comparison.  ... Done. Interesting. It doesn't
change the result. I still filter out only 78% of the structures.

Now I'll try training based on the query structures. That's
cheating, but I'm curious ... Also interesting. This is
a 186 bit fingerprint, and the average number of compounds
which are not filtered is .. 221! (78% filtered)

To that I added a few hand-coded patterns:
  C=C, C#C, *1**1, *1***1, *11, *1*1, *1**1
and got 197 (80% filtered).

I tried a smaller, 56 bit fingerprint, which on average
does not filter 258 compounds (74% filtered). Add in that
handful of extra patterns and it's 222 compounds (78% unfiltered).

Code is at

The numbers I get are a pretty solid 80% filter rate.
I can get that even with a 64 bit fingerprint, which is
interesting because that can be stored in a single long int.

I can do a bit better during path selection by breaking
ties (for paths which are closest to being in 1/2 of the
structures in a cluster) based on using the path with the
shorter path length. I also tried using 1/3 instead of 1/2
but I don't think there's a big difference. I wasn't
rigorous though.

The worst queries, btw, are:

  O = 989 unfiltered
  CC#C = 988 unfiltered (I have no fingerprint with a #)
  c1ccoc1 = 986 unfiltered (I don't handle cycles). Note: two  

  [H]c1ccoc1 on line 46
  [H]c1occc1 on line 299
  c1c1 = 975 unfiltered (again, no cycles)  Note: two occurrences
  [H]c1([H])c1 on line 53
  [H]c1c1 on line 708

Hmm. There are many duplicates in the queries:

(columns are number of compounds not filtered, canonicalized query  

915 c1ccncc1
915 c1ccncc1
915 c1ccncc1
915 c1ccncc1
915 c1ccncc1
918 Cc1c[nH]cn1
918 Cc1c[nH]nn1
918 Cc1c[nH]nn1
925 CC=NN
927 c1c2c([nH]cn2)ncn1
927 c1c2c(nc[nH]2)ncn1
927 c1cncnc1
927 c1cncnc1
927 c1cncnc1
928 N
928 NN
928 NN
928 c1[nH]nnn1
928 c1cnc[nH]1
928 c1cnccn1
928 c1cnn[nH]1
928 c1ncncn1
975 c1c1
975 c1c1
986 c1ccoc1
986 c1ccoc1
988 CC#C
989 O

To continue in this path I would need to rerun things so I generate  
fragments in query space but filter them in target space, using the  
greedy algorithm to pick fragments which increase the ability to  
filter. That'll have to be some other day.


Re: [Rdkit-discuss] Optimizing SSS in the RDKit

2009-02-12 Thread Andrew Dalke

On Feb 10, 2009, at 3:11 PM, Greg Landrum wrote:

It would be quite interesting to use the new Ullmann code as a
framework and do an implementation of the VF or VF2 algorithms used in

I was surprised to see that there's a public BGL implementation
of Ullman. I've seen mentions that people had in-house versions
but that was it. I admit though that I haven't tracked CDL.

I see that this Ullman implementation is faster than the VFLib-based
one. The CDK people have different experience with their
implementations. But you wrote that you had to convert between
the BGL and VFLib graphs, which explains at least part of the

To get a set of molecule-like queries, I fragmented
those 1000 molecules using RECAP and kept the 823 unique fragments I

I've wondered if it would be possible to get a set of
representative structure queries from PubChem or ChemSpider.
But I figured there would be some privacy issues because some
people might have inappropriately submitted internal proprietary
structures. I know when I did bioinformatics work people did that
with their sequences. Bioinformatics isn't as secretive as
cheminformatics though.

The layered fps are clearly more robust w.r.t. fingerprint size (which
makes sense: I only set one bit per path there as opposed to 4 per
path for the RDKit fp; a good experiment would be to try the RDKit fps
with one bit per path).

There ought to be some math that can help out. I tried
working it out but came to the conclusion that there must
be a large set of well correlated bits. Why? Because if p
and q are the probabilities that bits are set in the query
and the target, then

P(a given bit screens)
  = P(query bit is on) * P(target bit is off)
  = p * (1-q)

P(query is a subset of the target) =
  = (1-P(a given bit screens))**(number of on-bits)
  = (1-p*(1-q))**(N*p)

and if p and q were, say, 0.2 then the odds of a random
query fingerprint being a subset of a target fingerprint
is about 1E-32. While Greg measured about 7%.

That leads to one thought - if you were to filter out
the top few hundred or so subgraph seeds (the characteristic
values you use to see the PRNG), would that make the
filters more selective?

Handwaving, C and CC occur in nearly everything
then those bits aren't very selective. Since there are
several hundred subgraphs that can map to a given bit,
these common bits obscure more selective tests.

Hmmm, what does a correlation matrix plot between
the fingerprint bits look like?

I haven't gotten my hands dirty, as it were, with this
sort of data so I don't have a good intuition for what
works well and where limitations are.

So what does the community think? Interesting results? Arguments
about my testing/benchmarking methodology? Obvious next steps?
Suggestions for improving the layered fps so that they're even more

You compared the two different hash fingerprint types
to see if their combination was more effective than one
along. What about doing the same with the MACCS keys?
The combination of two different types of filters may
prove better.

Otherwise, I don't have any good suggestions.


Re: [Rdkit-discuss] Optimizing SSS in the RDKit

2009-02-12 Thread nikolaus . stiefl
Would be interesting to take a set of compounds and look at a correlation 
matrix - maybe one can identify a set of generally discriminating bits 
that can be used for screening ? Probably not but it could be worth a try 
... then memory would go down as well as discriminating power up?


Andrew Dalke 
12.02.2009 14:56

RDKit Discuss

Re: [Rdkit-discuss] Optimizing SSS in the RDKit

On Feb 12, 2009, at 8:46 AM, Greg Landrum wrote:
 I'm either not understanding completely or I disagree. The queries
 were constructed by fragmenting the molecules I searched through, so
 I'd expect lots of substructure hits (and a lower screen-out rate that
 arbitrary queries against arbitrary molecules).

Ahh, of course.

But I don't think fingerprint screen give, say, 0.001% false rates.
I think they are more in line with what you found. But if the bit
distributions were really uncorrelated for molecules where one is
not a substructure of the other, then I would expect extremely
low false positive rates. 2048 bits should give a lot of
discrimination power if the bits weren't correlated.

 That's a good idea to add to the list of things to look into. It's
 also relatively easy to do because it probably just involves
 increasing the minimum path length included in fingerprints (at least
 as a first step).

Again, I don't have experience with that, but it means
that there's less ability to handle unlikely atom types.
Yes, the larger subgraphs will include them. Don't know.

 Looking at MACCS is a good idea. I'll also put that on the list.

Is this list on a wiki? ;)


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Re: [Rdkit-discuss] Optimizing SSS in the RDKit

2009-02-12 Thread Greg Landrum
On Thu, Feb 12, 2009 at 2:55 PM, Andrew Dalke wrote:
 On Feb 12, 2009, at 8:46 AM, Greg Landrum wrote:
 I'm either not understanding completely or I disagree. The queries
 were constructed by fragmenting the molecules I searched through, so
 I'd expect lots of substructure hits (and a lower screen-out rate that
 arbitrary queries against arbitrary molecules).

 Ahh, of course.

 But I don't think fingerprint screen give, say, 0.001% false rates.
 I think they are more in line with what you found. But if the bit
 distributions were really uncorrelated for molecules where one is
 not a substructure of the other, then I would expect extremely
 low false positive rates. 2048 bits should give a lot of
 discrimination power if the bits weren't correlated.

Agreed, the bit correlation experiment should be done.

 That's a good idea to add to the list of things to look into. It's
 also relatively easy to do because it probably just involves
 increasing the minimum path length included in fingerprints (at least
 as a first step).

 Again, I don't have experience with that, but it means
 that there's less ability to handle unlikely atom types.
 Yes, the larger subgraphs will include them. Don't know.

I suspect the less common atom types aren't a big concern since the
larger subgraphs will include them and any sugraph isomorphism
involving them will go very quickly (since most things will be
screened out in the atom-atom mapping phase)

 Looking at MACCS is a good idea. I'll also put that on the list.

 Is this list on a wiki? ;)

Not yet, but I just put up the page for it:

Now I just need to populate it.


[Rdkit-discuss] Optimizing SSS in the RDKit

2009-02-10 Thread Greg Landrum
Dear all

Andrew's question about fingerprints hit me at the right time: I had
just finished doing some optimization work on the RDKit substructure
search machinery (removing the vflib dependency). The details are

It would be quite interesting to use the new Ullmann code as a
framework and do an implementation of the VF or VF2 algorithms used in

Of course there's no better way to optimize subgraph isomorphism than
to avoid it all together, which is where the fingerprints mentioned
come in. I'm spending a couple of days home from work (with a cold),
so I have some room to explore here a little bit.

I put together a sandbox using my 1000 pubchem molecules (they're from
the HTS set, so they are all either drug-like or lead-like, whatever
that means). To get a set of molecule-like queries, I fragmented
those 1000 molecules using RECAP and kept the 823 unique fragments I

I've been using those 823 molecules to query the full set of 1000
molecules and looking at how many calls to the isomorphism code I can
avoid using either the RDKit (daylight-like) fingerprints or the
layered fingerprints (out to layer 0x4, beyond that these aren't
suitable for SSS).

The results look pretty encouraging: I can easily filter out more than
90% of the comparisons via fingerprints without losing anything. There
are 823000 (823x1000) possible comparisons with my dataset; using the
RDKit fingerprints as a screen I filter out 765534 of them (93%) using
the layered fingerprints I filter out 765224 (also 93%). The screening
[not even remotely optimized, I'm calculating (AB)==A instead of
doing it on the fly and short circuiting when something mismatches]
takes about 10 seconds in each case.

By default each fingerprint uses 2048 bits. I can shrink this by
folding the fingerprints (or generating them shorter in the first
place... the end result is the same). That potentially gains speed and
certainly saves storage space, but there may be a cost at how
discriminating the fingerprints are.

Experiment 1: reduce fps to 1024 bits
RDK fingerprints: filter out 717356 (87%)
Layered: filter out 752948 (91%)
No obvious speed improvement

Experiment 2: reduce fps to 512 bits
RDK fingerprints: filter out 441529 (54%)
Layered: filter out 710647 (86%)
10-15% faster

The layered fps are clearly more robust w.r.t. fingerprint size (which
makes sense: I only set one bit per path there as opposed to 4 per
path for the RDKit fp; a good experiment would be to try the RDKit fps
with one bit per path). They're also faster to generate (they no
longer require a PRNG).

I think the screening speed thing is a bit of a red herring at the
moment since I'm not doing a smart screen, but there is a real impact
on storage space.

So what does the community think? Interesting results? Arguments
about my testing/benchmarking methodology? Obvious next steps?
Suggestions for improving the layered fps so that they're even more


Re: [Rdkit-discuss] Optimizing SSS in the RDKit

2009-02-10 Thread nikolaus . stiefl
Hi Greg,

just a curiosity ...

765534 vs 76522

is one a subset of the other? If not - would it make sense to test on 

Just a thought. Apart from that I think the setup is reasonable for most 
applications we will have ...


Greg Landrum 
10.02.2009 15:11

RDKit Discuss

[Rdkit-discuss] Optimizing SSS in the RDKit

Dear all

Andrew's question about fingerprints hit me at the right time: I had
just finished doing some optimization work on the RDKit substructure
search machinery (removing the vflib dependency). The details are

It would be quite interesting to use the new Ullmann code as a
framework and do an implementation of the VF or VF2 algorithms used in

Of course there's no better way to optimize subgraph isomorphism than
to avoid it all together, which is where the fingerprints mentioned
come in. I'm spending a couple of days home from work (with a cold),
so I have some room to explore here a little bit.

I put together a sandbox using my 1000 pubchem molecules (they're from
the HTS set, so they are all either drug-like or lead-like, whatever
that means). To get a set of molecule-like queries, I fragmented
those 1000 molecules using RECAP and kept the 823 unique fragments I

I've been using those 823 molecules to query the full set of 1000
molecules and looking at how many calls to the isomorphism code I can
avoid using either the RDKit (daylight-like) fingerprints or the
layered fingerprints (out to layer 0x4, beyond that these aren't
suitable for SSS).

The results look pretty encouraging: I can easily filter out more than
90% of the comparisons via fingerprints without losing anything. There
are 823000 (823x1000) possible comparisons with my dataset; using the
RDKit fingerprints as a screen I filter out 765534 of them (93%) using
the layered fingerprints I filter out 765224 (also 93%). The screening
[not even remotely optimized, I'm calculating (AB)==A instead of
doing it on the fly and short circuiting when something mismatches]
takes about 10 seconds in each case.

By default each fingerprint uses 2048 bits. I can shrink this by
folding the fingerprints (or generating them shorter in the first
place... the end result is the same). That potentially gains speed and
certainly saves storage space, but there may be a cost at how
discriminating the fingerprints are.

Experiment 1: reduce fps to 1024 bits
RDK fingerprints: filter out 717356 (87%)
Layered: filter out 752948 (91%)
No obvious speed improvement

Experiment 2: reduce fps to 512 bits
RDK fingerprints: filter out 441529 (54%)
Layered: filter out 710647 (86%)
10-15% faster

The layered fps are clearly more robust w.r.t. fingerprint size (which
makes sense: I only set one bit per path there as opposed to 4 per
path for the RDKit fp; a good experiment would be to try the RDKit fps
with one bit per path). They're also faster to generate (they no
longer require a PRNG).

I think the screening speed thing is a bit of a red herring at the
moment since I'm not doing a smart screen, but there is a real impact
on storage space.

So what does the community think? Interesting results? Arguments
about my testing/benchmarking methodology? Obvious next steps?
Suggestions for improving the layered fps so that they're even more


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